How to fill Canada Visitor Visa 2024 | Step by Step Canada Tourist Visa | Canada visit visa 2024

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hello everyone in this video I will be talking about Canada visitor Visa if you want to correctly fill the form make sure to watch this video this will be a step-by-step guide how to fill this form let us begin first thing that I want you to do is type select the language scroll down click on immigration citizenship since we are applying for visitor Visa we'll click on visit I scroll down and click on apply for a visitor Visa once here you can take a look at these read it but we are concerned with this part so we'll click on apply now this part is asking you why are you applying for a visitor Visa so you can read all these and according to your own situation you can select any of these however for the purpose of this video I will be selecting to unite with a family member click on get instructions for yes I want to unite with a family member read click on this how to apply for a visitor Visa through the ircc portal now look if you already have an account on ircc Portal you can directly sign in if not you can click on sign up and apply now it will ask you what would you like to do apply for a visitor visa for myself like are you applying it for yourself or are you applying on behalf of someone else for example you can apply for your family your parents so if you are applying for your parents you'll select the second one but for the purpose of this video I'm applying for myself so I'll click on apply for a visitor visa for myself no I don't have an application process get an I'll click on get an ircc portal account since we don't have the account here we will type our email address we'll confirm our email address get invitation code now you can copy this code we'll click on copy to clipboard once copied we will click on continue to ircc Portal sign up page once over here we'll click on invite code we'll type our email address we'll type password will confirm password we will write our surname and you'll write your name over here okay since we are I'm applying from India right now so I'll give my Indian number this will be plus Knight 1 which is the code in India and this will be your telephone number then you will click on sign up now you may have received a verification code on your email so I'll show you that so the email will be something like this copy this code come back to this page and confirm it now you need to type the same email address that you have given and the password and sign in agree to the terms now once you are over here since we are applying for visitor Visa will click on the first this part so you can read this acknowledge it and start application so since I am applying for myself right now I will be selecting no however for example if you're applying for your parents you can select yes so I need the application could be for your father and mother save and continue I want to apply for a visitor Visa or super Visa so depending on your situation you can read these and select one of one of this so you can select this part to visit other family or not listed above our friend for less than six months you can select that you want to visit Canada as a tourist so take a look at this and depending on your situation you can select for the purpose of feed this video I am selecting to visit family who are not listed above a friend for less than six months now this is asking why you want to visit Canada what will you do in Canada and the dates so since uh at the starting of the video I mentioned that I'm Phil I'm applying for the Visa so that I can Unite with my family puts therefore I can write to visit my family Mission date also so you can give date okay so once this is done uh since I have already mentioned the date so I'll give here as 2023 month as May date as first so this is the date that you will enter Canada so I have mentioned like I will be visiting my family from 1st of May till first of June and I will be leaving Canada in first on first of June so if you have failed it in the past you may have received this number identifier however I don't think for most of us uh this we will be having this so you can leave it as it is this is optional save and continue so you can read these passport is an essential documents mandatory document that you must have and these are the information that you will be updating on this form so keep all these documents ready the details ready and click on continue to application uh are you applying on behalf of someone else in this case I am applying for myself therefore I am not applying on behalf of someone else but as I have already mentioned you if you are applying for your parents you can mention like you are applying on behalf of someone else and you can click on yes however for the purpose of this video I am applying for myself therefore no save and continue so this is the information that they are asking of applicant so since I'm applying for myself I'll give my own information for the purpose of this video my name is Smith my surname is Smith and my name is Adam so this section is your main name and this is your surname now we'll give our date of birth I'm a male therefore I have selected mail select accordingly save and continue we are traveling with passport uh it is a regular passport for most of us this is regular but depending on your situation you can select any so it is asking for the country code that matches with our passport which is India in my case it could be different in your case so select accordingly and nationality on my passport this is India for you it could be again different uh this is my passport number that they are asking give your passport number confirm this number as so this should match obviously so date of issue this will be mentioned on your passport so look at your passport and give that date over here for the purpose of this video I'm giving any date you need to give the date what is mentioned on your passport so this part now we are talking about is date of expirity and this will also be mentioned on your passport scroll no I am not a permanent resident of the United States with a valid green card you need to look at your own situation and answer this accordingly uh no I've never held a Canadian with each other in the past 10 years if it is same for you no at least yes I don't hold a valid U.S non-immigrant visa and yes I am traveling to Canada by air so this question uh is could be different subject person to person uh so read it carefully and then answer save and continue I was born in India so I'll give India if you're born in any other country you can give accordingly I was born in Kolkata so I am giving Kolkata you can give your own city name uh no I'm not a citizen of more than one country uh this is basically asking you like if you hold dual citizenship then you should give yes if you are only a citizen of one country for example India you should give no and then you should select the country that your citizen of in my case which is India so if you still click on this part if you click on this part this part will get removed this part will get automatically answered but because this is my date of birth so since I am a citizen of this country since uh I will Pawn so they have mentioned the state however if I would not select this part and if you are citizens since like last five years for some country you can give you can update this information for those five years however since I'm citizen since birth I will select on this part save and continue yes I have a valid national identity document for people in India we can give document this is our aadhar card you can give aadhaar details you can confirm other details uh this date of issue for aadhar you will find it in your enrollment card that you may have received or even on your right I guess you will be able to find it so I made I have received it in 2015 in January on 1st of January so this wassued to me by India uh this this is the country that we are discussing I will save and continue so this question is asking me have I ever used another name so for me I have never used another name but for some women They do change their name after marriage so they can click on yes and then they can uh I click on ADD click on ADD and update their name that they had before marriage name before marriage or if you changed your name you can click on previous name so update it accordingly in my case since I've never used I have never had another name in the past I'll click on no save and continue so this is asking us for uh what is your residential address so basically this is your contact information in my case I live in India for the example of this video this is my address my city is Kolkata my postal code is this and my mailing address is same as the address which I mentioned above however if your mailing address is different you can click on no and then you need to give your mailing address again and if it is same you can just click on yes so now this question is that the next question this one is that uh you need to mention all the countries that you have lived in the past five years however the point that we need to keep in mind is that should be for more than six months since I have never lived in any other country for more than six months except my home country so I'll just keep the details of my home country which is India I'm a citizen here I have lived here since 1994. so you need to give details of last five years so if in last five years you have not lived in India for example and you lived in some other country uh you can give that country a name over here and you can mention the like you are a worker or a student there and you can type and you can write the date so this is where I currently live so I just I don't need to type on any other thing if you have had multiple uh uh like if you're load in multiple countries in last five years for a period of more than six months uh you can give the date and then you can type over here also from this part to whichever date you have left you can type it but I currently live here so I'm not typing that save seeing the details are here now save and continue so if you have given your Biometrics in the past for in last in the last 10 years so so you can select yes but if you are not given your Biometrics you can select no save and continue so now this is the part where you need to mention the name of the person who is inviting who is inviting you to Canada since I am I I am filling this form saying that I am filling this from so that I can Unite with my family so therefore I need to give the name of that person and if you are the person who is feeling this form for your parents then you can give your own name if you are staying in Canada and remember that a name should exactly appear exactly as it is on your passport or ID so for example as the name of the person who is inviting me is say it is something that's like this only he is my family member he's inviting me say my brother now this path you can type his address but if for example I'll type this so this is its address but if you don't find this address over here you can also manually input the address so you can click on manually input address and then you will need to give the address name and everything detail all the other details but if you don't click on this one and if you say it this is my address this number will come automatically Canada so give his number because you want to say this number give his email address no somebody has no one else has invited me my brother is only one who has invited me so I have already filled his details so I can give no to this question if somebody also has invited you you can give yes and you can type his details also but in my case it is no so we'll move forward save and continue I am typing 5000 as if I am only going there for one month I believe five thousand uh should be sufficient but you can give 10 000 also if if you want to be on safe side but for one month I believe 5000 should be sufficient but uh do accordingly no some nobody else is giving me uh any money if somebody is giving you money for uh to finance uh you for your stay in Canada you need to type yes and then you need to keep their details and also you may have to give some proof click save and continue now this part they are asking you about your educational details so if you click on yes if you if post secondary to education means your University College so after 12 whatever you have a study it for example you are a bcom or a B Tech you you should click on yes and click on ADD and give those details this will be the name of University starting date and date level of study for example uh college diploma certificate field of study which will be like if you have our Commerce you should type Commerce if it is medicine you should type medicine select medicine but for the purpose of this video I'm selecting no but you should give your own details click select yes and give all the details now this is the work activities history so this is asking me have I ever served in the any of these in my case no but according to your own situation you should select now this part is asking me my employment history for the past 10 years for the past 10 years where I have worked so you can click on ADD you can click on uh date like say save I'm working since I'm working since 2013 January and it is you know it is ongoing it is in business finance so accordingly you can search these and uh whatever it seems fit for you you can type that since I'm into Finance I clicked on finance I'll give my employer name so here you need to type main duties of the job so what is your job so briefly describe the duties for the purpose of this video I am typing this but you can type like if you are into auditing you can type you work on audit procedure if you are into taxation you can type like you prepare work papers you file returns you train stuff accordingly you can select whatever is best describes your job and describe it briefly India one two three four Kolkata is location of my office for the exam purpose of this video it is in Kolkata save so the detail will show over here we'll click on Save and continue so this question is asking me have I traveled to any country in the last five years other than the country that I I live in right now which is India there is a difference between this question and the earlier question where we mentioned about last 10 years because it is mentioned that we must have stayed for over six months in that country but this is not telling that this is saying any country that you have visited in last five years say for example I have visited so you need to mention from from date from when to When Country since say I visited UK I'll mention UK location where I have mentioned and what was my first purpose of travel so feel fill these save it but for the purpose of this video I am selecting I have not visited any country in the last five years but if you have visited any country for example UK or UAE you can you should select yes and give the details save and continue no so it is asking me have I stayed in Canada beyond the validity of my status attended any school in Canada without authorization or work without without authorization no have I ever been refused a Visa or permit so for my case it is no but try but for some of you this can be yes this can be guessed so for example you may have been review you may have a refusal for UK Visa your Visa may have been refused uh by us so you can give those details over here you can give the reason uh but in my case since I have not been denied I'll type no save and continue so this section is about criminality and security so you need to for most of us this is generally no but these are the question that that depends subject to person to person the answer to this depends subject to person to person so you should read this carefully and select accordingly any crime no criminal offense now have been charged no convicted for any no save and continue have you ever been a member of an association which has engaged in our Advanced violence the means to achieving political or religious objectives no ill treatment of prisoners or civilians no save and continue no so this is asking have you had a medical exam performed by ircc authorized panel physician in last one year no this is your medical background question uh this is asking last two year were you diagnosed with tuberculosis no and this is also mentioning that if you have a history of tuberculosis it doesn't mean that you can't come to Canada once you complete your treatment you can come so the next question is in last five years have you been in close contact with the person with tuberculosis no so again answer it according to your own situations uh no are you currently receiving dialysis treatment drug and alcohol addiction no have you had had them had a mental health condition to be threat to yourself or others or to be hospitalized no have you ever been diagnosed with high flies no in single I am selecting single if you are married you can select Merit and in that case you may have to give the details of your partner the date when you when you were married there's a name their date of birth the country uh what they do if their address the same address or you as yours and then on this question it is asking do are they also coming to Canada so these are the details that you can fill for your partner if you want them to also come to Canada but since I am applying for myself at this point and I'm single I'm selecting single save and continue no I don't have any biological adopted or step children but if you are filling this form for your parents on the behalf of your parents so the details that you have already mentioned save were your parents of this question concerns your parents in the sense that it is asking them that do they have any children so you should give your own name details here if you are filling it on behalf of your parents but since I am doing it for myself I'll select no and I'm single save and continue so this is asking the details about my parents so I'll click on ADD give details about your parents so this is the detail for my father so you can give your own father name over here obviously uh this is for the first purpose of this video this is not actually the real names date of birth month January the first if your parents are no longer if your father is no longer you can click on this one country of territory India present occupation safe is retired you can just type retired or if he has businessmen you can type business yes so in my case he's not coming to Canada so no save the details will appear over here click on ADD again give the name of your mother she is my mother a date of birth is she is homemaker so this is asking you occupation yes and no she is not coming to Canada save so both the details should reflect over here save and continue so this is asking your native language if your native language is Hindi you can give Hindi and if it is any other language you can give accordingly yes I can communicate in English I prefer that they contact me in English save and continue so this is asking your own email address I'll give the same email address that I started application with confirm the email address save and continue this is asking you for your telephone number this is dial code and this will be your telephone number save it save and continue now we have updated all our DTS so I would suggest you should take a look at them to very carefully and what you can do is that you can click on expand all so this will give you a better view of the answers that you have given take a look at them read it carefully read it carefully save and continue so once you are sure that the details that you have mentioned is correct you can click on Save and continue so you should read all these carefully again so you need to give your passport and other supporting documents the size limit is 2 MB per file so read them so there are some mandatory documents there are some optional documents so read what are the support documents that you need to provide so you need to give this letter letter of invitation so you need to give one national identity document which is secure aadhar or voter ID card so you need to upload your passport travel Document passport so these are the mandatory documents so and uh your funds here your banking statement is also your mandatory document and uh you can also give some other supporting documents uh like contact personal information so you can give a letter from your employee employer and you can give other additional documents so that you can make your case to in the best possible manner so but those are the optional documents your main mandatory documents listed over here is your bank statement your passport your aadhaar card or any national identity card and a Letter of Invitation so you need you should click on ADD file and upload those documents once you upload every document you can should click on Save and continue I am not clicking on Save and continue right now because I am not uploading those documents and once you complete that step the next next thing is obviously you need to make for your payment so we are we have we already done with this part till document once you upload the documents you can make the payment you can give your consent and declaration and finally you complete it so once you've completed you can go back to the home section you can go back to the home section and see here your detail is being shown and you have left to submit 2016. so once you complete that you can come back to your account and you can see uh the status of your application I hope I was of some help to you uh for any questions you can obviously message me I will respond and please do remember to subscribe my channel thank you so much
Channel: Notes From Danish
Views: 355,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canada Visitor visa, Canada Visit visa, Canada tourist visa, Canada visitor visa process, Canada visit visa update, Canada Visa, Canada visa update, Canada visa processing time, Canada tourist visa latest update, Canada tourist visa process, Canada visa interview, Canada visa application, Canada visit visa from India, Canada visit visa form filling, how to apply Canada visitor visa online, ircc, canada visa 2024, canada visitor visa update 2024, canada tourist visa 2024
Id: BTQfOtAJ2-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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