BREAKING! Canada to Reduce it’s Temporary Residents and Temporary Residents Visas

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breaking news from Canada breaking news from Canada just yesterday Canada made an announcement telling the world that it has planned to reduce the number of temporary residents in the country yes that is the breaking news and I'm going to tell you how this we affect applicants the good side the bad side that is what I will be telling you in this video so that we can also plan together and I can also tell you the way forward like you know when I bring what is trending here I also come with Solutions if I have it so today I will be telling you how this is going to impact Visa applicants and what you have to do for the very first time ever Canada came out and said they want to reduce the temporary residence in the country and this is coming as a shock because not too many people expected this but this wasn't something that I was expecting but I was expecting something around this kind of announcement they gave because for some time a lot of people have been reaching out to me telling me for over four months five six seven months they have not heard or received any update or messages from IR concerning their visa applications even to the extent that there are people who are supposed to resume school January this year behold till now many of them have not received any message from as regards their student visa applications well it's what it is life must move on there will always be a way when one door closes another door opens so now I am going to break this statement or statements down to you so that you can understand better because when I tend to just say it here many of you might not really feel it so let me break it down to you so that you will understand better and have a sense of direction where we are going and where we are coming from so it reads for the first time ever Canada plans to reduce its temporary residence and set a cap on temporary immigration now they have a number of temporary residents they want in their country and in this video as we read further I will tell you the implication of this so we move immigration Minister Mark Miller disclosed this on Thursday March 21st yesterday while discussing the latest government efforts to address a housing shortage and stretched andal Services you know they have been saying this since last year because since Canada put in place that temporary Visa that we allow visitor Visa holders to come to Canada look for a job attend job interviews and if given an lmia job they can be able to apply for a work permit and legally work in Canada since they put that temporary policy in place the number of people going to Canada drastically increased and last year alone they had close to 500,000 International students in Canada so they feel like the essential amenities there they've been over stretched you understand so now they want to reduce it and also it has become difficult for people to even find housing buying of houses in to buy a house in Canada right now is super expensive people who are looking to rent rooms Apartments they are finding difficult because even the ones that are available they are very very pricey that is to say they are very very expensive so because the Canadian government they have a sense that it is because people are just too much in number currently in Canada and these has created the ability for people to quickly and easily find houses to buy and rent so they want to reduce it so that is what they are telling us here um and also we go further in recent years Canada has seen a share price in international students foreign workers and other temporary residents who came to the country on time limited visas as prime minister Justin Tru government relied on immigration to drive economic growth and plug labor gaps however the population growth has led to a strain on housing and services provided by the provinces such as education and health care to ameliorate this the government wants to reduce temporary resid to 5% of the total population over the next three years from 6.5% in 2023 Miller said that would be a cut of about 20% from Canada's 2.5 million temporary residents in 2023 now let me break this place down to you so that you can understand better what they are telling you here is that now in 2023 Canada had had 2.5 million temporary residents now they want to reduce that number by 20% that is if the 20% of 2.5 million residents is 500,000 residents so in the next three years they want to make that number 2 million and for them to be able to achieve this they must now start to reduce the temporary visas they are giving to people to come to their country like I said earlier I said I will tell you the implication of this announcement the Canada visas the Canada temporary visas that are flying left and right they are going to reduce little bit and the rate of refusal is going to go up that is what automatically that is what this means because if they want to reduce the number of temporary residents in Canada they must have to start from reducing the temporary visas they are giving to people from outside to come into the country so for those of you who already have the Canada different types of temporary visas like the work visas student visas tourist visas it's a blessing and for those of you who already applied and you are still waiting for a response you also have an advantage because now for those of you who already applied they may want to quickly just attend to those people then those people that will be applying fresh will not find it easy a kind of like those of you already applied so now when you applying you have to make sure that you are applying the right way because now there's going to be proper scrutiny of your Visa applications because what they are telling us here is that if last year for example I'm just G an example with this number if last year they took they if last year they gave visa to let's say 1 million visitor visas were given last year because of this announcements they have made now they will not give that kind of number this year they may decide to give like 700,000 or 800,000 tourist visas I'm just giving an example so it is also very very important to note here for those of you who are applying now take the time you qu apply because when these things starts like this it is not going to just be tough immediately it is going to be tough as time goes by so for people that we apply now they will find it a little bit easier no not easier for people that we apply now they with stand a brighter chance to get it more than people that we apply later this year because the reduction is going to start Le You by Le you so let me read further and give you a breakdown that's how that's how we do it here you understand from the source so um so now Miller will convince Miller will convene a meeting with his provincial and territorial counterparts in May to finalize all this Miller said in his words we need to ensure the number of temporary residents entering the country is at a sustainable level sustainable level m word now they are trying to let you know here that the Visas they gave before they couldn't sustain the pressure that came with it that is to say they gave a lot of Visa more than usual because during covid they had labor shortage so because of that labor shortage they had to answer by making these VIs available and reducing the strictness on their visitor Visa reducing the rigidity so as to make it flexible because before now you cannot come to Canada with a visitor Vis to look for work but because of because of that covid issue that temporary was put in place so now we move forward starting this all for the first time we will expand the immigration levels plan to include both temporary residents arrivers and permanent resident arrivers he said referring to the federal government immigration targets I will repeat that please starting this fall for the for the very first time we will extend the immigration levels plan to include both temporary residents arrivals and permanent president arrivals he said referring to the federal government immigration Targets in January Canada announced a two-year cap on the intake of foreign students and said it will stop giv work permits to some students after graduation as it seeks to re in record numbers of new commers so now after saying all this my advice to everyone of you here is that for those of you who already applied for these various Canada temporary visas work visas student visas visitor visas trust me many of you are going to start receiving messages yes it is going to be on a slow pace but I believe after that meeting that um immigration Minister MC Miller will be having with his um territorial counterpart in May after that meeting I believe a lot of people we get messages both refusers and acceptance and I am hoping every one of you here on my channel gets positive news from Canada and not rejection because me I'm always praying for everyone of you to get this visas because it is always a good feeling for me whenever somebody call me and tell me hey no comedi I have just been giving this country's Visa it's always a good thing for me so I am here roting for you guys and please just be patient if you have not heard from you will hear from them it is usually constant for you to hear from them it is either they send you a refusal message or they send you a message for you to submit your passport but I hope for those of you who are hearing my voice if you can hear my voice now and you have applied for this Visa or you are going to apply for this Visa I pray that everyone of you here that we apply for this Canada visa and other countries visas will be able to get it so this is the update for the week this announcement was made yesterday so I decided to bring it to you like in the heart um in the comment section of this video please let me know what you want me to make a video on because I am not just here for myself I am here for you guys and also don't forget give this video a big like please and also somebody told me that whenever I drop a video they don't get the notification I told that person that is because you have not clicked the notification Bell on my channel on that notification here put it on whenever I drop a video trust me in minutes MTH you don't get the update S com don't drop new video so guys till I see you in my next video guys respect and don't forget I give a remedy to all this stop procrastinating apply now stop procrastinating apply for these visas now because it is now becoming obvious that on a regular basis as time go by as time goes by the Canada immigration is becoming tougher on this visa rules so please apply now and have a good one rest
Channel: Noxacomedy
Views: 15,663
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Id: Wwytw2jqK_4
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Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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