Where To Find EVERY Stardrop! - Stardew Valley

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hello everyone do you not have never legitimately done despite hundreds of hours of gameplay and hundreds of years in game collected all this star drops so that's what we're gonna be doing today I've even started a brand new file and this guy is going to be the first one to collect them all for me now for those of you that don't know what a star drop is a mysterious fruit that empowers those who eat it the flavor is like a dream a powerful personal experience yet difficult to describe to others you're not likely to find it in item form by the way basically what these do when you find them is increase your energy by 34 points you start with 270 so each one gives you a considerable boost and these are very helpful because you need energy to do almost anything in game there are seven star drops in total and we're gonna be going through them in roughly the order you could expect to find them in your playthrough the first start up you're likely to encounter actually comes from the mines and you can't even access the mines until your fifth day of spring most people will find themselves in the mines almost daily in the early stages of the game because they're trying to collect as many jeomsun or as they can gems make you a lot of money but the ore is needed for basically crafting anything else every ten floors along the way is gonna reward you with the treasure chests which obviously generally provide you with something useful to use along the way make you way all the way to level 100 and then the treasure chests you guessed it it's a star drop and you definitely earned it by now because you spent a ton of energy getting this far down into the mines you found a star drop it's strange but the taste reminds you of star drops your maximum energy level has increased so now we're all the way up to 304 Linus you should be taking notes I just worked really hard and was rewarded and got to eat something our next star job comes from eating and getting familiar with some of the local and PCs why hello purple haired weirdo it's nice to meet you oh that's right I heard someone new ways moving on to that old farm yes I'm the new guy it's kind of a shame really I always enjoyed exploiters overgrown fields by myself well good news Abigail UCL can because I'm not actually a farmer unless you can consider me to be farming marriages as you probably already know giving people gifts make some like you it's just like real life give them enough gifts and eventually they'll hit their limit abigail is at eight hearts her current limit notice she's currently single well she's gonna stay that way because we're actually gonna marry Leah now once you have a single MPC at eight hearts you can give them a bouquet but from here and you will at that point start dating and yes you can date multiple MVC's at the same time you want to get more serious I feel the same way the thing is Leah I don't want to but I kind of have to for this video I'm kinda nervous aren't you not really to be honest is apart of the last time we'll ever speak now that leah is actually my girlfriend at eight hearts we can now move her up to ten hearts with a few well-placed gifts basically just pretend I gave her a few gifts well this is awkward once you have your current favorite NPC at 10 hearts go to the beach on a rainy day the right side that you have 10 lakh by a mermaid pendant from the ghost at which point you can ask you boyfriend or girlfriend to marry you and when I say ask I mean you're pretty much just telling them for some reason Leah doesn't want to marry me and I'm not really sure why she's at 10 hearts she is my girlfriend but she doesn't want to marry me so I guess we'll try it again tomorrow okay today I'm 99% sure she's gonna say yes because they don't turn me down very often at all Oh thrilled EF I'm sorry but I don't want to marry you right now I don't know what to say right now this doesn't happen very often at all well then how about you option number one I'll accept this thank you okay we're officially dating she's very happy about that I didn't know you felt the same I didn't until Leah turned me down oh right twice a girl friends hopefully not twice a rejection Abigail will you marry me Abigail doesn't marry right now I don't know why no one wants to marry me suddenly this isn't a good sign of course if you actually want to get married you need to have your house upgraded at least one time Robin the carpenter is the one to do that 10,000 gold 450 wood and three days time is all it's gonna take my favorite part about all this is it's not that they can't marry you before you have a kitchen that said they don't want to and she accepts three days from now or will get married here we have a beautiful ceremony it's a bi-weekly tradition for myself and it's all just a lot of fun now remember how they were at ten hearts when we got married well nothing go all the way up to twelve hearts and if you get them even beyond twelve hearts to a secret 13th heart they'll give you a star drop followed by this amazing dialogue honey I wanted to give you that fruit as a symbol of my love can you tell me where you got it so we can get more that would be very helpful to a farm as you can see she's 13 out of 12 because I was giving her prismatic shards which everyone loves at this point you're free to divorce your spouse or just keep them forever and ignore them it's almost the same difference except for divorce cost you fifty thousand gold but thanks for the star drop the next star drop on her fun little list comes from a star D Valley Fair which happens on the 16th of fall so you can have to pay through a few seasons to get to this one the fair basically changes the entire town for day it starts at 9:00 a.m. once you leave it's night time this guy sells you all sorts of prizes where you start tokens everything is quite interesting but it's a star chopper after 4 mm star tokens now star tokens are something that can just be bought for 50 gold each [Music] so to buy the 2000 you would need would cost you about a hundred thousand gold luckily there's a way that's a little bit cheaper to do because you don't really want to spend a hundred thousand gold at least from your first fall on a star drop you can't actually do the star D Valley Fair and completed in the ground display you can get some star tokens that way but I've done nothing on this farm so I have nothing to display you can pay the strength game it basically acts similar to the fishing game you just need to click where the red bar is at the top [Music] and you'll be rewarded for this monumental task with a single star token anything less and you get nothing strength level gym teacher all the games you play can reward you small amounts of star tokens in my opinion they're not really worth it the guns display can be worth it if you put the Mary's purple shorts found at Marnie's floor on display you will get 750 star tokens just for that the mayor won't approve but I certainly will doing the display legitimately will get you 50 star tokens for fourth place 200 for third 500 for second and a full 1000 for first should he get the 2009 for the star job you'd have to get first place in the Ganj display two years in a row and who wants to wait that long the best way to do this is to buy a small amount of star tokens from this young lady let's buy say 20 star tokens for 1000 gold that's not bad at all now this game is the one you ought to be focusing on this shady-looking gentleman if we talk to him step right up take the color and place your bet for a chance to double your wager it seems like 50/50 chance of orange and green but the thing is it lands and greens 75% of the time in orange 25% of the time that means it's gonna hit green three times - orange is one no because we have three to one odds simply bet half your star tokens even if you lose you're still gonna have more to bet again simply bet half of your total amount so we have ten of our 20 star tokens wagered on green there's a 75% chance for it to land on here and we win so we double down now we're up to 30 so this time we bet 15 and I think you get the picture or if you're feeling impatient you can dispel your whole amount and really take a risk already I'm up 250 three star tokens and I haven't lost once torn in 28 and I think you see the point now if we just simply go ahead and pretend to add the patience to do that ten more times we have our 2000 star tokens I want my star drop thank you I didn't even have to embarrass a mare today [Music] you found another star job you mind is filled with thoughts of star drops our next startup comes in his series but we don't have access to the series yet luckily for me I play this game way too much and I know exactly how to get in there unfortunately that means we need to donate 60 items to the museum unfortunately he's not accepting the lucky purple shorts so now we have the large task before us we've got to find all the artifacts he possibly can we need 60 just unlock the series well luckily for me I'm sitting with 36 right in front of me you're likely to start finding these artifacts almost on day one if you spend any time in the mines you're gonna find artifacts you see those little worms in the ground hold them up you'll find artifacts you'll then slowly find them as you play throughout the game processing geode is also a great way to find these so 60 may seem like a lot but it's really not you're gonna do it naturally probably before you hit this point in time anyway but that is probably also going to mean sacrificing things like gems you donate to the museum rather than sell it or give it as a gift this also has the added benefit of giving you some rewards along the way some of which are more useful than others and some are just kind of interesting and here's a tip if you're unsure if you've donated something to the museum mouse over it if it gives you an accurate description of what that item is you have donated it if it says this Gunther can tell you more about this if you donate it to the museum well you still need to donate it to the museum so this mouse over for a quick way to know for sure and you might have noticed it among these rewards there's no way to help you get into the series well don't freak out just yet because the morning after you hit 60 items Gumtree decides to show up at your doorstep at 6 a.m. good morning I hope it's not too early well I just wanted to stop by and thank you in person for all the wonderful artifacts and minerals you've discovered you've done so much for one person in fact I just received a letter from the office of the original secretary of artifacts who being honored with a coveted golden shovel award for our significant contributions to the field yeah you might want to this pass that along to me seeing as I single-handedly found every item in your Museum and it's all thanks to you well I should let you get back to your work and he goes to leave but wait he's remembered something oh I almost forgot I have a gift for you it's an old key that's been sealed in the museum vault for at least 100 years it's a little rusty but still beautiful wait you have a vault what else is in there and we got the rusty key it has been added to your wallet now if you don't know where your wallet is go to your skills tab your wallet is at the bottom the rusty key is the only thing I currently have and it of course unlocks is yours I suppose to the past several hundred years no one's been into the sewers and they just haven't really needed any maintenance there's also a second entrance to the sewers in south and center sap forest and it just kind of leaks out into the ocean because no one cares about the ocean once in the sewers you find a few interesting things it's not particularly huge you might want to try your hand at fishing here this guy is the one we're after chromis a human visitor that's me I would like to purchase your stuff I don't care what you have to say thanks he sells some pretty interesting and pretty useful stuff iridium sprinklers yes please the thing we're after there was a star drop only twenty thousand gold remember when we were almost gonna spend a hundred doesn't go to the star d Valleyfair well this one's a fifth of the price because crow biz is stupid and here we go again star job power were all the way up to 406 energy we started at 270 by the way has uranium sprinklers only on Fridays next we're gonna need access to the seeker woods now you're probably wondering what are the seeker woods end where are they well if you start here Marty's ranch and walk all the way to the left you'll find a large annoying log directly in your path and a regular axe won't break it and neither will a copper axe however because you spent all that time in the mines already enough so much or you should be able to get your axe upgraded to an iron pickaxe at Clint and with a few little chops you'll be rewarded with six hardwood 8 hardwood and access to the seeker woods chopping logs like that and these also give you a lot of foraging experience by the way the secret woods looks like this it's full of slimes some useful for jables it's mostly hardwood that I like here but the thing we're after is this old master cannoli still searching for the sweetest taste which is simply telling us we need to give the statue some sweet and he'll reward us spoiler alert what he's looking for is the sweet jamberry it's by far the sweetest thing you've ever smelled and that was easy enough wasn't it but the problem is you can't despite the sweet Jim berry anywhere you cannot buy the seeds anywhere you miss bad to actually get the sweet Jim berry is check the traveling merchant every Friday and Sunday when she's here and hope that she's selling the rare seeds that day turns out today she's not but if you see the very seeds from her buy them just for a reference if they look like this takes all season to grow in fall they take 24 days under normal circumstances and by the way this reach of berry is the most valuable crop in the game so you might want to start growing these as soon as you can once immature run them through a seed maker to get more and just keep doing that process until you have more sweet gem berries and therefore more money than you know what to do with again they go only in fall but they work pretty good in the greenhouse just saying so slam listen to this guy's face his eyes go red because he's actually evil and star drop not entirely sure how or why a stone statue is able to give you a star drop but let's not read it into that to fire thank you we're in statue in the woods you're just as useful as my spouse was but that actually took considerably less effort now unfortunately the final two star drops well they're considerably harder to get now the first one we're gonna talk about requires getting the Master Angler achievement now can you guess what that requires yeah you gotta catch every fish in the game now if you know where to find the fish this isn't actually super super hard to do but it is gonna take a bit of time thinking you have to go through every season through every type of weather to find every fish and some of them are actually pretty hard to catch now you'll get your first fishing rod as early as day to this idiot named Willy will send you mail telling you to come and see him he'll give you a basic fishing rod from there you catch basic fish upgrade your fishing skill buy better rods you get the idea it's a pretty simple process but again fairly time-consuming because like I said you catch different fish on a rainy day than on a sunny day different fish in the ocean then you do in the river in town or in the mountain like by the carpenter shop or even in the deep pools of the mines yes wikipedia is gonna be a friend on this one if you want to know where to find all the fish but to be fair I do enjoy the fishing in this game and it is great it has to catch them all but it does feel pretty good once it's finally done and if you're not using the wikipedia good luck finding them all there are also five legendary fish basically one for season and one found elsewhere and if you wondering how many fish there are well just take a quick look through all of this you can see there is quite a few to find some of them are very easy to find some of them you can only find in one specific location so if we know just kind of go ahead and pretend that I caught all these fish it would look something like this did I manage to do it in a single day this is every fish in the game a regular quality sold overnight and we definitely got some kind of achievement for that not sure what the game is gonna give us greenhorn for earning 15k because I sold all the fish unfortunately I didn't legitimately catch all those so I did not get this our job for it but once you have actually managed to catch every single fish in the game Willie will send you a startup in the mail so don't worry if you don't find it right away check email so thank you Willie I'll pretend you gave me this gift for doing this Monument don't ask of catching every single fish and that means we've only got one left to go any guesses where it could be honestly without the Wikipedia it would be crazy hard to find all these because the game is so deep and there's so many different things you can do but this final one is definitely the hardest one to do because it's probably the one I've never actually done in a legitimate playthrough it's something I'm working on and I'm very close to doing but still after almost 900 hours haven't done it and that would be finishing this nightmare that's right all 95 things donated to the museum now I know what you're thinking that's only 35 more things and it was done locked the sewers well some of these are a lot harder to find than the others for example once you start mining you're gonna find things like amethyst and Jade all the time they're everywhere you're gonna find multiples every time you're in the mines some things like this gold mask well they basically have I believe a 0.1% chance of spawning and that's in the worms so there's worms you kind of see once in a while well hold those up you have like a one in a thousand chance of getting a gold mask but things like this dinosaur egg tend to elude me and that's because things like this have a 1% chance of spawning even when you do have the possibility to find them for example the dinosaur egg you only can find it if you're looking for it using the worms in the ground well it's only gonna happen around the carpenter shop in the northern end of the map and even then if you're lucky to find worms there it's a 1% chance so you got to find a honey to those worms up near the carpenter shop to even have a chance of finding it and sometimes the odds aren't in your favor for example I'm still looking for it and I've been looking for it forever even just the task of spawning these items into existence and placing them right now takes time it's not a lot of fun to do so to do this actually in the real game to find each and every one of these be prepared to spend some time not that that's a big deal like I said as you're playing along you're gonna find a lot of these just naturally anyway but if you're going out of your way to try and find them it's gonna take some time and this process is so enjoyable that I missed an artifact somewhere along the way so I've got to go back to the museum and figure out which one I missed so I can get the damn achievement yep I count exactly 94 artifacts I'm missing one so I've got to figure out which one it is I'm missing and I couldn't even begin to tell you how very much I don't want to do this right now but for the sake of finishing this I'm gonna do this well okay it looks like I gotta figure it out it was the prehistoric vertebrae believe is what it's called and that's it a complete collection never done this legitimately I'm one item away and one of my play files but it still eludes me and it actually might do it forever there's my reward the final star drop number seven interesting how I actually put into my backpack before consuming it this time well this is only one you can actually hold on to so interestingly enough once you receive this and from new museum you can actually sell it but it doesn't actually give you the money for it but if you ever do actually get a hold of one you're able to sell they do sell for quite a bit 7777 gold one of the most valuable items in the game by quite a bit so just like that in a single day if this idiot went from zero to hero from 270 energy up to let's pretend that's 506 because that's our money he's supposed to have 506 is the maximum energy you can get from star drops so that's a considerable that's almost twice as much as you have when you start by the time you find them all you've probably got your skills pretty high up there so using all your tools pretty efficiently so that 506 energy is gonna go away long ways to making you a better player
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 920,838
Rating: 4.8557715 out of 5
Keywords: stardew, valley, sdv, df, stardrops, stardrop locations, where to find every stardrop, stardew valley, stardew valley guide, dangerously, funny, stardew valley gameplay, dangerously funny, stardew valley 1.3, gameplay, pc, stardew valley tips, commentary, dangerouslyfunny, stardew valley walkthrough, no swearing
Id: rHZVwKpyTQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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