What's the Best Farm Type in Stardew Valley?

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which farm type should you pick on your playthrough of stardew valley picking your farm type is the first real decision you have to make in stardew valley and it's quite the toughy as it's one of the few choices in the game that can't be changed many of the different farm types have a lot of different benefits but also disadvantages and it's important to know the differences before you choose your farm so today i'll be ranking all the different farm maps from best to worst i've got close to 1 000 hours in stardu and i'm a decently good speedrunner so i've got a good point of reference on this but this still will be largely based on my opinion now if you don't know the standard farm was the first farm to ever be added to sturdy valley originally the standard farm was the only farm that was in the game so the standard farm is very interesting in the sense that it has the most tillable tiles of any of the other farms and for that reason alone it makes it good because once you get into the end game it is very useful uh for making the most amount of money obviously if you're playing this min max you wouldn't have wheat here you would have something like pumpkins or ancient farm um other than that the standard farm doesn't really have very many options for you besides just having the most tillable tiles once you get to the end game like i said crops are the biggest money maker of all by far by along in a way so people consider their standard farm definitely to be one of the stronger farms just because it's so profitable what i will say against the standard farm is that when you get to the end game you accrue such an absurd amount of wealth that having 500 extra tiles is not super irrelevant when you get to the end game right you can have all of these you know all these sprinklers set up and they all make pumpkins and then there's juno huts and they all will perfectly put out huge amounts of profits but really if you're like a casual player that's gonna not mean too too much to you it's gonna be the difference of like a million g you know which you know is good if you're like a min maxer but if you're just playing like more casually that's not really really make a big difference to you the thing i will say towards the standard farm is that because it has no architecture or like anything else you can customize in whatever way possible as you see i've put these disgustingly ugly paths down that are just absolutely rancid these all these things but it gives you a lot of freedom to customize and create it's just like a pretty boring square farm and for that reason it's good but in the early game you will still struggle um you'll struggle more than you would with other farms it's better towards the late game in my opinion so for that reason i'm i still it's still really good though because it still has the best the most amount of terrible ties but i'm just gonna put in the eight here i think the extra tillable tiles are really not gonna do that much for you and especially now that we have ginger island the standard farm i don't think is that important to get next up we have the forest farm now the forest farm is pretty is very interesting i would say unlike the standard farm it does have several amenities and the cool thing about the forest farm is that you can get foraging in these little pockets over here which is what makes this the optimal speed run farm that's why you'll always see us play on it because the forage is valuable both for energy and for money and also in community center speed runs the mushrooms will spawn here and mushrooms are usually like pretty rare to get otherwise especially if you go with the fruit bat cave and also the blackberries and salmonberries and all those sort of things will spawn on this farm as well the other gimmick that the forest farm has is has the respawnable stumps and i believe there's five i want to say oh wait there's more there's like eight dang that's a lot of farm that's a lot of stumps you can also clear out this area and all this grass area you can't grow crops on but you can like build on it like so like all throughout here and over here and those are pretty much the two big sections i like the forest farm a lot i'm a big fan of the forest farm because hardwood is like in the end game is the i mean not the but one of the hardest resources to cultivate because pretty much everything else on your farm can be automated you can automate money not like automate but like you basically have infinite money you have infinite iridium by going to skull caverns but like hardwood you only get like in secret forest i think 24 a day and if you have lumberjack it's like 32 or something like that it's something insanely small so having the heart like more hardwood stumps when hardwood is i would say probably the least common resource in the game ends up being really useful especially now that you need like 500 to go to ginger island i also say from a uh design standpoint i just think the forest farm is very pretty it is this i believe it's the smallest form 1400 is really a very small amount and if you see if you do see a lot of this area can't even be optimized there's like stuff here like you can't won't really really be able to put a sprinkler here like it's hard to optimize sprinkler layout here right though i will say it does look very pretty but you will be suffering in the late game you won't be making as much but still very pretty very nice looking farm and the foraging is really nice in the early game which is really just what i remember more okay because that i'm going to put the forest farm in the a tier as well forest farm is very good very solid as well i would say it just the size really does work against it significantly now of course you can build sheds on your farm because there's like 1400 non-tillable tiles as well but that sounds really annoying and the fertilizer is insane to cultivate all right next up we'll do the riverlands farm so i don't have a ton of experience playing on the riverlands farm and you know what i'll tell you why the riverlands farm is by far the worst farm in the game and you can see really just by looking at it why this farm is so terrible first of all all of these things are sectioned off and there's so little farming space even though i believe the riverlands farm has more tillable tiles than the forest farm because of like the way everything is shaped it's so hard to fit things here and it's almost impossible to get anything going all the farms that focus on fishing are dumb and i'll explain why because getting to fishing is not far it is not that far to go and fish somewhere and most of the time even when you fish on the farms that have bigger fishing ponds than like the standard farm right you still end up fishing up more trash than you would if you just would go fish into town and it takes what like two seconds to walk up to the mountain lake which is a great source of fishing and you don't even really need to fish that often so it's just terrible in like so many regards aesthetically i just think this is so ungodly ugly i think these islands are really like weirdly shaped i i don't like this the how they're all shaped i think building on things is really difficult you're thinking now you maybe have a lot of room to build stuff probably all around i would say this is definitely the worst farm in lots of different ways but aesthetically and like in mid max purposes so for that reason i'm gonna put the riverland farm in the d tier now the hilltop farm i also i have some experience playing on the hilltop farm it's okay i will say i do like the way that the hilltop farm is designed i do think that it has it is very aesthetically pleasing the gimmick if you don't know of the hilltop farm is that it is a small quarry over here and at the quarry it spawns like different types of auras here you can see here i just spawned down this farm spawned a bunch of copper and i believe the auras get better as you go deeper in the mines don't quote me on that hold up oh it depends on your mining level also when i played through this game there was a giant log here i remember and then i couldn't get to the quarry into the late game and the quarry is already not that great getting the copper is like all right i guess but the stones were like respond so slowly that it's really not worth it and going to the mines is not that bad like you're really only going to spawn like like see how this is all like copper and stone and i'm sure you know if i had like mining level 10 maybe some iridium would spawn but i've played a lot more on the other farms that do have quarries and really it's like never worth your time it's just like another thing to do also what's really annoying is that i'm pretty sure this stump is always here which just makes navigating this farm so insufferable now i will say that this farm is very big it has like i think two thousand twenty nine hundred tillable tiles i wanna to say 2100 tiles which is like a thousand less than the standard farm but the shapes of everything are very uncomfortable right like i'm gonna fit a sprinkler here where you can put a junomo hut here you know but i will say it does look very pretty i do like the whole hilltop theme but it just is like very awkwardly shaped i think now when you start off in the hilltop farm usually you have like this whole like area to set up shop in to like farm but then eventually you start moving down here and the stumps become a lot more common i have found maybe this is just like a placebo thing but i found it's a lot harder to build around the stumps in on this farm that isn't like any other also doesn't help that in your initial area the greenhouse is here there's just so much going on and like it does have a lot of tillable tiles but like like look at this what are you gonna fit here you know even if you're not mid maxing right even if you're just going for like a you know design aspect what are you gonna put here man you know it's like all these really awkward nooks and crannies but the river is absolutely useless too it just like takes up space i generally think they could have got rid of the river and added like another i don't know something else here but yeah i'd say it's all right it is still pretty big and the quarry is alright it's not like detrimental but i'd say it's not the best i'll put it in b tier i definitely have some aversion to it but you know maybe it's like a c2 honestly this could probably be like f-tier and then this could probably just be like a c-tier and then just get rid of b-2 i don't think anything's gonna really be in b-tier okay the wilderness farm wilderness farm is probably the farm i have the least experience with but i think that it is kind of dumb honestly it always feels like very out of place the combat in stardew valley is is not great i'm gonna be honest the fact that monsters spawn on your farm at night is really annoying i think there are some rare monsters that only spawn on the wilderness farm right yeah wilderness golems drop like nothing they drop pretty much crap definitely not worth your time to kill them having to walk around your farm be worried about monsters like even into the late game sounds really annoying and also when i get into the late game i do not or even in the early game i don't carry my freaking sword on me ever because there's no reason to really i think this farm is also not that big it's okay it has 2 100 tiles also for some reason has these like i think because the monsters were not enough they added these like fishing ponds but like i said fishing ponds are always not good if you're near the game the wilderness farm is really hard yeah i would not recommend this to begin here's the thing i would not recommend this to a beginner player like if you're a beginner i you do not want to play in the wilderness farm and if you're like a pro you don't want to play in the woodstorm either because it just is annoying you know i mean so i don't know who this is really for and this layout is i don't know i find it atrocious i mean i guess it does have a lot of total tiles but like the monsters are not worth it the monsters are terrible so i think this farm is complete trash and maybe d tier actually maybe we do need a beat here actually okay and this can go into b tier and then the wilderness farm can go into d tier for people who think they're playing terraria so the standard farm was in the first update and then all the other farms got added in 1.1 and then at 1.4 when the multiplayer update dropped concerned ape dropped a multiplayer based farm called the four corners farm four corners farm was built it was sectioned off into four different sections with the intent being that you could uh you know you have your one friend build a cabin here and then he builds over here you know you got one cat person built the thing over here she builds over here this is out of the other thing right which when you play in multiplayer this farm is really good to play on unless you're playing with like a significant other or something and you're like sharing money or something but if you and your friends are playing whatever and you're not doing shared income and you're like you know building everybody's farm separately this farm is a ton of fun to play on because then also people's farms don't get mixed up one person's got his farm here you can go over see what he's doing on his farm you got you know you got one person and you just see you can see the progression of everybody's farm also if you play with three people i usually have like this corner just be like freebie now each corner of the farm is supposed to have a different like perk i guess this i believe the top right has the most uh tillable tiles and also has like the shipping bin and like you get the big farmhouse if you live in the bottom right you get the quarry which is like a smaller quarry than the one on the hilltop farm but it still like spawns pretty good as you can see like there's like a gold here but nothing insane if you live in the bottom left you get the worst one and you get the fishing stuff but it is good to set up crab pots as you seen i i have here um definitely the worst of the four perks and then over here a re-growable hardwood stump appears now i do think that there should be two hardwood stumps that spawn here i think that one is a little weak also i think forage can spawn here which is like really weird like i've had a mushroom spawn right here i feel like i've been a little hard on this farm maybe but this is my favorite farm layout without a doubt it has a ton of towable tiles even if you're not playing in multiplayer this farm is like probably the best to play on for so many different reasons while the other farms have like like the riverlands farm has like 1600 tillable tiles as opposed to the standard farms 3 400 total tiles the four corners farm has i think 2900 so it's like 500 less so really not not a big deal at all and ginger island can make up for that discrepancy or you could just put like crystallariums up here or something like that or like kegs in the bus stop in terms of profitability it's like pretty much on par with the standard farm you get the regrobal stump which is really nice although it's only one it's still like it's real you don't do always secret forest and it's a nice like quick way to get some hardwood and then just in terms of designing it's really nice for organization right like you see how on this farm i have all my crops here i've i'm not very creative but i have like more crops here i've got my tappers here i've got all my buildings over here there's just like a lot you can do with this farm and it just there's a lot of different ways to section things off you know maybe you can like build your you know you can have tomatoes over here and star fruit over here and this time the other thing it's just i like it a lot it's very nice and sectioned off and it's very pretty i feel like there's a lot you can do with in terms of designing and it's just very profitable so for that reason i'm gonna put the four cornice farm in the s tier i think it's the best farm in the game i think it's only a little bit better than the standard farm stanford could probably be like bottom best here honestly but it's a little boring i think the four corners farm is a lot more fun and aesthetically pleasing okay and last but certainly not least we have the beach farm so they can see with the beach farm is that it is the largest farm in the game 2700 tillable tiles and then 1900 non-tillable tiles where you can build stuff on you can put either machines there or kegs or barns whatever now which is seems really nice you know the flaw of the beach farm is that for some ungodly reason concerned abe said he doesn't like the part of the game when you can put sprinklers down so he wanted to make a farm layout that sprinklers don't work on i don't know why i know what who wants to just hand water like hundreds of crops every day is it supposed to be because like you're supposed to be encouraged to not do crops like i guess i see what he's saying like he's anti like the automation section of the game you know what i mean we just automate everything but like i don't know that's the point of stardew valley to me i mean the farm is beautiful right it replaces that like ugly yellow sand with this like cool beachy texture and the beach farm can also spawn crates on the coast and the crates can have like really cool things in it like uh fertilizer coffee gemstones i think a couple stuff like that so it has a lot of things going for it but you can plant sprinklers here but besides right here you cannot plant sprinklers anywhere on this farm you have to hand water everything and that is just like insufferably bad it's so detrimental though i will say whenever i do like challenge runs and stuff i do always play on the beach farm because it is the biggest and i do think it is like probably the most pretty i do think it's probably the prettiest farm the water looks really nice it's almost it's too big it's extremely vertical if you have to traverse all the way down to get down to cindersnap forest it takes four ever and it's just it's too long like i understand that it's supposed to be bigger to compensate for its other flaws but it's too big like conservative said it's supposed to be for like veteran players but like like it's not making the game harder in any way does that make any sense like there's nothing more difficult that it's adding to the game just not having sprinklers it just takes up time and i guess okay then you have no energy and then but like by the time that you have like a full form of sprinklers you have so many ways to restore energy it's definitely very interesting and i'm glad that it's in the game i do think it's very pretty but it's pretty bad i'm gonna have to put it straight into the f tier i would recommend that somebody plays on the riverland farm before i recommend somebody plays on the beach farm though i will say i do have a soft spot in my heart for the beach farm i do think it is cool i do think that a lot of challenge runs are done with it because it's just like interesting in that way yeah besides that for a casual playthrough it's pretty bad but if you've been playing a lot of stardew i i do think there's some benefit to trying out all these farms in btr and above but i would almost never recommend that you play on these these farms in dnf tier and that's about it [Music] you
Channel: Seanie Dew
Views: 289,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G4dKi6PzrNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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