Grant Cardone 10X - Just Show Up! | One Of Most Inspiring Videos EVER!

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when you were a little kid you dreamed and everything was possible you wanted to be an astronaut or a nurse or a doctor or lawyer or you wanted to rule the world you wanted to be a billionaire you wanted to be a monster criminal whatever yeah dreams man they were big and they were huge and nothing was gonna stop you when's the last time you dreamed you know this is about dream creations you had the dream to battle create your ideal life folks you gotta quit working for the people you work for you gotta quit working for a paycheck you got to quit just getting by and you got to quit setting goals based on just money you need to you need to to base your goals in your desired outcomes on your dreams you know you need a seat bigger dream big you need to go to work for your dreams the things you've always wanted and then you'll be inspired and then you'll want to make your dreams happen then you can come up with plans that pay this and this and this will make this dream happen would you not be fully engaged in life are you tired of just getting by come on remember when you were a kid you didn't think in terms of making 8,000 a month you didn't think like that you thought about being the richest person in the world because it was possible the little guy you know four or five years olds got a brain smile on the one you have right now and that was good because the brain wasn't the way you dreamed from there nobody could tell you I know little kids who can out scheme me you know why because they know thank you they can do things with a snowboard that I can't do because my brain gets in them see when you were a child you're gonna make big things happen somewhere along the line mommy daddy aunt uncle you know friends relatives somebody said no you can't have that no that's not right now you're being greedy you shouldn't want that so I want you to stop the video right now and I want you to remember way back when you were dream what did you dream as a child when you were a kid what did you dream and I want you to write it down [Music] no matter how hard it is how difficult it is tough your life seems to be right now you can go anywhere you want life anywhere the number-one rule and creating success is to show up to merely just show up fact it's been said that 90% of all success that people encounter is about showing up just show up folks [Music] and I know when it's tough when it's crazy when it's when you don't have any money when maybe you have health problems or family problems or partner problems and you're not finding that right person in your life it all seems like winds are gonna break when am I gonna is it gonna break is there way out is there am I gonna get a better job ever you know I look I've been in all these situations I lost my first five jobs I was fired from I'm here in Miami today this is where I live I live in this building right here just show up folks you ever known someone that got lucky a lot you know what they did they showed up you can't get lucky if you don't show up so suit up and show up all highly successful people know that they have to show up and that's what they do they just keep showing up what is showing up me it means simply getting out of bed in the morning you know sometimes when you don't want to get out of bed you just get up and get out of bed nothing comes to someone that sleeps except a little rest and a few nightmares get out of bed in the morning put your clothes on take a shower first put your clothes on the environment that I lived in I was losing it I was not doing well was used to drugs I had terrible friends I had terrible advice my dad had died so I didn't have anybody to kind of mentor me and show me the way look and my life kept getting worse and worse and worse you're like I just don't have an Emmy to make costume okay well sooner or later you're gonna have to confront do you got to make calls or you got to go talk to that girl or whatever the deal is you got to go talk to your boss or you you got to become more valuable to yourself in the environment around you and the only way to become more valuable before you make that call before you go talk to that girl before you go talk to your boss before you do the thing that maybe you don't know you want to do or need to do start helping somebody else [Music] I didn't think one day I'd have a chat fly you know I'd be able to find private or I have five companies that make a bunch of money I never ever thought about that stuff [Music] I had this little thing inside me said a man I know I can do something I know I can you know you can do something you know you can do more than you're doing right now so I don't think I've made it by any means because I'm measuring against my potential if you can put your ego aside you know when you want to turn your life around put your ego aside and say hey I got this one thing in front of me I don't even like it if you can learn to get great it's something you hate I guarantee you you will have greatness in your lifetime so I was broke at 25 45 I was worth probably I don't know I mean I was worth 10 or 15 million bucks well I started I started getting comfortable I started getting seduced by the idea that I had done more than other people I would tell the Millennial just real quick do get rich you know get rich there's three things people don't know about money they don't know how to make it they know how to keep it and they definitely don't know number three how to multiply if anybody that out there this gets comfortable you will always be punished for being comfortable the entire middle class in America should have had their their massive wake-up call in 2008-2009 trying to reach for what I can do not what I have done you know the day you start taking responsibility for what happens to you is the day you will start controlling what actually happens to you you know most of people I meet my seminars were saying well hey so-and-so won't let me do this or my wife won't let me do this or my husband won't let me do this or my boss won't let me do this folks the moment you assign responsibility to another human being is the same moment that you accept never to be in control of your own life this week put yourself back in responsibility of everything that happens to you the car wreck the knick on the car you know you get overcharged for something everything - argument with your spouse okay your kids don't get to school on time because the bus that was your fault the moment you can take responsibility for everything the law still the people that didn't get approved the moment you can take responsibility for everything is the you will start controlling your life your customers and your outcomes take responsibility increase it look everywhere I get it I get a cold or a call hey how was that responsible for there wasn't because I sat on a plane with 223 feet while they were sick well hey I'm the one that bought the ticket I'm the one that got on the plane take responsibility increase it and you will inky increase control in your life hey thanks a lot get control this week by increasing your responsibility smoked weed next day I smoked it again next thing you know I'm like full into drugs and nobody nobody nobody starts using drugs thinking I'm gonna be a drug at it but within probably two years I was doing drugs every day 15 years old 225 for ten years some nine and a half years I used drugs almost every day I know I know the feeling of being lost and not knowing where to go and what to do or it could be lost with you money lost with a job feel like you're at a dead-end place you can't get a promotion [Music] the most successful people in the world wake up some mornings with no clue what to do today okay so first thing I want you to know is that it's normal it happens to everybody it's not like you're a bad person or you're lost or you're depressed or you've got some problem you need to take medication for everybody everybody regardless their stature in life where they are regardless of their money their relationship promise you no matter how much they present like they look like they got the whole package put together everybody everybody has those days where they don't know what to do I don't know what to do you know uncertainty make the phone call you need to make you know there's a call sitting there right now that you need to make and you're wondering what should I say just make the call you'll figure it out call comes in take the call [Music] customer walks up address the customer show up folks just do the next right thing you have an appointment coming in show up for the appointment be there be early there's a girl you want to call pick up the phone and call her right now there's a guy you want to call pick up the phone and call him and find out what's going on with him you want to go surfing get a surfboard I don't know how to surf grant you don't need to know how to surf get the board first hit the ocean you'll figure it out [Music] my vitamin is the future right so I live on a future [Music] well my dad died when I was 10 yeah so like oh I'm thinking man life is short here my brother dies 10 years later I talked to him the night before Sunday night I talked to him Monday morning he was dead when time is now be in a hurry and also did if you punch on anything long enough you can actually change things like my life is about punching I'm a puncher like I punch a lot of punch hard and but mostly I punch persistently kind of like life did to be like I love learn to punch back there was no like everybody though what's your drug of choice did like any drug anything that would anything that would change my attitude [Music] you know the guy I am today was always there you could not kill him with drugs grew up in a little town in Lake Charles Louisiana where it's freezing today there's ice on the road it's raining I grew up in a little small town and I always had ideas that I would be somebody first 25 years of my life it wasn't looking like that because I was getting worse not better I never dreamed of living in Miami I didn't even know where Miami was I didn't think I'd live in a condo on 33rd floor with Hughes 360 degrees wrapped around building [Applause] Maseo cars right here 25 years old 26 27 this [Applause] I do it in the rain I do it in the sunshine I do it when it was cold I do it when it was wet every day I show up here now and a half early every day I'd spend on midnight that was here at seven o'clock in the morning a 25-minute drive I'm here till 11 12 o'clock at night everybody's go up with me I'm in there looking hot sniffing figuring out on the phone pounding this is where I started my career I overanalyze anything you're gonna feel better if you start doing something helping people always helps always helping other people always makes people feel me don't overanalyze it show up in the direction some direction the start starts become survival and better for you and 3 go help somebody dog go help somebody okay we got on the plane flew over there yeah it was work okay raised over a million dollars for charities I came home and I felt better about myself right so if I could do that if I can do that a series okay maybe you're not gonna raise a million dollars today you're probably not I'm not I'm not gonna raise a million dollars today I'm gonna do a bunch of little stuff today now now I got to go back to doing little stuff okay I got to go doing the little stuff of taking phone calls helping people looking for somebody in the streets to help but first thing I kind of do it's not gonna show up no matter what man no matter what no matter what dudes show up even if your eyes are bleeding show up I've been doing that for 34 years now show up even when I don't want to okay and then what I try to do is then try to help one person one person and what happened over the period of 34 years I did that every day I'm not depressed anymore at least not for long periods of time I don't use any kind of medication don't use any kind of drugs don't smoke we don't drink over it excessively drink I might have a drink once in a while and I've got a beautiful wife two beautiful kids and for the most part my life just freakin wonderful all I did was this I don't overanalyze never do i label myself a loser a quitter I'm hard on myself I never I never labeled myself OCD a CD a DD OCD d whatever a depressant alcohol like a drug addict no no I don't this is what I do I do things okay show up move in the direction I don't overanalyze move in the direction that that I think could be more pro-survival than staying in one place and number three help somebody anybody just start helping people okay and what that does it gets me in action gets me in the movement let's be honest out of myself I don't know if that's emotional intelligence or not I know the it's action intelligence action intelligence is not artificial intelligence it's AI action intelligence makes me feel I hope this makes you feel good I look forward to your comments god bless be great look I want to help you anything I can do to help you by the way when your money on the money point let's get that money right let's get your money right so you can go to a charity event and help out if you hit the link I'm gonna give you my little millionaire booklet it's a 44 page booklet on how to become a millionaire my goal is to give 1 million of these away this year I want to give one to you all I asked you to do is once you read it I starts changing your financial condition share it with somebody else okay god bless be great
Channel: MulliganBrothers
Views: 687,168
Rating: 4.8966017 out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational video, mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational speech, grant cardone, grant cardone motivation money, 10x grant cardone, grant cardone interview, grant cardone (person), grant cardone motivational speech, grant cardone sales, grant cardone speech, grant cardone motivation, money, law of attraction, business, let go or be dragged, grantcardone, success, law of attraction money, cardone sales
Id: KR7RS1JquCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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