Can You Solve It? WE DID! | Riddle and Brain Teaser Challenge (Brain Games)

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what always runs but never walks often murmurs never talks has a bed but never sleeps has a mouth but never easy this one's easy here here we'll write it write it down and write it down and we'll reveal reveal okay three two what go boom but my one cuz it was RT er [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT live we're here for you and hopefully you're here for us oh that's so nice we're all it's all one big circle of being here for each other today I'll be here for you to watch the last stream today we're doing riddles 99.999% of people can't solve this riddle or whatever um so I had Kris oh man are we are we going to be the the 99% will we be the 99% or the 1% question today so you know how these riddles pop up all the time and I didn't see more of them on YouTube and I never really watch them cuz I'm not like I totally believe this that 99% of people don't get this right that's stupid I know I don't believe it so I wanted to see today how accurate those things are so I had Kris go through all of those videos and online websites that kind of advertise only a genius can solve this or point zero zero one percent of people can only solve this and so all of us today are gonna try to do this and see how smart wheel art can you figure out the answer to the fourth equation this seems fairly simple the shoe is 10 the shoe and that's easy 10 10 10 equals 3000 its shoe plus 5 plus 5 right best 20 so that's 5 whoa 5 plus 4 plus 4 5 plus 4 plus 4 no times oh that's how they get you oh it's only the genius kid notice the detail equation order of operations yes okay so it's 4 times 5 30 is the answer 30 30 Chris it is not wait what are they I was gonna say is this one that ignores order about oh hold up oh this is stupid two of the little jingle things or whistles or whether it's a single so each of those is two times two is 10 plus 20 is it are they ignoring up order of operations is it 10 times what in times 5 is no teto be 10 plus 5 10 plus 5 is 15 times 2 is 30 no but that would be the original answer no order of operations is still ago you were on the right path when you notice there were 2 whistles you got to look for something else that's a little different 2 times 5 right it's 5 the cat is 5 10 shillings plus 10 wait wait wait wait the cat has a whistle in the other pictures but not on the bottom one are you kidding me oh so that's oh the whistle though the whistle is to any whistle is to so the cat without the whistle would be 3 the cat without 3 2 is 6 plus 10 is 16 oh my god is that a riddle that's dumb is that a riddle or is that just like that's like a really stupid visual equation oh yeah Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday okay what day comes three days after the day so you're looking for a day that comes three days after another day I guess what day three days after the day oh wait this is what takes three days after the day which comes two days after the day it comes me only half of the day which comes two days after Monday so we have to work backwards from here correct so we take Monday so you take Monday two days after Monday is Wednesday two days after Monday yeah I'm gonna write it this way even though no one's gonna be able to see it whew is Wednesday okay the day which comes immediately after that day is Thursday is Thursday the day which comes to day after that day is Saturday Friday Saturday yes and the day that comes three days after that day is Sunday Monday Tuesday wait are we supposed to do that first part twice or just the once wait what is it three days after the day three days after the day yeah what is it what is there an ellipsis yeah that what day comes three days after the day Chris that is just like is that a preface to the also I'd love to point out that the chat has literally every single day of the week every single day like in equal proportion it's amazing it so wait this part we can cut out right Chris what day comes three days after the date dot title title oh okay so Tuesday Tuesday comes three days after the day okay so Tuesday Monday Sunday Saturday right which comes two days after the day okay two days after day that be Friday Thursday yeah no no the title is the Sunday Monday Tuesday that was your like initial get you into the question Chris you're just as obtuse as my internet in the believe you on a dramatic Bangor for that one get ready friends okay you say sort his pants oh yeah it's a common phrase what always runs but never walks often murmurs never talks has a bed but never sleeps has a mouth but never eats anything here here we'll write it write it down and write it down and we'll reveal reveal okay breathe - what go boom but mine one cuz that was our deer right two days after Monday Wednesday hey mmediately after the day Thursday right two days after the day which comes immediately after the day okay two days after that after Thursday Friday Saturday right what day comes three days after the day which comes two days after the day so Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday still Tuesday is it until Tuesday Oh Jose day I like that there was all that built there you go the hangers bezel guys we figured it out and figured out it it was Tuesday oh that wasn't that wasn't part that was just work back okay about this it's shorter than the rest but when you're happy you raise it up like it's the best my hands I've raised my hands up in the air though roof I raise the roof when I'm happy my pinky thank you no that's to get fancier its fancier is the fanciest body part Stephanie it's shorter than the rest but when you're happy you raise it up like it's the best thing ah some I think you were on the right track yeah it's shorter than the rest but when you're happy my thumb I think I think they were stretching the logic a little bit of this one just to make it shorter all right is it a thumb Chris it's not the riddles are our game three gods if the hold up what's seen in that this seems like a fast one what is seen in the middle of March and April that can't be seen at the beginning or end of either month what a scene in the middle are it's ours that's the letter R it's easy - are here where I'm gonna write down my answers oh wait you owe me two are done got it wait wait we didn't reveal a second time classic outside of the box thing ready come on guys are oh I see get it because they make you think that it's like oh it's a day in the middle of the month but it's not it's the worst it's not easy but there we go okay really these came from 99.9% of people missed these questions man I mean I guess the first one because the first one was just trolling and the second one was incorrectly written oh oh here we go three gods Oh Ted you know okay if it's a video you know we're getting serious now oh here we go eyes by his colleague george boolos of this riddle has been called the hardest logic puzzle ever okay harness logic puzzle ever guys if you solve this one you can solve any logic puzzle ever tell your teachers that you don't have to go to school anymore you saw the hardest logic puzzle ever you're good you are literally a genius okay you and your team have crash-landed on an ancient planet grave the only way off cancel to appease it's three alien overlords gray tee eff and our wait okay I gotta write these guys down just I feel like this one might be a little bit more complicated okay T giving them the correct artifacts caminar unfortunately you don't know who is who that from an inscription you learn that you may ask three yes-or-no questions each addressed to anyone Lord T's answers are always true okay her FS are always false Sol's and ours answer is random each time Oh you've deciphered the language enough to ask any question but you don't know which of the two words ozo and lulu means yes and which means no no no don't figure out which alien is which holy jeez okay oh jeez oh okay okay so you don't know what word is yes or no you ask three yes or no questions okay oh man okay so it would be stuff like would t tell me that f Maeve that his name is F right you know that kind of thing right it's it's true yeah you have to ask what the other person yeah would say say ah to double-check it so it's like you go up to the first one and you're like is your name T and they give you answer and then you go up to the next one and you're like is his name T and they give you an answer if they concur shoot you still don't know you still don't know so you have okay so let's we know that T is always true yes so and f is always false and R is random you have to figure out the in the first two questions you should be able to figure out which one is telling the truth which one is lying and what is remain and the remaining one yeah it should be whatever is left and that will tell you all their names so step one is figure out who's who yeah so but but to do that you have to ask at least two of them questions exactly so you have to say if this has to be binary so that's it is your Nick are you T and they say Lulu let's say yeah and then you go up to the next one and you're like is his name T and he says Lulu so then you know that they both said either yes or no wait are these three different questions Oh each question must be addressed to only one person you may ask three yes or no you can address multiple questions to the same alien okay do not have to tell that always less that one so it was Jesus oh Jesus so it has to be oh my gosh ah okay shoot this is really hard it's the greatest logic puzzle ever made Stephanie oh oh wait what if you asked a question where you you know I have to know the answer yeah you have to already know the answer right so you have to know that's what that's what I was saying okay so we know three things are true we know T will always tell you the truth we know F is always gonna lie to you and we know that R is always gonna be random right so we really don't know anything about our but we do know yeah so we need to figure out those and then and and the remainder will be R right so what you would ask is that's something that you you absolutely know the answer to which is like am i standing in front of you so if they give the same answer we know we have we know we have either the true true in random or we have false at random right if they give this same answer no cuz they could also we might have gotten both of the liars we could have gotten the liar and we could have gotten random I know random no that's what I'm saying we either have true and random or we have liar in random if if they answer the same yes okay so we so we'll be able to narrow we'll be able to rule out that one of them is not oh ok so based on that we'll be able to rule out so you know that one of them is random yes well you'll know that one of those is random and you'll also know that the third person out is not random correct so from that you'll be able to definitively know that that last person is either going to tell the truth or it yes is is either one of the like solid ones yeah they're yeah they're the hundred percent believable are not believing right okay if we ask one into the same question also it's worth noting Stephanie's drawing is so much like more clear and concise than like my part that I've dumped on the screen mine has an irrelevant face this is how way this is a lot I mean this is how I take notes a lot of times they'll just be like rah rah okay so this is something it's very much more organized at like we're gonna logic our way through it that's why you're an INTJ that's the INTJ coming out okay so okay you have three scenarios when you ask the the three questions right you're gonna or when they ask the first two when you ask the first two questions right you're gonna get some combination of this right you're gonna get someone who tells you the truth and you're gonna you're either gonna get one of these three truths and random false and random or truth and facts right right and it will always have to be some company so if you get is if you get truth and false you're going to have opposite answers and then if you have the other two it's a crapshoot for whether you get whether you end up getting the same answer or different answers but if you get the same answers for either of the first two scenarios your last one is always going to be different you're like you're never going to end up with yes yes yes across the board you're never gonna wind up with yes yes it's correct so okay yes it's true yes all right all right but maybe we're asking the wrong question then yeah the question needs to be is so-and-so telling the truth yeah yeah that's it because we need them to have opposite answers we need true and false to have opposite answers right right we need something that we can definitively prove yeah so it's am i standing in front of you is like the truth has to say yes false have to say no does T tell the truth would be this would be okay yep and I don't know where that gets a second what does that get us Stephanie then we have to there has to be another question yeah so the third question has to wrap this whole thing up yes what is the third question yeah all we have to do is figure out what their question is good how is that different than saying you have to figure out which one you would oh so I guess two but but still but you're still trying to figure I'm watching the answer alright that's what we're doing cool let's do it we spent a lot of time with this one I think we're all excited to learn the sign let's go three two one that Ghost this puzzle seems not just hard but downright impossible he was asking a question to our if you can either understand the answer nor know if it's true but it can be done the key is to carefully formulate our questions so that any answer yields useful information yeah I said that I said that which is kind of stating the I would you why would you ask a question that doesn't yield useful information can get around to not knowing what Oso and Alou mean by including the words themselves in the question sir okay and secondly I mean each question we were extrapolating I will say this to our credit we were extrapolating yes or no and then I think we would get to the point where we're like okay we need to solve it pathetical condition whether an alien is lying or not won't actually matter to see how that could work imagine our question is whether two plus two is four instead of posing it directly we say if I asked you whether two plus two is four would you answer oh so if Oso means yes and the Overlord is T it truthfully replies oza yeah or no great embedded question so it lies and replies ozo instead actually means no then the answer to our embedded question is all aout handle of T and F still reply oh so each for their own reasons if you're confused about why this works the reason involves logical structure a double positive and a double negative both result in a positive now we can be sure that's interesting I've never thought about it that way that's really cool I've never thought about it that way that's really neat that's fascinating okay cool okay let's go T or F a question put this way will yield ozo if the hypothetical question is true and blue if it's false regardless of what each word actually means yeah but the random guy unfortunately this doesn't help us with our exactly don't worry we can use our first question to identify one alien Lord that definitely isn't our then I can use the second to find out whether T or F and once we know that we can ask it to identify one of the others see that's that's my problem here is I don't know how r fits into this right the one that keeps confusing me so let's begin ask the alien in the middle if I asked you whether the overlord on my left is our would you answer oh so if the reply is OHS oh there are two possibilities you could already be talking to our drives the answer is meaningless right but otherwise you're talking to either T or F right and as we know getting ozell from either one means your hypothetical question was correct the left Overlord is indeed are either way you can be sure the alien on the right is not far similarly if the answer is blue then you know the alien on the left can't be all we are and the one on the right hat now go to the Overlord you've determined isn't our and asked if I asked are you f would you answer Oh so since you don't have to worry about the random possibility either answer will establish its identity oh so you're not so you're using your first question to knock out one who the random guy that was the problem that we were having because that was the problem with all of our situation going backwards ask the same alien whether the center Overlord is our the process of elimination will identify the remaining one o the satisfied overlords help you repair your shift and you prepare for television animation I know it's so cute you asked T if it's a long way to Earth and he answers OHS Oh too bad you still don't know what that means oh that's funny yeah cuz he's so that's that's cool a very famous chemist nope no really okay police have narrowed it down to six subjects they they know it was a two-man job their names are police max a necklace Jordan Xavier I know his phone at the body 26 320 who are the killers I'm assuming okay it's a famous chemist which means that these are references to the periodic table so this would be what iron magnesium argon nickel j XA is I mean oh yeah six subjects ago a note was found on the body 26 358 so if we're looking at this one real quick note was found at the body 26 358 so if we were to just do atomic number 26 yeah three every Li 58 FDLE no police okay great Elise is one of them and then 20 and 7 okay it's a nice whatever one starts with ni you go there yeah and is its ELISA Nicholas Wow there we go really oh that one that was really up my a balance I'm actually shocked that they because as soon as I saw that it was a chemist and as soon as I saw F like the weird names were the thing that actually triggered me on this one where I'm like these look like these and the numbers I was like oh this we're going for the periodic table yeah hold it good one good one okay an old man dies leaving behind two sons in his will there are since to race their horses and they love the slower horse or receive an inheritance the slower worse okay he was erased with scissor bolts holding the horses back they go to us and ask him what they should do after that the brothers race again this kind of clothes be that the true gift is Brotherhood the gift is having the fastest horse an old man dies leaving behind two sons okay in his will he ordered to race with their horses oh there wait after that the brothers race again this time at full suite their racing wits alongside their racing or not their horses yes and now they're racing at full speed because they are trying to beat their horses or each other or what happens wait and this one with race war horse horse Oh receive his inherit ok wait if they're racing at full speed they means they don't have a disincentive to hold the horse back anymore garage means which horse are they riding do they each have a cars they're hopping on there opposed arrow hopping on the bronze horse that's what it is horse it yeah like they have swapped horses right so that now they want their riding looking for their brothers horse and they want that horse that's exactly it is that it yeah that's a hundred Senate yeah the wise man's like you idiots hop on your brother's horse and race it to the finish and so they're like oh I gotta go and then they have on the horse to try to get their brother's horse to cross the finish line so that their horse is the waiter right hey guys thank you so much for watching this episode of GT live with all the lag edited out of doing these archived live streams if you don't want to see every minute of our laggy stream though why wouldn't you want to miss a minute of that you can check out the whole video by clicking the box to the left and if you want to see us as brainy our way through some more puzzles check out the box to the right where we play the impossible quiz the classic genius
Channel: GTLive
Views: 438,682
Rating: 4.9530134 out of 5
Keywords: quiz, quizzes, riddles, impossible, impossible quiz, trivia, challenge, trivia game, brain games, brain teasers, riddles with answers, buzzfeed quiz, test, brain teasers with answers, riddles to solve, riddles and brain teasers, gtlive, matpat, gtlive quiz, game theorists, matpat quiz, gtlive impossible, gtlive challenges, rage, fail, can you pass, can you answer, test your brain, riddle me this, gtlive sporcle, gtlive riddles, online quiz, markiplier riddle, gtlive riddle school
Id: 75x8iTQ7kq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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