The Imperfection Run - Stardew Valley's First Low%

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in many game communities players have come up with something called a low percent run which means you beat the game while doing the absolute minimum possible a few examples are playing through the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time without collecting items like the sword or beating Super Mario 64 without collecting a single star and yes both are possible Lucky For Us in stardew Valley we have a literal percentage tracker with a solid number to tell us exactly how much we've completed in the last area of the game the Walnut Room in ginger Island my goal will be to reach this tracker with the lowest possible number there's a couple of reasons I'm doing this first I don't believe it's ever been done before and also there's a line in the stardew valley Wiki that I'd like to disprove it says that three percent is the lowest percentage you can see but only if you cheat to warp yourself to the percentage tracker and collect walnuts to open the door by the way collecting those 100 gold walnuts are what makes the completion percentage three instead of zero and there is absolutely no getting around that it then says however that to reach the tracker legitimately you must have a percentage over three percent due to all of the steps leading up to reaching the tracker simply put I disagree so to reach the percentage tracker at its lowest point here are the restrictions on our run we cannot ship anything on the farm and forgeable collection list catch any fish collect any Star drops craft any items reach full friendship with any characters collect more than 100 golden walnuts and hardest of all we can't gain more than one level total but wait why are we allowed the one level well the Perfection tracker actually uses your farmer level which is what this little title under your name is in the menu the farmer level goes up every two levels gained in any skill so we can gain one level and the title doesn't change making it free real estate for now I don't know what stat I'm going to end up needing it in so we'll leave all the levels at zero to start with that out of the way let's start the Run important to mention this is an unseated run and I'm using one Mod The Experience bars mod this will allow me to track how much experience I have in every skill at any point also yes this was done on stream I had a way that I was going to be able to show the footage without the webcam and everything but during the first stream of this challenge it didn't look good so you'll just have to deal with that thing for now so the way I see it this run basically has a set of five major hurdles that we need to surpass and my first goal is I need a furnace this hurdle itself actually has two parts we can't actually craft a furnace ourselves so the only way to get one is as a reward for completing the blacksmith bundle in the community center so first we need to unlock all the bundles up to the blacksmith bundle and then we somehow need to obtain one of each copper iron and gold bar as for the other hurdles we'll go over them as they become relevant so the very first thing we do is start clearing out the farm in the only way I can cutting fiber with the scythe anything else would give me experience and I can sell the fiber for a little bit of money that's not going to be enough though question is how do you make a lot of money without being able to utilize any of the skills well you might have seen this coming clay farming lots and lots of clay farming as a quick summary if you haven't seen clay farming before getting clay from hoeing the ground isn't completely random instead it follows a set pattern once we figure out where that pattern is by hoeing the same spot over and over again we can follow it to get an almost guaranteed piece of clay every single time we hoe the ground and that pattern is what you're seeing me do on screen now if we're lucky from a good day of clay farming we can get about 2 000 gold worth of clay and we're gonna need so much money for things like food to restore energy buying gifts for villagers and inventory upgrades also while we're walking to and from areas I'm going to be on the lookout for the spring forageables since we're going to need to complete that bundle first before we can unlock any of the other and I'm willing to deal with the seven experience per forageable we pick up so for the start of this run I was planning on just clay farming pretty much every day until day six sleeping through the extra time but on the night of day two something magical happened you to my purse we got a meteor on day two a meteor gives a guaranteed six iridium ore why is that important well it's a bit down the line but eventually we're going to need to repair the boat to get to Ginger Island and one of the items needed is five iridium bars meteors are one of the very few ways we'll have to obtain iridium in this playthrough on day six we get the letter from The Wizard and we go to see him so we can understand the language of the forest and immediately we complete the spring forging bundle this will unlock both the crop bundles and the fish bundles and now it's just a case of seeing which bundle we can finish first on Sunday we had even more luck the traveling cart is going to be one of the most important resources for us it can stock almost any item in the game in exchange for money which we can obtain freely without any experience gain on this day we get one iridium ore which is great on its own but we also have an iron bar and that's one of the three materials we're going to need for the blacksmith bundle and lastly I grabbed a coconut because we can use that for the Exotic foraging button on day 8 our luck turns well not necessarily luck I made a mistake stores were already closed for the day so I thought yeah there's no harm in just shipping our clay and fiber to make a quick Buck overnight well actually there is harm turns out both of those items are in the farm and foraging collection tab no no which means this run is dead and I didn't even figure that out until the 14th when I happened to check the tab just to show the stream viewers so on to the second attempt for the most part we start our run similarly we use clay farming to get money we get the spring forageables to finish the forging bundle but there's a couple of differences this time we're going to work on getting friendship with the wizard and Clint Clint can send us copper iron and gold bars in the mail all of which we need for the previously mentioned blacksmith bundle and I'm interested in the Wizard for Jade specifically see if we go into the Vault bundles the reward for the most expensive one which is 25 000 gold is a crystallarium what I could do is duplicate a Jade and then trade that Jade for staircases at the desert Trader while this isn't required if we ever want to get anything from the mines this will be pretty much the only way to go about it otherwise I'm using up both Mining and combat experience to get down just a few floors also if if we were even able to find a jade node somewhere in the mines that gives us a whopping 40 experience so that's just straight up not an option for the first Friday of this run while we haven't gotten any bars or any iridium we did have a pretty good first traveling card we were able to get a coconut pine tar and a cave carrot three items that can all be put towards the Exotic foraging bundle now one thing I haven't talked about up to this point is why I chose the beach Farm first of all it's a very open area and having a lot of open areas is going to be very important later down in the run but more immediately there's going to be Supply crates that spawn here among some of the items that are very important in these Supply crates are bombs and Omni geodes Omni geodes being one of our other sources for iridium ore as well as pretty much any other mining resource and on Sunday we got our first supply Crate getting cherry bombs once again we go to the wizard to unlock the community center and I don't immediately have the spring forging bundle ready this time but I do have a couple of items for the Exotic foraging bundle I have a bit of money after buying stuff from the traveling cart so I go to Pierre's this is gonna sound weird I buy 14 tulip bulbs and then I get the first backpack upgrade this is planning far far far in the future now that we have more room in our inventory I can buy more stuff from the traveling cart so I go and get a large egg for the animal bundle and a purple mushroom for the Exotic foraging bundle so now that we're through this first week it's important to mention any day that's not a Friday or a Sunday in general I'm going to be doing the same thing every day clay Farm give a gift to Clint give a gift to the wizard sell off my clay that's basically it there's not really much I can do outside of that I'm also sleeping through many days because honestly I don't need to utilize every single day given to me Friday the 12th I don't really get anything useful from the traveling cart but since I'm out in the town I donate my purple mushroom to the Exotic foraging bundle the following Monday it's salmonberry season and I always say salmon berries are a fantastic source of energy so that'll be the focus of the day I also decide to cut some of the fiber on the farm because you never know when there's going to be a meteor event and the more of the farm is cleared off the better a chance I'll have to get that meteor while cutting this fiber though I got an item that I have never obtained before in the almost 1 000 hours I've been playing stardew Valley noted what the living hat while we didn't get a meteor this play through I'd say the living hat more than makes up for it also I always like to have a hat of the playthrough that I just like and I see no reason not to have the living hat be that hat Tuesday I go out to pick more berries also you might see me pass up a lot of forageables my reasoning for this is there's no reason for me to pick the spring forageables right at this moment since I can't complete any other bundles yet anyway so we're just gonna hold off a bit and see if we can't happen to find those forageables in the traveling cart just to save myself a little bit of forging experience on Friday spring 19th once again we head to the traveling cart and we have a big milk for the animal bundle and unfortunately a spring forageable did spawn in the traveling cart it's just one we've already picked the wild horseradish there also was a battery pack which we do need but that's actually one of the items that we'll be able to easily obtain on our own so I don't even bother buying it on Sunday once again the only useful item is the battery pack but this time it's a lot cheaper so honestly I go for it that's one less thunderstorm that we need to rely on later on on Monday the 22nd I was just doing my rounds going to see Clint doing some clay farming opening up all the trash because I do that compulsively and what do you know I get a red mushroom not the way I expected to get an item for a bundle but that'll finish off the Exotic foraging bundle that could very well be the first time you've seen the Exotic foraging bundle finished before the spring foraging bundle and now that the animal bundle is finally unlocked we can put our large egg and milk in there on Sunday I decided to do a lap around the farm to look for Supply crates because I haven't up to this point I find one and I get some geodes out of it honestly not the most useful thing since we can't get iridium also the flower dances today to which you may say well of course that's not useful what could we possibly use that for well the daffodil and dandelion are always sold during the flower dance both of which I need to complete the spring foraging bundle so for once it's a very useful event and the next day I go to donate those two items to the spring forging bundle and that will open up the boiler room so whenever we do get those bars we'll be ready to donate them to the blacksmith bundle we do still need to unlock the Vault bundles both for the crystallarium and the lightning rod so at this point pretty much the only thing I'm waiting for from the traveling cart are bars or iridium ore if anything from the animal bundle pops up I'll get it just because I'm so close to finishing it anyway but it's not likely our next day of note is the very last day of spring Sunday the 28th because this is the day we finally made enough money to unlock the farm cave now this is a pretty obvious choice on my end if I choose the mushroom cave any mushrooms you pick up don't contribute to your foraging experience whereas if you choose the fruit bat cave any fruit you pick up will give you seven foraging experience so the mushrooms could just be a good source of money unfortunately I have already finished up the Exotic foraging bundle so it's not going to be useful for that I also give Clint his gift today and he hits two hearts yes only two hearts for the entire first month I'm not rushing it because I know that this is going to be a very long run on summer third I decide to go around and look for some forageables because a couple should have spawned by now the reason I'm going for the summer foraging bundles because there's only three forageables to find so in terms of experience used it's a bit of a freebie I find Sweet Peas and spice berries leaving only grapes the first Friday of summer comes up and what a great day we go straight down to the traveling cart and guess what there are five iridium ore just sitting there just so you know for future reference it is extremely rare to find iridium ore in the traveling cart it's even more rare to find five that's one iridium bar out of five accounted for also there is a crocus there which gives me the thought of maybe I could do the winter forging bundle since I can hoe for two items but since I've already committed to the summer 4 forging bundle I don't really need to complete anymore and you may also ask well couldn't you complete all of the foraging bundles and then not have to pay for it at JoJo later well no and the biggest reason for that is hardwood hardwood is going to be such a precious resource that I don't want to give any to a bundle that I can just pay money for instead the very next day I decide to go out looking for grapes and I find them so I go and complete the summer forging bundle I thought that was going to unlock the Vault unfortunately I forgot the vault is the last thing unlocked so that actually unlocked the bulletin board bundles so I need to figure out one more bundle to complete so I can get the Vault unlocked as soon as possible I just really don't want to miss out on the summer and fall thunderstorms on Monday I decided to do a little bit of inventory management and while I'm at it I grab a common mushroom from the farm cave and bring it into the fall forging bundle since as of right now it's the next thing to be unlocked on Friday I buy something that may be seen as a little bit weird to most people I buy pathing just one because that's all that they had I feel like this is a good time to mention that as time goes on getting around our farm is becoming more and more difficult as more trees and more rocks spawn that I can't destroy without sacrificing experience what pathing can do is basically block off a spot and guarantee that it's walkable and unfortunately there is not a single way for me to obtain flooring other than buying it from the traveling cart because it's all crafted I decided to place this first path directly in front of the farm cave just so it doesn't get blocked off not much happens for a while however on Friday the 19th I realized that I need to buy something that I'm going to once again need for much much later I buy a melon and a wheat seed that is it so on summer 22nd I decide that I need to put my foot down and I need to buy a bunch of grass starter I'm going to use this grass starter to Mark the important pads around my house so that they don't get overgrown because grass counts as taking a spot on unfortunately it is going to slow us down whenever we walk through it but it's necessary as the farm is starting to get pretty worryingly overgrown and if we get blocked in by too many trees that is straight up a run-ending scenario on the very last day of summer we go to the traveling cart and there's five weathered wood floors which will help us a lot in preventing our farm from becoming overgrown I also go ahead and buy a Blackberry because even though I can get one for free later on in Fall I'll still take one and I donate it pretty much immediately that wraps up Summer now we're going into fall walking around on the very first day I find myself a hazelnut you might be tempted to say oh but you can get one for free by shaking a tree later on in the season I actually can't hazelnuts work the same way that seeds do and since I'm not going to hit forging level one I don't get any seeds thus no hazelnuts and I go ahead and donate it and the next day we find the Wild Plum and that completes the Fall bundle meaning the Vault bundles are finally open and since I already have the money for it I'm going to go ahead and buy the 10 000 gold bundle for the lightning rod also just for the update on the relationship since it's been a while we're at four hearts with Clint and two with the wizard we still haven't gotten any letters from either of them on the next Monday the 8th it is BlackBerry season which means it's time to go pick all the berries I do that for the next few days and on Friday I wake up to a surprise we've gotten our very first letter from a friend it's Clint and he's finally sent us one of the bars we need the iron bars down that just leaves two more on Sunday the 14th we finally break open another supply Crate that has more bombs and on this day someone finally told me that I can chop down the little branches on the ground without gaining any experience now I don't know why I thought it was off limits this entire time but I just kind of assumed I didn't think about it I didn't look it up but yeah that actually does help our debris problem a little bit on the 16 I decide to walk out because I want to check out the stardew Valley Fair there's a little bit of variety of what can be sold in the shop there so I thought I might as well go check it out just in case it's anything interesting unfortunately there's not really anything interesting the random item is triple shot espresso which is useful but not worth grinding out 400 points for fall 19th I got a mushroom tree which really doesn't mean anything to me on the 21st we get another letter from Clint this time it's a gold bar so we're on a roll with these that just leaves one more the copper bar for last funny enough on the 27th we are delaying until spirit's Eve starts the golden pumpkin could be very useful to US during that time I start getting wood from all of the sticks on the ground in Cinders app Forest eventually I'm going to need that to upgrade my house which in turn will get me better items from Supply crates and once spirit's Eve starts I go and grab the golden pumpkin that means we've finally moved on to Winter on the first day I do go and get the magnifying glass I'm not sure if it'll be useful but there's no reason not to I also start to Clay Farm using the winter forageables if you didn't know there's two winterforgeables that spawn in the ground similar to Clay snow yams and winter Roots the biggest difference being instead of selling for 20 gold each snow yams sell for a hundred gold and winter Roots sell for 70. not only that but they're much easier to farm for since they're much more common from just this first day of forgible farming I made 13 950 gold I also used one extra winter route and snow yam for the winter forging bundle and since at this point I only have one more forageable left to fill it in I go and get the crystal fruit I can spare the seven experience and the winter seeds will give me a bit of money after that I spent pretty much every day forageable farming because this will be our best source of money ever on winter second I have more than enough money to afford the entirety of the Vault bundles so I get them all getting a crystallarium quality fertilizer and chocolate cake as rewards and that night the bus is repaired giving us access us to the desert at this point in the run I don't think that the desert is going to be very useful but eventually I find out that the Oasis is going to be very important on winter 5th we finally get that last letter from Clint unfortunately it's not a copper bar luckily there's a trick for this the item that you get out of the letter is determined the moment you open it so you can just restart your day and you'll get a different item I do this a couple of times and there's the copper bar I go to donate it immediately obtaining the furnace and since I'm in town and I have a lot of money I go ahead and get the second inventory upgrade as well and two days later we also got a letter from The Wizard but it was a frozen tear so we're just going to use that same trick we just used to get a Jade and I set the crystallarium to duplicate it I also get my very first iridium bar from our furnace and since that's all the Iridium I have for now I start putting other materials in so we can upgrade our tools later on the 12th unfortunately we got our lightning rod a little bit late to take advantage of any of the thunderstorms so I bought another battery from the traveling cart at this point the money is no object to me and of course we have the Feast of the winter star where I give my golden pumpkin to Leah because I wasn't brave enough to sell it and then Marnie gives me a dozen eggs which in this economy I'm not complaining about just as a note as we accomplish more and more and have less and less to do before we get to Ginger Island we're going to be skipping more days in between every important event so year two spring seventh we go to the traveling cart and we get both a battery pack and a bomb at this point I have three battery packs and I haven't even used the lightning rod once on Spring 21st I decide to buy the rest of the wood that we need to upgrade our house and all together upgrading costed me about 30 000 gold which is such a small chunk out of my 107 000. I also decide to go and look around the beach for any Supply crates and I find out that the trees have completely locked me out from getting to the West half of my farm now I could have knocked down a couple of trees to clear the path but we're kind of inching up on level one foraging and I'd rather stay away from there if I can so from now on whenever I want to get to the west side of the farm I need to go all the way around the mountains to get there on the 20 24th our house is upgraded and I didn't realize this when I was doing it but I now actually have some storage in the fridge there's absolutely no way for me to get a chest in this game because I can't craft them so this is all we get now I also make another incredible Discovery today if you go to the Oasis on Wednesdays Sandy will just straight up sell you three Omni geodes as I said quite a while ago Omni geodes are going to be one of the only ways to get iridium ore in our playthrough and since we've still only gotten those five iridium ore that we got way back in the first spring we're struggling for it so I'm gonna take anything I can get that Friday I'm an optimistic boy I go to open up those Omni geodes and I mean what could you expect nothing although this is going to be one of our best ways to get iridium ore it doesn't mean it's gonna be common going into summer the next Wednesday I once again go and buy the Omni geodes this is another thing that you can just assume if a Wednesday passes I go and buy the Omni geodes just so I don't have to explain every single time Friday summer 5th we go to the traveling cart and we don't get a ready more but I do get our first piece of hardwood now I might hear you say hey why haven't you been going after hardwood up to this point I forgore the Saturday directly after that was a thunderstorm so we got another battery pack giving us four out of the five we need on the 10th of Summer year two is the day that I finally decided I'm going to buy the JoJo membership form I really don't think that anything else in the community center matters to us and even if it did it'd be very unlikely that we find the item in the traveling cart anyway so we're moving on with our life this way we can start to buy things like the mine carts and panning things that will be just generally useful to us the next day I buy the panning bundle this is the final way that I've yet to explain that could possibly give us any iridium and even if we do find a panning spot it's only a one percent chance that we get any iridium from it so once again as with all the other methods it's extremely rare for it to actually be useful to us Tuesday the 16th was a thunderstorm which means we have officially gotten our final battery pack I would say that we're one third of the way to fixing the boat to go to Ginger Island but that's not remotely true so with the battery packs done it's time to turn our head towards hardwood what are we gonna do we need 200 of it as opposed to the 25 iridium ore we need so that's a much larger proposition I can't just cut down mahogany trees willy-nilly and in that case I'd even need to get a mahogany seed in the first place which I can't because if I break open a large stump that's one-fourth of an entire foraging level on its own and of course I can't shake any pre-existing mahogany trees for the seed because I'm level zero foraging lucky for us there is one more way to get a mahogany seed it has a 10 drop from any slime you kill in the secret woods so I went to the secret Woods killed a green slime with my side life because I threw away my rusty sword and I got a mahogany seed on the first slime I killed so I clear a spot for it at the very bottom of my farm far away from any trees and any rocks so they can't impede upon its space but what do I do with it well here's the plan we're going to let this thing spread on its own since that's a function that still works even if we're at level zero foraging we just need to wait for this tree to spread so much that we'll have enough hardwood from all of the trees that are currently present and we can just hit them with the ax nine times and bomb them that way we will get no foraging experience but it will still give us all of the materials it would normally and that's why I'm going to start befriending Kent if you didn't know Kent sends you bombs in the mail which is normal and we're going to want as many bombs as we can get not only to blow up those mahogany trees but just in case we do get blocked into our house by all the trees we'll be good now it's at this point that I should tell you that getting all of the materials to complete the boat takes a ridiculously long time and completing the JoJo membership form is no problem I pretty much forego doing any clay farming for the entire year just to wait for winter forageable farming because it's just much more time effective and with that we're easily able to afford the JoJo membership so the question is how long did it take to get all of the hardwood and all of the Iridium ore well the thing that happened first is my mahogany tree spread into 18 mahogany trees which is about as many as I'd need to get 200 hardwood this happened on Spring 20th of year five at this point I still hadn't gotten all of the Iridium that I needed to make five bars up to this point from the traveling cart I'd gotten one iridium ore on Winter's 16th of year three one iridium ore on summer 14th of year four and one more iridium ore on Fall 19th of year five where it really gained an iridium ore is from Omni geodes there were five geodes that I opened that had iridium ore in it the 21st 26th 60th 79th and 89th at this point I've obtained 20 iridium ore which is four of the five bars I need the next and final time I got any iridium was Winter 17th of year six this was a night market day and during that night market the traveling cart had an entire iridium bar for sale so I bought it and finally we can complete the bow that entire process of just getting that hardwood and extra iridium after we'd accomplished everything else took two entire six hour live streams and for reference when I started this run I thought I could maybe if I got lucky do it in one year and in that first failed run attempt I had six iridium by like week two so I definitely thought it was possible so anyway on the 18th we add the Iridium bars to the boat and on the 19th it's ready to go and thus the final challenge of Our Journey Begins so as I said at the very beginning of this video we need to get a hundred golden walnuts to enter the room of perfection so that we can check our Perfection percentage and hopefully it's still sitting at three in theory there's not too many golden walnuts that are completely blocked off from us we're just going to need a lot of luck to get them oh also I want to go over my experience Gain real quick as of now we're sitting at level zero for everything still however forging is almost completed this is actually because I got caught in my house I didn't want to expend one of my bombs so I cut down two trees you'll also weirdly enough notice my mining level has gone up quite a bit there was one point where all the trees and rocks blocked off my path to get into town and I used bombs to destroy these trees but I inadvertently blew up a bunch of rocks around them that apparently had a lot of coal so I ended up gaining a lot of mining experience from that and then you can see the measly 3 combat experience that we got from killing that one slime that gave us the mahogany seed then farming and fishing are still sitting at zero experience total on this first day on the island I'm looking to get as many gold walnuts as I can these will pretty much be the easy ones that are given straight to us so first there's two nuts that are on bushes outside of Leo's Hut then there's the one that you get for hitting the tree in his height with an ax from there we can move on to the northern part of the island where I immediately hoe the one next to the entrance go down the secret path to the left to get the one on the bush take the secret path back to the South to get the one on the bush there there's one hidden in the ground on the southeast part of the map there's another hidden in the ground directly north from there up near the volcano I get the bush hidden behind the tree and the Dig spot right next to the volcano's base and it's at this point that I realize I don't have a slingshot and if I want one I'll have to get to at least floor 40 in the mines luckily over all that time we were waiting for the Iridium ore I got 99 Jade so that shouldn't be a problem I hit the spot on the other side of the volcano and then go through another secret path to get one more bush with that I have 11 walnuts that I can use to access the west side of the island my goal at this point is to hopefully get enough golden walnuts so that I can set up the second Farmhouse here then I won't have to use the boat to get back and forth every day so heading down I decide to try and fish for my golden walnuts now I have no clue if this is going to work so I haven't caught any fish at this point and if you didn't know for your very first catch you cannot catch any Trash if you do it'll just be converted into a sunfish I don't know if catching a golden walnut would override that or not after fishing for a while I keep hooking fish so I'm just going to move on for now I head into the boat to get the hidden Walnut there this seems like a good time to mention that over all of that time waiting for iridium ore I upgraded my watering can twice to prepare for the volcano and I upgraded my ax once just to help with all the mahogany trees so I can use that upgraded watering can to hit the Diglett thing for another golden Walnut I head back a bit because I missed the one in the square around the debris then x marks the spot and so do four little divots I then talked to birdie because luckily in this run we did get to year two so we have access to Kent to finish this Mission finished up the beach side I get another golden Walnut hidden behind a tree get the one in plain sight in front of the Walnut door and then head up through the edge of the water to get the one hidden at the top of the map it's getting dark so we really gotta rush now I'm walking through all the tiger slimes if you knock out all of these you get one golden Walnut unfortunately each tiger slime gives 25 combat experience so defeating these would level me up no matter what so I skipped that golden Walnut I do however head to the right of them take the one mining experience from breaking the Rock and get the Walnut Bush on the cliff there's another Walnut hidden on a bush behind a cliff and now it's time for Simon says where I get quite possibly the easiest patterns I've ever seen for this game there's one hidden in the dirt surrounded by flowers and I do try to do the one with the secret path over here but it's so dark that I can't see the path at all so I'll come back for this one later doing a little cleanup I go right back by the tiger slime area and get the one hidden in the ground there and unless I miss something that's everything I can get on this side of the island for now unfortunately I still need four golden wall let's until I can afford the house so I head up to the volcano I absolutely didn't plan on taking anything in here on this early but I do want to go and get the ones down the Lava River unfortunately I've never seen this there's a lava lurker in the river I I always I never knew it could even spawn there and the thing about this is I'm still Level zero combat I have next to no health and I haven't gone through the mines to get any gear to protect myself so I'm a walking sheet of wet paper and I dye very quickly this unfortunately caused me to lose a lot of things such as my steel small sword my bombs and my garbage hat which yes I did get by the way in between all that time getting the Iridium ore and all of these items are essentially lost forever because I can't unlock the adventures Guild until I kill 10 slimes which I suppose is possible but I'd take a hit to my combat experience at this point I've kinda given up on getting The Farmhouse so in the spirit of getting things done I I go and unlock the dig site luckily after dying I was left with one Cherry Bomb which I can place in the very corner to not break any rocks except the one that lets the archaeologist out I then hoe up the golden Walnut in the middle of the ground go to the left across the bridge to get the bush there and then go through the right on the hidden tunnel to get two more bushes and at this point it's so late that I just let myself pass out right there on the spot since we're back at the Old Farm anyway I start gearing up for our next visit to the island first things first I grab all of those seeds that I bought all the way back in year one plus the garlic seeds in year two and I start Birdie's Quest give the war Memento to Kent give the fire salt to Gus then I sleep until Sunday so that when we go to the desert to give the flower to Sandy I can also buy up all those staircases I give her the flower give George the remote give The Shard to the wizard give Willy the worm and finally give Birdie the locket netting us five more golden walnuts on my way back walking across the west side of the island I noticed that there's a folder actually covering one of the Dig spots for a golden Walnut and I don't think that's the way it always is I think that's just unlucky on my part unfortunately I haven't upgraded my pickaxe up to this point so that's something we're gonna have to come back for so while we're here I follow that path that I couldn't see when it was dark and then get a walnut along the cliff that I just straight up missed with only two more walnuts needed to unlock The Farmhouse I go back to the volcano to try and do the Lava River again it takes a very long time and a lot of juking but finally I get across and I can grab those two walnuts so I give the parrot the gold walnuts to build the house and before we go to sleep I plant all of our crops for reference that is one garlic one melon one wheat and 14 tulips you probably test out that the first three crops are for the Gourmand frog thankfully I don't actually have to harvest those crops to get the golden walnuts so I can just grow them get the Gourmand frog to look at them and we'll be good the 14 tulips on the other hand are going to be harvested reason is there's five golden walnuts that can randomly pop up every time you pick a single Harvest non-sythable crop and the Tulip is the one that gives the least amount of experience meaning I'll be able to pick 14 of them before I hit Level 1 farming so the next day we're starting out on the island I want to give the volcano a good check if you don't know what golden wants can be gotten from the volcano there's 17 of them technically 19 if we're counting the two at the top five from killing enemies 5 5 from breaking rocks five from breaking metal crates one from a common chest and one from a rare chest and then once you reach the peak there's two golden walnuts there there's a lot riding on this volcano and unfortunately I've got to do it without breaking any rocks or killing any enemies so I go in and immediately run away because I realize I don't have a sword well what a great day to go to the mines then we can accomplish quite a lot in this one visit and we have enough staircases where if we really wanted we could reach the very bottom the first we hit floor 40 and get the slingshot for that one golden Walnut we are missing next we get to floor 80 which gives us the Fire Walker boots which gives us two more defense and Immunity than we had before finally we hit floor 90 where I grabbed the obsidian Edge now make no mistake I'm not grabbing this sword for its damage I'm using it purely for its blockability while we're here and not on the island I also figured it'd be a good time to upgrade the pickaxe so that we could break that rock blocking the golden Walnut although I do need to get it all the way to steel nothing sleeping two more days can't fix so two days later I go and pick up my steel pickaxe and as one last preparation I decide to buy a bunch of coffee with the leftover money we have because I shouldn't need it for anything else and it's finally time to head back to the island upon arrival I immediately go to the forest to try and get our skeleton frog and I get it pretty much immediately and we turn it in alongside a skeletal rib that I found in some worms netting us one golden one so talking more about the skeletons that we need to get here there's one that I'm for sure not going for and that's the mummified bat it has a very small chance of spawning whenever you break a rock in the volcano and that's just not something I'm willing to put experience towards the spine snake skull and snake vertebrae can all be gotten from artifact spots which means I can do it no problem without any experience gain the fossilized legs of which I need two are a 10 drop from bow nodes at the dig site and those things give quite a bit of experience so we're gonna have to be careful with those my main worry for all of this is the fossilized skull this can only be gotten from Golden coconuts how does one get a golden coconut you may ask well you just shake some of the coconut trees and sometimes it'll fall out except not for us I didn't know this until I did this challenge coconuts acts like seeds we cannot get seeds from trees until we're level one foraging which means no coconuts for us well that's fine there's a couple of other ways of getting golden coconuts you get one for completing the large animal which requires the skull which requires the golden coconut not an option while the island Trader trades a golden coconut for 10 normal coconuts wrong only after you've cracked your first golden coconut does he do that not an option well we can get one from a blue discus fish pond blue discus cannot be obtained in any way other than fishing them up which would fill our fish collection log not an option there is one and only one way that we can get a golden coconut and that's by digging artifact spots the rub is before you've cracked open a golden coconut it is a hilariously small percentage chance to appear it's so small it's not even on the wiki because why would anyone ever need to know that unfortunately there are seven golden walnuts locked behind getting this first golden coconut so it's not really optional so we'll be keeping an eye out for artifact spots so after that I go back to the farm water my crops and I decide to do something a little weird in the gourmandrox cave you can only catch trash there's no fishing in there so I decided to fish in there to try and get some golden walnuts again I don't catch any for quite a while but something weird happens I fish up the Frog hat which I knew was a possibility I was like I'll get it it'll be fun but I also got a JoJo Cola at the same time I fished it up now somehow catching that frog hat is what overwrote my having not caught a fish status from then on out whenever I hooked a fish I was not given the tutorial I was able to hook trash and I was able to pull up Golden walnuts so five golden walnuts that should not have been available to us because we couldn't fish them up are now possible just through some random fluke we do need to be a little careful with this though because even catching trash gives us three experience and that's also true for Golden walnuts after that I go down and fish up three golden walnuts immediately and I also get the snake skull next egg go and do the quizzes at the dig site Hut what I didn't show you is I got it wrong like five times before this but that will net us two more golden walnuts I then go to the dig site to try and pan for that fossilized tail while I'm here and I I get it first try okay then I fish in the digsite river to get the fossilized spine and sure enough it comes to me for our last activity of the day we go up and use our slingshot to get that one hanging golden Walnut and my first activity of the next day is some more fishing unfortunately I only managed to get one golden Walnut before getting bored and moving on I had a sneaking suspicion that I missed a walnut on the west side of the island and sure enough I missed one behind this hardwood tree near all the tiger slimes I also remember that I upgraded my pickaxe specifically to get a golden Walnut so I go ahead and do that and luck yes the bowler doesn't even give us any experience so even though it's pretty early we go ahead and sleep for the night because it's time to do the first of many saves gummies the first thing that we're going to do this with is finding the fossilized legs in the bone nodes basically the way this works is every day there's going to be some specific spots that those legs are going to spawn no matter what those rocks are always going to give those legs on that day so I can break all of the Rocks reset the day and then only break the rocks that I know have the legs in them and that's exactly what I do and just like that we're able to get both of the fossilized legs with only 12 experience points gained in mining the next day I finally decide it's time to take on the volcano there's not really anything else I want to do for the day I'm starting on the island at 6am it's our best chance and honestly initially I was only going through to see if I could find any crates or easy chests to open to get those easy golden walnuts but I was moving and also you'll notice that I'm a little zoomed out here I zoomed out specifically for the magma Sprites since I don't really want to kill any of them but if they get locked onto me they're locked onto me for that entire floor so by zooming out I can just avoid their area on floor 2 we walked by a chest but we were making such great time that I just spent on past it because I wanted to try and make it to the end today on floor 3 I had to break one rock there was absolutely no way getting around it so it's a sacrifice we had to make on floor 4 unfortunately there was a magma Sprite right in front of the entry so I had to find the shortest route through the area without getting hit too many times luckily the sword's block function really came in clutch but I did take a lot of damage with that we're on floor five unfortunately I can't buy anything from the dwarf here because there's no way we're getting all the dwarf Scrolls I do unlock the shortcut because I did the math and we'll have enough fall months to get through next few floors are pretty simple I didn't get any gold walnuts but I did get a diamond from a crate floret ended up being our only button floor luckily it was only one on a very simple layout floor 9 is the crazy maze it always is I see that rare chest but there are three enemies in that tiny room with it so I'm passing it up for now and easier than expected I'm done with the volcano dungeon I grabbed my two golden walnuts up top along with the Prismatic Shard although I don't really know what I'm gonna use it for there's really no way I'm ever going to be able to use the forge because I have no easy access to Cinder shards without mining or combat I do however decide we have a lot of time here here I have plenty of healing items I'm gonna head back into floor 9 to try and get that rare chest I succeed and it rewards me with both the golden walnut and hot Java ring which is one of my personal favorite rings and now I'm thinking about that chest that we passed up on floor two so I go back to the entrance get back to floor two we grab it I'm once again given a golden Walnut and we get the dwarf dagger which is an incredibly powerful weapon unfortunately I don't think we're gonna have any use for it first activity of the new day once again is fishing I only have one more golden Walnut to get and I get it on the First cast we'll take it so what I'm actually gonna do now is go back to sleep again partly because we're still waiting on that melon to grow but also because it's once again saves scumming time so the way that the bone nodes worked with the fossilized leg is the same way that the muscle nodes work with golden walnuts there's five that we need to get here and we can use that same method break them all open see what drops a golden Walnut reset our day and only break open the muscle nodes that give us a walnut rinse and repeat every day until we get all five walnuts that first day we were just able to get one golden Walnut the next day we got yet one more and just off a whim I haven't been keeping track of how many golden Wellness I've been getting so I go and check the door so far we have 57 out of 100 100 which is not half bad in fact it's slightly over half bad very next day that melon has grown which means five walnuts for checking the melon 5 walnuts for checking the garlic and five walnuts for checking the wheat easiest walnuts in the game it also happens to be our very first day reigning which means we need to go and find the bird this time I found it on the south end it dropped a ruby and while we're here I go ahead and open up the Eastern side of the island and we plop that Ruby into place next we're on the east side finally unfortunately I cannot get the five golden walnuts from the mermaid because there's no way for us to craft enough note blocks we can get the one for free at the Museum but that's it what we can do however is fish up that golden Walnut that's in the middle of the pond I don't actually know if that would have been possible if we hadn't gotten that weird thing with the Frog hat but we take those and then I hoe up the one in the middle of the four starfish heading inside the Pirates Cove there's really only one thing we can do here for now and that's ho-up the one golden Walnut in the bottom right corner of the screen and that once again gives us 10 walnuts so I'm going to go and open up the island Trader now there's very few things here that'll actually be useful to us but if we somehow get five Dragon Teeth we can get a banana tree and then we can use that banana for three golden walnuts also if we ever need golden coconuts after we crack open the first one we can get them here so I've been putting it off long enough it's time to try and get the golden walnuts from the Tulips I believe it's a 10 chance to pop out every time you harvest a crop and this first go-around we get nothing now funny thing is this isn't determined day by day it's completely random every time you pick it so all I have to do is restart my day pick them again restart pick them as much as I want unfortunately the second time I reset my file I accidentally closed the game which stopped the recording so the rest of this video is going to be stream footage honestly this took a really long time and just because I was curious I put our chances into a calculator and sure enough there is only a 0.78 chance that we get all five golden walnuts eventually a golden Walnut see holy oh I picked a garlic [Music] foreign seeing how even getting four golden wallets was just a three and a half percent chance I decided to take that I go to sleep again to lock those four golden walnuts in place and we continue to save scum the muscle nodes getting two on the next day then for a break from all the saves coming I go to the volcano to try and find as many crates as I can to try and get any golden walnuts from them unfortunately I break about four crates start running out of supplies and leave and since today is an even day and we might as well wait for the Pirates I decide to do just that unfortunately we have to wait all the way until 8 pm and at around 4pm I did this pulling that one tulip pitched me up to level one farming I'm resetting that day I'm not taking that for the next day we pretty much straight up stand around waiting for 8 pm to hit and once it finally does we go and beat the pirate three times at darts and get our three golden walnuts next Quest on the docket I would like to get the rain birds out of the way so I just keep sleeping until I see Rainy Days on the 13th not only is it rainy but I find a warm spot at the bottom of the west side of the island and from that I get the first of two snake vertebrae I need we find the next bird at the North End of the island with an emerald since we're sleeping so much anyway I decide to get our last golden Walnut from the muscle nodes and with that completed we should have all of the mining experience we're ever going to use next rainy day I get yet another worm spot and I got the second snake vertebrae that I need and this time we find the bird on the western side of the island dropping a topaz now usually at this point I would normally complete the puzzle on my own since the last Spike can either only be an aquamarine or amethyst but I don't have either of those so I have to wait for the last rainy day although now we have all the parts to complete the snake skeleton which gives us three more golden walnuts we get a mango tree from that but I mean personally my main goal is to blow up our last rainy day is the seventh day of summer year seven and we find the amethyst bird in the forest that completes the gem bird puzzle giving us five more golden walnuts if your curiosity I go check the Walnut door again we're at 93 walnuts meaning we only need seven more to get into that door since we have a completely unutilized combat level I'm gonna go into the volcano and see if I can kill any enemies that give us a golden Walnut unfortunately I get as close to level 1 as I can nothing gives us anything and this isn't something that I'm willing to reset for I decide to dedicate the rest of this run to finding that golden coconut because it alone would give us all of the golden walnuts we need to complete this run the way that I'm going about this is I'll go out hobo worm if it doesn't give me the golden coconut then I reset my day then sleep a day and go and hoe the worm again since what the artifact spots give is dependent on the day and unfortunately when it comes to Golden coconuts you can't hoe different spots to get an extra chance to get them it took me all the way until the 16th of Summer to finally get an artifact spot that gave me a golden coconut we go to pop it open unfortunately we cannot get the skull from this one because your first golden coconut always gives you a golden Walnut lucky for us that's not a problem because now we can buy them from the island Trader and also lucky for us on Mondays Sandy just happens to sell 10 coconuts which is the exact amount we need to trade for a golden one and I have very limited methods of getting coconuts otherwise so really quickly we're able to trade those coconuts for a golden coconut and with a little bit of manipulation from the Omni geodes we've been digging up to this point we get a skull out of that golden coconut so we put the skull in get our six gold and walnuts and I don't know about you but six plus one equals seven so finally we're able to go into the Walnut Room all that's left is to confirm that we maintained that three percent completion rating and we did but but wait what's that 101 golden walnuts I definitely did the math right I only needed seven golden walnuts last time I checked and I only got the one from the golden coconut and the six from the skull so does the Perfection room actually require 101 walnuts if that's true then no sources really mention it it's not on the wiki it's not on any video guides as far as I could see why couldn't I get in until I had 101 golden walnuts as far as I know that may or may not be a bug I really have no clue I think for now I'm still going to call this a legitimate minimum percent run mostly because that percentage hasn't changed but uh if y'all have any information as to why I needed 101 walnuts please let me know in the comments thank you all for watching this was quite the process to finish but I wanted to give y'all something chunky to latch onto and I'm always more than happy to do these weird runs that I haven't seen anyone else do yet so if you have any other suggestions for me please leave them down in the comments thank you for watching and good night foreign [Music]
Channel: Salmence
Views: 807,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, valley, stardew valley challenge, stardew low% run, stardew valley imperfection, stardew valley 100 days, stardew challenge run, stardew valley perfection, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley guide, stardew walkthrough, stardew tips and tricks, stardew valley ginger island, how to get to ginger island, stardew salmence, stardew perfection, stardew valley walnut room, stardew valley challenge run, stardew speedrun, stardew valley stream
Id: 7rS5hGeWq34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 15sec (3135 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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