Building an Automatic Organic Polymer Farm - ARK Survival Ascended [E34]

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so I'm out looking for things to tame and I found myself a level 150 pelagornis right here uh basically at the same spot where I've been finding all the pelorus I mean there's so many of them around here I don't know what it is I I should probably deal with these guys before I do anything in fact maybe I'll uh maybe I'll just wait till the pelorus takes off that's not a great spot to try and tame it at especially with all these wolves and things but um yeah now that we potentially have this I I do believe my one is actually female that one right there is a male I think I have an idea for what I want to try and do here today um we can use them we can breed them together make a really good pelagornis but on top of that maybe I go around and look for a highle male penguin cuz I have a highle female we'll just leave that right there that's kind of perfect actually I have a high level female and if we do that then we can actually work on a little polymer Farm okay yeah you're just going to go back down there aren't you really okay cool uh there's also a wolf here somewhere as well there he is hello no I missed him let me grab you got you with a massive head shot energy right there okay so yeah we'll uh we'll just wait for this thing to get to a point where I can easily just try and knock it out just I want it to land in a safe spot cuz I know it's only going to take like one Arrow so yeah anyway um if we can get this thing that could be the plan for today's video um did I just grab an explore note I must have there must be one down there somewhere okay are you going to land over there for me maybe possibly uh so I I do have to say Obviously the last week has been a little bit skewed in terms of the uploads we've kind of had all sorts of things but it's also all kind of being all over the place I do want to try and balance out the videos we've got the uh the sple fim Series going now as well we might just try and tame it here in all honesty I mean like it's not it's not working out for us here is it let's do that it's just one right I think is okay maybe it's more than one I guess that one wasn't a head shot now was it there we go it's out uh there we go okay it just fell really far but look like they don't take fall damage so yeah we have the uh swle time series going as well we had our annual charity stream which went amazingly i' I've announced that it went all the way up to 38k but now it's actually past 40K and uh I will be drawing the winners probably on the same day that this video is out so yeah I I think we'll probably we'll probably just close out the giveaways at this point so um thank you to everybody you guys are awesome I really do appreciate it and um yeah we did something really good this year as we do every year but this year it was extra special it's like double what the amount that we usually would actually raise is so um yeah just props to my community oh my God we are absolutely incredible no you guys are in all honesty you guys are great so um yeah anyway so we have the SW of fem series that's going to be continuing so we'll probably have that and the island going like you know alternating or something like that obviously there's a lot of things still to do on the island and and there's no way that this is ending anytime soon I mean hey we got till March before Scorch drop so we have lots of time to continue here and uh and pretty much play it all out without having to rush at all I thought Scorch might potentially come out in January but March is actually better for me even though it kind of sucks to have to wait on delays but um yeah so there we go we have that thing all knocked out maybe should I just give it a little bit of narcotic and then just fly around looking for some penguins potentially I think it's only like don't know how many pieces of kibas is I don't think it's that many but maybe maybe I'll stay somewhat close-ish so I can come back all right let's go look for some penguins over here so um yeah anyway we um we have all that going we have the uh Primal uh or sorry the Far Cry Primal series and then I'm probably also going to play that avatar game as well so we have a lot of things on the plate right now um it's it's going to be pretty crazy December is usually a pretty hectic month but uh yeah I don't know it's going to be extra hectic this year cuz I've definitely made it that way for myself but um yeah so the island series itself will not have any mods I do want to say that um we might eventually add like kind of you know quality of content mods if you know what I mean so if they add like the additional emotes mod in we'll probably add that in that's not really a mod though you know we have my chbi mod we have axeman's chibi mod I have not yet been able to make one because I made it so now it costs Gus eggs so obviously they're a little bit harder to actually make in bulk or anything like that and I just thought it was kind of a cool little Easter egg so yeah we'll um we'll try and work on getting one of those soon and if we get a fertilized g m EG we'll also actually be able to make a galley costume so I don't know I I don't think I'm ready to tame GI they're way too powerful but if if I can we might do it it it might be possible they are very very dangerous though we know that they can kill gigas and and we know what they can what they can do to the King Titan as well that's why they haven't added the King Titan back in cuz they still have the G roaming at their full strength but anyway um yeah we'll uh we'll probably work on trying to get those things somewhat soon cuz thatd be Miss maibi I really have Litt sin he needs his place in this world and um it's going to be really cool seeing him out and about let me uh continue my flight over here uh I think there's Penguins right here as well potentially I think that there's some over there though what is that are those Penguins those are okay so I'm looking for a male specifically and I'm looking for a high level because we have a 1 for five female and the higher level the parents the higher level the babies will be and more than likely they're going to give extra um polymer when we kill them now this is only something that you're going to be able to do on um on like PVP mode which is what our servers are always set to people call me a PVE YouTuber I'm I've never played PVE not once in my whole life never ever but um yeah so essentially we're going to be able to harvest the babies um while they're unclaimed though I guess you could wait for them to starve or something like that on PVE and then Harvest them up but this whole farm that we're going to be making today is is mainly suited towards the PVP mode but um yeah anyway I'm just going to keep flying here we're going to get to more Penguins here pretty soon when are you okay yeah you just you just eaten okay cool nice so um we are probably going to lose one piece of kibble then cuz I put four on to you by accident I I knew it was three I don't know why I second guess myself uh oh 130 female it's got a baby is that the baby right there no that says oh yeah yeah I think we've got oh wait oh that is a male nice okay oh there's two males ooh okay we could potentially also get that 130 that could be a thing I don't know um but yeah this penguin has two baby males uh level 130 we don't need both but I can definitely tame the 130 and then one of the babies see what level are you yeah okay okay are you yeah you're one of the babies so what I need to do is I need to essentially initiate the tame with the 130 um or else kill it I mean either one would work but we can we could probably tame you I would say right Bo are you coming for me are you going to attack me oh bro no imagine getting attacked by a penguin that is the weirdest way to die hang on just a second now let's do that and then and toror wise yeah one more shot Let's uh just make it a body shot body shots with penguins all right oh my God his head looks kind of messed up or her head I guess uh you're so close I almost kind of don't want to shoot you again are you going to there we go nice all righty let me just pull out the arrows from your mom you guys are going to be my new little baby friends I might just get you to be honest cuz wait which one's more grown up uh I think they're probably the same hello are you uh you want you want in on this H I'm not trying to steal your baby or kill you but I'm going to have to now oh fully just domed I feel bad dude I love penguins that's the thing like it actually pains me doing this cuz I I absolutely love penguins they're one of my favorite uh real life tames I said that on purpose by the way sometimes I need to clarify um yeah okay so we'll probably maybe we'll go for this one here actually he's got like nicer colors this one's got like a nice beak though H and we should be able to carry the two of these back um actually technically I could bring three Penguins so h i I don't know will the males both have the same stats I would imagine that they probably would right but they don't look the same I don't know how that works actually I don't know if the babies have the same stats as the parent I actually need to look into that I think yeah all righty well uh this one's almost fully tamed we'll just we'll tame up all three of them um so then I'm going to have to pick you up in my hands I can pick you up in the beak and then you up in the talons and then that's how we'll bring three um that's like the only way that we can do it I can't grab a baby in my hands unfortunately so yeah and then after that we'll fly over grab the pelagornis and then make our way back to the base and get this whole little farm started all righty let's see come on bro hey there we go nice okay oh what is with the creatures sometimes I just don't get it there we go we got you we've got almost got you I can't get you there we go we've got you as well all right let me just take a quick look then so uh 969 860 6313 do you have the same stats then uh no they do not okay that's that's potentially good I don't know what would be best is it health or food to produce the most resources I think it might be health I would assume so right that would make sense all right so let's hop on we're going to go ahead and go like this for one of them and then we hit C to pick up something with the beak there we go so I've got three penguins look at this the march of the Penguins the Flight of the Penguins we've got we just got like a whole little army of penguins right here this is amazing all righty Let's uh let's go grab this pelorus then uh then we'll head back to the base and get everything done all righty so I do need to take a quick break for some stem so we're just going to drop that one um hopefully they're not starving doesn't really look like they are I think that they should be fine yeah we should be okay so um I kind of want to hop off and take a little look yeah you stay in the beak don't you that is super handy okay I want to just take a quick look do you st have my kibble no you do not you ate that extra piece you greedy greedy pelagornis oh man all right let's see so are we good on Stam yes you are full so we we got to hit space hit that and then not bump you on anything and let's get the pelorus on follow and now we just need to fly back to base all right we are pretty much almost back with the big penguin Hall I think what I'll do is look at this pelor is just flexing how fast it is on me look at that are you kidding me bro I think what we'll do is we'll uh we'll breed all of our Penguins pretty much just to try and get all the best stats together um and I'll do the same with the pelorus and once I have that done we can maybe work on our little polymer Farm I had been thinking about where I want these little Farms to be cuz I have quite a few ideas for them I think I might make it somewhere like around there uh we'll kind of just like build uh above the water um and then build walls down of course to give it some proper structure but yeah we'll basically do a bunch of our Farms like around here just to kind of take up a lot of the water space cuz any land space that we do have is quite limited and I think I might eventually want to use that for things so yeah yeah let's see I should probably get rid of that that is very hard to look at there's so many creatures in this base even without the end on there we go that's awesome all right let's uh drop you we have three Penguins here let's just drop you down as well um real quick I feel like there was something that I wanted to I shouldn't have done that damn it I shouldn't have imprinted you ah I didn't mean to damn it it's okay uh can we get you to stop following yes I think that you're no longer following awesome there was one thing that I wanted to do we have a little dodo in here from axe I don't know why but yeah let's kill it let's see anything in here we got a note what does it say about 11 what the why why is this him like is he trying to say that he's part of that 11,000 people okay nice let's pick you up um I feel like there was something else actually around the base that I wanted to show but now I can't even remember what it is yeah no idea all righty well I'm just going to bring these penguins right inside here and we'll do some breeding with them we will uh try and get all those best Doats together like I said let's see let me just Chuck you right down there that's good all right I remembered what it was um I just want to show the progress on the mutations in here so we actually have gotten up to four on the health mutations with a really really nice blue that I might try and actually keep that's that's very very nice so um obviously yeah right here you can see we're up to like 4,000 you guys aren't imprinted right yeah you're not so we went up by like 500ish Health on them so I think everything in terms of the actual stat increase seems somewhat similar to the previous game but um yeah I do actually need to turn these guys off of breeding cuz I might just turn the AV Raptor off so let's do that wait for the AV Raptor to grab any of the eggs or are you oh yeah you know what you actually might not be collecting them right now there we go um we we got a bar egg nice I kind of just like chucked all the eggs into here into like a little folder cuz I was grabbing out so many eggs to um to start hatching them up to continue these mutations cuz it's not very entertaining to try and do that on camera all the time um but yeah so anyway we uh we've just been working on this I actually I had to stop doing the stamina one for some reason I just was incapable of getting the next stamina mutation so we're still on one for that and then I was like I'll just do weit and then I was like no you know what let's just continue on one stat for the moment we just continue that for a little while it's not going to be long before we have cryopods added back into the official game so yeah I I might as well just do this and by the time we have that I might just make a giant breeding facility or something anyway so let's see oh did I turn that aapor off I think I might have but I need to just double check okay so it's a little while later and what I've done here is kind of like map out where I want some of these Farms to be so yeah we we've got like four of them planned so this one right here is obviously going to be the penguin one um this one right here might end up being the kibble one the reason why I want those two together is because we're probably not going to add in anything into this one to get us basic kibble eggs because the Penguins will provide those for us so them being right beside this one kind of makes sense then over here um we have snails and then we also have a greenhouse this one here's the greenhouse I might end up changing out the order at some stage but um I basically built all this off of the idea that there could be a circle in the middle here and uh kind of just built out from that Circle that hypothetical Circle but um yeah so this is essentially going to be our little building right here and we're just kind of working on a design right now I'm just trying to figure out what it's going to look like how it's going to work the main thing I'm kind of using is the idea that there's going to be some air conditioners in here so let me show you you can actually snap them into windows in this game which is a really nice feature taken from s+ before we get into oh they're stealing s+ ideas the guy that made s+ is actually part of the wild card team now so I I don't know is he implementing his own ideas or is he just pushing them to to add them in regardless I think that this is just a good thing in general plus the fact that these aircons are way smaller than they used to be which definitely is a lot nicer I think that the size of one airon is roughly around the size of like half of an airon before yeah that look around right cool all right well anyway we'll uh we'll go ahead and grab these and put them back in so yeah you can snap them into the window frames which is something that people do in real life um I wouldn't know we we I mean I have one it's a freestanding one it's it's kind of terrible uh we don't really need those over here we just open up the window anyway so um yeah we're just uh we're working on the building here I'm just trying to figure things out I think what I want to do is I want to slope up and then maybe go up by like a little bit maybe like a a quarter wall and then we'll um we'll slope up again from there or something I don't really know we're we're figuring it out so I'm just trying to figure out the bottom part and I was kind of thinking maybe some Gates Right Here could be kind of nice let's see how do I there we go uh do I want it that way or the other way probably that way let's see how does that look uh okay cool we got some nice depth to it we've got like a little stepping back bit right here where it kind of steps to here and then it steps to that little bit and then obviously the gate is going to be in here as well nice okay so I don't know if I'm actually going to put Gates or I guess the actual yeah no these are Gates and then the other piece is the Gateway or gate frame or whatever you want to call it um yeah we're probably not going to put the actual Gates into every single frame but let's see yeah that's correct right I believe so yeah cool all right so we just need to place all these down this is just going to help us like figure things out just a little bit cuz once I have like an actual building on the inside that's not right right yeah I did that wrong okay let's grab that real quick and that is correct and so is that and then one more to go boom nice okay so that's going to help out a ton so we have like this little building on the inside here I feel like maybe filling those up with walls would be a lot nicer but obviously the fact that there is a gate piece here is just going to add some extra detail to the outside uh maybe not so much to the inside but um yeah that's going to look pretty cool I think or maybe we could fill it up with glass or something I don't really know we'll we'll uh we'll get there but yeah so the main thing that we're going to have inside of here is the Penguins and I'm trying to figure out a way of actually doing them where maybe I don't know cuz like we're going to have the pelorus on aggressive inside of here it's just going to fly around it's just going to start killing every single baby penguin that appears which is actually the perfect time for the pelagornis to kill them because they produce the most uh organic polymer when they're freshly newborn which sounds awful I know but um yeah so maybe what I'll end up doing is I'll maybe put I don't know if one male would be able to kind of like deal with all the females in this room if not we can put some males inside of like this little space in here we can put the males in there put the females out here maybe put like three of them or so at each of these airons and then the pelagornis would have to like continuously go between them so the babies would have enough time to appear hatch and everything and then the pelagornis would go for them cuz if it hits them too quick you may have noticed that if you've ever played on PVP and and you go ahead and actually kill things um the babies will just completely disappear if you hit them too quick after they appear out of the eggs and then you don't get any resources you don't like they just completely disappear there's no body it's a great way to just fully dispatch of them but anyway so uh yeah that's uh that's going to be a thing that we're going to have to worry about um the pelor is getting to them too quickly so spacing them out enough I think will be good so I think that's what we're probably going to go ahead and do I've just realized it almost looks like I made like a little Stickman here um here let me show you like we got legs here we got like torso arms and then I guess this is the head or something I don't really know I just noticed that it's very strange anyway let me uh let me figure things out a little bit here I guess we should probably get some roof pieces next yes that makes sense all right so I don't have any triangle pieces right now we need to make some oh that intersects I don't really like that huh that actually intersects with the stone Gateway as well yeah not a not a major fan of that oh that means I probably shouldn't use those H yeah it it would be okay if it was just the actual gate but it's the frame thingy as well like that's sticking right through and I hate the look of that that looks awful okay yeah so we got to we got to not use those okay H got to try and consider some other way of doing this then okay yeah we're going to have to uh we're going to have to figure that out yeah that looks awful but just in general I mean uh the roof pieces there will probably look good eventually let's see let's try and get some of them up here oh I think I'm looking technically at the gate there there we go I mean yeah we should probably switch them Ah that's kind of annoying I guess I'm trying to think like I could technically sink down the actual gate by a little bit we can still use them let me let me see if I can do that all right just had to borrow ceiling from the inside there I just want to see if this is going to work for us so if I pop that right there now let's grab this uh give me thank you and then we actually need the frame boom um so if I I've got a seal ceing down there now a half wall below what we have now if I snap it to that it should work right hang on where is it I can't actually really see it uh there it is okay um so I need oh there we go I think I got it okay I just need to make sure that it's like rotated around the right way um yeah you know what that's going to work that's actually going to work out perfectly for us so we've solved the issue of it sticking through which is great um obviously now that's what it's going to look like from the top as opposed to the other piece over there that we can also still see so it's just a little bit of a pain to have to get them down there but it's okay I mean like that's manageable um for sure uh and it's not going to like look weird or anything if I snap this in there like we're going to have this all filled up anyway so you're not even going to see that in fact that actually looks a little bit more interesting I would say nice all right so we just we now need to fill up that Gap at the top there but that's all good we can pretty much just uh snap a couple of these up here or something like that I might have to flip that around the other way although no I'll probably leave it the way it is actually cuz the other way it's got like so many like little uh little details on it you can see them up there and I feel like it's kind of distracting on the inside so anyway yeah little bit of work needs to be done here also I had to pull away some things there to actually um to to borrow a ceiling instead of going up to my base but uh yeah so we're going to have to do that all around the whole place here um and then we're going to have to continue the ceiling as well so we'll probably go like there'll be triangles on top of those Square pieces um and then obviously triangles right here as well but from here where this square piece is up right now we'll probably end up going up from there by a um a half wall or a quarter wall I just I want to call them half walls cuz they're half the height of a wall but I guess you know they technically are a quarter piece of a full wall so I don't really know I don't I don't know what to call them uh there we go so is that snapping in the inside or the out I actually can't even see okay so that's on the inside I think I'll leave it like that so essentially what we'll have is it will come up to there it will meet this piece and then from this piece here we'll do more ceilings up and kind of meet into the center or maybe we'll do something more interesting I don't know we'll uh we'll have to fill out all of this so far we'll have to replace all the gates uh I've got a bunch of these to place right here as well so yeah lots of little things to do let me get it all done also we need to fix that okay so we're working through this kind of going a little bit slower than I would have wanted but I'm just trying to make it look cool so my original idea was this is like the roof but I always like to add something extra to it so I decided that we're going to go ahead and drop every um triangle piece like in the bottom layer down by one um and then I think that kind of matches like the pattern that we have going up here where we have like the half wall right there um and then obviously we've got like the pillars there and everything right now I don't know why but like right up here like let's take a quick look that looks really cool I don't know why obviously I'm I'm going to fill that in but I don't know I feel like I like what I've done right here and I feel like I should use that again so in case you're curious I've instead of actually using the triangle ceilings here as well um I've decided to just use I don't have any on me right now but they're all just like the normal roof pieces the square ones they kind of snap into each other and create like a nice pattern and everything even from the outside doesn't really look terrible or anything like that so um yeah I'm pretty happy with that I think it's going to look pretty amazing once we have it all done and everything and we can put some um some railings and stuff on there as well but I think what I want to try and do for the moment is just try and wrap up the actual like practical side of this whole thing so we need a generator in here it's unfortunately too far away from the base to get power so um yeah we'll probably get one in here hopefully it's not going to be within range and count as another generator I really hope that doesn't happen cuz if it does we're going to have to rush to get a a freaking Tech generator at some point soon so yeah um so here's like the pattern that we have going then we have like this Dro down piece with the roof right there and I think it's looking pretty cool I think what I might do instead is uh basically remove these and then this wall and then wall down from here so we'll essentially have this wall where these are and then another wall below this so it's going to look a lot more normal cuz I feel like the X's don't really suit what we have going on here so yeah that's that's pretty much it for the moment um we're also going to have to figure out some way to like bring in the pillars a little bit as well uh we have them right here I guess I could probably put them like that and then maybe pillar maybe down from there or something I don't know we we'll figure out like a good way to kind of tie it together cuz it did look really nice around here where it was all just like kind of like wrapping around it as like a little band but um yeah I feel like it would look a lot nicer if we have the pieces dropped down it gives it more structure give it gives it more like actual character as well and then the main thing is as well like we're not even going to get into these pieces in the inside so it doesn't even look any different from in here you know it's not like weird or anything in here so yeah I feel like it's completely just okay to be able to do these little extra things so um yeah I I guess we'll have to we'll have to recreate that a bunch of times I need more roof pieces as well for sure but um yeah I'll just keep working on this and hopefully if I can manage to wrap up that part I'm not going to finish all the details we're just going to bring the Penguins in I would say all right so we're just continuing to work away here I just wanted to show you guys something cuz I saw this on the Wild Card stream the other day and I was like that looks pretty cool I need to recreate that so basically right here we have some railings but we've done it in like a way where we have like this middle pattern which I really like and I just wanted to show you guys how to do that so real quick um I've changed up some things I took away the uh the quarter uh wall up at the very top there cuz we only had this this piece right here was where that top piece of the wall right there yeah exactly where it is right now so we had that there so I replaced it with a full wall because I needed a three sized gap of basically it's like a wall and then a wall a quarter wall on top so basically a wall and a half tall is this Gap right here and this is how we essentially do this thing so let me just show you so we're going to go ahead and snap this like that and then we're going to snap another one like that and then we're going to go ahead and do just you know rotate them flip them upside down and then just create that so now at this point we're going to go ahead and do the exact same thing up at the very top here and then what we're left with is like this little Gap right here so what you can actually do is you can snap another one of the railings onto here and then another one onto here and that's going to create that pattern there so let's do that real quick so we've done that one and then we will flip that and then do that one pretty much all the railing disappears and you're just left with like that middle piece which looks really really good I really like that it's just this nice pattern kind of going across it reminds me of like a like a little trellis kind of fence thing out in like your back Garden but um yeah it looks pretty cool so we're probably going to go ahead and do that everywhere here let's just flip it and do the exact same yeah it looks amazing so this is pretty much like the whole building done um I'll show you I'm probably going to do something about those pillars I'm not super happy with the way that it actually looks in fact I was thinking of maybe extending the roof out from here uh that would be triangles there right that piece right there sticking through is kind of annoying me so I was thinking Let's uh flip that cuz we wait what which way is it I can't even actually tell I think it's the correct way so let's see can I snap something onto this this piece right here is that going to be a thing for me it might be possible I might be able to do that uh maybe it would be easier if I actually came down by like a quarter or something up here and then I snapped from there instead and then I wonder let's see there we go so that's what I'm kind of thinking of doing um we could probably keep the qus there as well actually yeah we could do that maybe instead of actually having so many quarters I could just replace all of those with walls instead so basically removing the little X's up here which to be honest might actually look better in the long run but the whole point of doing this is to just kind of like tie in these pillars a little bit but also um I don't like that I don't like the look of that at all and then also these um the tops of the gates stop here as well so if we basically just cover up like this whole section from here then you know you're not going to see at all uh in fact we can actually do a little bit more of it right here let's snap from there and then right onto there and then I actually won't even need any more um quarter pieces to do the rest of it but yeah we'll essentially just do that from there um fill in like this Gap here and then yeah that's all going to be really cool I have decided to leave the very top of this whole thing completely open and exposed to the elements and I think it's going to look really nice just having that like little bit of light coming in but also you know we could potenti and it sounds so stupid because it's like a very small Gap we could easily have an RG fly directly down into here considering the fact that they can path fine so I don't know what I'm going to do about that maybe maybe more plant species around the place in fact we should probably be doing that soon so yeah we'll uh we'll probably work on that but I think I'm pretty much almost completely done with the actual build in terms of the detail that I want to put in now I will add more detail as we go but like I said we do need to get the Penguins in here it needs to get done so I can release this video so um yeah we'll um maybe maybe I'll just skip this and and do that all later although it's probably only going to take like 5 minutes all righty I'll do as many as I can cuz I know I don't have enough pieces on me to complete all of this but yeah okay so I think we're pretty much done here it looks pretty good I think I will need to uh to maybe paint some of it to just maybe darken up that roof just a little but overall I think it looks pretty amazing actually um yeah in terms of like details and everything I I think we're pretty much good I'll just show you guys like a view of the whole outside I actually still need to add some walls in underneath the water there obviously it doesn't really matter but like I mean I can kind of still see the gaps and unfortunately it's very foggy right now so yeah there's that I guess I could quickly disable that there we go nice so we can actually see now which is great uh yeah so that is all looking pretty good I think um in terms of the roof and everything I just added in some extra details like putting on some um some railings hanging off those roof pieces and then I just put some railings around it almost kind of looks like a crown up here to be honest but uh yeah I don't know I like it I like it uh let me show you the inside real quick as well so obviously I did that thing with the roof like I was talking about and um yeah all in all think it's looking pretty cool nice anyway so we've got some penguins in here I have not been Mass breeding them because I've been mostly down here so I think what we'll do real quick is just put them all on to mating uh you two they are Level 211 that's the level that they'll come out at and they all they all basically have that um that High Health stat which is probably the only one that actually really matters so yeah I mean just in general we're probably going to get some pretty good polymer from these babies that they're going to be popping out I the only thing is I need to figure out a way to actually have them because I think we we potentially could play around with like a little weird game mechanic where essentially if I have like a ceiling there and then I put some penguins on top of it and then I remove the ceiling in some cases the creatures can continue to float there so maybe I'll try that real quick cuz like if they're floating that makes it perfect for us because that means that if they drop an egg it's not going to sit between their legs it's actually going to fall to the ground all right so I got like six ceilings that should be enough if this is going to work um obviously if you guys have been following me for a while you'll know this is exactly how Sky Mammoth which is a floating Mammoth that we had in our last series that's how Sky Mammoth was in the sky all the time so yeah real quick with these first babies I will actually go ahead and eat them how much do we get we actually did we get any we didn't even get any what the hell oh that's weird wait wait wait wait wait is that not going to be a thing do they not give polymer if they're tamed hang on I didn't know that uh we still got one more egg potentially are you going to hatch okay well I got a bunch of eggs now in my inventory oh one of them's not fertilized uh is that one going to hatch it's too cold still really cuz like we've got all the air cons do I need to add some more in below the floor I might need to do that Ah that's going to be annoying oh one more thing actually you may have spotted in my inventory we're going to put some angler gel into uh these wall torches um oh yeah I did put it in just need to hit light so this is something that in case you didn't know you could do it's pretty cool looking in all honesty um yeah this is a great little feature um yeah so we're going to be putting around 50 into each of these so we just got to turn them on as well that's just going to give it it like a little bit of a um a nice like blue glow in here like a cold kind of glow and uh I feel like that's going to look really cool oh that's the full stack that I got to put in there nice and then we've got two more in here and then I've got two more on the outside and we'll just pop 50 into each of them I think I just heard the egg hatch there so it could be the Torches that are helping oh by the way the the burn time on the angler gel oh yeah that's not super great it's about 2 days so in all honesty I don't know if I'll be able to keep up on the angler gel yeah that's probably not going to be worth it um it also doesn't really light up the place that much as well which sucks but yeah there we go we got a baby I don't know is that is that not going to give us much polymer if we eat it immediately see okay I got one piece how is it that the ones out in the wild are giving me like 30 to 40 but I'm only getting one here H okay we might have to play around with this a little bit all right let me just see if this penguin platform thing is going to work so if I just put all my females up there um you're a female they're just like huddled around the uh the little uh the torch thingy on the wall see we'll just put all the females up there and then I could potentially put the into the wall like I said I would do but um if I just leave you here now if I remove this are you guys going to still fall one of them did oh actually no they're sitting on top of the airon oh my God that could be perfect hang on wait wait wait we could put like two of them onto the airon does that actually work then hang on let's see oh okay I did that we could probably fit more on there that could be a thing I don't know um I think maybe to make them stay when I remove the ceiling I might need to restart the server first I don't know cuz like sometimes creatures abide by gravity but then sometimes they don't but I mostly remember that from survival evolved not this game so I don't really know can I fit you up on top of that eron as well see we might be able to hit you up on top of the torch Hang on we're just going to throw some penguins here oh ah damn hang on let me go right into the middle can I no you like throw off to the side for some reason all right it's all good uh maybe that will work actually if they're sitting on top of the airon like that it's actually like the perfect position for them to be in um 2 minutes 2 minutes is so yeah we're uh we're going to have some more eggs here in a little bit but um the main thing about Farm will be if we can get some polymer that would be great but if we can't then what we can do is we can just let them breed and then I'll just come in here occasionally hop on the pelagornis and start eating because there's going to be a bunch of half grown penguins in here there's going to be you know fresh babies all the time yeah I think we'll be pretty good so let me see we got like 2 minutes anyway so I'll just quickly grab this another thing I could do is I could get an off Raptor in here and just have that uh on like collection mode and then occasionally just come in Mass hatch like 300 eggs and then you know go ahead and um and then we'll just you know eat them all in like a couple minutes time or something but yeah that's weird they usually gave a little bit more than that it's very strange also you have a ton of levels and I think melee wise you might actually be okay so I think I'm going to pump all those into weight that's going to help you move around a little bit for us oh by the way let me just show you some of the secret stuff that I have here so real quick let me just pop this onto the inside boom so we have uh secret walls here I have a generator hidden behind here we got to probably put some more fuel in that soon and then this side I've got a trough and I actually have a little bit of meat for that nice Okay cool so yeah just didn't really want those things out and about kind of in the way so yeah we we have them we have them hidden away um that's the only way to get to them as well unfortunately cuz can't really get up onto these spots right here I mean I could add ramps I'll probably add some ramps to this here as well maybe some stairs actually instead but um yeah we'll uh we'll get to that for the moment though we need to see that this can actually work so I guess we'll just we'll just let them have their babies and then yeah we'll see if those eggs actually drop how long 30 seconds okay cool not too long no this one just had a baby nice I think I'll just um maybe start claiming them and checking to see if they're male or female cuz obviously we need lots and lots of females perfect there we go all right just leave you to grow up okay the egg did drop drop right down to here we're going to see another one of those here in a minute 2 seconds here we go and boom okay so that works if I can potentially do the trick with having the creatures floating I think having a bunch of floating penguins like up there or something could be pretty funny um and then that way all the eggs will drop all the way down we'd have to get a mail up there too somewhere but yeah I mean if I could like build a circle in here place all the Penguins up there restart the server and then um and then go ahead and like I don't know I guess remove all the ceilings then we could have just a Giant floating penguin Army in the sky and then just buckets of eggs all the time um something's getting hit what the hell are you kidding me did an RG actually fly inside my freaking base dude what is happening what is up there fighting God damn it go away get out of here dude I need more turret this is ridiculous how they flying directly in I hate the path fighting sometimes get out of here yeah I need more tur I don't know how he got in here he probably flew in from this side here we're just going to have to litter this whole place with turrets and I hate the look of those things they look so bad ah man yeah not super happy about that H we're going to have to do it though that is ridiculous I've actually I have not had them attack up here I actually thought it flew in down here and it was attacking in there but I guess not so yeah anyway let me get down here should have some more babies to potentially claim here we go what are you guys so much poop here as well see you are a female perfect okay we're getting females nice two more females so that means that we've got three baby females growing up um yeah we'll just pretty much fill this whole room with the uh with the babies at some point look at them it didn't even look like they were walking there for a second that was weird but um yeah I think that's that's pretty much the project guys obviously it's not in its final state right now it will take a little while for me to accumulate that many penguins but once I do then I think we'll be pretty much good to go we're going to have a crazy polymer Farm even if it's not fully automatic I mean he did get some so it is technically still automatic and I'm still happy to call it that but you know obviously it's not crazy rates um but by the time we have let let's say like 100 Penguins here breeding if we get one polymer from each of them that's a little bit of polymer every few minutes so yeah that's going to be really handy did I not like this one I guess I didn't there we go I like all the other ones though right yeah cool oh those look really nice right there yeah so I think that's going to be it for today guys if you have enjoyed this one go ahead do me a favor hit the like button and um yeah that's that's that's it we'll uh we'll move on to some other some other projects as we go forward here I'll probably have to build build up a new Greenhouse cuz obviously the old one was like right here and I had to remove it but I've got enough crops at this point what what are those plant species shooting at those guys they're so far away oh no at least kill it before it starts damaging you it's not even doing it oh there we go yeah goodbye little dorph there you go nice well anyway that's it and I'll catch you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Syntac
Views: 163,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, ark organic polymer, ark polymer, ark automatic farm, ark automatic polymer farm, ark auto farm, ark how to automate, ark automatic organic polymer farm, ark penguin, ark penguin farm, ark kairuku farm, ark kairuku
Id: I5YobkcT8tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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