15 ADVANCED Ark Survival Ascended TIPS AND TRICKS!

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yo guys what is up it's te here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and in this video I'm going to show you 15 plus tips that you can use inside of Ark survival ascended in order to make yourself better at the game now these 15 tips are kind of like an intermediate advanced level tip um things that a lot of people forget to use and how to use them anything from how to power level using an insane uh XP area or using the proper way to regain stamina to actually lose less resources so I'm going to show you all of that right now if you don't mind smack that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel I'm close to 100K and that's been my dream all along all right so my first tip and this is an easy one actually so whenever you run you're actually going to lose stamina over time and in order to regain your stamina your food and water are both going to drain right there is nothing that you can do to control that they are going to drain no matter what however there's a little bit of a secret tip right so now that my stamina's drained a little bit if you look you can see that these both drain as this goes back up however you can cut the amount of food and water that you consume when you're actually regenerating that stamina into about a quarter now in order to do that all you have to do I'm just going to show you by continuing to run for a second here is lay down when you lay down and regenerate stamina it actually takes about a quarter of the amount of food and water so whenever you're running if you need to just make sure that you actually rotate and uh lay down because if you lay down you will quite literally um lose a lot less stamina it's going to save you a ton of resources in the long run of the game especially if you're uh an early game and you don't necessarily have access to your food and your drink uh recipes all that kind of stuff save you a lot of resources so that's the first tip second tip is actually pretty easy it's also something that I've shown in other videos before your creatures can actually eat anything that is stamina related right so if I have have a burger and it increases my stamina I can put that inside of my tame and allow it to eat it now that'll both increase its Health overall and its stamina so when I'm in the air if I use anything that's got a stamina boost to it you'll notice that if I hold still come on now hold still in the air for a second here so notice how I'm going down stamina wise if I feed it to my tame it's going to continue to rise and you can see that number going up essentially giving you bonus time in the air while your stamina continues to raise it'll give you and it'll go up the entire length of it so if you have a 1,000 stamina boosting thing what'll happen is you can quite literally pop that while you're in the air and it'll give you a total of a bonus a th000 over time now once you hit your maximum stamina it'll go back down again but as long as you are still not at maximum stamina eating anything for your tame in the air will continue to raise its stamina until it is the highest possible level now tip number three is actually something that's one of my favorite tips because people forget that this is even a thing and it's actually pretty easy so when you are moving around inside of Arc you are constantly losing food and water right you are also whenever you consume food increasing the amount of poop that you have to take now I know that sounds like a weird thing however on the right hand side if you see that your poop indicators is a little more less uh bluish than the other ones I guess it's more whiter highlighted what what that means is your character has to poop if you do not poop when that happens your character is going to continue to drain food and water when they have to poop CU they get a constipated debuff so you have to constantly pay attention to that using that plus icon will allow you to poop and allow you to actually save a ton of resources for food and water as well that is tip number three tip number four we're moving into another one of the tips that is H it's an early game tip more than anything else but uh people have a tendency forget about this so you can actually use your resources to make something called soap people don't even know what this is right because you know when ever cares about taking dye or anything off of a structure however for three polymer and two oil you can actually make one soap now the reason that this is valuable is when you're early game you're probably killing a lot of Kuku or whatever you want to call them the Penguins in order to get organic polymer you can use organic polymer to make soap now the benefit of this is that basically you can store soap forever and then you can take soap and put it inside of your uh anything that you can use for a uh Industrial Grinder like you see right here in order to actually get all of that resource back now it's going to give you at a reduced rate so you're only going to get one to three but it allows you to store polymer forever so if you're running out of polymer and you're unable to stack it and stuff like that store it inside of that and then or store it and soap and then put it inside of a grinder to actually gain your stuff back it's a huge advantage and it will save you a lot of time in the long run so that is my next tip now the next one this one is one that people forget about and I do not know why one of the most valuable tames in the game is the pocop Adon not only for its ability to move faster than quite literally anything inside of Arc you can see that the jump ability basically allows you to outrun anything inside of the game however it's also got a special ability with its imprinting if you look inside of the procoptodon little belly area it does just like real life have a pouch now if a female procoptodon picks up a baby tame it will actually hold on to it in it's pouch as long as it's small enough and it will imprint for you the smaller tames in the game can 100% imprint the full length of the baby inside of the procop On's little pouch however most creatures will pop out when they're too big right around 20 to 30% but it'll give you a free 20 to 30% imprinting bonus which is a massive massive Advantage so make sure you're using the kangaroo procoptodon in order to actually imprint tames for you now this next tip is one of the most underused things in Arc it's actually a setting that people forget about so if I go into my settings right and I click on a certain area keyboard for me you can do this on Console as well by the way you actually have a predetermined gamma setting you have a set gamma one and a set gamma 2 if you use these two you can hover between two gamma values that you determine to be value AKA what that means is that you can have night vision for one and day vision for the other a higher gamma value means your screen is going to get a lot brighter and a lower gamma value is going to make your screen a lot darker so basically what you want to do is you want to have a gamma 2 with a key that you want it to be and a key that you want it to be up there in order to have your gamma 2 is usually your Higher One that's how I think of it in my brain that means that I need my gamma to be higher at night time so I can see better I'll go ahead and show you set time of day set time of day let's go ahead and go to 2400 okay so it's dark right right now if you're going through a darker area inside of this game you can actually set your gamma to five and that gamma is going to allow you to see better however if you have your daytime gamma turned on gamma 2 it's going to be a lot darker and harder to see in the actual game so what you can do is set those two things for your Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 so you don't actually have to go through and change it and type in gamma you can literally just hit a key in order to toggle between two different uh gamma settings so that's a huge huge Advantage so that time of day let's go with 10:00 right so you can see that this would be a time you wanted to have a lower gamma so you're not blinded and then at night time you want to have a higher gamma so using those settings will save you a lot of time now the next thing that people often forget about inside of Ark is recipes recipes in the bottom of my screen down here you can see I've got the super burger and then I've also got a little drink recipe right here people do not make recipes enough because not only can they serve as something that will heal you but they will also give you stamina and whatever resource whether it's water or food that you want and you can actually pop both of these to heal way faster than any other way in Ark notice how my health is going up really quickly that is because I just ate one of both of those you can actually power heal if you take a bunch of damage or if you're in like a boss battle or something like that and losing heat you can actually compensate by using recipes now recipes can be made inside of your actual cooking pot and then with those recipes you can literally just give yourself boosted stats it's going to save you a ton of trouble and time so make sure you have recipes even if they're crappy ones they are better than eating just raw food like cooked meat and stuff like that save the cooked meat for your tames and make yourself some recipes huge huge Advantage now the next thing this is something that kind of has to be shown to believe this is a newer thing inside of Ark survival ascended actually inside of every single cave there are increased resource limits so basically what that means is inside of caves you will get more resources than outside of caves so especially on the map like the island right where I'm sitting over here I'm looking for the the bug cave over here so I can actually show you what I'm talking about right um so if you go inside of a cave wow where is it I can't find the uh there it is okay I always find it this way so basically what you can do is go over here and then once you're inside of a cave this one specifically this is swamp cave you will get a about let me just give you an approximate guess right you will gain wow I just literally highlighted my wrong thing over here I had the command ready to go you will gain exponentially more berries let me just show you a comparison right so this is my gigantacus I'm going to go ahead and use this gigant epicus and I'm going to go ahead and harvest one of those see how I've only got a few berries out of each one of those plants not that much however as soon as I go inside of a cave there are cave loots and check this out I am going to lag myself out of the game from the amount that I get going through this cave now the crazy thing about this is this can be something that you literally just step foot inside the cave for 2 seconds and you will probably have enough berries to BL yourself a ridiculous amount of time so there's almost I don't know 20,000 berries in less than 10 seconds that is new to Arc survival ascended that is a new tip just so you can use that um it is something that'll be very very helpful to you though now on top of that as long as you are inside of this cave right I'm going to go ahead and take off GCM this cave is called swamp cave swamp cave can be very very dangerous however there is a way to avoid it you normally need a gas mask to go inside of it however you can also use scuba gear as long as you have three pieces of scuba gear you can enter this cave and not have any gas reduction now I'm going to go past my tame in here now notice how there is no negative effect in here normally if I was to be in this this cave I would take a gas damage inside of this cave however because I have my scuba gear on you can see that my damage that I'm taking the tick that I'm taking can be taken away and I'll go ahead and add that on right there and as long as I got that Scuba I don't actually take any damage so there's one two 3 four there's a full scuba set and I do not take cave damage while I'm in here now that's if you cannot make your gas mask now in order to show you you can also just use a gas mask in order to save yourself but if you don't have access to a gas mask getting that Scuba all four of those pieces will allow you to go through any cave without taking those bonus damages and it'll actually increase your uh hypothermic and everything like that so you can survive much better so basically you can replace a gas mask with four pieces of scuba or a set of scuba now next tip right now that we've gone outside of the cave we've got the more berries we've got the actual stuff there when you're using berries to tame things this this is something I'm not going to I mean maybe I'll just go around I'll just GCM and find something real quick so when you are flying around and taming things especially early game you can use stimberries if you do not care about the taming Effectiveness cuz what'll happen is any tame that eats berries naturally will eat berries at any rate right they will eat them until they're full however stimberries do not count as food but they will increase the taming bar so if you do not care about taming Effectiveness cuz at the cost of taming Effectiveness you can actually use any number of stimberries if I can actually find anything that can be tamed right now um you can use stimberries and then it'll automatically tame this thing at an insanely faster rate about two to three times faster all right so here is a parasaur family I'm going to go ahead and knock one out and you'll notice that level 20 right so if you put stimberries in its inventory even though the food is going down it's still going to eat those stimberries and it's going to gain taming it's going to lose taming Effectiveness but it'll continue to tame so if you just use stimberries you can literally tame things about two to three times as fast huge Advantage especially early game if you don't care about something like a parasaur the actual level of it it's a big big thing that'll help you quickly now super easy not too difficult right you can easily see how that would be useful now again it does destroy your taming Effectiveness so keep that in mind but uh you do not necessarily need to have taming Effectiveness people just like it for a lot of GES you don't actually need them to be good level like a parasaur doesn't matter at all now the next thing that I'm going to go ahead and show you is this is something that people commonly forget about I don't know why because it's something that everyone should remember the actual concept of dismounting right so dismounting is one of the easiest things to do in Arc and to forget about if I go ahead and hit e on something like a Gigan picus you're going to go ahead and get off the top of it and it's going to get you the same exact thing every time however you can actually control the direction that you Dismount off of a tame because if you hold a or D on keyboard it'll allow you to Dismount from that side of the tame and you can control which direction you actually fall off now people forget that you can do that forward as well if I hold W or if I hold backwards it'll sit you on top of the tame Now by doing that if you were in an area that's a little bit more dangerous for example you want to be able to control which direction so if I hold a I'm going to jump off to the left if I hold B I'm going to jump off to the right and then same thing with w and s for tames that allow you to do that so control how you jump off it doesn't seem like much but it's a very useful tip and it's going to save you a lot of time so don't forget that that's an easy one now the next one this one is new to Arc survival ascended and people kind of know about it but not really not enough in order to spoil meat instantaneously what you can actually do is eat a bunch of food have a toilet ready to go let's goe and get my toilet ready right and then with my toilet you can actually put meat inside of a toilet and then poop in the toilet and it's going to give you access to uh spoiling all of your meat instantaneously now all you have to do is Place meat inside of it whether it's before or after sit on the toilet and then hit the plus key to poop you have to be ready in order to poop unfortunately so I'm going to go and pop two more of those I doubt that I'll be able to but this is new to Arc survival ascended you can actually instantaneously spoil every single piece of meat inside the toilet so thousands and thousands and thousands of meat in a matter of like a not even a half second so use the toilet in order to actually poop inside of it and then actually get a ton of spoiled meat IM immediately now my next tip this is we're getting kind of longer and longer here so I'm sorry I'm trying to do this as quick as I can tip number 14 right killing baby gigas for XP is one of the most valuable things that you can do in the entire game now this can be something that you can do straight off the bat or you can unclaim a a baby just like this options unclaim the reason that this is a thing is because when you kill a giganotosaurus whether it's a enemies or a wild or anything like that it is the highest actual multiplier in the entire game for killing one of these I it's like a wild level bonus of a th000 at level one and then it gets much higher and higher every level you add on to it so if you're looking to level any of your tames I'm just going to go ahead and spawn in a another one of these guys right here right this one's my gigantopithecus if I just got him to level 225 this one is going to probably be pretty high Health but basically what we can do is we can kill this thing and then when we do kill it it's going to get all the experience come on now now unfortunately he's decided that going in the water is in his best interest but this is one of the best ways to level for any reason in the entire game so you just saw that I technically killed a giganotosaurus and then we got 30 levels or 4,700 experience so if you start breeding gigas you can easily just kill them as soon as they're born or let your tames kill them and you will get a boost of XP on an astronomical level now let's say you are not a big fan of that kind of uh thing the other way that you can gain XP at a really fast rate in uh in in in any way you want is to use a grinder Now using a grinder you have the option to actually place down structure inside of that GL grinder however you can also place just generic resources now come on place let me go and use it here you can see that you can actually use wood to grind into thatch and then you can use Stone to grind into Flint now once you do those every single time you do that you're going to gain experience points so you can have someone start it while you're sitting on top of a tame and you can actually passively generate experience points the person that starts it is only going to be able to gain experience points themselves however if someone else is sitting on top of a tame and someone else starts it that tame and the user are both going to get experience points it is a very powerful thing especially late game when you need some resources you can just crank out a ridiculous amount and then go for like a thousand at a time so all in all all of these tips are something that should be incredibly helpful to you that is 15 tips I think it may have been technically 14 and then a few like small ones in the middle every single one of those things are very helpful and it's things that late game or early game people are using to take an advantage so you should definitely do the same anyways if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below and then consider subbing to the channel but other than that teach [Music] out [Music] o
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 53,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breeding, mutaitons ark, ark mutations, mutations ark guide, mutations ark 2023, ark survival ascended trap, ark survival ascended traps, ark survival ascended rex trap, ark survival ascended raft trap, ark survival ascended dino traps, ark survival ascended spino trap, ark survival ascended giga trap, ark survival ascended taming traps, ark survival ascended rhyniognatha trap, ark survival ascended raptor trap, ark survival ascended argent trap, ark survival ascended trike trap
Id: VsL0QA9qQS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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