SAD NEWS: His conference visa was CANCELLED at the airport because of this

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coming from Nigeria Nigeria okay sir why do you come to the United States I'm representing the my Ministry at ahc conference 2019 in N okay and what do you have in your bags today sir just close just close nothing else all right so I'm going to have you follow me really quick okay we're going to do a quick baggage exam I mean of course understand I understand sir but you need to understand right now I'm still going to go ahead and take a look at your bags and everything go ahead and place all your belongings on top of the belt for me I'm going dock baggage exam all right so so how many days were have you staying in the United States five days five days any food in your bags today really they just H snacks snacks okay so tell me about this ministry my Ministry is in petroleum industry okay what's your position title senior petroleum engineer so you're an engineer yes of course okay is this your bench that is mine M office IP think that have you step back for me please okay yeah it's been expired since last year one of the what was the last day you went to work I I didn't do you have a uh employe ID it's not expired take 3 months to issue an ID sir so where is this conference [Music] atah Taho just take a seat okay [Music] 1 2 3 350 390 400 4 hello my name is Officer L with US Customs and Bo protection I'm just trying to see if this reservation is still active he's here in regards for this Workshop you don't have a reservation for that number you guys canceled it okay thank you so much for your assistance ma'am the workshop said that you have to pay before getting in there he doesn't have any reservations of him paying for the workshop so something doesn't make sense his credit card expires this month according to him he has 31,000 Ira on his credit card which is about 50 60 bucks registration is 600 bucks that's more than what he [Music] has how much did you pay to attend this Workshop have not paid you have not paid yes according to the workshop which I have called you actually had to pay before in order to attend this [Music] Workshop you need to pay ahead of time in order to attend this Workshop is what I'm telling you so you're telling me that the event lied to me to a Federal Officer they lied to me that is exactly what is happening okay right now brother there's a lot of holes in our story I'm more Li we are register when we get all I told you now is nothing but to your conference it's not a hotel why didn't you get reservations I'm not the only one from my that's this he not answering my questions right now you're going to go speak to another set of officers they're going to give you the opportunity to be honest the mistakes you made with me by not being honest with me you get another chance and they're going to decide whether you can come in or not today okay going want give me take hand out of your pocket okay currently he's attending this Workshop so we called this place and we asked him if he was registered and they told us that he was not registered and he hasn't paid the dece sir at this moment he has to realize that we got him lying but I mean I'll give him the benefit of the doubt it's always good to give people that opportunity to come clean I'm going to take a statement from you we're just going to talk about the purpose of travel what are you doing here please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that all statements you're about to make are truly and complete to the best of your knowledge yes put hand what country are you a citizen of Nigeria a citizen of Nigeria from Nigeria Nigeria okay sir why do you come to the United States I'm representing the my Ministry at ahc conference 2019 in Nevada okay and what do you have in your bags today sir just close just close nothing else all right so I'm going to have you follow me really quick okay we're going to do a quick baggage exam I mean course understand I understand sir but you need to understand right now I'm still going going to go ahead and take a look at your back and everything go ahead and place all your belongings on top of the belt for me I'm going do quick backage [Music] examle all right so so how many days were you be staying in the United States 5 days 5 days any food in your bags today really they just H snacks snacks okay so tell me about this ministry my Ministry is ch IND petroleum industry okay what's your position title Senor Petro engineer so you're an engineer yes of course okay is this your bench that is mine my office typ have you step back for me please okay yeah it's been expired since last year one the [Music] what the last day you went to work I I didn't play do you have a uh employe ID it's not expired it take 3 months to issue an ID sir so where is this conference at just take a seat [Music] 1 2 3 350 390 400 4 hello my name is Officer L with US Customs and Bo protection I'm just trying to see if this reservation is still active he's here in regards for this Workshop you don't have a reservation for that number you guys canceled it okay thank you so much for your assistance ma'am Workshop said that you have to pay before getting in there he doesn't have any reservations of him paying for the workshop so something doesn't make sense hello hello people how are you doing hope you're fine I hope you're fine welcome to choco [Music] millonaire at JFK I'm asking you yeah when did you buy your ticket a Nigerian traveler tells officers that he's here for his cousin's wedding hello people welcome to chire what do you make of this video um somebody sent me this video so I thought I would react to it but I will leave it for I I think I will leave it for you guys to share your comments what do you think went wrong share your thoughts what do you think went wrong so this was at the US um border checkpoint at the airport border control handling a a an arrival somebody from Nigeria a senior uh petroleum engineer what do you think happened there please please please share somebody saying your volume is low um let me try and get my volume all the way up there I think my volume is up okay my volume is fully up let me know what do you think went wrong what do you think went wrong H yeah this this this this this happened in 2019 so it's not a new incident but what do you think went wrong there is there something we can learn from this so the person was coming for a conference in or Workshop in the US so I assumed they will be coming on a B1 B2 isn't it and for a conference if there is a registration then you ought to have done a registration my understanding there is $600 for the registration it looks like the registration was not done so the conference organizer cancelled the reservation or there was no reservation at all but it's been cancelled so you are not coming for any conference but the Visa has been issued as well with the understanding that you are actually coming for the conference I think think that the female officer officer Lara maybe randomly just picked this person I don't think they acted I think they were just doing their random picking you know they just randomly picked this person and then the questions just one question led to the other and then things started coming out what do you think what do you think um the what what do you also think about the body language of the of the gentleman his body language his body language from the beginning to the end the way he responded his mannerism eye contact and stuff like that do you think it gave any anything away this border Control Officers are also trained to be psychologically very very sharp they look at your body language they look at the things you do you know the way you you're talking your eye contact and all of that to see if they can tell that there is something you're hiding you understand so sometime they look at your body language and if things are not looking like you're confident they they can probe you a bit more so from the look of the man's body language senior petroleum engineer I think his body language was a little bit not there so therefore the officer probably just capitalized on that and just start asking more and more question what do you have in your bag what do you have to disclose any food say I got snacks and then one question leads to the other one question leads to the other and then they start looking and then what are the things they find an ID and blah blah blah and blah blah blah now you could now is it possible that without seeing the ID which has expired and asking questions about what he does for a living he would the officer may not have proceeded to ask questions about the conference and then potentially even call the conference organizer I don't know I don't know but all we know is that the kind of things they found in the hand luggage op up in questioning that is why if you are traveling abroad in a visitor's visa there are certain documents that when you carry on in in your hand luggage you actually potentially open yourself for for for for more questioning you understand you you make yourself vulnerable right imagine you coming on a conference visa and then you have a resume what are you coming to do with the resume right it potentially you know B1 B2 Visa holder you cannot work well they've made some changes recently in the US so if you find a job you can work but if at the Port of Entry the officer finds out that that you have a resume on you potentially you have clear intentions of not wanting to go back they could use that right this time around it was the idea that they found so somebody go has a question could it be that this man is actually a petroleum engineer but just has an aspired ID maybe maybe he has an aspired ID but if you look at it like the ID expired a long time ago it's possible somebody will be working and the idea has expired and they haven't renewed it but that's a red flag isn't it yeah vinata but this officers need to understand that as Africans the travel as African the traveling alone frightens us which will mostly make us G3 when engaged that is true they Unfortunately they are doing their job they have a RIS profile for almost every region in terms of Travelers so they tend to make their decisions based on regions too right there are certain regions that are like just high risk to uh border Control Officers so when you're coming from there holding a certain type of Visa they know now they also know per the data those who are delinquent delinquent in terms of coming and not going coming in with Visa Visa but not going staying over staying they know they have the numbers so sometimes the record and the data is actually what goes against us that they know the number of people from such countries or such regions that will likely mess up or be delinquent so if that's a situation L's profile them a bit more do you understand they just single-handedly called this gentleman and they started doing their thing you understand all right all right now somebody was asking the question they you must qualify for assum if you don't they deport you right away so I think the gentleman's Visa was eventually canceled there are other parts of the video that I probably will bring to you guys his Visa was eventually cancelled anyway um because things were not lining up conference not booked now do you know the reason why I decided I've had this video for a while but I didn't post it do you know why I decided post it because some people posted some questions on my YouTube channel I saw them but I decided not to even respond to it so here is one question that somebody posted Cho um the hotel reservation that I made in Canada for my conference they said my credit card does not have fans on it if I'm not mistaken that's what the person said they said my credit card does not have fun so therefore like the reservation is not going through or something or they cancel my reservation and then the person is is asking whether you have any impact on me okay so let's unpack it one by one I hope I have not misquoted this person but you're coming for a conference you have made a reservation for a hotel and the hotel is telling you that the card on file has an issue or they are not able to charge it and that issue is unresolved so the hotel has decided to cancel a reservation you haven't made another reservation you haven't resolved that card issue you are still coming into Canada so what if a border control officer isolates you and then ask you to show proof of where you're going to stay you are likely going to show that particular hotel reservation that you are aware has been cancelled isn't it now what if the border control officer decides to call the hotel will the hotel confirm that you have a reservation or they will say no now if they call in the Hotel actually says no should the border control officer allow you into the country maybe yes because you've made another reservation when you had issues with the first one but if you haven't clearly you make it extremely easy for you to be actually deported or send back or maybe your Visa been canceled or something like that it is what it is like basically hey guys most agents actually use the static a lot they will get our people what happen mhm M since we are talking about border Control Officers the border control officer just came the police officer is here to catch all the people who are going to be deported youell know she just came she was sleeping I didn't know that this how she dressed she wore her police uniform to go and sleep anyway so um agents do this they will book a they will help you get your Visa or apply for you I should say and then when things go through the reservation that they may have used they may have used some fraudulent cars or cars that have charge backs on them are just stolen cars and those cars will bounce or will fail when the hotel tries to charge it a day or two before they the actual checking or whatever it bounces and then when it bounces what happens your reservation is canceled some agents also deliberately will cancel the reservation on purpose because the truth is they know that these people that they help get the visa are not really coming for the conference they have other plans of coming into the country they plan to come in and go see their Partners or their friends or siblings or fiances or to se AUM or do something else right or go under the radar so me allowing you to charge my card $2 200 $300 when I'm not really coming for 5 days or so that's $1,000 plus most agents will cancel it and the unfortunate thing is that if an officer begins to pick this up and then probe it better you yourself you are in trouble that is why if you traveling you need to imagine that anything can go wrong the officer has the right to even take your phone and check in fact some officers may take your phone and check there's an interesting development that I'll probably bring to you in another video a gentleman who went and was supposed to get their do a flack P to get the LMI and then when he got there the officer was just interacting with him you know Flack pole for LMI as they were interacting the officer just decides to you know take the phone and go through because he had a suspicion he asked a question and based on the answer that the person gave the officer just decided that you know what give me your phone I like to go through your phone after going through the phone whatever the officer found was enough to know that this gentleman was committing a particular crime against the Immigration Act here you understand and what happened everything was just revolved so things can always B when you're coming on a conference Visa or a visited Visa please please please prepare for everything if you told them you're coming to stay here you better make sure you have the documents if you told them you coming for this time be careful what you put in your hand luggage your hand luggage is the easiest luggage to be opened they can also open your Main Luggage but the hand luggage is the one that is on you so wst case scenario they can tell you to open it and when you open it if there are certain things there that actually gives them clue that you do not intend to return to your home country you just made it so difficult for yourself folks don't bring your resum with you if you have a friend send it by mail and don't bring the phone you talk on the officers are going through the phones now this is not from me this is a comment on the screen right now from the passport life somebody's reading it nowadays especially Vis Vis they can easily take your phone and go through it all this why you've been planning things with your agent your stuff the officer is just going to read all of that and they right in front of you okay so this is what You' been planning huh all right all right welcome to Canada welcome to do then send me back like you have to I don't know pick your lesson from it and let me know now it is also possible that this gentleman here probably does not even work at the place himself it doesn't work maybe the agent did all of this for me Agent did an ID did everything hey I don't know it's possible you know protocol protocol protocol Ministry Ministry is sending people there Ministry of this going to us for conf then they put family and friends take monies from people $10,000 $220,000 and sneak some people in these are the people who can put them now last year a similar incident a group of people from Ghana who were supposed to go for a conference in Egypt everything was smooth in fact they were just supposed to arrive at the airport and get their visas issued at the at the at the airport when they arrive guess what happened people who are not part of the list who are not supposed to be on the list apparently conference the organizers some of the members of the organizing committee have now used that opportunity to sneak in people including children who are not even attending families who are not even supposed to be there and then once the embassy got a clue like that sh what did they do they cancel for almost everybody except for one or two professors right just because when such opportunities come people will always take advantage and sell it they will sell it so petroleum engineering department of ministry you could have people who are not even who are not even part of this ministry buying their slots trying to use it to travel and eventually if one person messes up it affects almost everybody it is what it is thanks for watching the video share your thoughts and let me know I'll come your way with another video on that time take care bye-bye
Channel: Chorkor Millionaire
Views: 12,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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