How to Score When Your Swing Suddenly Disappears

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have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of a one- handicap golfer who's trying to shoot level par or better every round they play me neither but I'm going to show you anyway over these 18 holes what I like to do is set some rules for myself before I play rule number one today is try to hit the driver as if I'm hitting a 220 yard that's the tempo I want rule number two no going for par fivs in Two Shots unless the shot is under 220 yards rule number three is to commit to every single shot 110% using my red tiger range find around the course to see distances to hazards to clear hazards and to the pin this is my number one tool to shoot under par anything under 90 yards inside a fairway bunker is so difficult because you don't really know what to how it's going to come out and how far you're going to hit it cuz we never really have these shots we try to avoid them as much as possible so I've put myself in a very bad position it's bad planning so what I'm going to do is instead of focusing on making go 90 yards I'm going to hit this 52° and whatever distance comes out it comes out right but if I'm trying to angle this to 90 yard when I don't know how I'm going to chunk the hell out of it so we're going to hit this if it goes 120 it goes 120 we have a 30 yard pitch over the green if it goes shitty at least we'll have a chip on I don't mind so let's commit to just having a nice shot okay I'm in another bunker so that's all I can do I should have avoided this shot doing anything not to hit the ball in here this is actually how Bogies and bad scores happen for a lot of people is just the planning of the t-shot going into a bad place which puts you you in a difficult position to get on the green which puts you in another difficult position so we've got a bunker shot you which is not necessarily difficult but from a bunker you don't fancy your chances more than getting up and down three two out of 10 times that's a pretty damn good shot but the greens are a bit slow so that's going to stop a bit short let's go have a look so what I like to do I don't like to overread okay don't like to overread we see the burn mark this side right to left clear indication because that's where the balls are Hing that's where the roots are dying and that's where the Grain and slope is going toward oh with 413 yards to the green we really have to hit the driver because we're into the wind a little bit like I say my rule is I have to try land this ball at about 220 that's my feeling my swing must feel like I want to land my driver at 220 thereby I give it an easier swing better strike and it probably flies 260 270 instead that's so much better more balance more balance less stupid one of the things I like to do with my red tiger range find is find a tree on the tea shoot back and find out how far that ball went that went 285 yards and now it's telling me it's 136 yards so from 135 I actually practiced this shot in a video I made of how I play when no one's watching and I've discovered because of the UPS slope into the breeze it's going to add Loft and the pitching wedge which is normally 145 Tu still isn't enough due to that higher elevation and more wind into US holding the ball up so I discovered the 9on is a great Punchy shot to hit off the ramp and because it's going to turn over right to left it's money because I got so much space on the right if it doesn't turn over I'm still on the right edge of the green to the ground okay it's turning a little get there bad boy oh beautiful pin High but just so gang bangers on this hole we have something interesting from back there is 535 from here it's 510 now that brings in an interesting problem for me if I hit driver the course is very dry they haven't had much rain around here now and I'll go in that water take a drop for two hit three I don't want that so this is a three shotter I'm just going to get a bowling play with a four iron lay up to a wedge get the wedge on make a birdie to a lot of people it may seem strange not to want to go full PA fives and two as if that's the only scoring opportunity I don't see it like that I see it that some holes are just not scoring opportunities and others are as long as I have a wedge in my hand I do see it as a scoring opportunity though how I like to manage a golf course to break power is to think back from the hole what do I want into the cup here I want to have a wedge something like a sand wedge so the easiest way to do that is to shoot your Rangefinder to the Stak so if you want to have 100 in how far is it to that stake shoot to it let's see from where I am to the red steak is 185 y according to the red tiger so if I have 100 yards in I'm going to have my free throw distance into the green which is a 56 or 52° giving a great chance of a birdie but I have to be aware of this lie now this lie is firm like concrete so I have to be very confidential that I'm going to clear that water off this lie and I am but if you're not you can lay it up short of the Water by just chipping it back into play to give yourself a more Lush lie that's going to be way better for most people if you're not confidential of hitting this shot now I'm going to set this up a little right and I'm going to try draw it off this lie just to give it a cleaner hit I find if I try draw it I don't take much of a divot if I try fade it or hit straight I hit too steep on it which is going to be terrible of this lie so we'll just give it a little draw swing for a more clean hit L of it and that's going to hook around the tree there my range find is telling me it's 106 Y into the hole which is a pretty good distance it's pretty much what I set up the issue is say I'm about 6 in above my feet or at least 4 in above my feet which is not great especially with the wind off the right so the winds off the right the slope is pulling a draw shot because it's above my feet so if I had my 56° which my standard 105 yard shot it's going to be well short for sure because I'm going to grip down on it so I don't hit the turf and it's got a lot of Loft and it's going to pull it even further left with the wind the higher it goes the more wind's going to push it left so I'm going to take a 48 de so I'm going 56 to 52 down to 48 two clubs and gripping down and the 3/4 swing is going to take 20 y off the shot and get me right next to the hole for the birds key we're going to have to aim a little right just because of a product of the slope there's nothing we can do it's going to hook might be a bit long but at least you know I got to go with what I think is going to work most of the time I'm thinking about a a tow down 9 Iron Chip or or even a normal 9 Iron Chip down here but I feel more committed to a putter I'm not going to commit to the N9 my rule is I have to be committed and with a putter I'm 110% with a 9 Iron Chip I'm 99% that seems pretty good to me hit the hole hit the hole oh it took a bump just before the cup there but we got a putt for the Paw and these kind of puts a lot of people get pessimistic about and you actually imagine missing I used to imagine missing them now I don't now I imagine putting them in the hole I see it going in the hole I imagine myself picking a ball up out of the hole I've get my line I commit 110% to it I can't stand over this ball if I'm not committed and then I keep it low and slow and I give a little stab just like that because I love these putts you see I'm optimistic I used to hate them now I love them these are my lovers now what I love about my red tiger is that it's got the slope function and it charges with a USBC so I don't have to keep getting batteries for it I just have to charge it at home and the charge lasts forever other thing I love is the magnet on the side I like to just place it on the cart sometimes I use a little belt clip and you can just clip it right on your belt here with a magnetization important on par 3es is to use the rangefinder gives you great Intel we got 188 to the hole 167 to clear the bunker we just have to see the ball now I'm going to see a little draw going to see the wind pushing it right to left have to see it in my mind I have to feel it if I don't see the shot what what am I going to do right I have to commit to something and I commit to that big big drawer shape the hole come on Maddie little bit too too much draw so I'm going to miss it on the left side but that's where all the good stuff is for the easiest chips we're going to miss a lot of greens with amateurs some of us will be missing 18 out of 18 all the way up to let's say scratch handicap who's going to be missing six seven eight greens a round and that means you have to get up and down but you to get up and down one of the things I was told by a pro was you have to Envision the correct shot so if you're envisioning a shot that's going to fly relatively medium flight land on the front and spin a little bit you can't be doing that with a 60° trying to hit a flop shot what you see has to match what you can do I was seeing these very high flights with low lofted clubs and and proo who told me about this said like bro you're envisioning a shot that you're not going to hit so you have to Envision the trajectory that you actually have and that improved my chipping a lot because I was not living in delusion anymore so over here what I see is a 60° not a flop shot just a standard Chip Shot and I see it landing on the left and bouncing to the right but if if I can't see a video of the shot happening or a picture of the shot happening how can I commit to anything oh so it actually goes quite high and that's okay that's a pretty good shot uh from below the hole onto a side Hill we're actually laughing I think we're going right to left here it's a little uphill so it's going to cut some of that breake up but I think it's going to snap toward the end because the the burn mark is 90° on the left hand side absolutely perfect just love it we got 415 from here now normally I would hit the driver here but the four iron if I catch it properly can really roll out quite far leaving me maybe even 160 150 into this hole with a 260 yard shot it sounds like a lot and it is but I'm going to get 50 yards of roll on this we've left ourselves 171 yards and according to the red tiger it's uphill playing 178 so to go 178 into the breeze I'm going to have to take the 6 iron as it knocks 10 or 15 yards off it's about a club wind into us how do you know when it's a club wind it just comes from experience so as you play in windier conditions you have to you know try hit a different club and see what happens if you if you hit a normal shot into the green and the wind's into you and you haven't accounted for it let's say you're 10 or 15 yards short that's one Club wind let's say you hit an extra club and then you still short 10 yards that's probably a two Club wind cuz generally between our clubs we have like 10 to 12 yards so I'm going to commit to a draw here because I'm not feeling highly confidential today just drove 2 and 1/ half hours here so let's aim this at the hole and give it a draw shape yeah that's a that's going to work that's going to work real nice maybe a bit long but we're over that water and we're not feeling 100% confidential today little tired so we got to adapt to ourselves on the day at the course we got to adapt the course management with man management okay a little bit long and that's a product of the LIE bounced off the turf shot it back up and what a lot of people may not see is my right foot was on this piece of land then there's a little dip and then my left foot was on this raised piece of turf so the lie was like that quite a difficult shot and because of that little dip here the ground before the ball is like that so your Club can actually hit early and bounce and that's what happened that's why it flew so high up like that and long but that's okay we learn as we go and I P it out way too far right if it was a straight putt now golf is a game of patience and I've been PR shut up I was into the wind the first five holes now I'm down breeze so I'm already feeling a lot more positive I'm feeling like we've got some opportunities coming so long hole 465 but we want to be sure to stay in play so we hit the seven wood because we know it's got a nice little draw on it at worst go straight and some days we just hit the ball so badly that it's crazy I don't know that was terrible and we got a long one in but we're going to adapt it's man management for the day and I'm managing myself barely do you know what else I love about my red tiger besides a slope function and the magnet I like that there's a speed function you can actually measure speed the other thing I love is that it's got a vibration technology that when you actually hook it on the pin it goes let you know you found the pin check the link in the description absolutely money and even from 222 yards this thing still picks up the pin that's absolutely fantastic so with this Li below my feet the ball's probably going to feder and it's also down slope so probably fade a little bit more so we set this up left give it a good wallet with a six iron absolutely terrible so I'm got no form today but I have to accept that and all we can do from here is scramble going to be one of them days I'm getting real frustrated now I can't control where the balls going so now come on let's get back into it Maddie let's go let's go smoother than normal it's like a real easy don't get angry because then you're going to get tense let's go loose okay danger can be to get too intense here we need to keep that intensity level between a three and a six we're not going to try work harder grind our way out of here let the universe have the golf ball give it to the universe whoa there's something very wrong wow I like that what what does that huh 177 yards according to the red tiger which I love because it's got a high accuracy level up to 0 five of a yard from 5 to 1,200 yards I would normally hit a nine iron here down the breeze on most days but I'm feeling really low confidence and low energy maybe ate a bit too much soy a few too many almond lattes so I'm actually hitting a seven iron here so we're going to go seven iron from 177 where we normally hit a Niner not my best but you know what this is feeling good as long as it carries yes on the Green and it's a great part just I'm feeling a little off today I can just feel something's off so if we can keep scrambling making paws like this we're really actually going to be okay I'm got to take myself into account how I'm feeling today if I look at this hole there's no way I can hit anything like like a six iron won't clear the water a four iron not feeling so confidential just today and the driver I mean I don't I feel so cramped at the moment normally I just hit a soft one up there high te it High Let It Fly Over the tree here maybe it fades back in so I got to manage myself hit the seven wood instead and just be sure of a nice strike come on Maddie like that's so high you know that's not my normal shape but we just got to scramble our way around this golf course you know I can't do much we got 310 yard to the hole and I got to get into like what's going to be the highest percentage chance of a good shot I'm looking at the iron and I'm thinking not feeling great looking at the seven ironon thinking I'm not feeling great so I'm going down all the way to the E iron this is very uncharacteristic of me but it's the moment I'm in it's the moment I'm in first video I've done like this where I'm actually really in such bad form so we'll go with the eight and try leave ourself an 8 or9 in with today look at that like nearly shanked it man we left us over 117 yards here into the breeze again the all above our feet probably going to turn right to left which is pretty good a much better result than I was expecting and another thing that's better than I was expecting was the red tiger the red tiger also has horizontal and height ranging which is quite a unique feature as well as continuous scan mode so if you want to scan around and pick up things as you go you hold down the button and you just keep scanning trees bunkers pins what a life7 y normally a 52° easy shot right next to the hole but today we're going to go up to two clubs so we're going to take this pitching wedge which is normally 145 yard club and hit it 117 yd with a very easy Punchy swing and that's that perfect yes come on I didn't intend for the video to be about managing yourself I mean every time we play we trying to manage ourself but I've managed myself a seven wooden play cuz I feel bad an eight IR cuz I couldn't hit the six or seven and then a pitching wedge instead of my normal 52° and I've lifted to 3 ft I wouldn't be here if I kept pushing as if it was a normal round and I feel it the way I normally do so we're going to just go inside the left give our the bird yes you know I'm not going to find anything out here some miracle is going to bring me back into play I got to just go into the extreme comfort zone right now I really really feel like I don't know what's going to happen so I'm going to hit the seven wood here because I think it's the highest probability of making any connection to the golf ball we're going to send it up to the right as we always do and just hopefully it stays in play like look at that wo this may seem unusual and it is I have no feeling of what I can do I got 207 yards to the hole here into the breeze so we don't have much choice we got a six iron which normally my club that just I'll just boom out there but I don't feel it right so I'm going to take that seven wood and I'm going to bunt it up there to the right Leave myself a pitch onto the green hopefully scramble a p out of here like a mad man we scrambling we're getting green side using what we can two seven Woods never normally going to happen on this hole but we have no choice so now I'm going to just chip this one with a 52° lower Loft I don't want to flop it up there too much give myself too much chance to screw it up keep it low get those dirty hes probably need to hit a lower lofted Club but you know what we're down there wow even the putting stroke is gonzo I finished the soda water and from the bottom of that bottle I saw myself looking up saying M boom boom you are lithuania's number one golf YouTuber the friend in the Fairway to thousands the high handicap Whisperer get back in the game than course come on look at that come on I mean it's really high 2 162 down the breeze let's get confidential normally a beautiful nine but today we're going soft eight we're going smooth eight terrible strike but we took an extra club and it's perfect just managing ourselves like a few little bouses here yeah I do have a shot with a driver I can lean on when I lose my swing I think I'm going to hit a downward slicer instead of trying to hit the standard shot let's just get this ball in play set it up on the left if it go straight we're good if it slices like I want we're going to be money so well left with a Down would hit hitting a slicer wow that's a big ass Slicer in the Fairway and that's what I got to do the rest of the round just lean on those shots that I have we have 310 yards to the hole and despite losing our swing we got to stack the odds in our favor of hitting a decent shot to where we want to be this is where a stress-free shot in the moment really counts what can I hit from 310 yards that's going to be in play and it's going to be a nice shot instead of an uncontrollable one I'm going through a period here where I don't know where the ball's going so a lot of people think they can't plan a golf course because that no you plan yourself you manage yourself to then manage the course so from 310 my best bet from this lie in the rough I can't hit anything better than an eight iron so that's what I'm going to do just hit a stressfree shot to the next place where we'll pick another stressfree shot we have 100 yards left according to the red tiger and generally I'm just going to hit a 56° right there put it next to the hole tap it in for the birdie wow so easy like none of that idea or those felds are even there so I'm going to go two clubs up not 56 not 52 I'm going 48° and I'm just going to hit a nice Easy Shot there lower expectations hey let's see what's going to happen if I hit the 56 I expect it to be 6t 10t 12T from the hall but it's never going to get there into the breeze the way I'm feeling today I'm going to manage myself as I'm saying and we've hit a great shot we've hit a great shot because we're doing it properly come on you plant the feather to grow the birdie just remember to pick it up cuz a lot of people are doing this and they're leaving it on the green now what I'm learning is that I have another gear I'm gearing down two gears here I'm not trying to push anything not trying to force my way out of this I'm playing as easy as I can with shots that I know I have and that's like the second level down not just my go-to clubs my go-to clubs when my go-to clubs are dead but my P this my putter is moving around there's something that bunk is 195 to carry and the pin is 206 so I've got 10 yards behind the hole and that's the thing this is normally my six iron hole very very simple super easy like like easy it's my favorite Club in the back so it's really strange to be taking a four iron today and then let's just see if it fades into the hole real nice it's fading it's fading stay on the green ah perfect on the left side and you know I've had to shift my expectation of what's a good shot here I guess that's where as maybe I got older or I did something outside the golf course to feel better about life in general that I can just pack my ego away like that was never able to I always used to just keep playing the same game screwing up harder and then ending up getting more frustrated and there we go I I can trust in that that's what I like to fall back on the short game so much cuz when everything else is falling apart the short game can still save you I really like stabbing why am I playing the red tiger range finder cuz I'm so mean with the green I make a dollar one a hollow It's the Best Budget Golf rangef finder on the market at the moment for under 120 bucks with all the features you could possibly need and I've bring you the best because I care about you I don't want you to go get some junk I want to give you the best for the price oh me [Music] man I mean that's the best I'm going to do like let's just let's just go let's just play we got 183 yards we can't go directly at the pin I don't have that confidential feeling to just go Voom so I see left we've got a lot of space and a much shorter carry on the bunker cuz we don't want to go in a bunker right now the fader swing is something I can fall back on hit a little left rer little slider my go-to go-to club you know when I have nothing left just on the left Edge there I pitch up the green we're going to scramble our way to heaven now the reason I like to miss it left here is because so much space up here there's so much Jack Nicholson has created a great golf course and I've got a lot of green to work with so I want to land this on the Green and then read it like a putt I think I can scramble my way to a beautiful par here if not that's okay that's Life in the Fast Lane absolutely money we going to go driver we've got 480 yards on this hole and we just got a better chance of hitting a driver here because it's so so so wide that tree is in the middle of the Fairway probably got 50 yards to the right 50 yard to the left to land a ball so if I can get that like slicing downward shot that I hit I can slice it starting on the left side toward the right side of the tree and then it hardly F and it hardly Fades like that and I hit the longest drive of the day that's going to be very very long it's very firm down there we got 130 yards left after a 345 yd drive but but the thing I'm worried about is it's just this dry stuff it's firm there's not much grass over there 130 hitting a pitching wedge I'm going to do bad so I think I'm going to punch a little eight iron how ridiculous this is supposed to be a 48° shot but the way I'm feeling we're going with a little Eder little Punchy Eder that's extremely firm concrete so if we can just get this to bounce once or twice into the green wow we really are players we just adapting hitting three shots less than normal and it's going to hold the green much better than if I hit a wedge where I would have just dug into the ground beautiful w got 182 yards so we're going to hit the six iron because the front of the green is money here with a four iron if I'm trying to hit it real soft like it's not going to be good on this one because you can't go over this green too much we'd rather stay short and stay on the front tier the top tier and Putt down the tier on a slow green then go over the back of the green here because I don't know what's there I've never been there normally I'd hit a seven iron here but today we're going six beautiful green side I'm really loving this it's like a puzzle you know I'm trying to sort out this puzzle trying to get around this golf course like a bow so I'm going to hit this sand this pitching wedge sorry with a little cutter and get it down the slope there hit the hole oh not too bad we got the pot for the par from about 5 ft there who qu I know I'm beating a broken record here but I'm going to fall back onto my Goto shot to my go-to shot which is a fader and I'm going to hit a 4 iron fader out there so that I get a decent distance maybe 200 plus yards with a shot shape I can control not just guessing what's going to come out give ourselves a great shot that's perfect that's just going to roll forever we still have 175 yards remaining down the breeze down the hill generally I'm going to hit a nine ey in here with confidential swing nice and loose but today I say we take a seven iron and aim for the flag if it lands short I have a easy chip if I get it good we really next to the hole but we're get to ear on the left side here so again I'm going to fall back onto the fade whether it's technically correct on how I hit it it doesn't matter I can feel and trust that this shape is going to come and give me a great result there we go come on snap in right to left snap it in there boy you guessed it boyfriend I'm going to be hitting a feder here if I can get it down there we could go for this in two but more than likely it's a three shotter but the driver is like the most likely to stay in play especially with a Long Carry 257 and the red tar is great at picking up the flags and not picking up the background in the distance which is really unique for a budget range finder most of the time you're going to be struggling to pick up Flags this thing picks it up no props keys and I think I'm going to hit the seven wood because we have a lot of space up there send it up to the right give myself an easy chip we'll hit it run in three shots maybe make a bird ski [Music] yes on the left side absolutely money we got held up on the slope down toward the bunker very lumpy here so it just caught on a Ledge so what this is going to do is there's there's something I used to do is slam it like into the slope like this and it never works you just like Drive the ball into the slope and it pops up and never goes anywhere so I'm going to take a 9 instead of like a 56 or another wedge I want to just tilt my shoulders back a bit and swing up the slope and as I get to the ball I'm I'm going to hit it and then pull my elbow chicken winging it up the slope and then I've got to give it a go cuz we're going to add probably like 12° of life to this nine iron oh look at that let me show you let me show you what a beautiful time of day sunet here in Thailand I'm not worried about the global economy I'm thinking about the papaya salad I'm going to be eating after this round with the sticky rice and pork neck grilled to Perfection isan style up here naon rasima huh naon Reesa come on man MD give us a birdie give us a bird for the [Music] players I earned my sticky R today boy 450 yd power for to finish the round that's intense so I can't go with a six or for and in case I don't catch all of it I'm not going to clear the damn water so I got to go with a slider little fader with a driver as we've been doing and if it just doesn't slice too much I'm going to have a great shot but if it slices a lot I might have a little punch from under the trees quite a bit of slicer on that one despite a beautiful 262 y slicer a little slider oh 194 into the green right over here the way we're going to get there is we're going to go for a full six cuz I can't slide a four iron in there just not enough space to land it we've got an opening on the left but we have a bunker on the right side and not much space to stop the ball once it clears that bunker if I overs slice it so we're going to go with a six cuz it's not going to go more than 194 but it could reach the front at about 180 and we're going to try squeeze this one into the turf just give it a squeeze and hopefully it's going to little have a little feder on it but go dead straight and even just stay a bit short if it trickles on the front I'm happy but we've got low expectations due to the nature of the round today but this is our last gasp effort okay we're just on the left side of the green just hanging onto The Fringe beautiful shot wonderful way to finish okay get yourself a red tiger Rangefinder Link in the description you will not regret it absolutely money give us a final PA here bad boys come on come on that's how we do it we use rules to stick within our playing strategy but then sometimes we have to adapt and we have to gear down sometimes you have to gear down twice to your go-to shot to your go-to shot as I did today I was all over the show but I scrambled it together and so can you what a life
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 52,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1iQSakmJmXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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