How to attract the right person?

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hey Tony Gaskins here wanted to pop in real quick before I get my workout in you know it's one thing that I realized and this may be the reason I don't ever shoot another video again but the key or the secret to attracting real love real love is becoming your best self and I know that sounds cliche but we don't really think about it we don't really think about the fact that if you truly work on yourself in my book mrs. Wright I think I talked about the three B's brain brand and body and what I'm talking about is if you focus on those key areas feeding your mind learning growing your reading books you're going to seminars you're doing coaching or counseling or therapy you're working on yourself personal development that's the brain you're a brand you are pursuing your career you're growing in your career or you're starting your own company you're building your own brand you're creating something that you can't be fired from and then the body you're eating right you're sleeping right you're working out you focus on every aspect of your life you know some people say whoa what about faith that comes with the brain you're reading your Bible you're studying you're feeding your spirit so you can really break down your growth your personal development into a few different areas whatever you want to call it mind body spirit mind body soul I call it the three B's brain brand and body but if you do that what happens is you elevate to a new level and as you elevate there's other people that are doing the same work so you attract what you become you attract what you are not what you want so a lot of times we're gonna say hey Tony why am I not attracting the right man and me and say why can't I find the right woman it's because you haven't become what you want so you say you know what you want and you think about what you want but you're not doing the work to become the equivalent or you say oh I'm an equivalent of what I want no because you don't understand perception so you have to understand what does that look like to the opposite sex so if I want this type of woman and I can list out the type of woman that I want well I need to understand a woman's perception of men to understand what does the man look like that that type of woman is attracted to and if you're a woman and you say well look I want my man to be this this this is this well what you have to understand is what does the woman look like that that type of man is attracted to now the next part of this is you got to be ready for the answer that's one thing that we don't want to here is the answer because that answer may be tough that answer may be the opposite of what you are right now that answer may require that you sacrifice that you change your lifestyle that you change your mindset that you change some of the things that make you comfortable and that you get out of that comfort zone and you get into an effective zone and you force your comfort zone to catch up to you and so when is the answer when that's the result a lot of times we don't want to hear that so what you have to do is you got to go to those places you know this may be one of those places where you hear a different perspective where you get to understand perception from an honest man's perspective meaning I'm married and I'm 100% faithful to my wife and I'm ambitious and yes I have some success and you know I've reached a point in my life where where I speak from is totally different than where what I call a grown boy speaks from me and a grown boy don't see the world the same so you got to ask yourself am i trying to attract a grown boy which means an adult male who is still immature and irresponsible or am I trying to attract a grown man which means an adult male who is mature responsible holding himself accountable ambitious driven and centered in his faith in his belief system so you got to ask yourself what are you trying to attract and then when you identify what you're trying to attract then from there you can then take and say okay well this is who I need to be listening to I need to be listening to these type of men those type of men may be your pastor mate could be your father could be your brother could be you know someone on YouTube or Instagram like myself you have to identify that the same thing goes for men you got to figure out what does the type of woman I'm looking for look like and where can I get to understand her mentality that type of mine said and what what one mistake that a lot of women make in this is thinking that all men are different and that's just simply not true I'm telling you as a man this coming from the horse's mouth it's just not true all men may seem different to you because every man that you've dealt with is different but you can put those men in two categories Rome in and growing boys if you really break it down it's you if there's two type of men a grown man and a grown boy that's it that's it one is mature and responsible one is immature and irresponsible Point Blank period you is nothing else need to be said and so when you understand that then you start to realize because a lot of times when I'm speaking I'm speaking from a real man all the time I'm speaking from a real man's perspective from a grown man's perspective from mature and responsible man's perspective and women will say oh that was just him that's just one man no he's just one man no I'd have been out here as a grown man for a couple decades now and one thing that I realized that I see is that every grown man we all think the same we want the same type of woman the woman that I've been married to for 12 years is the type of woman that every grown man wants we all want the same type of woman and so when I'm speaking that speaks for the collector when you see that's why you don't honestly see a lot of women say well why don't I see a lot of men in the comments that's because men know that I'm telling the truth so the only man you're gonna see in my comments is typically grown boys because a lot of men don't like to say hey keep going bro yo you telling the truth keep going hey keep sharing that truth no a lot of men don't like the pat on the back and give praise and all that so typically what you're gonna see is a grown boy saying well I don't agree with because I'm it's this this and this and this and this and I guarantee you click on that man page you go to his profile you look at him you study him for a little bit you'll see he's a grown boy because I've never had a man look me in my eyes one-on-one in person to say Tony you lying Tony what you're saying is not true never L I've never had and I never will because the truth does not change and so I already understand that man so what you ladies have to understand when you're listening to what I'm telling you is that if you focus on you if you focus on you and you work on you so get the knowledge that you need to get listen to all the videos read all the books go to all the seminars get all the knowledge that you feel that you need and then implement and do the world so build your brain build your name build your career pursue your passions build something create something that you cannot be fired from it's cool if you got a career school if you got a corporate job but create something that you cannot be fired from that can be simply as a blog that can be as simple as a blog and then work on your body so and when you're working on your body work on everything of yourself aesthetically so present yourself to the world as a queen a queen don't come in the shovel hair messed up skin bad you know body not being taken care of you have to work on you and if you get offended about being held accountable to work on you then you can't expect to attract someone worth anything into your life because that type of person is working on themselves if they worth anything they working on themselves and so if they work they're waiting go if they're really ready they're working on themselves so you have to work on you so understand what I'm trying to tell you here I know this ain't easy always to here but if you just dedicate to doing the world before you know it you will attract the person that you desire edit only gasses god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 46,474
Rating: 4.9540091 out of 5
Keywords: how to find love, how to attract the right person, attracting love, how to start a relationship, how to build a relationship, what is a healthy relationship
Id: 93KpQQD_Mq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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