How To Apply For Canada STUDY PERMIT Using NEW IRCC PORTAL When You Get Attestation Letter

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hi everyone so in this video I'll be talking about how you can apply for your Canada stud permit using the new portal which is the ircc pter in my previous video I've talked about you know a lot of differences between the old and the new pter so there's going to be a link in the description if you will know the difference and to decide which one you should use definitely check out that video and one of the major decided factor is if you don't have a lot of document to upload uh and you don't want to fit couple of forms download on fil forms then the new scan story permit portter is going to be a better option because you don't have to download and fill forms in the new portal you can just you're going to um fill all the forms online all like the old Port where you have to download the phones um for the new pter if you are planning to apply for masters of PhD and you want to bring your spouse you should not use the new portter because for the new portter there is not they don't have a work permit component part of it it's only for study permitting and visit and all that so you're applying for diploma you're apply a loan and you think yeah let me give a try to the new product I will talk about how you can do that in this video now in terms of which of them is actually faster whether the old or the new there is really no data supporting that for St permit per se at least for what I know but for visiting Visa I've seen that the new p is actually faster for visiting Visa so if you want to use that if you want to use it for the St application then stick around to this video I'll show I'll share my computer and then I'll will walk you through the stepbystep process on how to use uh the new product to apply for your Canada to perment so without further Ado I'll head straight to my computer now and I'll talk about uh how you can use a new product for your St application when you for the um St application using a new P so you go to just type in CSC on Google and you go to immigration and citizenship um and then you can click on visit okay when you click on this my application here is going to refer you to the old portter so just click on visit it doesn't matter whether you are coming to study you you can actually you know click on visit here and then uh um sign it in into your IR account okay so click on that and then um you can click on visit Visa it's okay don't worry about whether if it's sted permit of no now um to click on the you can either use the um U IR that the this one is the um old pter right so you can click on the IRS pter here and then it's going to tell you to sign in into if you click on sign into the AR reporter it's going to ask you to show uh let's say sign up if you click on sign up it's going to ask you for invitation code here so to get that invitation code if you go back uh you can click on get invite code and then you know you enter your email address you know uh let's say 1 2 okay and then you you verify that enter that same email address again and then you're going to get your invitation code okay now when you get your invitation code you copy this your invitation code and you go back to your sign up okay in the sign up you put your your invitation code and then you put in your email address password you know your first name um um for telephone number and click on um sign up okay sign in I mean um now um if you already have an account you can just click on sending I've already created an account for the purpose of this video so if you click I'm just going to click on sending so after entering your password is going to go to atts and condition then you can click on accept and then you can see see why I was telling you don't worry about what I if he visiting you you saw there uh so you click on this and then then this way you going to start filling all of the necessary information that you need to fill okay so then I'm going to click on this and start application um do you want to apply for more than one person just going to say no save and continue then I want to apply for study right uh what exactly they want to apply for is studed premit for more than 6 months tell us about what you want to do in Canada just say know you can write it in details and apply for a diploma program or a master's program in this University is a two years program starting on so I'm just going to put study here okay um but make it detail right talk about the cost the start date and um yeah the province the name of the University I'm not going to be talking that because of time when do you when will you enter Canada let's say the program starts in 2025 let's say in January so let's say we plan to enter in 2024 in December in and just going to put any date doesn't matter when will you leave Canada let's say our program will complete in 20 2026 and then just forom L and then UC number if you're applying for the first time you don't you won't have a UC number if you apply for you know uh the second time then you can include your U number here and then uh um you're going to start you know filling in all your application are you applying on behalf of someone else no CU you're applying yourself and then your s name um just going to put um p and then just going to put uh Sean uh and then date of birth you know I'm just going to select um it here let's say ma then and then continue uh T of document passport uh a regular passport then uh you just find the country code that matches with your passport and then find the nationality and then passport number you can just put um and and put the number and then um confirm the number okay just make sure is the same thing uh that know this is not anybody's password number date of issue just going to put in uh 2021 expiring let's go to put 200 uh 26 okay uh I L for resident of us no have you ever had Visa if you haven't if you don't have no you hold a us non-migrant then click on no are you traveling by a and click on yes and then uh country that you were born you can definitely just select City where you were born I'm not I'm not going to put M so just anyone are you a citizen of more than one country click on no and then which country are you citizens of right you can put the country where you are uh citizen of and then uh I'm a citizen since birth because I already put my dat of B it just kind of populated that and then you have a national ID doesn't matter you C on if you have it you can actually putot it uh have you use another name I no if you change your name let's you for a lady that got married you can click on yes and then then they will ask you to fill up the name that you Ed in the past and then um uh country of residence right so you just going to find your own country of residence put in your street address uh city um you can put your city post code option so M address the same yes the list countries of residents right that's whatever you've lived for the past five years okay just go to select the if you haven't traveled out you can just put a country your status Citizen and then you can put um um from you know I think I ed5 in the in the other one this is where I currently leave and then save that and then continue so make sure whatever one you're feeling they actually correct you you already have Biometrics no if you've done it before click on yes then um sa continue uh datails about your study I have letter of acceptance okay which many of you will have uh which of these apply to you um if none of them apply to you you can just click on no level of study let's say we're doing um College let's say college diploma okay uh then if you are doing Masters or let's do Masters okay then D number okay so you can put in uh the D number of the institution that we applying for the name of school just put it uh Memorial University then the address of school is in Canada the address type the address and it does I just put any address here that but is not the actual address and then yeah everything is all covered here um at the field of study um let's say I'm going to computer science you have a student ID um yes I have a student ID let me say 1 2 3 4 5 six seven then you save and continue uh toal fee so for for these the total fees to be paid for the duration of the program all years of studies so this includes if you are doing a two years program you have to fill two years tution let's say if your tution is $18,000 and for two years that's going to be uh let's say like you know $15,000 or two that's going to be uh $30,000 Roman B uh for all years of study let's say per year you're going to be spending like let's say $500 and for uh let's say $1,000 right so $1,000 um times 12 that's going to be $112,000 others you can put in maybe like $2,000 any other expenses Pond available for your study this includes all of the funds that you have okay all of the phones that you have um if you are somebody also sponsoring you you can put all of the phones convert it to Canadian Dollars let's say we put here that we have about 70,000 Canadian dollars who we pay for your expensives you know that yourself or parents whoever you know are you receiving any financial support for those that have scholarship where you can put um all type of scholarship okay scholarship from an educational institution you don't have just click on no and and then you save and continue you want to apply a work permit so this is for those that have they have Co right if you don't have Coop just click on no if you have Coop it's going to be stated in your admission letter because you need to upload evidence that the program actually offers um it actually offers Co save and continue and then uh post secondary have you attended yeah let's say yeah so you can put in the details of all of the postc is that you attend I'm just going to click on no because of time have you work in the military I'm going to click on no all your employment details right so if you if you click here you can include your uh you know uh when whatever employment that you've had and then you can click on ongoing uh job title pull the employer name made duties you know uh describe all of your responsibility that you've done that job and then the address of the country you can put the street address and then the city or town and then uh you can now save in some okay uh work activity just put Health doesn't matter you know whatever just make sure you're filling in the right information and then save and continue uh have you traveled to any country other your if you haven't click no save and continue have state in Canada be your validity you can click on no have you ever refuse Visa or Deni Visa in any other country you can click on yes okay if espe if you've been denied us or UK you can just put in I've been denied you know you know UK Visa here if you're denying US Visa you can also put it there if you've applied for study permit okay uh in Canada and it was denied you can also put I was the Canada stent or visit V I just put you don't need to put all of the details just going to click on no so I'll be able to proceed and then have you ever committed crime no have you ever been arrested have you ever been chapped criminal off face have ever been convicted no if you yes know this in trouble have you ever been any political party Associated CRI activity no I've been know we participated in in the prisoners and all that no save and continue have you done medical okay you can click on yes okay if you have uh if you completed upfront medical now you can put in the um you know the details of the uh the u u uh Umi number right it's going to be uh in the um upfront medical slep if you haven't done it just click on no and then you proceed and you continue have you had any medical issue TB you can click on no someone that has tubercolosis you click on no and then have you are you currently receives have you been had drugs issued a meta problem no have you had syphilis no then uh okay no then you sa and continue what your marit status married married they going to ask for name of spouse when you got married name of your spouse dat of birth and the add all of that you just going to put in single here so that I can proceed faster and then uh do you have any biological uh or adulted children you can click on if you have you can click on yes and then fill in all your children information then if you don't have you can just click on no understand you know whatever I'm doing here um here parents uh if you know the name of your parents you can definitely click here add and then put the names of all of your uh parents okay I'm just going to click on adult so proceed for that uh language um if it's English or do whatever I just put it English uh you can contact me in in English and then email address I'm just going to put in um gmail. confirm your email address at save and continue and then have your telephone number okay so they won't allow me to SAR of canada. 237 just put in the number um okay and then save and then save and continue we're almost there okay almost there and then um summary of your information now you can review all the information here right your application details your rep travel Document travel you can always edit if you want to names you've used in the past your educational course and all of this information save and continue and then this is where you're going to have the document upload so you click here uh letter of acceptance if you want to learn more information you can see what it is you can click on ADD file here to upload the document the pass travel Document is your international passport um and then your proof of phone right this is where you you're going to upload um all your bank statement you know pay stops uh weed letter if you have any landed property that you know add your add support to your assets or any investment if anybody sponsor you that business registration business certificate you know let introduction for business let our sponsorship they all going to be here in the um optional document uh if you you can do this uh personal information you can click on it you can download it and then upload it and then there's going to be additional documents so this additional documents so you're going to have your letter of explanation uh maybe police report your educ credentials and any other documents that you haven't uploaded that you think is necessary right maybe your Mar certificate you have not apply with your spouse marriage pictures and you know any other document you have that you think is going to be relevant that doesn't have to do with Finance then include it in this additional information and then when you're done it's going to show you um where you can you know uh make the payment just know that if five size is a maximum of two megabyte okay so you can check out uh you know if you the five size is too much you can definely compress but make sure that the whatever you're showing is actually clear because if it's not clear it's going to be a problem okay uh I know this was a long video but um yeah that's going to be it on how to use the new order to apply for stud perid it works for you fine def work apply I mentioned before if you want to apply with your spouse you will not be able to use this new pter because there is no option for work permit for this pter you have to use the old pter if you have The Spar coming with you so that's going to be it um you know put it in the link in put it in the in the comment section um do you plan to use the old poter or the new Potter okay so if you want to use a new poter um is there any part of the explanation that is not clear just put it in and also put in uh the school that you are apply for and the course let's see if there are other people that also want to go to the same school that way they will be able to I apply uh you know you guys can have conversation with the chat and then just let us if you got your let our note and when you plan to solation and yeah we can bu the community from there if you haven't subscribed to this channel do to hit that subscribe button so whenever new be the first person to get notified if you need help I do have a one1 mentorship program definitely check out the mentorship program and there's going to be a link in the description I'll be glad to help you in your journey to come to Canada once again thank you so much for watching this video I'll see you in the next video cheers
Channel: Peter Isesele
Views: 18,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lry-_CN9jTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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