How to Build a Raft with Foundations that Works in ARK: Survival Ascended!

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if you've tried to build on a raft and Arc survival ascended then you've probably ran into this problem you lowed your foundation you got it in the perfect position and just as you are snapping the last few you realize that your raft isn't functional you can't drive it and it's an absolute nightmare it had me pulling my hair out but the good news is I found a technique that works 100% of the time and will lower your foundations so far down that not only can you build on your raft but you can drive it it is fully functional and I'm going to show you how to do that in this video let's get cracking all you ERS I'm toast BL and I'm back with another Arc survival ascended guide and you'll have noticed I've got a few rafts in front of us because today I'm going to show you how to place foundations on a raft the proper way so that you can build on your raft but not only that you can use it as intended you can drive it because at the minute if if you lower the foundation into the raft it's too high to drive the raft and if you use a foundation and pillar it's a bit better but you still can't drive the raft using my little technique though look what happens you can stand on your raft it's covered in foundations and you can drive it now it is a little bit ugly you can see the raft through some of the materials But Metal I must say looks absolutely perfect so it's not the biggest thing to complain about I will try and refine this and get it better in the future but right now this is the best way I've found and I want to show you because we want to be riding our rafts we don't just want them sitting there looking pretty so let's get on to the next raft and I will talk you through exactly what I've done to be able to pull that off now the first thing I need to do is align myself with the raft and we can do that by driving the raft and then dismounting the raft now I'm not going to touch my mouse because I don't want to turn left and right I do not want to rotate my character until I've done a few of the first steps the first step of which is to have a little look for a specific marking on the joint where I've been kicked off onto and it's this joint here to the left of the central plank the mark that you're looking for is this one right there in the middle of my screen it's a little bit tricky to see sometimes depending on the time of day and the weather but it's always there I promise you and what you want to do is want to get out the pillar and we're going to align the pillar with the bottom of the mark now I like to make sure it's the right hand side of the pillar not the button going across it and then from there you are going to strafe to the right and get that pillar bang in the middle of the central Plank and that is the center of the raft perfectly pretty much anyway give or take a little now we're not going to place this pillar this is just to find Center if you can eyeball Center and you're happy enough you can skip a few of these steps but I like to get things right and the first thing I need to do after that is switch out to a sign a wood sign and I'm going to place that and I'm going to try not to rotate my character and if I don't and I keep things good if I can just get out of here I should be able pick my pillar back out and it should snap into well not snap into more like push up against the sign and you can test that by walking backwards and forwards and also looking up and down basically you want the pillar to stop moving at some point and that is the correct placement we're not going to place it though we're going to click fire once just to make sure that it's holding position and then we're going to do another little trick you want to pay attention to the wood sign between the top Plank and the middle plank is a joint we want to look at that as a point of reference but also in the center of the pillar you might notice there's a column there's a column running straight up the middle bang in the middle between those two tallest ones we want to be looking at the top of that because we're going to try and align that with the join going through the sign below the top Plank and that looks about right to me when you've got that you can place it there you go now you're allowed to rotate so have a little song and a dance enjoy yourself because you're free again we're just going to pick up the sign and that is the perfect pillar placement right in the center of the raft but it's also going to allow me to do a trick to place my foundations correctly now the next thing you need to grab is a ceiling and you're going to pop that in the middle of the pillar and the way that we get the adjusted height is by using a quarter wall and snapping that it's trying to go on that we'll do it this way do it on the other raft snapping that to the edge of this ceiling now once you've done that you're pretty much good to go you can get out your foundation and it will snap now you want to make sure you snap it so it's in line with the ceiling in the pillar otherwise you're going to have a bit of a weird raft you're going to have a 2x3 three we want a 3X3 so I'm just going to place that there and once that's done you can pick everything else up get rid of your scaffolding you are now ready to place the rest of your foundations so nice and easy grab them out snap them around the outside and you are pretty much done there we go I've got my little raft here it's covered in foundations I can build on it no problem but I can also drive it from anywhere which is a great feeling just to show I'm not faking it there we go we off we are driving our raft covered in foundations now then I did mention to you that some materials look better than others maybe we should have a quick little look at that I'll show you thatch this is what this batch looks like well I didn't want to place that there I guess I'll Place one in the corner and change that one I'll show you we'll go for stor in the middle you get the stone foundation out just like so and then we can go for metal on the end you've seen the wood I don't need to show you that anymore little bit tricky trying to get these to go where you want them and then you can just get a feel for what the different foundations look like and the better the material the better it looks thatch you see the raft popping through a little bit not great Stone not too shabby to be honest I could deal with that but the metal like I say is absolute perfection which makes us think Tech will probably also look pretty darn good although I haven't seen what tech looks like yet so that is the trick that's how it all works and I hope you can make good use of it now what I'm going to do is I'm going to cover the rest of this raft in metal and we're going to build it up just to make sure I'm not pulling anybody's leg here because I've not done a lot with this yet I've just figured this out but I'm really really happy with the technique so far so let's start by placing some walls around the raft and we'll go for a standard PVP kind of raft no that's not how it works but the kind of General thing you would see knocking about in the water on a PVP server it's obviously going to be a bit different than what I'm used to because last time I built anything like this was an arc survival evolved and we didn't have full-sized walls we also didn't turn walls into doorways but I'm happy it's cool I like it so there we go we've built that around plenty of space and I can still dve the raft so that is gorgeous let's get out the door and fill in that little Gap there bam we can do that perfect we're going to want something to get in and out on and what I've noticed is you want to use the ceiling or you want to use the stairs the ramp for some reason it doesn't go very low into the water due to its angle it's actually really difficult to get on to your raft using it but if you do that it's an absolute dream so I'd recommend the stairs or the the ceiling ceiling looks a bit odd on some materials but it's pretty good on the metal and I guess all that's left to do now is to stick a roof on I'm not going to take this too high I don't see the point I don't want me R to be a skyscraper although you can feel free to do that I guess the good thing now though is because everything's a room High structure limit won't be as big a problem because you can fit everything in just a one wall High space now it feels a little dark in here maybe I should have put a window in or a hatch frame or let's do that just to make it feel a little bit more cozy since we're going to be working in here I've gone from the beautiful blue ocean to this horrible cooled metallic rust bucket well it's not Rusty actually is it no it's pretty good quality it's pretty good quality but you know what I mean it's cold it's harsh and I'd rather be outside so we're going to pop a window in so I can see oh gorgeous that's beautiful and then we'll put a little hatch frame was at a trapo you can can do in the roof I think it's just confusing because everything's everything now it's a cell door that's it that's what I want beautiful and I can open that too and it feels like I'm in a base but I'm also getting a little bit of sunlight I like that I like that now what I'm going to do though is I'm going to go and craft some things up maybe some structures and just put them down check the work in here make sure everything's Dandy I don't want to be filling you with false promises or setting you up for failure so we'll check it all over and if things work then this video will go out and we'll all be good to go with a better raft building I'm super excited you know how I said it was a little bit cold dark and dingy inside of this raft but it started G was so I came up the craft on the roof and I feel much better for it but what I didn't feel good about was the fact that when I tried to test plates and structures none of them other than the bed would place on the raft now the good news is it's fixed itself and you want to know how it could be one of two things I think it's because I went back to my other ra to see if things would place on that and went out of render maybe I wasn't even out of render but when I came back everything started working the other thing I did was Place something on the roof and pick it up so it could be that too I'm going to have to do a little bit more testing but either way it seems that leaving your raft and coming back means that you can place anything everywhere and the cool thing is because the seem we've got rid of pipes and cables I can even have a cooker on me raft that's pretty incredible I'm loving it so what what we're going to do is we're going to place a few things about and just see what works and what doesn't for example will snapping work it does and I can snap things wherever I want in the raft can I yeah that's fantastic let's put the generator over here out of the way way from the door and around the corner let's see what else we can put maybe I'm intrigued how the air conditioners work are they just right they're just pressing up against there so alignment of the wall is working does it work on wo they go in the window what what it's not working on this wall it works on the front and back walls but not the side walls can I free place it though yeah it just doesn't like being there I wonder it's because the foundation is technically hanging off the raft maybe this isn't big enough to get a hit box but yeah we'll just we'll stick these behind here anyway let's put one right up next to the door and then if snapping is on they should snap each other the do that is so cool and they take up way less space I'm going to get excited here cuz I've not used a lot of these things I'm still in a thatch base on my playthrough right now but that is super cool I feel like it's going to be so easy with the new Wall height to actually build a good little raft base I'm thinking about just sticking a bed somewhere in fact we'll get some important things in first how about a fabricator let's flip that can I get it to yeah that'll align the back wall again but the side wall oh it does a little bit it does a little bit it's sticks there but then it disappears so let's place that in there while we can nice so yeah it looks like it's going to be a little bit finicity trying to get things to align the walls but other than that we seem to be having zero problems what happens in free placement I wonder if I can get things a bit Clos I know it seems to be falling off the side right that's all good we're all good oh that was partial hang on I get so confused because on some of these things right it tells what's coming up next on the left hand side on the right hand side it seems to tell you unless they've changed it what mode is actually currently activated but let's get this lined up here I guess you could always use the ladder trick if you really wanted to where is that I want to be inside of the fabricator let's put it there nice look we can fit so much in here this is so cool wonder how the forge is going to work I might try and put them down this side make it easy if I was playing to load them and unload them coming straighten the door I'm going to want to flip that I guess and I would like snapping on I guess this doesn't snap but it'll snap to itself I'm guessing that's how it works let's pop this right up in this corner and see if it'll work it will do very nice so we could go all the way around if we wanted with the forges anything else I think super important obviously the bed the grill goes in nice it looks like some of these things will actually clip so I'm probably get a l more in if I wanted to be messy just like these to look nice but they're not going to are they no they're not going to let's just uh stick it towards the back wall there see if I can still access the generator can beautiful we've got no problems here look at this raft base you could have only dreamt of this in the original Arc game right beds we definitely need beds I might just slip one where I don't know yeah maybe it's going to going to be a little bit more tricky to place things than I first made out but at the same time I've not come up with a plan here I just want to make sure everything worked and if I would have this little base on a raft I would be over the moon and like I say I've not put it in but if we want we can have a quicker too where do I think I could squeeze this in do you know what probably stick it on the roof I wonder if you can I've not tried obviously I've not tried any of this so um yeah it looks like everything in place on this raft as long as as long as you go out of render or you leave it and you come back I'm going to have to do some tests on that and I'll update is if I find anything out now you'll notice I've got another box here this one though this one is a motoro I thought I'd try my technique on the motoro and it worked all I did was place the pillar in the center of the square or at least position it there and then put in the sign and I repeat at the exact same method and this works I can turn it on I can drive it and all is good it's pretty much the original design I haven't moved the window on this one yet but I did on the other side and I had the same problem I actually couldn't Place anything only the bed would place on the motoro but I'm hoping now that I've been backwards and forwards and I'm trying out me little trick I guess this is my confirmation if if this is what makes things work we're going to place the same things do the same design so let's start out with the generator it's working get in right so this is spot on so yeah if you don't seem to be able to place anything maybe you've just got to run away and then come back later and everything will be fine because that is what my experience here is I pop these up near other door I'm just going to do the same design and make sure everything works and if it does honestly I'm over the moon with this little Discovery could be my crowning achievement in AR very much so back wall get it to do the little stick in the corner yeah it's only the alignment that's a little bit scuff other than that everything is perfection super happy super happy just pop that there might have got a slightly smaller Gap there which is better it'll mean that when I put this Grill in it fits a little bit more nicely I might not have to be so aggressively on top of the generator beautiful beautiful does look better already so we had designed that but I like it where did I yeah I put these in this corner didn't I I Lin my toes up with the foundation flipped it got it in the corner where it would go and then snapped along oh I'm not lined up oh I must have one tool bigger than the other cuz it didn't seem to work that time probably cuz I'm in you know when you go into this mode it kind of tilts your person a little bit tilts your character and I tilt the foundation not the foundation the forge to make sure I get this right there we go lovely I think I stuck the bed up top here I did and then did I just stick the cooker in the middle I think that's what I did I think that's what I went for where is it let's just do it beautiful and there we go we've got our raft buil it's a little bit cramped it's not a design I would actually use but it's just cool to know that we can fit everything you would possibly want to take on a raft with us on a raft and the fact that the raft can be driven and works not only the raft the motorboat we're on a motorboat right now is just incredible I'm super proud that I managed to work this out now then it is a little bit junky there are some issues the fact that things didn't play straight away and I had to run away and come back to get them to the fact that it's just a junky method all together but we got the end result we wanted we got the end result that we wanted just remember if things aren't placing run away come back and they should but I'm super proud they look great these two little tin boxes one on a raft and one on a motorboat so I'm going to call that there guys thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed the episode please remember to like subscribe and ring the notification Bell that way you will know when the next guide comes out or building tips and tricks video or even the next episode of my playthrough as well I have got a short on this if you want to check that out it really goes over the process super quick super focused it's really clear I'm sure you'll find it helpful other than that if you want to get involved with the community a little bit more check out the links in the description below come join the Discord and that it would be class to see you but until next time you guys take care and I'll catch you later Char all
Channel: toastbloke
Views: 26,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toastbloke, toast bloke, ark, ark sa, ark survival ascended, ark asa, asa, ark survival ascended building, ark raft base, ark survival ascended raft, ark raft build, ark survival ascended raft base, ark ascended raft build, ark ascended raft, ark ascended raft base, ark raft, ark ascended raft building
Id: rEbjFKck-D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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