What Breaking Par Really Looks Like for Amateurs - Shot by Shot

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what does it take to shoot par or better as a one- handicapper that's what I'm trying to do every single round Target level par or below I'm going to play around where I chase underp and let's see how close I get showing you every shot of what's necessary to do it it's so important to know your shot shape I know my shot shape with the seven wood is either kind of straight or with a big draw it's never really going to leak to the right so I feel very confidential hitting it down the center of this Fairway and having a big draw or going dead straight I also know I don't like to tear it up I like to bump the ground and just it slightly off the ground on the turf don't like hitting it off the tea I don't know why we can't hit driver here because the water is reachable so we're hitting the seven wood to lay up to probably a pitching wedge or gap wedge range oh man that's real good to shoot power better you really have to be familiar with a golf course it's quite difficult to be a traveling scratch handicap playing new courses every single time without a warm-up round I know this course really well but most important is to have a rangefinder to get accurate distances so we can match it up to Accurate shots that we know how to hit so I know from 1:30 middle of the Fairway down the grain cuz the grass is growing away from me or being pushed there by the mower instead of into me meaning I'm going to have a perfect shot not going to get stuck in the ground basically the perfect conditions line up to this dry Leaf over here with my club face make sure I feel really good at the hole and I think I'm going to stick this real [Music] close you should level or underpar good pting is non-negotiable got a little bit uphill so when it's uphill I like to take less break cuz I'm hitting it a bit firmer just skims over a lot of the initial brake so that it dies closer to the hole because it's going uphill then it might take a little bit of break wow it it started coming and then pushed that way so I had a perfect line in my mind I hit it on my perfect line didn't go in but great Pace easy paw let it come we have 128 yards left after 281 yd Drive we're sitting down in this grass and that's going to affect the shot normally from 128 I would just hit a 48° boom on the green perfect distance but because the ball's sitting in like a bird's nest I have to Club up one just to be able to get it out cuz there's going to be so much grass between the club face and the ball when I hit the shot I grip down a little bit because the ball's above my feet if I grip fully I'll enter the ground before the ball because on the normal swing plan of a normal shot the balls further down which means the bottom of my swing will be where it normally is whereas on this one the bottom of my swing is under the ball so I have to grip down or lift my chin something to make that swing plane bottom out at the ball so we take a pitching wedge instead of a 48 from 128 oh absolutely money what a [Applause] putter Birdie the nice thing with the new driver head I bought to 8.5 de is that it has a tendency to fade so I can eliminate the left side of the golf course which used to make me crap myself especially with a 10° head which for some reason had a propensity to go left or duck hook left if I can remove that duck hook I can go under par but if I have the duck hook it's debilitating for my mental game and my score absolutely ripped the difficult part to understand when you're trying to break par or get to level par is the LI depends creates the shot the LI creates the shot so we're on bare Turf here luckily we landed on some grass so I can go for the shot from 215 after a 293 yard Drive I can go for it but only with the seven wood I can't hit an iron off that lie cuz it's not fluffy or good enough so I'm going to hit the seven wood and hopefully go over the hole and on a mediocre strike maybe stop on the green but if it's a good strike it should go over the green and because there's a shorter carry left and the balls above my feet and the Seven would likes to turn right to left if I go at the hole and I hit a a big sweeper it will miss on the left hand side shter carry easy chip that's why it's a shot I'll go for if this ball was literally just 50 cm 2 ft in front of here I can't hit the shot I have to lay up to the right if it were 5 yards back I could hit a four iron all because the LIE changed within 6 yards go ball it's going to fly go nope we're in the water unfortunately so we're going to have to take a drop we took on that shot it was risky but in that moment you you know I'm 20 15 yards from the hole I can't really lay up from there especially if I have the shot I miss that a little bit to the right and the water extends out to the right there making it a longer carry if I hit that out the hole we would have cleared it easily so we're at Cross the hazard we've taken the wall back to 90 yard and I'm going to hit a 60° wedge here I think it's money distance for this shot well I've pulled that one so we're not in the best shape on the par five one of the most eye openening and important things I did was understand the PGA Tour statistics yes they play Elite conditions with super fast greens and slopes where you don't want to hit the ball but you know what so do we in relation to our skill level we're not on the PGA tour we're not playing Elite conditions because we're not Pros but as hobby golfers we can relate that to us instead of getting crazy angry about hitting the ball here with a simple shot like a 60° from 88 yards I just accept it because a pro could do this any shot of their if I do this one out of 10 times hey that's pretty good cuz the rest of the time I'm going to get it pretty good so to get over that is really nice because it takes that weird pressure off we put ourselves thinking that we have to hit it like a pro to 6 ft every time which even they don't do one of the advantages I have is I hit the ball a bit further now that's a product of better ball striking from learning how to hit the golf ball compressing it into the ground both with hitting the ball by myself on the beach and actually getting lessons on the Impact Zone and how to hit the golf ball I have to take into account also the wind and the wind is slightly into me not that much so I'm going to hit a 79 now in that moment I feel like a seven I'm not going to commit to so I'm going to hold back probably tug it or push it because I haven't committed to it so I'd rather h a committed eight and be 5 or 10 yard short of this hole then try to get it all the way back there fangling as seven well we we didn't record the first one and we put it to like 6 in so let's hope we can just replay that for you I've got the heavier weights in my poter now I'll put a 15 G in well not as good as my first putt but we'll take it if you want to get close to par or under par there's only one thing you need to completely avoid your entire life and that's generic swing advice on YouTube or magazines it's going to hurt your game way more than it's going to help your game and it will stop your progress by a few years I've been working with swing tweaks a great app that you can send in a video down the line and front on and a PGA professional in the app is going to get your videos he's going to read what you put in your information and he's going to assess your game and your swing to give you drills and techniques on how to improve what's going wrong by understanding the entire series of events in your golf swing I've had two or three swing tweaks for my leftand game especially where I'm trying to break 90 as a beginner left-handed and it's helped me tremendously to be able to understand where I'm going wrong download Swing tweaks right now send in a tweak get assessed by a pro and start improving your game very quickly be sure to use my code players to get 20% off your first tweak so what I've done is I've moved further back here because a 352 yard hole is considerably different to a 411 yard hole overwater where you can barely see the Fairway but because I know my shot shape is a feder with this drive I'm going to hit this ball straight up to what I can see knowing it's going to fade back if I didn't have the fade shot and everything Drew I'd have to hit something shorter so it wouldn't reach the trouble if I hit the draw but because I'm confidential in the fader I'm going to send it up straight up the left it's going to fade in we're going to have a money shot in get ready for the fader and just faded right up there like a little fader now I used to get really upset with my drive didn't go super long if people were playing closer to the green than me so I really focused on hitting the ball a lot further and and I got a lot more wewood Haywood so now I'm very happy to have a 256 yard shot into the breeze up the hill here leaving myself a beautiful 160 yard shot if I can have 160 yard shot into every par 4 Green every par five green you know what I'm going under par level par anyway because I'm so confidential from that distance we got 170 yards up the hill and now we have to adjust for conditions we got a little breeze into us we're going uphill so it's probably playing more like 182 which for me is a beautiful 7 IR straight up the hill if I hit my standard a on I'm going to be well short probably leave it in the water there and have to take a drop this side of the hazard so the most important thing when the trouble is short I have to go long if I miss this green from this distance it's fine I'm going to miss it on the right hand side most likely I just don't want to go long right cuz then I'm chipping from below the green anything on the right is a simple chip up the hill anything long left is a very simple chip with a lot of green to work with so I'm identifying where are the best places to miss and where's the worst place to so the best is short right and long left everything else is crap but I don't care about mud balls oh man what a good shot now at the last minute there I did change my mind about the shot shape just because of how the ball was lying and there was a mud ball so because the ball was lying slightly down on the grass I decided to go a bit steeper on it and try hit a little fader and that's why it faded like that just cuz of the nature of the light like I say we always go back to the LIE of the ball it's 100% the most important thing if you want to play par or underpar golf to put it to this what's this about 7 ft from with a seven iron from that distance is quite remarkable it's an anomaly so we have to take advantage my first time if I make this to make a birdie on this hole it's on a side slope so it's going to snap it's got three different grains I'm starting on a grain in away from me over a grain into me to a grain away from me again so that last bit when it dies it's going to snap in left [Music] hopefully P now with 7 foot putts generally you're going to see PGA T pros make 50% of their eight Footers so you can assume from 7t they're probably doing about 60% so 6 out of 10 I like to push for an elite short game to get under par because I believe you need to have one to be able to do that so if I make six out of 10 of those I'm like a PGA T Pro but if I make five out of the out of 10 that's really good less than a PGA T Pro but super super happy with that 460 yards to the center of the green 440 to the front of the green I really want to get down there like at least 250 or 240 at least to be able to have a nice six iron approach in cuz we're going downhill down Breeze the high confidence shot here is the seven wood myet I have to go high confidence because it's a tough hole and a long hole like this if I do fader the ball too much cuz I got a big ass tree here on the left if I go straight down the middle and fader it too much into the woods that means I have to rete and I'm Hing number three down there and then probably three with this anyway and then I've got a long shot in for number four I'm taking double triple bogey here I'm going to cover my downside take the seven wood have a outside chance at the par probably 30 to 40% chance of a par 100% chance of no more than a bogey and I'm okay with that 460 is pretty long and especially with one that doesn't suit my driver shape with a feder whereas the seven wood is almost guaranteed to go right to left and we're money down the left side perfect like I planned I've put this to 192 yards just absolutely perfect now I've put the ball to 192 I'm downhill slight down Breeze I mean very slight yep maybe like 3 yards so that pushes it down to 189 down the slope we're playing about 185 184 and I think my 6 IR is going to be too long and I'd rather be just short here on the front and have a nice putt than have a downhill putt from the back of the green piss off here you li okay 192 might seem like a lot for a 79 and it is but I learned playing with a professional called promo that I just need to play my game I need to hit the ball hard the way I like to hit the ball it gives me more Commitment if I try hold off shots try be more relatable I'm not going to be able to play proper golf oh man straight at the hole damn and another bird dog is really my P of choice also made by water Player golf and this really is just I'm so used to this that I think I have a better chance of making more putts trying to go under par by just using my more comfortable regular Club just like that I have to use my regular club and this water player birdog is the best I spent the last few years trying not to hit the ball too hard and be unrelatable but I found if I want to play my best golf I have to be me and to be comfortable I have to hit a shorter Club harder I can't hit the soft Club shorter I've yanked that I've yanked the doodled we hit a pretty poor shot there but we've accepted we're in a bad position we're on some po poor grass not very nice as elephant grass and we got a bad lie we're like in a little Hollow between the grasses so when I have a bad lie like this I just like to take out my tow down chipping because anything else I could teeth over or chunk very easily so I'm going to take a pitching wedge where I would normally take a 56° and Chip this taking a pitching wedge and doing toe down chipping now we have to be nice and aggressive to get this on the green don't be timid Maddie we accepted now let's make a p now from there we could make it we might not but we take what we get we don't get upset now these parts are very important we' got about 8 ft here we got a 50/50 chance of making this if we're pga2 pro and when I come when it comes to putting I believe I am pga2 Pro standard on normal greens I think we're going left to right here let's just commit to the line make sure we basher roon in the Hol ski oh man come on since I'm having doubts just standing up here with the seven wood I don't really like it from this t for some reason I'm just going to hit my six iron cuz even the four IR is giving me doubts so let's go with the most confidential shot my six iron just brilliant no doubt at that tree [Music] boom boom boom Matty boom boom in play sometimes you see something nasty come out of your swing like that that big fade you start to wonder what am I doing now like I was intending for that to go middle of the fway push this way now when I get up to the ball I see oh the wind is pushing into me off the left so it's no wonder it moved this way it can be too tempting to get into your swing o what am I doing wrong let me do my mechanics on the course let me fix this and remember what I did in the lesson there no I got to just keep swinging get the ball in play it'll write itself but if I start getting two in my head about imaginary mechanics with dzos we got 300 to the front I want to set up my free throw distance here of like 120 yards hit like a 48 or pitching wedge into the green money we're going to hit the same 6 sign and because we knew what happened there from the wind and we're playing it off the ground now not off a tea we're probably going to move it left to right from the wind so we'll just set this one up a bit further left than normal over the left edge of this tree and just hope for the best like a boss normal swing as always no doubt wind's pushing it just a little bit and middle of the Fairway beautiful so 133 you know what I'm going to take some distance off this not by changing my swing or or shot shape but just gripping down just a little bit like just maybe maybe an inch or 2.54 CM for the Legends in the metric system we're going to hit a full pitching wedge here into the breeze this is money distance maybe a bit maybe a bit short a bit High bit High yeah we're a bit short there we use this kind of shot for information for the rest of the round this entire game is in the moment on the day it's not a general game but what we have here now is information so that kind of pitching wedge into this Breeze is not going to be enough this is a full pitching wedge my normal distance the breeze held it up now with these long puts I really have to just get the pace right I'm not really going to Whole many of these but if we can just have a typinski for the Pary we are lovely yep that's all we need just a toiny now I'm going to hit a driver here I normally wouldn't but with that shot shape with a lower degrees on my driver I feel like I eliminated that water on the left now all I have to do is play on the right side of the golf course and luckily on this hole a Jack Nicholson golf course designed hole we have space on the right because he does that for the players so we just send this one straight up to that bunker and and orange tree way in the distance expecting straight or fader maybe a bit too much fader on that one we've got 106 yards here and we think to ourselves okay 160 yard Sand Wedge copy paste no we got a tree in the way of the trajectory of The Sand Wedge and this is where the big difference between very low handicaps and mid- handicap High handicap come in where you know your trajectory of every shot and how to hit a shot from here instead of Smashing it into the tree here trying to be a hero you go for the highest percentage shot the highest percentage shot from 106 yards is something that it's going to go lower than the branches around that tree and roll up onto the green or just short of the green leaving an easy tip so for6 yards if I have to gauge and look at my trajectory expected I'd say seven or six IR going to be my best bet and judging by the grass and the uphill there I'll probably where I want to pitch it have to hit like a six iron to roll the ball far enough onto the green if I hit a seven iron it might pitch too far and not have enough speed to roll up that slope onto the front then as you're able to hit the punch shots hit the low shots then you're able to shape them a little bit so on this one I'm going to try h a little feder just so I don't have to cut it too close to that tree there and H it more toward the no cart sign there so 106 yards very difficult to gauge the to gauge the distance but it's just a little Chip Shot and we're going to try put a little spin spin action on it left to r or and that's going to end up just short just like I said though because in order to land it short on the dry piece and not into the spongy grass we probably even have to hit a five iron or I have to hit the six iron to land where it probably finished so it catches the grass and lands on the green but with tropical grass it's generally going to stay short cuz it grips the ball like velcro this is how we study the lie with that pit shot we understood the difficulty of the shot and we can adjust our expectations to the result of what is good that shot to get it to here low handicap shot on the green Pro level shot if you do it one out of 10 times you're a genius just a short little pitch here now these are the bread and butter if you want to be near par we really have to try get up and down as often as we can yeah it's not going to happen every time but we really feel confidential that we can and putting it like that to maybe 3 3 and 1/2 ft that's always going to be money cuz we know PGA tour pro is around 3 ft on 99% 99 out of 100 puts are made if we can get up to to 90 out of 100 with money got to be really careful in your expectations about where you're going to chip the ball this is great we are 3 ft 3 and 1/2 ft from the hole on that chip you think a pga2 pro leaves it an inch short and they show you the highlights that you that's what you have to do this is a fantastic result now we just have to have the confidentiality to pick a line hit it firm on that line in the cup and the best way for me when I play like really good golf is I kind of stab these short ones I feel like I keep the cter low to the ground and stab them that's just my technique that's the feeling I have whether it's true or not you can decide but we go on the right lip and stab it with a lot of speed hitting the back of the cup oh for sake [Music] [Music] we got 69 yards obviously money shot now we need to get these ones whatever score you're going for whether you're trying to save a par save a bogey make a birdie inside 100 yards this is where the money is made on the PGA tour and in the Nassau Games on the weekends at your Club you want to get better at this game come on come on 60° from [Music] 69er and that's the money right there on the green baby yeah we've got about 8 to 9 ft so we're looking at about 40 to 50% of these going in but we know that if we read it right get the pace right we are really money on these and we've got these stations from them cutting the grass or doing some kind of Maintenance so it's going to probably hold the line even a little bit more so we just go left Edge not outside and we Jam the mother lover and that's how you do it inside 100 that can save you shots all over over the show of course it's very difficult but get yourself a pitching lesson with a pro the pitching lesson is going to teach you more about the goal swing than any other lesson you're going to have two pitching lessons two putting lessons you're going to be a much better player now you may ask yourself how can this guy be so confidential that he's going to shoot underpar well the previous few videos I've been making I've been under par trying to show other points so I want to see how I can actually play focusing on score it might be different cuz now I'm focusing on the score and less on the other points but let's see how we go we H it dead straight light this one is I mean can't even see it but it's basically unplayable we've got a whole lot of junk behind it here so we're just going to take a drop ski I don't even know the rule I'm guessing one Club length well from there is fine from there to there is about a driver length so we'll take a little dropper and that's where we going to play it I'm not going to chase my losses here sometimes just accept Boge is a good score and hopefully you make the par if you're lucky so we're hitting our third shot here from 250 now from here I feel like I can pull off a nice hook around this tree with an eight iron I wouldn't try with a seven iron or 6 iron because just you got a better chance of smothering the ball higher Loft means easier to draw and we've gaffed that one and now we are really looking bad what I really should have done if I'm really clever is just chip this one out down to the 150 so I've left myself 190 there trying to be clever we're going to go 7 out from 193 I feel like that's going to be the club of this firm Turf here it's just a perfect lie the wind conditions are very still and it's guarded by the trees around us those trees are blocking out the wind if I keep the B below the level of those trees the wind can't affect it that much so we hit the 79 up on the left side just because that's where all the space is and if we catch a real good one right next to the hole nice nice fader fader okay perfect we're on the left edge of the green over there now we got two puts for the bog ski let's see if we can hold it for one pot little downhill going to break right at the end just swooping back into the hole left or rer little slider just a little too firm little too firm money have to be real careful around this time of the round this is where I start to fall asleep maybe get a little bit tired I've got salt water 1 teaspoon sodium chloride table salt and two teaspoons of potassium chloride otherwise known as no salt now this just keeps me vibing right I don't need food I don't need coffee I don't need anything I just need the salt because I'm sweating like hell out here in 100° weather we got 203 which is just a club for my six iron here I have to just tee the ball up where there's grass when they're maintaining a course you know it's beginning of wet season here I don't want to go stand in the sand and slip so I just find a place where my stance has got grass instead of worrying about the ball being in the grass now I've hit the crap shot see I'm starting to fall asleep now there was a funny swing falling over but luckily we've got a chip up the green if you notice on this round your distance a control is absolutely money that's just something to remember that if you get your distance control right on full shots pitches chips and putts you are really a great golfer and that's where we separate the men from the super humans it's distance control now for me to get the best distance control on this chip I need to bump and run it if I hit a sand wedge or lob wedge I'm never going to get the consistent Spin and result I want because it's going to spin differently on every shot so this one I like to take low Loft like a nine or eight on bump it on the front let it roll up take the brake like a putt boom distance control if I can stop this in line with the pin and judge my my line correctly I'm going to have a very easy power putt bad so we're going to take an a time just get it on the front like Gary Player says go high you're going to cry keep it low get the dirty hose and we love a dirty hose so we're going to keep this real low it's coming in from the left side little bump and Runner one yard onto the green Here Comes Matty boom boom get in get in and that's exactly what I'm talking about if I take a lob wedge or a sand wedge there it's just not going to do the same thing I can hit this shot with a Aon 10 times and I'm going to get up and down seven out of 10 times maybe even eight that's how the cookie mumbles we're not going to hit driver here because that little fader that I like to hit if it comes will reach that bunker on the right that bunker is only 250 to get into the hole we're slightly down Breeze above the bunker meaning we'll catch a bit more distance when we hit downhill so we're going to hit the seven wood cuz I know it's not going to reach that bunker there's no point in sabotaging myself when a ball that reaches the front edge of that bunker leaves me like a 48° wedge into the hole anyway so if I leave this at the 150 I've got like a 9al pitching wedge into the hole and that's money for me there's no need to add stress to the shot by hitting a driver that could go in the bunker so what we're thinking about when we're hitting a driver is avoiding the bunker and that doesn't help us cuz our shot shap with a driver is to go toward that bunker at least we're in play there it's easy game and this is part of that falling apart piece so that one we bogied the par five we made a par on the par three now we've got hold 13 14 15 we got to get through without acting like a dum dum now I'll take this shot over one from the Fairway bunker from probably 90 yards any day of the week I cannot play a fairway bunker from inside 90 yards it's a crapshoot it's going to be bogey it can be a par can be a double bogey so we got 122 we're going down Breeze I think it's a beautiful 48° as long as we go long of the pin here because we don't need to be short here cuz of that bunker Enclave come on Maddie just a normal strike normal lie let's go little fat little fat come on hit the left Edge okay we're just over actually another form of chipping that's not discussed much is feeling the turf and then adjusting your shot depending on the feedback on your practice strokes when you feel the turf I've picked this up in Scotland but heard from Eric about this in the first place sometimes you it's just about how you feel it could be very risty you could feel like oh that could work could be nice and stiff or low off the back foot but to me that catches it could be cutting right across the board you see how that just Glides through the turf that could be the shot here let's see how we feel yeah that Glides through real nice I would go lower but I didn't bring the right Club so I'm going to take the 48° and try pitch it about a third of the way there we're going to try the water player blade putter just a simple blader nice and heavy I made it a bit heavier than normal because often these are too light wow that's money that's manisi this is an immense PA for at 465 yards generally it shoots it suits a nice draw shape this driver I don't really have much confidential of hitting a drawer I actually want to hit the feder so if I hit the feder I've got to hit it between the left Edge there which is just Bush and then there's a big tree in the middle and I want to fade it off that hopefully reach the middle of the Fairway pulling off a drawer is going to require too much work on my part too much thinking which distracts from the shot I don't want to be thinking about anything else except the successful shot I'm going to hit if I think about trying to hit a draw and have 1% doubt I'm going to duck hook and turn it here into the bushes on the left but no draw is coming we're only hitting Fades what a day that may be a little bit too much fader despite that terrible swing we've still gone 272 according to this which means we have 205 to the center I'm not even going to shoot the pin because it's irrelevant 205 when I see that number that's the number I want to see I don't want to look at my range find I see a different number change my thinking we're on an UPS slope the ball's above my feet UPS slope turns the ball right to left ball above my feet turns the ball right to left we've got a tree right in front of us on that right to left line which we have to clear now how am I going to get over that is there enough extra launch on this uphill to get over that tree I do believe so so what I'm going to do is just be sure by taking the seven ey not the six six I could probably clear but I'm going to have to give too much body English on it so I'm going to take the seven less Body English more confidentiality more chance of hooking with the higher Loft we're going to be either at the pin or middle of the green like a bazo so that means we're going to hit the shot envisioning that high draw over that tree moving back toward the pin off this off this lie which promotes that ball shape it's absolutely stunning to watch well that hit a little seed and pushed it off to the right still Drew off that and now we're a little short cuz that damn seed pod just killed the momentum but a great shot even on a pit shot you can do that feel of the turf I've got a 56° here it feels wet enough and fluffy enough to use it come on let's get this one real nice and close how about that a little bit too much spin so we left ourselves a bit further from the hole okay back to the B Dog bir doggy come on now M some seeds on my line if it hits a seed it could go off line just like it hit that seed podt on the approach shot come on Matty boom booms ah what a day what a beautiful putter got 169 we're going to hit the 9 iron just because we're feeling loose and we've got a nice warm temperature man this stupid thing that's absolute trash this is where my mind comes in and I have to be conscious of it it's now trying to find mind reasons to be distracted in the heat after playing so long talking so much on the camera I changed my glove because it was getting wet and I was thinking about it thinking about it slipping now I can't think about that the other thing is this stupid thing over here was gets in my way I can see it here as I look down at the ball and it hangs off my shirt so for the next few holes I'm going to take it off when I hit my shot so I can't use it as an excuse to play Bad well that did not go to plan man what have you done with your life oh we're not going to hit the seven wood here because there's not enough Turf here I I think I'm having trouble hitting that seven wood off the Sandy Li so we're going to tea up a four iron that's just going to give us a better shot without having to think too much about what could go wrong so four iron here should get us well past the 150 at worst at the 150 and that's a beautiful pitching wedge straight toward this hole Landing Softly on the green it's just a perfect Club [Music] what we did there is we drew up the hole the way we want to play it we didn't let the hole play us by drawing us into doing stupid things that four iron couldn't reach those bunkers it's a very wide space here this is just the perfect place to be I wanted about 150 in I got 157 we're going to hit the pitching wedge here just because a slightly down Breeze off the LIF and we're going slightly downhill to the hole I don't want to go long here with a well struck nine iron and and then have a chip from the back of the green or be in the water I'd rather just be right on the front of this green and avoid all that 75% surrounded by water that's just money easy game and a pitching wedge is just one of my money clubs yeah even the pitching wedgees on the back Edge so I'm really hitting the ball well all these Victory insult SS and victory socks really help in the distance I think in America for baseball they like to say baseball is a game of inches and golf is even more a game of inches than any other sport in the world because an inch that way puts me between Blades of grass an inch this way puts me with the grain of the grass a couple feet this way I'm in the deep deep stuff and what 3 or 4 yards I'm On The Fringe remember it's a slower green than normal so we can be nice and aggressive here with this 48° should stop okay well it rolled on a bit more than normal I should have watched that go past the hole I didn't watch it not very clever I don't even have the putty in my hand what am I doing with my life and I think we're going to go not much not much from the right not much from the right come on Maddie it's bumpy so hit it through the bumps oh man I've got to stop scrambling I need to attack the last two holes gold we need some birdies here man we need some damn birdies now this is an attack hole because it's a short par five and if I catch this ball above that rise or beyond that rise it's firm Turf down there it's going to take the ball way long that I could even have a nine iron or eight iron into this green screwed up a couple par fivs I believe and that is really not good for trying to go under par or shoot level par we've absolutely smashed that drive I've got myself a 48° wedge from 148 total distance 342 so it hit that down slope there and it just runs like down here so what we're going to do is hit a 48° from 148 purely because that pitching wedge there on the previous hole flew like 165 so I think a nice committed 48 degree with this warmth this 100° weather and the confidential swing is going to be perfect let's see if we can Eagle I screwed up two power FS the first one I hit driver and then I had a tough decision to make and I went for the 50/50 shot of hitting the 7w over the water l in the water it's a 50/50 I would rather actually lay up there I got a great chance at making birdie with wedges in my hand especially a sand wedge or a 60° the other part five I hit a driver to the narrowest part of the Fairway and it makes no sense because that's most danger and from there you're 240 away from the hole I'm not really going to go for that shot anyway so it was a low percentage shot should have hit the seven wood short laid up to a sand Wich try make the birie with a sand Wich cuz I can when I got a wedge in my hand come on [Music] okay here we go final hole we are burning up now we've just had a bird on the par five we feel better about life we were feeling a bit down because of the par fivs long par 4 430 yard we're going to take off this silly thing so we can hit a better shot my boom boom in the house we've hit a beautiful drive about 282 we have got exactly 148 left the exact same shot as the last hole where we tried to be cute with a 48° so we're going to take the pitching wedge and let's just believe this is going to go 150 and not longer we have to adapt as we go this is the final hole let's not lose focus come on Maddie that butterfly may die well now I'm on the back Edge there because I was thinking about trying not to hit this too far and in the end I get a little tight and then I pull it left like that instead of a nice free flowing swing and that's where those little doubts those little thoughts come in that make you not pull off great shots luckily I've missed in a place where I can still get up and down but you really have to get rid of those thoughts and give it that nice free swing to be able to get the best results out of your game I hope what you take out of this is that I'm so comfortable with my game I don't care some days it can be off some days it can be on this is like my home course so generally I know the lines I know the feeling of each hole I know where to hit it I know the shaping I know where to hit it around the greens and that's going to be a huge advantage on other days it may switch off completely and then you're barely struggling to break 85 as a low handicap that's going to happen I just feel like I'm informed this time of the year and you know what else I'm comfortable with my game and I hope you are and you can find comfort in your shots and not listen to knobheads talking badly because look at this I just missed this shot I just missed it long here not the best 150 yard pitching with yeah you want to put it to however much distance if you look at the proximity it's not that bad it's just miss the green it's not big enough to hold the shot not a problem we got an easy up and down Let's Jam it we're going to go with a nine on here that we have a lot of green to run up I brought the nine instead of the pitching wedge because there's a patch of grass that's a different kind of grass on this green which I know it's a bit slower the first two yards here are quick and then it's super slow so I can hit the 99 with confidence knowing that it will shoot all the way up to the hole just like that if that were another green I would be 7t past that's how I play level power or better golf shot by shot the strategy I use the thinking on each shot check out this video here for more information on scratch Golf and the habits that we have to play better
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 196,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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