Difference Between a Good Golfer and a Hacker

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you've seen PGA T players say that if they take over from the high handicap inside 100 yards they're going to see their handicap drop into the single digits I play 24 handicap golf left-handed so I'm going to hit the shots to within 100 and then I'm going to take over right-handed where I play off a one to two handicap and let's see the difference in the score beautiful shot not a gry but a straighty so unlike launch Armstrong we're going to have two balls here one we're going to do right hand one we're going to do left hand to compare inside 100 yard what is the difference between a low handicap and a 245 handicap not so good not too bad not so good a little bit better a little fat but better go high you're going to cry keep it low you get the hose the hell is the pressure to beat myself this is crazy well I topped the hell out of that wow 63 yards is not a long shot but it's still tricky as a 24 handicapper to get that distance control right to get the flight right to be able to hit the right distance and even the direction can go well left well right and that's where the big difference comes in when you get more skill in the short game is you get to put it closer allowing for more makeable putts rather than more chips and long lag putts that lead to three putts okay beautiful we're on the green oo I think that's a little closer the difference is astronomical this was a really nice one for me I've left this one to about 5 and 1/2 6 ft and this one and has left me probably 18 20 ft and the difference in a six-footer and a 20 footer going in the hole at let's say Pro level 6-footer you're looking at about 70% of them going in so 7 out of 10 and when you're looking at a 18 to 20 footer you're probably looking at less than 1 in4 maybe 1 in5 so imagine at Pro level if it's a one in five chance of making this putt what is it at 24 handicaps and then when you do have putts it's all about distance control a let's control the distance here oh I just put like a bomb but it could just be this new poter from water Player golf this is the 66 AF yes indeedy bam what a day what a beautiful day and this is where I will definitely lose shots compared to right-handed cuz I'm more proficient from the sand right-handed cuz I've practiced a lot I never practice this left-handed and if you just get the ball out on the Green in one shot you can probably save you know if you're going if two or three bunkers around you can save two or three shots around just by getting proficient enough and getting out of them oh wow that's my best ever there's no point in hitting the shot right-handed because I put that to professional level I mean that's a just one in 100 shots I really didn't expect to hit a pro level bunker shot there that was just blind luck but every now and then a blind squirrel does find an acorn could be bunker is which is really not where we want to be perfect I don't feel confidential with a sand wedge from this distance left-handed on a down slope it's also very firm so using the right handed knowledge I have as a low handicap is that it's going to be difficult to hit the sand wedge cuz it'll bounce if I had a little fat and I'll teeth it and the tropical grass is not the best for bump and runs but I think with a seven iron I probably have a better chance of just getting this on the green rather than chunking it or teething it across the green so we go seven iron from about 40 yards that's as good as I can do now right hand it's a slightly different shot on this side of the ball the ball was above my feet on a down slope this side the ball is below my feet on a slight down slope so kind of helps this shot to be able to slide a little bit more and stop in time so I'm going to take a 60° I'm going to try to get this as close as I possibly can like a bous [Music] wow the distance control with the 66 AF is accurate as [Music] F what a bloody Potter mate I had my best month on only fans last month and I've invested in some inesis soft 500 golf balls very cheap but also the best left-handed orange golf balls on the market good oh there we go that's way better J from 109 there's a bit of nuance here as a left-hander I don't have much option I've got a a time then I got a pitching wedge a 's going to go too far but it is a firm surface you can hear there so if I hit a pitching wedge it's got low bouns so it should clip the ball off quite nicely whereas on the right hand this is a perfect distance for my 56° but because the LIE is so firm if I don't catch it 100% it's going to bounce up into the ball and make a bad shot so when it comes to trying to break 100 or trying to break 90 there's less Nuance when it comes to the lie and it becomes more and more important about the lie like considerably when you get down to the 80s not the place you want to miss it was a bit of a blunder I should have actually just aimed that toward the middle of the green which I always say I wasn't thinking there 56 would be perfect but if I don't catch all of it it's going to be a problem ball above my feet so it's a bit of a different lie than the left-handed one with a ball below the feet I think we can do something real tasty here from 109 52° that just shows you that someone like me who's by curious mainly playing right-handed every now and then dabbling in the left I don't hit great full shots but around the means with my limited ability but the knowledge I have of the short game right-handed as a low handicap really helps my short game when I play left-handed High handicap which means I'm not a regular left-hand player you as a regular righty or whatever you're playing can actually improve your short game just like this too and shave the shots actually that's what it's proving to me well that was a bad shot that was a puffy shot get in get in right online right online come on now M 60° let's do it bad boy okay a little bit greedy this is a little bit of a tricky one I'm very scared of this I need to be aggressive cuz I have a propensity to go under the ball and leave it short damn it all to Hell nope no good today in the Deep Shyer man this is not ideal we got 180 yards and it's clear that the t- ball is going to be important for me just to keep that ball in play not get myself in these bad positions I can only add distance when I get the direction correct if I can't get the direction correct when I miss with a faster swing or harder it's going to go further offline now how the hell am I going to get this ball out [Music] Dam [Applause] I'm okay so it wind lift and we're just on the left side there absolutely perfect position on this hole it's 118 yd same shot with a 52° this time we can go like aiming at the pin or because we know that the ball's above our feet we can just go a little right much higher confidentiality than the 24 handicap golf where we're just trying to get that dispersion within 20 yards left and right of the pin but right-handed from the same distance low handicap better strike I'm trying to get this within 15 ft maximum each side of the pin that's the ambition unrealistic maybe but we can do it if we just believe now if we can get proficient from here and get this ball within 5 ft and start making some puts inside 5 6t we can really start cutting our score down and it's going to start like that just getting it on and then we'll get better okay this is the slowest green on the course I must remember I'm must give it a little firmer I don't know why it's the slowest it just is the slowest probably cuz it's so close to water that's a nice strike and we got the line come on man come on man what a poter the best poter on YouTube right or left-handed man I can't control it I can't control the Excellence wow I think the big dog just ate [Music] something wow just short of the green [Music] not too bad C to the Target M what a good [Music] shot whoa damn that's long we got 140 yards now the big difference between like a 24 handicap as me left-handed is this shot making ability especially the punch shot keeping it low this is a shot I want to develop of course when I play more Treeline courses because it's the one that gets you out of trouble the most now how do I keep a ball down from hitting these trees in front of me and still carrying to the Green from 140 it's almost impossible and if I can just get it up there to the front entrance of the green on the left or into this bunker it's okay but hopefully to the front entrance of the green well that's a tough shot that's going to be a tough shot left handed without practicing now I'm going to try it right-handed a s Iron same same Club because I know because I can strike the ball pretty good that that's going to stay underneath this tree in front of me and yet at the same time I can fade it to cut off some distance and then land Softly on the green but that's going to come with lots of practice and you you start by doing these shots just punch shots like long chip shots to get the ball back in the Fairway and eventually you graduate up to hitting these magnifical shots just like that oh my gosh on the right Edge money money money money we got 68 yards we're going to do the 56° with the high handicap ball I'm starting to get a bit more confidentiality with this so come on Maddie come on my boy come on stay confidential let's line it up properly okay damn it in the sand bastard I'm not really a big fan of hitting the the ball 68 yards or in the 55 to 80 yard range I prefer Fuller shots or inside 50 yards so let's see how we do as long as we hit the green it's on the back Edge and I'm not a big fan of this shot so anything like that perfect for me the ball somehow got hung up on the grass that's worse than being in the sand so when you miss shots like from such a short distance as a high handicap this is what happens to you causing more difficult shots so you can see how valuable it is to work on the shots inside 100 you don't need power all you need is to go get a lesson and some practice hitting half shots on the range with a bucket of balls and a pitching wedge or seven IR so this is really where you lose Shots by getting yourself in these tricky positions see like there like it's just sand you don't know how to hit it bloody bostard just look at that 2 yard difference can be the difference between a wasted shot or sticking it to 3 ft and that's the little nuances in high handicap golf that means you can go from a 24 handicap on one day to a freaking 15 over round because you've just got yourself luckily in certain positions with the orange ball we hit 1 two 3 four five we've hit five shots there and we here for three shots that's a very big difference just by having enough confidentiality in the pitching game and not even a lot I missed the green but yet we missed the green in a good good place and that's probably the worst part of the day what a day okay that shows you the difference inside wedge range how many shots you can shave by getting high confidentiality and if you like this video check out the other one where I hit the t-shot right-handed and took over left-handed for the rest of the shots
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 35,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZgcP0cDxJe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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