A TRAP THAT WORKS ON ALL DINOS In Ark Survival Ascended!!!

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and I wanted to show you a video that'll hopefully help you out a ton this is how you trap any dinosaur or creature in the entire game and it's just using some old school methods that people kind of forgot about and the reason that we have to go back to these old school methods is due to the fact that they have basically made it so dinos have a smarter pathing system that's going to make their AI avoid structure and avoid certain things but there is a way around this and I'm going to show you how to do that real quick using what's in my hot bar now if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel I'm getting close to 100K and that's been my dream all along so what are we going to need right you are going to need whatever you're using to tame it any form of gateways and then Gates as long as the creature cannot destroy them and then bear traps or large bear traps that is all you need and you can pick up all the gates and gateways you're actually losing zero resources in order to tame any creature in the game and you can see this guy right here stuck now I'll show you how to do it everything is doable um As Long as You Follow one basic principle right so two things when these traps go down it takes them a second to load so you cannot insta trap something in order to trap it you've got to wait giv or take five or six seconds for the trap to arm and when the Trap does arm it's going to go down up down up down just a little bit up down and then you'll see it go up it goes back down and then it is ready to go so youve got to wait five or six seconds after putting it down in order to actually trap anything and that's all you have to do you will not get stuck in a large bear trap you will get stuck in a small one so be aware of that when you're timing a large Doo you just run right over the top of the large bear trap and you're good to go so I've got all kinds of tests around me and you can see what I'm talking about right now there are a few way or a few things you have to avoid I'm going to go up in the sky so you can see what I'm talking about see how in this trap there are things that are pointed directly towards the dyno that does not work you have to make sure that it's basically a circle or some form of no I guess a way to completely avoid anything that they could step on so a giganotosaurus or a Rex could step on this so we don't want one pointed inwards towards their legs you want to make a circle so I'm going to go and show you exactly what to do right now so let's go ahead and drop one of these I'm going to go ahead and spawn in a Rex and then we're going to run over the Trap and then once he gets trapped I'm going to place down my Gates now you can pre- one of these I wouldn't I wouldn't bother to do that with anything but a giganotosaurus due to the fact that you don't need to you don't need to worry about their damage right let's go ahead and spawn in a Rex there we go we can see as soon as he Roars he's pissed off at me and then yep we're angry and you just need to basically make sure he takes the exact line to go over the top of the bear trap you're going to want to have your gate ready and as soon as he goes to it get as close as you can to him you can tank this with a creature if you want to and then you just basically install all four of these now if you can make a circle like I just did right there that is the best case scenario cuz it's going to lock this Center inside of this circle preventing him from getting out and again remember what I said as long as he's got nothing to stand on he is going to be permanently stuck inside of your trap now you can pick up all four of those doors after this is done if you have a tame it's even faster because you can get to areas quicker than on foot and uh you just need to sit here and knock them out now they will torp run and they still get stuck inside of this trap because it is a circular trap and because I guess this one's square but you know what I mean circular on the inside so they can't like cling to any wall and boom he's knocked out now this exact same thing works for the Giganotosaurus the only issue with this one is that because they are much faster and they have a larger bite range you've essentially got to set up a few things ahead of time and I'm going to show you how to do that I'm going to use this corner right here um maybe right about here is the best one I can use I'm going to go and do a destroy wild Dino so we don't have any problems with him AGG gring at anything and you're going to go ahead and plop down this now what you're going to do the secret for the Giganotosaurus is place either one or two your call place a side one ready to go so what I usually do is I'll do that right there right now I want him to run to the side of these do not place it in front of you because he'll try and avoid the pathing in front of you but if you place a gate frame to the side to prevent you from getting bit that is one of the best things that you can do for trying to tame a giganotosaurus so let's go Ahad and spawn one of these guys in he is 4,000 away you can see so we've brought him over our trap right here he's going to activate this trap as soon as he steps over it like you see right there I'm not going to actually do this in the real game but you want to basically prevent him from having anything to stand on like I talked about right so you can see right here I've made a circle around him he cannot get out of this right so we can also Place another one of these down if you're feeling uncomfortable and you can kind of do like a circle outside of the circle if you're afraid of him being able to get out and he will continue to try and bite you and not be able to do so obviously cuz you're outside of his range and then he's just going to get stuck and there's nothing that he can do yes I am in GCM I understand that so it makes it a little more difficult the best case scenario is you've got a couple of teammates they're going to help you throw down some gates and you're kind of just the bait so he continues to shoot it or uh try and bite you but uh basically this is how you have to do it now and we're going to pretend that we knocked him out right I'm going to do a destroy wild dinos and as soon as it's over you can literally just go and pick up everything so your waist is literally only one bear trap now there is one little caveat to this for things that are smaller than the the dino gate frames right because quite a few things that you want to tame are going to be smaller you're going to want to use the same exact strategy but you're going to pre-build it so basically just on the outside of this you're going to pre-build a trap for this creature now you can do it in one of two ways you can use a total of six or you can use a total of four and you're going to walk them into this trap because anything that can fit through one of these doors will walk through one of these doors AI wise so let's just show you an example of what I mean by that right so let's pull a stego I'm going to go ahead and punch this stego because why not right we're going to punch some stos and we got him and we're just going to pull him into our trap so we're going to go ahead and get his attention because for some reason he don't we don't have it and then you can do this by just shooting him but for some reason this one didn't want to follow and then you're just going to run straight through the door and he is going to get stuck on this trap and as long as you're in a straight line just like that and now what you're going to do is you're going to run in a c CC and you going to use your doors right these gate frames now you're just going to go 1 2 3 four and five now you've got two options right he is stuck in there he cannot get out you however will be able to shoot through the wall um once he stops moving you can shoot this thing in the head and uh because it's just a glitch issue or a render issue you can tame him without ever going on the inside of it so anything that can fit through one of these Gates is tameable this way you saw he's knocked out right there you can technically do it with four I prefer to do it with six because I feel like it just seems to work better but that's up to you now again if it's smaller than a trike you're going to want to use your regular bear trap whereas larger than a trike you're going to want to use your large bear trap and just to show you again another perfect case scenario for this right I'm going to set up another one and bring a giganotosaurus through this just so people are like oh man teach you were able to do it blah blah blah blah blah you can set up as many bear traps as you feel comfortable setting up right so sometimes because left and right can be a little bit difficult with these creatures because you can't predict what they're going to see or what they're going to do you want to set up a few ahead of time right so I'm going to go ahead and set my single piece on the wall over there we're going to bring in a giganotosaurus where is he there he is in ideal situation you got something that you can ride on while you're doing this so you don't have to worry about him AGG gring we're going to go and Sprint you'll hear the Trap pop off right and then you're going to create a circle around him again and again I know that I'm in GCM mode so I'm not taking damage but as long as you are actually going through and putting down the circular things he is going to continue to get stuck inside of this as well so because we have more than one trap on the inside they can get stuck as many times as they need to so you can have like 10 of these and they'll just keep getting stuck because that's how Wild tames work and that's all you got to do trap them and then put this circle around the outside of them now again if you want to be comfortable you can also put a second circle around a larger Cham it's a little more valuable like a g Giganotosaurus and uh yeah not too uh gigas are very easy to aame this way and that's it that's all you have to do use this combination in whatever you need to do it and anything on the ground is now table in a super super easy fashion so hopefully this video helped you out if you don't mind again smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel if this kind of stuff helped you or check out some of my other content I got quite a bit all right [Music] teach [Music] he
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 49,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breeding, mutaitons ark, ark mutations, mutations ark guide, mutations ark 2023, ark survival ascended trap, ark survival ascended traps, ark survival ascended rex trap, ark survival ascended raft trap, ark survival ascended dino traps, ark survival ascended spino trap, ark survival ascended giga trap, ark survival ascended taming traps, ark survival ascended rhyniognatha trap, ark survival ascended raptor trap, ark survival ascended argent trap, ark survival ascended trike trap
Id: KGejoEQW3Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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