Beginner Guide to How to Build Raft Base w/ Dino Storage- Ark Survival Ascended

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hey guys Fenix Mech here and today we'll be showing you how to build this raft base with Dino transport and Arc survival Cent I'll be using creative mode for the sake of the tutorial but this can all be done with ingrams under level 30 I'll list the materials needed and then we'll jump into [Music] it first thing you're going want to do is put down your ra then you want to access your ra you're going to go to options hide sale and so we need to lower our foundation so we need a wood fence foundation and instead of full alignment mode we're going to hold and put it in free placing and we're going to put it right at the hole there try to line it up as best you can just like that then we're going to put a pillar at the end and then you're going to place down your foundation now you're going to have a couple snap points you're going to have this one snap point over here and then you're going to have this other snap Point by the pillar you want the one where the pillar is at okay pick up your pillar pick up the fence foundation and then we're going to put down the rest of our foundation don't put one right here at the steering wheel so in total you should have eight foundations down with no foundation on the back right [Music] here then off the back side you're going to take your ceilings one two and you're going to fill in this spot here don't fill it in over the steering wheel that spot here so it should be six ceilings in total bro then take a stone roof we're going to snap it at the bottom here now what you want to do is you want to press e flip and you be upside down now the only reason for this is just uh I like it you can you can put it the other way if you want to but kind of like how that looks then we're going to do the same thing on the other [Music] side so then you have two ramps coming off the side now you want to fix this hole right where the steering wheel is at so you don't fall in and you're just going to put another Stone roof here this time we're going to flip it this way you can't fall in now you want to move to the front of the boat now and you're going to take the stone quarter ceiling and you're going to change it to the stone triangle seal and you're going to place your triangle here you're going to do a r them and then you're going to do a second R so it should be eight triangle ceilings in to you don't have to do this part this is more for Aesthetics but you're going to drop into the water then you're going to have your walls your stone walls you're going to place them on the outside underneath of the triangle ceiling they a little tricky to place [Music] so now you want to come to the back of the boat you want to have your Dino gates to snap right where you put your stone Roots so you have one and then two now you want to fill in the back you're going to build up twoo high with stone walls now you want to head to the front of the boat and you're going to use the stone triangle route now this is a little difficult you just have to find the snap point but you want it to angle inward this way and it'll be like that so now you're just going to do that to this corner here and do it to this corner here the stone triangle roof some of them are going to be upside down and that's [Music] okay then you want to take the stone triangle rout change it to the stone roof Corner then you're going to fill in your sides you might have to move it around a little bit it's a a little weird but just keep cycling through your snap points you'll find it you do want them angling inward now you may have a tough time with this last piece here so what you may need to do which may need to pick up the Gateway place down a corner place down another corner pick this last Corner up on the end and then place your gate back [Music] down just like that do you want this wall straight with the edge of the actual foundation and when you're done with that side do the other side [Music] when you're all done you should have something that looks like this then you want to place some walls down separating the front from the back we're going to place one here on the side then we're going to place another on the other side make sure the wood is facing you and then in the center we're going to change this to a double door frame then you want to take the quarter wall railing and you're going to put six up top head to the front of the boat and then place it Stone triangle ceiling right at the top then you want to fill in the rest of the ceiling with regular Stone ceilings it'll be pretty dark in here but this is what it should look like and here's an outside view now you can place your base items however you want inside the base you're going to make sure that you're in free placing move when you're placing some of these items you're just going to try and push them up against the wall as far as you can so right now we're this close and it doesn't work so well so we're going to move this back until the pot turns green now I usually put my pot up in the corner first because it's just such a weird shape but you want to make sure you can access it all right and then place your other items again you're going to kind of do the same thing you're just going to bring it to the wall and pull it out as far as you can and like I said you could decorate your base however you want to it doesn't really matter just make sure sure that you can access everything now just place all your doors and you're done if you wanted to add more light in the base area you can replace the ceilings with Greenhouse ceilings if you have the resources for it and it'll give you a little bit more light and something as large as a Theo can fit in here you have complete visibility and you can store some dinos what dinos do you plan to bring with you on your adventures leave a comment down below if you found this video useful be sure to give it a like And subscribe for more Ark survival ascended boat builds and tutorials thanks than for watching happy [Music] sale
Channel: Fynixmech
Views: 24,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark asa raft, ark beginner ship build, ark boat base, ark how to build a raft base, ark how to lower foundations, ark how to lower foundations on a raft, ark raft, ark raft base, ark raft base build, ark raft base design, ark raft base tutorial, ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended building, asa base build, asa base locations, asa building, asa building tutorial, dino storage, fynixmech raft, how to build a raft base ark, raft base ark, raft base ark mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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