How to Break 80 Hitting Less Than 225 Yards

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to break 100 you need emotional control to break 90 you need five or six good clubs and you can get that done pretty easy but to break 80 you need slightly more skill more in-depth knowledge of the course conditions I'm going to show that to you right now we're not going to hit a shot over 225 yard the first principle is we need a good position we just need a ball in play because if you get a ball in play your short game at this stage should be very good so that if you just get the ball near the green and two you should be able to get up and down a lot more often we're going to play the te's that total about 6,500 yards that's just on the left side of the Fairway and that's the place far from the water when you're trying to break 80 and get closer to 75 one of the keys is learning about the LIE of the golf ball this is something that you can see online but most of the time your conditions are different so you have to study it yourself this is very firm Turf so I understand that I'm not going to get that nice soft feedback after I hit the ball it's probably going to bounce off the turf right it's 160 downwind it's on a slight UPS slope so when the ball is on a slight UPS slope it means that it's going to go a bit higher and have a tendency to pull left so I'm going to hit this one just to the right of the pin hoping it pulls back and if it doesn't I'll be on the green we aim for the shot shape but if it doesn't go the shot shape it go straight we have a good shot and it's absolutely money no one ever broke 80 with a bad short game if they did they were trying to break 70 when you practice your putting you start to understand the putt is only speed and line once we get our line that leaves our mind we want to simplify the station a way to get rid of the line is to use the line on the ball I do it when I'm not seeing the puts properly and I may go back to it every now and then but I mainly just trust that I've lined up correctly and then just focus on getting the speed right so I don't boom it or leave it short of the hole see I picked the perfect line I just left it a little short we know that professionals are probably making like one in 10 one in eight of these so we're happy with that I'm going to play left-handed this hole to show you that this can be done from 520 yards we need three shots of 175 to hit this green it may be a challenge but let me show you how it's done not too bad I don't know how far it's gone but definitely not more than 225 I'm just change I'm just changing this to cheaper ball because I don't want to lose urethane balls with bushes left and right one of the things you want to do if you're not hitting the ball that long is get good at Fairway woods and hybrids it's really going to help you to break 80 to keep up with people hitting it longer than you instead of getting grouchy about it these clubs go further and are easier to hit really helping you to be around the green a lot more often than just struggling trying to hit long irons there we go that's a worker this is how you can expect it to go if you're not hitting it that long you're going to have to get good at those clubs and then you're going to be in a position to get the ball up and around the Green in three shots I can't hit this thing left-handed three shots in a row it's impossible I'm not a lefty so I'll take a right-handed hybrid try to hit a little feder from 165 or 160 just to get it up near the green there we go absolute but on the right hand Edge money this is the range that you're going to start to cut shots from your score to break 80 to break 80 is not really about scoring birdies it's mainly about reducing your bad holes down to Bogies at maximum every now and then you're going to make a double which will be made up for with a birdie or two you might make one but generally when we get inside this range On The Fringe or chipping we want to start getting up and down a lot more oh damn son damn sunny Boy now part of this hole what you find is when you're trying to break 80 you have to be so cognizant of the grass and the lie it's unbelievable some holes on this course are near Water so the green will be a little bit damper with longer grass some are raised up like this one which is much drier as you can see by the dry spots and the grass is shorter making it quicker that's why I hit it 4T 4 and 1/2 ft past the hole so you have to be cognizant of these things all the time when you're trying to break 80 you have to be very careful of the grass and the lie you have to read it all the time we got a very tricky path three here we got 186 Ys all the way to the back hole location that's going to be very difficult for us especially if you don't have that big booming six iron five iron to carry all the distance but we got a big ass green on the left and if we can land that ball on the big ass green on the left we leave ourselves a long putt if we three putt from there we take the four not a problem it's not a mistake just a happy little Bogey and there's nothing wrong with that because we didn't Circle this hole as an attack hole this hole is a bogey hole because it's quite long and tricky so let's hit this hybrid onto the left side okay that's perfectly on the left side of the green and we're going to have a putt completely across the green I'm going to hit my six iron here because it's my 186 Club it may not be yours I do hit the ball a bit longer it's my go-to club to get straight at that pin the tendency is to move left so if I do move left I'll be on the middle of the green and I'm a okay if I hit a fade like my normal stock shot I would aim this right up the middle of the green hopefully it fades right into the hole there we go so I've pulled it a bit because of the grips are a bit thick on here and I've left that right on the Ascend of the green we've left ourselves with a long open paa by taking out all the danger giving ourselves a nice little Runner right up to the hole we're going to go a little LIF we have to stay conscious of the grass the grass is very dry so this is going to be way faster it's above any water table and it's super dry and it's it's very short grass so we have to remember that for the speed so we won't be going at 7.5 stimp we'll probably be playing this about 9 to 10 stimp so anything to like I mean come on anything to 6 7 ft here is probably a pretty good play we've hit the 6 in here it's super dry it's super dry the grass is dying it's it's going to be so quick cuz it's it's going to be like glass and it's downhill so we have to go really soft on this compared to any other green on the course but we have to just stay conscious of that and not hit a normal Putt and then get angry when we hit it off the back of the green because we have to stay in the moment this is going to be like austa like seriously like glass so I have to go a little softer than I think just to prevent going over the back of the green any other green on the golf course that's not even going to get halfway and I've stopped a foot short of the cup when you leave yourself sick seven Footers like this understand that pros from 8 ft make 50% 5 out of 10 so you can expect about the same if you're really good at amateur golf to make 50% of your seven six-footers and that's going to be pretty good but that also means you're going to miss the other half so remember for everyone you miss you're going to make the next for everyone you make you might miss some it's okay it's going to even out to 50% I love making putts I don't I love making putts this is the target hole we Circle 355 yard in my opinion these are the holes if you're trying to break 80 you need to be attacking with a 200 yard 225 yard shot leaving yourself 130 140 into the green I can very easily do that right-handed but I'm going to do it both ways left-handed and right-handed setting up the second shot if I can do it left-handed you can do it right-handed if that's what your natural shape come on boyfriends don't mess me around huh wow that's like the F that's the first draw Ever okay stinky winkies now I'm going to do the seven wood and I'm even going to bunt it down there I'm going to hit shots I don't like to hit just to show you how this is done you don't have to be perfect you just have to plan perfectly like a bazuzi check this out down to the 150 I mean I've hit that onto the 150 marker that's just how Savage I can be okay gang bangers I can easily hit from 174 we missed our 150 a little bit but it's going to happen to you you're going to plan and it's not going to work out 174 I can very easily hit my Aon down Breeze beautiful next to the hole carry all this fluff but you know what I need to think about you the player at home 174 is a long shot for a lot of people so I got this fivewood with a fivewood it's generally going to fly a bit lower and roll out a bit more so because of that we want to take the shorter route not directly at the pin cuz if we hit it at the pin it's going to roll through the back of the green if we hit it well but on the left we have a shorter carry over the bunker and if it fades we're on the green and if not not we just left for an easy chipperoni sometimes your attack holes don't quite work out so from 174 we're going to hit the five wer little chippy Bunty one little fed and that's okay we just go a bit left and we have a chip onto the Green from there it's going to happen sometimes and I'm showing you the reality if you have the shot like I do to hit an eight iron over here like a real wanker because I am a wanker of course just do it but I'm showing you the Alternatives I hit the left-handed drive over here we're out of position on the hole and that's going to happen to you on your attack holes even on your nonack back holes but then we have to assess the lie and that is the key for breaking 80 we got 156 yards left as you may have noticed this video is about self- knowledge and condition knowledge that's how you get into the ' 80s we have two different lies the pink is on top of the grass the Orange is slightly depressed in the grass having that grass behind the ball and between the club face and the ball reduces spin which creates a flyer lie if you're going to hit your normal shot from here it'll probably carry the same or further as knuckle ball through the air and it's not going to have any spin on so if I go dead at the pin with that ball I'm going to go over the back 100% with a pink one because it's on the grass and can get a nice clean strike something like that is going to stop and fly the normal distance so you have to assess your lies to find out so to adapt to this lie here with the grass behind the ball I'm going to probably hit less Club as it knuckle ball through the air with no Spin and with the pink ball on top of the grass I'll hit my normal Club so pink ball will be a N9 iron and the orange ball will be a pitching wedge and I bet you we get similar results but completely different lie just 6 in apart how do I know these things about the LIE my boyfriends you have to just be cognizant of it now as you try getting to the 80s you have to start seeing how the ball reacts from your lie in relation to your Club how it flies then how it lands and what happens thereafter it's a lifelong study it's taken me I don't know 20 years to learn all these things but you can do it in a condensed amount of time now that you're aware of it 56 9on okay that's a money shot right there yeah middle of the green and it's stops there okay now we take the pitching wedge because we think we're going to get a flyer with the grass between the club face and the ball meaning the CL the ball won't actually hit the grooves which means that it's not going to take as much spin cuz the ball won't get the from the the grooves so we'll do the same shot little bit left cuz on the right's a bit of danger to you run out of green quicker so we go at the ground under repair sign and there we go it's look at that please understand that I can't hope that everything that comes out of my mouth is a profound secret and here we have another one we have hit this ball up on the left here because we couldn't attack we had 175 we had our fivewood in hand we've missed it on the left like we wanted to just a bit long but now we are above the green heading onto a fast dry green as you can see and we very scared of hitting this over the green the next thing is how much is this ball going to roll out after it lands on a hole like this I'd rather be more cautious and land this closer to The Fringe on our side than closer to the hole that's all we have to worry about we cannot do anything about it we have to understand the difficulty of the shot this one ranks probably about four five out of 10 it's not that easy if you understand how tough the shot is you're going to have lower expectations and you're going to see a good shot for what it is all I think about here is titties to the Target and make sure that I'm aggressive enough to land it on the green now that's my kind of style shot it's got a lot of spin on it because it's sitting on top of the grass and this one can really change your life let's put it in a lie that you wouldn't like with a wedge lots of grass behind the ball let's go tow down with a hybrid and hit a putt that'll rolls on the green now that's a shot you're not going to see very often but often the hybrid around the greens in these dodgy lies is going to be a much better option than trying to hit a wedge like a bunker Splash or something like that that's going to help you break 80 instead of leaving the ball short and double chipping after that difficult shot from above the green we've left ourselves I don't know maybe about 10 11 ft and all we really have to do is just be the man go to your home ball go to your home what a easy game we play I mean I don't know what the hell look it's a long haul if you have a two 225 yard shot that you can hit off the deck as well you're going to be in A1 position if you only hit 225 with the driver you're going to have to hit a fairway wood or something up there to pitch on or leave it to your free throw distance of 50 70 80 90 45 whatever it is that you like to hit and take your chances but this from the outset bogey is good now now that has gone longer but it has landed at about 220 but it's very firm Turf there's a lot of nuance here you have to take advantage when you can and defend when you are in trouble that's how you break 80 don't just try to fit into a system know yourself play your game like I'm doing now if you want to break 0 has a tip you can take to the bank play the same Golf Course over and over so you get to learn it it'll be the best to break 80 on the first time because then you learn how to play we've given ourselves a great opportunity one 76 out it's not expected we were going to be 200 225 away so we have to take advantage you have to take advantage when you're in a good fortunate position don't just lay up for the sake of it and be defensive let's go for this one oh man money baby oh right next to the hole now I'm going to show you that's nine iron for a big mother lover like me but let's say that you just got lucky there and you ain't hitting a n on let's say you got 176 you think my gosh I can barely get a seven wood ski there let's do it then boys let's do it what's your shot shape is your shot shape a fader let's do a fader oh look at that fader beautiful look at that ni and we're just on the back beautiful maybe you got a little bit of problem chipping and you don't want to do toe down you don't want to do film Mickelson style chipping you know you're having trouble you got mechanical thoughts the best thing you can do is feel base chipping feel the turf with your club now this can depend on the club so one 56° and a 52° or pitching wedge you're going to have different feels on the turf and you can determine the club by how it feels now I've only got the 52° here so I'm going to have this feeling see it I don't like that that's a standard chip let's go cut across the ball uh not don't like the feeling there off the back foot o if I hit that off the back back foot shot that starts to feel nice now if I had a 56° it could be a different kind of shot could be off the front foot open the face and feel that the bottom of the club hitting the turf it's all about what you feel on the practice stroke so on this practice stroke I like the ball of the back foot closed face ball ball behind my behind my foot and my hands way ahead of the ball let's see how that works out okay now that had nothing to do with technique as long as you feel confidential with how it feels on the turf before the shot come on Maddie what a birdie this would be maybe the first time birding this ho [Music] ever what a birdie man 157 yard par three we've got a bit of leeway now because we've made some good scores on hold we weren't expecting to let's say you got 157 you're not going to maybe hear a pitching wedge on 99 like me that's cool I'm going to hit a six hybrid here and show you to break 80 even as a Target hole all we have to do is avoid that damn left side no bunker don't screw it up I can see a beautiful patch of grass just to the right of the hole and in fact it Banks this way toward the cup so what if we just set up on the right side with our six hybrid Let It Roll right in there beautiful this is a target hole little fader just green side in a putt or two put from The Fringe we're going to use my favorite club now I'm going to be using the pitching wedge from here I know my distance say 157 I'm down Breeze downwind and I'm loose it's like 100 Freedom degrees out here and I'm loose I can hit the ball far today just R of the hole beautiful just on the front didn't catch all of it and there's some people who have doubts blah blah so we'll hit the four hybrid left-handed same te aim it to the right side hope for the fade this is just how Golf Works players this is how Golf Works get it green side cheap in a poot now Banks off the left off the right just Banks left there we are green side as well for a beautiful chaperon that's that's the game now I forgot to mention on the teab back there that when you get to Breaking 80 stage you want to look at the Nuance of the hole it's not just distance to the pin and go this pin is on the front section of the green and it it Trails off their big downhill to the back so if you're hitting the ball 157 or 160 yards it can bound on on a dry green and leave you down on the second tier it's always better to be on the same level so that's why my pitching wedge was a better Club cuz I didn't catch 100% of it and I still finished On The Fringe I'd Rather Be On The Fringe then be 10 yards beyond the pin with a nine iron and putting up that big ass Hill so I'm with that and over here this was the six hybrid that we let come in off the right here and from here you're hoping for two shots and if you can get that to within two or 3 fet from there you have a beautiful partt at the Paw and that's all you can ask for and that's going to happen sometimes when you're playing from off the green with a putter you will leave it short sometimes but it's better than being 10 feet past which is a lot of people's habits once you get used to it you leave yourself so many tap-ins like that and it really works keep the ball low to the ground that's how you break 80 we didn't forget about the orange ball left-handed let's see if we can finish this one out with a Pary if I can do this left-handed you can do it right-handed what the hell look it's a ° out here I'm fading fast so I want to get this ball to the 150 yard Mark so I can hit my 150 yard Club get next to the green get on the green get out of here but we want to play for position position position and we want to land it on that 150 yard marker we're taking the six hybrid ski over here okay we landed about four yards to the right and it bounced forwards we're in the money we've got 152 remaining here as we had planned but I can very easily hit my pitching wedge there stop it the green get out of here like a big bouse but we have a lot of green there on the left side between The Fringe and the pin we have a lot of Landing space there in the Fairway so I want to hit the hybrid shot from 150 cuz a lot of people may be in hybrids I don't want to only appeal to the big hitters here if we can land this on the left side with our hybrid ski we can run it up onto the green or leave us a very easy chip for the par ski this is an attack hole but maybe this is your form of attack using the shots you have that's aggressive golf if you're using use your shots with confidence little fader onto the left Edge there money absolutely money we didn't hit the green but we have stayed on the left side just off The Fringe one of the biggest Temptations when you get in a position like this is you want to go at the pin and try be like a PGA professional that's a very very tough shot unless you practice this shot a lot nice long loose languid even Tempo swing with a 60° it's a tough shot especially toward water when we're trying to break 80 we're trying to minimize those kind of teeth shots or plopping it in the bunker what we're trying to do is just get it on the green so I would like to just take most of the trouble out of play and just make sure I get it on the green if we take a boges it's fine here something like that you know I got the wrong Club I have a nine iron but you use the environment around you to kill the ball if it were 56 you could get it right onto the green there do you remember I said there's some green slower than others this green is very well known to me as being close to the water slower longer grass and very bumpy so we're not going to make many putts on this green we just have to accept that and then hit the ball hard enough to get it to the cup and that's good enough you know you can hit the same p on the same line on this green and it could go to the left of the hole just accept it let's go braking 80 takes this displine and it's all about knowing yourself in that moment and how the course is functioning in the moment you really have to play to your advantages play to your strength and avoid your weaknesses on the golf course that's just the name of the game in Golf it's all about understanding yourself more on this hole I really like banging big drives down here the downhill is reachable on my drive length so it Cascades forward on the firm Turf leaving me very often something like 78 or 99 into the power five green do we have to take advantage of that of course course we do in the moment when we feel confidential about hitting the club well that was that was terrible it's it's actually beautiful it worked out but I just want to hit one for fun I've lost about 5 6 M hour because I stopped going to the gym and I got injured in my wrist so I haven't been hitting this new Callaway which I've got come on M solid shot baby solid shot don't lose that don't lose the posture Ricky don't lose the posture it's the only one you got oh man alive that is humongous wow man that is huge baby we've hit the Ping really bad and we've left ourselves 236 to the hole the Callaway I measured is 64 yard further than this drive that is absolutely insane so I need to learn how to hit that club now at the top range of your distance I could hit a seven wood here but I don't like it really when the balls above my feet here I have no control of the seven wood and that kind of lie and at the top of your distance range you don't want to hit the ball too hard cuz as soon as you try to squeeze out another 10 or 15 yards you're going to top it slice it hook it be 30 40 yard left or right of the green it's better to just leave a 10 or 15 short of your target Hing your normal stock shot giving yourself the pitch onto the green I promise nine out of 10 times that's going to work when you try squeeze extra distance out of your top range it almost never works so it's four iron from 236 here set it up on the right ball above my feet could come back from the right if not I'm going to just be right of this scen that might be too long actually yeah I've hit the middle of the green rolling rolling over the back absolutely nutted it I just realized I hit completely the wrong Club because I had shot the tree with the rangefinder I was 205 from the hole not 236 wrong Club 6 iron from there I'm going to be right next to the hole but yeah we are at the second drive we got one 42 that's insane just based on this Li if it was sitting on top of the grass I would just hit a nice pitching wedge but I've got something behind the ball yep and then hopefully we can make that putt but if not whatever we're on in three pars great now if you want to break 80 you can't have rookie errors like this these kind of Errors can be the difference between an 83 or an 8 82 and a 7978 I did not shoot the right distance I got 236 which was to the big tree right here and look at that it went 236 beautiful but the PIN was 204 so if I had done it properly I would have hit the six iron all we do is we make sure we minimize the damage we're over in two don't lose your head get it on the green let's get out of here like a bazaza garage is slightly longer here dry green though so we won't go 10 or 11 on the stimp we'll go nine and we make a bird this is just golf this is golf that was from 200 yards away now we have the one with 140 yard shot let's see if we can make it and that's going to happen sometime 140 you're going to make a par 200 you're going to make a booty don't get down just keep plugging away it's a final hole I'm about to pass out and on this 410 yard pretty long hole we have that that stinky bunker right in the middle of the Fairway looking at us like our Crush used to look at us in high school when we stared at her in class like creepers okay she wanted the guy in University uh College he was 19 20 years old he's been modeling uh jeans and she wanted him uh she didn't want you what did you have to offer I mean come on what did you really have to offer you're 17 years old all you have is hormones right nothing else this guy's already earning money you know he's studying he's studying mechanical engineering so you know you didn't stand a chance and that's that's that bunker there so we want to avoid that bunker if we hit a draw we aim it at the bunker if we hit a fade we hit it at the bunker that way we finish either side of it like they say if you shoot for the stars and you fail you finish at the big draw off that bunker or just a big draw straight at it oh okay that's a great shot over the bunker like a boss got 178 we've got a beautiful opening to The Green got a terrible bunk on the right and nasty water on the left we hit a beautiful nipple liquor opened up the hole nicely now we're going to take this six hybrid from 178 and we're going to try to thread it through the needle using our shot shape a little feder hopefully that carries the bunker yes so we're on The Fringe and that's all we do we shaped it away from the worst position which is the water toward the second worst position the bunker now listen gang bangers I understand scoring is not everything it's the only thing and part of that is looking at this shot here the the hole is at a very kind of crisscross grain of the grass it's very long and it's going to be bumpy I can tell by the length of the grass and that that goes up until about here so from here onwards it's very beautiful green a little bit dry a little bit fast then it's going to slow the hair up on there that looks like velcro this part here looks very nice very smooth maybe 10 on the stim and then it's going to hit 8 or 7.5 very bumpy so all we can hope for because we understand the difficulty of the shot and that's important we can lower our expectations if I can get this to 3 ft I've really really done well see how it's just going to die there and I'm confident it's going to stop lineing with a hole that's 3 ft perfect couldn't read the brake this kind of stuff can bump the ball either way and now we're in it and we have to make sure we go very aggressive dead straight at the hole just to skim over all this bad stuff just like that and that's it it's all about knowing yourself and knowing the conditions and how your game reacts to the conditions and adapting as you go that's golf under 80 I hope you like it he has another video showing you how to do it it is the titties
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 99,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vdBwDxJlve4
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Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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