How to Build a Vault Floor in ARK: Survival Ascended!

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Vault floors are a great addition to any base or crafting station providing easy access to storage without getting in the way in this video I'm going to show you how to raise foundations in Arc survival ascended and build a perfectly flush Vault floor using low cost structures let's get cracking all right you thinkers I'm toast block and I'm back in AR survival ascended because I'd like to share with you my method of building a vault floor now these are great if you want lots of storage in your base or crafting station but you don't want vaults in the way and this build is also really quite simple all you need are foundations walls ceilings and vaults for the main build and then quarter walls and ladders for my little trick now then I recommend as with every build that you build on a flat or level surface but if you are forced to build on a bank this is possible it just gets harder and harder the steeper the bank gets I'm just going to show you the basics here on a slight bank now the first structure you need is a foundation and I recommend if you are on a bank you build at the top end of the bank and to be fair this applies if you building on the flat as well we want to get this first Foundation as low as possible so get it in position click fire once to lock it in place and then lure it to the lowest possible point before placing then what we want to do is want to finish this top end I'm going to be building a 4x4 so one two three four foundations to Mark the full top of our build just so I know where everything is now this will give me a 2X two in the middle which I'm going to raise which means this floor will have 9 volts so this is plenty big enough for what I want to do right now if you want to make it bigger just double everything double it again if you want to it's up to you now the reason I suggest getting these as low as possible I'll just show you quickly with another Foundation by default when I lock this in place I get very little trouble when raising it so if we are already going to be starting on the lower side of these foundations and these are high up I'm not going to be able raise the foundations higher than these ones so make sure These are nice and low at the top part of the slope now then since we've got those in place we can work on getting the New Foundation height for the foundations that will hold the vaults these ones will be holding the ceilings that will act as the floor what we want to do is grab out a ladder and just snap it to the front side of these foundations we'll be using this to line everything up from there we're going to build a little Contraption based on the one that I did for my tech dedicated storage floor build I'll link that in the description if you'd like to check that out please do but what we are grabbing instead of a full wall is a quarter wall going to snap that on the edge and then we're going to snap a ceiling to that make sure it's in line with the foundations this quarter wall actually creates an Offset you want it in line with the foundation so this won't work so snap that there and then get the quarter wall back out and switch it to a reeling and we're going to snap there on the front underside of the ceiling and we want two down like so now you might be wondering why I've done this well first of all I'm using this sealant to come out because the foundations want to try and snap to the ones are already there if we're working this far out they don't and the reason I've gone up by a half wall is it positions these railings at the right height to get a good reference point now I use railings for references because these bars going across them and the handrails are actually really really good for finding correct Heights for foundations for different builds so I'll show you how this one works we're going to jump on the ladder and hop over the top or hop off once you're off walk backwards forwards strafe left strafe right you can even look up and down just don't rotate your character and I'm going to get in front of these railings and grab a foundation I'm then going to walk towards them get this to go through them and then line it up I want the outsides of the foundation to line up perfectly with that outsides of the railing once you've done that jump into orbital camp or k mode if you're on PC and what we're looking for is we want this Foundation to be going halfway through the railing so it's all the way through there it's in front of it there and that looks roughly about halfway to me when you've got that come out of orbital camp and we are going to click fire once to lock this in position like so now then we need to find the height of this Foundation using the railings and the trick is is to get this foundation in line with the underside of the bottom railings hand drill now there's two points where you could put that there's that one there where it's under the outside Parts which are a little bit thicker we don't want that we want this just underneath that Central more narrow part of the handrail and then when we've got that there we can place the foundation and that is your second snap point and that should be all lined up with these foundations too so that is golden let me just pick up the scaffolding you can get rid of all of that you can even get rid of the ladder fin now and there we have our two different Foundation Heights now like I said this one's going to be a 2X two so I'm going to snap the rest of the foundations in the middle for that height because we want our floor going all the way around you've guessed it we are going to take Foundations at the lower height all the way around the outside like so and that gives us the ability to get this floor super FL push so you should have some type of raised pad in the middle of your build for the vaults once you've got that it's time to get the vaults down the way we're going to do this we'll get the ladder out again because we want to be parallel just going to snap that to this front side and I'm going to hop on it and we'll go over it this time once you're on you'll be lined up with your structure and you can get out your first Vault now we're going to be lining these up by hand because if you don't do it by hand you can't get the desired effect all I want to do is make sure I'm all the way across right on the edge of this pad this raised platform with the side of the Vault orbital cam is a big help as always just make sure that is fully in line if it isn't you'll get a gap between the Vault and the floor at the top so make sure you can get it as close as possible you want to do the same at the back as well you don't want them overhanging otherwise you have gaps between your vaults in the middle of the floor it's quite finicity take your time with it if you can be bothered if you don't you might not get the result that you after but I think that's pretty good for our first Vault so I'm going to come out of orbital Cam and I'm going to place that now you'll notice snapping on you want that off snapping leaves a gap between the vaults we can't afford to have that Gap so turn it off and I like to go across to the other side next and just get that lined up nicely that looks pretty on the edge there so I will place that and then we're going to come back into the middle and just fill the Gap making sure that this is fairly evenly spaced and then we can place that as well now you still don't want to rotate your character here I'm just going to walk backwards and we're going to do the same again but for the middle row so off to the left we go we get that lined up with the edge we can orbital cam just to make sure we are happy with the placement looks decent and then what you want to do is you want is just touch in the vault behind you can also use the line and the two little Nubs there I guess where the foundations join and line them up with that beam I guess down the center of the Vault that place where it bevels out and that will help you find the exact center of this pad and I think that's looking pretty decent so I'm going to come out of orbital Cam and place that one go across to the other side like I did previously get it right on the edge there if I can and place that uh-oh I've rotated don't worry just get rid of it get it back out your character doesn't rotate just the vault so we'll place that one and then we're going to come back to the middle and fill in the Gap as best we can like I say Get it nice and neat I mean if you care I really care about this kind of thing so you know I'll take I'll take ours and let's pop that one in the middle too and we're going to rinse and repeat the only thing I recommend here is if you don't want any of the detail on the front of the Vault to show or to stick through a wall if you want to wall around this bottom section just flip your Vault I think it's a nicer finish and we are going to do the same we're going to get all the way over to this left hand side we're going to check it in orbital cam make sure that it's right over the edge there I think that looks pretty decent that's too far come on that looks about right and then the same with this front edge we don't want it overlapping we want it right on it and I think that looks decent so out of orbital Cam and place Move Along do the same get this right up to this Edge and place and then back to the middle and F fill in and that should be a decent job you can have a little check and get an idea by jumping an orbital and looking at the top you'll kind of see if the lines between your vaults are evenly spaced I feel like I've done a pretty good job there but we are a little bit yeah a little bit tighter on the side in the me than the for side but I don't think that's a problem I don't care that much I've decided right once you've done that you're going to pick your ladder up your vaults are placed it's the easy part now all we going to do is grab some walls and go around the outside of the foundations now you can put walls on the lowest snap point on the lower foundation around the vault as well to protect them if you're fancy but that stops you accessing them from underneath and I think it's quite nice if you can access them from on top and inside of your build you might want more things down here you might want some things in the room below and you might want access to the outside vaults obviously you can't get the one in the center but that's okay we can make do we getting that one from the top I'm going to put a drawer in just to keep this a room and that is the structure that will hold our floor complete now to get up there you can have a ladder you can have a ramp you can have stairs let's get what are we going to go for I think we'll go for stairs cuz it's nice and nice and straight forward we'll run those down to the ground there we go and we can walk up on top now all that's left to do is to get ceilings and to snap these around the outside of the Vault against the walls that we've just placed and you'll see already we are getting a really nice finish here with the Vault floor and it's looking super super tidy I do have a bit of a gap this side which would just suggest that I didn't get quite far enough across and that would also explain why these gaps here seem a little tighter than the ones on this side so yeah I think that's fine though I'm not going to rebuild it just for that now because this is just a standalone build for me I'm going to pop railings around the outside so I don't fall off just so it feels a little bit more finished you're probably going to have a base built around this or your crafting station with your Indie forges and the likes it's up to you how you want to implement this and use this but that is the finished look of the build now the one thing I will say is annoying is for some reason in this game you can't stand on the top of Vault yet you drop about a third of the way down into them now this can be a little bit problematic if you're picking up a lot of heavy things and you lose your ability to jump and you can't get out right it's probably going to happen the way I'm getting around this at the minute is grabbing myself a bench and I just stick this on the side here you can line it up how you want you can put one on each side if you want it's wherever you think you're going to need to get in and out of this area and what this means is if you drop inside of the vaults to the lower level and you are picking loads of things up to the point you're in cumbed and you can't jump out you just walk over to one of the benches click to sit on it and then stand up you can get out and bypass that and then crack on with whatever it was you would doing now like I say I'm hoping to patch this so we can just walk across the vaults at some point one day but right now busy patching things that don't seem as important as this to me but I guess they're going to do what they're going to do I really hope this gets fixed soon though cuz it's a bit weird having a soft top on your metal Vault again like I say you can get in here you can access all the vaults around the outside except except the one in the middle or you can choose to close this off but I like to make good use of this space down here you can even leave it open or have some secret doors so you can load these up from down below with your Tams and then access everything from above it's really up to you I'm just showing you the tools you can use to get the jobs done that you want to get done now like I say I'm hoping they improve this the fix things and everything gets lovely because this looks real cool and once you've got your Indie forges your chem benches your fabes your smithies around here it's super super useful but that's the build and that is the best I and get it as the game currently stands which is why I'm going to call that there guys thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed this tutorial or you found it useful please remember to like subscribe and ring the notification Bell I'm super grateful for all the support that I've been getting and it's doing wonders for my channel so thank you if you'd like to get to know the community a little bit better check out the links in the description below as well you'll find my Discord there amongst other things it would be great to get to know you better but until next time guys you take care and I'll catches later char
Channel: toastbloke
Views: 16,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toastbloke, toast bloke, ark, ark sa, ark survival ascended, ark asa, asa, ark survival ascended building, ark survival ascended structure, ark asa structure, ark ascended building, ark survival ascended base building, ark building designs, ark building, ark survival ascended building tutorial, ark asa building, ark ascended base building, ark building tips, ark building tutorial, ark survival ascended building tips, ark ascended building tips, ark crafting station design
Id: 1tgq26gQf6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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