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we are not applying for Super Visa we just applying for a visitor Visa stay in Canada for less than 6 months at one stretch this is one of the problem that I faced in this application I do not know why this is done the way it is what all documents you are required to provide in your application how much money do you have for your stay in Canada you will not be able to retrive the responses that you had provided uh when you had submitted the application so what I would suggest is [Music] hi guys and welcome back to our channel so in this video we are going to talk all about the visitor Visa process for Canada recently me and my wife we applied for our parents visitor Visa the whole process was done all by ourselves uh we did not hire an agent so in this video I'm going to explain all the process that I did what are the forms that we filled how we did it so we'll do a quick system walk through right from the start till the end the documentation that was attached uh the fees that we paid the thing that we are not covering in this video is why we opted for a visitor visa for our parents and why we did not go for super Visa or U permanent residence forum and what are the key differences between each of those approaches that's not something for this video that's something that is going to be coming up next so if you have not subscribed to the channel you can subscribe now to make sure that you are not missing out on that uh along with that the next subsequent videos is also going to be about the travel experience so our parents are already here um so the insurance that we took the flight that we booked all that is going to come up next so in this video it's purely about how to apply um the visitor Visa for Canada it's going to be a longer video so if you are not wanting to know details of every single stage you can skip to the relevant section by making use of the time stamps on this video though I'm using the example for our parents but it is not necessarily the only individuals who can apply obviously it can be for anyone who is wanting to visit to Canada so if you know on our Channel we have got lot of our videos and content around the family sponsorship process wherein you are wanting to bring in your spouse or family members in the country so even for them you can apply for a visitor Visa U I'll again have some more videos on visitor Visa applied for a spousal sponsorship application in process again subsequently make sure that you're not missing out on that content if this is what you relate to and this is what you're looking for so without further Ado let's get started so the steps that are required to follow to apply for visitor Visa is very nicely explained in this page of the ircc website I put down the link of this page in the description box below the high level steps are step one get the documents that show that you made the criteria if you click on this link it will take you to the list of documents that are required will not go there right now we'll just move to the high level steps first so you get the documents whatever that is needed as preparation you apply online now visitor Visa is going to be applied online but there are two ways how you can do it we'll explain both of these ways in the subsequent part of the video if you move to the next part it's give your fingerprints now this is only if you have not given your Biometrics uh in last 10 years so if you have already been to Canada on some other type of visa and now you are applying for a visitor Visa in that case your Biometrics may still be valid so you may want to have that checked uh since our parents were coming here for the first time we had to go for the Biometrics and there is a fee that you need to pay for that um the next is how we process your application is not really a step but it's an explanation on how ircc folks do your application processing so send us your passport if you are lucky you have your application approved and you will get a passport request which is also called PPR um so once you get that passport request you are going to mail your uh passport to the VFS or whichever is the body that is going to collect your passport to send it to the Embassy to have it stemed the Canadian embassy in your country to have it stemed okay um and finally you travel so these are the key steps let's talk about the documentation that is required so if you click on this link check the list of documents it will bring you to this page here you need to tell the system what exactly you are applying for because it's not just for one type of Visa it can be for a lot of other purposes right so in your case is the purpose of business just a visit for family visit or compassionate reasons so in our case we selected let's for a family visit um what's the family member status it's uh so we are permanent resident so that's what we selected and do you plan to stay with your children for more than 6 months uh um you intentionally select no because that's not what we want if you select for more than 6 months then you're not really applying for a visitor Visa you actually applying for a super Visa um so that's not what we are here for so we select no and here's the list of documents so you have a Letter of Invitation from the person who is requesting you to be here or you want to meet them which is in our case it was us right but if you're not coming here to visit a family member so all you do is you go back and then make the change to visit as a tourist and then it will just give you the list of FL documents it does not have a Letter of Invitation right um so let's go back and make the selections correctly select permanent resent um no okay so Letter of Invitation we did provide that one and what you see here is the documents whether they are required or not required some description and what are the different type of documents that you can apply under that head so in this case a Letter of Invitation what exactly we mean by that so it explains a copy of a letter from a family member inviting you to Canada the letter must be written to you from your family member right in our case we wrote The Letter of Invitation from our side to our parents that we are inviting them to come here and visit us okay uh when do you want to submit this you have to submit along with the application proof of relationship we did that travel history again if you have traveled outside your home country when I say you your parents or whoever is wanting to come here um their travel history itenary account statement lot of other things so we'll not go through this whole document section right now but but we will come back to this later so if you go back and we go to the next step when you click on apply online you have this options you how to apply for a visitor Visa you click on it so here you will say get detailed instructions for your situation so we are going to get the list of instructions um to visit as a tourist to unite with a family member so you select that get instructions when you click on it it will say yes I want to unite with a family member yes how to apply for a visitor Visa through the ircc portal you click on it it will bring you to this page okay so how to apply online with the ircc portal it says create an account uh complete the online form pay with the credit card so when you click on sign up and apply it will bring you to this page before you start your application tell the system what exactly you are here for so what would you like to do today apply for a visitor visa for myself apply for a visitor visa on behalf of someone else apply for a visitor visa for myself and on behalf of someone else okay so let me break this uh three down so if you're trying to apply for your own self like ignore that you are applying for your parents but you are coming here by yourself as a tourist then you will go for the first one if you're applying for visitor on behalf of someone else which is in our case this is what we selected I was applying for visitor visa for my parents so I was creating the account and I'm going to have my parents and my wife's parents as the applicants on the U application and I will be the representative or unpaid representative of our family members uh what is an UNR representative I have a very detailed video that I have explained on the same topic uh which was also something that I did for my family sponsorship U Back in the time so you can check that one out the link or card should be showing up somewhere about here and uh it explains all the fields that you is required to be filled in by an unpaid representative and what exactly that is apply for a visitor visa on behalf of someone else and then the third one is if you are applying for yourself and there's someone along with you who is coming to the country that's what you will select so in our case I'll just select the second one um do you already have an application in process no you will hear from us within 14 to 30 days obviously they only when you complete your application um so let's click on get an ircc portal account so first we need to create an account so in this page if you click on already have an CC portal account no I do not so let's write an review so that's a dummy email so once you click on get invitation code you will get this code initially I had a hard time to figure out U because I was using Safari as the browser and in Safari there's a technical issue that shows up and you will not get this invitation code so right now I'm using Google Chrome to create this application once you have this portal verification invitation code you click on this copy to clipboard and continue to sign a page so here you paste the invitation code enter the email address one more time password that you can remember name so let's say I'm going to use my name Canada the last name and the given name is my name I am not the applicant I'm going to be the representative if you are not having a representative and you are doing the application on by yourself then you are going to write down your name or whoever is the plan applicant so click on sign up so once you create the account you will get a verification code in your email so you go here so once this is done your email is now verified you can click on sign in terms and conditions the standard terms and conditions to verify you click on accept what are the things that you can do you can start an application and you can also use it for citizenship so you can apply for a visitor Visa transit Visa or study permit so what we are going to do is we are going to click on apply for a visitor Visa once you do that you will have this page apply to visit or study in Canada uh make sure that you're eligible to apply um have these items ready a credit card passport follow the steps to complete the application and then the key thing to note is once you start your application you have to submit it within 60 days from the day when you create the application I acknowledge that everything is read and I click on start application all right the first set of questions is going to identify Y how many applicants are there in the application so you want to submit an application for yourself plus your spouse and children who will travel with you or join you later the answer is yes so I'm responding on behalf of the people for whom I'm representing okay so right now system does not know that I am the representative I will be indicating that at some later point in time so in our case there were four people who were applying under just one application so there were four applicants but I started imagining that one of them is going to be the primary applicant so on basis of that you start your application if you're just one it's very simple right so do you want to apply for more than one the answer is yes then you will type their name and create a group so uh it says to apply as a group you will need to tell us what type of group you are are you all family members um submit all the application at the same time and pay at the same fees now you may want to go and one group there are people who say that if you create a group and if application is rejected all the members within that group are rejected that's not true uh I have also heard that there are people who few people within that group is selected and some are refused in our case T would every one was approved in one go we click on family because that was a family if you are having so you click on family I can create a name I can say um visit parents visit as the group click on Save and continue so that's the group name uh by default since there is one member who has already created the application they are by default added so let's say if I add one person um there are two rows that will be showing up uh the first row is the person who created the application and second is the newly added member you can add as many members as you want on this application so just for the sake of Simplicity I'm going to delete one for now and just we are going to submit for one person um but you can continue add your parents your wife parents or whoever is actually coming to U visit you okay so let's click on delete so click on continue I want to apply for study permit transit Visa no it's going to be visitor Visa so as you see visitor visa and super Visa documentation and the way it is done is same but still the documents that are required towards the end are different so we are not applying for Super Visa we just applying for a visitor Visa that allows you to stay in Canada for less than 6 months at one stretch and the validity of the Visa is as long as your passport in which your stamping is going to be done is valid so if your passport is going to expire in next four years your Visa is valid for 4 years if it is valid for 10 years that's the maximum your canidate Visa is going to be valid for why do you need a visa there are lot of options and make sure that you're selecting the right option because based on this selection the documentation that is going to be requested or required by the system to be uploaded is going to be different okay some documents may be optional some may be required based on what you have selected so if I go go through all these options the one that we selected was to visit other family who are not listed above or friends for less than 6 months or we also have the option to visit my children or grand children for more than 6 months which is super Visa you can also visit your spouse you can also visit your dependent child parents grandparents who are already in Canada so a lot of different options so tell us more about what you will do in Canada including dates make sure that you are being true uh to the core and not doing any misrepresentation because if you give an information with which is not true it may result in very negative consequences towards the end and you may be banned for entering uh Canada so what we did here is just without without without the tentative dates in by when our parents were going to be here so let me just write it down I'm writing from the perspective of the first applicant so when you will enter Canada these dates are tentative dates and make sure that you're giving a realistic date uh when you're submitting an application so if you're submitting an application let's say in uh October of this year then you may want to keep your travel dat somewhere in the month of towards December or January uh to be safe but that does not mean that you have to travel on that day only it is just a tentative time that you're providing okay so I'll select uh 2003 December um let's say on 10th of December and I intend to leave right in the new year so I select January um let's say five is there any UCI number uh UCI number is a unique client identifier and you might have uh you as the person who is applying for the Visa might already have if you have been to Canada in different type of Visa in the past in our case it did not so we just click on Save and continue so here you see you selected visitor visa to see family or friends uh it is going to give you the list of documents that is required documents you need to complete the application a valid passport A Letter of Invitation and information that you will be required to enter is personal details travel details finances education criminality and Security checks medical background and family inform so it's a lot and and it's a big form so we are going to just quickly fill up the basic information and whatever is the Highlight which is required to be explained that's what I will explain in this part of the video so if I click on continue to application it will ask are you applying on behalf of someone else so in my case I am the one who has created the account so I am saying yes I'm applying on behalf of someone else so once you select yes there are set of questions that show up the first question is are you an authorized paid representative which is what I have earlier in the video that I am an unpaid representative which is I am a family member who is inviting my parents and I'm creating an application on their behalf wherein I'm not going to charge them a fee so that's the reason I will select no that I'm not a paid representative now system is asking me what's the relationship with the applicant then so I'm going to say I'm a family member and information about myself that's the representative uh some basic information so I'll just quickly fill this up Okay click on Save and continue all right so the next set of questions is about the travel Document information of the applicant so since I am now filling up the first form for my father I'm going to enter all the information not just for the personal details but rest of the all subsequent informations in the uh train stops for my father and wherever there is a question about who is inviting you that's where I will fill in my information okay so we'll get to that save and continue the next travel Document of the applicant in this case it's a passport so my father has a passport an ordinary one uh so that information I will fill in here so I'll select what kind of passport this this is pretty basic stuff so I'm not going to explain every single field so we'll just quickly fill this up and then move to the next are you a lawful permanent resident of the United States no if you are then you will select yes obviously have you held a con visitor Visa no do you had do you do you currently hold a valid US non-immigrant Visa in our case no and based on whatever selections that you make in this set of questions the system might ask some additional information for example if I select do you currently hold a valid user US non-immigrant Visa if you select yes then system would ask give us that sort of information for that non-immigrant Visa okay so in our case I'll just let know and move on uh are you traveling to Canada by air the answer is yes click on Save and continue so we are still in personal details section and now we are entering the information about the citizenship and places where the applicant has lived so in this case my father so I will select the country where he was born I say India are you citizen of more than one country no which country or territory are a citizen of so I select India again and I am a citizen since birth so the moment you do that your date of birth is defaulted in the country where you have been living click on Save and continue national identity document of the applicant so this is where I would like to point out situation for applicants from India so in India we have a national identification document called Adar or uid uh but when you select yes in this case you have to provide the date when the ID was issued which is a mandatory field right so here you see the date of issue is a mandatory field and you cannot skip it since in our case I was not able to find the date when the AAR card was issued because the card does not have an issue date so I selected no and then I moved forward with the application and this is what I did for the rest of the four applicants that we had on the application I'm not saying that I'm misrepresenting in this case uh this is because I'm just saying that hey I do have an ID but that does not have an issue date anyways so it's a technical issue and that's the reason I'm not showing up if required I can provide an attachment towards the end as an additional document if that makes you comfortable but in our case we just selected no and then we move forward okay if you are someone who has done the application successfully and if you know what's the right way of doing it then feel free to let us know in the comment section below it will be helpful for the other community members so we move to the next names used in the past again in our case there is no other name that we had if you have more than one name you can provide that one uh contact information of the applicant just pretty standard stuff I'll just write down quickly so in this section of contact information all that is more important for you to know is list of yourent country and territory of residence and all the countries that you have lived in Last 5 Years for more than 6 months so if you have stayed cumulatively in one particular country for more than 6 months you're are going to provide that information in the section it is important to know that your requested documents that is going to be showing up towards the end of the form is going to be dependent on what you really enter in these sections right in all the sections in fact so in our case my parents have not traveled anywhere nor has my wife's parents so we are going to just enter the information of the current uh residents my parents have been living in the country since birth so this is where I currently live and click on Save likewise if you have more countries you just keep on adding plus plus plus and you will have all the countries listed down here so you click on Save and continue here Biometrics uh fingers and photos of the applicant you are still in the personal details section do you already have a fingerprints as I was mentioning earlier if you have given your biometric in the past you might not be required to do it again but in our case we did not have that so we clicked on no I do not have a Biometrics so it says you will be required to submit your Biometrics after you pay the Biometrics fee uh and you submit the application okay we just move to the next save and continue so as you notice we have moved from personal details section to application in this section we are going to really tell the immigration officer why we are intending to come to Canada and who is inviting us all that information is going to be here all right the important point when you close this application you log out and you come back in you you will have to start from the first page you will have to click on Save and continue multiple times to reach through this page this is one of the problem that I faced in this application I don't not know why this is done the way it is but you cannot hover your mouth or you cannot change your sections by moving around so you have to just start from the first okay so here's who is inviting you now since we have indicated that our parents are coming to Canada for period less than 6 months there has to be someone inviting them so in this case it is me and my wife who is inviting so you can have both of your names written if it's one person obviously you will write only your name and the person who is inviting can be a representative that's also one more the case so if I just write who is inviting it's my name I'll say anit relationship is a family member mailing address that's the person who is inviting maing address I just obviously cannot change Canada you have to WR I'm just write 67 scar bro the field is populated if your address is not showing up you can click on manually input address has someone else also invited you yes yes it's going to be my wife uh who is the daughter-in-law of the person who is applying so I will have her name is all right so finances how much money do you have for your stay in Canada in Canadian dollars so here's the point you are going to indicate the amount in certain numbers right which should make a logical sense to the immigration officer who is processing your application the point here is when you are submitting a document there is no document that is specifically asking to validate and prove that you have that exact amount to reflect that you're going to come right so that's what we did in our case as I'm going to talk more about in the documentation section uh we did not provide any fund proof for our parents and we only did it for ourselves um so in this case we just gave a random number uh which made a logical sense that okay if my parents are coming for a period of one month and if they're going to be staying at our place wherein they do not have to pay a rent what is The Logical amount that they will be spending so in this case it is only about food travel and other some s seeing right so we just mentioned $4,000 per person so the next is is someone else giving you money for your stay in Canada so in our case we selected yes because we did not want our parents to be spending any amount to be staying with us so we had selected yes we are going to provide money to our parents who are going to come here and we are going to provide the proof of our income and employment to justify the amount that we are going to spend for them to stay here so here you have to write from the applicants perspective who is going to provide that money so in this case it's my father who is applying so this is exactly what we wrote when we did their application my entire trip including airline tickets Visa charges food accommodation travel insurance travel expenses and any other miscellaneous expenses will be fully sponsored by my son and daughter-in-law I have also attached a Letter of Invitation as received from them along with this application expressing their financial undertaking I have provided their supporting Bank statements letter of employment and P UPS so this field has got a limit of 500 characters you have to provide the details just within that anyways you're going to provide this attachments and lot of the supporting documentation towards the end so once we are done with a high level explanation you can move to the next okay so click on Save and continue after application we move to the activities section in this section you're going to provide the information about the education work and all other activities of your parents the problem with this section is that you cannot save the records without entering on value so whenever you answer a question if you do not have the answer to that question just provide a dummy number so that at least you can save the record go back to your parents check for the actual information come back again edit it and then make the right modification okay so in this case postsecondary education history have you ever studied at a postc education if you select yes you're going to provide the information of that Education Institute from the field that you studied when did you study what's the address all that stuff so just for the Simplicity of this video I'm not going to enter all the information just from the sketch but but you get the idea right so just to move forward with this form I'm just going to click on no and this might also be true if your parent has not really studied anywhere so it can still happen right work activities military or police do you serve in any military Malaya and civil unit defense no next is give details of all your employment and activities for the past 10 years it's a required field and you have to provide the information on what they have been doing even if they have not been doing anything let's suppose they are retired or they they Homemaker or they they're doing some activities which is not falling falling into actual work in that case also you have to provide that information that they are doing so and so activity from one period to the other period in last 10 years and you do not have to make false representations because it can backfire do not include any entries that you are already put for postsecondary education and for all other periods you need to enter occation or activity don't leave any other gaps when the Gap is indicated it's the time Gap so you click on ADD and then from let's suppose um 19 13 to from January to ongoing father has been let's say retired on the enter the country and the address where uh they are retired now since I have provided the period for 10 years I'm good and I can move forward if your period is not falling within 10 years like if I move this from 208 January to ongoing and if I click on Save if I click continue it will say that you have not provided the details for past 10 years so you have to provide all the information without any gaps so I'll go back I'll click on ADD and let's suppose I have entered from 2018 January so I have to provide the information from let's suppose 2011 January to or 2017 December I was working in a management occupation civil and mechanical engineer just provide the information on what exactly was the job Duty that entailed so once this is done and system has got a record of total 10 years of occupation or activities then you can move forward so travel history during the past 5 years have you traveled to any country other than the one where you are citizen or where do you live now in our case it was no so we selected no if you click on yes it is going to ask for again related details of that travel so I'll just click on no and move forward travel history have you ever stayed in Canada beyond the validity they have never been to Canada so I click on no have you ever been refused a Visa permane denied entry to any other country I click on no and then click on Save and continue the basic checks about security so I will just quickly select no because they are like have you ever committed crime have you ever been arrested have you ever been charged for drugs convicted for a criminal offense no criminal and security questions are you or have you been a member of associate political party again no medical background questions have you had a medical exam performed by an ircc authorized panel physician in the past 12 months so we select no and move forward the point is you are not anyways asked to provide a medical history or medical certificate when you're traveling as a visitor so because government is not going to take care of your Healthcare expenses you have to buy insurance for your own self right um in the last two years where you were diagnosed with tuberclosis no in the past 5 years have you been CL close contact with person with rosis no we still in the medical history section are you currently receiving any dialysis treatment have you had a drugs or alcohol addiction it's all no for our case but you will select yes appropriately based on your condition so so next we move to the family information section in here you going to indicate what is the marital status of your parent in this case since I'm applying for my father I will select my father is married and the date of marriage is let's suppose 1985 the name of spouse so it's going to be my mother's information so I'll just write the next is will your spouse or common law partner accompany you to Canada so I selected yes because my parents are going to travel together and the same responses I provided when I created my mother's application and in her case when I'm going to select will your spouse travel to Canada that is my father I will select again yes so click on Save and continue you're still in family information do you have biological or adopted stepchildren you have to select yes so this indicates that I am the son who is inviting my father and my parents to be here in Canada and that's my address information so the next is If the child is not in Canada will they accompany you in Canada in my case I am already residing in Canada as a PR right and let's suppose my parents do not have any other child that is not have a sibling in that case I'll just let know but if I have a sibling who is not going to come to Canada but I have to still disclose that information I cannot just hide that and so here I'll just click on no and save so next is tell us about your parents that is the applicant's parents now the question is all about my grandfather and grandmother okay so if you were adopted you do not need to provide these details okay or if you do not know your parents information you can click on I don't know who my parents are and then move forward but in our case I do have that information information because my parents passport has got that information on written on that so I'll just click on plus and add the information about my grandfather now in our case my father did not know what the date of birth my grandfather had so you have that option of not knowing the date of birth so if you click on the year of birth the year was tentative that is 1930 and in the month we selected unknown in the day we also selected unknown so it's fine because you are not going to anyways provide any documentation there is no proof that is asked for your parents parent if your grandparents are living then it's fine you can move forward with the rest of the fields if not you can click on this parent is deceased and provide the date when they passed away so here I know that the date and year was 2003 you might not have all that information right away so you just select the date or time or whatever that information is just for a place folder save the record to get the right information and come back and update that info so likewise you're going to provide the information about the applicant's mother in this case my grandmother I will not write that because it's pretty much the same uh and you move to the next save and continue language of the applicant the mother tongue is Hindi can you communicate in English yes what language do you use English not French email address of the applicant here I just provided my email address it doesn't really matter that my parents are getting a separate email address or not because anyways whatever the email communication they are going to get is going to be coming to me directly so here I intentionally provided their telephone number so that if someone is going to call them at least they can call them directly rather than calling to me so now we arrive at the summary page so in the summary it's just the all the responses that you have already provided in the prior sections of the form have been just summarized here if you want to make changes to any of the responses you can go and do that by clicking on this edit button for individual respective sections the one thing that I will highly recommend is when you move to further sections of the form and then when you attach the documents and when you pay the fees and you submit the form you will not be able to retrive the responses that you had provided uh when you had submitted the application so what I would suggest is when you come to this page click on expand all and once you do that all the responses that you have provided for all the questions will be just displayed and you click on the browser button to print the page and once you click on print the system will keep a record of whatever the responses that you had provided so that at some point in time if I want to just look back and see what were the responses provided for let's say dates the time the purpose of travel I can always refer to that right so that will be a good thing to do because once you move forward you will not be able to receive uh the responses assuming that you have already gone through the individual sections questions one more time to make sure that there are no errors you click on Save and continue now and now we land to the best part of the application which is the documents what all documents you are required to provide in your application the beauty of this portal is that based on the responses that you had provided in the prior sections system is going to point out what are the documents that you are required to provide okay and there will be some required and there will be some optional as well here there are some instructions let's first first go to the instructions it's fairly straightforward you can only provide one attachment for one category of the requested document for example if a funds proof is required if you're attaching five or 10 different types of funds proof document you have to compile that into one PDF and that one PDF cannot exceed to MB of the file size in fact all the attachments that you provide cannot exceed to mb per file attachments can only be of these file formats uh Tiff PNG jbg dog PDF and if your file is larger than 2 MB you need to provide multiple files in one upload field in here as you see the based on responses that we have provided the supporting documents required are Letter of Invitation passport funds proof use of Representative because I'm the representative marriage certificate of the applicant and then there are optional documents which says consent personal information employer letter current uh and additional documents now employment letter is showing up only because I had indicated that my father is still working uh if you had not selected that and if you had selected they are retired then this document would not show up and again it's anyways optional so you can still opt not to provide that information but I would recommend that if it is showing up provide it all right so now let's go one by one what are the documents that we actually provided and the content of it so Letter of Invitation first of all let's look at the letter How It Was Written it's a long letter that we wrote um I would not say that that is the only way it can be written uh The Letter of Invitation should still however contain information like the purpose and length of your visit the nature and relationship between you and the person who is inviting you the contact information of the person inviting you and whether they are citizens or PR you can also provide any additional information which can substantiate the reason for your travel or make a convincing argument for you to be here in the country so this is The Letter of Invitation that we wrote I have intentionally scrubbed some information on this letter for obvious reasons but you will still get the idea so it is directed to the Visa officer Consulate General of Canada Letter of Invitation is the header and then we have a date uh subject Letter of Invitation for our parents the name of the parents um dear sir I anit B my wife and my husband anit Harish kelal because it's written from my wife's perspective uh it can be from anyone's are obliged to write this letter in support of her parents uh the name of the parents and passport number of each of those parents so we indicated that as well to connect the dots um for tourist visa application for travel to Canada their contact information and relationship is provided towards the end of the letter evidently the purpose of this trip is family unification i anit b came to Canada in September 2021 Perman resent reunit with my husband blah blah blah so you'll get what we are trying to explain like why we are wanting them to come here and what is the purpose that is going to be served so it's for family reunification it's fall period we want to spend some time together that's what the attention is um describing something what who we are so I am an IT professional currently working for an XYZ company that's my wife as a manager on a full-time payroll and my husband who is me uh is also an IT professional working for an XYZ company at a manager level now since my arrival in Canada we have been having a lot of happy fun moments sometime we just wanted to spend some time with our parents as well uh it has been quite some time that we have not seen them and we really feel fortunate when our parents are experiencing new places like like us we also pointed out a short uh tentative itenary which we are planning to go through once our parents are here so we plan to have our parents visit for the fall for one month uh between the travel dates between like uh September 1 and September 30th 2023 and we plan to spend most of our time together as a family exploring places in Ontario like angang Quin Niagara Cruise in Thousand Islands Blue Mountain and of course Toros down now though we are providing the proof of funds as a separate document we are also indicating in the letter of ation that we will be booking their flight tickets once we get the confirmation of their visa they will be staying with us at our house at the affirmation address it is a three-bedroom Town House in which the primary bedroom is occupied by my husband and I and the other two are currently un occupied where we plan to accommodate our parents so this indicates that our parents have got a place to stay as well in our own house okay and while our parents are here my husband and I reiterating the fact that we are going to Bear their expenses including but not limited to for Cod travel booking Visa fees travel insurance and all other expenses okay and we also are promising that our parents will go back to their home country at the respective places after the end of the trip we also have provided like a reasoning that my uh siblings are still back in India and we have our own house which needs to be taken care of uh my wife's mother is still working and she needs to go back to our employment uh she cannot have leaves more than 30 days for example so this is the explanation that we have provided to justify the reason for them to travel to Canada what are the things that they going to do while they are here and how are they going to manage their expenses and when they end the trip they will be going back to the home country so uh signing off uh sincerely the name of my wife my name our email address contact information and all that stuff and towards the end here's a small table that I created I felt that it's a cleaner way of explaining the relationship between all of us so my wife's information that is inviter one uh her full name her parents name um and their information about their date of birth and all that stuff and her passport copy in which the name of the parents are showing up in the parents field similarly inviter to that's me table for me as well and then and attach the image of my passport copy to show my parents name so this was The Letter of Invitation you click on ADD file and we make the attachment and once it is uploaded you will get this confirmation that the file has been uploaded passport travel Document this is for each applicant right now it's for my father so my father's passport travel Document is going to be attached if there are any pages that are stamped you have to scan all those those pages as well so it says if you have a passport you must provide a copy of the pages that show your date of birth and country of origin and any pages with stamps visas or markings okay so my father does not have any stamping so we just did with the first page and the last page the date of birth and address um so if I click on here and make the passport attachment that's uploaded as well uh the proof of funds what all you can first provide as proof of funds is all explained in this section so it says if you won't be getting any financial support from someone during a stay then you are going to provide this same information if you will be dependent on someone financially during your stay which is the case in our uh application you have to provide all this information like proof of cidan bank account of the person proof of a student or education loan bank statement Bank draft proof of payments there are a lot of options and lot of different type of documentation that you can provide in summary what we provided is this so it was one single PDF which had combination of a letter of explanation at the first and documents towards the end the letter of explanation simply stated that my husband and I that is my wife and me are going to be supporting our parents while they are going to be here on as a visitor and we have provided the bank statements pay stubs and letter of employment towards the end uh in this file so all clubbed into one so this is one single PDF first page letter of explanation and if you scroll further you will find the bank statements for 3 months and then we had the pay stubs from our employer and towards the end I also provided a letter of employment or current employment for my employer this was proof of funds let's attach that file as well in the proof of funds it's all our document that were provided we did not provide any documents for our parents side because we did not have them right but if your parents have got let's say fixed deposits in your bank accounts or they have some mutual funds which are liquid enough that they can sell off you can obviously provide that you can also provide proof of uh Financial Properties or any other thing that is you are already having in fact that is one way of indicating that you will be actually going back to your home country because you have some estate U blind there so there are a lot of different proofs that you can provide it's just a matter of thinking through on what all things can be justifying enough that you will be able to sustain yourself while you're in the country use of Representative as I said I am creating the application for my parents and my wife's parents and I will be representing them so all communication has to come to me so for that you have to download and provide this use of Representative form you cannot download this form right from this portal uh it does not have that option so you have to copy this IM 5476 and in Google just paste this search keyword you will find this first link use of Representative and here's the file you download this form fill it up have it signed by your parents who are the applicants and then you are also going to sign because you are the representative and you upload it back in this portal on this section now I already have a very detailed video on how to fill up this form it's on my channel you can find the links above uh and once you have done you will be clicking on this add file and upload the the use of Representative form so let's suppose if I just do a random document upload marriage certificate my parents do not have a marriage certificate what we did was we provided a letter of explanation and the copies of the passport for both of our parents to indicate that their names are showing up in the respective spouse sections so so here's the letter of explanation for our parents uh marriage certificate so letter of explanation to whomsoever it may concern Furnishing spouse passport as alternate proof for marriage certificate and we wrote this from perspective of every single applicant because even my wife's parents did not have that marriage certificate so in this case my father is writing I Harish Kumar got married to my mother on XYZ date as per Hindu Traditions back in time we did not get a marriage certificate and we never felt the need to have one I understand that a marriage certificate is mandatory so in order to prove over marriage I'm just providing passport copy of me and my wife that indicates that we are recognized as each other's spouse and here's the passport copy in which their names are showing up in dis spous section for both of them and the passports are showing up side by side and the thing is it's a mandatory document so you have to provide some sort of proof in marage certificate uh you can also find this explanation in this section and in proof of marriage we attach that too optional documents consent personal information uh we did not really provide this one because there was no indication of where we can download this form so we just left it out uh employer letter as as I said if you have an employment letter currently you can provide that it's an optional document not mandatory but I would recommend to provide that if your parents are working okay or if you are working if you applying for yourself and additional documents so if there are any documents that explains um or provides any further reason for you to be in the country that is what you can provide so we wrote a purpose of travel from perspective of our parents so here's the purpose of travel it is addressed to the Visa officer I Harish Kumar my father from India writing this letter to provide details about the purpose of my trip to Canada now the content of this is already indicated in the letter of invitation from our side but the thing is I wanted to write a letter from the perspective of the applicant himself that he is promising that he is going to be in the country go through this itenary and then he's promising that he will go back to the country due to XYZ reasons that's what the whole intention was and it's an optional document it was not required but I felt that it is going to be a good way of indicating that my father or the applicant has got a very good intention to be here and go back so if we upload that as well so once we have uploaded all the documents that were requested you can click on Save and continue to move further here you will have to provide your consent and declaration that whatever the information that you have provided in the aformentioned sections is true and valid you click on yes and sign it digitally so it is signed from the perspective of the applicant so you just write Harish Kumar so in the fee section there are two breakdowns one is for Biometrics if it is applicable and visitor Visa visitor Visa fees is $100 biometric is $85 so you have to pay $185 and you can use any credit card or any mode of payment to make the payment but the thing is in our case since we had four applicants we did not went ahead to just pay the fees right away I created four applications all together in that single group that we had originally created right the parents group so once you fill up the form for all the applicants and attach the documents for respective applicants you can come to this page again to have a final summary of the fees so you will have if there are four people which was in our case we made the fees of 5 cross 4 total amount and then we went ahead if you click on Save and continue it will take you to the payment page or payment Gateway where you can enter your card details and then make the payment right this is where we will stop so once you're done and once you have submitted the application you will get a confirmation message uh in your respective email addresses and also in the representatives uh that your application has been submitted and is been processed all right so this completes the walkth through of how you can create an application for visitor visa and then what are the documents that you're going to upload how you can upload them how are the fees going to be paid and what's the fees amount okay so this is the end of this section so this was one way of applying for a visitor Visa but there is also a Time tested Avenue by which you can apply for the same category of Visa uh that is called a GC ke so GC is the time tested it has been used for many years and it is still being used uh whereas the new visitor Visa portal as a name suggest it's new um GSK ke requires you to download PDFs uh fill them up have them signed uploaded back uh whereas the new portal as we did the walk through it's all questionnaire based and it's all in the application it's in the browser so you just provide responses and move toward the end and it will just give you indication of what all the documents are required in the GSK ke you also have to mandatorily provide photos of the applicants whereas in the new portal as you have seen there was no requirement for you to provide the applicants photograph which is a good thing towards the end it is also said I do not know for sure that the applications that are applied using the GSK ke take a while longer than the ones that are applied using the new Visa portal but the new Visa portal does make use of the AI based algorithms which quickens up the decision making process for the applications but then I am not so comfortable at least I was not comfortable then to apply using something which is going to be decided by a machine program so I had that concern but I went through the website and I went through some ircc notes whether AI is actually going to take the decisions or not I learned that it is not true AI just facilitates and streamlines the information for the immigration officer but the actual decision or rejection on approval is actually done by the officers um so that was a convincing argument for me to not go with GSK but rather than try the new portal uh and finally in terms of technical challenges GSK ke still has got uh limit or an upper limit of file sizes of 4 MB for each file attachments the new portal does not give you that new portal only gives you 2 MV uh that is one document compile the file size if it is exceeding 2 MB and then make that attachment but it's not a big concern I don't think that I have seen files exceeding 2 MV in my case so that was the convincing argument for me to go ahead with uh the new portal then G key all right so this brings us to the end of this video uh I know that the video has been stretched out U because it contains a lot of information but I hope that you find it helpful and as you know our parents are already here so we are going to make another video in the timeline that actually went through to get this application processed what were the events what were their experiences uh the travel experience travel insurance that we bought the flights that we booked all of that and their experience as well that they have been staying in this country for a few weeks now all right so this brings us to the end of this video I hope that you found this video to be helpful and if you did I will really appreciate if you can let me know in the form of a like or as a comment and if you're someone who is already having a visitor visa and you would like to share your experience even that will be much appreciated at least for the community members would know and benefit from that information besides that if you have any questions or you want to reach us out you can contact us on Instagram our handle is in the description box below and until we meet next time take take care bye-bye so as I was saying earlier so as I was saying earlier when you are writing this form so as I was saying earlier when you are filling up this form a
Channel: Ole Canada
Views: 83,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canada visitor visa, canada tourist visa, canada visa in 2023, new ircc portal, new ircc visitor visa portal, new visitor visa portal, new visitor visa portal canada, parents visa canada 2023, canada supervisa, GC Key versus new visitor visa portal, canada immigration, immigrate to canada, spousal sponsorship, spouse visitor visa, spouse TRV, TRV, Temporary Resident Visa, Open work permit, immigration 2023
Id: GzsBueyZI1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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