Ultimate Viking Longhouse | Building Tutorial | ARK Survival Ascended

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[Music] prepared to embark on a historical Journey with this magnificent Viking L housee build a historically accurate base crafted to bring the authenticity of the Viking era into your art worlds today get ready as I guide you through every step to create your own Viking louse featuring a central Hub area cozy bedding quarters a space for livestock and a Sprinkle of additional extras to complete the experience if you're relishing this build today don't hold back smash the like button and consider hitting subscribe it's completely free and it supports me tremendously now without further Ado let's get on with today's video hello bonjour kicha and welcome fellow survivors to today's build now before we start I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all of you who have been liking commenting and subscribing to my videos lately we just hit 2,000 subscribers and I'm incredibly grateful for each and every one of you your requests flooded in after the last video and many of you asked for a viking L housee build and I'll admit I wasn't entirely sure what it was so I dove into research watching documentaries burying myself into history books and today I'm here to bring you a historically accurate L housee build so I wanted a bit of grass for today's build so I've come all the way over here to the green Obelisk on the map we are here here where my little Green Dot is latitude 67 longitude 74.6 it's a really nice area around here but do be warned there's a lot of T-Rexes and other carnivals so just be prepared if you do want to build here yourself but this build honestly you can build this anywhere you can build it on a beach on a cliff wherever you want starting off today with the wooden foundation blocks so we've I've already placed one so we're from there we're going to go one 2 3 4 across and now from the corner here we're going to go 1 2 3 four five so there's 1 2 3 4 5 going across and then we're just going to turn this into a box by following the same so 1 2 3 4 and then 1 2 3 4 and then that's five there so that's our starting shape here here so from here we want to get the main building in so this is going to be 6x 7 so we want to go out by one on this side and out by one on this side and then fill these two in here and that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 perfect and now we want to go seven across so we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 back to having six across so 2 3 3 4 5 6 and then just fill in this side perfect and then all you've got to do here is just fill in the [Music] middle on this side we're just continuing what we did on that side so it's literally a carbon copy of that side so we want a 4X five so if we go from here 1 2 3 3 4 5 and then 1 2 3 4 and then from there just go straight back towards the build perfect and this guys is your foundation this is the complete base this is how big the base is going to be and the good thing about this design is it is scalable if you want to go longer or bigger you absolutely can it's so easy to do so really good base this one and also I hopefully historically accurate I mean I didn't do my research for nothing so here we go putting in the walls so we're using the inside walls guys so just make sure that when you're building this you want to use the inside wall not the out that's the outside wall we want to use the inside so this [Music] one [Music] so far as you can see a very easy and simple shape we've only gone up by two walls all the way around and now we're going to put the decking on either side so for the decking we're going to do 1 2 3 4 across and then we're going to come out by 1 2 3 4 lovely jubly that looks great and we're going to rinse and repeat on the other side so it's literally the same just symmetrical on both sides honestly and the grass blade should disappear like so perfect now we're going to prepare the first part of the roof so for the first part of the roof we want to use the normal walls going up by one then we're going to place a wood sloped wall on the left and right and again at the very top and while we're at it we're going to do the exact same thing on the other side so now we can start putting in our roving now it's up to you what type of roing you use you use thatch or you can use wood both are historically accurate I found out that they use both thatch and sometimes they used wood sometimes they even used tfts like grass for their rings so it really depended on where they were and what materials they had to hand so over here we do have quite a lot of trees so maybe it would have been a wooden or maybe it would have been thatch who knows but I'm going for thatch I think it looks good one little fact uh about L houses they reflected social hierarchy so the most prominent families and larger ones had more elaborate and longer long houses whereas the ones that were lower ranked would have had little dinky small ones and in the L houses there would be one family but it would be the whole family so not just you know Mom Dad and the kids it would be brothers sisters their children their children's children it would be Grandma Granddad their brothers and sisters it would be everyone in your family so it would fit up to about I don't know 30 50 to 8 80 people even and it would even have their livestock inside this so they would have cows and sheep inside here as well Okay so we've got both roofs on as easy as that but now all we want to do which I should have done when building the first part to be honest is do the overhang so the overhang is literally just where you take it past the wall and we're going to even do that down here so it's going to go down from the wall there so you got an overhang here and an overhang coming out from the front so we're going to do that all the way [Music] around we're now moving on to the middle for the middle here we're starting off with our wooden sloped wall so we want to place that going in to the roof this way so we want one there and one here going inside perfect and then from there we want to add some walls so I'm actually going to start down here I'm going to add some walls in here you want one there one there in fact let's just take it all the way let just place it all in perfect and then we just keep on going until we get to the top we just want to make a point here a nice pointy rof so if you've done it right it should look like this and we want to do the exact same thing on the other side so this time I'm going to start off the walls inside [Music] so now just like we did with these two roofs we're going to put this roof in as thatch as well so we're going to take this all the way across and fill it all [Music] in we're also going to give this one an overhang so we want to come down by one so it should look like this now so the middle roof has an overhang at the bottom but it doesn't have an overhang coming out this way I think that's how I want to design this I'm partially making this up on the spot partially had a tiny bit planed today for once in my life I think this is the first video where I've pre-planned a little bit and it's probably showing because I'm not tearing everything down so be thankful to me I actually planned this this today and I did re I mean Christ I did I watched a documentary to build this for you guys so with a lot of Viking louses they didn't have the best ventilation but they did have ventilation so they didn't have traditional chimneys like you see in a lot of houses instead they might have had holes in the roof or they would have had vents uh on the side of their thatch roofs so that's what we're going to do now I'm going to make room for some vents so starting one down from the top with going to start to take away some of this thatch roving so I want to keep the one on the left so if I point my gun just so you can see where I'm pointing so we're going to keep this one and we're keeping this one but all the ones in between are going so I'm going to go in and pick these up so pick one [Music] up so you should have a nice Gap like this and we're going to do the exact same thing on the other side perfect now we want to grab a wood quarter ceiling and we're going to put this across the top here so starting from here we're going to go out by 2 three so three going out we're going go all the way across doing this and repeat on the other side now if you come on inside the main building here we are going to start doing some pillars so from in the building we want to add some wooden pillars going straight up and hitting the middle of the two quarter walls right here to do this we need to put a pillar right in the middle of this wooden flooring so we don't want a wooden we don't want it to the side here we don't want it to this side so if you're struggling here the best thing to do is actually place a pillar on the middle of the First Foundation just there and then you should see yeah it can snap to this one quite easily and from there we can just go straight up to the top so we go all the way up to the top like that and we don't do the same again here okay now it's snapping easy look at that so we want 1 2 3 4 five down here and they're all going to go straight up and meet the top there look at that nice and easy [Music] and we're going to repeat the same thing on the opposite side so now we're going to add a little bit of support for this ventilation here by adding some railings here so we're going to aim for the beam and then just press RB and get that right there you want it to angle up and touch the the edge here so I'm going to do that again here RB bam here RB bam I believe on keyboard to cycle through your stat points it's Q I could be wrong it does tell you so it will say ah okay guys don't do what I just did cuz from my angle I think optical illusion it looked like it was touching it it's not touching look they're just sticking out into the air look at that can you see see that opt that was literally an optical illusion okay let's do that again okay I know what I did wrong you got to start it from the bottom like this section of the pillar here it's kind of the top of that pillar and the bottom of this pillar you want to start it right there and then you just want to cycle rby until you get the one that really goes really high that one that's the one you want it goes super high there's two versions of the angle there's one that s of slow SLS a little bit up like that one we don't want that one we want the one that goes all the way up is that the one no that's not the one so many snap points there it is that one that's the one you want it might take you a little while of going through it but you will get [Music] there so we're going to do the exact same thing on the opposite side so because this is quite a big long house I think I don't just want the vents I want some additional ventilation which I'm going to get with a raised roof in the middle so another section that comes up so how we're going to do this is we're going to use the quarter wall the wooden quarter wall here so we're going to use the inside piece and we're going to go across one 1 2 3 4 oh I can't do it how I want to do it okay so actually maybe two on that side two on that side get rid of that one get rid of that one yeah no that doesn't make sense 2 two two two that works better okay so you want to go one two miss miss one two miss miss one two so there should be a hole here and a hole here and we're going to do the exact same thing on the other side so one two miss miss one two miss miss one [Music] two hi guys it's editing Lance here um in the video right now I'm just picking up some thatch roving that's inside what we just made I actually go back on myself later so you bet as well just ignore this part I just wanted to show you cuz in the next part of the video you'll be like why is why there's no roof in the side there well now you know okay so we took the roof out on the inside but now we're left with this big old gap on this side of the roof that we don't want so all we need to do here is get our sloped wooden wall and if we line it up right should let us I just had it there we go put it in here so I'm going to flip it so we have the side part and then again just want to place the next one in here I get the snap perfect for these bits here I'm just going to use a quarter wool so should be easy enough to place those in if you hover if you're looking at this wall here it will just let you put it in we're going to do the exact same thing on this [Music] side so now you've basically done the hard work at this stage the rest is going to be nice and easy on the outside because now we're just going to do the details so for the detail side of things let's start with our wooden pillars so I'm going to place wooden pillars across all the corners of this [Music] build once all the corners are put in I am also going to start putting in across the [Music] [Music] house [Music] okay once you've got all your pillars in next I think I'm going to add something special down here so here are the wooden foundations that are showing all the way across I think I personally want to cover this up with stone walls now Stone was indeed used in Viking times not always for long houses maybe like a tiny bit would be used in Long housee construction but it honestly just depended on where they lived so if there were a lot of rocks in the landscape where they lived and they didn't have access to trees you'd probably find that some Incorporated stone in there but not often it just depended on location so here I want to put in the outside wall so not this side but that side and I want it down there like [Music] so [Music] [Music] now it's one of those things that you can barely see but I think it's going to give it just a nice little contrast to the wood I quite like it it's not too overpowering it's just a little bit that contrasts with the wood now that the stone walls are in we're going to move back to the pillars cuz we're going to place them along the roof so with this first roof we're going to place them in four different areas place them on the lower level here the second level the third level and the fourth level so I'm going to do that all the way across [Music] here perfect and then you just want to do the exact same thing on this side over here so for this middle section I think I'm just going to put it in a couple of places here so the first place I'm going to put it is the bottom here going across the second place I think is just going to be along this section here and I think unless do I want it across here as well I might do [Music] H let's put it in let's try it yeah let's go with that I can always get rid of it if I don't like it ultimately so what we've just done on this side you got to do the exact same thing on the other side so it's completely [Music] symmetrical now that the wooden beams all in we're going to move on to using the railings now the railings are going to have multiple functions here they're going to act as wooden pieces that hold the thatch together on the roving they're also going to act as big wooden beams now unfortunately you can't place the pillars diagonally because I'd rather do that here and have the wooden beam come up here but because I can't I'm actually going to use the railing so let's do that first [Music] so that's what you want you want the two ratings going up and then an extra raing going up that way and an extra raing going up this [Music] way [Music] so now this side is done and that side is done now we just got the middle to worry about so for the middle here I think I just want to place it across the bottom here so one whoops I don't know where that one went Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam so we want to go all the way across the bottom and I think I indeed do want it to go up the top here as well and we're going to do that nice little cross section here so we want one going up from this railing if I can get it to go like that so we got that section there going up and then the same on this side we want it to go up all the way to the top and then we want to do that nice little cross the top there we go so we got AC cross here and across up there nice and of course do it on this side as [Music] [Applause] [Music] well and wow look at that I mean it's starting to look like a viking long house for sure I'm really pleased with how this is coming out so now my creative juices are flowing a little bit and I'm thinking I don't want this completely symmetrical I mean I want it definitely I want it authentic to how a viking L housee would be but I'm thinking this side's going to be the entrance mainly because the sun's hitting it nicely from over there and it's good for YouTube on this side on this side though I think I want the decking to come round a little bit I think this would be like nice to have have a little decking area at least just so it's not completely [Music] symmetrical so I think that's all I'm thinking for a decking on this side of the build is just to have it come out by two on this side and two on this side I think that's going to work you know that's that that bits completely up to you it's just my personal choice to do [Music] [Applause] that that's one way to do it so if you can't if you find yourself not able to place a stone wall down here like me just Place one above and then if you aim at that one and place it again again it should place down here that you can pick this one up and that one stays [Music] [Applause] perfect then lastly to finish this decking off I'm going to add some stairs going up to the foundation not that it's that noticeable but it's just a nice little touch on this side I'm going to do more or less the same I think I'm going to have maybe a way up over [Music] here now another really fun detail about these Viking houses is they often had these wooden beams that kind of held the house up together they acted like support beams to the house that kind of slanted up and touched the house here and here and here all the way across to help it I don't know just support the structure I guess so we're going to try that now now we can't do that with pillars of course but we can do it with the railings so I don't know if that's I hope that hopefully this is touching the floor I can't really see the grass is completely in the way so I just hope that's right it looks good from here so let's just do that all the way around so from [Music] here [Music] okay those railings are all in apart from here I had a little bit of difficulty with the snapping so do be warned if the ground's too high it might struggle to come down I don't know what happened there to be honest I really struggled but I gave up on that what I might do instead is just put an awning here or something to cover this up or maybe some barrels or storage well we'll see I'll come back to that a lot later now at this point the front is pretty much done there is something else I want to add here so in some of the Viking L houses they would have a tiny vent or a little roof coming out the front here so that's what I want to try and recreate now so I think I'm going to do this with the triangle roof so I'm going to put that in my inventory and also so the quarter walls so if I start a quarter wall here dead in the middle like that so I've gone one two dead in the middle and then I take my wood triangle roof and place it yes it does place look at that I'm a genius I'm an actual genius look at this I'm able to place a nice little roof in there might do that on the other side as well let's go do that over here so what's really going to make this look like a viking house in my opinion is putting a nice old Shield decoration out the front of the house so for that I am going to use a trophy wool Mount here as my shield so I'm thinking maybe around here and one over here right in the middle if I can eat there nice okay so there's two Shields and it would be nice to have two lovely Flags coming down either side so I was thinking about how I can do that and I did consider using the multi Flags here so I thought I could put it in here perhaps like so or if I like line it up right without the snapping on I could probably put it in and you could have a flag come down or even use the other one which is this one here I place that nicely in like so it almost works and I'm almost tempted to do that honestly okay so that side will'll try that design out on this side side let me get rid of this one we'll try out my other method which is canvases now with the canvases I'm going to start one on the left here and then I'm going to enable snapping and go all the way down then I'm going to disable snapping go to the right and line it up nicely yes and then go all the way down not quite symmetrical but you get the idea you get what I'm going for I might even take it down further like so so that I would color and make it look like a flag the right still looks good but I think I prefer the left especially when it's colored I think that's going to look better now it's up to you which one you use but there's two options for you honestly so I think they're both good options so for my colors I'm going to use Moonstone blue for the canvases and the wo Mount I'm also also going to use white on every other canvas to give it this nice kind of pattern effect if I come out yeah that looks good so coming on through the front of the house here we enter the first big room now I am silly I blocked this completely off it's not meant to be like this let's put some doors in so I'm going to have two doors here let's see uh this door yeah one two that takes us into the main room here and do the same over here just so you have access to the whole house there we go so you can see how big this build really is it's massive so something I'm going to change really quickly before we move on to the interior is the roof now I don't really like the gaps in the roof all the vents so I'm going to cover it [Music] up another thing I've just noticed is that there are floating pillars up on the walls here so I'm just going to get some pillars and bring them all the way down so for the first section of the long house I'm thinking beds seating area over here some Tapestry on the walls maybe some shields in the middle zone is going to be the main social area where everyone likes to eat and feast a lot of storage maybe a little bit of a workshop in here as well I'll think about that as well over here I'm not 100% sure yet but I'm thinking we could have some Livestock in here for fun uh and we've also got this lovely decking that goes out here so yeah a lot to think about but let's go start over here first so I'm going to start off with some quarter walls now I'm thinking this might be a good place to put some raised beds up here this was something that they did do back in the Viking times in the long houses they had their beds raised off the floor and they' perhaps have some storage or other such things underneath that looks great and let's just put a ceiling on top I can get it there we go lovely and then we'd have our beds up here as well so let's think about this let get a bed in [Music] here so I did decide to do the the under bed storage idea and what I did is just take out the quarter walls put in the railings on the top here and on the bottom and you get this lovely little sort of pattern [Music] effect [Music] [Applause] okay I think this room is pretty much done there may be some final touches lat maybe some stuff on the table now the main area this one will be a bit harder so I'm going to have to think but I do know I want some tables in the middle here that is defin definely going to be a feature so I'm going to do that [Music] now [Music] hello it's editing Lance here just wanted to make sure you guys are okay you okay oh I'm good good I'm glad you're okay I'm okay um just to let you know I never come back to you during this I got so carried away building this that I just forgot to talk so I'm here talking now just to let you know that um you should be able to follow this it's that's in fast mode and uh yeah good luck I think I think it's easy to [Music] follow [Music] oh okay now that this room is done we're going to move on to the last room which is this one and I'm thinking of putting some Livestock in here maybe some dodos maybe it's like a you know Butchery where you carve your your dodos up I'm not really sure yet I'll tell you what I'll just go into super fast build mode and I'll just work it [Music] out [Applause] [Music] la [Music] okay so the purpose of this room I guess is that you keep your Livestock in here maybe your chickens and your sheep and you slaughter them on this table that's what my thinking is now that the inside is pretty much done I've returned to the outside that area do you remember that area that I couldn't work like I couldn't get the railings in well right here I'm going to try and put in like a little canopy or something coming out so I need to try and design that [Music] now okay so I managed to figure out a design for the awning I did have to take out to thatch rofes here and that's what made it work for me so I used two wooden ramps here and then the quarter ceiling tiles and then down here I just Ed the railings going up with the ramp on each side up there and up here then under here I just put some thatch foundation in and some beer barrels on top for storage so we're kind of nearly done here I just need to add in some windows I completely forgot about so I'm going to add in some windows [Music] [Applause] [Music] here okay guys I feel like this main building is pretty much done which is what the tutorial is all about so that's good I've done that but I think what I'm going to do now is go away finesse some details and maybe add some a little additional extras around as a surprise and then I'll see you after the glamour shots and don't worry any additional extras that I do I will take you through all of [Music] it [Music] oh [Music] welcome back fellow Vikings I am completely done on this build now I need to park my park it perfectly park it perfectly that is in a rock that is inside a rock okay perfect enough um so I have done some extras on the long house nothing too much mainly to the around the exterior so not to the long house itself honestly um I will take you through everything so do not worry let's start so the only extras I've actually done to this long house on the outside is just add in some crock pots with some citrol just for decoration which is a nice little touch over here we have our lovely Garden out in the open I think this is a really nice thing to do just have some cop pots out in the open have a little garden and a little shed here I think this works really well I Incorporated it with the bushes that naturally occur and took out all the bushes around so you got this nice little patch here so with this little heart this is something that the Vikings actually did they put TFT on their roofs so to make this I just put that rooing on and what color did I use use I used a color called filth coloring for the main green color this green color here and then I use like an off green color here which works really well all I had to do to make this was put down some thatch and then put down some Corner wo tiles the triangle ones and then you just put your thatch roof on top and take it into the ground um and then of course I just did the railing like normal going up and up so that that's that who's a good boy you're a good boy so with the other side here if we go up the decking um I've got a little bit of decoration down I've got some storage boxes here some benches with a cook pot uh some more storage but on the front here I did try out the other flag methods so up to you which one you prefer this one also works quite well this is just a standard flag but I painted blue and white and blue stripes down in fact I didn't paint the middle I just painted blue on either side of the flag and that's the effect you get I think that also works quite well so you decide Canvas OR flag vote now I I like both I I don't have an issue with both honestly I think they both have their charm so over here we have our little Eis pen we've just got some wood foundation going across the floor that was really hard to see because of the grass so that took me ages to get like a nice Circle and then you just put your wooden railing on top that's a really nice way to do it when I say wood foundation I of course actually mean do I have it in this wood fence Foundation that's what I mean if I put it in my inventory you can see see you can barely see it look you can barely see it if I go to an area that you can see it here it is so you place it Down Bam and then it just snaps to the last one and you can kind of go around in a circle with it so I just went that around in a whole circle with this like this that's all I did and then you just put your railing on top so that's how you do that nice little feature to the right of the graveyard here we have two huts and these are slightly bigger than the other Hut we made uh by the garden they've got two walls and then they've got the corner wall here corner wall up there and a corner wall here and then of course you just put thatch across really simple house honestly um and you're railing up with the little cross at the top and of course I did also did the filth coloring here to make it look like it was grass they used for the roof works really well and I literally just did the same again here but I added a window this time so yeah very nice little tiny houses uh you can put bedding in here Vikings actually used to use these ouses as workshops Etc and everyone really just lived in the main l housee so just a little fun fact for you so if we go through the entrance at the front of the house we enter the main living quarters here where most the family live they've got lovely Tapestry on the wall that uh well I put paintings on on the tapestries they look really awesome honestly I don't think the Vikings had that good a painting job on their tapestries but you know I'm just built different we got our cooking pot in the middle and our lovely bedding at the top where everyone just snuggles in together cuz it's very cold at night and our storage below with the lovely railings going top to toe top to toe that give that nice pattern that I really like coming from the front living quarters here we can enter the main Hub area where people come to eat Feast drink do research put storage in uh you got your smithing tables over here your forges right here you got your ward drums in the corner if you want a little jam and of course whoever's the tribe leader can have the front row seat at the table look at that and look at those mounts behind me obviously I've used boss mounts uh very hard to get because you got to destroy a boss but you could easily put a uh T-Rex Alpha T-rex skull in these and paint them different colors for fun I think that I didn't realize when you paint the wall mount behind it automatically Paints the head that you put on it so yeah many options there coming up the stairs here we have our first level that just has some storage at the moment and if we climb the ladder up from that level we come to the second floor that just mainly is used for storage and a bit of bedding up here look at that so if we come around the wall here we can get to the other side of the building which is the livestock room SL Butchery SL Butchery so the idea is that you keep all your animals in here your little animals that you want to kill for meat so got my Doos in some cages some are just roaming free having a good life but here is where you butcher the dodos in front of their friends so they can watch and then I've got a little up stairs area again where you can put some beds down I've just put some storage down here in a campfire randomly so yeah that's this room okay guys I think that's the build for the day don't forget to comment below what you want me to build next smash the like button and also subscribe if you would like it's free and you'll be helping me out a ton really appreciate you guys and love you guys to death I'll see you in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music] la
Channel: LolsAtLance
Views: 23,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended base building, ark survival ascended base tutorial, building guide for ark, ark survival ascended building tips, ark survival ascended base design, ark base tour, aaron longstaff, gg fizz ark building, syntac ark ascended, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended gameplay, building tips ark, ultimate viking longhouse tutorial, viking settlement in ARK, viking-themed base building, viking base ark, ultimate viking longhouse design
Id: je1v2QzuLEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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