How to Handle Negative Thoughts - Grant Cardone

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a grand car down here and just get my leave my home for my office which is about two miles from here and I was thinking this morning that I made a cup of java with a bunch of foam when it does not drink my coffee I was thinking about the importance of changing like controlling what you're saying to yourself I remember years ago I forget what the book was I was I guess I was 17 18 years old and really aware that I had become you know I've been raised in an environment I shouldn't couldn't don't be careful warnings watch yourself don't do that lots of done with lots of don'ts and and and I had I had this language instilled in my mind you know it's like why do you speak whatever language your primary language my mom to get my kids but brought up speak in English and I worry about that because they speak the language that I speak right and and they don't then speak or get introduced to Mandarin or Spanish or the other so we're doing that form and I'm making this video today for you because I know that one of the key things one of the things that's made me successful in my life is making it a priority to control my thoughts like what am I thinking about like literally putting discipline in on how I talk to myself and so I don't want this to sound all psychobabble stuff is not like it's not like oh if you just stand in a mirror and talk to yourself and say positive things everything's going to be alright that's not true but it is true that and if you don't know I am maybe just running into my youtube channel for the first time I've written for companies written seven books thirteen business programs worked with some of the largest companies in the world they bring me in to work with their sales team I've worked with thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and small businesses to grow their business help grow their business in that process of doing this for the last 25 or 30 years and making a lot of mistakes and meeting a lot of people and working on myself I mean Lilly this whole this whole time since I was a kid I've been working on myself I wanted to do better and so I ran into this book and I don't know why I don't even know the title of the book it was about how you talk to yourself and the book really just talked about what are you saying to yourself every day you know I didn't read the whole book I didn't love the book but but it did get me thinking about what am I saying to myself and there was a lot of I mean over my lifetime there was a lot of I can't do that I'm scared to do that I don't want to do that that's not for me to do I remember the first job the first big breakthrough I had in my life I had told myself for seven years that I couldn't do that so I I know and I don't exactly understand how this works but you know I remember being a kid riding a bicycle and there's a crack there was a crack between the sidewalk and the grass and they would edge it in Louisiana with this big heavy dick I think it was Augustine grass and they would edge the grass so there was a nice clean break between the sidewalk and the grass and I would think to myself don't let your tire go into that don't let your time doing that know that you're tired doing that don't let your time on that and sure enough all so much attention went to that little crack or I think that's what happened hey I'm not sure that I know the perfect the ideal situation would be to get rid literally get rid of all the negative automatic negative out-of-control thinking that anybody has I got to get people to like me that's a negative comment I don't have to get people like me you know people either like me they don't I need to lose weight okay well maybe I do but is I am I also saying that that I'm also saying that I don't like my weight right now because if I'm saying that I'm broke I can't spend that money I look at a steak oh my god that's a lot of money be careful what you say to yourself okay because if you're saying a $30 steak is a lot of money or a $4 toy is a lot of money when your kid wants a $40 toy listen to what you're saying that's a lot of money three to four dollars is a lot of money okay oh my worst day four dollars has not been a lot of money even though okay I've been at periods in my life where I didn't have four dollars so I'm talking to you today about how do you control how do you control how do you discipline how do you start monitoring what you're saying to yourself I can't find the right girl I can't find the right guy there's no good guys left in this town all men are pigs women cheat on their men a marriage is hard having kids is difficult I don't want to pay taxes you know I can't help myself I can't stop I can't trust myself I never do what I say I procrastinate I'm an introvert I'm broke I'm poor I got too much debt guys got guys got $80,000 worth of debt he's like I got too much debt I'm like you don't have too much debt yet you don't have enough income okay I mean let's just let's just at least identify the right problem here if you're going to talk nonsense you live on a planet with trillions and trillions of dollars and you've got $80,000 for the debt that's the biggest problem you got now if you had 80 million dollars with the debt or 800 million dollars with a debt that would be a significant issue right so but what are you saying to yourself all the time the first thing I did was I took up to I took a little journal out and I just wrote down all the negative things I say to myself by the way I just gave you the list okay I can't spend money I can't save enough money I don't make enough money okay I don't know how to invest in the stock market I can't invest in real estate I don't have time to you know the time thing people just kill themselves with the time thing I don't have enough time I don't have enough time I don't have enough time guess what oops you don't have enough time you don't have time you know I have money so look if you're running into me for the first time you're saying like you're you're like who is this dude so you can google me and find out who I am alright on four companies those companies and keep in mind I grew up I grew up in a household my dad went to work every day and I think his best year was 50 grand I work in it I started four little companies from start from scratch took me a lot longer than it should have those companies will do 100 million bucks this year maybe more maybe a little more tad more maybe 12 more and you know I got two books in the works I got a TV show in the works I work with guys like people you see on TV every day I do business with these guys now I grew up in a little town little town Lake Charles Louisiana 40,000 people man I didn't know anybody I wasn't on a plane my first plane I was on was I was 29 years old first coming ever got on a plane so look if I can do this you can do this but it's going to be hard if you don't change your mind you got to change you got to change the way you think and a way to change the way you think ultimately there's two ways okay I mean there's probably three or four ways but first of all the one way is to start discipline yourself catch yourself every time you say I don't have time say hey I create time every time you say I don't have money I create money or maybe just start just start literally like talking to yourself that hey I am a millionaire I am a multi-millionaire own if you want to if you're in the apartment game and you want to be in apartments but you don't know anything about apartments you can start literally talkin to yourself saying I am worth around 100 units I did this for years four years before I ever bought an apartment I used to write down the apartments that owns 12% cash flow Iren over and over I bet I bet I wrote this down thousand times I own 20 apartments my first deal was 38 units I owned 20 apartments or more and I write it in any little journal any piece of paper any legal pad we we created this little planner where you can actually write down your affirmations your goals your postulates your future you can write it down each one and at night I know if I have one around here say my bedroom wife is sleeping right now might have one around here to visit - next planner and then the first thing in every page there's no date on the page I don't put dates on my page because I don't care about today you see like that right there says 100 1000 1000 people on my online my corporate program okay well that was written I got to change that okay here's ten thousand apartments for billion dollars in real estate 1 billion dollars in 10 in cash liquid equity in the real estate 250 million dollars in cash 1 billion dollars in real estate okay on this one I change DC so what I'm doing is I'm basically I'm basically sculpting if you will okay like that art the background says Orlando sculpted that that art is actually raised on the canvas and sculpting my thought I'm literally I'm enforcing a bit of control and discipline on on what I'm training myself to start thinking about you know they people say you are the influence of the five people you spend the most time with I'm like I mean I know maybe that's true but yesterday I spent most of my time with a five-year-old a seven-year-old I spent all day with my kids so if I'm the influence of those kids today I'm gonna go to work I'm gonna spend most of my day with 55 people they're not all quite sure about what they're doing when they're going or their money or their future or their goals or whatever so I don't know if that whole thing is true about I am the info side of this I am the info I am the outcome of the five things I do most often in the five things I'm going to do most often have a lot to do with what I'm thinking about everyday you know I got this I got this executive control of magazine it's got almost peaceful jets I'm not buying - Jeffrey come on already but I'm not looking discus the Hobby I look at this to make my mind fertile okay I keep I keep beautiful things around me big I look at big houses on the weekends I you know what because I want to I I need I need to train my mind I need to change until I can get rid of the freaking garbage in the gum that has been dumped in by others on purpose or you know with malicious intent or or because they didn't know what they were doing unconsciously they just said dumb things you know my mom my mom used to say everything was expensive everything it doesn't matter what it was a dollar 29er or 129 oh my god I can't believe that can you believe that once you selling it for okay I remember I were you know I had an uncle man everything you had to negotiate everything down to pennies okay why why man why are you grinding every deal out because he believed the way to get rich was to grind out the pennies a penny saved is a penny earned that's what everybody says right listen to the mentality a penny saved is a penny earned hey check it out a penny is a penny okay so I'm looking at these I'm looking at these playing these jets in here man heavy Jets I don't look at the little ones anymore a little daughter a little daughter saw this plane I was when we were buying my jet I showed her this one I said baby I I showed her the one I'm getting I said I'm getting this one I'm getting that the Gulfstream she'd already seen it I said I'm gonna get you this one it was like bread and she's going to cry don't joke right so so you know I want my kids thinking big don't you I don't tell my kids to be careful I don't tell my kids to be dangerous I tell my kids to meet strangers strangers have everything you want okay I don't tell them don't talk to strangers I tell my kids you can have anything you want you have to work for it you've got to earn it okay and and even if I give it to you you're gonna have to protect it and keep it your job is to multiply life so what are you getting out of this why am I talking to you why haven't we met yet why don't mean you hang out together okay okay what went when when I want to help you okay I want to help you is my goal I told my mom and I'm sixteen years old I made a decision I might help a lot of people because nobody helped me and I'm like you know what I'm gonna help people I'm gonna help a lot of people I'm gonna be a dad or an elk or brother or or a mentor to a lot of people now I can't I can't be with you every day I'm gonna go there and I got four companies I'm spinning plates I stopped to do this video today as soon as I walk them off as I got a coaching session at 10:00 one at ten thirty one at eleven one and 11:30 a show at 12 and another coaching session and one and another one at two o'clock and then I got calls today with Daymond John an executive producer I want a plane tomorrow to fly to Las Vegas Los Angeles and do two meetings and then come back home and do a charity event this weekend I don't say I don't have enough time okay I don't say I have enough time and and and I still say negative things to myself but one thing I would challenge you to do today look you can check out the planner or you can get a legal path okay is it 10x this is about 10x in your life this whole 10x thing if you've heard about it seen it maybe you saw one of my ads online or something is about expanding your life okay it is to think your life your problems even your problems making a breaking massive okay get some big-ass massive problems man ten more ten little problems I mean if you have a big problem have a thirty million dollar problem I got one of those right by the way so see it's when the problems get big enough you'd like to know I think I'm willing to fight over this deal there's 30 million bucks I think I can have a little rumble tumble I don't mind a black eye a broken jaw for 30 million I don't want to crack it ah over three you're an you understand so change the way you think so the first thing I want you to do is this okay just try this get up get a uh get a uh anything every time you say something negative write down I need to lose weight okay that's good but you know if you're running a race you don't say I need to finish the race you're like you're looking for the year you got a run right you got a run you got to move you got to keep moving your feet so I mean you can sit there say I got to finish this race but the truth is if you need to lose weight man just once you pick your target weight and start affirming I weigh 165 pounds I weigh 165 pounds just switch it a little bit right all you're trying to do is discipline you're trying to move the river so if you're broke right now quit saying I am broke and start saying what you want where are you going you know as long as I was riding that bike and I knew where I was going as long as I had my attention on jumping the curb I didn't go into that to that edge you can't find the right moment and I had that problem for years okay I couldn't stay in a relationship I kept saying I went to all these therapists and they're like well Europe you're at this and you're a dad and you have commitment phobia and you're an ad D and you're an OD D and you're a Europe freaking can't stay committed and you're a Playboy and I'm like wow people are so negative it's just having fun I was having a blast man I remember I was eight years old went saw James Bond Goldfinger was the movie my grandfather was sitting next to me my dad was sitting on the other side okay James Bond dude he dude he was with everybody he was a Playboy I had the money he had two weapons he had two cars he got the girls did whatever the hell he wanted man he could tell Authority you get out of here right I look over my grandfather's peeled off a roll okay I'm talking a roll okay I mean a roll probably probably Batman II and he's count me in the middle of the movie because that's what he did he was counting his money all I remember is I want to be a player I want to be James Bond okay I want to get the girl I want to be in every port I want to travel I want the fancy cars I want to build a bucket or 'ti right I want to do it my way I want to win I want to take down the bad guy sure enough sure enough sure enough to know what happened how watch movies about that a lot of and sure enough what happened with by the time I was I guess 35 years old I couldn't stay in a relationship because I made a decision to be a playboy and then I acted on that decision and so I kept saying I can't find a good girl can't find a good girl can't fun right girl can't find right rule I wanted to be a husband from the age of 35 to 45 I wanted to find my wife meekly I had to change my mind okay there's 300 another three billion women on this planet I couldn't find one not couldn't find one look at what I got now so and I've got the right wife I got the right kids I've got four businesses that work for me I don't work for them I go in when I please they all make money okay the problems I have are good problems not bad problems I was a drug addict when I was 25 a drug addict everyday beaten pills smoking weed putting stuff in my face every day hanging around people see this scar right here you see this score I don't know if you can see it right here now it's right there it's right there you see that scar right there right there there's another one over this side there's another one over that ah under both these us okay over my mouth right here can't see inside my at my table at 76 put my head and face 45 caliber guy came in banging it right here I broke a plate his face he broke into my house came in and beat me up okay took her 45 calories rammed it in there banged on the back of both Long's got on top of me slammed both one saw couldn't use them and I just started with pistol whippin me hanging out with wrong people man trying to be a gangster trying to be James Bond trying to fulfill my prophecy let me tell you what my prophecy is now my job is to help my mission is to help people I got a five year old and a seven year old I'm selflessly helping people I do all these YouTube videos they help people okay and the reason why I'm doing it selfish them me I'm just going to tell you the truth right now I'm doing it socially because because because two reasons one I want my kids my kids when they travel around the world I want them I want you to come up to him one day to say man I used to listen to your pops all the time do you can tell me so much so because I believe this friends are worth more than money my kids have friends everywhere no matter what happens in this plan when you've got a friend you got a house to go to when you got somebody to put an arm around you you're good number two second reason I'm doing this is I think I'm coming back I'm coming back okay when I come back I'm coming back with friends everywhere right people be like dude I recognize you I'm not gonna look like this next time right but nobody will be like I think I know you got new good around you right because I got 4,000 videos on this YouTube channel specific content money finance those are different things real estate how to get how to find a girl you want how to keep the marriage hot exciting fun okay what to do with money how to make it how to multiply okay how to invest it I am videos here on sales marketing promotion social media how to become a celebrity in your space how to write a book how to get a job okay you know I only teach people how to do things that I know how to do and I've done how to become a millionaire a multimillionaire 100 head Chamillionaire I do not have a book yet or a program I haven't become a billionaire because I haven't done that yet but everything up to that point I have done how to buy jaguar buds yet okay why would he mind you how big is how to beat the IRS how to not pay the IRS there's a way to do that all that video contents here 3,800 video it probably four thousand videos by the time you see this look I just want to help people okay I'm sharing content when I was 16 years old I told my mom I'm gonna be somebody one day and when I do I'm I help a lot of people why because nobody was helping me so second thing imma go back number two things two things you can do take care of your mind start controlling when you say god I hate myself I love myself right that's not going to get rid of you hating yourself by the way but it starts putting a little bit of discipline second thing is if you want to permanently get rid of the negative parts in your mind send me an email to help and grant cardone calm and put in a mind M IND okay imma turn you on to something I did I'm not going to go into it here to be but too much is too heavy it's too simple frankly for anybody to even even even get because most people most people believe they're stuck with their thinking like it's yours permanently and you got it you got a push and shove and you got to discipline yourself every day what if you could just get rid of it okay I'm not talking about hypnosis I'm not talking about you know drugs doing mushrooms I wrote a guide to the other day talking about how he did he experimented with mushrooms too good to make himself brighter another guy put peppermint in his ears to making smarter I'm like you guys got to be kidding okay come on come on come on really if you have to take something to make you smarter look get rid of whatever's making you dumber just get rid of it you shouldn't have to add something you should not have to add something to make this morning you should not have to add something to make you faster you should remove whatever is slowing you down so if you want if you're interested in that send me an email to help grant cardone help it Gordo calm and put in the subject line mind until then my office is calling me that's why this video interrupted for a second but until then they're like you know me or yogya until then okay what I want you to do is go write them down every day every day okay every day once you start writing down where are you going where you're going what you going to do how big is going to be how you look how you going to feel how much money you're going to have how much real estate do you where do you live how do the kids do where do you take your vacations write it down in a positive tense the other thing and I want to give this to you okay hit the link they'll put a link in the video and I got to rush off to my office I want to give you this book the millionaire booklet okay first thing I want you to change your mind about we're going to get control of is your finances because if you can control your finances if you can start winning in one area when I started winning with my money I started winning with my weight when I started winning with my money I started women with the women when I sort of went in with my money I started learning all the other things I needed to do to make sure I could take care of my money and so I can multiply the money you know three there's three things about people about money that people don't know and i'm alexi go one they don't know how to make it two they don't know how to keep it in three they don't know how to multiply it why because your family dumped a bunch of garbage in your head in your mind that's a lot of money that's ridiculous save your money boy save your money boy save your money buy a house the things you were told to do with money is why you don't have money there's a shortage of money on this planet son money don't grow on trees okay you think we own the electric company I mean it's endless amount of financial illiteracy that has been literally dumped into your space so you'd be like it'd be like you like having all the wrong data okay we get rid of the data and I'm going to get rid of the data I'm going to get rid of the data it's 44 pages I'm just going to show you the way you need to think about money and exactly what you need to do to have it it doesn't have to be a volume this big it's not complicated folks okay it's not complicated you want to get rich I got rich you want to get rich you can okay there's nothing no one nothing and no one stopping you for doing that but the information in your head hope you enjoyed this subscribe to my channel like this and please please do me a favor comment if you have any questions throw them in comments people to call me throw them in comments on the floor don't be great okay [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 374,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handle anxiety, how to handle worry, negativity, what you tell yourself, yt:cc=on, your thoughts become real, finance, self talk, thought equal action, how to deal with self talk, inspiration, motivation, 10x, ideal life, grant cardone, medication, sales, business, how to handle obsessive thoughts, wealth, drugs, the 10x rule, negative thoughts, anxiety, grantcardone, be obsessed or be average, thoughts, better life
Id: 9Hy05ULpxFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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