WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER PLAY ON OFFICIAL SERVERS in Ark Survival Ascended! ASA Tips and Tricks!

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and this one is going to be probably one of my in my opinion is probably going to get a lot of dislikes and a lot of really angry people in the comments but this is my opinion on why you should absolutely avoid playing official servers on Ark survival ascended now you should I'm just telling you stay away it's not worth your time it's not worth your effort it's not worth anything you shouldn't do that to yourself now some people immediately as soon as I said that they're already saying holy crap teach you're awful you're a noob you're Bob you can't play official you can't do this you can't do that blah blah blah by thinking that and even commenting with like you know teach that all these trash bags can't play like that's the number of times I've seen that on my videos and stuff like that is actually the literal reason why you shouldn't be playing official networks because those are the kind of players that official networks on Arc attracts and I'm sorry just spitting facts here that's just how it is the fact of the matter is on official IAL networks you have to be toxic in order to actually survive you have to be in a large tribe you have to literally set up schedules to make sure that you're on 247 otherwise someone's going to rage you when you're offline not only that let's say you get past all of that you've got to get packed the actual toxic Behavior where people build lag switch rooms where they put 150 million lights in one room and turn it on and lag the entire server out you've got to get past the fact that people block off Note runs You' got to get past all kinds of crazy stuff people throw throwing down uh all kinds of pillars and stuff like that near your base and slowly moving forwards over time to prevent you from logging in you've got to get past so many toxic behaviors that have been encouraged by the official toxic Community um since Arc began right because a lot of what ends up happening is you get one or two toxic players that figure out how to cheese a system right and I'm I'll be admitting I I talk I usually release videos and stuff like that on those um but what I will say is that with that I usually do it with the intent either make sure it gets or everyone knows about it so let's say you get past all of that on day one in Ark survival ascended already what happened is people had the ability to use GCM now for those of you that don't know what GCM means they could open up their command line like you see me right here and spawn in whatever they felt like spawning in so some people immediately got in this was like a few days they had with GCM access or certain commands inside of uh that command window and they had a few days to immediately get access to end endgame everything right so they already beat everyone else and now they're going to have infinite everything which is crazy to me that that was even authorized right so they made a mistake off the bat now Arc has been getting better but the actual official servers by themselves I'm walking around right on official networks if you are getting anything better than like 155 ping which basically means you're going to rubber band all over the place you are so lucky now let's say you are rubber banding all over the place what's probably happening at this point in the game is you're spawning on a beach and you've got a level 105 level 115 is player that is just trolling the beach killing people so they stay off the server because their goal of official networks is to prevent people from building on their servers to prevent them from playing on their server they have nothing to worry about why would you willingly play on a server where there are other people on that server trying to prevent you from playing on that server all right so that's a bunch of basic facts right now sorry for spitting the truth for those of you that are playing on official networks and you're like that's not how it is that's 100% how it is even on PVE official networks I logged onto one the other day and this is what I saw on the beach right there's a foundation there's a foundation there's a foundation there's a foundation there's a foundation point being is that they literally even on PVE networks where the goal there's no there's no like threat there's no anything you can't wipe somebody you can't do any of that somebody will have literally logged in and Foundation off an enti ire Mountain without the even intent to build there they just want to be able to have access to it so they'll literally do something like I'm doing right now right in order to prevent others from building on that why would you willingly play on those servers right because the point of this game is to have fun if you are someone that has Fun by doing any of those things that I just talked about you're the problem and for those of you that are listening like yeah that's why I don't play official networks let me give you some statistics right so I put a survey out I'm just going to go ahead in admin mode real quick click over to my survey click refresh I released this 15 minutes ago okay there are currently 190 votes on this thing and it's a basically saying do you prefer official networks or unofficial or solo gaming just like I said earlier in the video right now I've got 20% of people saying they prefer official networks and 80% saying they want unofficial or solo games now this doesn't even include the fact that the Xbox and uh PS4 PS5 consoles haven't been able to play real unofficial networks because they haven't had access to mods you just wait until they have access to mods everyone is going to be playing on unofficial networks because official is just awful the next thing that sucks about official assuming that you're you know you're understanding everything that I'm saying so far all of the servers are run through nitr I have per I have personally used nitr in the past and I can tell you their servers are not very strong they can regularly put down by just random things it could be anything from a new update um to to causing major problems and their equipment seems to just not be able to succeed very well when it comes to high intense stuff so like if You' got a massive fight going on on a PVP server and you got like 10 V10 stuff's blowing up all over the place I'd almost put your probability at you crashing or someone crashing your buyer the whole server crashing at like 50% it's absolutely wild if I haven't given you enough negatives at this Point why you shouldn't play on official networks let me tell you why you should play on unofficial networks on an unofficial Network I can have any mod that I want I can hold R and go into my Rex form because I have mods on my solo player or unofficial Network that let me enjoy the game in a different way like the fact that I can even do that is crazy right um on an official Network you'll never be able to do that never sorry that's just how it is you won't be able to enjoy so much of these fun parts of the game that other people do play now if you log on to official networks once every like every now and then just for funsies yeah do that that's that can be okay but like playing exclusively on official networks you are essentially giving up on some of the funnest parts of Ark by literally having to in let's let's go into another reason why you shouldn't play official do you see how I've got my settings turned up so I can actually walk through grass I can see the beautiful water I can enjoy Arc for what it is on official networks you have to turn your settings all the way down you probably have an inii file installed to prevent you from seeing any vegetation at all and you have everything down to the lowest possible thing to give you an advantage in PvP now to me that's just ridiculous I should I want to play a game when I have it on the highest settings I can in order to enjoy the game while I'm playing it I shouldn't have to turn everything down in order to get a competitive advantage over somebody else I'm not playing uh Call of Duty or anything like that in Arc I get that people like that but that's my personal opinion right again for those of you that agree or disagree put the comments below tell me why you think so below I'm going to try and respond to as many of them as I can but I personally think it's ridiculous to play on official networks and the few people that and even the YouTubers that have played on official networks they probably play on these Mega tribes or they're playing 15 16 hours a day I have too much things in real life that I enjoy doing where I'm not going to spend 15 16 hours a day or find people from across the Glo across the globe excuse my uh misspeak there but across the globe in order to make sure that someone is constantly online that's crazy to me now for those of you that are like okay cool teach you given us all the reasons not to play why would I play unofficial networks considering there are other problems yeah there are other problems that exist right the benefits of unofficial networks you are playing probably with people that feel the same way that I just talked about so they probably don't want to deal with all the shenanigans you can have rules that don't exist on official networks like my servers when I release them for this game will all be a sort of gentle person's PVP where you are not allowed to wipe where you are not allowed to do certain things where you have Protections in place where you have an admin that's going to log onto the server if someone's being a troll and just destroy everything they have and then kick them off the server to ban them you don't get bans on official networks unless you get really unlucky right I can sit there and I can play these mods where I can allow myself to stack foundations I don't need to block off an entire Beach inside an unoficial Network because I don't have to do that now you can play unofficial PVP and people are like oh I do that that's okay you chose to do that but it's still better than official networks because you probably have a restarted season so once you hit endgame in about two months you can get a new Fresh season with new mods new adjustments new everything and people enjoy that people like that speed part of the game the building the learning the changing on mods you can learn all that right what else can you do on an official n or unofficial Network you can do literally anything and that's the benefit right I can go into if I want to play my own solo player and I want to GCM around to learn some of the cool things to try and build in cool areas to try and go inside of this rock right here because I felt like it I can do any of that on an unofficial Network that I can't do on an official Network now what else can I do I don't know if you've noticed it because I'm playing solo there's no such thing as ping problems I am never going to experience an issue where I shoot and then or do something or fire a crossbow bolt and it goes off 30 seconds later unofficial networks are just better you can add all kinds of everything to them you can change your settings so you don't have to wait 60 years to uh raise a decent line of Giganotosaurus you can do it in a week now all all of that being said you do have to find a good unofficial Network to play on I will release mine once I'm actually ready some people are releasing them too early in my opinion where they're not actually testing stuff out they're kind of just saying okay this is exactly like Arc was the original and I'm just going to release something for it I'm waiting till probably after Thanksgiving is time to release my servers but those are all my reasons you are more than welcome to agree you are more than welcome to disagree just let me know that's it now if you don't mind small plug smash that like button that would be awesome consider putting your comments below it helps out the video and then if you want to subscribe to the channel I'm starting to approach 100,000 and that's been my dream all along so that would be awesome if there's anything else let me know all right [Music] teach [Music] he
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 35,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended breeding guide, ark survival ascended breeding settings, ark survival ascended breeding changes, ark survival ascended mutation, ark survival ascended mutations, mutations, breeding, breeding ark, mutaitons ark, ark mutations, mutations ark, mutations ark guide, mutations ark mobile, mutations ark for dummies, mutations ark 2023, oviraptor ark, oviraptor ark egg boost, oviraptor ark taming, oviraptor ark use, oviraptor ark ability, oviraptor ark the island
Id: J-gJZeDVdrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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