How to QUICKLY Learn Course Management in Golf

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do you ever experiment with your golf game Sometimes the best experiments give you the best lessons and if you want to learn course management I highly suggest using only one or two clubs and a putter in order to learn how to get the ball around the golf course setting up the shots not that you like that you actually have in the bag on that day I'm going to play the next few holes with only my 175 yard club for every shot except for once I hit the putting green I'm going to use my putter as Limp Biscuit says do you know who you are welcome to the Jungle Punk take a look around it's golf sidekick effing up your town we got 191 yards left we can't reach with 175 yard Club so we're going to play it out to the right there to give us a open chip from the right hand side it's the only logical thing to do it's very difficult for most people to understand the pressure I'm under when every word I utter is a profound secret now let's not get misunderstanding here this is not to show you how to hit a seven AR 1 75 or to use a 7 iron around the golf course it's to show you how you have to adapt your game if I get a short-sided chip with a 7 iron I'm not going to be able to chip luckily the pin's on the left side so I have all this green to chip onto to roll the ball up to which is important cuz I have such low Loft if the pin were cut right tight on the front here I'm going to have a harder time so we have to manage where we place the ball now because I have a 7even iron it's absolutely money for the tow down shipping and with all this space here I can give it a little putt land it about maybe like a yard onto the green and watch how it rolls out wow they're so slow there's a reason I'm a high handicap Whisperer your friend in the fairways it's due to the higher level order of thinking that I possess and one of the things you're going to find in a experimentation like this is that a 415 yard hole is just not going to be reachable in two shots so you learn to chill the freak out so if I chill the freak out and just hit a beautiful seven even if I hit the two hardest sevens of my life I'm not going to reach there so I've had three beautifully caressed Strokes very chilled out man I'm going to have so much fun with a bogey check this out if I make a bogey here I would say I'm the mansky boom we don't even have to hit it hard we can just hit like a 3/4 babe look at that I'm so chill because I know I'm not chasing anything look at that best strike of the freaking day we're into the breeze here so we have something to stop the ball on a partial shot so I'm actually going to try to get this ball a bit closer see if I can hit like a chip shot that checks up on the green cuz the green is also banked into us so that means I'll have something to stop the ball against both the wind and the green helping me to stop the ball I don't have to lay this up to be like 175 exactly I think if I just lay it up to like 130 or so even 100 I think I'm going to be able to hit a nice little chip shot with a seven well we've got 99 yards and a pit chained one and the thing I have to do here is try use the seven iron ski how are we going to do that from 100 I like this kind of a challenge what I'm going to do is like I'm going to slide it in their little left Rider it's into the breeze onto the slope that's facing us so we're going to we're going to be able to stop this in time just going to have to try land this on that front Fringe like a Biz 99 we're going to land this about 90 94 come on mdty you got this shot bad boy you got this shot bad boy well that was absolutely terrible so maybe not the best plan now which one of you gangbangers don't love a bit of the Stevie ballos the Spanish Legend we had use the seven IR mine to actually hit a little Flopper we're going to cut right across the ball but we're going to have to get real low low with a dirty ho there goes a bird come on Maddie you can do this you got the game what a life we live this is going to be the trickiest ones because it's it's a shorter hole like 310 yard or so now if I had a full 7even on 175 I got 145 left then I have to fangle a shot now is it easier to fader a little 7 iron in there or is it better to just hit a full seven into the Green from 175 so what I'm going to do experiment here and this is how you do it to set up shots into the green that you want to hit you learn this way with your single club or two Club rounds so I'm going to hit 145 y 7 iron here how do I do that I'm going to feder it this is actually my favorite part of these experiments is that you learn stuff coincidentally along the way so I tried to hit a fade there trying to set up a 175 yard shot but it faded a little bit and still went like 155 160 yard so it left me another 155 yard shot into the green so if I just copy paste that previous shot what I was thinking what I was doing I should have the same distance I just hit that shot to get this ball on the Green from 154 now I can take that shot with me to my next round with all my clubs [Music] that was completely unintentional but I just picked up another shot right before your eyes one of the most important lessons you'll learn about course management doing this is you have to avoid bunkers cuz you don't have a bunker Club if we look at a par five we've got 486 yards so let's say 500 500 divid by 3 you're looking at about I don't know what about 165 170 absolutely money we've left ourselves 300 yards and now to set up my favorite shot I need to hit 175 into this green cuz it's over waterer I don't want to hit 150 shot 150 shot trying to fend dangle slices and stuff like that I want to land this on the green I want to make my birdal par so I'm going to chip this 130 yard to 170 and from there we're going to be money I think oh that may be gone a bit too far but hopefully at 175 then we money I clearly got the wrong reading on the first one there I think I may have shot the bank at the back because 135 left I probably screwed that up a little bit but we're going to adapt you know I'm nothing if I'm not adaptable I'm going to have to open the face up here and try hit a big cut uh just to take off enough distance and to get it to land soft if I hit a punch shot there's no wind to hold it up into the greens are pretty firm it's not really going to hold the green and I want to score so I'm going to hit the big ass slicer little feder ball a bit further forward St left cut across the damn thing come on Maddie well that's never going to fade that much I guess well I'm nothing if not adaptable we'll get it done I'm very far away when I'm there I have to decide am I going to open it up and give it a little Flo Areno and hopefully little slider into the hole or am I going to bump and run it along the tropical grass which is I really not going to work that often but we don't have many options but we learn shots as we go not bad huh no no no ky ky you know what they say the road to Heaven is paved with bad intentions it's amazing how many times when you learn a shot how often it starts to come up in your game so now I have like my third shot of 155 y with this 7 iron so let's see if I can learn it properly and actually make a hole in one I mean what's the point otherwise so let's let's not anticipate too much slice with this much loft the lower the Loft the more slice the higher the Loft the less you're going to slice it so I'm going to put this one at the pin and then Open my stance but imagine the shot starting on the left side of the green and just fading in there perfectly like real players we got this just outside the left if this goes in for birdie we've done a good job oh man you got to be kidding me bro no we've got 346 playing uphill which is basically 360 up the hill which gives us two s irons exactly on the money this is a confident hole for me we're going to turn this one from just like a try get by with a bogey to a par hole it's just a perfect distance I tear the ball up so I'm going to have to hit a bit softer cuz it does go further when I tear it up come on Maddie okay there we go please leave us 17 5 I think we're going to have 178 into the whole money got 182 left absolutely perfect because that pin is actually middle back so if we go front right here with a 175 yard Club if we turn it over we're going to have a great short put up the hill otherwise we'll leave it on the front side hope for the two put what a great result with one Club well the important part here is that we know the distance we hit this so we can play it to an area where that's going to be safe instead of trying to overextend ourselves to hit at 182 which I will show you on how to do that with a draw shot shape give me a moment I'll hit this shot first now I'm going to show you how to get a little more juice out of a club probably you want to start with your seven on don't go 6 5 4 3 it's almost impossible to hook it properly unless you like a pro cuz you end up delofting and smothering the ball so I'm going to use the 79 my 175 club I'm going to try get this to draw back in past the pin maybe like 185 190 and the way we do that we close the club face by aiming it to the Target and aim way right out to beyond the right edge of the green and swing Along our foot line so we go at the Target and then we close off that stance and swing it around thinking all the time about a hook like a table tennis forand shot that's how we get it done like a bous okay maybe a little bit too much but that's how you get it done boys forgot to mention we're into the breeze that's adding 5 yards uphill adding another five that's playing 192 193 to the hole so we can be quite happy to be here about 16 17 yards short of the pin well that's about as good as I'm going to get that's a put 100% of the time right Edge just to the right of the that pitch mark come on boy stay down and that's how you experiment with one Club two clubs and a poter you can do this with your own game you're going to pick up a lot of shots check out this video over here where I use very few clubs to even break 80 like a bazua
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 39,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lc_glHGT09A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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