How This Streamer Made 81M In One Year

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make as much money as possible in the very first sturdy valley year seems simple enough right let's break down how the streamer made 84 million gold in the very first year to put that in perspective i made 1 million gold my very first year let's get straight into it the first week of spring a lot happens which you know is expected the first four days are spent clay farming if you don't know what clay farming is basically lots of things in stardew valley seem random but can actually be predicted using a few things mainly gone from the game's seed clay is actually one of those things and you can use a program called blade's predictor to see where the clay is going to be or you know do it without a program with a few different methods and then find tons once you find one clay spot this is the fastest way to get money early game and lets korta gets the upgrade he need quickly without needing to wait for crops to grow or fish to bite with the money from the four days of clay farming he gets a copper pickaxe upgrade on day two and a couple of days later when the upgrade is finished he upgrades his axe to copper as well he then uses this pickaxe to reach level 105 in the mines now that he's made it all the way down to the magma floors he can start void sprite farming and diamond farming on day six after spending all of day six farming he moves on to day seven oh yeah and if you were wondering diamond farming is a method where you cycle through the floors in the mine looking for diamonds since after 440 on every single floor diamonds have a chance to spawn then by completing the boiler room which unlocks the mine cart if you don't know what the mine carts are essentially the mine carts allow you to travel around the map a lot faster here you can go from the bus stop all the way over to the town incredibly quickly or you can even head all the way to the mines which is super helpful since the mines is pretty useful with his remaining money he completes the vault bundle as well this bundle is critical to the run since it unlocks skull caverns which is home to many valuable resources like treasure rooms which will come in later and iridium or which can be smelted into a bar using a furnace five iridium ore and one coal this bar can then be sold for 2000 gold or all the way up to 3 000 using a perk that can be obtained at level 10 mining now is probably a good time to talk about skill respecting this mechanic is common in many mmos and is also present in stardew valley when you reach a certain amount of artifacts donated to the museum gunther will deliver the player a rusty key which isn't as useless as it sounds funnily enough this key actually lets you unlock the subarus where you can do various things like meet the shopkeeper krobus and use the statue of uncertainty if you give the statue 10 000 gold a drop in the bucket late game you could choose a skill and when you head to bed you get to re-choose the perks you can do this as much as you would like assuming you have the money on the next day since the bus was prepared overnight it's his first dive into skull caverns he ends his first goal cavern trip with just over 560 iridium now if you don't play a lot of story valley it is insanely impressive that he's managed to make it to skull cavern this early on let alone get 560 or just to kind of put it in perspective how fast he's progressing in the game after that action-packed day he moves on to a much less interesting but even more important day he needs to farm around 400 dust sprites to unlock the burglars ring you need a 500 total but since he's already farmed around 100 while he was farming diamonds in the mine he only needs to kill 400. but if you're wondering where you even get this burglars ring from after huge floor 5 in the mines the day after you will receive a quest in the mail from marlin requiring you to kill 10 slime after you complete the quest you will unlock the adventurers guild and with it monster eradication goals the goals require you to kill a certain number of monsters for reward in this case a burglar's ring which does not do as most people think double the drop chance of items for monsters instead it basically rolls the drop chance twice which does not mean it doubles it's kind of similar so i can understand the confusion but just to clarify since it's kind of important and i just don't want to spread misinformation day 11 we need to find a few iridium sprinklers to use in the greenhouse but since you need a high level farming to craft it and that is literally impossible on day 11 of spring that means we have to use the treasure floors i mentioned earlier we can find a variety of rare items but but what we're after right now are you know iridium sprinklers these floors are pretty rare but with lucky food we can drastically increase the chances to find them and after a few day resets since the loot in the chest is completely random and not affected by game seed we can eventually find what he needs and he can move on to the next day the day after day 12 he farms the rest of the sprites he needed since he farmed a little bit below 400 on the day before and he chops every single tree on his farm and collects the seeds so we can plant them more effectively in better locations the next four days spring 13 14 15 and 16 are all skull cavern deep dives collect a couple thousand iridium and some goodies from the treasure floors day 13 he finally has enough funds from the iridium to fully complete jojo mart so he spends the rest of the day preparing for ginger island on day 17 willy mails you a letter the letter lets you know that the back rooms of a shop are open no not these ones this one which is how you actually reach ginger island if you don't know what ginger island is you'll find out shortly and boy it is a game changer after giving willy some iridium hardwood and batteries he lets you know it will be ready tomorrow when he arrives at ginger island he does standard ginger island things like heading over to meet the island's bird boy leo and his parrot chasing the fire spirit up and more after collecting enough nuts for the island farm and island house so he can sleep for the night he heads back up to the volcano and runs through it twice over the next two days the main thing he's after is cinder charge which we will touch on in a second now that we've reached ginger island it's a good time to talk about enchantments which are related to cinder shards after you complete the volcano dungeon for the first time you reach the forge here we can do various things like combining rings for example this ring i created makes me immune to damage from slimes and makes monsters explode when they die normally these buffs are on two separate rings which would take up both of my ring slots but since we combined them together we can get both of the perks for only one ring slot you can also permanently boost weapons with gemstones each gemstone gives a different bot now that i've applied three rubies to this sword it permanently deals more damage and finally the last thing i can do is add powerful perks to tools and weapons called enchantments these can make you swing your axe faster home more tiles or never have to refill your watering can obviously doing this isn't free and this is where the aforementioned cinder shards come in all these buffs require between 10 or 20 cinder shards and the chapmans take one prismatic shard in addition to 20 cinder shards if you're wondering where we get the prismatic shards from we can get them from the skull caverns now back to cord he runs the volcano for the next two days killing monsters the drop shards and breaking the notes that give even more the volcano runs do not take all day however and before he sleeps he fully clears the farm and plants 750 starfruit seeds purchased while he was in the desert he's been upgrading his tools every once in a while so we can break the max upgraded stumps and rocks using the second best sprinkler quality sprinklers which can be crafted with one frying quartz one gold bar and one iron bar he covers the entire farm with crops after the star fruit is being done planted the next three days are all skull cavern trips in case you haven't realized yet these runs are like super important for money around this time he collects an average of around 800 ore per run or like 300 000 gold not including the cost of buying a liquel the next item on the list is oak tree flipping essentially this is where you cut down every single tree and replant them one thing i forgot to mention earlier is that cordet is actually planting trees in very specific locations where he knew that when a tree was chopped down it would drop two acorns instead of one letting you get exponentially more seeds over time and when you have to fill this entire place with trees you need all the trees you can get you can find which tiles we're going to give you more seeds using blades predictor which was mentioned earlier during clay farming a powerful tool which basically lets you see various things about the game thanks to the game seed function i don't think i need to explain what a game seed is it works similarly to minecraft seeds for example latest predictor will be used throughout the run to find various things about the game after all the trees will be chopped down cord heads over to the volcano once again more dives on day 24 25 26 and 27 the only other important thing that happens those days besides basic money making things is buying 3 500 deluxe speedgrow at sandy shop not pierre shop no not pspr shop sucks and everyone hates him although that is a valid reason to not buy stuff from him but because on thursdays sandy sells the speedgrow for a heavily discounted price on day 28 he harvests all of his star fruity planted on ginger island and replants his star fruit in addition to another oak tree flip and day 28 is the end of the month meaning his 94-hour spring journey was finished summer also known as the we are poor season that that's what that that's what the note says that's it that's his words is a very difficult season involving juggling making enough money from skull caverns to fund huge starfire purchases and making over 500 kegs a week as well as creating jade crystallarium why g8 you ask diamonds are clearly more valuable right well technically yes but jades can actually be used for something else much more important in the desert there are two shopkeepers where you can buy things we've already talked about sandy shop but the other one we haven't mentioned is the desert trader the desert trader is equally as important as sandy because you can trade the jade for staircases this is much easier than crafting staircases by hand since it costs 100 stone or just around 2 000 gold which is much more expensive than just trading a single gemstone days 1 and 2 of summer are spent planting 3 500 star fruit seeds with the deluxe bead grout since the main farm is the only other place he can plant more seeds day three quarter heads over to the volcano once again to collect more shards then thanks the tree flipping he plants all 530 oak trees he saved up he needs to tap all of these trees to get oak resin so we can place kegs the keg recipe includes oak wood iron bars copper and oak resin you can collect copper and iron from skull caverns and buy wood and you know get the wood from the trees chop down the next three days are very important skull cavern days to get money since the alternate name of summer is very accurate after three days of money collecting it's time to do some reverse money collecting also also known as spending money cord buys 1 060 copper bars for 400 000 gold 20 000 wood for 200 000 gold and crafts 530 tappers with it with all of them crafted he places them all down on the trees since he will need oak resin soon days 9 through 11 are all more cavern dives for iridium these runs are averaging around just over a thousand dirty more at this point so pretty damn good money day 12 is a tedious day he needs to harvest and plant all 5 000 star fruit while just walking while holding seeds is in game time efficient it is not real time efficient let's just say it's going to be here for a while after collecting all the plants on the island greenhouse and farming he had today 13 and 14. what's your more skull cavern deep dives before you guessed it money day 15 is tappers are finally ready so he collects them all and uses the copper and iron he's been smelting along the past days before heading into the caverns to make 530k now that he's crafted the first kegs let's talk about what makes them so strong you can place crops into kegs and after a period of time they 3x in value and turn into wine because of this more base valuable crops are better than the cheaper one a star fruit has a base value of 750 gold after that time it'll turn into 2250 worth of wine but that's not all at level 10 farming you can gain a perk that gives artisan goods things like cheese jelly and well wine a 50 boost in sale price with all of this put together it makes artisan goats one of the best money making methods in the game with those kegs crafted he heads into skull camera for the next day the last week of summer is quite busy another 530 oak resin is ready so another 530 kegs are crafted and loaded in addition to the other 530 kegs making a total of over a thousand kegs later on loading on days 22 and 23 days 24 25 26 and 27 are all skull cavern again in addition to smelting before heading in and smelting on the way out the final day of summer he harvests all 3 500 star fruit on the farm and replaces it with wheat wheat isn't a very valuable crop but it has its place in this run thanks to ironically enough it's cheap price it's only 10 gold per seed packet meaning i can get 3 500 easily for only 35 000 gold well yeah i should probably mention why he even needs it i guess remember all that deluxe speed grow he bought well he sure as hell does not want to rebuy it that would be insanely expensive and he cannot afford that right now and the best way to save it is with wheat on it since when it changes to fall there is a very high chance that the tile until losing the fertilizer however wheat is a crop that can grow in summer and fall meaning that when the season changes no fertilizer will be lost because we will be holding the tile like kind of hostage but you know a good way fall is a relatively short season coming in at 38 hours and is focused on growing pumpkins working on creating more kegs and getting many more jade crystalline rooms to increase the value of skull cavern dives days one and two are spent crafting 530 kegs then loaning the new kegs in addition to his old kegs another 530 tappers are also collected anyways with the fertilizer shaved the 3 500 pumpkins planted will grow much quicker for no additional cost with the start of fall farming done the next four days are spent running skull cavern around 6 000 rhodium wars collected during these days with another week passed 530 more kegs are made as well as 530 tappers collected as usual then the kegs are loaded then a scroll cavern run the pumpkin flip two more days or then spend cool caverns afterwards third monday and fall is spent the exact same way as the previous ones making kegs harvesting tappers and loading kegs at this point over 3 100 kegs have been crafted days 17 18 and 19 are deep died 20 was a pumpkin flip and 21 another deep dive beginning of the week is identical to previous ones crafting even more kegs full 24 25 26 were also all dives but 27 was different he had to water the entire field with an iridium watering can since he couldn't get a rain tournament skull caverns he did have the bottomless enchantment but ho boy was still hell day 28 was a pumpkin harvest day and since rain totems are used there is a sample space for giant pumpkins to grow which gives 18 pumpkins instead of the normal 9 you get from a 3x3 with the rest of the time he starts flipping a keg winter is the shortest season clocking in at 34 hours total and is mainly used for skull caverns lots of skull caverns as well as you know kegging pumpkins and starfruit the first two days start like many others kegging crafting and loading this is the last day of crafting leaving the keg count at just over 4 000 total with a bit of extra time he also crafts some extra crystallariums then spends the next five days diving in skull caverns before interrupting with a keg run then more caverns a little bit more kegging then caverns then rinse and repeat until winter 27th and 28th 27 he donates all of the artifacts he's been collecting and chooses a new final profession to do a final sell on day 28 after everything is said and done he ends with 81.7 million gold earned if you made it all the way to here go check out recorded tv's twitch in the description down below he is currently speedrunning stardew valley as fast as possible he'll be live the day this video comes out around 7 or 8 mst and if it's later than that go ahead and drop them a follow
Channel: Waligug
Views: 1,248,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I-nmOdwY9YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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