REALITY of IMMIGRANTS in CANADA | Real STRUGGLES of a NIGERIAN Immigrant in Canada (Ugly truth)

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guys guys Canada is not a bed of roses Canada is not heaven Canada has its own challenges you know I woke up today and filling all of the weights of all that has been happening to us especially for me and my kids because my husband has been here before we came in so he's used to the lifestyle because of the way I felt today I decided to come to you with this video I want you guys to understand that this video is not to discourage anyone who is undergo mission to come to Canada like you all know I'm always here to bring information about how to make your dreams of immigrating to Canada in reality but it's been misleading if I don't also to let you know the realities that we face as new immigrants here in Canada my children and I came to Canada exactly on the 24th of March 2023 and we came here to join my husband who had been here for almost two years it was something we wanted for ourselves as a family it was answered to prayers and we are very grateful for it we are still very grateful but the truth is there are a lot of struggles new immigrants or we have faced in the last couple of months and the first thing I saw as a challenge was the healthcare you know before we came into the country I've heard about how people talk about the health care abroad how it's good it's efficient and all of that but you know nothing prepares you for what you meet when you come into Canada you know the Healthcare in Canada is overburdened guys it's overburdened and there's a lot of pressure right now on the health care now I told you we came into Canada on the 24th of March but you know we immediately we came in we started looking for a family doctor but we did not even find any available hospital that was ready to take in new people you know we kept looking for hospitals remember that you want to be sure that your hospital the hospital you choose is within your your house your location of your house so that you don't have to travel the distance to in case there's an emergency so we kept calling doctors but finally we got one particular Hospital who was ready to accept new immigrants but guess what they give us an appointment which was our first appointment for three months later I was to give us the appointment for June 30th now I told you I came in to the country in March besides making our phone calls the week we came into Canada you know and we were only able to get an appointment for June 30th that's a whole brief month to get a family doctor guys now what if my my kids had an emergency what if there was an emergency situation in my home that needed a doctors you know a doctor's um review or something that would have meant I would have spent money out of our own pockets and in this country you cannot buy certain drugs off the counter there has to be a doctor prescription so imagine there was an emergency thank God for the medications we brought from back home when we were coming those were the medications that helped me when my kids had certain illnesses that I was you know conversant which already from back home you know I was able to administer these medications and they became better if that was in the situation we would have to spend out of pockets and out of pocket here is so expensive the bill is so crazy guys you know so for now it's it's it's crazy it's crazy guys if you have to even go to the hospital now now we have a doctor but then when we have to go to the hospital we have to wait we have to wait for a long time to be able to get to see the doctor you know one-on-one it's it's crazy a lot of people are using these facilities you know I don't know what the issue is really now okay like a week back my husband had to go do a blood walk and by the time he got to the hospital you know even though he had an appointment his number was 920 guys so he was a 920th person on the Queue he had to wait for his turn so you see that there's a lot of burden on the healthcare facility in Canada now the second thing that is a struggle for us and for most new immigrants is settling in with kids you know like you know I have three kids under the age of seven my first son is seven my daughter is four my last baby is 18 months it's not easy guys settling in with kids because everything we have to do as a family we have to put them into consideration everywhere we have to go to we have to go with this kit and you know that he can be tiring taking kids along with you you know for to to places you want to go to it was a fun event it becomes starring it becomes you know Annoying at the end of the day you know when it has to you have to take care of kids when this child has to say she wants to use a toilet she wants to pee in all of those things it's not easy if it's a long stay outside the house then sometimes we decide one person has to go and the other person has to stay back with the kids guys it is never easy it is not easy children selling that with children is something people don't talk about enough back home from where I'm coming from um I was someone who was always on the go I had businesses I run I still have those businesses that I run right now in back of my country you know so I was very busy I was a very busy entrepreneur so I never had time to stay at home like that you know I took care of my kids I watched them but I had people stay back at home to watch my kids so coming here and having to stay back at home every time with the kids is a major you know it's a drastic um change for me and honestly if you have a spouse who is not supportive this can actually affect your marriage guys it's a lot of work it's a lot of work and people don't emphasize this enough the third thing I won't talk I want to talk about is monthly expenses monthly expenses here and Canada can be over the roof now this door differs from Province to Province okay now for my Province or for this province you know I stay in Alberta if you don't know the rent here used to be very okay but right now rent is going crazy a lot of people were coming to Calgary because or can or Alberta because they felt that the rent or the housing market here was a bit stable and they could affordable I can tell you categorically that the housing market has gone astronomically High it is going crazy now because people are coming so there's a lot of demand so rent is also very high so we get to spend too much on rent monthly now this is in contrast to what we usually do back home we had our own house before we came to Canada but before we had our house you know we were parents and the monies you pay for rent in nine in back home in my country I'm from Nigeria by the way the money to pay for rent back home was for one year so but here right here we're paying as much as we're paying for one year we're paying that for a month so rent here is monthly so you have to pay these bills every month times it is an automatic debit you know they know how to wait for you to pay are they more at the time of the month when your rent is due the money is deducted from your account immediately so aside from the rent you talk about phone bills talk about electricity bills you know electric bills for us when we came was okay no one was complaining but three months later it grew three times over and we're wondering why because we're not turning on the lights because this is summer we're not turning on the lights it's always it's always bright even at night 9 pm at night is always even bright so we don't have to turn on the light but we will notice that the bill even went up three times you know so these things are not even cast on the stone the bills are rising every day then let's talk about phone bills for myself and my husband we have um we have to buy data for our individual phones now Canada is one country that has one of the highest mobile data charges across the world for my phone I pay as much as 40 per month and that was the lowest I could get for my own you know internet or for my own data for my phone so every month forty dollar is deducted from my account whether or not I pay because I'm on auto P for my husband as well he does as much as that and then for every home in Canada we have what we call we have Wi-Fi in almost homes in Canada so we also pay for that as well monthly Wi-Fi for the home so if you look at all of these bills it's a lot now if you have a car you're going to be paying for insurance and here in Canada Insurance can be high especially if you don't have you know your driver's extract and all of those things that can help them you know justify that you have been driving for a long period of time your insurance will go up so you can pay as much as 400 500 monthly if you don't have those things my husband pays as much as 250 monthly on insurance you know so that's another cost that you pay on a monthly basis now if your house doesn't have parking you have to pay for parking monthly you know to be able to pack your car and if you have two cars as a family you are paying two insurances and you're paying two parkings for pay for two parking spots now if your your house has an underground parking and you want to park on the ground because of winter you're going to be paying an extra charge for parking underground as well so guys there are a lot of charges a lot of bills that are you know being sure every month I'm not used to that because from where I'm coming from most of these bills we pay them every year so this is a huge change a huge you know it's drastic you know change for us you know for me especially not for my husband for me because it is absolutely new to me I want to be prepared about it the fourth thing I want to talk about today is daycare and Child Care Child Care is expensive in Canada child care is crazy it's astronomically High guys you know I used to say when I come to Canada I'll put my kids in child care I'll get the child I'll get to school I'll get a day home for my kids take care of my kids I have the money but guys when I came here nothing prepared me for it like you know I went to I called several daycares and I couldn't even get an appointment because they kept telling me they were booked for the year and I'll be placed on a waiting list some were even demanded for a hundred dollars to be placed on a waiting list and when I asked them when the waiting list was I was told I was going to be a waiting list in 2024. now this is me I came in in March and I had to wait for almost 10 months or eight months to be able to put my son in a daycare these are some of the things no one prepares you for you never know how this goes now aside from the fact that there's no space in these daycares these daycares are also very expensive now depending on the province you are like for my profiles I saw were ranging from 1 500 to 108 800 monthly now the government provides subsidies for families you know to be able to you know pay up their charge for daycare but even when the government takes out that part of their charge or that part of their their own responsibility you are left with about 500 700 600 depending on the province to pay for your child monthly now when I found one by the time you look at subsidy the government subsidy for my two kids with my daughter who is not yet in school and my son was 18 months we had about 600 and 700 to pay monthly that's about 1 300 every month and when I told my husband about it it was like it wasn't worth it since I'm still at home I'm not doing anything I'm only just checking up my businesses back home I can stay with the kids which I thought was fair okay but when I stayed back and I was seeing all the bills that were occurring in the home I thought it was wise for me to get a job so I started searching for something to do here and because of that we had to get a DK for my child my son I finally got one for my son you know but then we were placed on the waiting list till September thank God I given God's one because I have a lot of friends who have nothing haven't gotten anything you know anger is considering the time difference you know back home you know we are seven hours away from my home country I have two businesses I run I have staff I have employees who work for me and because I'm always trying to be on there to my toe so that they don't rip me off my business you know and then having to take care of my children having to take care of my home having to take care of my even YouTube YouTube It's demanding so I needed them to go out sometimes so that I can have time for myself so all of these things were not things I I was prepared for you know so it really threw me aback and I want you guys to know it is real it is real guys now the fifth thing I want to talk about is the job market guys the job market in Canada can be chaotic you know when people talk when I post videos on YouTube about job openings jobs and how to get jobs in Canada and people say that they present sort of emails no one is responding to them I laugh because even us here in Canada for us to get a job we need to send out as much emails as possible I cannot even emphasize on the number of emails I've sent over the last couple of months when I decided I think two months ago when I decided to start applying for jobs I've sent out over 150 CVS and honestly I only started getting a call after I sent about the hundred guys it is the same thing for everyone for you to get a job you need to be able to you know convince the employer that you are the right person for the role now most employers in Canada want people who already have Canadian experience and of course you know that as a new immigrant or a foreigner you do not have this experience so what do I advise you to do it's best to start looking for transitionary jobs when you come into Canada do not say because this is not the role of you are doing back in your country or it is dealing nothing is demeaning here nothing at all is demeaning look for transitional jobs and start doing something I did not mind to look for any transitional jobs at the time I started looking for jobs when I wasn't getting any you know feedback from the people I've sent my CVS to I started looking for transitionary jobs because I believe in this dignity and labor once we are able to get that job and you're able to work for a few months or maybe one or two months that is Canadian experience then you can put that in your CV and then apply for those roles that you want you know to do that's where you'll be able to get the job easily here in Canada another reason why I started looking for a job was because you know I make money from my business back home yes I make good mornings for my business back home but when you compare or when you try to you know change it exchange rate because the exchange rate the money doesn't make sense you know when you want when you try when you you know convert that money to Canadian currency the money doesn't make sense it's useless so when I saw that that wasn't working I decided to start looking for job here on honestly guys the monies we make back home does not make sense so if you are using the money you have back home to support what you do here you'll find out that you are spending way overboard you're spending too much money so it's best to start working here so that you can earn in Canadian currency and spend in Canada currency it's just right the sixth thing I want to talk about today is the school system here in Canada the school system here in Canada is great great I'm not going to talk you know I'm not going to say less of it it's really great compared to where I'm coming from you know but my children are in a Catholic school because of our personal preferences you know now one of the things I do not like about the school system is the way they call you you know frequently to come and pick up your kids from school now my son was able to start school you know in the last term before they went on break and during his stay in school he spent about two months in school okay but within that two months the number of times we had to go and pick him up from school where up to 10 or if not more than 10 times guys and most times when you look at it you have money in why are they always calling if a child has cough just a little cough they will call you and say come come and pick the child from school if the child wants has a slight fever slide just light temperature they will call you to come and pick that child from school and when we came in when we first came in it was really difficult for myself and my husband to comprehend why this was happening because back home you know when a child is not feeling too well in school no one calls you they take the child to a sick pay you know and take care of the child because my the school where my children were going to um had at the clinic and they had nurses who worked and were paid by the school to attend to kids when they were sick so you know so when they were they had little bouts of fever you know cough and all those things they would take him to those nurses to take care of them it's only on cases where it is very serious that they call you to come to school so I never had issues of coming to school to pick my kids you know but here in Canada only two months Jason spent in school and we had to go and pick him over 10 times and most of the time when they called us because I do not driver yet in Canada because of course you know that to drive here you have to have to write a driving test and then do the Practical test and all of those things I haven't done mine for certain reasons so each time they have to call me I had to call my husband who always was at work and most times these things were distracting to him because he had to always leave his job to go and pick Jason from school and then when Jason come back from school you see in bubbly you see him playing you see him throwing you know tantrums and you know Lively I am wondering why they called us to come and pick him up from school you know it is really really annoying honestly guys and it can be so stressful now imagine if my husband was not working from home if he was going to work and he had to go 30 minutes Drive 30 minutes to work who would go and pick him I would not have to how do I do the kids my two other kids that with me in the house it means I'll have to take a taxi you know with my two kids to go and pick my son from school and bring him back home and taxes Uber here is really expensive guys so there's so many things that not just that's just this is annoying this particular thing is really annoying and I honestly imagine if I have two of my kids because my daughter is going to be joining chasing in school in September okay so imagine that they're both in school and they call me today for this one tomorrow they're calling me for the other one I'll be running up and down and then I have my own things I'm doing I have my own business I'm running as well so how do you put this together so these are certain things that have really has been a struggle for us well since we came into Canada guys even though I do not want to go back home now even though I don't want to go back to my Country Now considering all of the things that are happening back home in my country the instability the a lot of issues happening back home I do not want to go back yes but then these are struggles I know it's a fees and we're going to get out of this phase very soon hopefully by God's grace people have done it they've gone out of this phase they are now stable and all of that I know that by God's space we are going to get stable here and all of those things and I know that my children have the better future here than back on my country yes we're going to go back home someday that's my plan I love my country either way I'll still go back to my country but not now we have our reasons why we came here and of course we want to make sure that that reason is fulfilled before we think of going back home but guys we can't be put in our content and telling people to come into Canada without letting them know the realities as well that Canada has to offer these are the reasons why I had to do this video I felt really down today and I told myself you know I'm not going to do makeup I'm not going to wear my my clothes I'm going to come here and just say that things you know release my heart say what I feel my heart and I hope that this will help you make better plans you know so that when you come in you have better expectations so that you don't keep your expectations too high and if you're able to adjust easily here in Canada thank you guys for watching see you on the next one
Channel: Lilian Ujah
Views: 114,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reality of immigrants in canada, permanent resident, canada pr, life in canada, life in canada for indians, immigration canada, canada couple, canada couple vlogs, canada lifestyle, why immigrants leave canada, calgary, calgary canada, calgary vlog, life in calgary, jobs in calgary, calgary winter, canada calgary, ontario to calgary, move to calgary, living in calgary, moving to calgary, calgary alberta, reasons not to move to calgary, calgary alberta canada, calgary life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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