How to Show PROOF OF FUNDS for CANADA VISA | Proof of Funds Canada Immigration |15 Tips in 2024

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in this video I'll be talking about how you can show your pro of funds for your Canada student permit application this is probably going to be the most important video you will ever watch as regards showing your Prof Fones for your Canada s perit application in this video I will talk about 15 things and I tell you if you can follow these 15 things step by step and avoid all of the mistakes and error that I will atline in this video for the most part there is I I can't guarantee you anything but there is a high chance that your Prof phone is going to be accepted of course you know that your St application is not just dependent on your proof of phones your proof of phones the letter of explanation your study plan or at Le all need to be perfectly done but let's talk about proof of funds in this video and I'll talk about letter of explanation in another video the first and most important thing is that you need to calculate the right amount by right amount you may be asking how much is actually required it's a very big question people ask all the time simple answer you need one year cost of living plus onee tuition plus travel cost okay now IR did not specifically say how much is required for travel cost but for the cost of living is about you know uh about 2,6 20,600 or something for your um cost one year cost of living okay and then irrespective of the length of your program if your program is four years IRS have stated that you will only need to prove tuition for one year cost of living for one year and um um cost of Liv for one year and then travel cost maybe your buy two and through I usually see recom for travel cost maybe just bug just like maybe two to $4,000 you know between $2 to $5,000 that is probably going to be a good rent for your uh profer Fone so that is the first calculate the right amount now if somebody else is sponsoring you it is very important they have above what you need that is my recommendation because if you want to sponsor somebody with like 40,000 Canadian dollars and you only have $ 41,000 Canadian dollars which means you're going to be spending all your money to sponsor that person if anything happens during the course of you sponsoring that person and you have to withdraw first from the account is expose that person the person in Canada is going to be in trouble or or because they will not be able to by time they unle or father or Mom you know I need money like just hold I'm facing my own issues here okay so I'll suggest just have at least 20 between 20 to you know 30% of the required above the required amount in your account okay now if you are going with family of course you calculate for one year cost of living for everybody then one year cost of living for the applicant okay even though you're going for an undergraduate program that is like a four years program on the IR website is specifically said you only need to prove one year but you need to find a way to show them that after the first year I am still able to you know make that the phones that I will make or my to make for the second and this can come form of if your parents are employed or they have a business or you have scholarship so they are going to kind of put this into consideration so make sure whenever things you're showing it kind of give them an idea that okay if you made this $20,000 this year in your business by the time before the first year end you should have made another $220,000 to support your child in Canada okay or if you have a b that's another thing why if you have a BS buiness back home prove to the IR C that this business is still going to be in uh still to continue have appointed you know manager or director to keep running this company you know while I am away the number two thing is going to be decide who will be providing the bank statement and plan ahead planning ahead I mean if you want to use your uncle or your aunt or your father or your mother or your us if you're going to Expos yourself just decide I here the reason is because you're going to be showing four to six months of bank statement and during this period you don't want to be messing around with your bank statement so it's not at the last minute you reach out to your o and say oh please can you sponsor me and they may have just gotten like a very big long s in their account and now they show you and they print their foral backing because they have the closing balance account does not matter okay if they going to look at the track history of how phones have been in the account that's why you have to plan you know at least four months ahead so you know the account that they're going to be using and then you can start you just make sure your bank statement during that time of course it's it's pretty stable so you are on the safe side and then if you're doing business during that time just make sure you you limit you know just you have to save more of course for your tuition and all of that thing so make sure uh you plot ahead okay and then even before you ad you apply for admission kind of think about who is going to be acting as my sponsor okay before you uh start something the third thing is going to be show proof of relationship to or with the person that is going to be sponsoring you if he your father best CER father mother brother sister best certificate is okay because sure that if you is your siblings it you show that you have the same father your mother if you're using your parents of course your best certificates already covers that now if you are using your uncle and your aunt this is where it gets tricky I've heard say oh I'm just want affidavit and then that affid come of cover you know uh say I am your uncle well anybody can come out and say I'm your uncle and do it for that you know so it's not really very convincing so if the uncle is or the is your let's say father's you know your your father or your mom's you know brother or sister and they have the same father and mother that is us what I would recommend for distant uncle where you know somewhere villain it's my uncle my father's brother kind of you know one of this is pretty more difficult if it's not like your direct o which is either your father or your you know mother's um younger or other brother or sister if it's that two of them can show their B certificate if they don't have they can do age you know attestation of age and all that Deion of birth this is the reason why you have to plan ahead okay because you don't want to be doing something like this at A Dying minutes because it's going to be like a week now you're doing of bth or whatever it just like month sub so plan ahead and tell them so that they can put all of this necessary uh proof of relationship document on you know they can just you know sort it out the next thing is going to be avoid inconsistency in your bank statement this is the biggest always very problematic you know if your um account balance is going up and down like a you know like a roller coaster you know let's say I'm just going to be using Canan dollars equivalent for the purpose of this video let's say if you're pring the four month bank statement and your opening balance is like uh let's say $ 10,000 Canan dollars and it moves to 15 and then all the from 15 just move all the way down to $3,000 and it's at 3,000 3,000 and then it jump all the way to $30,000 and then you know from there it moves back to 15 moves back to 10 jump to 40 I know sometimes you may be using your personal account for business so of course you should you know be able to uh use your personal account for business but the moment you decide that they're going to be doing all of this you know kind processes and all that just make sure your account kind of get you know at least it little be stable okay there should be more inflow in into your account than as FL that way you can save towards your tuition very very important very important don't have you know it shouldn't be going up and down up and down too much you know plan ahead and then just make sure the account is stable okay even though is not very stable if there if there are lome and other that you can kind of you know justify that's fine I'll talk about lome later on uh the fifth thing is going to be uh you need to show minimum of four to six months bank statement there people have also asked if I'm looking for $40,000 candidate dollars does that mean that I need to that $40,000 needs to be in my account for four to six months before I apply for the Visa absolutely no now what I would recommend is try to have whatever F that you require in your account at least have the final amount maybe two to three weeks before you apply for your Visa you know you don't just want to add AAL amount today print out your account tomorrow it's okay that wouldn't be a problem but just to be on the safe side just make sure you have the final amount at least two to three week or even one week before you apply for the stud permit okay now if what you need is a total of $440,000 equivalent okay and they showing like four to six months bank statement the first month can be $10,000 and the second mode you have a balance of $20,000 the third mode is now $30,000 the fourth mode is now $40,000 and then it's still like that you know maybe for a couple of weeks before you apply is very okay if you already have the amount let's say you're a big man or you know you have a lot of money and you've had $40,000 in your account all this why maybe is your savings okay you really have to prove to the VIS officer because now you're going to be having a very huge opening balance which is actually go just pling right so you have to really prove that those phones in your account in your opening balance actually your account actually your phones you have to prove that okay uh the fifth thing is going to be try to avoid lome as much as possible and if there is any try to explain them I know this may happen maybe uh you sold a very big product in your business and the money was PA into your personal account if you're using it for business or your brother your father mother they send uh a very huge amount of money into your account that also consider as a loan s you have to explain that okay and try to avoid any something like this any transaction that comes into account that is no not uh going to be explained which means um it only hand narration you know there are some transaction it just like number number it doesn't show name it doesn't show the purpose of your transaction try to avoid transaction like that because you can't really prove if you see my brother s it to me where is the evidence because now it's not showing that it is the name of the brother that send this and there is no narration okay try to avoid that and then like I said give a bit of an explanation to the uh to the um L Su in your account you can just do that in a little bit of an explanation somewhere I'll talk about that later okay the next one is seven things is be do not I wouldn't recommend using business account okay because you know if you if you show your companying account it not lesses really your full money because these are money for salary for you know income expenditure a lot of all of the you know all expenditure is coming in from there so it's not that stable okay so use your personal account and then if you have phonus in your business account and you want to move it to your personal account it's allowed because you own the money especially for businesses that you own so I everything I'm talking about here there is nothing illegal about it it's something that you know it relates to everybody okay so you can use you can move the folds to your personal account and then I advise if you can keep the receipts you know the transaction that be fine but if you don't have make sure the narration is bearing your business account and the purpose for the narration okay uh that's about it for the uh S7 and then if you show if you are showing business ecome is very important to actually show that the business actually make money so it's not just enough to say oh I own a business and I'm showing uh CAC registration no you need actually convince the officer that your business actually make money how do you do that you have to show you know maybe receipts or invoices or contracts you know pictures the business if possible and maybe something like letter of introduction from the business just to state that you know you are the CEO and that can be written by maybe you know the hro or the operational manager in your company as the case may be and then the other thing is going to be subscribe and commit in this video so if you haven't subscribed and like this video to hit the thumbs up at this point before I move to the next so you don't forget and if you have any question at so far just put the comment in the comment put a question in the comment section I will address it later on in the video now that you have subscribed you have liked commented now I can move to the eth one which is going to be justify justify justifi their name is known justice but they like the word justification okay now you may have situations where people show $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 and the single refusal for what insufficient funds this inst PH does not necessarily mean that your money is not enough 90% of the ter is lack of justification and lack of documentation some other times it may mean you know uh the phone is you know they are not enough for the most part you may have you should have calculated the amount that they require so for the most part A lot of people usually have above this so make sure you justify The Source if you are inlo if you're employment is a source of income your employment letter your pay stops your promotion letter if possible add all of those ones if your income is from business add all of the business income that I have talked about now if you just reg start your business one of the I would say if you can get a letter from let's say someone that do uh that does the same business with you in your Niche you know like an association they can write a letter for you to show that you've been doing business for a while and now you just registered your own business okay the N thing is going to be if you are getting support from family either father brother um you know Sister wherever it is if the amount is pretty big I would say uh try to get them to write a letter of support for you and secondly let them also show maybe their employment letter or their P their business whatever to show their own source of phone because I see situations where people got refused and the reason is because when I apply for the gcms no the reason is because the person that supported you you could they don't justify where the Fest phones are coming from okay the thir thing is going to be avoid low opening balance okay I know this can be a little bit tough I mean depending on when you start planning things um yeah just make sure your open maners is not too low for example if you're showing $50,000 Canada dollars or your pro fund you having an open balance of like $500 $1,000 it's really small I mean depends on the scenario right depends on kind of how play out for you that may maybe the period maybe you started thinking about this after three months okay so that's why I said it doesn't have to be it's not a big deal provided let's say at least two to three months that are really good okay then you will be fine and then uh if you also have big opening balance you know that sometimes if you say you have a business now let me explain this you say you have a business four months ago your your CL statement was $25,000 for the next four months you open your account with your opening balance is $25,000 and after four months or five months the account balance is $25,000 or maybe 226,000 the question is going to be ah are you don't making money from your business or this for us if that's not happen how come you accumulated this $225,000 initially okay so just having a flat you know uh Banner that is not showing make sure you can justify that this money are from your savings and some other stuffs like that the level thing is going to be uh show very clear document don't show any blurry document I've seen cases where people get refuser because the document that they that they showed in their visa application was actually blurry now if you show a blurry document what the VIS officers might think is that oh this like credibility okay maybe there are some things that are hiding from us they that they don't want us to see so make sure your documents are clear eligible okay I know when you compress your documents you know um sometimes the uh quality of the PDF May reduce of course which is not a problem but do make sure it is still something that is eligible okay that's about that the 12th thing is going to be write a very clear letter of you know uh explanation or explain the proof of funds in your letter of explanation or you can do a very short separate letter to explain funds for the most part I encourage people to write include it in your letter of explanation you have to talk about who is sponsoring you what is the source of fals you know uh um your pay stops this is kind of where all the phones are coming from and people move move money around for you you can also mention that that way is clear to them so that when they review application they already understand what you're saying okay it's just going to make it easier for them to understand all of the documents that you are showing okay and then you can even do a table right if there are Lum sums you want to explain you can do a table to explain this is the amount and then this is um uh the necessary amount and this is the equivalent Canadian dollars just so you uh and this is where all the funds are coming from maybe for rent and all of those things okay and then the next thing I want to say is that the 13th thing is review every single line of your bank statement if there is anything that does not make sense to you it's not going to make sense to them they are not magicians okay so be sure everything you have is going to be justifiable okay and every line in your bank statement read through it if there's anything that is not complicated then what do you have to do make sure you find a way to justify that I know that can be pretty tough you know uh so that's the reason why you know you can you know I reach out to me uh there's will be Link in the description uh you know I do have a oneone leadership program I can give you guide in terms of the information available on the r website and just kind of tell you a few things on how to uh you know go about it okay uh the 14th thing is going to be organize your do documents properly this is very very important okay organize your documents properly you can't just the you know your documents cannot just be flying up and down they need to be systematically arranged so all of the documents that pertains to your proof of funds they should all be uploaded under the under the Prof any document related to finances must be uploaded under other phones and then ask yourself these documents they have to be arranged in the story format ask yourself if I read through this what is the next thing I expect to see what is the next thing I expect to see what is the next I expect to see okay so just put yourself in the mind of the V off of course I know you can do that because if you can either the mind of the VIS off and application you tell ah please approve my application of course we can do that so make sure you tell the story with all the way you arrange your document and then if you have landed properties of course you can arrange and add all of the landed properties you know in this section or there is no space you can actually upload your landed property in your under the client information or the additional information if you're using the new P now another thing is don't upload only bank statement in the place where they require the proof of funds okay because that's very critical right so include your Bank St every other supporting documents that justify where the phones are coming from very important okay now I'm not sure if you're really ready for this last one if you are able to do this wow your stud your proof phone is going to be absolutely abom and what is that 15 thing that is going to be three things number one subscribe to this channel number two like this video number three share with your friends if you can do this I tell you and you are able to reach out to me for my mentorship program there's going to be a link in the description for oneone guide I tell you your Prof for is going to be you know exceptional and superb because if you subscribe if there are other contents and other things coming out in my videos I will be able to share it and then you can look through it and then get more insight as regards visa application admission and generally live in Canada unfortunately I don't want to continue because there are more things to talk about but I'll talk about those on in another video that is going to be it for this video if you have any questions put it in the comment section um about proof of funds put it in the comment section and then you know if you've already applied for admission put it in the comment section if you are of Visa just put everything in the comment section you know I want to be able to see you never can tell who I we you know I'm not able to respond to everybody because I are lots of comments so I will definitely you maybe the Lo person that will get the response from the questions and what we asking for free so make sure you put all your questions in the comment section if you have any challenges in regard the proone also put it in the comment section critical scenario and other just put it in the comment section and then I'll see how to provide to Insight on that once again thank you so much I'll see you in the next video CH don't mess up your pro phone and don't J that your stud permit approval chance see next cheers
Channel: Peter Isesele
Views: 10,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wr1XP-NxdAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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