List Of Documents Needed For Canada Visa Applications in 2024

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[Music] hey guys your girl Mimi today's video I'm going to be talking about documents that you need if you're processing your visa to Canada there so many questions about documentation recently so I thought this is the right video to clear it out and it's an important question because there is no physical interview for most of the Visas so your document is important to prove that you do qualify for the Visa that you are actually applying for so so many comments here and there about documentation and I felt okay this would be a good thing to talk about and without further Ado the first document I always recommend people to get done is the ECA this is your educational credential assessment where you send your degree to West for West to say oh this bachelor degree is equivalent to bachelor degree in Canada this master's degree is equivalent to master's degree in Canada and I always tell people that always verify your highest degree because that's what counts and just just because if you um have a master's degree they already know that you have a bachelor degree so there's no point paying for two and then get that done the process to get this though depending on your school will be that you go online where uh website and you choose that you are doing this for the purpose of immigration and you contact your school to forward your transcript and your result to them okay they would once they receive that it takes few weeks and then your assessment is done and you receive your own copy pretty straightforward number two that I always talk about is your that I always say people should get done is your experience letter so this is you know for most especially as a permanent resident or someone who's considering to come to Canada as a permanent resident you need your work experience right to count so to get that work experience letter you just need your hro to say oh so so and so person worked here from this year to this year and these are the job duties that They carried out okay so that is something you can easily get from your HR while you are processing or you know just gathering information anyway those letters do not get expired so so it makes sense and if you have good relationship with them you can also work with them to know the kind what you're trying to achieve so that they don't just put very few you know all those sometimes in your workplace you're doing more than what is in your job description so you might want them to mention those things just to you know give your letter um more details if that makes sense all right and then number three that I always say get you know stri Gathering of course is your proof of fun depending on number of family that you coming to Canada with there are certain amounts that you need to have in your bank account so this money needs to be there for at least 6 months and you know it takes time to gather money so I don't even need to explain much just start working on that one make sure money comes in money goes out and for things like proofer fund if you sold property let's say you are not using your salary and you businessman all those things that you need to prove to show that this money came legitimately to you and you didn't launder or anything anything like that start putting those documentations together if you're enjoying it so far please don't forget to give me a thumbs up because this is how this video gets to many people that are wondering what kind of documents do I need and I truly appreciate it also makes my video to you know get more views and stuffs like that thank you so much number four number four that I talk about is your um English test or your French test depending on which test you want to write of course even though we are born in English speaking country we still have to prove that we can speak English to come here until the situation changes yes you need to write the L TS test or you need to take the seip French test so whichever one it is you need a language um language is one of those key things that you determine your point when it comes to the way Canadian immigration is working right now so get at get that um done you can start preparing to pass your a by taking trainings I use YouTube to learn there are so many pass question or MO test on how to do speaking listening Reading Writing on YouTube so I just stayed on YouTube to learn I didn't get to pay anybody for anything and just you know put your mind to it practice first see how many um you are able to get on your own if you notice that you're performing well then you can go ahead and book the test and just write it you can either do the online computer test or you just take the paper me I'm such an uh what's it called I'm such an old school girl I did the paper and I didn't do the computer base however the computer base actually comes out really really fast so if you're good at using your computer then you also want to look into that there are other documents that you need however uh let's just talk about a few of them some at the beginning and the others you need them after you get an ITA which is your invitation to apply so when you get an ITA that's when you get to submit all these documents to prove that the things that you use to claim points are actually things that you have so you need of course your international passport that is a document that you need you cannot travel without International passports now this is the thing just because you want to come to Canada your passport is 6 months expire that's not a good thing so go ahead and renew your passport and make sure that you have enough um validity there before you start preparing your passport is so important because even when they give you the Visa they need to stamp it so guys just make sure that your passport is not you know about to expire another document that you need is your police clearance certificate but this one you actually need it not at the beginning because it's only valid for 3 months and after 3 months it's gone and it's not useful so your police clearance is something you can get from the police headquarter I used the one that was in alag in Lagos to get my uh 3 months criminal record check so this one is also a document that you're going to have to provide but not at the beginning if that makes sense all right another thing that you need is passport photograph there's a particular measurement and dimension for Canada standard so make sure that you get to the um Studio that understand what they need because most Studios already know those Dimension they have to stamp the back of the passport and put the their and put a date there or put their stamps there just to make sure that you got that is a recent photo that was taken in a professional studio so yeah passport photograph and intern passport is important what else do you need to come to Canada well there are things like your Medicals and biometric letter even though these things are documents the truth is um you don't get to do your medical until you've given you are giv invitation to apply I've seen people say oh we do up from medical I don't think there's any advantage to it and for your Biometrics this letter will come to you and you just book an appointment with a biometric Center that you want to get it done so in case I miss yours or I didn't address yours leave me a comment and I'll come and answer um if you're sending me email to the email address that is on my uh bio and is not collaboration related um unfortunately I'm not the one that is going to be answering just just because um my workload got too much so I decided to delegate and just let some people handle some things for me but if you leave a comment in any of my videos you better be sure I'm the one who's responding to it so in terms of you know if you're trying to come to Canada there are certain things that people also ask me in terms of okay I I not a salary person let's say I sold my property or I sold a land or I sold a car how do I prove that money well you need to get something they call gift deed so give did is when maybe your family member gift you something or your father or you had a you know something that you inherited you sell it you go and get a gifted letter to say that this property I sold it that's why this big amount of money is is now in my account if that makes sense okay and um another thing that you would need when you're preparing to come when you're preparing to come is to make sure that your job and your job description and the enoc that you are choosing very very important you make sure that they match okay choosing the wrong nooc can mess up the entire application I would advise that you research and read more about nooc there a lot of YouTube channels I've talked to extensively about what nooc is and I think it's like it's just free resource what's there just use it another thing that I like to say even though it's not documentation is the very first step of starting your Canadian or immigration journey to check your eligibility and it is absolutely free if you go on Google and type in C calculator or Canada CRS calculator you'll see this eligibility tab come up where you get to calculate your eligibility you put your age all those questions that you ask someone oh I'm 42 can I come oh I'm 52 with two children you know it's actually not possible for anyone to tell you absolutely that um yes you can just by providing two information so I always tell people even even if you want to use an agent get your own calculation done the result is instant you put your details your age your occupation you put everything it's like a mini questionnaire and Canadian government they are so wisely the reason why they've provided this eligibility just so you don't waste your time if you're not eligible you put your details you click submit and it will tell you immediately that based on the information that you've entered you appear to be eligible or based on the information that you have entered you are not eligible so even if you're eligible and you need to use an agent you already know the things that are expected of you just to make your application run well okay I think in terms of documents that's basically all you need and if you if I didn't address your question just leave me a comment I promise that I'll address it and thank you so much and see you guys in my next video bye for now
Views: 4,103
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Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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