I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE]

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welcome to my Hardcore Minecraft world where as you can see we've we've done a lot and yes most of that has been building lots and lots of building as you're about to see in this video right here so sit back relax and see what I've achieved in 1,000 days of Hardcore Minecraft so far and also make sure to leave a like And subscribe if you haven't already also if you don't have time to watch this entire thing just leave it running in the background it really really helps me out thanks hello there and welcome to a brand new new Hardcore Minecraft series my name's Joel and I am terrible at Hardcore Minecraft I've tried multiple times to play hardcore and I've died stupidly ooh more gunpowder oh my gosh oh my gosh I've died really stupidly oh my gosh oh no no no no no oh I'm I'm no and of course I've died really really stupidly you just got you got to have another one that so what's the difference this time Joel well not much I could be adding a really really really stupid death onto that list but I will try my best not to to make you believe me I'm going to spend at least 21 hours in game on this first episode which beats my first stupid death record anyway please subscribe as it really does help and in case you're wondering what you've been watching so far is day Zero of our world yes that's right we'll also be tracking the days in the top leftand Corner meaning this is day one ooh not much has happened as you can see from my inventory now let's do something you probably shouldn't do in a hardcore world but should be pretty safe as long as you're not an idiot and luckily for you guys I'm only slightly an idiot five iron that means this is going to be a good series and I just found some armor as well meaning I basically can't die now so with my new found confidence I robbed this Village of all its resources collected some nearby basic materials looted this chest and then got murdering some cows I saw my first mob in this cave here and ran away why well because I'm very very scared I'll be sleeping as soon as the sun sets most nights to start mob spawning because I'm very very scared I did however found this lovely bit of scenery here and I was inspired and it gave me some ideas so let's put all our stuff in this chest here and let's go gather some more materials but not in there instead I headed out to this nearby Mountain Bome which as you can see is covered in coal and iron so of course we got mining away slept then mine some more I've mined so much stuff but look how much is left still we'll come back to that when we get some better enchantments and I'm going to start this world off right by actually making some blast furnaces to smelt all this iron it's a lot of iron for early game but it's worth it okay it speeds things up so much and while that was smelting I took the time to look at how amazing this area is looking and found a perfect place for our starter base to go not only does it have a lovely backdrop there's this really cool cave underneath which I could definitely use in the future but before we get building that let's make sure we're actually protected as um this leather cap and gold leggings have served me well but I feel a bit safer now and look at me full iron full iron tools and so much iron still smelting not bad for day 4 a so let's talk about this sta base now it's a starter base so we're not going to go too complicated and rather than collect loads of crazy materials we're going to use things local to the area such as these spruce trees on the map Mountain some oak wood and let's clear some space and make a temporary little tree farm here using the saplings we gathered now I'm going to be totally honest here when I play Minecraft these days I use help and when it comes to building I like to use a mod called light MAA this mod just saves me time as a content creator and shows me what materials I need to build my St base as I always grab the seed when I start a new world and design stuff in Creative first to save myself some time as this is my job after all as a classic saying goes don't work hard work smart although we work hard as well now I'm going to grab myself a shield as we're going to venture into the cave down here because there's a few blocks I want to get oh look our first mob kill oh man that is not what I wanted to see underneath my area what I wanted to see was the tur I need a little bit of tur not the deep dark oh gosh is there any way to get that tough without setting off sensors I don't know I think we're safe right I'd hope we are can you see why I die so much in hardcore let's collect some of this quickly we don't need much I just need it for a bit of texturing all right let's make our way up to safety and follow my torch Trail home now I'm going to try something different for this sta base I'm going to try and make it expandable normally I build something and once I'm done with it I'm done where's this one we're going to adapt it for the future and I should be careful here oo our first gold so the first part may look quite basic at first but I promise you by the end of the episode it'll hopefully look pretty good and the main material we're using that's right Stone now I know I said easy to get materials but I I want normal Stone so we're going to have to do a lot of smelting I've been used to endgame Minecraft for a while this is slow holy moly but we've been Gathering some stuff in this chest here it's looking good still a lot more to go though But as time passes I'm feeling braver and braver so we collected some stuff like andesite and sand and we also made ourselves the wonderful stone cutter praise be stone cutter praise be I love you I also did the horrible task of getting clay with an iron shovel we're getting there however there's one thing I want to do that I've never done before but I'm pretty sure I know how it works if I get some glass bottles of water can you ooh look at that you can make make some mud I only need four bits of mud but there's no mang of swamp nearby so that's my best way of getting it can then use the wheat I got from the farm make some packed mud some mud bricks and then some mud brick stairs which is what I want look at all them materials by the way only a couple more things to get and that is some sugar cane some leaves and the last things are string and Moss let's hope this shipwreck has the Moss doesn't look like it big sad but maybe this map will give us some diamonds we're on day 13 and that's my lucky number give me oh my gosh a single Diamond I'll take it second time lucky no Moss third time's a charm baby lovely not so lovely wee wee trian the last thing I need some string and there we go all the materials we need so Joel you're going to get building it right right actually no I want to build a farm first why because I need to at some point and um I like to tease you so this lovely land up here I'm stood on right imagine there's a bridge going across the bridge will come at a later date but all this space up here could be quite good for some Farms so let's build some Farms so let's make a hoe and let's get hoing is that a thing people say it most certainly is not but anyway we got building this Farm which took a bit longer than I thought it was going to just cuz it's so awkward at the early game but after about 30 minutes we had a decent looking field there we go a farm and there's an Enderman underneath it two Enderman what are they doing there I don't know but soon we will have wheat wheat to feed cows which we don't have right now but we will get at a later date because we need food anyway that's enough teasing for now shall we work on this little starter base I I promise you it may not look the greatest right now but hopefully later it will all right stick around time to clear some space gosh I just want diamond tools so badly and let's get building this thing starting with the exterior it's not the largest building in the world but we tried to add in some texture into it anyway using that tough the Cobblestone and the end theight so it wasn't just plain Stone and stone bricks I also added it on a very ugly flat Spruce roof that didn't take long at all kind of a weird looking house I know all right I know okay but that's going to change like I said it's all about the adaptability shall we do the inside now the inside isn't going to be adaptable it's just going to stay the same I'm not going to make myself do two Interiors that' be crazy so there we go a pretty basic St of house well it's only date 23 so what do you expect all right the interior however I'm quite happy with look at this for a little basic layout and you can see here where we plan to expand in the future ooh as yes that roof will be going which is why it looks well terrible it kind of looks like a very disgusting birthday cake now I'm already sick of having to run round to my farm here if only there was some sort of bridge hey imagine if I just built one right now wouldn't that be crazy so off I went to gather the materials for it pulling off this sick water bucket jump and then collecting a load of stone and a little bit of oak wood too and they got assembling said bridge and bridge the gap across to our farm and it does exactly what it's meant to do I also added a pillar underneath my base because I thought it looked a bit floaty and this add some aesthetic support look at me walking on my bridge look at me admire me I have a bridge it's coming together although this house still looks like a terrible cake there's some things in Minecraft you just have to do like breaking wheat and placing seeds and it's not fun to watch I could put some crazy music behind it right now but look it's still not fun is it I think there's only one thing that's less fun than planting crops and that's sorting your chest out but it needs to be done oh I'm not going to show me doing that instead I'll show you a little cute video of my dog or something and then it'll it'll be done it's not done yet but this wondering Trad has showed up and I realized I do have emeralds and I can buy some Cactus I'm just going to buy one inside now everything is sort of labeled and we know where everything goes hopefully we can keep this neat and tidy for a while but it's time to mine this is Minecraft after all and I'm still wearing iron armor guys and I've been playing for what 5 hours exactly let's go caving and hope we don't die well the series would be over if we did die hello one sec come on fella get in this boat where are you all coming from lovely you may be coming useful in the future I've realized I'm definitely going to need more tools that's better before we set off though bam Wheat Field is now full of seeds what will I do with all these spare seeds that I have in my inventory probably make another wheat field into the caves we go you have got to be joking me why is there so much skull everywhere I think this is pretty safe though cuz there's none of those shriekers around at least I can't see any guys I think I'm about to be really boring and strip mine and I did strip mine I broke one and a half pickaxes and I found absolutely nothing I am a pathetic failure time to try something different and that was to look for diamonds generated in structures give me a map what if this is right in the middle of the sea I've never seen this before it's like down here what on Earth oh no diamonds well I've raided two chests and even about diamonds so this is a terrible idea as well okay I've ran really far away hopefully this cave will be better this cave almost goes all the way down to bedrock instantly what the heck why hello there Diamond let's see how many more we get in this cave a 1 a two a three a four a 5 6 7 eight o a mob spawner with lots of cool stuff in the chest for me I then decided to go strip mining because I'm a boring loser and got two diamonds in all that time of mining I didn't find more than a cluster of two diamonds how how but we ended up with 12 in total and I'm deciding what to make because obviously a diamond pickaxe is very important but so is diamond armor and I need an enchanting table but I want to enchant a diamond pickaxe but to enchant I need two diamonds meaning I don't have enough to do all of them let's do the enchantment table the pickaxe and some diamond leggings but we have no space for this enchantment table to go so I guess it's time to expand the expandable base starting by getting rid of this absolutely horrible roof I hate it so much I got rid of this way too early as I've got nowhere near enough materials to build what I want to build let's change that shall we a lot of this stuff is just me Gathering wood and then crafting it into stuff and we end up with a chest of spruce stuff I Stone cutle Lo of deep slate giving us deep slate stuff I also had my closest death experience yet holy moly I did not see that creeper where did it come from oh my gosh I went out into the world to gather some random stuff including all the different types of stone some clay and ended up with stone stuff I planted some sugar cane and then chopped down a load of oak trees crafted some stuff stri some stuff also went out and got some Birch stuff and then I got some sugar cane that I planted I made a whole cow Farm as well and got some cows and I ended up with lots of wooden stuff I crafted some lanterns added them to the chest and all the other bits and Bobs and that gives us everything we need for this expansion that took a long time we're now at the 10hour Mark I decided to watch the sunset in Minecraft because I'm a massive loser and I thought it looked pretty but then I was like Joel what are you doing let's get building let's turn this birthday cake into an actual nice house we're using some gradients on this thing we've got some dripstone and some terra cotta and we're topping it off with the Deep SL L Ruth all coming together to make a lovely looking house which I'm very very pleased with look at our house I've kind of like tripled it insides do you want a quick tour at the top of the stairs we have our new enchanting area this is a corridor at the end of the corridor is my bedroom and on the top floor is is just a messy storage room to store stuff in and I've been quite unlucky so far but not anymore we're about to get Fortune free first time bam oh my gosh what we actually did thank you Minecraft Gods thank you that means I can enchant my legs now I was not expecting this to happen fire protection okay Minecraft Gods you giveth then you take us oh my gosh with our Fortune free pickaxe we're going to go looking for more diamonds you know it so off we went deep into this cave here in search for diamonds got attacked by a lot of mobs which was very scary and found our first diamond in a m shaft until first diamonds what four oh and then one still good I then went mining a bit more sticking to the caves this time rather than strip mining as I found it was a bit more successful but oh boy does the fortune free come in handy my gosh without it I would have got nowhere near this amount of armor and tools doesn't mean I get good enchantments though well Joel we're all nice and geared up now but our house is kind of looking a bit you know weird it just sort of sticks out and I feel like it's missing trees so am I really going to spend a lot of hours adding in some trees well we still got about 9 and 1/2 hours left so um yeah let's see how long this takes a very long time because as you can see we have to Cho down a load of oak trees which took about a day planted a load of spruce trees but I needed them to grow so I went mining out of boredom got myself some Birch leaves got myself some Spruce leaves re-enchanted my diamond chest plate and got Protection free which is almost as bad as before then with all the materials we gathered we got building these spruce trees and this took a long time to build them all I'd say this whole process took around about 2 to 3 hours hours of our time and let's pause the timelapse for a second cuz if you're wondering how I did this I basically went into creative mode I made two different spruce trees I rotated them around placed them around my house and we got building them so basically all these trees you're seeing here are two different types of tree just rotated and slightly different in each one but unless I told you that I don't think you'd be able to tell although I've noticed this one here looks identical to that one there but apart from that you can't tell right and look at the difference it makes to our house oh it's gorgeous love but it could be even more gorgeous how you ask well first we dispose of this pesky skeleton and then enchant our shovel then collect some gravel and some dirt make some coost dirt then let's get some Stone some Moss some dripstone and last up some flowers and then let's make a new pathway through the center of these two trees here like so and then up here let's add some Boulders M Boulders and then some Moss place around and then some Co dirt and gravel yes I have a new shovel my last one just broke oops and finally some flowers and if you pan out and have a look at it all in total I think it's turned out looking a lot better but let's not stop there I want to transform the underneath area of our cave where we have our pillar and also these two lovely lovely creepers so I gathered some materials and built some stairs leading all the way down I decorated those stairs in linked up to my path as well and added this little Pond next to him I added some plant boxes on then I also added in a pathway before opening up a big hole here inside this hole we're going to have our first Farm which is a very basic sugar cane Farm we're not going to be making it automated we're just going to plant it and we're going to come break it with our hands but obviously we're not going to leave it just as a whole oh no no no we're going to decorate not only the interior but the exterior as well so we used some Oak and Spruce Wood went and collected some granite and and then went and got some deep state from down below I then built a little exterior for this a little house sticking out of the cave which is lovely because you don't have to build the back of the house instead you build the front which is great it begins that's right I'm hoping to have lots of different little buildings down here all of them hopefully having some sort of purpose this one here is a sugarcane farm which I have been collecting and storing in these chests here it's not automated but this is episode one I'm not going to be automating stuff now I would like to build more Farms but before building more Farms I need somewhere to store the stuff from my Farms so let's build something here so off we set on a little Adventure out to find a new type of wood and that wood was dark oak from a forest not too far away we also collected some calite however we sleep in the big bed because after I do this we are on day 100 and we've nearly hit the 18h hour mark the only thing we did on day 100 was gather deep slate as the C sets for day 100 luck we have everything we need to build this house I guess we're going to get building again oh my gosh there's been so much building this episode get used to it this is what this series is going to be about yeah that's right baby and this here is a slightly different sort of style of building to the one we built earlier for our house we've still got some sort of remnants of it but it's also got a diagonal in it a nice looking Farmhouse now all we need is to plant our crops let's start with carrots so of course we walled off the carrots field then we put some water in hoed that ground like a man that's hoing ground and then we planted the carrots that we' already gathered oh I just realized it never showed you around the barn you want to have a quick look inside we've got loads and loads of storage as you can see we've also got two bone Mill machines which will use these Hoppers and these composters here to give us bone Mill and then we have more storage yeah it it's a lot of storage but we need the storage anyway onto potatoes same thing as before except this time it's a different field and we we cleared some space as well and made a new pathway once again did some hoing like a man who hoes stuff and then we planted our potatoes I also harvested my wheat to make some bone meal as we needed some bone meal and I got bored of making Farms so I went and harvest some leaves got some oak wood and then I decided to build a tree here I know I'm just so crazy I'm just kidding it's just a simple little oak tree next up pumpkins pumpkins are a bit more difficult to plant as you can't plant them sporadically all over the place like carrots and wheat instead you have to make these weird lines to make it a little bit more efficient but we did that we planted our pumpkin seeds we made a little wall around it using the same stuff we'd be making the walls of of everywhere else and we also made sure it was nice and lit up next up some sheep here's a pen it's only small but we don't need a lot of sheep I went and got some sheep and I put the Sheep In The Pen oh it feels nice walking through all my fields of crops this didn't take as long as I thought it would to be honest I know we still haven't got melons and beetroots but I feel like these ones here are the most important ones and they're taking ages to grow so let's get some bone meal harvesting wheat is still not fun but it has to be done as well as bone mealing it has to be done it it's just not fun though oh that one grew instantly we've officially reached our final hour here still not got all the fields of crops full but I'm hoping we can get FEA falling free on our boots as this really helps in hardcore can we no I'll have to work on a way of getting XP at some point back to tending my crops now it would be awfully sad to not have someone to share this lovely world with so let's kill some fish right here and let's find some cats oh there's two lovely this might take up the rest of the next hour where you going fella I'm here with some fish yes lovely you'll come home with me I don't want you somehow I've lost the cat already the village is here where I tamed him oh he's get off the bed come on come with me exactly like my cat in real life because of that I'm going to leave him under this tree here and use my one and only name tag plus make a brand new Anvil and rather than call him buddy as he's Ginger and looks nothing like buddy we're going to call him muddy and look at that the final carrot in our carrot field super exciting I know and that's all the pumpkins and finally the potatoes as well all the fields are full and with that we have reached the 21h hour mark look at what we have managed to create within this 21 hours what a first episode I hope you guys are excited for what's to come so far we've survived 21 hours does that mean you're going to take it easy today Joel not a chance silly viewer today we're going to get straight to work on a crazy project surrounding this pool of water wait that's not a very impressive pool of water let's change that shall we starting with clearing some trees then clearing some flowers then placing a lot of water which at the same time kills all the grass underneath and turns it to dirt so let let's bone ma that dirt to make it look a little bit nicer wow I built this big puddle and I haven't even asked you to subscribe yet that'd be really cringe to do it now please subscribe unless you're already subscribed then please leave a like so now we have our big puddle but before we can build anything around it there's some other stuff I want to do first and one of those is build a cactus farm with our one piece of cactus we have here but we need more than one piece of course so while we wait for this to grow let's do some farming yay wow this is is so fun so I did some more farming and more farming and potato farming and carrot farming but don't worry we did all that farming and our Cactus managed to grow right of course it didn't but we're going to make a proper cactus farm and we're going to make it over here and when I say proper it's going to be very basic but it'll do for the time being so we went off and collected ourselves some Spruce Wood and then we stripped that Spruce Wood got all our copper made it into some blocks and then look our Cactus grew I did a dance around it to celebrate then split it into two cacti but it still wasn't enough so I decided to head out in search of a desert on the way I managed to find a bamboo biome so I took some bamboo and some jungle saplings home then saw this what on Earth why are there so many turtles what I've never seen that before there's even loads in the water as well anyway that was weird I found myself that desert though so I got myself some cacti some Sandstone then went home and mined some Granite as well man it's been a while but look materials what do we we do with those materials we build a terrible cactus farm yes this Farm is terrible but the building is really cute though let's build it unfortunately this has being built in possibly the most awkward spot to Time Lapse but as you can see we're clearing out this big hole here for our cactus farm to go then we got working on the outer building and the cactus farm itself wow it's really hard to see this house because of this stupid pillar here but look our cactus farm is done it's got eight pieces of cactus in it and they will eventually grow drop cactus in here automatically hopefully we get one piece of cactus before this floor turns to oxidize copper if we don't I'll be very sad all right I guess we're ready now to build around this Lake no I need a way of getting XP and just up the hill here and behind this waterfall ooh look there is a spider spawner so close to our base what's in the chests ooh looting free so we're going to convert this into an XP farm first I Min out the room then I Min out the room some more then Place some water down and build the rest of the farm it's really quite simple it doesn't require many materials and as you can see it gets the job done it's working let's stay here for a while and get some levels so the farm is incredibly slow I get about three XP levels per day which is why we're on so many days right now oh hello fella and the reason I only have 33 levels is cuz I Enchanted this sword and this other sword about six times until I got one that was good and even then it's not that good but we now have enough levels to do our shovel rubbish and our helmet also rubbish but now we are finally ready to get working on this area here also look Four Hole cacti and our copper flour hasn't even started oxidizing amazing oh I just remember we got the Looting book as well so we'll add this on quickly and call it stinky now I know what you're thinking Joel what on Earth are you building and what is the point of it and to that I say you have a very good point but let me explain it's all for my nether portal and the nether is very scary and I want to delay go to the nether as long as possible but I've come up with a very cool portal design but it would look weird by itself so I need to build a village to make it look a bit nicer but Joel that's ridiculous I know deal with it okay we're going to start out by making ourselves a load of Co dirt and grabbing a load of spruce planks and then we get placing the pathway and as you can see it's kind of wide at the top then we have this sort of bridge and section here before it comes down to the water level so this layout is looking pretty random Joel how did you come up with it well let me tell you I hopped onto my test world and I placed down a load of wool where I wanted buildings to be I then shap those buildings out a little bit and placed a path connecting them all easy like I said last time I play Minecraft a lot if I can find a way to make things easier for myself I'm going to do that but what's not going to be easy is our next adventure as we need to go find a mangrove swamp and I've looked on the website seed map which you can use to map out seeds and it'll show you every biome and I found a Minecraft swamp except it's 4,000 blocks away so guess we better get walking anyone want to see a a walking Montage well here you go sorry just squealed I thought that was going to be bigger it's fine back to the walk-in Montage yeah you want Walkin here's some different biomes being walked through as you can see this one's water and I'm not walking but here I actually managed to find myself a desert temple but it gave me a flashback oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah I'm good I don't want to dig just yet instead I want to mine down all these mangroves just kidding that would take forever I did collect some mud though and I also collect some mango propal so I don't have to come back here in the future as well as some wood just just because anyway time to head home through all those biomes again but oh wait look a m shaft with some glowberries oo lovely but anyway let's head home we're going to use all this mud we got along with with some Granite which o we don't have to make this pathway look less terrible speaking of mud how are you doing muddy Yow Yow meow meow meow meow oh I love you too that was um that was quite weird but here's me farming my wheat up because I need the wheat to make packed mud which I'm going to turn into packed mud bricks and then turn that into mud brick walls I also fixed my pickaxe went and Min some Granite went and got some spruce wood and now we can actually make this pathway look a bit more presentable we're going to add a bridge on the top right there and wall off the other sections and look it's idiot proof I can't fit through it and fall off and die which is good so you have your past jel but what about this Village you talked of well we need some villagers first but before we go get them quick cactus farm check o it's all coming together I need the green dye and then we can dye our sheep and start breeding them again but anyway time to go through that horrible task of getting villagers which everybody hates manag to get them in some mine carts though send them up on some rails I created and we got transporting them the annoyingly mountainous terrain all the way over to our area where I dug out this hole underneath where the Farms are and also broke my diamond shovel and in this hole is where we're going to put our villagers no fancy villager breeder because I'm not really wanting to automate everything just yet instead we put them in here with some beds quite a few beds actually and then we threw them some food and we got our first baby villager a all righty we have our villagers and they're starting to breed up so I guess it's time to get working on this Village and the first thing we need is a way to get emeralds and we've got a lot of crops over there so I thought how about some farmer villagers in a little house here where I'm stood right now so let's go get some materials and hopefully they will sound like the start of the song Land Down Under okay that's enough of that but look materials let's build a house house and this time there will be no land down under but there will be a house on upper here cool let's build that was not clever whatsoever that was really bad but anyway here's our first Village building it is a farmhouse where we're going to keep all our Farmers which of course we had to transport in so after I got myself a load of wheat I brought them all in one by one and then when I farmed all my carrots and all my potatoes and started trading with them our first stack of emeralds lovely so now we have a quick way of getting emerals time to build some other stuff but first we need some diamonds as our tools are getting really low and I want some diamonds to fix them so we headed down to this cave here and we got lucky straight away we managed to find a load of diamonds enough to fix our tools for now and then we got collecting a load of other materials as well for our village buildings and we're going to build them one by one and I'm not going to show you collecting the materials every time instead you're going to see lots of lovely time lapses and a short amount of time of me building them so we're starting off with our Fletchers here which we quickly got some villages in we got some more materials and we built a building right over by the stairs here and this is going to be our Smiths and of course had to put the villagers in here as well then we got building the armorers which is going to be at the bottom of the stairs here and you guessed it the villagers to go inside them and then we got some more materials and then we got building our first diagonal building here which is actually a butchers and yep once again villagers and more villagers and finally more materials and we got building our fishing villager place I don't know what it's called the fish Barn I guess oh wait I'm forgetting something oh yeah the villagers oh boy what you just watched was 5 hours of progress and building in a minute and a half pretty crazy but I built a lot of villages before and each building although unique they're nothing special inside we have decorated them and I will be farming and utilizing these guys very soon and no there are no Librarians as uh I have another idea for that instead we have the toolsmiths the armorers The Butchers and the fishermen but although this place is looking a lot more dense now it could be denser I want to decorate it some more before we get moving onto our nether portal and I think some trees some bushes and stuff like that will really bring it together so we're going to go collect a load of materials but you won't see that instead next up we're going to have a big time lapse of me just completing everything else and by everything else I mean some bushes some rocks and then some flowers and then I got building a couple of trees as well well one birch tree because that's fun a couple of oak trees and also a pond oh doesn't this look a lot nicer now with these trees added in and all this Greenery and the dripstone and Moss around really brings it all together so now that's all done it's probably time we got working on what we actually want to do today and that is our nether portal which is going to be around about here somewhere just next to the Village but this is not going to be a simple task as I want to build two NE portals one over there and one there and I need a way to connect them guess we're going to have to gather some more materials but first we're nearly on day 200 and we need to check on muddy muddy how are you doing fella oh you're so cute and in case you're wondering how long it takes to get to day 200 is around about 35 hours meaning I've spent 14 hours on this video so far and I haven't done what I actually want to do and I know what you're thinking Joel I can't listen to you right now because there's a carrot missing on the top right there I'm so sorry about that there you go let's get working on this portal but first a third person water bucket jump can I do it no ah anyway we fixed up our diamond pickaxe got mining some dripstone got mining some and theight then we went and chopped down a lot of spruce trees like I nearly used up my entire axe here and then stripped some dark oak wood and chopped that down as well before Gathering ourselves some obsid obsidian for the portal we need I then got working on the bridge that's what we're going to call this because guess what it is a bridge but not a bridge for walking on really well kind of it is because that's all you can really do in Minecraft but you'll see there's some rails being added onto this bridge as this is going to have something on top of it oh what a lovely bridge this is after it is complete now what is that up there there's a skeleton spooky but I've not lit the part yet and today we're actually going to only light this portal over here the plan is to have this portal be to the Nether and that portal to be to the never roof if only we had a train or something that would link the two H well that's exactly what we're going to do well done you for predicting that and definitely not me just telling you and you'll also see there's some blocks missing around the edge here because I wanted this to have a sort of nether theme towards the entrance so I haven't finished it just yet but we will once we go to the nether which is obviously quite scary I'm going to grab some stuff let's get prepared and now we can go to the nether guys I don't want to I'm scared what if I die oh well we've made it 200 days that's pretty good let's head in please be a good spawn please be a good spawn okay okay okay oh it's going the other way thank goodness don't know why my voice won't weird for a second I'm going to get some gold armor I'm going back I'm already scared there we go I feel much better with my shiny shoes let's get these materials we need and then I can get the heck out starting with of course some never sit sorry ooh looks like there's our Fortress but kind of scared to go there at the moment hello little friend just kidding I am not your friend let's instead grab some warped wood as that's another material I need actually I will head to the The Fortress as I need some Nether Bricks oh this is absolutely terrifying make a wide path jol everything will be fine everything be F just break that one don't fancy going up there though so we'll just destroy this pillar we also need some magma blocks the last thing on the list is Black Stone this has gone relatively smoothly surprisingly not falling in any lava not too many gests lovely touch Basalt to not jinx it well let's grab this Blackstone quickly and with an inventory full of all the things we need we can head home a successful never Adventure we found a fortress there's a Bastion over there I'm hopeful for the future of my never Adventures now I want to build this train but there's some Overworld materials we need to gather as well so let's go get them should we do a magical transition from our nether materials whoo chest is closed and open it back up and look at all those materials wow isn't that crazy that didn't take me ages or any anything only about 30 minutes so I guess it's time to finish off the sections at the end here and also get building our train all aboard the time lapse so I wanted to make it clear that this was a train coming from the never so that's why I used mainly NE materials which makes it look kind of weird but also kind of cool at the same time we also use different colors of stained glass here to make it look like there's some fire SL steam coming from it and I think the effect is very cool chw CH I didn't swear there I just said choo choo baby I don't know why it bleeped it but look at our train look at it oh I love it so much I think it looks marvelous a train straight from the nether linking our portal to our future portal over there oh I'm very happy with this I normally don't build things like this but today I don't know I was feeling fancy but look there's even like seats inside you can get in between the carriages like so and there will be our new portal I love it also I just want to say we started this video on day 119 and we're already on day 223 meaning what that's 104 days we spent on this thing honestly quite impressed with the progress we've made and I'm excited to get utilizing this Village I've already been up in the trades of some of these guys but emeralds are tough when you farming by yourself but look at it from down here this just feels so like dense doesn't it and in a good way and I can't just sit here and leave all these crops unfarmed let's change that quickly look at them all disappear they're all disappearing goodbye today we're going to be working on our biggest project yet even bigger than this whole village and train down here but first we're going to say hi to muddy good and also check on the cactus farm we built last time oh there's Catie in there now over here is a lovely bit of space but I don't like space it is empty and deserves to have something built on it which is what we're going to be doing today and in the thing we're building on this space we're going to be putting our librarian villagers because I desperately need mending however because I'm stubborn I refuse to get mending till at least some of the building is complete but there are other ways to improve my tool durability so that's right all aboard the never express baby first though we shared all our sheep to get some wool got some planks as well and we headed into The Nether I started digging down straight from our portal and nearly fell in this hole but luckily didn't so I'm still alive which is good I crafted some beds and I was very scared and apprehensive as you can see here but it was actually quite easy and we found our first neite straight after getting the hot tourist destinations and then I found some more right next to it and then I found some more and some more and we just got mining using all the beds up until we had 17 ancient debris not bad let's go home and smelt that and let's get some gold and make those neite ingots I decided to do my pickaxe which I gave the cringiest name in the world I'm so sorry but hey added that durability we'll be needing a lot later for collecting materials I also did my chest Pate my legs and an axe it was raining and that was depressing so to match the mood I did some farming I then traded some emeralds to get some XP because I wanted to get enough to enchant a bow which I did and it was terrible so I got some more XP and I Enchanted another bow and that was not terrible lovely a bow neite armor what on Earth would you need that for Joel we're going to go kill that stink Ender Dragon for elytra to help us gather materials I know where a fortress is this shouldn't be too hard uh let's try trading some gold first though give me some pearls please you suck well one gold didn't work guess we'll do it the oldfashioned way with our looting free that's pretty good probably actually better than trading gold to be honest I don't know why I'm scared with my armor and this Shield we should be fine well I found the blaze spawner absolutely hidden away oh this is what I was was scared of the fire but I've already got six blaze rods what the heck looting three is insane there's another two and there's another one there we go 11 let's get those pearls this hardcore Minecraf thing is easy so I killed some Endermen to collect some ender pearls and they make such a lovely noise love that noise before we set off we're going to take some Gunpowder and grab some paper and make our ourselves some Rockets Ender Dragon I'm coming for you so let's put some epic music on yeah that's epic and look I'm going to kill this chicken in practice for the Ender Dragon and then we're going to row a boat off a mountain this is what people do right okay but seriously let's put some spooky music on now and we're going to get ready to kill this Ender Dragon I spy a fortress I do I do so I found the portal here it is I then plac the eyes in in a really epic manner ooh Epic oh I was going back up to the surface and I've just doubled across 10 diamonds nice anyway I went up to get some wood quickly for chests all right let's do this scared scared scared scared scared so you can clearly see in this clip that I have armor on but my replay mod messed up so now it looks like I'm badass and I'm killing the ender dragon with no armor in hardcore also in the replay mod it showed me missing like loads of arrows and stuff which is totally not me uh must be another replay mod glitch am I right this shot right here was quite scary but the avatars went down with ease and I've killed the Ender Dragon so many times now that this was actually quite easy we had one little scare there and that even wasn't that bad and there we go Ender Dragon dead listen to me Glo easy not even close easy peasy lemon squeezy I'm honestly more scared about this bit mainly because I did die once before while bridging in the end but that didn't stop me still I went off exploring looking for those end cities and we found one it's a bit scary as I've angered an end man somehow down there hopefully it doesn't teleport up to me while I'm bridging to the ship oh my gosh please don't but here we go a big moment the sky is the limit baby but we didn't leave the end just yet oh no we flew off in such a more end cities to raid where I've got myself loads of iron lots of diamond tools lots of diamonds lots of gold found a silk touch shovel which was very nice we killed some shulkers as well to get some shulker shells for shulker boxes I found the most insane pickaxe ever then took a p back to the middle collected the dragon egg and headed home through the main portal woohoo back home baby let's have a look at the rewards a load of diamonds gold and emerald plenty of end rods some shulkers plenty of armor plenty of elytra pickaxes swords and shovels and a buttload of XP the problem is the best boots right have curse of binding but also mending so if I put them on I have to use them forever pretty much and this insane pickaxe I got I already upgraded my stupid pickaxe I'm so dumb I should have waited but I guess I can make stinky a better sword and make a decent helmet but now we have our wings it's time to get working on the magic Library first things first we need to make a way of getting to this Library so went and collected some dripstone then hollowed out this path here which I filled up with a little staircase with some dripstone on the sides to make it look a bit nicer I then put some lanterns on so that mobs wouldn't spawn and decorated the entire thing leading us to our space I then went to the Never cuz we wanted to collect some warped wood as we're going to be building something in said space and one of the things we needed was some amethy which I found luckily in the ocean on the way over to the desert cuz I also wanted some Sandstone as we're going to be using that a lot so I got about a shulker box as worth I then got some red and yellow and orange terra cotta and then headed home died some sheep white to get some white wool before sorting out the rest of the materials I need which wasn't too many as it's only something small so to give this build a bit more character we're going to add some law to it and where do I like to get my law from that's right magical fountains why have I built two magical fountains in two different series well I guess that's just law baby although this one really isn't that magical you know what is magical this time lapse of me clearing out a load of grass it's not really but just pretend it is Alakazam AR diry no I think that means goodbye in Italian but anyway goodbye grass and hello materials as we're not going to leave that grass just looking empty with nothing on it instead we're going to get working straight away on a floor and I made this floor here using some Spruce Wood with some spirals in it using that yellow orange and red terra cotta now I know what you're thinking Joel this floor is so Random why are their bits cut out here here here well pretty much everywhere actually well full transparency like usual I've gone into creative mode to design this first if I was to design this build in survival it would have taking me days or weeks of building it up knocking it back down because I'm very indecisive instead I went into creative mode and started getting a basic shape together that soon developed into this blocky shape here but that's all I'll show you for now as I don't want to spoil things I will tell you the color palette though is deep slate and Sandstone but the roofs are different and they are oh spicy so we're going to start out by building our first Tower here we can get our first villager in hopefully some mending and Unbreaking as I'm running through elyra very very quickly and I'm going to do the first part of this material Gathering Montage as a song but this time I'm not going to tell you what it is you have to let me know in those comments have you subscribed by the way you should subscribe I'm really cool and not at all egotistical Bow Wow hopefully you get that I realize now that that's one came out in 2005 making it 18 years old oh my gosh I'm old anyway we need to get a couple more things and the only thing we actually really need is this bassal here and I'm not going to mess around we're going to get building this Tower now so we're using the Deep slay and doing a gradient into the coral here and then using some Birch and some Sandstone on top before finishing it off with a gradient roof which finishes with pumpkin orange but before we show you it fully here is me getting some villagers into the tower as we need to get those trades desperately so far I've only broken two Le turns let's see how long this takes just so you know this is one of my least favorite things to do in Minecraft surprisingly good 26 and we now have a guy who sells Unbreaking books for 38 emeralds I know it's a lot but it's one of those bugs you don't have to buy that often so let's get a brand new elytra and plop this on there and now let's get mending also you may have noticed that I have not showed the other side of this building yet well that's because um there's a big hole in it like I said I planned this stuff out beforehand so I don't like using unnecessary blocks and we're going to fill up some area around here but first let's get a villager up there somehow which is easy with a bit of dirt yippee more expensive books baby but look we got it it's done oh it's dark and if you know my videos you know I like to give them a fun name as well and let's give everyone a fancy sign as well and we now have our first Tower meaning we should get to work on the rest which is looking a bit empty right now let's start with the Deep slate SL Basalt level shall we but before we do that I wanted to get some carrots and all my other material to trade for emeralds not for the emeralds themselves but instead to fix my axe with its new mending enchantment I then went deep into the caves where I mined a load of deep slate well not that much really but some deep slate I then stripped some wood which I did before chopping it this time as people seem to like that and I also got myself a decent amount of spruce wood as well which I turned into planks Etc I then made some mango trees and I hate these things they are the worst thing to farm in the world I like to use a regular hoe to just clear it and then mine the logs I also made myself some lanterns some stained glass some books for LEC turns and then I headed into The Nether which is a lot easier now that I've got wings as you can just fly past all the mobs I got myself some glowstone some shom lights and finally some bassal which I need for the gradient I also killed this piglin child because I hate them me build now wow that was very straightforward but yes we got working on the lower level here using those deep slate bricks we got and the Deep Slate Plus the Bal and finally the coral BLX which I'd collected before I did all these staircase is going around as well so you can get around all the villagers now know what you're thinking Joel this looks pretty cool down here but what the heck is this this looks terrible well that's because obviously I've not finished the top yet it's going to be a bit taller as you can see from some creative world planning earlier but I want to talk about the design right I hate building Interiors I hate it so much so I decided to put all the villagers on the exterior every time you see these shroom lights around this is where the villagers are going to be I've also put this cool path along so you can travel all the way around go to every single different villager on each section and it's all connected up there's space for all the villagers I'll probably ever need there's some up here as well and if not there's plenty of other space I can place them as well so I guess we should finish it but first let's check our cactus farm Cactus and also Farm our sugarcane I then collected all the remaining materials I need which a lot of them I had gathered earlier including the sandstone and Terra Cotta I did need a lot of Birchwood though look at how much Birchwood I cleared out here it filled up two shulker boxes pretty much and most of that was stripped logs how fun a little break from the material G Montage because it's a new day since I recorded the last stuff and um I had a dream last night that I died in this hardcore world and it was horrible it was like a nightmare so um oh well Enter the Never while this gas shoots at me can we take a moment to admire this absolute monster of a crimson wood tree look look at the size of this thing ow anyway I instantly destroyed the monster as I needed all the wood and I also destroyed this nether fortress well we have five shulker boxes worth of materials here so this next time lapse is going to be quite a long one let's talk through the design process shall we while some funky music plays behind us so I wanted to go for two very contrasting materials such as the sandstone and the Deep Slater as I think the bottom and second halves are very like equally split and it looks really nice I also wanted to use some diagonals in this build as I think it just adds a lot of texture to the build and it also is quite challenging when you come to detailing diagonally and I love a little challenge I also wanted to make a interesting roof that wasn't just deep slate so I went for the ne pumpkin acacia wood and red terracotta which is not something I'd normally use together but it makes this really lovely gradient and adds a little pop of color but not too much to this build all in all I think it turned out rather nice big castle is Big look at it ooh it is empty I forgot to put the villagers in in yet oh I should probably do that but it's going to be really long and boring so I won't show you because no one wants to see that instead let me do a quick Shake of the camera well you can probably tell by the change in day that uh we've been doing this for quite a while I'm actually kind of scared to look at how many lect turns I've broken but we're going to do it anyway 665 I'm angry and I didn't even get all the enchantments I wanted we managed to get silk t which is good we got efficiency 4 after trying for so long and it cost 58 emeralds lovely this guy here was not cooperating for a long time we've got protection four here which is good and we have feather falling 3 which I combine it to feather falling four and put on my boots so I want to go do something fun and something fun that I enjoy is terraforming and you'll notice that the mountain we stood in front of here where we got this wall is looking a lot nicer than the one I'm struggling to climb up here which is is is ugly to be honest I also want to add some trees in maybe around the back let's just have some fun as I'm sick of breaking LEC turns this was definitely more fun than trading with villagers however it still took quite a while and a lot longer than I was expecting as you can see as the days tick pasted here we did also add some trees around as well which you will see popping up in all these different areas here once's hidden behind the castle I didn't want to add too many trees because I didn't know what we're going to do with this section for example and the section behind it but look it's looking so so much nicer now with all this sort of moss and dripstone we've added ooo lovely I'll even give you a rare shaders view cuz I don't like to do this because I think shaders just make everything look better and can make bad bills look good but we've got all our librarian set up we still need a way to get emeralds as farming our crops is not a good way and we also need a way to get Rockets as uh these are my last 11 I've got no gunpowder left but a load more trees and this place is looking very nice even even from the farm Fields here and it is a big boy as well look at the size of it oh it is lovely and I think it fits in really nicely with the whole area lovely we' played this world so far for 50 hours and 300 Minecraft days and we are not stopping anytime soon well unless I die of course which won't happen of course because look at these dodging skills easy peasy now I know every YouTuber says this but I did spend an awfully long time on this video so if you could please subscribe that would be amazing amazing Ally like Anyway last time I got these flappy things on my back here and to make the most use out of these flappy things you need rockets and to make these Rockets you need lots of sugar cane check and also lots of gunpowder record scratch not check yes I was too lazy to actually look up a record scratch sound so unfortunately that means I need to build a creeper Farm but before you click off the video because that's really boring don't worry I challenged myself to show you building my creeper Farm in less than 5 seconds starting now I fixed up my pickaxe dug a massive hole then chopped a load of trees tamed some cats then built the farm and now I have a creeper Farm I told you it' only take 5 seconds and yes we've got some spare jelly cats here cuz I like them they're really cute but the farm is working as you can see from this bit of Replay mod footage here part of the bit I didn't show in the 5 Seconds was me lighting up all the caves in the nearby area there's some mistakes but we we'll get them all eventually and of course this design was made by Chapman on YouTube I'll make sure to link that in the description and put it on the screen now go check it out it is a great Farm you don't need much and it works really well but to AFK the farm I have to go up here and as you can see I've started on something already but we're going to finish it off now and that thing is a hot air balloon I love hot air balloons I want to build one let's build one not a very big balloon I use some green and white wool and then decorate it with some trap doors and now I can stand here AFK and hopefully we'll get some Gunpowder we're on Day 36 16 at the moment let's try 4 days see what happens actually did 5 days instead but look at all this gunpowder around 1,000 in 50 minutes not bad we're going to leave this looking ugly for now and instead work on some other stuff in this cave here now each of these buildings will have something to farm in them but it's not going to be automated because I'm lazy and also it's episode 4 for goodness sake I'm not building everything automated it take ages but the first building is going behind us here and it's not actually a farm at all it's more of a transport system I'll show you what it's transporting a second but first here's some materials this time with [Music] [Applause] music not sure what that really was but let's get building and let's get building a diagonal building and I've said building a lot in the last few moments so here's one more time building but I know what you're thinking what on Earth is this thing transporting Joel well it's me I'm transported I just wanted to out a building on the corner here to get up to this point a bit easier the stairs on the other side mean I have to go over the stairs across the bridge it's a bit of a pain where as this I can just go whoop and I'm in the center of it all our first building down baby what's next that's right it's bees and if you didn't understand what I said because of my Northern English accent I meant these little guys here so let's collect ourselves some beehives full of bees so welcome to a segment I like to call stupid man collect bees first he located the bees and he observed them for a while following them but not getting too close he soon realized bees are even stupider than him and all you have to do is wait for them to get in their hive and you can take it nonetheless he had to be patient and wait for the Beast to enter the hive he tried his best to blend in with the bees in hopes that this would speed up the process it didn't and he ended up looking really stupid and yes I've been talking in the third person but this is all me um I am very stupid but look I managed to get loads of bees in the end by them being stupid as well and thanks to my bee taming ways we now have a load of be nests I'm not sure how many bees are in here but we'll find out shortly and actually want to use some of the blocks that bees give to make this build so let's get the basics down first and yes it's probably going to look pretty ugly before we started collecting materials I made a silk touch pickaxe and I also added in the path down here I then went to farm materials like I always love to do we've got ourselves some pumpkin some Acacia fence some Spruce Wood all the different types of materials that you'd need including some really weird ones such as red sand the red Sandstone plus I went and got some extra honey to make things like some wax blocks of copper and also some honey blocks themselves as like I said we're going to be building with these blocks especially on the roof I then hollowed out an area placed the floor down as grass and then built the rest of the building really quickly welcome to beeh heaven Baby except it's not really be heaven for the bees as they're trapped in this room forever for me it's Be Heaven we've started breeding them up as you can see we got some little baby be bees hanging around got two more beehives to make and two more honeycomb blocks to place up there but look it's looking good I really like the orange roofs recently I've used a bit of the red Sandstone pumpkin and the shroom light sort of Blends in really well to keep it nice and lit up so no mobs spawn by the way we will be transforming this roof a bit as it is looking rather ugly but I'm just going to wait for these bees to give me some honey just for me so that's one building done looking good time for the next one but first we haven't checked in with Muddy yet today how are you doing muddy he's so funny now quite a few of the materials for this build I found in the ne so that's quite spooky find some spooky music Joel and put it on behind me Gathering these resources now I dare you make sure everyone's really frightened firstly though I need some deep slate which is really fun to mine especially when it's bling silverfish wow how spooky is this music I haven't actually chosen the music yet so I don't know what it sounds like like but I'm hoping it's spooky anyway we got loads of different materials from the ne and I also killed this gas here because I'm a really cool person I also got some Soul Sand and a few other things mainly to make some cool Minecraft blocks but why are we building this is why we're building this Farm I need more never wart I want to hide it away in a nice building rather than just placing it out here like Jo shut up and build some more stuff okay okay I really like the blocks I use for this build I normally don't go for darker buildings like this but I think this one really works especially with the never W Feed oh look at that it's starting to come together we have our netherwart farm here which has not much netherwart in I thought I may as well wait for this one to finish growing so I can Harvest it like that and fill this up a bit quicker so now we have to wait for that to grow I guess we should move on to next building yes we build a lot on this series okay we're actually going to leave a little Gap here for this cute little cave entrance which will take me into this cave here so if I want to go looking for all the copper and coal that's left in here I can and this next building is actually an automated Farm oh my gosh Joel you're crazy but it's for bamboo yeah you're not crazy but it's something we're going to need a lot of at some point most likely so I went and collected a load of jungle themed materials ooh I'm guessing this build is going to be jungle themed Joel correct I also got some Redstone as of course it is automated and before building the actual building itself I finished off most of the path here as well I also found some diamonds underground which is lucky I made some pistons and then we got building our automated Farm baby you can kind of see it being built in the background but we also built the exterior as well which is very green and bamboo and jungle themed it's done the scariest tree in the game bam boo H I actually had to Google that joke that's that's sad so it is operational you can't actually see anything cuz it's hidden away but there is a farm behind here which has observers and pistons uh you just have to use your imagination just kidding here's some replay mod footage of it but you can see that the bamboo will will eventually get pushed down by the Pistons collected by that mine cart and end up in these chests here I hope as we've been progressing I've been casually farming up a load of the stuff in here and we are getting a decent amount of everything so we should probably stop making farms and buildings now ha no the next one though is kind of a weird one and it actually turns out I I pretty much have every material I need for this already so um I'm just going to get Building look at it it's a silly small little building that didn't take long to build whatsoever I think it was like less than like 10 minutes almost tiny building now like I said this is an amethyst mine what does that mean Joel how can you mine amethist you just got to find it in those clusters well I've done that thing again where I've made my life a little bit easier by locating some amethy clusters underneath our base here I believe if I just dig this way yes I will reach this lovely so if I ever need amethyst shards I can come down here mine these things which I think are called amethyst clusters which I'll make sure that they have the ability to grow as many crystals as possible by clearing out all the sides here I just broke one I'm I'm so annoyed I then proceeded to break another two as well already when I've been clearing out all of these and making way you can see crystals have started to grow which is amazing but I think that's every block that can grow a cluster in here we're just going to leave it looking ugly because it's hidden away and I don't think I'll spend much time down here apart from when I'm going to come collect the crystals all we need to do is place in a load of kelp here to make all these blocks water sources and there we go it's all set up lovely don't you agree mate he's probably wondering why he's here to be honest I'm wondering why he's here I I forgot I I think I did this in like episode one anyway we're going to combine the next two buildings one is going to to be a building that will just take us to our creeper Farm down there and the second one is for cocoa beans now I've built a lot of buildings today meaning I've gathered a lot of materials and you can only do so much to make material Gathering interesting so to make it a bit interesting for myself I'm going to just get a random song of epidemic sound which I used to get my music and whatever it is I'm going to make the material Gathering Montage to that maybe it'll sound fun maybe it'll sound stupid let's find out [Music] yeah it turned out pretty weird anyway let's get building these buildings starting off with the creeper Farm which I'm not going to do bright green to symbolize it as a creeper Farm instead I'm just going to make a green roof cuz I thought that would be cool and then built the co Coco Bean Farm which is very obviously a cocoa bean Farm because you can see cocoa beans everywhere so there we have it that is all the buildings in the cave we're not done with building yet though we've got to decorate the cave and also finish this thing but we have our creeper Farm here which is basically just a big hole which leads us down to this which we've decorated and we can get our gunpowder out of here which is lovely and we also have our cocoa bean Farm we put some cocoa beans outside for decoration but inside as well you can see we've got coca beans come in Harvest them replant them and that means we can make brown dye which everyone loves but more importantly some cookies as forgot to mention in the time lapse that we've been utilizing the other stuff we've been farming such as the honeycomb to do the waxed copper up there and now we're going to utilize the bamboo in here which by the way is working magnificently to make some scaffolding as we're going to decorate this cave it's going to be a long process and probably our longest time lapse yet so let's just not mess around shall we get to it let's make this thing pretty also while the music is still ramping up my uh chest system is getting a bit out of control at the moment I probably have to fix that next episode oh my gosh you're going to cut me off well that was rude but anyway we used all that scaffolding we made to add in all the top of the ceiling here which is really awkward to do which is why this thing took so long to build I think is about 2 hours in total nearly but that was including collecting the materials the actual thing itself probably took about an hour but you can see we're adding some pillars down matching the one we did really early on we're adding some more staircases down into this thing and linking up the paths as well and then also making staircases link into new places for the future oh boy that was a long time lapse but it is done the cave is looking beautiful the leaves the roots all of it makes it just look so much nicer I love it this was all empty at the start we now have Farms bees jelly cats on the floor it's come together rather nicely and there's one thing I want to add in here I've made a little pool here I was going to bone meal it I forgot and that one thing is some more pets of course aelott to be precise so I flew off looking for a lush cave and found one and it was full of mobs but also Axel so I got myself a brown Axel lottle and I also got myself a pink Axel lottle and then I nearly died to a creeper because there was creepers absolutely everywhere and flew off and luckily didn't die and we're going to call the a slal David and Patrick guess which TV show they're from anyway let's plop them in here there we go David and Patrick enjoy your life here it's going to be forever but one day we will breed more axotal with you just not today today we have one thing left we want to do and that is cover up the absolute hideous creeper Farm here and I was going to build a super smelter but instead I thought these cats here they've worked hard maybe I should build somewhere for them to live so it's literally going to be a house for cats these three cats will be the mayor of this underground cave thing and a mayor needs a mayor house/ Town Hall thing so that's what we're going to build welcome to my creative world where I design everything I thought I'd take you behind the scenes today and show you me designing this next building so firstly I covered the entire floor with Spruce and now I thought what colors could be fun I went from mangrove wood some granite and Birch and this dark oak trim I'm unsure what kind of roof I want to do at the moment but I know I want it to be pointed in the middle so let's add a trim around the top maybe add in some sort of pattern here that's kind of cool maybe add this curve on this looks pretty cool I'm liking where this is going that's all you're getting I'm going to complete the rest now let's see how it turns out so let's bring bring it to life in the real world where we're on day 370 although the time lapse is probably going to start not then because I need to go get all the stuff to build it but while we're looking at statistics I've nearly played three days in this world in four episodes what is wrong with me a lot of things are wrong with me the main one being I'm addicted to Minecraft but here you can see the detail we added to this build we used some Acacia we used some Spruce as well to mix up with that Birch we added on this deep slate roof and a couple of extra windows and of course I can't forget the interior so we finish that off as well come on gang let's go the free jelly cats will sit on their cushions and look after us marvelous I haven't got name tags so unfortunately I can't name them yet but we'll do that another time but look what we've made today underneath those Farms we have a magical cave I think this thing has turned out wonderful we've got all those buildings all having their own use and we have some life in here as well the Axel lutal and the jelly cats to cover up our ugly creeper Farm there's a bit more we want to do with this area but we'll save that for another time if you do subscribe for the next 5 Seconds I'll pet muddy [Music] here H you stupid fools you can't pet animals in Minecraft I can't believe you fell for that pet pet pet now we're going to be gathering up a lot of different materials today so I need to fix up this pow pow axe let's trade with some villagers trade what that's right crops baby as it's all we really have at the moment so as you can see I come completely uh forgot to put my axe in my hot bar here for all my potatoes but luckily I remembered and managed to do all the carrots and other stuff and got it fixed up I also made myself an Ender Chest to store some stuff in added mending to a load of my tools I hadn't already and then also fixed up my pickaxe by disenchanting some useless diamond armor now let's talk location of this big old build on the left here we got a lot of stuff going on but on the right ooh is that space you know it is space and we love and hate space here because space is good for building on but bad when it's empty let's build something on it so what are we going to build on this space well that's when I decided to hop into my creative world and started messing around and trying to design something I tried out different shapes i' never used before like pentagons but settled on an octagon and it took me a long time to get something that I was finally happy with as I was trying to build out my comper zone and use different block styles that I don't really normally use and I've designed it all but I'm not going to show you it yet instead we're going to work on this layer by layer like an onion or an ogre an ogre oh gosh flashbacks let's start with our first layer which is quite a small one but we still need a lot of materials so you know that funky music is playing we're Gathering materials baby and I chopped a lot of spruce wood way more than I actually needed cuz I thought I'll just do it all in one go and here you can see the only Spruce Wood we actually did need which wasn't a lot I headed off past the ocean to a jungle biome first to collect some jungle wood I also sto stocked by a Mesa to collect some terra cotta and a desert to get some Sandstone I wish everything was as easy to get as Sandstone but as you can see here we got a decent amount spare I also got some oak wood and some birch wood came home and smelted my sandstone and then used this magic shulker here which transfers things with my chest into it oh look there's all those random materials I found in my chests I also made the mudrick walls got some honeycomb to make some waxed weathered copper and then use my stone cutter to make some cut copper I then went out into the wild and collected myself some MOS and that's everything so let's turn the funky music off I've just realized it's 3 minutes and 7 seconds into this video and I've not actually really told you why I'm building this big old thing or what it is well let me explain my current storage room is this little room here and as you can see by this overflow we are very much running out of space a lot of the barrels especially all getting rather filled up with just unorganized rubbish and it's annoying me and even some of the chests like the wood ones over here so I'm going to build a a big old storage room I'm going to build a big old storage room here except not because today I'm just working on the exterior the exterior is such a big project that we're going to save the interior till next time so today I'm gathering more and more materials and making my storage system work while working on an exterior for my story system make it all make sense I can't I'm sorry but it's time to get started on our first layer which didn't actually take that much materials as you can see here it's not a lot it's because it's the first layer what I am going to be doing though is clearing out a lot of this space which is what I mean when I say the old storage system is going to suffer some more no time at the present let's do it so like I said we had to clear out some space beforehand not a huge amount of space but some space let's just say but that's for later let's get working on the actual build right now as you can see we've also extended the ground a little bit we working on some more terraforming later yet we're only currently working on the first layer and I've not built that much now I know what you're thinking Joel you missed a bit bit actually you miss quite a lot like I said it's layers full transparency I use the light matica mod to tell me how many materials I need exactly it's looking good and it kind of mirrors what we have over here on the left so that that's good when I say mirrors it's completely different and different colors I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm building this thing in layers I'm going to call it the cake because cakes have layers as well and oh boy am I hungry for some filling in this cake did that sound wrong I don't know but let's build Layer Two I like to always tread the line between PG and not PG but anyway more material Gathering the music's playing oh I do like Gathering materials don't I you kind of have to to build stuff it's part of Minecraft but lots of wood being chopped as you can see here plenty of Oak and Birch this time round and I also used the spruce that I had last time you probably saw that earlier some calite some Spruce logs stripped because I didn't do it the first time around like an idiot I also got myself some packed mud for some packed mud walls some white concrete powder and I went to the never to collect some stuff as well we finished up with some aelia leaves and I also made myself a better Diamond hoe as well so I could collect leaves a little bit easier in the future I have every material I need apart from oxidized copper look how long this has taken it's so annoying but I have all these other materials ready to go it's just the copper so while we wait for this to oxidize let me tell you a story about farming these crops it all started when I punched the carrots and then I replanted all the carrots again the moral of the story being farming is inred incredibly boring oh I didn't even realize we're on Day 400 that's kind of cool and is the copper oxidized uh so instead of farming how about we make a new Farm but first look at these statistics we've played for 3 days now over 72 hours Min a lot of stone Min way too many carrots to be honest anyway let's get building this extra farm and this Farm's going to be a melon farm as we don't have melons yet but do we have enough oxidized copper we haven't got enough yet but I'm just bored I've been wandering around just just like waiting for single blocks to oxidize and I'm so bored I'm just going to start building and hope the blocks are oxidized by the time I need them spoiler they did oxidizing time as you'll probably see from them oxidizing on the left there but we got building the second layer and this is by far the biggest layer of all the layers we're going to be doing there's multiple buildings jutting out from different levels we've got a diagonal one in there as well because that's fun and on the far right here we have a tower which goes quite tall in comparison to the other buildings so far but don't worry it won't look so weird when we build the rest of the layers but that completes layer 2 but to be honest I was more excited about my copper oxidizing oh my copper is oxidized oh yeah watch me mind it all in time to a [Music] song Tequila teila so now that this bit is done you can kind of see the space we're going to be working with for this chest system by the way did you think I was going to build the interior this episode [Laughter] I am not today is all about exterior next time is going to be interior which is probably going to take longer to be honest we're nearly halfway through our stages and stage three is a fun one as I think I have all the materials I need almost let's go see wow I was very optimistic when I recorded that last clip um yeah I'm missing a few things here's a list of what I'm missing yeah um let's go get those Minecraft montage [Music] wasn't that fun now we get to build this center part but it's the fourth part that's my favorite I'm telling you right now I'm sorry third part I know I'm about to build you but the fourth part is worth sticking around for I mean it's time for another time lapse and I'm talking quite a lot so I'll probably get ha I edit these videos so I do that to myself anyway look we're finishing the final fin sort of building layer here that'll make sense later we got another big tower and we've got these Sandstone pillars here with a ring around them as well but what's going in the middle wouldn't you like to know well if you wait like 2 minutes you'll find out don't worry but let's land on the roof over here and you can see ooh it's looking good ooh all it needs is something in the middle and you know what I'll just tell you right now I'm going to build a tree but it's going to be really big which is why I made this hoe earlier to collect leaves so please don't leave as I'm going to go collect some leaves in a leave collecting time lapse and if you do leave make sure to subscribe before you leave and how about you leave my wife's name out your go before we could do anything first we went and got some bones from the ne and also some gravel we then went and Bone milled a lot of aelia trees also collected some iron in the rain because I collect iron in the rain sorry uh then got some Spruce Wood some Mangrove leaves and then I got myself so much oak wood because I needed so much oak wood wood I also got myself some Moss blocks and then finally some shroom light all right time for this old man me to build you a tree first though we filled in the ground with the Moss and the co dirt we collected plus some other little bits and Bobs including the mangrove leaves I then got working on the ginormous tree which has some leaves on top of it as well as some shroom light so that mobs don't spawn and some red glazed terra cotta just to add a little bit of extra detail to it oh yeah that's it that's the final thing we needed look at it it looks amazing and if you're wondering how I build trees like this in my creative world I start off by making a sort of shape out of wool I then add on all the wood and some branches and finally the leaves I actually had two goes at the leaves the first time I added them I thought it was too many leaves so we ended up with this version here which doesn't have as many and it looks more realistic I think but you know what it's not realistic it's floating yes the the final step is some terraforming not only terraforming but tree adding as well we're going to add on a few trees into this area as well and maybe a pathway down or something I don't know where should we link it up to I haven't fought this far I'll have a mess around in my creative world and see what I come up with now everything else so far has been planned out this entire build and all that but this terraforming I'm just going to wing it baby I ever do this so it could turn out awfully but let's give it a go I'm I'm scared we're going to need so many materials though like moss oak leaves dripstone basically everything we use here now you've seen me collect things like moss and leaves too many times already today so I'm going to skip ahead but while I skip ahead muddy here will tell you a story go ahead muddy [Music] wow thank you for distracting everyone muddy while I was gathering all this oh my gosh this took ages but we're ready to start terraforming and you thought that was a lapse of time well watch this with a time lapse a time lapse that took 2 hours to record because first we started out by destroying all these trees here I then got working on the way over which I decided to do this sort of rope Bridge using some trap doors and some fences I then headed over and made a path all the way up to the front door and finished off the front door as well then it was time to add in a lot of trees as you can see here I think it was 10 trees in total which took about 40 minutes itself to build and then we got working on the terraforming which is just really awkward and takes a long time especially just replacing grass and dirt and replacing it with gravel leaves Moss Etc but as you can see it really does bring it to life a little bit bit more especially when you add all the flowers in like we do at the end but we weren't done there we decided to add some trees onto the side of the building itself some smaller trees finishing off the cake and finishing this building exterior and now if I fly down here and come in oh baby look at it let's zoom in a little bit oh yeah oh that's so good I can't believe how well it's come out now there is a bit of EMP space here where I've not really terraformed or done anything that's because I'm not sure what I want to do with that yet it feels like I could put something there I'm just unsure what at the moment but this is looking Grand I even tried to sort of like blend it into the terrain around here as well although this terrain is pretty hideous I I've tried my best and there are trees everywhere behind this thing as well as you can see I've only done up to a certain point because again there's space for stuff all around here which we could add in in the future I've got big plans with this place baby let's see how much of the stuff we built we can get in in one screen look at that oh oh it's so good and of course the Rope bridge over here meaning you can access this place by foot as well rather than just flying in and we're only on episode five is this I can't remember to be honest it might be six and we built so much already but look if I do a cinem Matic shot here from the depths down below all the way up to our two I don't really know what to call them the castles I guess the cake and the library oh they do sit nicely next to each other now we reached the 400 day Mark in this video and I didn't do anything special for it and muddy has helped us out a lot here today by distracting you guys with his story so I'm going to get muddy a friend now I couldn't find any more cats so instead meat bury him here that's right this is Barry who's good friends with Muddy they'll be the best of friends it kind of looks like Puss and Boots and donkey if only I still had that Shrek skin but I don't it's never coming back bury and muddy I'm going to ignore you and do some farming I hope that's okay glad you agree want to see a magic trick watch this magical transition whoa farms and here's another magic trick watching all I farm disappear instantly I really need a proper way to get emeralds but first I need somewhere to store them which gets us onto our project today look at this thing we built last time it's magnificent it's beautiful surely it looks the same on the inside right yeah no uh it is completely empty in here apart from o a coule block I recently got told that people will only subscribe if you do the interior well luckily we're doing the interior today so make sure to subscribe help prove my theory correct now so far I've built a lot of buildings on this series and I've decorated the inside of every single one of them yes some of them are are very basic like this but some have some more depth to them like our house here and before you clever clock say Joel the building here doesn't have an interior yes I know but that's because this is an interior exterior all the villagers are on the outside there's no need for an interior it doesn't count okay and it kind of has a little interior I made these chest room here which I I never use I don't know why I did this but the chest room I will use will be the one we're going to build in here and so far every episode I've done has been lots of time lapses today no we're going to walk through this interior join me in our interior Adventure or as I like to call it struggling with Joel because Joel hates interiors and he really doesn't want to do this but he has to because it'll look really pretty in the end yes I know the title could use some work but first we're approaching day 500 and we still don't have full neite armor that's embarrassing and thanks to the gunpowder Farm we built we now can use TNT to try and collect some ancient debris I'm sure using TNT in the hardcore world will go perfectly smoothly please don't cut to my death right now please so I went off to collect some sand and managed to collect just over three stacks of TNT I then head deep into The Nether and started placing the TNT which was quite scary nervous but let's do [Music] it yes that's the good stuff baby give me give me a decent first hole but let's set off more round two baby let's go I don't know why I tried to save that button Big Bang Bang Yes holy moly it's a good job I spotted that one as look it's just completely covered in lava there's also one there but let me fix this epic reveal music this tunnel was way more successful netting us a total of 25 ancient debris although I did use some beds at the end 25 Beauties let's put these in here to smelt sit never right ingots baby let's do our helmet our boots our shovel our hoe our pickaxe and a sword oh my gosh that's everything we are kitted out yes now our tools are still quite damaged but I think we're fine for what we need and the first thing we're going to start off with is the floor in here however I love long material Gathering montages so we're going to gather a lot of stuff some of it we'll sa for later so off we set it into the sunset to the nearby mango biome when I say nearby it's about 5,000 blocks away but luckily it's going to be worth our while as we're getting a lot of Mangrove wood here we also went past this desert to collect some sand and also this desert temple I came by this Temple a long time ago and I didn't loot it cuz I was scared but you know what I'm not scared anymore I've got my neite armor on I can't see any mobs in here give me the goodies Golden Apple more golden apples more golden apples anyway back to Gathering materials I should really make a moss farm at some point but for now this will have to do I also gathered some cactus from my farm to make some concrete powder and then I had to get some shroom lights and I love the sound they make so listen to [Music] [Music] this oh that glorious squelching makes me happy anyway went and got some other materials which don't sound as fun like granite and dark oak wood and then some terracotta now this is quite a big room and it has lots of weird sort of angles jutting out of it from the way we built this so what I'm going to do is ignore all those angles and focus on the main theme which was hexagons and from all these materials here you can see we've gathered a lot of Mangrove as that's going to be the color of our floor so here you can see the sort of hexagon shape we have although it does look a bit weird at the moment and don't look at the Ed entrance next up we're going to be using some stripped Mangrove this time to make a smaller hexagon in the middle and of course I forgot the dirt I needed to complete this luckily I have some lying around in my old storage room here there we go a mini hexagon unfortunately that's as small as we can get as the smaller you go it just sort of starts to look like a bit of a circle next up we're going to get some Granite some red terra cotta some shroom light some mango trap doors and some red glazed terracotta sticking on the red fee at the moment as you probably noticed it's quite dark in here and the floor will have mob spawning on it but torches look ugly so I'm going to use shroom lights in the floor to bring some light in here and to make it look better I'm going to surround them in red glazed Terra Cotter and then plop a mango trapo down now all we have to do is repeat this I've also been trying to experiment recently and use weirder blocks like neck but luckily it fits in well with what we've got going here and we can use the the hexagon pattern to link up everything here and then going to surround the neak with granite as it's got that sort of Pinky red texture to it and we've done it on the inside of the hexagon and the outside of the hexagon and I've calculated it precisely and you can kind of see the hexagon patterns forming so let's keep it going with some more stripped mangroves of course I had to place it upwards what a pain but after placing a full circle of dirt around it made things a lot easier and luckily that's all the mangrove stripped W placed we're going to leave the center there but we're going to fill in the rest of stuff with some Mangrove planks and surely I did my calculations correctly somehow I vastly got the numbers wrong and not got enough Mangrove planks thankfully I didn't check my chest earlier and it looks like we can complete it lovely all done for this Central hexagon however I want to do things a little bit differently and we're going to start by filling in the whole underlay ler with dirt in the center we're going to just place a stripped Mangrove log surround it with some Mangrove planks and once again use some shroom lights to light it up and some mango trap doors then finish off the final bits of red with some red concrete powder and once again some never and then finally we're going to switch the colors up a little bit and use a lot of the greens that we used in the outside and put them to work on the inside using a load of different textur and stuff along the way and there you have it the floor I know it's looking a little bit empty right now but there will be things in this Central section but first and foremost this is a chest room and I've not got any chests made and that's because there's space in here for 304 double chests and if we do some quick maths here that's 608 individual chests AKA 4,864 planks AKA 1,216 logs cut AKA 19 stacks of logs I know chopping wood is more fun with Joel smallish beads but that's a lot of wood luckily we have a decent amount of spruce trees here although I still think this is probably not going to be enough let's see how far our axe gets us turns out I'm terrible at judging stuff and we actually had plenty of trees I only actually had to cut down about half of them and we had 19 stacks of wood I also replanted the saplings thank goodness for spruce trees without the that would have taken a long long time let's convert these 19 stacks of logs into chests and watch our hard work disappear kind of I just made 64 crafting tables no well we'll keep these in our into chest we'll never run out in the future but there we go N9 and 1 half stacks of chests these things can hold so many materials but first we're not going to leave the walls like this we're going to add an extra layer inside here for the walls and this time we're using more greens as well as some dark oak now my original plan was to place the wall along here however that meant I'd have to do it like this so I've left all these big gaps here which are going to spawn mobs in them so first things first we're going to have to light all of these up with torches then we're going to get placing our wall and it's going to be a very simple pattern we're going to have a layer of green terra cotta two layers of green concrete powder two layers of another two layers of green concrete powder and then finally another layer of green terra cotta however in the corners we're going to add some dark oak wood and make some pillars so we got placing in all of this concrete powder then somehow in the time I've been laying this level uh as creeper has spawned so I'm kind of Trapped up here at the moment but we'll keep going and we managed to finish off the rest of the walls with no problems whatsoever we also added in some smaller pillars for a little bit of extra detail and then link all these pillars up with some slabs it's very dark up here though so we're going to add some shroom lights around and then cover them up with some trap doors and place a mud brick wall on the top why well because it looks better than the shroom light and then finally we're going to go around with some flower pots and some leaves just to give it a bit of color up here lovely jubly that's the first layer complete time to add in the chest all 600 of them but layer by layer we got it done that's a lot of storage but how many items can this thing hold well let's do some quick math well each chest hold 54 stacks of blocks which equates to 3,456 blocks per chest and we have 68 chests so that's 2, 101, 248 items sounds like a clickbait title to me but before we carry on with any more of this project we need more materials however I don't want to gather them at the moment because I want to do something else and that is add more Farmland at the moment we've got a decent amount of crops going here but when it comes to harvesting they don't all produce the same amount when you break a carrot you obviously get up to five carrots I think it is however every time you break a wheat you only get one wheat and to be honest I'm using wheat the most to make mud bricks so to help myself in the future I'm going to add in another wheat farm and I think we have the perfect location here so let's put this abundance of cobblestone we have to good use by crafting some walls some slabs and some stairs and also some grass to terraform this ugly hole we've got going on here so let's terraform this a little bit then place down some walls and some leaves to make a little Edge make an unlimited water sauce and get spreading that water all around as well as some hoing as well which took a long time I then collected myself some seeds from my other wheat farm and got placing them down and unfortunately we ran out but we'll finish it off when the rest of it grows I'm happy with this it's really nice to have this bit of farm land in between on the link up to our other buildings but let's get back to the dreaded interior as there's still a lot we need to do let's start by gathering some materials oh I do love this funky music that's playing we got some Birch we got some Moss we got ourselves some calite it's a weird thing we do in Minecraft isn't it where we just gather materials and then we replace them in a different place yeah it looks prettier but it's an endless cycle when are you ever satisfied never you always wanted expand your world even more I'm I'm the same I've never properly finished something I don't think I've always had like bits I would continue on doing if I could but I just run out of time or just get bored anyway this was quite a fun one to get four Spa blossoms and we got all four shulker boxes of materials and we're actually going to work from the top down in here starting with the ceiling and I think we're actually finally going to use the bamboo from the bamboo Farm we made down here how's this look looking oh wow that's a lot of bamboo anyway we can use it to make some scaffolding I can't go past all these areas without actually you know doing the stuff I should be doing all the time sorry for neglecting you NE W Farm one day we'll make some red Nether Bricks together slight the walls down there we're not going to have this as the ceiling instead we're going to have it a layer down and we're going to have some copper around the outside here of a mangrove trap door and then we're going to make a lovely pattern around the outside with a pink terra cotta making sure we get the angle right like so and use some pink concrete to fill in the middle we're then going to surround this all with a layer of moss and then we're using some more glazed terra cotta and then to surround it this time we're going to use some green concrete and finally for the terracottas some white glazed terracotta ah ignore that scream for the outside here and then the final layer is the waxed weathered cut copper slabs giving a bit of depth to it lovely and let let's knock all this scaffolding down for now as we can look up and see what we've made my aim was to make it look like a flower let me know what you think the next bit is going to be very boring I'm going to have to add moss and rooted dirt and cost dirt all the way up to the edges this is going to be painful and I don't want you to hear me swear so time lapse here's an interesting time lapse of scaffolding going up and down so although you've just seen a time lapse it looks like not much has changed but it has I promise we've added an extra layer on we've also had these sham lights with those spa blossoms on next up it's time for the walls and so far we've used some pretty dark colors so it's time to get some diorite calite and Birch and we're going to do another stripey pattern like we did down below for some consistency this time with diorite then calite then Birch and then we're going to be using a mix of lime glazed terra cotta green glazed terra cotta and Moss plus some shroom lights to get some extra Li in so let's get placing some blocks I found it best to do the bottom layer then the top layer and then meet them in the middle oh yes a lovely bit of color in there now to do these bits underneath here so I'm going to do a gradient of mud then Spruce then dark oak then Spruce log and then finally stripped dark oak and for a bit of detail on the outside some Spruce fence and Mangrove trap doors working outside in I had to eventually use some scaffolding that's the main blocks all down but now for some little extra details now obviously we have a big old tree sat on the top of this it's big it's a tree but where are the roots well that's what we're going to add in now it's going to be awkward but we don't need another little time lapse so instead we're going to zoom into my face and zoom out and oh my gosh tree roots falling down wow lovely I didn't want to cover up the flower in the center too much so we just added a few on there but as you can see there's some tree roots falling down put some other things around like glowberries to add a bit of light and we're almost ready to bring bring all our items in but first we need to work on this entrance and also it's looking a bit sort of flat down here I think we need to change this so we're going to add a little Pagoda in the middle here and I've heard if you look into a crafting table and then look away again and oh look a pagola has been made that's nice isn't it so there you have it the final design looking good there's only one thing left to add and that is the entrance and I actually lied there's two things to add uh the blocks into the chests and the way we're going to Mark these chests is we're going to use these here oh we've lost that and put what block we're using down below I nor like to use item frames but if I place item frames in all these chests the lag would be ridiculous anyway let's finish the entrance so we have to gather some different types of wood quickly I've also smelted some more glazed terra cotta I also need to head to the nether to get some glowstone quickly and then we can start placing down some blocks firstly some stairs then our concrete powder in Stripes then some moss on top of that then a layer of wood planks then oak stairs and this is where the dark oak comes in with some stairs as well also our glazed terracotta and the glowstone on top of the trap doors for some light and I can officially say the interior is done I'm super happy of how this has turned out it looks amazing and it is so lovely just standing around in here but now I have one of the most painful tasks in all of Minecraft move all my stuff from there into here and also figure out where on Earth it's going to go let's see how many days this takes most likely I'm going to spend the wonderful day 500 moving blocks oh it's day 499 let's sleep and bring in day 500 do I feel any different no am I sad that I'm moving dirt from chest to chest yes that took way too long oh my gosh but setting it up is the hardest part now it's all ready to go we didn't fill up every single slot over here we got to about this point and there's loads still left available as you can see but they're all divided up into sections and neatly arranged oh it took a while but it is more than worth it now all we have to do is keep this organized but I can already see a shulker box collection building up around here but for now all our shulka boxes are empty lovely and now we have this all set up this gives us the opportunity to build some good farms in the future so our area over here is looking very dense but just Yonder the hill we have this very ugly looking Village here with villagers who also look ugly when stood next to me it's in a very awkward place with these weird floaty watery bits here so we're going to give it a transformation however before we can do that we need to link it up to our area and we're going to link it up to our path here from from our cave transformation so let's start by getting some gravel and some dirt to make coar dirt and I can already tell you this isn't going to be enough so let's go get more gravel unfortunately the nearest grael biome is 4,000 blocks away so once I found it I decided to get two full shulkers worth we don't need this much but we got it anyway we also need some Spruce slabs so I'm just going to chop some wood quickly and now all we have to do is get placing the blocks and rather than make a straight path I decided to make all winding and stuff and I also used some gravel and made some path blocks with my shovel to make the texture a little bit more interesting and although this is looking nice and windy leading to our village over here there could still be some more detail also I way overestimated how much cost there I would need so let's quickly get ourselves some oak leaves plus some sweet berries and also some stone walls and we'll use a mixture of these to do some detailing that's looking a little bit better but let's add some lighting on so mobs don't spawn and we're going to do a very simple design on top of these walls here with some fences a slab a trapdoor and then a lantern all right it's looking way better now but whilst I was walking over to this Village I noticed something wouldn't it look great having some windmills here just free windmills in these spots right here yeah that look good I know this is meant to be a village transformation but those windmills would look really good surrounded by wheat Fields as well oh let's do some distraction building so let's gather up some of our favorite materials including Spruce and some calite some stripped dark oak gosh I hope my axe lasts enough to get all I need and of course some Birchwood as well oh gosh my axxe maybe I should distract myself and build an XP farm instead yes I need some Oak as well we only have to get one more type of wood and unfortunately it's Mangrove gosh I hate these things and finally we need a few of things like some sand for concrete a few flowers a load of white wool and last like usual we have to go to the nether to get some shroom light and that's all you need to build free Windmills of course I forgot a material from the Nether and that is quartz I'm not had to use this for building so far but I guess it's good for fixing our tools with all the XP it gives so we're basically going to build this windmill identically three times here you go fella and for the bottom layer we're going to be using some calite and some dark oak but also some Spruce and some mud brick walls around the exterior one of my favorite things to do is use campfires as little like window ledge type things and I've been trying to use more glazed terra cotta in my builds recently just because they're so colorful also inside each of the windmill we're going to have this design here here to represent the part where the flower gets ground up for the second layer we're going to use some white concrete instead of calite this time and finish off this Spruce pattern we have going on the outside and then the layer up from that we're going to use some dark oak planks and dark oak wood for something a little different and we bring the dark oak all the way up to the top here and then we use some Mangrove for the roof and voila we have our building obviously it's missing something and that is of course the most important part the blade which puts the wind in the windmill now all we need is another two and then we can get planting wheat I promise I'm going to transform the village I promise just not yet though as I want to build another two windmills which are of course identical like I said earlier but as distractions go this is a good one as all three windmills make a very nice background for our village beautiful oh it's perfect it looks so good I've missed a trap door on that one now now it's perfect look at it oh I think they look really good they are all like identical but I don't think that matters because we're about to surround them with wheat fields and it's going to look glorious this is going to be a long time lapse and I'm not going to use this ho as it's going to break instead we're going to buy a couple from our tsmith here first though we're going to separate off each of these fields lovely now what we need to do is clear out these wheat fills until we've got a lot of seeds here's a before and after let's hope this is all the seeds we need I think we started this on day 23 of the distraction and hoing all these fields and having all the water in definitely added way more to that we also planted every seed including the field that I forgot right here at the end oh and this field here was too lumpy so I filed it with berry bushes oh boy does this make our journey down to the village ever so nicer plus it's going to make a great background for the village all we need now is for the wheat to grow s doesn't look so ugly but after our little distraction our tools are looking a little bit worse for where and this has become an increasing problem for me I have no real way of getting XP right now yes I have this spider farm I built really early on but as you can see it's pretty slow to fix all my tools it would take me probably about 2 hours so we're going to build one of my favorite XP farms for quickly getting XP yes I know this is another distraction I've already spent 5 hours on this video and we haven't even started what I want to start but this is going to make my life so much easier in the future and luckily I have every material I need except for a name tag so I guess I'll have to trade up my villagers so I can buy one oh but I've got no emeralds but this is where my 369 cows killed and sugar cane harvested can help me out but of course it always ends up with me farming my crops but there we go a name tag that should be everything let's go to the end so let's hop into the portal where first things first we need to kill some Endermen as we need a load of Ender Pearls this is terrifying by the way but that should be plenty so we're going to be following a tutorial by more Tings for this and we start by building out loads of blocks with leaves then we got to build the platform where we'll kill them then we got to add some hoppers in I forgot a material I'm I'm going to get it later it doesn't matter right now anyway we need to put some cus on here cuz the Ender will to fall onto this and we don't want the XP getting stuck in these we're going to add another square of on top of this platform here so that the Enderman can't spawn in down here and then Place carpet like this on top of it to stop Enderman spawning on this one as well I've now got to make 13 rings like this to direct the Enderman onto our killing platform I think that's 13 I I tried to count them in the chat now I've got to build a big square and this one we want the Enderman to spawn on so I can't be certain but I'm pretty sure the spawning platform is working so subscribe for more jokes I have forgot another material though like an idiot so um this one I actually have to go back for and this time I should hopefully have everything ah this is considerably more stressful now Enderman are already jumping off now we have to add the endermite in which uh these guys oh they're just stealing my blocks oh stop stealing my block like I was saying now you have to put the endermite in so that they all come this way uh-oh I've looked at one let's just fly away and now I have to spawn an endermite in without dying just got to keep an eye on the health hey there we go ow now all we have to do is name it ow name it and get in the mine cart you stupid there we go and that's the farm complete why is it not letting me break blocks what is going on all right lovely that should be the farm complete let's head down hopefully we should have loads of Endermen in here ha Al now we can add the dropper in except I've added it the wrong way up like an absolute oh gosh can I pick this up yes oh there we go all sorted now apart from that clicking is really annoying and now we can fix all our tools and you'll see all the ender pearls are getting thrown out into the void but that's fine cuz I can just take loads Out The Hoppers if I need to and just like that all our tools are fixed let's get some extra XP as well just to be safe for the Future Okay 31 days later we should probably start talking about this village now there's going to be a few steps to this project and step number one is try and gather all the villagers up so let's make a load of beds for absolutely no reason as I should have just picked the ones up from of the village and let's dig a big hole underground and see if we can Lear these villagers down here hopefully without getting any of them killed yes go into my hole for friend ow what the heck the iron sh did loads of damage sorry but not you that'll be enough for now we can always breed more in the future now for stage two demolition I'm so sorry guys but you should have got in the hole because I'm about to demolish your entire Village and everything you've known and loved but for me it's ugly so I'm really sorry I'll build you a new one soon I also cleared out all this horrible terrain under the lake as well oh it's gone oh it's gone it took a long time but it's gone and the entire Village is is sat in these six shulkers here the transformation may need a few more shulkers though now as you can see from these remaining paths here the village was spread out across two sections however for this project I want to keep the villagers fairly contained I'm going to allow them to wander free just within the village so to make it simpler we're going to stick to this side however we need a way to get across so let's build a bridge over to there and also finish off this pathway down and maybe clean up some of these old ugly paths on the way so let's gather up some Spruce Wood plus some granite and with all this we can link ourselves up and we're carrying on the theme of the path we built earlier as you can see here lots of Co dirt gravel and some leaves I also started clearing up some of the paths over here and then I built the bridge across made mostly from granite and some Spruce and just like that we have our way across and also there's still some space is here for future projects or just some trees but now for the village and oh boy we've got a lot to do also is this villager is he wanting to you know um come down to these lovely beds down here oh you are hello make your way make your way my friend good so we're going to be building the majority of the village up here however there's a little space down here for some other stuff which we're going to start with Al so this guy might have to move let's um be very careful careful but kill him off and while we're collecting the materials for this first section let's talk about what the purpose of this Village is going to be and also adding a cheeky little message to ask you to subscribe what's the purpose Joel the purpose is to get Masons as we don't have Masons yet and they're really useful for trading quartz bricks and lots of other materials as well and you don't have to worry about converting them into zombie villagers and then back to get good trades as their base trades are pretty good as it is as you can see here we're going to also throw in a couple of farmers as well and one of them will appear in this area here let's build our first house and also some other stuff the other stuff includes a way to get up to where the main village is going to be but you can see here we got building our first house and the style we're going to be building in is this one here some smooth Sandstone some Spruce and Mangrove roofs I also put in the little area for farming and a tree for decoration and this here is the way we will enter The Village on although most of the time we'll probably just fly in but from here on out I've tried to make this villager proof no villager should be able to escape they can't open Gates they can't go through here I I don't think can the children go through that Gap I don't know and there's no blocks that they can climb to get out and this house here you may see pop up a couple more times as I wanted to have one sort of default village house and this is what we went for we got a double bed inside we got a fireplace and we've got a stone cutter so two villagers can live here I'll also be placing Stone Cutters throughout just to make sure we've got plenty of Masons however up here you can see there's a hopper for a farmer to do some farming I won't be harvesting these the farmer will though there's also a little pen down here where we are going to put a horse or maybe two horses let's see how many Saddles we have a just one okay I believe yes there's some horses here let's tame up this one a nice stallion will you be my stallion no no yes let's place our Diamond horse armor and a saddle on them and we'll call them dingleberry Dan oh he's a speedy boy and dingleberry Dan is most likely never going to leave his pen but we gave him lots of hay so he he should live a happy life in you go dingleberry Dan please don't die anyway for the next part of this plan we are going to place down all the pathways on this upper section here meaning all the cost dirt which luckily we have plenty left over from earlier also I'm sad we missed day 555 in our time lapse so let's celebrate it now yay okay back to work and although this time lapse took 20 minutes and makes sense to me it looks like a complete mess from above so let's make it not a mess shall we by starting to add in some buildings now this is going to be our Center here but we're going to start on just the outside here well we're not going to be placing any Masons instead we're going to have some Farmers for this series I thought you know what let's not build an automated storage system as they take a long time and are a pain to build however I'm regretting that now maybe we'll upgrade in the future ah don't you hate it when you want to film a time lapse cuz you got all your materials and you didn't have to collect anything other than one shroom light from the nether but it's raining yeah me too let's wait it out by having a quick look at our windmills oh yeah they look nice go away rain and let me build my farmhouse now this building is not impressive whatsoever so don't be impressed but we did add some Farmland next to it which is also not impressive so don't be impressed however the point of this Farmhouse is just to whole two villagers we got one compor here and one there and they will provide food for the village in my mind villagers aren't clever enough to actually do that but everything we've built so far has just been on the outskirts it's now time to build the actual Village itself and rather than just Gathering the materials for each little build at a time I'm going to go gather all the materials so let's go do that now normally I collect the exact amount of materials I need but for this I just sort of collected a general amount also look how cool this Mangrove tree looks I bone milled all the saplings next to each other it looks really cool anyway I'm probably going to miss some materials but we're getting all the basic ones I need including a load of spruce wood a load of strip Spruce Wood a bit of calite which I can't remember what it's for but I'm sure it's for or something plus some other material such as tough where I accidentally spawned the warden but luckily I flew away just as he was spawning also got some Sandstone some shroom light the usual stuff I like to build with as well as some bricks traded from our Mason down in the village below oh I'm not sure this is everything we're probably going to need more stuff but there's probably the basics here to get us going let's start with the entrance of the village which is going to go right here and I wanted to do something diagonal as it's always fun to different shapes and sizes When You're Building building lots of individual little buildings like this and this one's not so little haha the entrance to our village we're going to decorate it with a bit more detail later but for now this is good this isn't a building that people will go in as you can see there's nothing inside it but it's more there just to welcome you into the village where the Masons will be speaking of this building there's actually a building that attaches to it here and we're going to call this building the storehouse as we may aw some stuff here in the future slightly different to the buildings we've had so far but still similar in some ways let's get building it so for this building it's only really stone bricks we use because I wanted to get across that this is a Mason's Village and Masons use a lot of stone in their stuff lovely jubly inside this Beast we have as you can see lots and lots of stone cutters and lots of chests as well for storing stuff in as well as a staircase up here to a lovely balcony where we can see our windmills and the rest of the village but let's not stop yet we're going to build ourselves another one of these little buildings here as well as a castle the Mason castle where they produce the majority of our materials and the house behind it is just a cute little house where a couple of villagers live but first this Castle which is once again built out of stone bricks as you know Masons and all that and it's got a mangrove roof to match the top of the other rooms we've got going and then I finished off the house which you've seen before from this still here this is starting to look like a village I really like how hidden away this house is here sorry Iron Golems you can't come in and yes there's still bits missing like the beds in here and there's a bit of decoration out here we're missing and I'm also just working on making sure the villagers can't escape you can see here there's no place they can get out hopefully and we're more than halfway through now all we have have to do is build another building here a building here a building there it sounds like a lot when I say like this let's just shut up and get on with it I want these villagers to have a home so we started off by building that house we've built many times before then we got building another building which has a tower as I wanted to add a bit more height to the Village this building once again has more Stone Cutters in it and also on the top floor a nice set of beds and I realized they didn't show you the interior of here yet which has just got loads of different Stone Cutters in it and look looking nice and this one is the same as before you don't need to see that but the next two buildings are a bit different this one here is going to be a ruins but before we build the ruins we've got to build the manor house this is where the mayor of this Village will live and who's the mayor of this Village I don't know we haven't chosen them yet but what we have chosen is their lovely house here complete with a little bit of a front garden as well as plenty of space inside also they're a bit further away so some nice peace and quiet and it's looking very manily in indeed however the interior is not let's fix that let's start with a checkerboard floor then some Oak stairs up to the next layer and some Oak slabs for the floor and a little Bridge across the doorway here to make it a sort of balcony and we're actually going to add a third floor here and double up the oak slabs as a ceiling and we're going to add a ceiling on the top floor as well and let's add some final details in like chests and just like that we've got loads of beds for villagers up here as you can see and some storage down below now for the final building which is some ruins this is a building that was maybe a temple in the past but it's gone to ruin but the village was built around it and they haven't been bothered to update any of the other buildings and if you're wondering how I designed this ruin I basically made a tower and then I ruined it by destroying bits of it making it a ruin our village has got all of its buildings in look at this thing oh my gosh but I know what you're thinking Joel surely this is not it there's just random patches of just nothing everywhere and you're right we're going to add in the final details which are just loads of random little bits and Bobs and rather than time-lapse this as it's kind of just a bit weird here's a before from the sky with me just running around like a little madman oh look at me go and there's still me running around but as you can see a lot has changed made more clearly so from when you're down here for one we've got this Central bit here with the bell and this sort of amethyst Crystal as a bit of I don't know magic I guess we've also got some trees added in with flower Fields pumpkins put around some more you know little details around another tree here loads of rose bushes and bushes and stuff everywhere to make it look all nice all we need now is to add the villagers so let's let them loose come on boys and girls you won't need these anymore go find a bed the Sun is going down look all your friends have gone and found beds there's so many other beds everywhere why would you come in here oh these villagers are silly oh okay note to self villagers are dumb and don't know how to get past trap doors guess we'll take these off maybe that'll help lovely but it's good that they're find with the beds oh there's going to be life in this Village it's lovely let's sleep and watch them all leave their building builds hopefully and come to life come on guys come out and have some fun out here guys I'm hoping now I should be able to give them all carrots take these take these and we should be able to breed them up come on gang breed maybe they need more carrots would you would you want more carrots would that make you make babies I genuinely have no idea why they aren't breeding there's plenty of beds around they haven't even tried the only problem now is we need emeralds to be able to trade with them I guess that'll have to wait till next time though go on go on do it do it it's working oh that makes me so happy you have no idea it's alive yes go find a bed little one trap doors make villagers dumb though I've realized but go to sleep little fell go to sleep the village is a success look at that we have built so much today and I've used about nine stacks of rockets so I'm going to AF my gunpowder Farm a bit so if we look at our statistics we're now up to 4.53 days which is 109 hours and we're about to reach day 600 as well this means we have made it further than we've ever made it in hardcore before so I could die now and we will have accomplish one of our goals and what I normally don't show on camera is me sorting all my chests it's painful and yes I could build an automated storage system but I keep getting distracted and building stuff like these free windmills instead now last time we built this lovely Village here which as you can see there's lots of villagers just in the courtyard chilling how are you doing guys so you're probably thinking Joel surely going to get a way to get emerald so you can trade with these villagers this time of course I am not as I said earlier we're going to be building a mega iron farm which I guess we would be able to trade the iron for emeralds if we wanted to but I don't want the iron for that I want the iron for a beacon and this iron farm we're going to build is massive it's going to take up all this space here and although I said it's massive they're not that complicated to build however we do need a lot of materials such as Cobblestone and walls and stairs and slabs Gates and glass and chests and blood I mean beds and ironically one of the things we need is lots of iron more more than this that's better now all we need is some lava yink and this is all you need to make this iron farm and yes I am following a tutorial as if I designed it it would be terrible and I'll be following one by they six link in the description so let's build it in a quick time lapse which is probably going to take a long time now yes it took a long time but this is the quickest stage of everything we're going to do for this Farm by firstly building the collection system and the killing chamber and then building the actual farm that will shove the iron golems in the El but you'll notice lots of spots which are empty what's going to go in those spots Joel villagers and zombies oh hello goodbye now I need four zombies pretty easy to get well not really but still but the annoying thing is I need 24 villagers 24 and I did have some villagers how many have we got now oh hello fell four let's start by transporting these four over towards the farm off you go fellas all the way into here and then I need a load of wool to make a load of beds and finally a load of wheat for bread to feed them ah yes breed breed and now we have to wait for them to multiply which is going to take a while so we may as well work on the zombies first we need name tags they're all going to have the same name and that is Muppet man 30003 the sun's about to set let's see how many zombies we can get surely this will go well will this be the first Muppet don't jump off you were the chosen one oh he's dead ah this looks more like Muppet man 3000 and three there we go here we go again nice run child yes don't know what to do during the day guess I'll F more wheat this is so boring I've now Farm nearly 7,500 wheat should I be proud or depressed the sun's setting again isn't it I Golem I'm going to murder thousands of you oh that was intimidating starting with you I needed him to go so I could get the final zombie follow me final Muppet man 3,000 and threee oh and with that we have all four zombies in their cages still lots of villagers to go hey Joel look at all that wheat no how much wheat have I punched now 9,300 and look the ones behind me are growing again don't punch it this time Joel don't punch instead let's look at our villagers look at them all I think we nearly have the amount we need if you're wondering where all my enchantment points just went I just tried to make some better trousers and they're not good but we can work on that by adding mending to it and speaking of mending while we wait for these guys to grow up let's go fix all of our stuff ah the lovely sound of tools being fixed sorry if you can't hear me nice and fixed when I head back through here look at all my villagers yes we we have enough now let's start moving them and I'm not going to show you this instead I'm going to cut to my V voice and you'll see how much fun I had all right that was generally not bad I thought it'd be way worse but we got all the villagers in as you can see and I'm happy to announce the farm is working oh it's raining why does it always rain on me but look Iron Golems are spawning this Farm has the ability to spawn eight Golems at once meaning we get a lot of iron and as you can already see we've got a decent amount but as you can also see this structure is huge and also ugly meaning we're going to have to cover it up also these Iron Golems here'll be ruining our spawn rate so let's kill them quickly please don't kill me please don't end my series I can't leave the world looking ugly good as for the remaining villagers they all lived happily ever after on a farm somewhere for the remaining of their days now for the outer building of this Farm I want to use a lot of stone and to get a lot of stone I need a beacon and to get a beacon I need a lot of iron blocks so what while we let this Farm run for a bit we're going to do some Terra farming as you may have noticed the land around here is very ugly and we don't want our building to be floating so time for a mega time lapse where we're going to place down a lot of grass but the transformation will be worth it luckily I had a full double chest worth of grass in my storage system so I didn't going have to dig a load up and we managed to get placing all of this relatively quickly it took about 6 days in total and most of it was just smoothing out the grass but we also had a little Cliff section here with some water so how much iron do we have now looks like a decent amount but that's not going to be a full Beacon by any means I guess while we wait we can go actually get the beacon itself probably would be smart wouldn't it oh how have I only what did I not have that before so after the never I went to kill some wither skeletons and we managed to get a skull pretty quickly I think it was only about four wither skeletons or something and then we had to kill a load more but eventually after about 10 minutes we got all free pretty lucky and now I have to kill the Wither I'm going to use my Trident tested method that doesn't mean I'm still not absolutely terrified let's hope we don't die why is this so scary I've done this so many times before 3 2 1 Bo easy half its Health nearly gone the tried and tested method never fails no even got wered yet and there we go lovely jubly and now we can craft a beacon and despite my lovely looking iron pom poms we're still nearly a stack short of iron blocks I think I might AFK my creeper Farm a bit and hope yes by the looks of it the Iron Golems still spawn which I think they do I hate afking but it needs to be done let's see how much iron we get in 30 minutes okay I'm not sure if that was the best place to AFK but let's see how much iron we got for 30 minutes that's terrible but hey at least we' got loads of gunpowder after some Messing around I think I've fixed the farm it seems like there's more iron golems spawning now to basically block off this and let these villagers sleep was a bit tricky but we got there we're only 10 blocks of iron away so I'm just going to AFK a bit more except not up there and down here instead this time oh it's not even been 6 minutes I don't think and we've got more than enough the farm is definitely working better now that's all we need right there now like I said we need a lot of stone and basically in the future I want to make a massive cave so I'm going to start on that cave now kind of I'm going to make the entrance just here in the center of our area so I've dug down a bit and we're going to place our Beacon down and the big moment look at all those achievements give me that haste too oh yeah this is the good life cave clearing Montage baby well I completely overestimated how much stone I'd need this is all I need here's all the stone stuff we needed let's gather what else we need for this massive build yeah material Gathering of Joel baby here we go again Gathering some Moss Gathering some leaves from my chest system Gathering some grass yes I need more grass and then Gathering all some other materials which I'm not going to list but you're going to see on your screen right now instead I'm going to talk to you about the thought process behind this build and how long it took to design it took about 6 or 7 hours to design in my creative world and then I'm transporting it into this survival world it's actually quicker to build it in survival afterwards but the reason I design it in Creative first in a different world is because it means I can make mistakes and I made a lot of mistakes building this thing the original design looks completely different to what you're going to see but anyway I'll shut up and hand it back over to that stupid idiot who's called me I know that didn't look like a lot but it it was look at all of this enough to make a glorious Temple before we build it I just wanted to have a chat with you guys I'm sorry I've not really spoken to you in a while rude Barry I love you muddy I love you too even though you don't think highly of me all right there was actually one more material I needed and you'll never guess what it is yeah it's iron blocks but luckily while we build it we should hopefully get enough iron to make all the blocks we need probably going to have to do this in two parts cuz I'm going to have to take a Brea Midway through you guys probably think I'm delaying cuz I don't want to get started on this and you would be right let's stop doing that and let's start building this absolutely massive Temple the iron Temple is what I'm going to call this when I was designing it in my creative world I really wanted to add some gradients in as I feel like I don't use gradients that often and I wanted to practice them and the law behind this Temple is that it's an ancient Temple that is all overgrown now so we're using lots of moss and cracked bricks and making it look really ruined okay have my breather back to work also this point here is high enough so that the Iron Golems won't spawn but on the walls on the outside you'll notice some trap doors that's just to stop spawning and to make sure the iron farm works perfectly but we also added a few more layers as you can see here and this thing is huge look at the SI size of it it's basically got the same footprint as our village over there but it needs to be this big to cover up the iron farm which by the way has been churning out iron and I've actually used him as well on the build but like I said I want to give this place a sort of overgrown feel to it as it is an ancient old iron Temple and at the moment it's still looking a bit clean let's change that so I add some leaves on and then got bone mealing the ground however I placed every flower that appeared with a lovely poppy to represent the iron golems and we'll be using more poppies later as well but you know what this is missing apart from an interior is there isn't really a way other than the bits of iron I've used around to signify this is an iron farm where we murder Iron Golem after Iron Golem but in my head I like to think the Iron Golems are actually just giving us the iron and there's not just countless murder going on behind us so let's honor our Iron Golem friends who sadly perish every second with some statues and rather than make the out of iron I thought I would fit it in with the theme and make them overgrown as well and rather than just have them straight I've put them in a pose where they're holding out the poppy here and looking nice and friendly it almost makes me feel bad for murdering them almost but there you go the main structure is complete apart from the inside oops let me fix that quickly there we go that's much better it's nothing special but it doesn't need to be it's just to collect our stuff now you're probably thinking Joel you're going to put another Wheat Field around it cuz you just love wheat Fields you weirdo well no actually remember I said puppy's going to come back into it well here's where they come back into it first let's take them from our iron golems and then getting planting I'm going to hope this looks good so I got planting poppies trying to fill up every single block I also placed a bit of path and then I also placed some more poppies in rain in Sun added some bushes on as well but mainly just poppies lots of poppies being placed oh boy that was a lot of puppies placed over 1,500 to be precise but how does it look oh gosh it just FL milk how does it look okay it looks pretty cool yeah it it's pretty cool although you know what if I had a better flowers resource pack that looks so much better oh my gosh yeah look at that it really just fills it out a little bit more I love it gosh don't don't you wish Minecraft flowers actually looked like this the single puppy is so boring in comparison to this beautiful little thing so you probably think I'm done I've built the iron Temple I've started surrounding it with puppies yes we ran out obviously this is a massive space but let's give it a bit more depth and my favorite way to do that is trees so off I went to collect some different types of leaves and woods and just you know stuff you need to make trees to be honest what happened to my voice just then that was weird anyway we have all we need to build these trees and we're not going to start by putting trees over here instead we're going to start over here and also build a little bit of a path and that's just to link up our base to this sort of area behind it I thought it' be quite fun and oh look the time lapse is glitching through that maybe I should have checked that first but you know what I'm just going to leave it now I've got this funny little bit of commentary but anyway trees appearing we've got loads of trees there we got some other trees here and now we have lots of trees oh yeah look at that trees puppies everything you'd ever want especially if you come over here right this is the good stuff walking down this lovely path here looking off and seeing all this and in the distance through this very shaded path by trees we get to the iron farm lovely jubly and there's always more poppies to be placing give me give me I built the iron farm to get poppies not for iron no I'm just kidding that's only kind of true that each episode I'll keep adding to this puppy field until until it's complete and then we can use the rest of the puppies for bone meal or more puppy Fields so to wrap up today let's have a look at what this looks like with shaders oh here they come wow lovely amazing and then again without shaders because that's reality isn't it and the reason I built these trees right is so that we can build stuff behind here and it's sort of like sheltered from other rest of our area these trees make a sort of line which is cool maybe I'll add a little bit more and have like a little Forest here and then we can build some more stuff over here in the future oh so much opportunity now today we're going to get started on our biggest project yet and that involves this patch of land I'm stood on now I've built myself a village already for my Masons but there are a lot of villagers in Minecraft and the plan is eventually to build plenty more Villages around this world for each different villager but what we're building today is the starts of a city where we can hide Farms Plus have some villagers to trade and I was going to get started right away but I keep seeing this area here and it's so ugly and like the time I got distracted by building free windmills I think I might get distracted again I use this area to farm some trees and leaves so what if I turned it into a wood farm this might be a slightly long distraction firstly let's clear out all the rooted dirt I should also empty these into my chests here's a picture of my dog while I do so a she's asleep I I also fixed my tools in my Enderman farm and I'm ready to build my first ever wood farm and here is every material I need Cobblestone leaves Redstone Gates slabs Hoppers logs redstone torch chests glass redstone block furnaces Redstone repeaters piston comparators wall dirt observers dropper dispensers lever obsidian TNT detector rail mine cart Coral slime blocks sticky pistons and finally honey blocks sorry needed to cough there now even though for you that has taken 10 seconds for me it took 2 hours it involved a lot of bees and killing a lot of slimes but we're finally ready to go so let me build this thing and then afterwards I'll show you how it works so here's a tin La proven that I built it but look how ugly it is oh my gosh I hate the look of redstone contraptions but I love what they do and what this does is we put bone Mill in here and that bone Mill goes through to a dispenser that dispenser there and when we place a saing on this dirt block and turn the machine on it will bone Mill the sapling and then these blocks here Will Crush all the leaves leaving the log the logs will get pushed through here and then this TNT drooper will drop TNT explode the logs and collected in our chest system down here and the remaining saplings will get picked up by these Hoppers and dispensed to us here as well now this works with Spruce jungle Oak and Birch saplings let's give it a go it's very loud and TNT Falls look at it fall you ready now I just hold right click it pushes it along it gives me back the saplings as you can see our saplings are actually going up in our inventory wow that's a lot of bone meal I think I'm going to need a bone meal farm with how much this is using up but look TNT explodes the logs go down there collects in the chest ow let's use up all the bone Mill we put in there see how many logs we get and we got a decent amount of wood there but it used up so much bone meal oh my gosh but it works and that's the most important part we'll work on the bone meal later however as I said it's so ugly let's cover it up but first we headed off into the Soul Sand Valley to get some bones because these bones could be turned into bone meal and I got six stacks of Bones and loaded most of the bone meal into my wood farm and then got using the wood farm for some Spruce and some Birch unfortunately the farm of course doesn't give you stripped wood so if you want stripped wood you have to strip it afterwards we also got ourselves a load of deep slate and all these random blocks here from our chest system plus some andesite some dark oak wood and some jungle wood as well I then went to the end to get some endstone for I need to get a better way to get to the end by the way that portal is terrible same for Terra Cotter but warped War blocks and warped wood very easy to get as his Bal and that's everything this is turning out to be my longest distraction yet so let's just get on with it and build this outer building the problem with the wood Farm is that the TNT will explode the walls if you build too close so we had to build quite a big building and I built an unusual style it doesn't really fit in with anything else in the area but I like it and it's official we're on day 704 mean the distraction took 30 days and well over 5 hours but but it's done and I'm very happy with it I think it's turned out nicely it fits in well it kind of matches the style of these sort of mix together and I think it looks quite cool and the Moment of Truth does the TNT duper blow up our wall here it shouldn't it might blow up that torch but I'm pretty sure ow it's all good thank goodness look how much our area has grown it's kind of crazy isn't it it's kind of crazy all this in 700 days let me know in the comments and leave a like if you want to see Lizzy along for the future for a 1,000 days World Tour but enough with that it's time to get started on our other project today which is going to be right here first though we need to extend this path here over to there and I think I have all the blocks I need for this so I started working on the path added a little Pond here as well as a load of poppy fields and a tree and then finished off the path all the way over here it doesn't look like much and that's because it it isn't much but you can see a hole here ooh Joel what's this hole for it's for a building and there's some weird stuff going on here yes there is but we're going to need a lot of materials and I've already done a material Gathering Montage today and doing another one would be boring so instead I'm going to gather the materials off camera oh my gosh did I just say that I'm just a YouTuber I'm a Minecraft Youtuber I can't do it off camera I need to prove to you that I got them all here's one frame of every material I gathered okay that was ridiculous ly quick here's it with five frames slightly better you could kind of see I gathered some stuff all these materials in fact is what I gathered the wood Farm came in very useful but I still want to give you guys some content that last longer than a second so we're going to add a new pet to our collection to go with berry and muddy and I was thinking about getting myself a lovely wolf but my bone Supply is lacking let's find some skeletons to kill and the best place is in the nether that should be plenty now all we have to do is find find our new friend aha it will be it took one bone is that a joke it took okay we're getting two pets that one took a bit more that made this trip worthwhile come on guys let's go I don't know why this has become the dedicated pet section I'll have to fix that in the future I guess but let's name these guys so unlike our horse we've been giving these guys pretty simple names like muddy Berry so we'll call this dog Frank and this one Grandmaster feces find it extraordinaire 3261 and the E is not cap ized and that's really annoyed me but I'm going to leave it that way cuz it might annoy you as well did it annoy you I hope it did anyway let's get on with our building we've got another time lapse to come in a little bit for this build though I want to walk through it a bit more so welcome back to building with Joel PS little editor note for Joel make sure to put like really cool autotune and like music behind that and uh don't leave this part in okay good we're going to start off by building a little path here using a mix of dripstone and mud bricks we're then going to use some strip Spruce Wood to make a circle as I really want to build with circles and this whole village SL city is going to be based on circles we're going to do an outside layer of spruce planks then a layer of regular terracotta a layer of bricks some dirt which we're just using as a little filler block to place stuff on and then finishing off the center with more bricks next we're going to get building the main building by using some jungle planks leaving some spaces like this for Windows where we're going to place some Spruce trap doors on the outside and some jungle trap doors on the inside giving us this little bit of depth next up some little places to put some plants some doors to make a little entrance then a layer of brown glazed terra cotta and on top of that a layer of Mangrove planks and we finish off the walls with once again some jungle planks we're then going to use some Granite walls plus some fence gates to make a little border around this circle then some fences on top of the Granite walls and now we can start on the roof which is of course a circle so we're going to use some Oak slabs here to go around but then we're actually going to come outside again and do another layer a slightly wider one at that and now I want to change it up a bit by using some Birch slabs for a slightly lighter colored roof so let's curve this Birch roof up and at this point near the top we're going to add in some green glazed terra cotta just to break the roof up a little bit and then we can get to work on the roof again with more Birch slabs and we're going to bring this thing to a lovely Point finishing with a fence post and there you go look at that isn't that quite different to everything we've done so far I'm really trying out a new style here but let's go collect some flowers crops and various things and we can finish off decorating this garden and there's too many things to walk through here here so let's just time lapse this while we and there's too many things to walk through here so let's time lapse this in the rain which is quite sad so I'll make sure to put my happy voice yes guys we're so happy we're so positive love it anyway as you can see we're adding in some fences and some Granite walls and I can't keep that voice up uh we also did in this pool here with some bamboo some flowers around it and some sugarcane the bamboo will of course grow over time you'll see me planting a load more in the background there and then finally working on this field here where we put some beetroots seeds and we end where we started with it raining now obviously I want to fill this field up here with beetroot seeds but beetroot seeds are quite tricky to find so we're just going to have to wait for them to grow and then you know finish planting them oh is the sun going down good I can finally bluming sleep Ah that's better now it doesn't look as miserable so you can see we've added in a very sort of overgrown natury section here we even got a beehive in here we got some barrels around hay bals some water we'll have some melons growing on the side as well once these seeds finish growing and we're not going to decorate the interior today guys nope we're going to leave it empty like this I can hear the booze already I can hear the sad voices no no interior instead we're going to work on something else and that else is the gate to our city plus a few watchtowers and wall as well now this is massive so I would walk you through it step by step but it would take too long so instead we're going to Time Lapse this one before that though has our iron farm been working it looks like it you don't really get that many poppies though which is a shame as I really want to finish off this puppy field that's going to look so good on a map I might have to make a giant map at some point maybe that can go in this city but before we have a city we need a wall let's build ourselves a wall and not only a wall but a gate as well for said wall and some watchtowers starting with that one there you can see where us using the same sort of jungle theme with lots of dark oak greens and like lighter rofes I really like this style I think it sort of Pops a little bit and looks very unique and once again the circle theme apart from the walls of course which are not circles but that's fine I have no idea how you would make a wall out of circles that'd be weird that was one long time lapse 17 days that took which is nearly 3 hours so yeah quite a big build but look at it oh baby I zoom in from far oh it is looking rather good if I do say so myself and rather glorious too with shaders but I like building things that also look good without shaders like this oh now although the building itself is done there's a couple things I want to add on we have these little watchtowers here as you can see which are pretty ugly inside and we have this main gate with this bridge going across as well and I must ha myself because I want to add some villagers here to bring this thing to life we're going to need to get villagers over to this section anyway so we may as well start now and luckily we have plenty of iron for plenty of rails so I made them the ugliest dirt house that you've ever seen placed some beds in all the towers and then got building a path over to the Village I made sure that they couldn't escape then placed the rail all the way over to our little house putting on the Redstone bits as well so that I don't have to push them all the way it took quite a while but eventually we got the rail all the way over to the little Hut so I went back over to the Village said hi to dingleberry Dan because I haven't seen him in a while and then collected two villagers and sent them off on their way down the magical rail keeping a Keen Eye on them all the way along until finally they popped into the little dirt house and I destroyed the mine carts and then gave them a load of bread which I bought from my other villagers in My Little Mountain Village by my base I then placed a roof on top of them to keep them nice and secure away from scary mobs and got destroying all the rails and all of the dirt as well and when we got back we had our first baby but look at me flying look how cool this is I flew into my base all right we have a bit of time to wait for these villages to grow up we want two in there two in the gate house and two in the tower behind the gate house and if you can do maths like me you'll know that that is six however I want eight as I want to leave two here for the future when we actually get working on the rest of the city so while we wait let's work on the transition from this area here to our new city in particular this hatch here and I know what you're thinking oh gosh Joel's going to build more wheat fields or carrot fields or other fields and you're wrong I'm going to build a forest and I was thinking what kind of forest to build got a lot of Oak and birch trees around but I was thinking maybe of building a dark oak forest however that I'm going to custom design my own tree and I want this to look really really nice so when you're walking past it it looks amazing so we're going to have like some ponds in here lots of flowers Etc so let me explain how we're going to build this custom dark oak biome now first I went onto my test creative world and custom designed two different dark oak trees one small one and one big one I then used a mod called like matica to make a schematic this mod is good for two things one it shows you exactly how many materials you need for each tree and if you're doing more than one you can multiply it and it will tell you the exact amount two you can load the schematic in like so and position it and design where you want to place all the trees you can load multiple in and you can also rotate them which makes them look very different and there you go we have plenty of trees ready to be built a lot in fact eight small trees and seven big ones and on the screen now is how many materials we need to build these so let's go get them oh yeah look at me destroy them leaves look at me collect that wood yeah fun and now we have all the materials we can get building the trees which is phase one of the biome conversion do you know what be really nice me having a time lapse where it doesn't start bluming raining in cuz it makes it look so ugly but either way we built loads of trees and now we have loads of trees time for stage two which is adding in water and rocks I promise it's more fun than it sounds well I think it's fun at least anyway we got some water and we've got some rocks some dripstone and granite also added in some little logs like this around by the way this is looking pretty small at the moment in the future I'm probably going to extend it I just don't know what I'm going to do here yet but the biome will extend anyway time for phase three which is decorating the ground oh my gosh all these things sound terribly boring and to be honest it is quite boring just placing random stuff you can see me just running around like a madman here anyway time for the Final Phase which is some flowers sugar cane you know bits like that little little planty things I'm going to have to go get a load of them though I've decided I'm only going to use white type of flowers like the oh my gosh Rain Go Away flowers like daisies the bluets Tulips and Lily of the Valley hopefully it'll stop raining by the time I've gathered them all as well as all the white flowers I use some dark oak saplings plus some berry bushes and some Furs I meant ferns sorry but I really like using these singular dark oak saplings as they won't grow even if you bone meal them they just won't grow and this has come out rather nicely if you walk through it it is very lovely in here and when you're walking along to the new City O it does look nice just having that on the side there now all we need to do is place down some walls and then we will move the villagers which I presume are all grown up now it's been plenty long enough lovely jubly all done let's get these villagers into their new homes hello fellas let's get two of you and send you up to the tower where you will live the remainder of your life have fun victims number three I mean villagers number three and four off you go welcome to your new homes where did that just oh okay I thought he teleported out it's all good and it's getting night so I should be able to see yes they're in their beds these two are big dummies and I haven't found theirs though I'm sure they will eventually and they've got out the gate by accident in the night you stupid idiots what are you doing get in there okay now stay there you silly billies okay and finally five and six there we go we have our Watcher villagers I think that's all the watchtowers we're going to do cuz I'm not doing this again in the future but there you have it as the sun rises over our new city Beginnings we have our villagers chilling up here how are you doing guys looking good please don't escape again I I will not be happy we got a new custom biome we've got a wood farm with a brand new massive building surrounding it so before we can build any City on this land we need to sort out this it's tacky and I hate it the terrain here is very uneven and hard to navigate not great great for a city so let's grab some grass make ourselves some coost dirt grab a bit of dripstone as well and let's path out this current disaster into something we can work with you know it's going to be a big project when just laying out the pathway and doing a tiny little bit of terraforming takes an hour and a half yes this is a massive project but you can see here lots of circles appearing that's because like I said last time we're going to be doing everything circular here it's going to be very Circle themed and don't worry every building won't look the same we're going to use height and everything to make it all different and you saw me adding on the end there these streams to bring a bit of life into this city we got some lovely water two little streams coming down here one which goes into a waterfall by the way which ends up down at the bottom here look at this oo lovely nice straight waterfall and we'll be adding some more nature bits a bit later probably lots of bamboo and sort of jungle thought of stuff because even though this is in front of this mountain here I want this to be like a jungly type of city and you'll see that later with some of the height we add in these builds it feels like a jungle City so I guess we should get started for some of the buildings and we're going to start with the smallest two buildings going right here and here so don't expect anything special for these but before we build them I need to head to the end to fix up my tools and elitra as they're getting pretty bad I'm not sure I actually make it to my portal so I'll trade some iron quickly just to make sure that we don't crash and die I love this Farm but this is necessary oh yes lovely and shiny tools but we're going to head from one dimension to another as this boy needs bones well bone meal I plans to eventually make myself a bone meal Farm but I'm too lazy at the moment so I'm just going to do this instead maybe we can make a nice song [Music] [Music] that was a lovely bone song anyway here's all the bone blocks I got 16 stacks of bone blocks AKA 48 stacks of bone meal but why did you go all bone crazy Joel because of our wood Farm here we built this last time oh it's that's a lot of bone meal wait I did the maths wrong completely it's actually 144 stacks of bone meal so this should keep the wood Farm going for a long time and that's a good thing cuz we're going to need a lot of wood like a lot I don't even know the number but I know it's in the lots of numbers so let's get started with two of the smallest buildings which we don't don't need a lot of wood for but we want to get something on the ground we want to get going now the only types of wood we need are Spruce jungle and Birch so let's get a healthy amount of each one by just using our wood Farm here nice and relaxing apart from the noise it's very loud but Papa Joel has a fix for that ah lovely pretty much exactly 10 minutes of afking and we got all this lovely jubly and that's all the wood we need for the first two builds we just need a few other things in case you wondering those aren't sound effects I'm making the noises with my mouth does that make it disgusting I don't know anyway let's build two little houses here which we're not going to decorate the interior of there's going to be no interior today when you see the size of some of these buildings you'll understand maybe you won't for these ones though cuz they're they're very small so here's a quick time lapse in classic smallish Bean style it starts raining as soon as we start the time lapse woo love rain makes time laps look really good but both these builds are identical apart from those bits of glazed terra cotta on one side we've got the lime terra cotta and on this one we've got the orange glazed terra cotta but apart from that identical but like I said earlier Interiors are non-existent we're going to place some torches in those to stop mobs from spawning as although we want this town to be habitable we don't want it to be zombies and skeletons and before we get building anything else let me take you behind the scenes and give you a bit of insight to the design process so here you can see the layout of the city each of these circles will be a building and the ones we just built are these two little ones here and after getting where we want the buildings to be we start building them up and from there onwards you finish the rest of the owl that was of course in my creative world and it's a little teaser of what's to come obviously it's not just going to be white wool that was the very early stages we did a lot of Designing and I think we'll start with the building up here just next to these two as this is the furthest over on this side just to get a bit of height in it's quite a bigger building so we're going to need more materials I really thought I was about to cut to a material Gathering Montage but I actually have pretty much every material I need there's a few I have to gather but not enough for a monage so instead let's do something fun like kill some cows woohoo oh yeah yay by o day even though I had most of the materials this still took about 30 minutes and this isn't the biggest building by far oh gosh we're on day 784 will we make it to a th000 maybe I don't know all I do know is that we're going to get building right now so this build is a bit darker in color at the bottom with some Cobblestone and tough thrown in plus some gray concrete and glazed Terra Cotter we then move upwards and get slightly lighter with some jungle wood before finishing off with a little bit of birch and sandstone and an oak roof and it started raining as soon as I go to record this bit cool you can kind of see the height on this thing in comparison to these it's looking pretty cool we're going to be using height a lot in the rest of these builds apart from the next one here which is going to be a chunky boy also I Didn't Do It on these ones but this one here and probably a lot of the other builds I'm just going to use some Cobble deep slate like this instead of putting in a doorway I'll work on a doorway in the future just to make it look neater and You' don't have to look in and see all the ugly grass for this next build we need a lot of bricks and luckily we have a Mason Village over here there's plenty of these fellas to trade bricks with higher look one Emerald 10 bricks however we don't really have many emeralds what we do have is a lot of iron we can use it to make a decent amount of smithing tables which we can plop down near our villagers up here one there maybe and one there and if we level these fellas up once we can trade iron with them and get ourselves some emeralds so let's do it with all the chaps up here I know this is very inefficient okay you don't have to tell me I know it is fun though in the future the plan is to make a little trading place for smiths in this city but for now we'll just have to trade with these fellas at their terrible rates for some reason all the villagers have started to get stuck up here so I'm going to remove this balcony as they're all stupid you big stupid villagers and now we can buy more bricks but there we go that should be enough bricks we didn't need that many it's good to finally be using the villagers in that Village it's not just for display there's a lot more things to GA than just bricks though and this time we can do a material Gathering Montage C the music oh yeah this is my jam we got some dark oak we got some strip dark oak we got some granite slabs we got some other stuff as well I'm going to stop listing it all now because it's boring instead let's talk about the fact that I haven't updated to 1.20 yet that's because I wanted to finish this project off and start 120 with a bang with another big big project which you'll see probably in the next episode there's a little teaser for you and if we're going to give buildings nicknames this one will be the chunk M these two can be Fred and George and this one this can be Andrew let's get building the chunk meister for each of these buildings I'm trying to use different color themes so for this one obviously it is purple just kidding it's red that was a bit of sarcasm there we do that sometimes on this channel only sometimes so now we got some height we got some little guys and we got the chunk meister and of course of course it starts raining of course I'm going to go inside luckily I've got some protection from the chunk Meister here but it's time to get serious guys we've been messing around building a building at a time no one likes that well I do like that it's quite fun but next up we're going to deal with this hole here and a few of building yeah it's serious time baby that's why it's raining because I'm miserable I'm not miserable but it is time to get serious and this time we're going to need a lot of materials I don't want the music to start again though instead here's 10 frames from every single material I gathered so what was less than 3 seconds for you was over 2 hours for me here's the replay mod file to prove it oh my gosh and we didn't even get everything I still need to wait for this copper to oxidize I've just sort of placed it everywhere uh a bit haphazardly but it's okay cuz we can build other stuff while we wait for that with all these materials here look at this wow the one that took the longest this strip Spruce log oh my gosh I noticed that my pickaxe and my Axe are nearly neck and neck for how much I've used them so time for a serious time lapse where I'm going to be serious a very serious two-part time lapse which took 4 hours because we built that little house again we also built this one on stilts which is on stilts and you can kind of see this Tower with some hanging leaves as well growing on the left there we also built this little Hut which we're going to be using to trade villagers with and then we got building the tall building in this entire city but wait did you see the time lapse glitch a second there well that's because I paused my game as I went out to the cinema with some friends and when I came back I found this recording on my PC well well well look who left their Minecraft logged in and I just figured out the record button I think I'll do something dangerous with this hardcore world oh why is the view bobbing off this is so weird if you're wondering what this floaty invisible stuff by the way is a mug called light matica I used to help me build why do you live like this Joel H what's dangerous what if I leave a little surprise here for him a little treat little secret treat yes that's what I'll do oh I'm going to have to put that back where it was otherwise he'll notice I was here why are why is there everything so boring in here where are the flower pots I'm going to go pick a rose that's what I'm going to do I'm going to get a rose from up there nice and safely and I will leave the rose for Joel these are so cute what the heck oh it's a puppy I knew that I did I did know that what is that oh it's a pig okay now just get back over there I need clay yes give me the clay no stupid silk touch it's a very inconvenient Jael hope you're enjoying this Jael I know you found this by now or not in which case this is embarrassing that I've sat and done this but it was better than putting on a load of laundry which I was meant to be doing hope you're enjoying the spiderverse movie while I'm here back at home being a sadow where where's all your stuff why is there no door here what the heck I've taken damage where's the doll okay this is your fault because where's the door did you just forget to build a door or is a secret secret button somewhere oh oh it's it's work in progress okay got it sorry why is everything empty Joel what is this place oh you live over here these buildings are not up to code oh well that's just another little Easter egg for you there a little surprise I left you some broken carrots youve got everything You' literally got a donkey and you don't have a furnace please tell me you got a furnace in here okay okay promising are you joking where's the furnace Joel I'm going to have to make one hope you're enjoying this was meant to be a lot quicker than this I'm not going to lie all right smell some of this o should I no probably not okay I'm going to leave it right here okay I'm going to leave it right here for you love you now now let's get back to our position so you don't notice probably stood around here somewhere okay it's good all right goodbye I knew I was still alive but I've never been so nervous watching some footage in my life anyway we got building and finishing the big tower and you can see this thing is tall by far the tallest thing so far that we've built and then next to we've got another Tower which is a slightly bit smaller but links up to it so 4 hours later yes you heard me right 4 hours and here we are with I do two time lapses and I managed to accidentally split it exactly down the middle almost by like 30 seconds but the feeling I'm going for down here right is I want it to be really sort of dense and feel quite populated we're going to have villages in here we're going to have like some Greenery around here and of course we've got the massive Towers to add some height where if we fly away and have a look look at that the greens of the leaves as well with these sort of hanging Vines we've added in really make it all come together but there's still so much more to do including the biggest building yet and of course we now have our Rose from Lizzy oh isn't that cute or Poppy I guess although it looks more like a little Rose so we actually have nine more buildings to build two of them are the big boys and we're not going to build the big boys yet we're saving the big boys till later so stick around and subscribe did I me subscribe you should subscribe and leave a like the seven other buildings are a little bit smaller so we're going to get through them quickly the way we're going to do this is I'm going to show you the materials I gathered how long it took me to get them and then we're going to time-lapse the build so let's have a look at those first materials Joel here they are over Joel quite a few it took me 4 days and now it's time to time lapse so I forgot to name all the other buildings where I'm going to start naming these ones again this one here is called Gerald because Gerald loves purple yellow and lots of colors another 4 days except less materials this time but some of them were a bit worse to get let's call this building Gertrude and although this build is the same shape as lots of the other builds it's got quite a few different colors using some Acacia and some Mangrove in there and the next build shouldn't take too long to gather all the materials let's open and close our Magic shulker Box here's it empty let's open it again and oh look materials it technically took 2 days but it was less than that because of time and stuff anyway this building is not going to have a name as it's not really a building it's more of just like a weird structure I don't know what it is and it's probably the smallest bill as it took around 10 minutes to finish not bad told you that was a quick one thank you Lizzy now it's time for another familiar one this one we will call jinny and you can see why it's that little house we built three times before but it's done now okay so you can stop worrying that's fall down free to go how long did it take to gather these materials future Joel 2 days not too bad and we're going to call this build Angela because I feel like it and Angela is a bit wider than the other buildings but that's okay because she's got a nice unique roof which nobody has the city is growing nicely two more builds and this one's a bit chillier and also contains a lot more materials which took about 4 days to gather because some of them are really awkward and we'll call this build sarom man not a clue why it's called Saran as it's very blue to fit the mountain in the background of course the close you go to the mountain the colder the buildings look and our final little building of today also has some Blues in it and we're on day 866 meaning we're going to cut to 2 days time where we have all this let's build the final small building and this building Shall be Called Ronald because I don't know I'm just making these names upon the spot and there you have it a load of little buildings done they're not that little really they are just little in comparison to the next who we're about to build if we head up really high and look down from above look at the grooves they look so cool I'm loving it so far but of course we need some materials for these big boys and we're just going to gather all the materials in one go for both of these and you know what because you've stuck around this far sure I'll give you 10 frames of each material I gathered go aren't you lucky Also may I just say yes I built the wood fam and yes it's very useful but for some reason if you look around I've built everything up BL in dark oak and Spruce Wood especially stripped Spruce which you may as well just go and strip and chop yourself but dark oak wood won't fit in my wood Farm I built everything out of it like everything's got dark oak wood on it what am I thinking Al these next who the material I need most is dark oak slabs we need 1,257 of them I'm an idiot okay enjoy the frames oh boy that went by way too quick for what took me 2 hours yes it was a lot of materials as you can see here but the big boys ready and let's start with the first first big boy who's actually a big girl we're going to call this Stephanie to give you some context on how much bigger these builds are this one took an hour and 10 minutes to build in comparison to the other ones which I could build in like 20 minutes so quite considerably bigger but as you can see it's got loads of different colors it's even got some different patterns and squares in there as well I also added in this bridge here just off camera a second ago which leads up to the build ooh lovely and you can kind of see the scale of this thing inside oh gosh I don't want to decorate the Interiors that's so big that's so much space scary but oh man the progress is good time for the final building of today not the final bit of building we're going to do we're going to add in a load more stuff to this area and let's call this build Armond is that a name and this build here is our biggest single building yet taking about an hour and 20 minutes to build and as you can see lots of different colors different shapes as well we've got that kind of star pattern down there which I really really like of course lots of circles as well and the final Circle roof and to celebrate us finishing all the buildings of course it's raining love Minecraft rain but look at what we have built so far oh baby this is a lot of stuff I don't want to think about how many blocks we've used today what I can show you is how much wood we've chopped 45,000 that's quite a lot really isn't it not just a day of course but in general that's still a lot and to finish this thing off there's a few blocks we need however we need a lot of them they are some Oak fences three different colors of wool some Oak trap doors some lanterns some jungle leaves and just a few bits of jungle wood my wood Farm ran out of bone meal by the way next up some Birch leaves keeping on the Lea theme we're getting some aelia leaves then we need some flowers such as lilacs a load of azure bluettes then head to our bamboo Farm to grab a load of bamboo grab a bit of sugar cane while we're here buy a load of bricks from our Masons to make some brick walls and as day 900 yes 900 comes to an end I believe that is it so let's add the finishing touches to this place make it feel like a true overgrown jungle City we started off by Walling off all the paths making them a bit more defined then went on to add in loads of bamboo plus flowers and then we went round and Bone the ground and added in a few trees after that we headed to the skies to place down some hanging banners all the way around the city well well well it's done let's have a quick walk through shall we look at it it's glorious all this height all these natury bits the water Everything Has Come Together so nicely obviously in the future we're going to do some Interiors maybe decorate a bit around the outside add some like carts in stuff like that bring it more to life but it's already pretty Lively with all these plants bamboo Etc we've really tried to fit this round the terrain and I love it so how about a lovely bit of sweeping footage including woo some shaders look at that oh does it look good with shaders it looks good without shaders as well though as we can see from the this next shot here but we'll add a bit of shaders anyway just to show you what it looks like and then get rid of them again and don't worry I will get around to building these Interiors eventually but there is something very exciting lurking behind this giant City and look cherry trees oh my gosh I used a tool to help update our world to 120 and delete some old chunks to spawn in these new 1.20 ons and look at them I've been wanting cherry trees in Minecraft for so long of course it starts to rain all my excitement immediately gone but funnily enough where these cherry trees have spawned in is exactly where we're going to be building our giant tree I really like this mound here and I think it'll be perfect with a tree on it imagine one there I'll draw her on in paint quickly wow wasn't that great before we can collect 25,000 leaves and 25,000 bits of wood yes I'm building with wood by the way and not logs meaning I need four logs for every free wood which I I don't even want to know the number okay it's a lot before we collect all of that there's some stuff we need one of those is a wood farm that can Farm dark oak wood we already have a wood Farm over here but this isn't capable of doing a 4x4 dark oak tree and we need to build one that can but wait there's more before we can build that we need a way to get bone Mill easily so of course we're going to build a bone Mill Farm and we're going to get working on that right now now this is a pretty serious bone Mill Farm built by ill mango however I'm using a tutorial by lion X so thank you very much and this is all we need for it oh my gosh I thought build a nice simple farm at the start of the video 2 hours that nearly took to get the materials and I've not even built the farm yet the main problem was just getting all the Redstone and just weird stuff like slime balls I don't have a slime farm yet well we've got it all and we can now go build our farm now normally I know how Farms work but this one is so complicated that I've not a clue so here's me building it in 2 seconds actually 2 seconds which is really really quick oh God it's so ugly gosh I hope it works it'll take a while to start working though cuz basically you have to wait for all these dispensers around here to fill up with bone meal oh my gosh there's Iron bluming Golems everywhere but let's turn it on and see what happens oh yes look at all that moss and stuff it works so quickly this thing look at it go like it kind of looks like kind of laggy almost but these dispensers should now yeah start filling up with bone Mill look at that go that is Speedy look at all it come out oh my gosh that's kind of crazy so we're going to leave this running for a little bit and we'll worry about covering it up another time it it's right in front of our lovely city um yeah it looks hideous now while this is working away I'm going to take what I like to call a trying 1.20 break I'm going to find some new stuff and we're going to start with some cherry tree saplings oh yeah get destroyed you silly little cherry tree get in my inventory I also love these new flowers look how pretty these are do these make pink die they do wait and it gives you like three back for each one you wait I had no idea that's how they worked that's so cool but let's destroy some of these cherry trees as we're going to be be needing a load of saplings later in fact let's destroy them all ooh there's nothing like a bit of deforestation of the latest Minecraft tree that took way longer than I was expecting look how many cherry logs and Cherry saplings we got that that's kind of ridiculous and it looks like my farm was still working look is it I don't know if it's been glitching now hopefully it's fine uh-oh something's gone wrong a load of redstone's being washed away somehow how don't worry I'm a Redstone genius and I fixed it so I can't really leave the area while this thing is running and I want this thing to run so that we can finally get some bow Mill producing for our dark oak farm so what I'm going to do is I'm going to quickly do some terraforming not sure if I love or hate terraforming I guess it depends on my mood but finally the farm is producing its bone Mill that we can use you stand here you can watch it come flying in look at it lovely jly and I was thinking this spot right here would be perfect for our dark oak wood Farm which is what we're going to get building next luckily this Farm didn't have as many materials as the bone Mill Farm I did still have to collect quite a bit though including a load more Redstone but I went and made myself a load of clerics down here so I could get redstone a bit easier other than that it was just a few random items I had lying around in my base and I did actually have to head off to the swamp once again to get more slime I desperately need a slime farm this time for slime blocks not sticky pistons however and then finally we went to a coral reef to get myself some coral and that's everything pretty simple farm and I've not tried this one in Creative so I'm hoping it works gosh please work for this one we're following a t from b j po and again we're going to have a really quick time lapse where I'm going to try and hit the highest note I can while singing but also before you have to listen to that let's restart this Farm okay here's my highest singing note I I apologize immediately okay I'm praying this thing works we're going to get some bone Mill out of the farm and plop it in this Barrel here so to start it I click this Barrel I stand Here clicking two saplings there clicking another two there hold right click down it'll take a while to Bone Mill them unless I've done something wrong oh gosh that's taking a very long time uh that's wasting a lot of bone meal why is it not doing anything okay I think I finally got it working by just trial and error so that's good I thought I'd just built this whole thing for nothing it works well however it doesn't give you the saplings back I've got to collect so many saplings oh no the good thing is I used it for about 3 minutes and got nearly six stacks of wood so it's efficient luckily I have a plan for this first we're going to head in here to this fell and we're going to buy not him and we're going to buy a diamond hoe we're then going to try a look at enchanting it to see what we get I was hoping for Fortune free but luckily we have a backup there's a few Villages up here that I've not traded with yet so let's see if we can get a fortune free trade I've been here for 15 minutes I've got a Fortune Too it'll have to do so let's combine them and then add them onto this hoe here and head over to this dark oak forest and let's see how many leaves we can get in 30 minutes look at those leaves look at them where they going in I don't know where they going in I don't know well it took 20 minutes and and my hoe is nearly broken so I'm going to stick mending on that and get that fixed up but we got N9 and a half roughly stacks of saplings let's see how much wood this can get us look at him just stood there holding right click the entire time so that took about 10 minutes and we got all this lovely however including the 20 minutes it took to get the saplings is that lovely I don't know I think it is that's a lot of logs but I need 301 stacks of wood so this is going to minimize very quickly oh it makes me sad seeing it all go so this here is 35 Stacks I'm like 10% done oh gosh I think it's time we put in some serious work listen to that serious music as he's getting some XP points so we can enchant those serious hoes to make some serious Fortune free hoes where he spent six days hitting leaves so after spending the last hour or so uh mining leaves I've come to the real life ation that I should probably just chop the trees and get the wood as well this is really stupid why am I so stupid we've got a lot of saplings but but let's get some wood as well so a shulker box of dark oak wood gave me about three stacks of dark oak saplings I'm going to head home and use the farm for a [Music] bit so after about 25 minutes of afking the farm look how much wood we've got plenty let's turn it into some actual dark oak wood and see how many shers it fills so we now have 1 2 3 four five full shulkers and some extra here we managed to chop a full shulker ourselves I think just chopping is the best way we now have 138 stacks of dark oak wood and we need 302 so not even halfway yet but let's pause the farm and go on another trying 1.20 break ooh let's try it out let's start by making ourselves a couple of brushes I have no idea how long these things last so I'm making two just in case and we're going to fly all the way out in search of some desert ruins aha look we found our first suspicious sand and what do we get oh it looks like we actually getting something new straight away a snort Pottery shirt I thought they were called shards so can we just dig down and find more another one here an emerald okay looks like there's going to be a lot of trash we got lucky with the first one hey there we go another Shard another Shard shelter okay is that a sniffer egg yes that's what I was looking for cool those are the easy ones to find let's see if we can find any of the trickier ones in like a nearby jungle biome is that it I think that's one that looks like it is that suspicious gravel oh and that's suspicious gravel what is that oh it's glass oh this looks like something new is that an armor piece oh get rid of all this rubbish from my inventory H armor trim ooh oh we got another one God my inventory is a mess razor armor trim cool oh and another oh did I get duplicate wayfinder we're getting loads of different ones this is cool I didn't think it'd be this easy well that was a fun 120 Adventure let's go back and see what we can do with this stuff so I'm pretty sure I can just like throw these in here right and make a pot look at at that cool plop that down there W it's massive and I know you can use this to make some armor trim so let's have a look what we can make this one okay pretty cool straight line or this one's probably the coolest in my opinion let let's do this nice I also like these legs and I think these boots how we looking oh baby yeah I love it it's so cool and I'm going to plop the sniffer egg down over here for when we're getting some wood in the future blow an egg that's big isn't it it's like half the size of me but anyway we need to get back to the grind and the grind of course being chopping dark oak trees oh my gosh I spent so long chopping dark oak trees as you can see here we cleared out quite a bit of this biome I then head home after turning them all into dark oak wood and then went and used my farm for a bit but it still wasn't enough so I had to actually go back to the dark oak forest and do some more chopping oh my gosh guys I've done it I've done it I'm so happy look at all these logs look at them all that's all I need I don't need anym I'm so happy we're on day 978 I think I started this around day 935 40 days straight collecting logs I think I've spent about six or S hours I don't want to collect any more logs here's some fun statistics that's 23,000 dark oak leaves mind 177,000 dark oak logs chopped I've crafted nearly 20,000 dark oak wood never again am I building a tree this big unless we get 100,000 likes it's never going to happen oh no I left my farm running oh it's probably broken yep look all this this is all broken anyway I'll fix it in a second look my sniffer hatch look at him look how cute he is they make some weird noises man also this is going to sound really weird but when I first saw these I thought these were the eyes I thought that those that's his nose those are the eyes I thought they looked really weird look his eyes go it's his nose but we're building this trunk out of other stuff as well so let's go gather that other stuff oh no he's back in the wood Farm again because of course he needed some dark oak planks as well as the dark oak wood I also planted these Cherry saplings and then I bone Mill These Cherry saplings and I stole the leaves from these cherry trees but I didn't actually need the leaves I needed the cherry wood speaking of wood I got some Spruce Wood from my other Spruce fan but I ran out of bone meal so I had to go and chop some Spruce Wood as well I also needed some amethyst blocks I also needed some brown terracotta and I also finally need some glowstone 82 days into this video and finally ready to start building all these materials ready to go I'm going to load up my shulker boxes here and begin possibly the biggest time lapse of this series we'll maybe take a little break for day 1000 for celebration but let's get into it Q the music oh yeah that's my jam we started off by doing a bit of terraforming as I built this tree a little bit too to big and then we got working on the base starting on this side here and you can kind of see some things appearing ooh Some spirals made from some amethyst and some Cherrywood I'm then using some Spruce Wood some brown terracotta and the dark oak planks to add a bit of texture and now it's time to work on some massive branches but wait a special moment approaches a very big moment as the sun sets here let's head to the original bedroom from episode one The Sun setting over our world on day 999 and we have asleep and wake up on day 1,000 we've achieved so much I can't wait to show you this tree let's keep on building a lot more branches to go in fact nearly 2 hours more of building here as we add on these final branches we've got a lot of branches on this tree as this thing is massive like I can't really show you the scale as you can see there's just stuff unloading in the background because my render distance was struggling to show anything as you know it's a massive tree but look the final branches are being placed and just like that 301 stacks of dark oak wood plus all the other things we collected are done I've uped my render distance a bit here as you can see we're really loading in a lot of stuff look at this thing it is huge you can see the spirals on the side here if I have a look look at that I really wanted to add some cherry wood in to give some effect other than just the dark oak as it just looked a bit plain and boring it looked massive but a little bit plain and boring and you can see the dark oak planks and other bits up here some Spruce Wood around here just to add a little bit more texture but look at it it's a big old tree trunk the problem is it looks dead it looks like all the leaves have fallen off and the tree is dead so we have to bring this thing to life and that requires leaves and you may have seen earlier I gathered some leaves right we got some leaves here but we need 32,000 leaves that's 9 and 1 half double chests AKA about 19 times this amount of leaves if I scroll down my statistics here you can see where the Cherry leaves are we've got 2,000 it's going to beat the dark oak leaves by the end of this I think it's time we got our neite hoe a friend so I bought myself a fresh Diamond hoe I got myself some Gunpowder I made myself some TNT I went to the never I placed the TNT I blew up the TNT and I started Ed farming that lovely lovely ancient debris I went to go make it and I realized oh gosh we're in 1.20 I had no idea this is what you had to do to upgrade a never right tool now good job of me doing Blum in one I've not raided any Bastion yet but I'm very scared to luckily I can kill most of them with just some arrows the brutes terrify me but there's one that's all I need and let's just head home that was scary but we did it all right let's upgrade this I know you can duplicate this but I'll just go get another one in the future that wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be anyway the serious music is has kicked in again which you know it's time for serious stuff I got silk touch on this thing I nickname them Dez and Troy you put them together you get Dez try I let my bone meal F work its magic for a little bit then I went over to this area here and got farming leaves for such a long time look at all these leaves going down so many leaves oh look Ender killing to fix my hose more leaves yes the leaves are back oh I bet you're never going to guess what happens right next oh it's Enderman Farm oh and then more leaves again look at all those leaves going there's so many leaves I've got to the point where I wish this tree just remained dead why did I have to add leaves to it why do I have to add all these bluming leaves to it this here is over 32,000 leaves which is over 500 Stacks look at this look how stupid that is and guess what I'm not just building out of leaves I'm throwing some other stuff in there as well oh let's go get that but make sure you know I'm not happy about it also for a sad note quickly play the sad music Joel thank you you may be wondering Joel why have you only got one sort of slightly broken hoe in your inventory we lost Dez guys we lost Dez I accidentally broke Dez we got Troy left rip Dez morning time's over baby it's time to get these final materials and I am angry because oh my gosh some of these materials are really awkward to get the main one being blaze rods I had to head to the Nether and kill a load of blazes as I need to get five stacks of blaze rods I then went to the end to get myself some chorus fruit which is very easy to get so I didn't mind this as much as the blaze rods I did go home and have to smelt them though and wait for them to smelt and then I could make myself so many end rods I can happily say we no longer have to gather any materials we've got them all oh my gosh look at this tree look at it look at it no leaves it's about to have leaves as we're about to do a mega time lapse right now I'm so excited to show you guys please subscribe if you haven't already leave a like and let's get into this time lapse I want to start off this time lapse by saying every time you see the sun goes around that is 10 minutes of real life time that one day in Minecraft is 10 minutes keep that in mind as you see that go by quite a few times but it's lovely to see this thing come together you can see I'm using those Cherry leaves with a mix of cherry planks and some magenta terracotta and then we're hanging down loads of end rods from like the bottom of the leaves to give it a bit of light at night time which by the way looks really cool at night I can't wait to show you it at night but also in the day it looks really awesome as well as just got these sort of hanging things down to give it a bit of texture this is by far the longest time lapse I've done in this world so far and it was quite a struggle to get through I think I watched about four movies and one of them was really bad so that was a real struggle but we got through it in the end and we're done on day 1075 and oh my gosh guys it is done I'm not going to show you it just yet I just want to say I am so happy with this thing I hope you guys like it as well obviously it needs some work around the base uh which we're going to do in the future as we figure out what we're going to put inside this tree in case you were wondering this thing took 7 and 1/2 hours just placing all the leaves but let's have a look shall we the big reveal our entire area and Bam look at that I think it actually looks better when you fly out a little bit like this and you come back around look at it look at that that is a big cherry tree isn't it look at it oh my gosh that angle o wait let's head back here look at that look at that everybody that is insane one of the coolest things I've ever built in Minecraft and it is also a bit of a mob farmer down below I've been trying to light it up but there's so many dark spots down here where mobs just keep spawning in I finished every single side of it it is looking absolutely amazing I'm so happy with it let's have a look with some shaders shall we firstly they're a little bit without shaders then let's blend in some other Shades ooh that's nice but my favorite shaders of course BSL I just love how it looks under these shaders look at the light bouncing off those leaves oh it's gorgeous now with the whole creative mode design process the collection of everything and the placing it all together I think this has been about a 60 70 Hour project which is kind of crazy by far the longest we've spent on anything in this world so far but is it worth it well I think it is cuz if you stand just down here and you see that in the background look at it oh my goodness gracious and like I said earlier I do have plans for around the bottom we're definitely going to add some stuff in I'm thinking linking a path up to it Village underneath and then maybe a big farm inside what kind of farm should I put I really should have put dark oak wood Farm shouldn't I oh well we'll make an entrance to it somewhere as we have lots of space inside here look at this that is ridiculous that is so ridiculous but that is all we have time for this episode guys I hope you did enjoy make sure to leave a like and comment subscribe if you're new and I shall see you for the next episode goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 4,222,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, 1000, days, hardcore, survival, movie, full, 1000days, 0-1000days, 100 days, minecraft movie
Id: z2pW5WRPrNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 59sec (12179 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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