Inside A Lesson With An LPGA Major Champion!

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we can solve all of this I'm going to pull out my magic one and we're going to get it done ready you got it there it is give me your best report on the last few weeks tournaments wait I made a notes yeah I love it a little bit me and Dylan made notes so I love notes I love notes give me one second mhm no problem you're not on the clock yeah there's no slow slow slow play penalty in here so here's my like kind of my Miss with wedges both sliding up the face and there's too much reset like I think I do this too much with budges MH that it some throw at the bottom yeah I think yeah that uh it was inconsistent both striking wise specifically your question here is is it creating the low long left shots right yes cool three head sway off the bow mhm four so this is a situation of question yeah when the ball's below my feet Ender I'm hitting on the down slope what contact do you see uh so with the with that slope I hit it thin thin and right yeah we can solve all of this I'm going to pull out my magic one and we're going to get it done Weight position it set up so that's a question just um generally where should my pressure my balance feel like it is and sex short shots round green tight life situations good contact and creating spin um one question that's not on there and I'm surprised it's not on there can you imagine what it is what was the consistent theme of the last two weeks in your flight SL curvature oh yeah um it was over was it ever increasing amount of what curve so we were trying cuz my overdrawing right and then I did this and it got better oh perfect okay yeah so it wasn't it wasn't on my mind the whole time um and as I as I've been doing this my cuz I thought my shots were pretty much straight for fade I wanted to hit that shot but then when I do this and hit it better I'm I was hitting a little like baby draw so I stick to that and trying to hit a fade when I need to okay I think that was more um I think consistent cool very cool and you just came off the golf course you're pretty warmed up yeah yep awesome let's get started I like it give me a series of 60 yard shots so we'll call it let's say 2 63 60 yard shots okay okay 60 yards 60 okay that should be my chest that's gone about 70 yards what was your body reference there that you were trying to use chest 160 okay 70 is ear yep take a look take a look so what we'd like to understand first is did I bring it to ear or did I bring it to chest uh that's more like year year yeah which is why 170 okay so at least we know that your system yeah is correct working pretty good okay that is roughly 60 yards very close to 60 yards it was a little thin though wasn't it yeah it was thin now let's on purpose go to 70 70 yeah [Music] good job it's right at 70 ha now hit me 80 where's the body reference for 80 uh head okay so around here mhm Let's Go full now okay what's the full L wedge body reference should should be 90 okay mhm nice job 88.5 okay very good I'm curious about is there too much wrist set that causes left shot cuz typically typically the more a person would sit MH an angle between their lead arm M and their club that would then drive an ability to lead the handle longer to impact so the correlation would be reset more handle lead having said that Jason day would be an example Steve Stricker would be an example of players that don't reset a lot but yet can still return lower Dynamic Lofts so more of it becomes what would more wrist set then allow versus disallow more wrist set is more lever in the swing which would be more Club head speed M but the job with our wedges isn't to hit them as far as we possibly can is it it's just to hit them the right distance consistency when contact and consistency in trajectory so I guess o not an oversimplification but simplifying the answer to your question is there too much RIS set the answer is no there's not too much RIS set in what you're doing here's what would happen I would imagine if we kind of um snuck a test in there and I said hit me a 50 or say 60 yard shot hit me a 60 yard shot Uber low in fact let's do that let's not even theorize let's just actually do it yeah I want to do it and see yeah exactly all right here's the test then okay I want the highest possible 60 yard shot you can 60 yard 60 yards High we're going to a front pin okay it's cut just over the water on a par five okay is there a hole at a recent golf of course you played 60 60 yards oh you won't hit that it's okay it's okay I promise you and if you do it'll be great for video okay I'll pay the repairs 60 yards High launch that's gone 60 yards that was a 39° launch that's going to go almost exactly 60 yards well done wa and that's so so much spin I I spin it back 10,181 RPM that's the exact shot I was talking about you can attack a front pin knowing that if you create too much speed it's going to land steep at 51° land angle no where is it at where is it at land angle 51.5 and then rip back like you saw on the ground okay now I want the lowest possible 60 yard shot low as possible 60 lowest possible yeah 60 Ys low oh there there's your 26° of launch oh wow yeah well done now come around so we were just having a conversation about wrist weren't we mhm yes okay and what does wrist hinge provide us it provides us an ability to create this which is clubit speed so in order for you to hit at 60 yards of carry High the ball speed will always be close to the same but in order to hit High you've got to create Dynamic Loft mhm and the more Dynamic Loft you're creating the more Club head speed you need for a given distance that's why your high 60 went 70 yards and we'll call this your low below 60 wasn't 70 mph was 54 mph clid speed so take a look at the difference in swings these two swings hit the ball the same distance right these two swings hit the ball the same distance with 16 mph different Club head speed M so intuitively you do that intuitively you've done your chest High swing right right and set 90° y here you've got much larger swing much more hinge because your brain knows that you're about to come on over here you're about to create a faster rate of passing mhm of the shaft underneath the golf ball mhm to create Loft and so in order to create that fast passing to create Loft you're going to have to use more Club head speed the last thing we want to talk about here is this piece balance mhm Okay so I guess we can talk about where the balance should be at what point this in the swing so it's where and when where and when right so add a dress at a dress is it normal for a person who's hitting a normal trajectory wedge shot or a normal normal iron shot to be relatively 50/50 absolutely then it's very very normal for right as the swing's about to be triggered right here do you see what just happened all right yeah you went you flipped the inverse of what you started so you started over here at about 52 on your right 48 on the left we'll call it 50/50 and then you kick some pressure into your left foot yeah right there MH yeah and you can actually see the movement happen right through that right hip now that's just from a right left standpoint M there's also the front back which was the question you were asking right the front back you've got pressure in the front we'll call that the toe box of your foot right so this is where the laces of my shoe are this is the toe box and this is the heel and most athletic movements happen in the front part of the foot you actually plant on your heel when you're walking and it eventually push off the front part of your foot if you're running you're planting on the heel you're pushing off the toe if you're jumping you're not jumping off your heels you're jumping off your toe so athletically what we need is we need more pressure in the front pot of our foot you have the appropriate amount of pressure in the front pot of your foot we just wouldn't want to live as a golfer in the front part of our foot we need some amount of movement back into our right heel so what's happening right now is ideal okay both in what we see in pressure Trace in the forces horizontal torque which is the Turning force and then the vertical component as well this is beautiful what I'm seeing and when I look at the what's called kinematics the movement it's also high quality right so what we're dealing with right now is nothing other than textbook we could write about it yeah we could use you as the model in the in cyclopedia britanica which doesn't exist anymore of what good golf mechanics would look like we got one more test run okay well I'm curious cam why do I hit it better when that right toe is pulled up off the ground at a dress and how does that impact let's say what we can measure in force and what we see in movement can we do maybe I'll try hitting like that and see I'd love for you to try hit one like that with 60 yeah please full swing 60 okay come on over let's check it out okay yeah everything cleans up you're right right I took a video of it and I'm like swing yeah Dylan took a video of it and we were like this swing is so good should we do it on tournament than stock standard non iron intent we're going to hit five of them okay and so I hope to answer after four to five nine irons the question of this move where my head May drift some amount to the right is in a functional range meaning is it okay or too much should we get rid of all of it and also the question of I hit really good when I do this cuz the impact changes how can we create the same impact without the need for the T being up so those are the two objectives we got for the next period of time we're going to go outside for grass okay okay now I want you to try and hit me a full distance shot so let's talk about 99's full distance what distance is that 140 140 I want you to try 140 yards but I want you to do so from your swing length that is we'll go ear height ear height ear height cuz that's shorter than full isn't it yes yeah so 140 yd shot with ear ear height swing uh do it again this time but this time let's hit 140 yards from my chest heght swing chest height yeah huh oh another wasp hold on sorry that was there's a wasp and now it came to you did you did you take that I was able to stop yeah we can send you that one oh my gosh there again job chest heght yeah yep chest tight still 140 y n great job is it going you should do that right yeah you should do that okay yeah okay sometimes the simplest of cues a q is what I would ask you to do creat it goes further it does goes to creates the outcome that we're looking for let me come over here and explain so this is the first 99 you hit here they went 139 yards it was that one the first one went left didn't it um a little bit yeah a little bit left yeah that's it mm 139 Ys 11 ft left 11 11 ft of curve this is the the last one you hit M that went 141 yards and I didn't think it went left was also went went left 21 ft of curve 17 left y okay that's the last one M that's still long yeah so there's the handle there's the grip there's your left arm so I think for the amount of body motion that you have like if you're just looking at these two different swings this swing you've done more work M and Swinging your hands up higher so the handles traveled further for the amount of body rotation you've got so over here I might say maybe 3 to 5° more rib cage rotation for this much additional handle swing so basically what I'm saying is if you've got more arm swing than you need M then there's a good chance the arms are always going to be behind where they want it and need to be that's behind your right leg right hip and then I go yep and then that's going to happen and this creates FAT Y and this creates left mhm so if we can shorten our arm swing relative to where our body rotation is and we can still hit it the proper distance because we can accelerate we're accelerating the handle then just by shortening we improve the sequence into the ball just by shortening we improve the sequence into the ball so I would like to make part of this project of cleaning up impact less fat less overl and now we're going to try and attack just doing a little bit less through our lower body okay cool oh sorry I I failed to answer one of your questions and it just came to mind it's a fairly simple discussion belt and head mhm part of that's rotation so you've rotated your hat from perpendicular to the Target line to the right so the butt on your hat is basically in the same place so that's actually not an amount of call sway off the ball um that is too much and it's also deceptive in that if I just rotate I'm looking at the middle of my hat middle of my hat's turned to the right but this top of my hat meaning my spinal column is largely still in the same place so I can simplify it what you do from a that you would see from a front back perspective in the back swing is fantastic just shortly answer me okay cool right are you ready Al so I wasn't like moving it was just me turning my head yep exactly okay okay yep now this one now this one 1 in from from touching one in from touching the inside of your cough muscle short chest High okay 140 don't touch chest High yep still Li all right don't touch good job oh he it's a lot way cool this so much better I look better at this take look at that oh yeah right space between your knees no space between your KN your right leg's gone right it's gone Y no control then from there at this place right handle adjacent to your Trail hip that's when we'd start to say cool lower body work just work the way you used to how many of the shuts off this type of light when it's hanging below your feet are thin right like if you hit 10 probably four four four that's 40% and are any chunked chunk no no okay oh yeah there is a good one that's not good at least I caught you in the ACT long arm swing long yeah mhm H that's why and high body see you're lower than where you started mhm what's your head relative to the trees here H you're still a little bit lower yeah actually I go back on what I said and now I want you to sink down another half oh another half inch just like you're just riding the elevator down yeah get lower yeah beautiful 70 Ys y still our short swing ride the posture elevated down yep yeah good nice oh it's so much better yeah it's lovely isn't it yeah it's so nice should we hit a different club now yeah same thing grab your pitching W let's do that yeah so it happens in knee flex and it happens in Hip hinge when we ride the posture I choke down a little bit or you definitely don't need to cuz anything thin contact is telling that the arc height is too high and when you move your hands down the club you shorten the distance from your hands to the end of the tool right so that's just going to lift the AR so we certainly don't want to do that not until it's we've got a fat problem to solve lovely that's super good so good super good Seline oh thank you now now down slope y more severe down slope right here and you get the same contact Miss off the down slope as the side slope it's thin thin right uh more like super low and then like thin low yep and then goost right I mean go go both sides got it got it do I need to stay down here too or um if I'm talking generally most of the time people are less successful when the ball sorry when the slope is a down slope is because they're trying to play from a normal ball position they haven't realize that the ground mhm here is higher than their golf ball and so if you play it from a normal ball position this ground is also higher to the Arc of the Swing right and so there's a great likelihood that what a person does is they hang back on their right side trying to get it up in the air and the AR Bottom's out back here so I need to be you need to be left left okay yeah and sometimes you even need the bow slightly further back to ensure solid contact but we're not solving for fat that's the perplexing part in my head we're solving for thin contact so we'll just check it out okay that was thin yeah yeah that's the that's the Miss yeah okay um bring your left foot closer to your right foot by one and 1/2 in yeah one and 1/2 yep there you go like that yep now get low ride the posture there down okay posture elevated down beautiful solved yeah yeah it's yeah so easy yeah so you were actively actually effectively too wide with your stance Y and therefore the ball is too far back too wide too far back okay so smaller smaller and then uh how call wait uh are down down get low that's the two thing right those are the two things yeah mhm good nice okayy that was super easy Show game yeah they're band Mitten cones for the court three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 landing on the first cone landing on the landing on the first cone okay show me a variety of different shots that you could and would use landing on that first cone okay I'll do normal cool I don't love normal hm I didn't love normal you didn't love I did not love normal why yeah you bounced into it yeah it's not good yeah you can't sneak anything past me okay again again normal oh I did it again you did uhhuh oh yeah uh can you delete that I'm just joking I don't respond to the instance I respond to the pattern meaning multiple occurrences of the same thing like well let's take action on that yeah so I guess I would delete it if you tell me I never do that oh no I do that not I think you bounce into it a little bit sometimes yeah okay there are places to look you ready yes here the places we look we look statically m is the left eye left of the golf ball boom we've got enough mask to the left we look at the movement of the club head relative to the handle from address back to impact but before we look at this I try and cancel out the possibility that a person's walking backwards so take a look at your Callaway logo here not from a rotational standpoint for the left right oh my that's great that's great yeah that's great typically what I'd see is a down portion to that as well so your K logo has shifted more over your lead Side by this much that's a good thing is it yep cuz that takes the The Arc so if we can call this the swing Arc and we'll move it so there's the swing arc when you move to the left so does your virtual swing Arc move to the left you see that yeah but that wouldn't cause you to bottom out early would it no so let's keep playing it that also wouldn't cause you to bottom out early but you did ah there it is my handle going up yeah exactly so as the handle goes up the club head goes down and in and typically what coincides with that move is chunk and toe y you have a chunk toe it sometimes sometimes yeah so we need a very small amount of what we're going to call thumbs up thumbs thumbs up through the downswing thumbs up through the downswing thumbs up you're going to ride shotgun here I'm driving the car so take your stance yep Ready back swing okay here it comes thumbs down you ready for it yeah there's thumbs down oh here it comes thumbs up oh it feels weird yeah okay yeah feels weird feels different yeah okay I did a lot of both I only did a lot of both so you could differentiate the two feels more thumbs up feel correct yep correct you need thumbs up okay y crisp yeah that's better yeah real crisp oh okay M so that's your basic shot fixed okay yeah rather than leave me letting you decide on what the next shot is I'm going to give you a shot you're going to give me a shot okay I like that I want the same basic shot yeah but I want you to create more cut skin cut spin yep okay same shot but cut okay M mhm oh awesome you did it did I brilliant here's exactly what you did you shifted the swing Direction 2.5 de to the left yeah on a on a down 6.4 attack angle stand back this is what you did it was brilliant I would prefer if this is how you hit your basic shot oh because the ball's going to stop quicker and any ball that stops quicker after it lands allows that player to be a little bit more assertive with how they're hitting it right be more aggressive stand down tget line here swing the camera down Target line as well so when we stand and aim that's basing up basically setting up a swing Direction that's on our Target line but you swung 2.5 to the left so at some point in the swing you tip the swing direction to the left some amount that imparted more what cut spin cut spin yeah you did it right in transition you see that so as I shift the club head outside the hand path that shifts the swing direction to the left I would like you to turn your basic one into that 7 six oh down 11 and six to the left cuz that's even more cut spin take a look what I did I moved the spin rate up to 4200 from yours 3800 which is up from your first bounce contact 2900 right so if it stops quicker on the same carry distance 9.8 y 9.6 y we can be just more aggressive with it so I'm asking for what you did doubled all right I want more of a shift and swing Direction okay there it is maybe a little thin that time versus bounced four five yeah good good job 4200 oh there you go well done now I want you to do this at 30 yard cone 30 yard okay so we got a basic little 10 yard Chip Shot we're just short of the green flying at 10 shots I want the exact same feel okay cut shot thumbs up okay lovely nice and crisp uh when when you can give me this when you can give me a minus 7 swing Direction then I'll I'll make one variation to increase the spin rate on 30 yds to 7,000 RPM it's close to Six already okay and I think you'll love it swing Direction swing Direction yeah tilt that Arc okay tilt the whole Loop 7° left and transition awesome you just did it watch the spin right think you might already got seven 6500 8.7 okay you ready for this okay so that's our basic that's our basic chip now okay here's a feeling that I want you to create in swing I can describe I think how to create it but I'm just going to describe it to you and see if you can create it mhm I want the bottom of your swing to look like this bottom of my thing to look like that so as you're coming into the ball yeah I want the o to be steep oh okay okay and they get super flat right here super flat oh okay okay I want the club to feel like it's doing this to the ground on this flat AR not okay so I don't want thud I want you to flatten the arc out late in the swing just like you're doing this to the golf ball ready y the golf ball is just staying in place and the club is just getting under it ah okay okay there it is did you see what the bowl did yeah it's amazing there you go 7,300 25 Ys a carry a little bit more but that was pretty good good Improvement so this one right here goes up the more this one goes left more this one's negative and then this one it only goes down because this one goes left it's not like you're trying to hit more down you're just trying to hit more left and the down is part of that it's carried forward because of that lovely oh that's so good so good yeah that is saucing close to 7 34 launch 26 okay now let's do 10 yards swing Direction swing Direction positive ooh just not quite negative enough this is going to feel really goofy you ready yeah go and go oh okay do as much as as you want you have my permission to double down on that transition okay tilt and swing direction oh yeah it's still spinning out there did you see it car it carried seven yards and had 4500 RPM on and trackman just it was so baffling to trackman that you had such a Negative swing Direction on such a short swing it didn't even grab it it didn't show it yeah trackman said I've never seen anything that good really yeah like no that's brilliant though at 40 500 7 y carry yeah I mean it's still spinning out there probably still spinning right now okay so ball sliding up face causing High launch wedges our starting point was no these are pretty good but let's develop an even lower launch ability we narrowed The Stance we moved the ball back and then we said hey let's explore let's try and create um exploration or experimentation that tests the boundaries of usability right exactly yeah um is there too much wrist set in the back so that causes left shots no the amount of wris hting you have right now totally fine recognize that you'll have more when you want to create more speed and more Dynamic Loft under the ball so we're good there head sway off the ball it's not sway it's rotation that's good ball below the feet and down slope thin rights solved weight position it's set up very good and also moving dynamically right um the three things that we did in the swing is we actually want to shorten our arm swing relative to our body stopping it about called it do we call ear height yeah so 10:00 I say chest chest yeah you say chest exactly and then adding speed to make sure that the amount of distance the hands travel and the speed they travel is faster relative to a Qui right side and then we're cruising on through cool and then we just did our short game work yeah anything else uh my driver yeah I actually can we do my three-wood first we can what are you curious with what would you describe three wooden driver to be with dwood I'm having a hard time hitting a draw mhm or like control my my ball uh how do you call it I'm moving balls curving curving it I'm having a hard time doing that okay but I understand cuz it's longer mhm it's harder to do it right yeah but I find it more easier doing Cuts than draw I [Applause] see two more no D okay that's the last one I don't need two more show me driver before we do anything with three-wood smashed 100 mph 150 162 it is sent 265 in the air D 258 290 take me some of those take me some of those let's grab your 3-wood back out okay let's make it behave okay are you ready y so make a back swing feeling no contact oh now you just touched my head okay make a back swing feeling no contact good there that amount that amount of stability what happened this is tight like it's hard oh yeah sometimes it's just hard to make a rehearsal swing yeah exactly cool I think I did it again did I no you did better you did better I didn't okay I was just scared I guess mhm oh no natures yes yes I'm going to hit this one no you won't I promise you you won't hugle backwards and forwards in your feet good you found Center y we're going to be stable in our turn back swing back swing back swing lift your right toe up off the ground keep your hip back keep your hip back bring the hands in yeah okay keep that hip back if that hip drives forward the handle drives forward too okay ready you got it there it is no that's so much better that is so amazing she no 230 now in the air I hit is thin but I think yeah 233 mhm much better so we went 224 222 and look where I hit it 233 dead center dead center flush be nice if it was like 23
Channel: Cameron McCormick Golf
Views: 67,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J_wky_62DyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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