Why won't the Visa Officer look at your documents?

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I'm a former Visa officer and a licensed U.S immigration attorney and today we're going to talk about why is it that Visa officers do not look at documents every applicant that I know will spend months putting together a beautiful pile of papers that they plan to bring to their us visa interview it might include an invitation letter it might include a beautiful package that your immigration attorney put together for you perhaps it's got bank statements or you have information about all of the assets you own in your home country or perhaps you have your parents documents if you're a young person planning to study in the U.S well guess what more often than not the Visa officer won't even look at them you'll walk up to the window the Visa officer is looking at you you try to pass this huge stack of documents that you have spent months carefully preparing and they will just tell you no documents or sometimes they'll say you know what I don't want to see documents I just want to hear it from you what your plans are in the United States I know this because when I was a Visa officer for seven years this is something that I often said at the Visa window to applicants who are hoping to get a visa and there are really a few very important reasons why these officers don't look at documents number one is that Visa officers are always trying to go as fast as they can they have between 30 seconds to three minutes to make a decision on your case and if they take the time to take your stack of documents and start rifling through them that takes up a lot of time and it probably won't tell them anything about what whether or not you're qualified so they're trying to be Speedy they're trying to interview all of the people standing in line behind you so they can get to lunch or get home after work and they simply don't have the time to look at every single piece of document that a person will bring to their visa interview so that's reason number one reason number two is that in many countries around the world actually documents can be faked they can be forged so you know you can go to a black market and buy fake bank statements and fake invitation letters now I know that's not you buying those documents right because you'd get in a lot of trouble if that was found out so but keep in mind that a lot of people do they do go and buy fake documents and Visa officers in their careers have seen their fair share of fake documents to know that they can't count on them okay so that's why they don't want to look at documents they know that maybe you know someone just went and bought those documents that they're not even real or legitimate and this is another reason why Visa officers refuse to look at documents now the last reason is that this is actually a policy around Consular sections in embassies and consulates around the world Consular managers are constantly telling officers no documents you do not have time to look at documents they can be faked you need to make a decision based on the interview and so even if an officer were to take your stack of documents and they start looking through everything if one of their managers walks by at that moment and sees them carefully looking at a document for a long time that officer can get into a lot of trouble they could even end up having a meeting later with their manager where the manager is going to tell them hey I thought you knew that the policy is no documents okay so these are the three important reasons why Consular officers do not look at documents and this means that your interview is more important than your documents so many people I know end up going into their interview hoping that their documents will do the talking for them sometimes they'll even start the interview with hey you don't even have to talk to me hear all my documents just take a look and give me my Visa well guess what that is never going to be a successful strategy the best strategy is focusing on your visa interview how are you planning to answer the questions how can you be truthful and authentic and genuine to who you are and once you know what your answers are going to be how do you know if those answers are good enough well this is where I come in I am a U.S visa expert having been a Visa officer for over seven years and being an immigration attorney I have been working with so many clients just like you navigate problems they've had with a US Visa process tackling Visa denials and changing those denials into Visa approvals and I am so happy to say that I've had so many successful stories for my clients so if this is you and you need help working with an expert to make sure that you're ready for the interview that your answers sound great and that you are you know not just memorizing something and sounding kind of like a robot work with me I am your U.S visa expert and I am here to help you don't have to do this by yourself okay so if you found this video helpful please hit the Subscribe button I'm trying to make more videos every week that can tell you more about the mysterious and Secret World of U.S visas and Visa interviews and I hope that this will be helpful but also visit my website www.zfvisa.com and there you can find more information about who I am what my credentials are and how I can help you be successful in the US Visa process in your journey to reaching your goals in the United States and I look forward to working with you
Channel: ZF Visa & Immigration
Views: 1,082,831
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Id: b1gXGS92-I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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