How To Put INSANE ZIP On Your Wedge Shots!

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hey everyone Brad doy here today we're going to be learning the [Music] nier I know a lot of people on the good good comments have been asking for me to show yall how to hit this shot so I'm excited for this video so the Nipper is really an important shot to have in the bag they can help you get out of some very tough situations around the green if you are shortsighted to where there looks like there's almost no chance to get the ball close if you can put spin on the golf ball and get the ball to stop quickly once it lands on the green then you can get shots close that a lot of people think were impossible to get close it's a very tough shot to master I've always luckily had pretty good hands around the greens but it's also taken a lot of practice to be able to Kind of Perfect the shot for me and also like I said it's very important but it's also just a very fun shot to hit when you hit a Nipper well and it lands on the green just starts ripping back or starts just spinning you can hear it once it hits the ground it's just a fun shot to watch and a fun shot to hit this first part of the video will be for the beginner level golfer just a little bit simpler terms and um simpler ways to be able to get spin on the ball after the beginner level we will go into intermediate and expert so if you're a more experienced golfer go ahead and Skip on to those chapters so the first step for beginner golfer and I just want to go ahead and state this right now if you're a beginner golfer you're probably not just going to be going out and hitting Nippers after an hour of practice it takes a lot of time so what we're going to be talking about today is just be able to put spin on the ball in the first place with the chip and the number one thing to be able to do that is contact contact is by far even with the Nippers I hit contact is the most important thing but to be able to put any type of spin on the golf ball you have to be making good contact with the ball and through the turf and if you have good contact it will automatically put some spin on the ball so I'm going to talk about a few things here um on how to make better contact consistently with your with your Nippers and with your chip shots first things first you want that club face to be slightly open I see a lot of high handicappers and uh newer golfers that will set up the chips with just a square Club face you want this thing to slightly be open not a ton whenever you get to more expert levels that's whenever you know you start opening the face up more but if you're a beginner golfer just get that thing slightly open you want speed through the ball to be able to create spin if you're barely moving the club through the ball it's not going to have a whole lot of spin having that face open allows you to get speed through the ball but the ball won't shoot off like it's a full shot it'll allow that club to slide under the ball take a little bit less speed off of it a little less Force off of it but it'll still have that spin because that club was moving fast under that ball having that face slightly open also allows the ball to catch more of the grooves if I'm hitting with a square face and this the ball that Ball's going to roll up a little bit but it's mainly just going to shoot off if you have an open face and you go under the ball it'll allow that club to travel under the ball more and this ball is going to catch more of the grooves on the face which is just going to create more spin so that open face helps take a little bit of the force off the ball but it also allows it to catch more of the grooves on the face and that just equals more spin so the first step was open face the next step is having a narrower stance this goes along the lines with just all chipping pretty much but a narrow stance is extremely important for your contact if I have a wide stance like if it's a normal golf shot but I'm only hitting at 10 yards this just allows more room for my weight to be moving I mean say if I move my weight too far this way I move all the way back this way to get good contact or else I'm just going to flop behind it or if I start moving too much this way I get too Diggy I get too far in front of the balll wider feet is not good for chipping you want to be narrow so all this weight stays in this smaller area instead of your weight being able to move this wider area I usually keep my stance maybe my feet are probably about a ball width apart ball and a half width apart and this will just help everything stay centered you want to keep that weight a little bit on the left side and just keep everything in this narrow little area and not let anything get outside the next one is a shorter back swing I've seen lots of people getting into golf and um higher handicappers when they're around the greens obviously I've seen some get too short but most of the time I feel like I see people taking it back way too far and then all of a sudden they're delling through because their brain knows that if they hit the ball hit the shot full from there if they hit it at a normal Pace then that ball is going to be going way across the green they'll take it back too far desel at least to bad contact chunks they might thin it so the most important thing about the length of your back swing you want to be able to find a length going back with different shots where you can be aggressive through the ball and that ball is not going to be going way too long keep that back swing short so you can stay aggressive through the ball and have some speed through the ball and then lastly you want to keep that weight on the left side the entire time if I'm 50/50 right now 50 on the left 50 on the right 50% I want it probably I'd say I'm about 80% left side 20% right side and I'm a righty so obviously if you're left to' be more weight on your right foot you want this wedge to be coming down on the ball not too much but a little bit down on the ball and having that weight on the left side allows you to get that angle of attack going down if I'm 50/50 right here in the middle it's going to be coming in much lower that leads to just bad contact leads to the ball maybe coming out high with no spin you want to be able to have some downward force on that ball and having the weight on the left side the entire time can help with that and that's the beginner level for on uh how to hit a Nipper if you're a beginner you're probably not probably not going to be going out and hitting Nippers right away it takes time it takes practice but if you follow these steps you should be able to start seeing some spin being put on the ball um you should start seeing that ball check up a little bit maybe if you start seeing that spin be putting on the ball and you want to go to the next step come back to this video watch the intermediate level once you master that one go to the expert level welcome to the intermediate level lesson on how to hit a Nipper the audience is more of the maybe 5 to 20 handicappers um people who play a lot of golf people who are pretty good at golf but not quite at that expert level maybe so that's for you to decide I'm going to be trying to show you my best on how to hit a Nipper I don't expect you just go out there and start hitting these crazy Nippers right away with these tips it takes time it takes practice I say just get this one down and then maybe go the expert level once you feel like you're ready I'm going to give you my best tips on how to start generating more spin around the greens so you can see start seeing that thing check up more start seeing that thing stop faster once it gets on the green let's see if we can help you out the first step in be able to hit Nipper is you want to get this face pretty open if you've seen the videos I've opened the face a ton and I don't recommend doing that quite yet I need to get comfortable with just opening the face up first but if this is square you probably want to get this face open to about right here you want a lot of speed to be able to create the spin for the Nipper if you have a square face and you're getting that speed that ball is just going to sail it's going to go a long ways you want that face open to kind of kill some of the blow and being able to just get it come out softer but with still still having spin because you have that speed through the ball the more open the face is the more grooves that ball is going to catch as the club is going through it Square Face if this is the ball it's going to hit might catch some grus but it's just mainly going to shoot off open face that thing's going to slide under and start catching more of the grooves and more grooves equals more Spin and then you also you want to get at least what I do I get a slightly weaker grip a weaker grip is whenever if this is normal you get that left hand further that way and the right hand as well if this is normal for the right hand get that right hand further that way this is more of a an full swing it's more of a cut biased grip it's just a slight change open the face a little weaker grip and having that helps that club face just stay open a little bit longer through the ball and which like I said it allows it to catch more of those grooves kill some of the blows so it just helps that face stay open and not shut down on you next thing is you want the ball to be played further back in your stance if this is normal right here you want that ball just played a little further back as if maybe off the right big toe so you'll have the Open Face a little weaker grip and that ball played off that right toe the next thing has to do with the weight in your swing so with any chip shots you probably already know that you want that weight on your left side and the Nipper is no different you want that weight to stay on your left side hard the entire time because with the Nipper you want to be able to come in Steep and to be steep you have to have that weight on your left side and just keep it there so like I said we got the setup face more open little weaker grip ball play further back weight on the left side throughout the swing and on the back swing you want the space of the club right here you want it to feel like it's pointing at the sky if you keep this space shut like this it's not going to you might be able to generate spin but it's not going to be consistent you want that face to open up get that thing pointed this way or actually I guess the face be kind of more be more pointed at you but it's pointing Towards the Sky as well and it might not be that much in act in all reality but that's what you want to feel and that will allow that face to be open and stay open I mean it's kind of the main gist right now you want that club face to be open and be able to stay open through the shot next step is something I've actually I've tried to teach this to other golfers I know that you know are probably more on the intermediate level they seem like they're scared to hit the ground like I don't know I think chipping you just kind of think you're not supposed to make a divot I a big divot taker on chips that's just how I always have been not everyone is but that's how I am so you can't be scared to take a divot when you're hitting Nipper if you're hitting it correctly cuz you want to be coming in steep you want to be generating some speed under the ball you're going to be taking a divot so you can't be scared to you know hit the ground you don't want to just try to pick it clean and nip it so just don't be scared just take nice little divot when you're hitting this bada bing bada boom next step is you want to be able to keep your speed up through the shot this is even something I have trouble ring issues with sometimes I see a lot of people desing through the ball when they're trying to hit this type of shot probably because it does you it does take a lot of speed through the ball to be able to generate the spin and even for me sometimes I think my brain just thinks like o man if I hit this like I'm about to hit hit this shot then it's going to sail over the green go way too long I'll desell last second that just does not equal good shots so you want you have to commit to it and you have to be able to keep that speed through the shot can't be scared of it and just go this way or kind of soften it up up stay committed and have that speed to impact you have to know that contact is still the most important thing in hitting a Nipper you can do all the steps right but if you don't make good contact it's not going to equal any spin I hope these steps will help you out again this is the intermediate level and don't be expecting to just come out here and start hitting shots that are spinning back 5 ft from 15 yards away from the green probably not going to happen but I do hope that this will help you generate more spin on your shots you can start seeing that ball check up a little quicker stop uh start stopping a little quicker and once you feel like you have this stuff down maybe you start improving with your your Nippers and and your spin shots I recommend you to go to the expert level of this video and try out those tips and see if you can even generate some more spin on the ball all right this is the expert level lesson on hitting Nippers I expect people watching this video to be lower single digits handicap maybe plus handicap pro golfers College golfers really good Junior golfers people who know their way around to chipping green and have the time and dedication to to practice this because if you are not very good at it you're probably not going to go out immediately and start hitting these cool spin shots it's going to take time to practice it took me a lot of time to be able to get pretty good at the shot so let's get right into it first things first if you have seen me hit Nippers I open the face a ton almost where it's flat on the ground I want this face open as much as possible and the reason I do that is because if you do it right you can still hit it low with that open face having the open face gives me the freedom to be able to shut down the face slightly at impact with speed and I will know that ball is not going to go a mile long of the green so I can generate as much speed as I want kind of flick the hands at it and that Ball's not going to sail along with a square face so I try to open the face as much as I can to give myself that room and that comfortability and freedom to be able to have some speed through it and put that spin on it the next thing I do is I weaken my grip and what I do that for is just to be able to keep the club face even more open cuz the one thing I don't want to do is shut that face down and that ball just sails Along on me and just goes a mile so it's just slightly weaker grip open face and that helps me to slide that club underneath the ball with speed and without the fear of going along the next thing is I play the ball pretty far back when I'm hitting these and that's because I want to get steep with it with the angle of attack I don't like when you see me in slowmo I'm coming in very steep this way and and so I play the ball further back I'd say if normal a normal Chip Shot was you know here I'm probably a little bit more right here so it's not a ton maybe half a ball further back but it is further back than I would for a nor normal Chip Shot next I want my weight to be hard on my left side throughout the entire shot especially on the down swing cuz I've had times before where I'll have my weight on the left side be good and then almost to try to soften it up a little bit I'll kind of back out with the head with the weight and just leads to terrible shots so you have to keep that weight on your left side ball played back and really commit to just staying there and getting nice and steep with it the next step is on the way back I want this thing to have the freedom I want the toe to have the freedom to open up I don't want to open the face and then keep it right here on the way back I want to be able to have it have the freedom of getting that thing even more open on the way back obviously this is probably a little exaggeration it's not going to actually happen like that I kind that's kind of what I feel though is just letting that toe kind of release and open up on the way back that just leads that club face be able to stay open longer again the open Club face just generates more spin gives me that freedom to have that speed through the ball this next step is extremely important like I was saying I want to be steep on the ball I want to be coming in with this club face or this club going more down on the ball but I don't want to be coming in steep just like you know this I don't want to be coming in just super steep straight up and down so what I do to offset that cuz you need to be steep coming this this way down but you don't want to be steep from the down the line view so what I do is I feel that steepness but I try to feel like this club is almost going working inside on the way back and coming from the inside on the way through the feeling of the inside on the way through and on the way back will offset the steepness of the Swing it'll still be from out to in in a way but having that feeling of coming from the inside will keep it from digging at the bottom because you want to be able to make a divot you want to be able to get steep with it but you don't want it to dig so I'm hitting Nippers or practicing it and I start seeing a lot of steep divots just kind of getting stuck in the ground I know I'm probably just coming up too much this way obviously it's exaggerated but I'm just coming up too much this way trying to get steep so I just feel like the club is almost passing underneath my hands right here just nice and inside and even on the way through on the way down from the inside you also want to feel in this section right here probably you want to feel like the club is leaning you don't want to be flipping it right here and try to generate spin right here cuz at some point in this you do want to not necessarily flip it but you want to be able to release the hands for that spin and that speed but that's not right here here you want to feel that lean feel those hands in the end of the shaft getting ahead of the ball but then the biggest thing this is where I generate all the speed through the impact it gets to a point where about for me when I feel my hands are at the ball that's when I start releasing the club face and it's not just a flip it's not doing that it's just a nice release where you can kind of feel that club face is actually coming back this way kind of closing a little bit as you're coming through the ball it'll still be open because your face was so open you got to open going back once you get about right here you want to be able to release that club and Slide the thing as fast as you can under that bowl cuz it's not like my club face is like this at impact it's going to be more right here it goes from here to here very quick which that is what's generating all that speed I'm able to manipulate the club release the club so quickly in that little bit of time that's it's generating a lot of speed and catching that ball just right towards riding up the grooves and generating a lot of speed under that ball the most important thing besides contact is this area right here it is extremely important to be able to learn and it's just going to take practice it takes going out on the chipping green trying to figure out how it works for you try to figure out that feel being able to with an open face getting right here leaning the shaft but then being able to release it to where that shaft is pretty much straight up and down at impact and that club B starts releasing and rotating at the right time to You'll generate that spin so just want to reiterate that that is the most important thing besides contact that you'll need to work on and it just takes getting out there and practicing and figuring out how to do it the last step is the Nipper should be finished how the finish of the Swing should be obviously different types of shots it might release a little differently the most basic one they'll do it and these arms will kind of fold right here in front of my body and the club shaft and the grip will be very close to my body so you don't want to be out here you don't want to be you know doing this but just posting up on that left side but then letting the arms and everybody everything just relax and just kind of fold right here in front of you so I'll just put it in action real quick a great way to work on the Nipper something I do a lot if I'm maybe not hitting that shot too great for a little bit or something I'll go work on on the shipping green is I will find a short-sided shot right here I've got about 8 yards of Fairway I might even put a te down probably two to three yards on the green or if there's a hole that's in a good spot like that I'll go to that what I try to do is land it on the green but stop as short of that hole or that t and I'm not trying to do it by hitting a flop shot I'm trying to do it with spin for the expert levels or even intermediate I'd say try that of just trying to be able to land that ball on the green but stop short of the pin obviously if you're on firmer greens you could give yourself a little more leeway just kind of have to feel it out on that but it's just a good way to be able to try to see that short landing area and where that ball needs to stop and uh it's just a good way to kind of check up to see how good your your Nipper is at that time and uh that's something I do a lot and also just want to reiterate this takes a lot of practice the Nipper is not something that you'll just pick up in no time I don't want you to just go and practice for 20 minutes after watching this video and maybe it's not working for you and you just throw it away like it takes time to practice um you got to figure out what you like about it maybe there's some things you don't really like about it some things You' rather do your own way you just have to figure out kind of your own way of doing things but I gave you the Skeleton on how I do it hopefully it can help you out yeah I appreciate you watching I know a lot of you been asking for this video and uh that's how I hit a Nipper we'll be having a lot of great content coming out from good good Labs here in the near future so uh subscribe hit that notification Bell so you're notified whenever a new video comes out much appreciated [Music] peace m
Channel: Good Good Labs
Views: 302,374
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Id: 4soyVD7t8XM
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Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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