What I Wish I Knew BEFORE Playing Stardew Valley

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if you just spot stardew valley and you're about to start a new farm well first off spoilers up ahead but second here are some things that i really think will help you when it comes to starting a new save and things i wish i knew sooner and hey even if you're an experienced player stick around you might learn something new with certain fish i kind of always just assume that you could only catch them in particular seasons for whatever reason i don't know why but certain fish for example the catfish i always kind of figured that catfish could only be caught in spring for whatever reason just because i kind of associated it with spring but it can actually be caught in a few different seasons same with a lot of other fish so if you don't catch a certain fish in a season double check the wiki and see if you can actually catch it in other seasons this could save you if you're missing a fish for the cc and you just hadn't thought about that other than that it's just kind of nice if you have a particular fish you like to fish for to make a lot of money because you can continue fishing for that one if you're in a different season than where you normally catch it this is kind of a stupid one but basically when you're planting crops there's actually a pretty efficient way to do it that i embarrassingly enough did not know about for a while beforehand i just kind of hovered my mouse over specifically every single tile i wanted to plant it was kind of tedious and really actually quite annoying to plant stuff but on one stream someone just mentioned you know you can just hold down right click and you can walk and it'll plant right and they were right so essentially if you just hold down right click with your mouse it can just be anywhere all over the screen basically hold down right click and walk over till tiles it plants the crops i really wish i knew this sooner because planting my fields upon fields of crops would have been so much easier if you don't know about this make sure you start using it it makes planting crops so much easier if you just hover your mouse over an item if you've unlocked the community center and you haven't completed it the community center icon will will flash if it is an item that you need to donate and you have not already donated it this is super handy if you want to just quickly check if you need a fish or not because i i pretty much remember every single bundle except the fish ones so that's mainly what i use it for but if you are new to the game and you don't really remember what every bundle is this is super handy if you want to set up a keg empire because you just watched my video on how to make a ton of money and you plan on setting up ancient fruit but you just spent all your money buying copper and iron to make said cake so you don't have any money to buy sheds you can actually place your kegs all over the map for example ginger island the quarry the bus stop even barnes if you already have a barn lying around and you don't have a ton of animals in it so you don't need sheds i personally just use sheds for money making because they're a lot easier since with the other designs you're kind of running all over the place since it's kind of jagged i guess that's the best way to describe it so this isn't as efficient harvesting and replanting wise but it's still pretty good and better than nothing do keep in mind for certain areas though that npcs can stomp all over your kegs and destroy them sorry to interrupt this is important i made a bet that if i reach 60 000 subscribers by the end of this month i will change my profile picture to a combination of my profile picture and my mortal enemy hailing if you're not sure yet feel free to watch the rest of the video and decide or check out some of my other stuff i have tons of other stardew valley videos just like this one thanks guys and continuing on with npc's destroying placed items npcs can actually destroy placed items if they walk over them so basically each npc has a path they walk over every single day and if you place an item where they're walking you know they could just walk around it instead they choose to just trample it and completely destroyed off the face of the earth i actually i remember losing a skeleton statue to this ages ago and that was quite traumatic to be perfectly honest with you but i i've got over it um i wish i hadn't remembered it because i'm actually getting quite sad right now but basically if you ever place some sort of chest or item or like an npc chest setup anywhere across the map double check on the wiki to make sure npcs don't walk there because they will destroy your stuff and they have absolutely zero mercy they will destroy anything and everything funny story one time i had placed all my items in a chest at pierre's because i needed to go buy a ton of something and i needed an empty inventory and i came back and the chest was destroyed thankfully all my items were on the ground but if i had lost everything i would have cried now you may have heard me mention something called npc chests and you might be like what the heck is an npc chest are there like items i could rob from npcs unfortunately no it's actually the exact opposite of that basically an npc chest is yes i just coined the term on the fly it's basically a chest you place near where an npc normally hangs out and you put loved gifts of theirs in it that way you don't forget about gifting them and you leave it till the end for perfection because that is kind of what screwed over my 100 perfection run and why i currently sit at 93 completion so you can just leave something pierre loves somewhere in pierre store make sure it's out of the way because you don't want it getting destroyed and then every time you walk in you can grab something give it to pierre and keep raising the friendship the chest itself serves as a good reminder because i'm pretty forgetful gifting wise so it's a great reminder and also just very convenient to instantly have the item on me i don't have to clog up a bunch of inventory spaces carrying around all the items i need to gift did you know that in the greenhouse you can actually place more than just crops you can actually go ahead and plant trees basically anywhere however obstacles in here work slightly differently than outside so as you know fruit trees outside you need to give them a one tile buffer zone around them so they can grow however in the greenhouse these little boxes around the edge you can actually plant trees right next to them for whatever reason so instead of having whatever six trees you be able to have if you do count the obstacles as things you cannot plant you can actually double that and get all the way up to 12 trees down and with all of those new fancy fruit trees you can actually use them as super easy gifting and if you also have the fruit bat cave then you'll be able to get even more gifts so basically if you didn't know all fruits in the stardew valley are a universal light so it's not the maximum tier not a love it is a liked gift though it gives you a decent amount of friendship so essentially what you do is you reach level 10 forging and you get the perk that makes every single forgeable you collect iridium quality then you collect every single fruit in your batcave and you have a ton of iridium quality gifts to give to npcs and if you didn't know if you let a fruit tree grow for two years then all of the fruit drops will be iridium quality giving you even more so i normally try to plant all of the same amount of trees that way it stacks my inventory nice and neatly this is why the fruit batcave method isn't actually optimal and you want to do the tree method instead but if you don't have a bunch of trees down or you can't afford it yet the fruit bat method is also pretty nice like i mentioned earlier i'm pretty forgetful gift wise so if i just have something in my inventory at all times i can just give to any npc and i'll know they'll at least like it giving me minor friendship gains i'd rather do that than nothing honestly this tip helped me along a lot with friendship but since i've forgotten some characters it just wasn't enough since they weren't walking around the town daily i wasn't seeing them reminding me to gift them that's kind of what screwed me over in the end so fun fact you actually don't need a silo for animals so i'm the type of guy who's just kind of lazy and i don't really like building silos and fun fact you don't even need to and it actually benefits you to not build one so essentially if you just go ahead and build yourself a coupe drop it in the field of grass that you didn't cut down thanks to my previous videos and then just open the door now basically animals will just walk outside eat the grass and they actually get bigger friendship gains doing this than just eating inside so it's a benefit and is cheaper for you since you don't have to be buying hay or building a silo once you upscale your operations and you have a lot of animals this isn't really viable but early game it does kind of save you a bit of time and a decent bit of money depending if you have to buy hay since you accidentally hold all your grass and you know what i think i need to say this again i know i've said this so many times pretty much in all of my tip and tricks video but i need to continue saying it never ever cut grass early game you can transfer that grass into valuable hay which you can use to feed your animals or for example feed the animals without even need to turning it into hay so basically just never cut your grass until you have at least a silo down so this was not a mistake i made personally but i actually saw a few people comment this so i am gonna include it i think i even saw i believe it was charlie barley say that she didn't know how to do this so basically when crops die at the end of seasons if you did have crops planted you can clear them by using a scythe instead of pickaxing them all this obviously saves a ton of energy it's so much easier but people didn't know this or at least some people in my comments didn't know this so i thought i would just help you in case you didn't know i hope you're not doing this that'd really suck you can only catch one of each legend fish per save per player so if you are a multiplayer kind of technically get multiple arms from your single player so if you do catch a legend fish don't sell it because you can actually not get it back so chuck it in a fish tank save it just don't sell it because it's not worth a couple thousand gold to potentially lose an irreplaceable item on your save if it does end up to turn into like a really nice save that you play a long time into the future only certain crops should be put in the keg you don't want to be putting like parsnips or other random stuff like that in the keg basically the keg is the best for putting in valuable crops you don't want to be putting in cheap crop you want to save it for ancient fruit star fruit and stuff like that you of course can use beer because it does take less time to make but generally as a rule of thumb put in valuable stuff into kegs and cheap stuff into jars if you need a lot of hardware early game or you need for example a forgible that can only spawn in the secret woods or you just need more chances to get said vorageable you can actually glitch into the secret woods early just by heading right here placing a chair jumping on the chair and heading on in there's actually nothing stopping you from straight up just walking in no invisible barriers or anything this is insanely useful for the aforementioned reasons and you can also catch the wood skip another benefit i hadn't even thought of this is a mistake i made fairly often and sometimes i do make the tactical choice to do it but i generally try to avoid it and that is buying the backpack before the first strawberry harvest or basically before the egg festival so if you didn't know the egg festival is a pretty critical event in story valley especially in the first year because that's where you buy strawberries and strawberries make huge amounts of money pretty much the most profitable spring crop definitely the most profitable spring crop year one and when you lose 2000 gold to the backpack sure it's pretty helpful but you also have that's 20 less strawberries to make you money you'll obviously return on investment way heavier than the strawberries at least initially obviously the backpack will help you more long-term but i think it's definitely worth it to go for the strawberries first because normally i can even finish the mines with just one backpack upgrade so it's not really a huge issue for me at least might be for you so if you really need to get it and go for it generally waiting another week or two to buy it isn't a huge deal for me at least so if you are on pc or you can even do it on console kind of and you're using a sword right now stop hammers are so strong and i'll tell you why so basically hammers are always kind of underrated a little bit because of their slow swing speed even though they do deal more damage most people overlook them because of their affirmation slow swing speed however there's actually a few tricks you can do to make them completely and utterly overpowered the first off is animation cancelling i do have a tutorial on that so it's going to be down in the description down below or just search for it on youtube and it should come up at the top the other one and the one that anyone can do is the hammer combo essentially when you right click it does two hammer box instead of one it does have a little bit of a cool down but you can reduce that at combat level 10 with the acrobat perk that halves the cooldown then you can also take off another half with the enchantment called artful which reduces it by another half so once you get the cooldown down it's only 1.8 seconds which is really short so you can be doing it insanely quickly and hammer steal massive knockback so enemies are normally back around you by the time the weapon is recharged so it's perfect timing and let me tell you why it's even more overpowered than you might think so two bunks is already pretty good but actually every single click you do while the hammer is like doing the animation for bonking twice actually counts as another hit so you can do like 10 to 15 hits with the hammer in a single second which is obviously insane you can one shot basically anything like right here i'm gonna have on screen me just absolutely obliterating monsters and skull caverns field snacks are a seriously underrated item in starter valley probably just because you unlock them at a fairly low level so you probably just assume they're useless and to be fair they are pretty useless end game but in the early game when you unlock them they're actually super strong since they only cost one of each acorn to make they're very affordable and you can pretty much just chop the trees infinitely with this method since when you chop down trees you get more acorns meaning you can craft more field snacks and you can chop down more trees meaning you can get more acorns etc that way you can get basically infinite energy as long as you have trees another friendship related one is don't ignore birthdays obviously each npc has a day they were born in game and if you give them a gift on that date you actually get a huge bonus you eight x's the value of what you give them so if you give them something worth 100 friendship points it'll actually be worth 800 friendship points so if you give them a loved iridium quality gift you can get insane amounts of friendship points in a single day so don't sleep on these you can use this to boost friendship points insanely quickly obviously there's only once per year so make sure you don't forget them if you don't want to forget one go ahead and buy a calendar for ramen that way you don't forget about it you don't have to walk all the way out to the general store just to check when someone's birthday is and if you really want those huge friendship games you can combine birthdays with quality gifts basically certain items can have quality stars basically saying how quality they are like the higher the star the better the worst star is silver the second best star is gold and the best star is iridium silver boosts how much friendship you gain by 1.1 gold is 1.25 and iridium is 1.5 so if you give someone a loved gift that's 80 friendship times that by 1.5 using the iridium 120 then multiply that by 8 using the birthday you get a whopping 960 friendship in a single day which is just so much and can really help you speed up your friendship games unfortunately this is only available to people on pc but basically if you didn't know in the most recent update of the game 1.5.5 a change was actually added to buying so you can now buy items 25 at a time instead of five at a time basically you can get stacks of stuff five times faster to do this you just hold shift that lets you buy five items at a time then you also hold control letting you buy 25 at a time look at it i can just tear through buying anything i want insanely quick it's incredible and totally worth setting up like i said it is unfortunately only available on pc because 1.5.5 is not out on the other platforms yet if you ever see a quest on either one of the quest sports you unlock don't be afraid to accept it even if you don't think you have the items since if you do end up failing a quest you have no downsides so if you do end up finding whatever item you need just randomly laying in a chest or on your adventures and you want to complete the quest still well you have the quest accepted and you just head over and do it without having to go to the board again and if you do end up deciding no i don't think i really want to bother doing this then there's actually no harm and you can just let the quest run out there's actually no downsides to just letting it expire if you just started the game make sure you do this it makes your playing way better it pretty much enhances every aspect of the game especially mining since it gives you more of a view and that tip is you can actually just zoom out open the settings scroll down a little bit and zoom out in both options this will make the ui a little bit smaller so you can keep it at the same zoom level it blocks your vision a little bit and i personally see no harm in just zooming both out the other zoom just lets you see more straight up if you have like a 4k monitor or an ultrawide monitor like me you could even see even more it's kind of overpowered to be honest this should be abandoned speedruns if you ever really need ores here's a really quick way to get a lot of it basically just head over the mines for example let's say you need copper you just head down to floor 20 using the elevator mine all the copper and then head back up you just rinse and repeat doing this because every single time you leave the mines the mine's reset meaning more copper can spawn in the best floors to do copper on is 20 or 30. the best floors to do iron on is floor 40 and the best floor to do gold on is floor 80. if you are a multiplayer it does work slightly differently you need to wait 10 in-game minutes before the mines will reset so you head in mind whatever or you need leave the mines wait 10 in-game minutes and then head back in and the orb will be regenerated this is really helpful especially for me since i make a ton of sprinklers and that needs a lot of golden iron you can also find other stuff like quartz fire quartz and other gemstones so it's a pretty decent way to level your mining too this is a tip for people who play multiplayer out there basically if you first choose your farm you have the option to choose between shared and split money with shared money it means there's one big pool of money for players in multiplayer to draw from when they buy something or upgrade a tool etc and split money means each person has their individual money so if i sell a parsnip only i get the money from the parsnip it's not put in the pool however if you want to change between them you can head over to luis go to this book and change it and it will change it overnight and here's one tip for people who play a multiplayer you want to start out with split money because you each get 500 gold then you want to change it the day after because all the gold will be combined and you'll start with 2 000 gold if you start with four players instead of only 500 so funnily enough this entry actually sparked the inspiration for this entire video and it is that you can move the greenhouse if you're on version 1.5 so i made a community post asking about things you wish you knew sooner and i mentioned in the community post that you can move the greenhouse and i got a lot and i mean a lot of comments of people saying that they didn't know this so you're welcome if you have a large field of crops that you don't really want to re-hoe at the start of every season here's a quick tip so you don't have to re-hoe it at the start of every season dang it is pretty amazing when you can create problems and instantly solve them in the same video awesome in spring that's parsnips and in summer's fall it is wheat then you just cover your entire field in it let it grow a little bit this is assuming you do have sprinklers and then when it changes season it'll turn into the dead crop which makes it so the tiles do not unhome which is super nice because hoeing takes a long time and this is a lot more efficient because i only spend ages hoeing and watering on the first day of each season so this allows you to water and hoe all your towels without having to do it by hand if for whatever reason you need to farm ghosts i actually have a few times during my playthroughs in stardew valley the first time i had to do it is because i needed a lot of omni geodes and this was the fastest way i knew of at the time to get them since ghosts have a pretty high chance to drop omni geodes and since i had a burglar's ring it was an even higher chance however using a hammer to farm that was absolute agony because when i did the combo would knock them halfway across the map however i learned that if i just used an iridium needle or some kind of high tier dagger that one shots them just head up and do the ability it actually one shots them and keeps them in place that way they don't go flying across the room and you have to follow them a bunch and wait for them to come back and all that annoying stuff this is a way more efficient way to farm them that i learned about when i was doing my 100 days of stardew valley this is coming from someone who used to be a pretty avid player of the four corners farm that was the first farm i started on when i first started streaming starter valley on this channel and i didn't know for a while but right here at the bottom once you unlock a certain level of axe you can chop down the stump you can head between the two ways super easily without having to go all the way up and around similar to the ways the other ones are connected once you get high enough to your tools if you want to upgrade your watering can in the early game but you don't want to miss a critical watering day that'll slow you down in progress you can actually use this handy method so you don't miss a single day so essentially you want to check the weather every single morning and when it says it's going to rain tomorrow you water all your crops today then you head over to clint and upgrade the watering can that way tomorrow when the water and can is being upgraded you don't have to water because it's raining and then the day after that you can head over to clint grab your watering can again and then water that way you don't miss a single day and you can keep up your efficiency when i first started playing stuart valley and i wanted to level up my foraging i would use all the forgibles i collected on the first day of each season and crafted into seed packets however this actually isn't efficient because when you donate the forageables to the community center and complete the first bundle of each season you actually get 30 seeds which is better than the 10 you would have gotten from crafting them into a seed packet yourself so of course this is three times as efficient and allows you to level up your foraging basically three times as fast and once you completed that you can just normally craft the forgeables into seed packets and since you've also completed this video why don't you go check out this one on screen come on it's it's just one click just just go ahead just go tap it come
Channel: Waligug
Views: 680,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew valley 1.5, stardew valley gameplay, waligug
Id: lqqDc4wVmHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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