How To Apply For CANADA VISITOR VISA in 2024 | Canada immigration 2024 | Canada Tourist Visa STEPS

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hi everyone so in this video I'll be talking about how you can apply for visit Visa in Canada uh now there are two most common type of you know visit Visa that people apply for number one is going to be uh let me see three okay let me say three major types of visit Visa there are other ones so the first one is going to be if you're visiting for business right so let's say you have a business conference to attend or you know you have a c kind of meeting with your you know different stakeholders and you want to you know come to Canada for that that's a business Vis Visa then if you are coming for vacation okay now there are two types of that if you don't have anybody in Canada you just want to come for you know vacation for tourism right so that's going to be just uh a normal you know tourist visa for that you don't need anybody to give you an invitation you can just apply by yourself now the other type of visiting Visa is going to be um the visiting Visa that will require an invitation letter let's say you want to go visit your brother or your sister in Canada your aunt your uncle they can send you a letter of invitation and then you can apply for the visitting visa for the business Visa um sometimes you may be required to get maybe an invitation letter from you know for the conference or business conference that you want to attend to or anything any document related to the business so they want to see that you're actually going for the business and the most important part for visit Visa is that you really need a very very strong home TI because you want to be able to convince the Visa officers that when I finish this uh program or visiting as case may be I will be able to I will return back to my home country there is a comp there something compelling or make me go back to my home country to go continue that thing okay so in this video what I will do I will use the old poter okay not the new pter I will do uh the new poter in another video okay so for the purpose of this video I'm going to be using the new portal to show how you can apply for visitor Visa then when I uh get to the point where it show the checklist I'm just going to be talking a little bit about what and what you should include in each of the dock in in each of the different sections in the application and then yeah there you go and then you see how it goes so uh I'll share my screen I will walk you through the process and then um if it's something that you're interested definitely like share and you know subscribe to this video so that whenever new videos I release you will be the first person to get notified of my videos how you can apply for Canada visiting Visa using the old portter so if you just click on just go to cic login you can go to sign into to your IRC account um is going to ask you to sign in using jck and password if you don't have an account just click on sign up here and then if you click on sign up it just going to ask you to create uh a username okay I'm just going to put um uh let's say uh okay then I do you click on continue and then you can create your password and it's just going to follow other you know filling any your um recovering information and other at the end of the day send you an email and then you ask to verify that once you're able to verify you have to do uh some toep authenication process it will send a code to your email once you validate that then you'll be able to log it in so when you want to log in because I've already don't I'm just going to log in right away sign in then you ass uh the terms and condition and then you just going to put in your name here I'm just going to be using any name be call and then email address uh you can fill in you know whatever uh email address that uh suits your profile okay uh language and then hit continue and then just fill in all of the you know security questions that are uh required you fill in your security questions and is going to bring it to this portal to this place and you can click on this place um apply to come to Canada here okay so click this place and then uh for reference code usually if you are maybe you started filling your application and you did not complete it you will have a reference code so that you can just click on it and it you continue but if you're doing it for the first time you click on visit Visa there's vet work just click on the first one what would you like to do in Canada I'm coming to visit how long do you plan to stay uh less than six months and then which country matches your passport and just going to put in in the country country of uh residents do you have a family member in Canada who is a PR citizen just click on no uh put in your birthday and just put it and did here then continue and then have you lived in Canada as a per resident you know no and then um are you a lawful resident of the United States for the Val ship no I if you're married you can click on married uh if you're not just put in here Singo uh single which province are you interested to Vin it let's say one to to M want to visit either for the business or for family visit or for tourist okay based on this you eligible to apply for a visit Visa right and you need to pay about $100 for the applications fees and then you click on continue and then you're almost there so they got to ask more questions what is the main purpose if you want to visit family you want to go business or tourism so that's why I said these are three main type of visiting Visa that you know um that is available if you let's say want to go to visit family and friends right they can click on L and then do you have proper relationship if it's your brother or sister uh and you have proof okay that maybe if you it's your brother B certificate is okay to show Prof Mr uncle or El we can show maybe their best certificate or Dad's best certificate something to connect okay uh this where a friend inviting you may be a little bit difficult to justify okay um do you have proof of relationship uh I do have click on yes uh do you have a job in the country where you live of course do you have your own business yes do you depend on someone financial support let's say no this one is the case let's say you're sponsoring yourself right if you're applying for the visit visa and your family in car your your your family members that going to be sponsoring your brother sister or you have um you know someone in your home country that be sponsoring you can click on yes to that have you traveled to other countries in the last 10 years just going to click on no are you accompan a family member who has a status yeah let's click on no um if you already if you have let's say um if you your spouse have stud approver and you want to apply for visiting then you can click here okay you can click on yes in this case right so this case I'll just go to click on you know I don't have anybody that have been approved um okay I've ever committed any crime you're going to click on no then they're going to ask you have you perform medical test if you haven't done medical just click on no uh no for the most part you don't need Medicals for for visitting visa do you want submit an application for following but if you you can click on yes if you apply for visiting let's say for yourself and your husband or for yourself and your TR you can click on yes and they to provide the port to let to fill in the information just going to click on yes here go to nextest um they able to ask you to fit information for uh your family member was their travel Document uh you can build that [Music] in okay um just little okay just go to click on list and then um is your and of us know what is their status let's say they are not married if you apply with your children uh date of birth of their date of birth there uh they will still be s in marob with me and then uh would they be living is your family member um current they live in Canada with the parent of guidance so if your child that you're applying for is going to be following you then you can click on yes here of course and then um if you don't have custody or then you can click on yes if you click on no and then uh why are they visiting Canada okay so you can put in uh visit you know all other type because they don't really tourism okay uh so because tourism is for those that don't have later uh does a want to apply for superva no if you don't if you click on no if you where they ask if you want to include the family no is going to bring all of this thing I'm just going to okay then they ask so many if you have you click yes no and then yes I'll be paying their fees uh they want to submit V I'm just going to click on no I will not be appointing anybody as my representative um have you done your fingerprint let's say now this is the first time I'm doing application for Visa there are Fe yes I will pay the fees uh digital copy yes I will be able to do that um will you be pay application Fe online yeah I will be able to do that so you can see all of the necessary information you can always modify if you feel you've not answered the question correctly okay so if you click on continue then you will see all of the you know um uh the the steps and all that and they scroll the way down and click on continue and then these are the document checklist okay so you can download if you click on this form you download it and then you fill it and then you validate and you upload you you're not going to be uh you're not going to be you know um printing out this form okay just validate on where it will ask you for your signature in this form just click put your full name in is fine okay um if you I mention that I had a business back home so you can um upload so this where you're going to click on upload file right so for business registation you can include it if you include that you don't have a business in your home country this particular one is not going to show Okay so this must going to be a corporate AFF registration or any other registration document in your country uh family information you can download this particular phone uh you going to fill it with your computer then print it out and then sign it okay sign it and then upload it you can't validate it and include your passport and then your invitation letter so whoever is inviting you to Canada it your write anation letter for you so you can always just click here you can see details of all of the information that they require for each of the different section perent is not clear to you use a rep this is here because I have mentioned that I'll be adding another family member to my application that may be you know maybe TR or maybe a spouse proven financial support is where you include your bank statement your employment letters your pay stops um if you have landed properties and maybe people are pay you rent investment you know if somebody else is sponsoring you in depend Canada their bank statement what they're doing in Canada if they the one sponsoring you right source of funds and you know whatever document that will show where they make their Fone their money pay stores imployment all of the so they sponsorship lat that so everything that has to do with phones is going to be here so you can just measure everything you want document data pH is is going to be your passport your uh photo what it called um regular passport on the white background up front FR medical I think I clear that I've done it uh purpose of travel uh now of travel you can sit here while you're traveling okay um this is I mean people write letter of explanation here okay so if you have your travel it tenary uh you can actually upload that here but if you don't have um any of those ones what they can do just write like a two paragraph letter to just State why you want to go visit your brother your sister wherever in Canada so of relationship this where you're going to add you know documents like you know maybe certificate Mar whatever you have to show that you're relating to the person that you're going to visit uh this one is optional this where you just feel information about your travel history if you working military or not and all that you know you can still download it and you can validate it so for this you're not going to be able to you shouldn't print this out okay just validate and you should be good for client information this is where you write your letter your detailed letter of explanation uh maybe you know any document that you haven't uploaded you know in the you don't really need education predas here because you don't really go there for study you know so any other document you feel you haven't uploaded you can actually put them here okay and then is going to be for your family member if you're applying the load is going to end here and then is going to come to this place now if I say I'm applying for they bring out their own information so I'll click here do the same thing download field their passport their ID then F this information um because it's a child out they don't require the family information if they the person is more than 18 years they got to have their own family information f for this then client information if a child don't really need to write another letter for your child you can just put in uh maybe the maybe bir certificates you know and other things pictures and all that that should fine they finish everything and then you clean once you finish filling everything then the button that they going to be used to click on the pmit is going to appear somewhere in pmit follow the necessary step to make a payment and that's about it okay then uh once you submit they going to send it let out by let's say within uh maybe less than 24 hours or so then you book your appointment and that's about it so that's going to be it for this video uh I want to know which country are you watching this video from if it's Nigeria Ghana that's for conversation I want to see which which country we have you know the highest number of people you know that are watching from there put in the comment section and then if you also planning to apply for just putting you know if you have any PR of interest to put in comments in the comment section just put it put it there and if you have any other specific question just put it in the comment it and I will be glad to rest on today so that's going to be it for this video If you haven't liked this video smash that like button subscribe share this video so that I subscribe so that whenever new videos I release you will be the first person to get notified of my video once again thank you so much for watching this video I'll see you in the next video cheers
Channel: Peter Isesele
Views: 4,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1oSAibLON1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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