I Played 225 PERFECT Days of Stardew Valley - The Movie

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hey everybody leap a lot here how much can you accomplish in two full years on the farm well I mean did you read the title turns out two years is just long enough to achieve your wildest dreams come along for the ride in this feature-length binge-a-thon and let's chase Perfection as fast as we can day one was a pretty standard day I planted my initial crops and did a little bit of cleaning up around the farm because I picked the Four Corners Farm I made sure to check my Quarry for copper I broke that to get a few early pieces I ran around to meet all the people I could and I bought one green bean seed I can get cauliflower and potatoes from mixed seeds but I'll need this to complete the spring crops bundle after I met everyone I could I spent the night clearing up the farm and I exhausted myself that's no problem though because I gained a foraging level and we will wake up with full energy day two I immediately got the furnace recipe from Clint we're gonna need furnaces like a lot of them I watered my crops picked up a chest and made sure to bring a fiber with me to go greet Willy after he gave me the bamboo Rod I gave him the most precious gift a man can give some grass I found on my farm yesterday he didn't like it then I got to the busy work of fishing I was lucky to get some bubbles just out of my reach which meant if I could level up just one single time I'd be able to cast into them I ended up hitting fishing two before Willy closed which was my biggest goal for the day I sold everything I had and took my rod and chest to go fishing in the mountain lake I ended up hitting fishing level three and I also passed out on a blank bridge between two islands fancy on day three I woke up to find that JoJo had collected my unconscious body from the mountain lake and deposited me into my bed now normally JoJo will charge you for this highly invasive service but because I had literally too gold to my name they did it for free you can't take my money away if I have no money that's gonna be a theme for a while by the way if we pass out we lose 10 of the money we had the day before up to a thousand gold we'll also wake up with a huge energy loss but if we have no money and we level up a skill the day before we'll wake up no worse for wear so we'll be trying to do that where possible to cut down on travel time oh that was a lot of talking for day three I also went fishing all day I wanted to reach fishing level 5 today so I could get some projects started as early as the fifth that meant spending all day at the river with a short Pit Stop to Willy for more bait and to catch at least one eel for the community center I managed to achieve my goal which meant I could sell some fish tomorrow with the higher prices yay day four was you may have guessed this more fishing I watered my crops since we never get rain on day four and I sold a whole bunch of stinky fish lately I've been parking myself on this plank here I used to like going to the little island in the middle but I found that I can see the whole area fine from here and it's still deep enough water for me to catch high quality fish today though I had some bubbles appear up north by the JoJo worker which meant I needed to zoom in so he wasn't in my screen or I would have to listen to him working on those rocks the whole time it was very disrespectful of him to ruin my fishing experience those bubbles suck around for a couple hours helping me reach fishing level 7 today and that's actually tied for the fastest I've ever done this so I was pretty happy about that to be honest day five is always a big day for a new Farm Marnie showed up with a dog that I named pilfi after my two dogs pickle and Alfie I then harvested my parsnips and replaced them with some spring seeds I crafted then I planted some rice that I fished up which is always kind of weird to me after that it was off to the museum to make donations and get some cauliflower before I could get there though mayor Lewis tried to show me the community center I told him kick rocks and that his mustache is ugly and then I went to go look at the weird book inside anyway something I should mention since I'm already in town here is that another goal of this Farm is to find the trash hat every time I'm in town I'll be checking garbage cans there's something like a 1 in 500 chance to find that hat in the trash can so I don't have super high hopes but it is kind of my brand so you know I like I have to look I dropped off some stuff with Gunther then ran home to do some last minute errands I planted my cauliflowers checked the traveling cart and considered spending 600 gold to buy a lobster before realizing that was a terrible idea then I hit the mines my goal was to hit floor 20 and collect a whole bunch of copper every five floors I plan to pop back up and smelt more bars I also needed to get home tonight because I kind of sold those fish a little early whoops so I dove into my remixed Minds looking for Glory and I found a bunch of proper made some more furnaces and smelted some bars I didn't hit floor 20 and I didn't have enough copper bars for my plans so I brought a couple furnaces home with me and I got some much-needed rest on day six I had a letter from some dude who called himself a wizard he wanted to talk to me about the community center so I went to go visit but when I got there he tried to get me to sample his tea I told him I'm not into mlms but he still taught me how to read the Apple language so I could officially start making donations to the junamos now I did just that and got 30 spring seeds for my efforts neat then since I was feeling fancy I bought myself a new backpack and some parsnip seeds I also went to Quints to crack all my geodes from fishing and Mining and put my pickaxe in for an upgrade I bought myself a little bit of gold from Clint so I wouldn't have any money also because remember if you're carrying gold in your pockets but your wallet is empty no one can steal from you then I went home and planted a ton of spring seeds I really want the foraging levels I can get from harvesting but we'll also be making some tea saplings eventually just to sell I don't want to go crazy with that since I need wood and fiber for lots of other projects but it'll be a nice boost to our income when they do come into play after that I went fishing at the ocean for some bundle fish and cleaned up my farm just a tiny bit before sliding under the covers at 1 50 am my favorite time to go to bed day seven was another very very exciting day I checked the traveling cart and was disappointed I checked the trash and was disappointed and then I gave Lewis a flower for his birthday and I was disappointed in myself honestly I also noticed that tomorrow was going to be a rainy day I was at fishing seven so if I could find some fish tacos for sale or in Gus's garbage I might be able to hook the legend on day eight assuming I could hit fishing eight at some point however I was disappointed Again by both the store and the trash bummer so I just bought a whole bunch of bait and went fishing at my favorite spot I did end up hitting fishing eight so I figured I'll just check the garbage and saloon again tomorrow who knows day eight was a rainy lucky day and I kind of struggled deciding what to do my copper pickaxe was ready but I really wanted those sweet sweet catfish I had sold just enough yesterday to have five thousand dollars in my pocket so I brought five iron bars with me and started my morning down at the river it was hard to argue with the money I could make from these little catfish so I figured I would just get my pickaxe upgraded again and keep fishing all day I still wanted to check on Gus's rotating dish though and he had one fish taco oh my gosh I also checked his garbage can after I should have checked that first but there was nothing in there anyway but still one fish taco I ran over to Clint to get my pick but I did not put it in for an upgrade I needed to do something else with the catfish cash now I also turned in some quests I guess that I had been sitting on sometimes I like to keep these until I need the cash and I really needed it now then I went to Willy and sold my morning sketch I bought myself an iridium rod and a Trapper bobber it was go time I sprinted up to the mountain lake chowed down on my fish taco and immediately got smoked by the legend it's tough all right but my fishing buff lasted for several hours I had time to try again three hours later I got another Legend on the line this was the one he wasn't even too oh okay there he goes that's all right that's okay we got this 20 minutes later I had him again come on little dude don't be a jerk also I hate when legendary fish have treasure because it's just so tempting come on but this time I was Victorious the legend was mine time to drop him off in a chest and go get more catfish I spent the rest of the night at the river and went to sleep feeling pretty darn proud of myself Legend on day eight what's up not that on day nine I walked outside and found Demetrius waiting for me the great equalizer bats or mushrooms I picked bats obviously come on guys who is out here picking mushrooms I'm a gambler and I want the community center finished dang it it was bad luck day so I didn't want to go to the mines instead I kind of just messed around I gave Caroline a flower check the trash sorry Willie put my pickaxe in for an upgrade to iron dropped off some stuff at the Museum and then returned home to clean up a little bit I knew I was gonna need a lot of Oak resin so I started a little tree nursery in the top left quadrant of my farm but um I gave Clint my pick so it was a pretty pathetic little area then I spent the rest of the day fishing I hit fishing level 9 which is awesome I'm sitting on a bunch of fish I don't want to sell until I hit 10. so once we do we'll have a nice little cash infusion day 10 was a rainy day and if you can't guess exactly what I did for the vast majority of the day then you probably haven't really been watching I did however make a quick stop to give Vincent some bread that I found in his mom's trash can how dare they waste this delicious loaf he seemed to like it I also checked the rest of the trash around the town as you do and found the one the only the trash hat I actually considered just uploading like I played 10 days of stardew Valley caught the legend and found the trash hat but that's a really long title so instead I bought some bait from Willy and went back to fishing for the rest of the day the sweet call of Oblivion found me on the shore of the river at 2 am and I passed out in the mud right outside Leah's cabin day 11 was a rainy day and if you can't guess exactly what I wait no that was yesterday today I picked my green bean and loaded my inventory with gifts for the apples and also for Gunther my pickaxe was done today and despite it being an unlucky day when I should have just fished all day I was itching to get into the mines I had already reached fishing nine and caught most of what I needed for spring sure I could fish for money and energy and I probably should have but what's life if you don't break your own rules sometimes so I dropped off a whole bunch of fish and crops at the community center before diving back into the mines once more I often forget to kill 10 green slimes so I made it a goal to take care of that Quest today and I also wanted a bunch of bug me so I hunted down those ugly little grubs too it was a tough slog with my terrible luck but there was one really important thing that happened on floor 19. at 5 40 PM day 11 of spring year one I found an ancient seed from killing bugs at this point I realized I was probably gonna have to turn over my save file to concerned Apes fact Checkers because this was getting a little bit silly I ended up getting a magnet ring instead of a weapon on floor 20 which was fine but I only made it to level 26 before it was time to go home for a little nap I loaded up my inventory with stuff I wanted to take back home and I broke some rocks on floor one for a tiny bit more resources before passing out again as always day 12 was a good luck day so I really wanted to get into the mines quickly however it was also a traveling Kart day and I also really really wanted to get my ancient seed in the ground so I cleared up some land on the farm took care of my crops and did my rounds I found that the traveling cart had absolutely nothing of value as is tradition so I crushed some geodes donated a bunch of stuff to the museum and got my ancient seed packet my best weapon at the moment was a crystal spire and that was just truly awful I made my way into the adventurers Guild and bought a proper silver saber and Dove back into the mines I traversed the dreaded dark levels which kind of aren't really that bad when you have a glow ring and made my way into iron territory this is fantastic news because we're gonna need a lot of iron for our sprinkler layout now you may have noticed that I don't have a ton of crops planted in fact a lot of what I do have planet is just forage and you may be thinking to yourself has he even hit farming level two the answer that question is no I haven't but it's okay we will eventually explode up in farming levels we just have to trust the process and also hope that we don't get a lot of crows eating our rice because I kind of need those to grow anyway since I had no money in my pockets and had gained a combat level today I ended my evening by breaking rocks on floor one for more resources tasty tasty Stone you'd love to see it day 13 was a wild seed Harvest day very exciting this also meant that I could start preparing my layout for the sprinklers today I still couldn't make sprinklers but I prepared my field then watered spaces for strawberries oh yeah there's something else happening today isn't there I'm only going to be able to afford 81 strawberries which is a little less than I had planned for but we should be able to make it work I trounced Abigail with 13 eggs before sneaking back into town to go to the community center I told Linus that digging in the trash is always ethical then got my 20 speed grow for completing the spring crops bundle I planted and fertilized my strawberries pet pilfies brainless head and then went to bed day 14 was a big one for one simple reason I finally hit two hearts with Caroline so I got to see her tea scene why is everyone in this town trying to talk me into their great tea opportunities come on guys beyond that though it was a pretty boring day I spent all day grinding for iron and copper in preparation for farming level 2 when I could build sprinklers on day 15 I had a letter from Caroline in the mail teaching me how to make tea saplings I also hit farming level 2 from my rice Harvest so I could get sprinkling tomorrow gosh I'm sorry that was really lame I made a bunch of tea saplings then I went to the mines where I killed a special slime and got a four sword then I tried to pause OBS to talk to my wife and my recording crash so that's cool but I can tell you that I made it to floor 65 that day and planted a single Coffee Bean that I found from a dust Sprite I also sold my tea saplings for a nice little profit on day 16 I finally started to get some sprinklers down I couldn't cover all my crops yet but we were off to a good start after that I considered going to the mines but because it was another rainy spring day and I was pretty close to hitting fishing level 10. I decided to hang out at the river all day I did hit fishing 10 then tried to get over to snag Robin's ax but passed out before I could I selected the angler profession here as I wanted more money since I hit fishing 10 the day before I sold a lot of stinky fish on day 17. because nothing is sacred in this run I even sold the legend for 11 250 gold I felt a little bad about that because it would be cool to throw them in a fish tank but I have other priorities on this farm so off he went after that it was back to the mines I needed more of pretty much everything for my sprinklers but I also wanted to make some progress I ended up getting a bone sword so I sold off a bunch of junk Marlin and I made it to floor 85. gold levels not bad I continue to craft and place more sprinklers on day 18. I was finally getting to the point where I wouldn't need to water things anymore and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited it was bad luck day but I still try to make some progress in the mines I even found a mushroom floor neat once I hit Level 90 I grinded lower level floors for some ore for more sprinklers than I ran to the bar and gave Pam a parsnip for her birthday because I was feeling generous I even got Shane a beer while I was there to round off a fabulous day I completed the boiler room and I used some of the cash I got from Mr Legend to buy the 25 000 gold bundle in the vault overnight the Apple folk danced the mine carts back into working thanks day 19 was a Friday so I checked the traveling cart and got absolutely nothing surprise surprise there was a seafoam pudding which was kind of tempting for the glacier fish eventually but I passed on it I did some geode cracking in museum donating then I put my ax in for an upgrade and handed out some gifts before hitting the mines I finally made it to floor 100 and got my first star drop it reminded me of the grind which I thought was cute and funny when I made the farm but now writing and recording it just reminds me that I'm grinding myself down to nothing neat I only made it to floor 105 before needing to head home where I cleared up my Quarry and went to bed I leveled up foraging Mining and combat today and picked the Scout perk for combat which is something I don't always do how fun day 20 was a harvest day for those speed grow strawberries always a good feeling I kept the gold ones for gifts and soldiers then it was back to the mines I was making gold bars all day and I found some cool but useless purple shoes and a very very nice weapon in The Slammer I really love that thing with one of my favorite weapons in hand I've made it to the bottom of the mine today and I got the skull key you won't catch me playing arcade games but I'll need that in the desert soon it was also Shane's birthday so I grabbed him a beer before checking my Batcave for a whole bunch of goodies and getting some much deserved rest I was very happy with my progress at this point day 21 was another strawberry day this time the larger bunch I also filled out the rest of my field today I officially did not need to water anything anymore what a great feeling to celebrate I decided to go shopping at the traveling cart it was all garbage again though except she had that same Sea Foam pudding you can't trick me I realized at this point that I didn't have five gold parsnips and I quickly donned my clown costume and bought a bunch from Pierre I also picked up my copper ax and handed over my pickaxe for the gold upgrade nice even though it was a good luck rainy day I spent most of my time clearing up the farm a little bit before heading to the community center to complete the Vault bundle soon we would have access to the skull Cavern and then the real fun would begin overnight the Apple folk once again did a happy dance that fixed the inner workings of Machinery modern science truly is amazing also I realized that I hadn't perfectly completed my sprinkler layout after all so I fixed that right away after that it was up to Robbins to build a coop I also gave Demetrius a gold strawberry handed over to Jay to fulfill amaru request and gave her a strawberry too I spent most of the rest of my day grinding for dust Sprite kills to work toward the burglar ring this is a really boring and repetitive part of the run but pretty important for future goals I also love getting coffee beans from these guys I got another one and planted it at home before cleaning up a bit more around my farm on day 23 my gold pickaxe was ready and I wanted to upgrade my ax to iron but I only had one iron bar at home I checked the mind's chest but I didn't have any there either when Clint finally opened I grabbed my pick and ran for the mines to try and find enough iron before he closed fortunately despite it being a bad luck day I found this level at 9 30 and this one at 10 20. so yeah no problem I put my ax in for an upgrade so Clint could work on it after Emily turned him down at the dance tomorrow then I spent the rest of the day grinding for more copper for furnaces and iron for bars day 24 was the flower dance so I couldn't stray too far from my farm I spent the morning cleaning up a little bit before joining in on the festivities 20 minutes before closing time like the jerk I am I bought the tub of flowers recipe and the rare Crow from Pierre before checking out everyone's neat seasonal outfits fortunately I had been keeping Shane liquored up enough this spring that I had someone to dance with but it was really awkward to go through the dance section without the music kind of like some kind of creepy ritual I still had plenty of time after the dance so I spent my night grinding for resources in the mines and I leveled up to six in combat day 25 brought the return of strawberry Harvest and my parsnips were ready to go too bad news though I only got three gold ones that wasn't the end of the world but it meant that we would need gold melons pumpkins and corn I was planning to plant all of those so it would be fine but I still felt kind of dumb to shake off my embarrassment I spent the rest of the day systematically hunting down every dust bread I could find I checked my progress with the adventurer's guild and was highly disappointed to learn that I was only about halfway there ugh on Day 26 my coop was done hooray I planted a whole bunch of tree seeds today quite a bit later than I should have to be honest then I ran to check the traveling cart she had nothing for me as is tradition so I went to marnie's for some animals when I got there though Shane was uh I guess not doing so great but it's not really my problem so I just dumped some water on his head and got back to shopping I bought four chickens and named them chicken chicken and chicken I was not feeling creative I also made my first trip to the skull Cavern today I should have been working on the burglar ring but honestly I was bored of that I met Sammy and dove into the skull Cavern it was a rare completely neutral luck day but I still managed to find a rabbit's foot from a serpent I got really excited to find a treasure room too but it just had a white turban still pretty cool I made sure to trade for a desert totem so I could get here more quickly next time than I used my farm totem to get home I forgot how far away the statue is on the Four Corners Farm though so I ended up passing out mere inches from my bed I had reached foraging five though so I picked gatherer of course and I would wake up with full stamina the next day [Music] in the morning Emily told me I could use her sewing machine now so I grabbed some trash from my fishing box and made a trip into town I made my way to Emily and Haley's house where I convinced Haley to actually do one chore life's tough when you're a blonde I would know I turned my trash into a shirt and my FIT was complete it wasn't even summer and I was already my trashy self excellent after that it was back to the skull Cavern nothing fun to report today but I got a lot of good resources I ended up trading for more desert totems and spicy eel before heading back to the valley to Pace awkwardly outside the saloon it was Emily's birthday and I had an aquamarine for her technically since it was 12 50 when she came out I was a day late I guess but she didn't mind spring 28 the final day of the season I had been Gathering resources for Quality Sprinklers and my strawberries had propelled me to farming level 6. today I finally crafted and placed them down in preparation for summer I also visited the traveling card and got nothing as always then planted more trees off the farm today I need more wood I spent the rest of the day Gathering gold and mining experience I wanted to make more bars and eventually level 10 mining would turn into a great source of income I ended up hitting mining nine overnight and I closed the door on spring for the year it's time for a new season day 29 was the first day of summer and I had a lot to do I tilled out space for a much larger crop this time I needed gold melons gold corn and lots and lots of crops just in general it was time to put those quality sprinklers to use I spent literally all day getting my field ready and finally finished tilling watering and fertilizing everything at 1 30 a.m just barely made it but we made it since I finished everything I needed to on the farm yesterday I made a trip to the skull Cavern on day 30. it was a good luck day and I was looking forward to hunting for some iridium this seems like a good time to talk about that actually while bigger fields and Artisan goods are more of a passive income in that you plant and then process them I'm also working on some more active income tasks as well when we hit mining 10 we'll take the blacksmith profession to increase the sale value of our iridium bars obviously we need iridium to craft with but we also need money so it'll be a bit of a balancing act to sell enough bars to progress while saving enough to craft construct and upgrade with for that reason I'll be in the skull Cavern a lot today though I found a couple of things much cooler than iridium I found an auto Grabber which will save me about 25 000 gold later and I found a dinosaur floor I didn't get any Dino eggs today but pepper Rex are one of the most annoying protector of the valley goals to me so finding these early is really nice on the Iridium front it actually wasn't a very productive day with only about 60 oars but those were a couple high points of the day on day 31 I stopped by Robbins to buy the stone path recipe and get a silo started I wanted to decorate at some point and I had way more Stone than wood plus I mean I need a silo so after that I completed my summer forage bundle handed out some gifts around town and crafted a couple Mayo makers for my farm it was a bit of a slower pay stake compared to the last two and that was just fine with me day 32 wasn't a very good luck day so I spent it doing some chores that have been kind of piling up I spent some time killing dust Sprites since that's kind of a long-term goal I also made sure to smelt some more bars while I was up there since I'm gonna need huge amounts of iron gold and quartz before fall then I donated some items to the museum checked the beach for a cockle did not find a cockle and dropped off some gifts it was Jazz's birthday and I didn't have a gift so I walked roughly 50 feet from where she was standing to grab her a flower she thought that was great after that it was back to the dust bright grind I was absolutely in tears to find out that I had only reached about 300 Sprite kills but that is what happens when you don't actually do this time to absolutely destroy them before I burn out and give up when it got a little later I headed back to the farm to clear out part of my bottom left field we'll be using that soon and then I started some basic pathing around the front of my house cute on day 33 I began placing sprinklers in the lower left field it was almost time then I checked the traveling cart and would you believe it if I told you she had absolutely nothing of value it was also a rainy day so I went to get the red snapper for the community center I got a couple of the Snappers fairly early in the day in a bubble spot but I was still getting some really cheap fish so instead of sticking around for the money I went to go get a sturgeon I snagged one of those with no problems so I ran around talking to friends and giving gifts before turning in a whole bunch of donations to the community center also I expanded the sprinklers a little bit it's starting to look a little intimidating down there I finally found a snail in my Crab Pot this morning oh my gosh I could have bought that Lobster all those weeks ago on day 34 I spent my morning getting absolutely thrashed by the stupid octopus I was at the beach for tilapia which I missed yesterday and a puffer fish but I just got absolutely wrecked by this stupid thing it's so annoying I did catch my puffer fish and tilapia but I never managed the octopus I'll have to come back for it another day how embarrassing I talked to people again and handed out some gifts before completing the Crab Pot bundle finally in summer made a quick trip to the Oasis to snag a sandfish some forage and some wood then came back to the valley to have a beer with Shane and catch the wood skip that's another bundle complete on day 35 I killed desprites that's uh that's kind of it I guess I smelted some more bars and put my hoe in for an upgrade oh and I bankrupted myself buying explosive ammo for reasons Day 36 was a rainy bad luck day and it also happened to be Gus's birthday I didn't have any oranges so I plan to give him a diamond but first time to grind for dust bright kills and ooh baby was it worth it I found a prismatic Shard that meant taking a quick trip to the desert to get myself a Galaxy sword I did some more wholesale Slaughter taking a short break to give Gus his birthday diamond and I found three more coffee beans might not know this about me but I love coffee I would take a speed buff over just about anything else in the game and my Fields they are a growing I will end up having a lot of coffee by the end of this summer mark my word speaking of coffee day 38 was a harvest for a few different crops including coffee and I replaced those crops with coffee that was kind of my plan for summer my other plan for summer was diving in skull Cavern on Lucky days and wouldn't you know it today was lucky ironically this lucky day was actually not as great as my neutral luck day however I did find a prismatic Shard which I could either donate or save up for some magic rock candy other than that though it was a pretty remarkably unremarkable day I was a little bummed to be honest the best part of the day actually came overnight when I hit Level 10 Mining and selected the blacksmith profession now I could begin selling bars to supplement my crop income neat on day 38 I expanded my secondary field and finally planted some crops down there just some summer seeds for now I want the foraging experience and the grapes for Vincent I've been making tea saplings here and there for cash but it's not a major source of income for me since I need to save some Fiber and wood it was Mario's birthday today so I dropped off a gold strawberry for her and for Demetrius and I got that weird scene where he tries to bully me I ignored him though and decided that maybe I would marry Mara this run I don't do that very often and I hadn't decided who I would marry yet after that I dropped off a bunch of stuff at the Museum including my Prismatic Shard and handed out gifts around town then it was back to Sprite City all my work on days 32 35 and 36 finally paid off I managed to secure the burglar ring by about 5 PM and headed back into the mines to work on the shadow brute roll and reach level 9 combat by the end of the day not bad day 39 was another day of field expansion I'm just gonna call this field two even though it's like my fourth separate growing area whatever I put down a lot of Summer seats and got a scarecrow in place to protect more coffee beans down there it was gonna be wild I did chores all morning planting crops taking care of my chickens melting more bars and then I used a beach totem to teleport into the luau like it was no big deal and apparently it wasn't since no one even noticed I threw a gold cauliflower into the pot which the governor loved then spent the rest of the night grinding for gold and shadow person kills I kind of wanted to be done with this goal before meeting crovis because otherwise it feels a little awkward on day 40 I finished getting scarecrows in place in field 2 and planted a whole bunch more summer seeds my chickens had finally given me large eggs which was neat but it also reminded me that I needed to get moving on my barn I checked the traveling Merchant and was unsurprised to see nothing of value so I ran over to Robin's and got that Barn started I also told Mario a story about farming gave Linus coconut and spent the rest of the day grinding for ore in the mines before going to bed I put tappers on a few more oak trees it was a pretty relaxing day day 41 was a melon Harvest day and I got way more gold melons than I needed I also snagged an orange from the Batcave which was nice for the bundle but I kind of wish I could have given it to Gus I dropped off some items at the community center and gave Alex a rabbit's foot for his birthday I hate Alex's birthday then I dropped off some donations at the Museum and sold my day's Harvest I wanted star fruit next so I hopped on the bus to the desert you see field two was gonna be my big money maker I couldn't fill it today but I made a good start and I spent the rest of the day giving gifts and grinding in the mines for more resources I also found a mushroom floor neat overnight I hit farming level 8 which meant I could craft kegs double neat day 42 is a blueberry day I love that noise I really do there's also a traveling cart day and I bought a rare seed since I knew I wanted at least two of those anyway thanks I guess it was also a lucky day and a Sunday I grabbed my jade ran to the desert and traded them all for staircases it was an okay dive I found some artichoke seeds cool thought I threw them away because I didn't have a space I found a prismatic Shard though which I definitely did not throw away I was really hoping to get three of these to trade for some magic rock candy I ended up finding two which was close but not quite enough between the good luck my staircases and plenty of bombs and explosive ammo I made it to floor 66 and scooped up about 120 already more turned into bars that would be worth 36 000 gold so not bad for a day's work day 43 was an important day I needed to raise a lot of money today like kind of a lot I needed 90 000 gold to buy the rest of the star fruit I wanted but I woke up with only about 23 000. fortunately I am a bit of a hoarder I had enough supplies to make 20 tea saplings and I sold 10 cloth I'd gathered from mummies as well as a bunch of random crops that brought me up over 40 000. next up I cracked geodes donated the new stuff and sold the duplicate gems and artifacts as well as those 24 iridium bars I was talking about earlier that brought me over 83 and a half thousand finally I sold 132 void Essence which brought me over 90 000. I used a desert totem because I could not afford the 500 gold to take the bus and I bought 225 star fruit from Sandy I spent the rest of the night tilling planting and watering them but I passed out before I could water 88 of them that was a bit of a problem since today was the last day to plant them day 44 started with a visit from Gunther I had finally donated 60 items and he gave me the rusty key to the Sewer but first I needed to get some fertilizer for my starfruit I could still make this work if I use speed grow on the crops that didn't get watered yesterday the problem was I didn't have any money but I did have more iridium bars smelting overnight so I made a couple visits around town told Abigail that I don't play video games and bought enough speed grow to cover my needs I realized I was also going to need like a lot of batteries so I crafted a bunch of lighting rods today too I also had a Quest from Mario to give her a JoJo Cola so I ran to the saloon to get one but then I realized it was just too late in the day so I drank it what an idiot I finished up my day by expanding my little path and cutting down trees and Cinder sap until I passed out I hit Level 7 foraging and I didn't really have any money to lose win win I kind of forgot about crovis though on day 45 I cleared some space to move my barn since it was in a really annoying spot down there and then I visited Clint I sold him a bunch of iridium to raise money for a barn upgrade and for some cows which were next on my list I named them and cow I don't even know how to pronounce that again not feeling super creative after that it was off to the skull Cavern I traded in some diamonds for triple shots some rubies for spicy eel and plunged Into the Depths I made a very embarrassing mistake on 426 and ran straight to the stairs even though there was a drop shaft available but it turned out to be not a huge deal because on floor 39 I got a prismatic Shard from a serpent nice now that I had three I could trade them for a magic rock candy and get that huge luck buff for another dive later I was so excited that I ran to do that uh but you can't you can only do it on Thursdays day 46 was in fact a Thursday so after harvesting some crops and taking care of my animals I headed to the desert to snag a magic rock candy and give Sandy a flower after that the whole day was ahead of me so I just kind of wandered around I started my gold ax upgrade and I put some pathing around my tree farm and I really regret using the gravel flooring I hate the way it sounds and I was gonna have to listen to that for the rest of this playthrough that's a big L on day 47 I harvested a large batch of Summer forage and turned them back into a ludicrous 175 summer seeds then I wandered around town handing out random gifts to villagers I learned that the people really do love corn I bought a couple goats and named them Gat and Geet I also checked the traveling Merchant and was surprised to find a truffle I strongly considered buying it I could basically skip the final Barn upgrade if I needed to but I didn't do it I like piggies I wasn't sure if that would come back to bite me on day 48 I picked up my ax from Clint and gave him my hoe to upgrade to iron I also started a barn upgrade since I need those Piggies soon and then I headed to the skull Cavern it was a good luck day and I was gonna eat my candy magic rock candy is truly something else I hit a treasure room on floor 18 Omni geodes for a 20 Prismatic Shard floor 33 white turban found another Prismatic Shard on floor 56 and I made it to floor 85 before passing out I got nearly 150 iridium ore from this trip so I would consider it a good day I was hoping to get three more Prismatic shards so I could just get another magic rock candy but I only found two bummer day 49 was a Sunday which meant traveling cart disappointment but also a good luck day so I took my jade to the desert for staircases and made another push into the mines even without the magic rock candy I wanted I did manage to find one Prismatic Shard from an iridium node on floor 50 which meant I could get my candy again yay I also got a dino egg from a pepper rex on floor 67 which was a momentous occasion to be sure I ended up getting to floor 74 and snagging 145 already more so it was another very successful run in my book on day 50 I uh well I I didn't record day 50 but thanks to my extensive notes I can tell you that I picked up my steel hoe started a coupe upgrade made a bunch of tappers handed out gifts and cut down trees I specifically remember right before I went to bed at 1 50 I made sure to look at the camera and give a little heart emote so just pretend that happened I guess we're halfway through now but there's no time to slow down I still have a ton of goals left to accomplish so let's push forward today I sold a bunch of produce to upgrade my bag I was feeling cramped with only 24 slots so this will really help in future skull Cavern Dives I also put in my pickaxe for its final upgrade to iridium what a great feeling other than that I spent most of the day handing out gifts cutting down trees and I planted a whole bunch of tree seeds up by the spa we're gonna need a ton of wood for the next phase of the game I made my first nine kegs today and got some coffee started there's gonna be a lot more where that came from on day 52 I still didn't have my pickaxe obviously so I had to find something else to do my coop was upgraded but I promptly forgot all about that for about another week you might recall that I got absolutely debated by the octopus like 14 times in a row earlier this month well today it was time for Revenge I grabbed some fishing food a bunch of fishing gear and headed down to the beach with a handy dandy warp totem to try to catch my Nemesis it was surprisingly quite easy I caught the second one I hooked after that I headed to the river to catch a couple other fish I was missing for summer ran back down to the ocean to give Willy the octopus I caught earlier for his birthday and hurried to the river to catch the Dorado the only other two summer fish I needed were the super cucumber and the Crimson fish so I got some wood together fixed the bridge and caught my second legendary fish of the Run once again because nothing is sacred I sold him overnight I hit farming 10 and picked up Artisan here we go day 53 was a good luck day and my iridium pick was going to be ready I also had started my coffee stockpile and it was a Thursday that meant I could trade for magic rock candy it was shaping up to be a fine day I had some quick chores first including selling some Meridian bars switching my pick for my ax at Clint's and buying a sheep and a pig I named the pig pag to follow in Tradition and I named the Sheep Danny after my wife because she loves the Sheep then it was off to the desert I traded for some magic rock candy and some other goodies then got started today was not as exciting as I had hoped I found a treasure floor on 55 with life elixirs and I got one Prismatic Shard from an iridium node I did get over 160 iridium before passing out on floor 91 but it was an otherwise kind of unremarkable day one neat thing though was that I hit combat level 10 and I picked up acrobat overnight on day 54 the first of my star fruit ripened I harvested it and replaced the spots with coffee beans they wouldn't grow in time but they would keep the ground tilled in water when the season changed and honestly that was just as valuable I won't be making any star fruit wine just yet I need to work through more of my coffee stores first but that will eventually be a huge source of income for us I also gathered up enough wood to upgrade my house but forgot that I had no money so I handed out some gifts and sold a bunch of stuff to Pierre before heading back up north to start the upgrade I checked the traveling Merchant and I bought nothing then I spent the rest of the day handing out gifts melting iridium bars and killing dust breaks for coal it felt nostalgic somehow the a55 was a very lucky day and I didn't have much I needed to accomplish so I made an early trip to the skull Cavern I found my third white turban on floor 16 today could we just stop with this I got really excited on 470 when I saw a machine coming out of the chest but it was just a seed maker better than another turbine I guess other than that though it was a pretty standard day despite actually having some money in my pocket I decided to stay as late as possible if I could get even 5 more iridium ore by staying it would be worth more than getting to bed on time so I very strategically passed out while a bomb was going off on floor 97 heading home with over 120 iridium in my backpack day 56 was the last day of summer I started my day by smelting more bars in the mines before running out of coal that is super sad I also had my final summer Harvest back on the farm and it was a doozy over 200 star fruit were ready some of them were ready yesterday but I was busy and I had thousands of coffee beans to fill all the empty spaces on my farm we would go into fall with our field ready for planting even after all that my Coffee Bean stores were near three thousand so I had plenty of work for my kegs to do before we even started with the star fruit I hadn't checked the bat cave in a bit and I leveled up to nine from all the fruit in there we were getting close to hitting level 10 in every skill by the end of summer so I was well on track to finish that up by the end of the run I also got the rarest dialogue in all of stardew Valley today at marnie's where she thought I was Lewis it was extra spicy because Shane was standing five feet away I saw the blue chicken cut scene too but who cares compared to that dialogue I checked the traveling cart and got no red cabbage again so I was starting to actually get a little worried I spent the rest of the day cleaning up and doing chores before heading to the beach for the Moonlight jellies despite this Festival not really offering much in terms of shopping or Hearts I still find it very peaceful and pretty enjoyable that night I said goodbye to Summer and welcomed in the best season in stardew Valley on Fall first day 57 my house was big neat more importantly it was planting day I had been saving up a lot of iridium for Sprinklers and today I was planning to redo my primary field layout to be a little more attractive I did want to decorate at least a little in this run fortunately for me I use spreadsheets to figure out my planting so I was able to sell some iridium bars to Clint and I had exactly 27 gold left by the time I bought all my seeds the rest of my day was just clearing out the fields tilling and watering tiles that were changing from the summer layout and putting down our crop the second field the big one that had 500 Pumpkins this season and I was already Scrooge McDuck in my dreams that night diving into my cash on day 58 I was press gang by Lewis into doing more chores for the village and chose to hunt down bug guts instead of growing a hundred bok choy if I hadn't just planted my entire field yesterday I mean come on I scared Mario at work when I tried to ask her to be my GF because I was mad with Lewis I took samside in an argument that day then I bought the triple shot espresso recipe that'll be pretty useful in a bit I spent the rest of my day killing bugs for their guts and found another ancient seed can't plant it now but when we get the greenhouse it'll be nice to have a59 was a rainy day which meant I should probably do some fishing but first I bought a couple of ducks this was way later than I was planning but I had simply walked in and out of my coop every day for a week without realizing I never bought them so I got two of them Dak and deck I didn't want to buy a third because I mean I I didn't want to name a duck dick this was a terrible plan I also grabbed Lewis's shorts while I was at marnie's spicy after that I visited Maru where I was electrocuted I went fishing for walleye and the angler and turned in some community center items I had enough bugs for Willie's gross requests so I dropped those off and passed out at the beach overnight a witch cursed my coot Scooby on day 60 I caught a tiger trout and a salmon early in the day and I cooked the recipes I needed for Gus's bulletin board request I had enough apples for Marnie too so I dropped off a bunch of stuff and completed the fishing bundle entirely hooray I also cracked geodes and made donations and finally took all of my museum rewards home where I made a little display room of my own I threw more tappers on trees and made some fences to decorate the layout around my primary field I gotta say it I mean it doesn't look too bad that night the apples told The Shining Rock that it was time to leave town and soon the rivers would be full of ore on day 61 the traveling cart had nothing for me but that's okay because I didn't want to complete the community center anyway I'm honestly not sure what I did today other than handout gifts buy a bunch of explosive ammo and work on Monster Slayer goals even watching my footage packet kind of looks like I'm just wandering around so go me day 62 though that was a good one it was a good luck day and I didn't have any chores so I made a quick run for the skull Cavern exciting things from today include but are not limited too a purple slime egg and a treasure floor very cool but still not an auto Petter a dino floor on floor 69 very nice and two Prismatic shards I don't remember why I tried so hard to sell stuff but I passed out mere inches from my shipping bin with only 30 bucks by name on day 63 I got a letter from Demetrius with a bream in it and for some reason my game just kept crashing over and over and over until the letter had a nautilus shell in it and it was so strange unfortunately all that resetting did not help with the traveling cart but when I got back to my farm Leah gave me a weird sculpture I have a special plan for that statue by the way after turning in a bunch of donations today I worked on the club card Quest since my Beats were ready to harvest we love fetch quests in this house I re-gifted my statue from Leah to Pam while I was out this will force Pam to move more quickly through the town toward the bus stop and it will let Leah know that I'm already spoken for this time day64 was a cranberry day while that's not exceptionally important for us on this file the sound of harvesting them is just oh so satisfying I've also been making seeds for my strawberries for a while but started making more fall seeds instead I want that foraging level dang it I also hit friendship level 10 with Maru just by talking with her today so I left the building and came back in to watch her super weird 10 heart scene this one is I mean it's out there next time we get a rainy day I'll be able to buy a mermaid pendant now woohoo I finally caved and bought a bunch of coal from Clint today and I also started a coop upgrade I really needed a shed more than a coop at this point but I do like the auto feeder upgrade before bed I accepted the Prismatic jelly Quest from The Wizard that guy is into some weird stuff day65 was another good luck day I got all my chores done and packed for a trip before my dive though I gave Sandy a flower and stopped in to meet Mr key I was unimpressed despite it being a good luck day I felt like the whole day was kind of lame I got 15 Cherry bombs from a treasure floor and a prismatic Shard on 67 but I I don't know it felt underwhelming I guess maybe my expectations are too high at this point I tried to do another cool move with a bomb at 150 but it didn't work so I passed out with about 100 iridium in my bag which was a bit of a disappointment at this point day 66 was a peaceful day I did some foraging and noticed that Leo was not taking the hint very well I also saw that I'd be getting rain tomorrow so I could buy the mermaid pendant and propose nice I had finally worked through my coffee bean supplies at this point so I started switching over to star fruit wine I still needed lots of Oak resin but I was getting more and more all the time back on the farm I like to find an infested floor if possible for the Prismatic jelly Quest so I checked the first few floors around some of the deeper elevators just in case I started with 81 and 82 but didn't have any luck then I went from 91 to 94 nothing there either then I went to 101 and checked there and at one of two I found a slime floor I spent most of the day digging from 101 to 102 and killing slimes or taking screenshots but I never found the jelly day67 was a rainy day so I could get the pendant but it was also a Thursday and I had three Prismatic shards so I went to get a magic rock candy first after that though I bought a rabbit from Marnie and named it Tony I was finally feeling creative I snagged the pendant for Maru and skipped through cutscene after cut scene from other marriage candidates before finally proposing to her we were gonna get married in three days I cannot imagine the stress of that wedding planning fortunately I don't have to so I'm going back to the mines I wasn't lucky enough to find another infested floor today so I just kind of wandered around different areas of mine I found another ancient seed but no Prismatic jelly I was concerned on day 68 I finally finally got the red cabbage seeds from the traveling cart oh thank you traveling cart lady and pig I'll never talk smack about you again until my next run I spent the rest of my day unsuccessfully trying to find that stupid Prismatic jelly pathetic I wish I could say that day 69 was a nice day but it really wasn't sure I made a ton of money today selling a bunch of my crops up here but I still hadn't found the Prismatic jelly by the end of the day and I crawled into bed at 1 50 am a failure yikes on Day 70 I got married which is pretty cool but it was also a pumpkin harvest day which is kind of cooler 500 delicious pumpkins ready to go the reason I had sold so much of my stuff yesterday was because I had a very large purchase to make today or rather a couple I checked the traveling cart more out of habit than anything then turned in my gold and normal pumpkins to complete the pantry and finish the enchanter's bundle too for those of you keeping track at home that means I need to finish winter forage and the die bundle and that is it not bad after that I bought another 500 pumpkins to replace the ones I just harvested and I bought the supplies I needed to make 100 preserved jars listen I know I could simply cut down trees and break rocks and whatever but this is an investment okay those pumpkins are gonna be pickled and the tunnel is going to be a terrifying Wiggly nightmare oh I also hit the 1 million gold Mark while selling iridium bars to Clint today I spent the rest of my day trying and failing to get the Prismatic jelly it was over I failed even the junamos wiggling my greenhouse back to normal couldn't help my mood yeah actually it could on day 71 my Greenhouse was ready Mario also reminded me that tomorrow was a stardew Valley Fair I planted all the winter seeds I had made from Winter roots in my Greenhouse in hopes of completing the winter forage bundle early and I threw my 13 ancient seeds and my red cabbage in there for good measure I filled in a bunch of spots with strawberries for Maru and I visited Sandy for her birthday she wanted a joja cola for some reason and I gave her that and a flower happy birthday Sandy I also picked up Robin's project as a special order this week 80 hardwood was manageable but I still needed hardwood for my house and for the boat so we'll see if I turn this one in Day 72 was the stardew Valley Fair and it was a cursed day I mean I blew Pierre out of the water with my display easy but I bet on green and lost so many times that I had to play the slingshot game like five six seven times I actually don't know and listen y'all I'm not good at the slingshot game it was a frustrating day but I got my tasty star drop and I got my rare Crow for some reason that star fruit makes me feel like I'm forgetting something day 73 was a wine and pickles day this doesn't happen often but when it does we make a lot of money I spent my day restocking and building more Kegs and chopping down and replanting trees I also started my watering can upgrade it was a good day money-wise the pumpkin pickles are selling for just under a hundred thousand every four days at this point and the wine will vary depending on how many kegs I have at any given time it took us three months to hit our first one million gold and I just earned a fifth of that today not bad at all on day 74 I had another cranberry Harvest neat some of these will eventually become jelly when the pumpkins run out I focused on gifting and foraging today I need hardwood for Robin and for other projects but I also just want to hit foraging 10. I started a shed today and also bought the Galaxy Hammer with my pickle and wine money by the way I haven't been showing every trip to the Avengers Guild but here's a good place to check in I still need to finish slimes void Spirits bats skeletons 24 pepper X not bad and only 16 serpents that is pretty good day 75 was a day of more foraging for hardwood more protector of the valley questing and more pickles there's not much to say here other than that things were in full swing it was a very good day at the three-quarter Mark making a hundred thousand every few days on those pickles was feeling very nice and I had 500 more pumpkins growing in the field still I was happy especially when I hit foraging level 10 overnight and picked botanist I love iridium forage honestly the best part is the inventory management I have a confession to make about day 76 and it's actually a confession about a different day I have no idea when I bought the star drop from crobus but I realized while watching this one back that when I went to visit him this star drop wasn't in his inventory so at some point I did that I guess today though I'd watch my father-in-law get in the stupidest argument I have ever seen then upgraded my shed and went to the desert to try to kill some servants for the protector of the valley gold but I found a pepper Rex floor and on floor 14 I inched ever closer to that goal instead but somehow I I didn't manage to find 14 serpents embarrassing really on day 77 I got my snow yam and crocus from the greenhouse that meant that the only things and I mean the only things left were a duck feather and a red cabbage I had some red cabbage growing and I had two ducks in the coop so I was feeling good about completing the community center before winter which was a goal I had said at the beginning right unfortunately you might remember I bought those Ducks kind of late so it was It was kind of getting pretty close to Winter already I decided to switch my profession to Coop Master temporarily to try to speed things up then I went to go try again with the whole serpent thing I did manage it this time by about 6 30 so I headed back to the valley to get my Napalm ring just slimes bats and pepper racks left until I get to Ginger Island at least overnight the junamo was wiggled and jiggled so hard that the Quarry Bridge poofed back into existence which meant I could start moving my kegs soon neat day 78 was a good luck day so I made a trip to the skull Cavern as you do today I had a goal get an auto Petter I had so much explosive ammo so many bombs a magic rock candy all the time in the world I hit my first treasure floor at 11 20 am and I was gifted four quality sprinklers I ate my magic rock candy at about this point the buff doesn't last forever and I wanted it in effect for the deeper levels rather than the first few floors I hadn't tried this before but I figured it was worth a shot I honestly I don't know if it was but I was quickly rewarded with another useless treasure floor with five Omni geodes who is packing these stupid chests more importantly I found a dino level on floor 51. I think I was at 37 dinos before this run and there were 10 in this room alone we are very close my next treasure floor was on 64 and this one was another Auto Grabber that's actually acceptable I'll take that over some quartz any day my final treasure floor and last chance at an auto Pedder was on floor 100. we did it sure I didn't get the Iridium milk because I don't have the quest yet but this was one of my goals so I was happy regardless of Mr Key's feelings on the matter the chest was a slime egg by the way no no Auto petters for me the 216 iridium ore I brought home helped heal the wound in my heart though on day 79 I started moving stuff into my upgraded shed that's kind of it that's my day I moved all my chests furnaces Artisan machines and everything into the shed and I arranged things in color-coded boxes it was one of my favorite days of the entire run oh also more pickles and wine were ready today but I passed out trying to fill my preserves jars day 80 was another relaxing day I finished putting more stuff in jars and put down some torches so I could see better in the tunnel I checked to see that I was within 10 of my slime killing goal and only had like nine more bats to kill then I started clearing out the Quarry that would eventually be the home of my kegs because I had switched my profession at Coupe Master temporarily though I saved my pickles and wine for now I offered up a sweet Jamberry to Old Master cannoli on day 81 and got a sweet sweet star drop in return I also bought more rabbits and named them Porsche and Wesley then I continued moving my kegs to the Quarry and started a tree farm in the Oasis we're gonna need more wood but fall is slowly coming to a close and trees don't grow in the winter in Pelican town on day 82 I created a fire hazard in my shed by adding open Flames to the floor then I wandered around town cutting down trees and handing out gifts I know I needed a lot of hardwood for multiple projects and I'd really been slacking so I tried to get a handle on it here since I was gonna need a lot of normal wood as well I continued planting more trees in the Oasis I finished my day by handing out gifts and hunting down the golden Scythe I didn't really need it but I didn't have it yet and that's reason enough to go get it day 83 was my second pumpkin harvest and it was glorious but first I have to give Mario a strawberry okay 500 beautiful pumpkins to turn into pickles which by the way we're ready to be refilled today I also slightly adjusted The Preserves jars in the tunnel because I would load in on top of one and it was just kind of weird and inconvenient when I got back home Mario gave me the spouse star drop so it was shaping up to be a great day I actually spent the rest of the day getting hardwood and processing crops into seeds with a few new seed makers in the shed I wanted to plant some winter seeds outside in a few days and I just had too too much of some crops especially flowers I hate that the colors don't stack when that was all done I headed over to the spirits Eve Festival I talked to everyone so I could see their really cool costumes and then I got my golden pumpkin and got the heck out of Spooky Town day 84 was the final day of fall we're finally coming down the home stretch I plan to move some things around in the winter so I cleaned up the space to the left of my farmhouse before harvesting the last cranberry crop of the year then I was off to check on my coop and finally finally I had a duck feather I had wanted to avoid getting more than two ducks since my naming process would have kind of ruined things but that was a huge mistake we still did it though that's the last thing we need for the community center and we got it before winter technically I hadn't turned in my red cabbage yet either so I ran to the shed to find it and panicked it wasn't in the summer box because it was in the fall box I don't know why anyway off to the community center to finish things up it was beautiful in here but it's always a little Bittersweet to say goodbye to the junamos when I was done I moved my greenhouse and shed right next to my house because I'm lazy then cleaned up my farm and processed Cranberries for the rest of the night I also put two scarecrows next to each other so they could be in love how cute oh and I changed my profession back to Artisan now that I don't need animal products anymore day 85 was the first day of winter and I started it by planting some winter seeds and taking care of my animals after that though it was time to see the Community Center completion scene I chose to settle things with words because come on folks let's not knock out the middle manager then I immediately tackled the entirety of the Magic ink Quest because I don't know it felt like a good thing to do right away and I kind of just wandered around doing random chores like Gathering wood and making tappers and stuff for the rest of the day it was a nice start to Winter it also didn't hurt that I sold my stored pickles and wine for over 400 000 gold that night on day 86 I got a ton of mail from the residents but there was really only one letter that mattered Willie wanted to show me his secret back room I gathered up some fishing buff food batteries hardwood and iridium bars for no particular reason then went for a round of pumpkin pickling after that I put my hoe in for the Iridium upgrade the last one I needed by the way and visited Willie's shop as always I am here to serve so I immediately donated everything needed to fix his boat after that it was off to catch my worst enemy the glacier fish I forgot to eat my fishing food so I want you to watch this very carefully okay I'll be right back that's right I caught the glacier fish on my first try with a chest and I didn't even have a fishing buff I was pretty proud of myself I was also literally shaking after that so I didn't do anything strenuous for the rest of the day in game and in real life on day 87 I got the pop-up for the Slime Monster Slayer goal while collecting hardwood so I went to go pick that up and checked on my progress I needed a few bats and two more pepper racks not bad I went to the skull Cavern to see if I could knock out those requirements and completely whiffed it didn't hit either goal today oh well I was planning to head to Ginger Island tomorrow so I went home to fill my backpack full of things I would need to rush the golden walnuts I would definitely be going back and forth from home to Island but I wanted to start strong day 88 was the day I stopped by the desert to get some Deluxe speed grow grab my iridium Hoe from Clint and took my first boat ride to Ginger Island you cannot skip this cutscene so I had plenty of time to enjoy the awkward silence with Willie now I would like to pretend that I know a lot about stardew Valley but the golden Walnut Rush is not something I do often I knew for a fact that I could hit 100 walnuts before the end of the year like it's technically possible right I know this but it was going to be tough and it wasn't a guarantee I made heavy use of my good friend wickedy's Walnut speedrun to help me get where I needed we'll have to see if I could actually make it happen though this was where the real game begins I got the one outside of Leo's Hut one from the puzzle room and one from inside Leo's Hut I skipped this cut scene because it's boring then I looked for the Frog fossil in the grass no dice I dropped a chest by The Resort ruins and headed north day one on Ginger island is always pretty wild so I'm not really sure how much to show here probably lots of little jump Cuts I guess but suffice it to say by the end of the day I had gathered enough walnuts to open Island West and repair The Farmhouse I didn't plan on living here though so I went home when I was done with everything day 89 was going to be another day on the island but I couldn't forget upgrading things at home I stopped by Robbins and got the next house upgrade started then headed to Ginger Island today's goal was to make it through the volcano dungeon to unlock the Ford shortcut and hopefully get more walnuts I was desperate to get enough of them today to open up the island dig site but I ended up just one single Walnut short however I did make it to the forge collecting a Dwarven dagger along the way I snagged the Prismatic Shard at this point and combined my burglar ring and iridium band I tried to hunt for more walnuts but it was no use I passed out inside the volcano on day 90 I needed to do a little bit of Pelican Town work it was a pickles and wine day AKA money day so I took care of those chores before heading back to Ginger Island to hunt for more walnuts while I was watching my footage back I realized I had missed one on my farm so I snagged that single Walnut you know the one I really really needed yesterday then headed over to free Professor snail after freeing him I snagged all the walnuts on this side then spent the rest of the day fishing and panning for fossils and walnuts once again passed out on the island day 91 was another frantic day of Walnut hunting but honestly I have a lot of chores to do on the mainland too so I went home to tend my animals in Greenhouse stopped by the desert to trade for more staircases then wrapped up catching some of the island fish I still needed before making another trip through the volcano this time I've used my Napalm ring with my slime drummer ring I was pretty happy with my little ring setup then I made this little heart emote and passed out in the Forge on day 92 I got the achievement that told me my house upgrade was done I also decided to do the singing Stones room for more walnuts today I had been putting it off for too long you know what's really convenient about doing this challenge as you're recording though you can just end your recording and watch back the footage it may not be very honorable but I don't care I hate extreme Simon says because it was a rainy day and I had the walnuts from the stone game I made the little music section for the mermaid and also got all the walnuts in Island South that I could find after that though it was time to head home and attend the Festival of ice I really love warp totems I'm gonna be honest this entire run just like Pam's life would be going nowhere fast without warp totems anyway I won the tournament then I did some chores around home before passing out at home for a nice change day 93 was a pickle stay at home but more importantly another rainy day on the island which meant I could get the second of four pedestals for the puzzle game and just guess the rest I also found the Frog fossil so that was awesome between those two things I had enough walnuts to restore the island Trader I spent the rest of the time on the island cleaning up and hunting for more walnuts in the mines on Day 94 I woke up on the island but I needed to get back to the mainland I had three golden coconuts to crack which ended up getting me a walnut five iridium ore and the skull that I needed for Professor snail awesome I also started the basement upgrade and dropped off a birthday gift for Sebastian while I was in town then headed back to the island to see my wife and father-in-law visiting the resort cute I excitedly ran to complete the mammal fossil before realizing I still needed another piece that was sad I drowned my sorrows with the Pirates and saw this screen for the first time perfect game how about that after that I went for my customary midnight jog through the volcano and passed out still needing a couple walnuts from the chest thingies on day 95 I dove back into the volcano and found my final breakable chest Walnut meat I also snagged a prismatic Shard halfway through and found a pirate hat at the end I thought about it but I like my trash hat I upgraded my hammer with the Prismatic Shard I found and I got vampiric which is not bad I guess I also threw two emeralds on there for some super speed after that it was back home where I saw mayor Lewis and Marnie discussing their secret relationship but I'm gonna be honest I really don't care do your thing folks I'm not here to judge on day 96 I found the fossilized ribs at the dig site and collected my golden walnuts and banana sapling from Professor snail I bought some recipes from Gus who was visiting the island and planted a whole bunch of crops for both the Frog and just for harvesting it was coming down to the wire and I still couldn't get into the Walnut Room I headed to the volcano mine and found another Prismatic Shard a dragon tooth Club more dragons teeth for crafting and the Obelisk of course and I also found the bat fossil at some point today that meant I needed just one more Snake vertebrae and I'd be done with Professor snail's collection day 97 was my day for some reason my game kept crashing the first time I tilled this dig spot it was it was like this Demetrius thing all over again but you know eventually I got what I wanted so the game survived I checked Mr Key's door to be sure and saw that I was actually at 96 of 100 not 97 like I thought which was exceptionally bad news I gathered my ostrich incubator recipe and three walnuts from Professor snail but I was still a single nut short I was devastated today was supposed to be my day I went to the volcano mine to mourn slash murder and immediately got the journal scrap I needed with a walnut location so yeah all done I guess I gathered that Walnut oh my God are you kidding me an ostrich egg too uh all right well I rushed over to Mr Key's Walnut Room I listened through his stupid speech and checked his request board four Prismatic shards or catching the extended legendaries uh I gotta check at home but I don't think I have enough Prismatic shards for that and I kind of need to focus on normal fish before worrying about the extended family to be honest I did end up checking at home and yeah no dice so no key quests this time we'll check later I did harvest my pickles and wine and get that ostrich egg started though on day 98 I checked the traveling cart just out of habit and was disappointed of course Honestly though the rest of the day was pretty chill I had made it to the Walnut Room and that was all that mattered I stopped by the resort and took a screenshot since my wife was visiting I bought myself a fancy Island TV and I just kind of wandered around like an idiot day 99 folks almost done I planted more winter seeds today expanded my ancient fruit crop in the greenhouse and worked on catching the few fish I hadn't wrangled yet I also like an absolute took danger in the Deep from Mr key and we'll talk more about that tomorrow it was the night market day today so I went home and watched the super awkwardly silent mermaid show for a pearl just hoping the whole time that Maru wouldn't walk in then I caught all the submarine fish plus an albacore and a squid day 100 was the best of times and it was the worst of times I decided to finish up my fishing collection today I needed a perch a lingcod the mutant cart slime Jack the Scorpion car the void salmon and all of the mines fish that was the reason picking danger in the Deep was so stupid dang it I was actually pretty bummed by that but you know what it was day 100 time to assess our final stats right I stopped by home to say goodnight tomorrow but she just kind of grumbled at me what the heck come on then I headed to visit the island to see Mr key I wanted to know how close to Perfection I had gotten with baited breath I crept into his Walnut Room and said hello then I checked the Perfection tracker for the first time this game 36 percent on day 101 I decided that Mr key had wronged me so terribly that I would crush his stupid little challenges 36 come on dude I gathered my Ginger and Stone from the island gave Leo A bird feather and headed home I dropped off a birthday present and a quest item for resmodius then grabbed all my stone and staircases from Storage after that I made a quick trip to Robbins to buy more stone and a workbench then with no honor at all I cleared the entire danger in the Deep quest in one day by just placing staircases when I couldn't find stairs quickly I even had enough time to go to the night market and hand out gifts when I was done I did forget that Evelyn doesn't like fish though whoops on day 102 I basically just redid the layout on field 2 all day where I used to have quality sprinklers now I had iridium I actually didn't have enough winter seeds to cover this which means some of it will until itself somehow but that's all right I mostly just needed the pattern ready for later day 103 was a good luck day so I took care of things at home you know checking on the animals and stuff it was also a preserved straw day but at this point I'm just using up cranberries and waiting for better crops in Spring then I made a quick stop by Ginger Island to pick up some bombs and headed off to the desert it was a pretty mediocre day though I killed one more dino which means I only need one more but I couldn't find that last one so that objective is still on the board I also snagged some Omni geodes which I traded for artifact troves but otherwise there wasn't much to speak of thank you on day 104 I had lots to do it was a wine day which meant I needed to make more Kegs and replace everything in the Quarry with new crops just like with preserved Stars I'm running low on valuable crops decag but that'll change soon after running errands and replacing my kegs I traveled to Ginger Island where I got 11 more walnuts from harvesting crops and showing the Frog my melon and wheat I bought the Obelisk to return home and Pierre's missing stock list from Mr key with this I can buy out of season crops for 50 more than they would normally cost is it worth it sometimes but I intend to get everything in the room at some point I would have considered the Horse flute but I don't have a horse day 105 was another busy day I took care of the animals who I noticed were out of food that meant a trip to marnie's to buy some hay then I dropped off the stock list with Pierre and bought nothing from him I actually got that stock list basically to idiot proof recipes for later what I actually bought today were 300 star fruit to plant on Ginger Island I spent the rest of my day clearing and planting and got the last Walnut from harvesting crops that means I just have the banana Quest garlic for the Gourmand frog and Birdie's request once Kent arrives in Spring not bad day 106 was a Monday meaning there were new quests today I grabbed a bat extermination from Clint and skull Cavern Invasion from Mr key I had actually just gotten the quest to get to floor 100 a couple of days ago so this was perfect I had no intention of playing Fair though this would be another staircase sweep Mr key was playing right into my hands I also expanded my pineapples on Ginger Island and continued making strawberry seeds at home pretty exciting day 107 was the day I would conquer the dangerous skull Cavern I plan to head over to Robin's to buy an absolute butt ton of stone but it was a Tuesday well no matter instead I finished filling up field two with winter seeds I honestly don't care that they won't grow in time and I processed some animal products that were piling up then I went to the skull Cavern anyway it was a good luck day and I wanted to snag some radioactive ore you don't really need a ton to craft every item but you will need at least a couple bars and two more ore on top of that that was accomplished easily enough I also killed the very last pepper Rex needed for the protector of the valley Quest that meant I only needed the Fire Spirit things from the volcano neat I'm getting a little worried that Maru isn't asking about kids though we don't have forever Maru day 108 was the day I would conquer the dangerous skull Cavern for real though if Mr key thinks that I won't throw a couple hundred thousand gold at a problem he has no idea who I am seriously though 200 000 gold is a pretty good price for a permanent Health upgrade and 40 key gems at this point obviously this is much more manageable in year one before resource prices increase drastically stupid inflation speaking of which I need to make sure to load up on a few things before Clint and Robin decide to jack up those prices in about a week oh and Mr key did call me dishonorable for using staircases but he praised me for mining up all that stone day 109 was the Feast of the winter star and somehow I didn't record it so here's a dramatic reenactment I gave Leah gochi's that was about it day 110 was a huge bummer I spent basically all day working on Clint's stupid bat Quest then I fished for the mines fish and I got a stonefish and a bunch of ghost fish I have nothing more to say about day 110. let's move on on day 111 I awoke feeling exceptionally cranky but it was a Saturday and that meant it was a keg day unfortunately I'm really low on keggable stuff right now I used Crystal fruit strawberries and the last of my cranberries but we need some new crops for these kegs and soon I even had to make a trip to get some pineapples from Ginger Island to fill the last few kegs while I was there I scooped up a lava eel from the forge back in town I worked on the ice pit and I'm gonna be honest with you I think this was one of the worst fishing experiences ever it says I have about a six or seven percent chance to hook the thing but I just didn't every time the stupid ping noise would go off and I had a fish I would get all tense and excited just for the briefest moment but it was always a stupid ghost fish I could feel the joy draining from my body with each algae every JoJo Cola brought me closer to despair I spent so long here that I ran out of stamina I couldn't remember if current luck or daily luck affected fish catch percentages so I ate a spicy eel desperate for an edge it didn't seem to increase my catch percentage but I hooked an ice pip then it was just a fight for my life to land the thing and when I did I was rewarded with the master angler achievement that's one goal down day 112 was the final day of year one and I realized I had really been slacking on this first leg of the run today was going to be an important day before it started though I got the star drop from Willy for catching every fish after that I harvested all the winter forage and replanted seeds so the spots would stay tilled and watered for tomorrow next I took care of my animals and when I say took care of I mean that in the mafia sense I sold a whole bunch of duplicates whose names I didn't even bother to check and I bought more rabbits for their feet and pigs for truffles I should have gotten the pigs right away when I started this video to be honest because they're going to be small for a long time whoops I knew the prices of stone wood oars and coal would all increase tomorrow so just like your average United States Senator I dropped a cool million bucks on Commodities right before the new price was locked in I bought thousands of coal a few hundred of each ore and tens of thousands of wood and stone I also crafted a ton of staircases just because I know I'll use them I stopped by the desert to buy about 500 rhubarb seeds for tomorrow and then I moved some items outside into chests around my new workbench it was honestly a really fulfilling day 113 was the first day of the new year that meant that Kent stopped by to introduce himself hello Kent and then after that it was just a Mad Dash to get crops in the ground I bought seeds from Pierre and gathered up my strawberry and rhubarb seeds from earlier I also had to get some scarecrows down in The Big Field but that was no big deal the center will be for coffee so I just threw some mixed seeds in there for now it was a busy day and I went to sleep feeling excited for the new year since day 114 was a rainy day I decided to double my rhubarb crop but first since the JoJo Mart building had been struck by lightning the night before I dropped off a fish some wine a gem worth more than my house some grassy mayo and five fruits from the prehistoric era to help ajunamo get back home I don't understand but I do anything for those little apples then I made a trip to Sandy's to buy 500 more rhubarb I spent the rest of the day tilling out land and putting down sprinklers scarecrows and eventually seeds I had to steal my Scarecrow from the center field away from his wife which was heartbreaking but it was for the greater good that night we danced on top of the old broken down supermarket and something happened day 115 was the day I decided it was finally time to get a horse I picked up the last hardwood that I needed from the secret Woods grab some of my iron and headed to Robin's what an exciting moment for the farm after that I stopped by Ginger Island to see what my new key Quest was I had the options to pick skull Cavern Invasion or the hungry challenge Mr key is such an absolute melon did he not see me cheese this like a week ago I have no honor well before I left I bought a deconstructor then I headed to the desert with 100 staircases in my back pocket and finished the challenge right then and there along the way I picked up 100 or so more iridium and two more Prismatic shards now I have enough for another magic rock candy so we'll have to do a serious dive soon day 116 was soon enough for that serious dive first though I dropped off a rabbit's foot for Kent's birthday love that guy but then I gathered up my dungeoneering supplies and headed to the desert I don't want to go into too much detail since I talked about this a couple of times in my first hundred days but it's important to replenish my iridium stocks for both crafting and for extra income today I managed to get down to floor 112. I picked up three more Prismatic shards to replace one of my magic rock candies as well as three iridium bars and 231 more oars it's melted into bars those ores would be worth 69 000 gold which is nice but I plan to use them for something else day 117 was another stormy day which is awesome for batteries in my infinite pettiness I decided to name my new horse Mr key but like with a K and an eye key got him then it was just a matter of harvesting some garlic and parsnips and replacing them with strawberries before I headed off to Ginger Island to get my Horse flute and work on Gathering ginger for Caroline's request since Ginger dropped by Tiger slimes counts for this Quest I headed into the volcano mine for a while but got stuck when I needed my watering can to open the door shucks on day 118 I did the same thing I built a bunch of crystallariums in the morning but after that I just killed more tiger slimes and Fire Spirit thingies to work on the ginger Quest and the protector of the valley gold oh earlier in the day I also planted a garlic seed on the island but that was kind of it for the day 119 was the day my star fruit on Ginger Island were ready that meant I needed to go buy more seeds from Sandy but I'm actually a little low on liquid cash right now so I only got 200 then I harvested everything on the island and replaced them with new star fruit or pineapples and restarted my kegs with a batch of star fruit wine I also filled The Preserves jars in the tunnel with whatever I had on hand strawberries pineapples and Crystal fruit this time I made a healthy chunk of change overnight when I sold off all the wine and jelly that has been a Bruin day 120 was a Monday which meant it was time to check on Mr Key's Quest and the bulletin board the bulletin board had my worst nightmare Prismatic jellies I had to take it but it took me several minutes of staring at the screen to build up the courage to click that button on Ginger Island Mr key was not feeling very creative again offering skull Cavern Invasion and hungry challenge I'm not sure I'll have time for either but I took Invasion since it pays better the rest of my day was spent hunting for The elusive Prismatic slime I didn't find it on the bright side though when I snuck into bed at 1 40 AM Maru was waiting for me to ask if we should have a baby hooray I decided between day 120 and day 121 to look online for tips about Prismatic jellies someone on Reddit said to spam floor five since slimes crabs and bugs are the only spawns and slimes are prioritized I gave it a shot and got the Prismatic jelly amazing I spent the rest of the day hunting for more ginger for Caroline's request it felt kind of sad since it was a very lucky day but I really needed to prioritize that jelly this time and I wasn't ready for another skull Cavern dive anyway on day 122 my pigs were all grown yummy yummy truffle time it was also another day of killing tiger slimes and magma sparkers Sprites those floaty angry things you know I'm up to 63 Ginger harvested with more than half the month left I'll definitely make it but this is kind of annoying not like he's crop level but up there day 123 was the day I remembered I planted garlic on Ginger Island that meant I could finish the Frog Quest thingies it looks like my banana tree is going to produce tomorrow also so after I finish Birdie's fetch Quest that'll be it for the golden walnuts very exciting since Pam decided not to work today I spent all day Gathering Ginger I killed the last required angry Embers today so I'm completely finished with protector of the Valley now amazing on day 124 I decided to go ahead and wrap up Birdie's Quest while I was heading over to the wizard though I found caviar for sale at the traveling cart that means I can just go ahead and buy and ship one of those and Skip catching sturgeon which is really really nice I got the fairy dust recipe for the birdies Quest and a few more golden walnuts I also completed the banana Shrine so I went over to Mr Keys to trade in all my extra walnuts for key gems then I got back to the ginger grind I'm so close though I can almost taste it and it'll be really nice to have some solar panels getting batteries all the time it's all coming together day 125 was the egg Festival but I honestly just do not care I don't need to buy any crafting recipes and I don't want to waste any time getting like a thousand gold or whatever instead I just did some random stuff I learned how to not eat bugs from Jazz and Vincent then the bear taught me how to better Harvest blackberries and salmonberries I guess I also gave crobus an iridium rabbit's foot since I felt bad for not really visiting I finished Caroline's Ginger shipping Quest and finally I watched maru's 14 heart cut scene where we talked about the emptiness of the void and the fleeting moments we spend together she told me to make a wish at the end and I wished for a healthy birth for our baby that night I got a meteorite event which is about the coolest coincidence that has ever happened to me in this game and if you tell me it's scripted I'm just going to ignore you day 126 was a Sunday which is my new keg day that meant I had 150 delicious star fruit wines all ready to go up in the Quarry I crafted some more kegs and replaced the wine up there with all the star fruit I had and it wasn't even enough so I switched to rhubarb since the first patch of that had matured this morning rhubarb can't compare to starfruit or even ancient fruit but I can't plant star fruit on my farm in Spring and the ancient fruit isn't at that level yet I also traded in a ton of Jade for staircases today so I was back over 50. I didn't end up completing the skull Cavern Invasion this time around but I don't really mind on day 127 I had the other half of my rhubarb Harvest mature as I walked back and forth ripping the vegetable called a fruit fly the game out of the ground I thought to myself I really need to get some junamos over here but that would have to wait because it was also preserved star day I emptied the tunnel out and replaced everything with rhubarb and I headed out to check on my quest for the week I took the ectoplasm Quest from The Wizard and Mr key had the same stupid skull Cavern Invasion but also the cooking Quest that one wouldn't be hard but it would be expensive I took skull Cavern again I also harvested a ton of pineapples and made seeds from more ancient fruit at home they're gonna start exploding into Ginger Island soon 53 seats today I cannot wait on day 128 I gathered up those 53 seeds and headed to Ginger island with some iridium sprinklers I laid down a bit of pathing but apparently I must have scrolled over to my warp totem because I found myself inexplicably back on my farm which meant I had to hop back on Mr key and get another ride over to the island I bet that was confusing for Willie after I was done with my sprinkling I headed to the mines to hunt for ectoplasm I managed to find it with no real issues since I have the monster musk recipe now but the wizard locked me out right as I was walking up to his door which I've worked retail I get it but it was still sad on day 129 I dropped off the gooey ghosty bits with the wizard and he told me to go away because he needed some privacy with the Goof got it then I did some errands handed out some gifts planted a few more ancient fruit and headed to the skull Cavern I didn't plan on making it to 100 today but I wanted to collect more radioactive ore and I honestly didn't have enough time in the day to do much else it was definitely worth a trip though as I found a giant slime with a Galaxy soul in it I'll need three of those to upgrade my hammer or sword or dagger I don't which one I want to use but I got super lucky and the burglar ring procked here so I ended up with two Souls that meant I could buy one for Mr key or from the island Trader at the end of the month and upgrade my weapon of choice very very nice day 130 was more of the same it was raining so no truffles but it was a preserves jar day so I replaced the rhubarb in the wiggly tunnel and sold that for about sixty thousand gold not amazing but not bad then I stopped by Evelyn's to give her a leak for George gave an amethyst to Emily for Clint kind of and ventured over to Ginger Island to continue the ancient fruit expansion after that I headed to the desert to buy a magic rock candy and continue in the dangerous skull Cavern nothing really exciting happened here today but you know what not every day needs to be jam-packed with excitement sometimes we can just relax appreciate how far we've come and give thanks for the moment you probably think there's a joke coming here but I'm just in a good mood right now on day 131 I did more errands I'm working on friendship so I gave out gifts like mangoes and flowers and basically whatever I had in my pockets I also stopped by the skull Cavern for a short while but left on a dino floor because I just couldn't be bothered at night I started working my way through some of the crafting recipes I could probably save this to do all at once but I figured it would be nice to get some stuff knocked out I also made a couple recipes from the items in my fridge day 132 was an incredible Day first of all my starfruit was ready on Ginger Island very exciting I also decided that I was going to upgrade my Galaxy Hammer to the infinity gavel I grabbed my Galaxy Souls upgrade and headed the forge but I left my shards at home that was okay though I needed to come back later anyway next was a trip to Sandy's to buy more star fruit then over to Pierre to buy fertilizer I really should have gotten this from Sandy earlier but I forgot oh well I headed back to Ginger Island and plant my fertilized star fruit then did actually upgrade my hammer that's a great feeling it's incredibly fast after that I went home to deposit my starfruit for keg day tomorrow but I had started them early enough last week that they were ready tonight so I reloaded all my kegs with star fruit then realized my preserved jars were ready too those got rhubarb all said I made just under 600 000 gold not bad day 133 was now or never for the dangerous skull Cavern and I decided it was now after doing some chores at home I set off for the desert traded in my jade for staircases and plunged Into the Depths it was actually a very very good day despite my so-so look I came home with over 200 iridium a couple Prismatic shards an autograbber that I don't need a pressure nozzle for a sprinkler and I completed the quest I also grabbed a bunch more gems from giant slimes along the way I was pretty happy with my dive day 134 means we're a third of the way there today I checked the job board and picked Gus's omelette Quest then I planted more ancient fruit on Ginger island with some Deluxe speed grow and I saw I could either do fishing or the Grange for Mr key honestly I might not do either but I picked the Grange one back home I made more pineapple seeds processed tons of my Truffles and collected some hardwood to build the other half of my mini Obelisk set eventually this Center area is going to be full of warp totems in the golden clock I'll have to move the Obelisk but it's okay where it is for now that night Maru gave birth to our first daughter tiny Pete on day 135 I decided I was done paying Willie a thousand gold every time I wanted to visit my timeshare so I have an island Obelisk now very fun I also visited crobus and reset the mines for my eventual junamo hunts it wasn't a busy day but it was a big day that Obelisk is going to be so handy day 136 was the flower dance woo so exciting I started by doing my normal chores my eels in the fish pond wanted a dwarf scroll three which why instead of heading to the forest immediately for the dance I stopped by Ginger Island to plant more of my ancient fruit seeds I ended up having to take down some pineapples but it's going to be worth it when I got back home I headed for the festival because I thought I still needed a crafting recipe from Pierre I didn't that meant I had to sit here through 35 seconds of terrifying silent pantom mining while we summoned a great evil Upon Our Land the flower dance without music is honestly just midsummar on day 137 I had a decent luck day I realized I needed more coffee so I started some up in the kegs that I placed yesterday I also made a quick trip to Ginger Island to get more ancient fruit into the ground then since it was a Thursday I traded in some Prismatic shards for a magic rock candy and bought a full stack of deluxe speed grow from Sandy I also made a dive into the skull Cavern and came out with like 50 iridium not a lot but not bad for only having half a day down there day 138 was kind of a weird day I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do but I spent some time in the skull Cavern terrible luck meant I left early I replaced some of my coffee in the kegs I switched over the mines to the dangerous version then I bought a full stack of explosive ammo that was like a lot more expensive than I expected but that's alright we'll have a wine day coming up tomorrow day 139 was a great luck day which is amazing because I just bankrupted myself buying all that explosive ammo well instead of doing literally any of my chores I ran straight for the skull Cavern and my goodness was it a great day I brought two magic rock candies in all my stairs and plunged Into the Depths with all that luck you probably won't be surprised to hear that I found a treasure room on floor 46 with far more totems another on floor 67 with a dark cowboy hat a third on floor 91 with four life elixirs okay the obligatory floor 100 treasure room was my fourth one and it had 15 pumpkin seats kind of lame to be honest but I had already found four Prismatic shards and over 200 iridium at this point so I was pretty happy with my haul my fifth treasure room was floor 104 and it was an auto Petter let's go floor 116 was my sixth and it had an auto Grabber shucks number seven on floor 123 with some Cactus seeds don't really need those my eighth and final treasure floor was on 130 and it was a few rain totems I actually like having a few of those that was it for Treasure floors but check out my inventory on floor 140 where I left the mines and auto Petter six Prismatic shards 514 iridium ore man what a dive I was thrilled with this one day 140 was the final day of spring that meant I needed to get one last Harvest from everything that I could and prepare for summer I picked up a ton of parsnips to replace all the rhubarb in my field so I picked and replanted both the large fields and it took me basically all day I made a quick pit stop to visit Sandy and to buy about 700 star fruit Which is less than I wanted but that's okay I'll have a big payday tonight before the day ended I also replaced all my wine in the Quarry with rhubarb since I didn't have enough star fruit right now I also restocked my preserves jars and made a cool 700 000 gold overnight not bad at all just as day 140 was a harvesting Day Day 141 was a planting day I visited Pierre and Sandy to get the necessary seeds and fertilizer for my Fields then I planted all day it wasn't exciting but it is important on day 142 I finally had some time to do something besides planting crops in my field so I planted some crops on Ginger Island I hadn't been there in a little bit and all the star fruit was done and the pineapples were ready as well I replaced as many starfruit as I could with ancient fruit then filled the rest in with my remaining starfruit seeds it was a perfect fit which I definitely planned I checked Mr Key's Quest and he had skull Cavern Invasion again so I took that back home I snagged fragments from the past to get the Bone Crusher from Gunther this is one of the items that actually pairs well with the hopper in my opinion so I might snag the recipe for that one soon as well I spent the night killing skeletons in the dangerous mines before heading off to bed day 143 was a good luck day but I had no staircases left after my last dive and the skull Cavern was in dangerous mode anyway so I decided to work on other projects today I finished Gus's egg quest with lots of void eggs that's gonna be a weird omelet I also made some more kegs and got more coffee brewing up in the Quarry it was a preserves jar day so I swapped out all the rhubarb in there for more and I could finally process egg Artisan Goods again so I got a bunch of those started I went to the mines to finish up Gunther's quest for bones and I found a prismatic Shard from a random enemy neat I also finished the bone collection so I'll have to drop those off soon on day 144 I kind of wobbled around the town first I gave Jazz a flower for her birthday then I dropped off the bones for Gunther stopped by a ginger Island to expand the ancient fruit field process more animal products and made more coffee I realized pretty late in the day that it was a Thursday so I stopped by the desert to trade for a magic rock candy as well in the dangerous skull Cavern I killed a dangerous squid kid I guess and I had a quest for that so I rushed back home and talked to the wizard it was a pretty slow day on day 145 I grabbed another Quest from The Wizard weird I'm still stopping over at Ginger Island pretty much every day to expand the ancient fruit crop and today was no different I did however stop at the Museum today for the first time in a long time I dropped off two artifacts and also gave some gifts to Alex Vincent and Penny not Jazz though I maxed my friendship with crovis then killed the two ghosts for rasmodius and visited him before heading off to bed on day 146 I was just continuing to work on my friendships it was a bad luck day so there really wasn't much to do since I was pretty far behind with dwarf I invited them to the journey of the prairie king movie and bought them some rock candy dwarf loves every movie so this is a great way to increase friendship with them since you might not visit that part of the map very often I also decided to build a hopper and Bone Mill so I could start getting some fertilizer from it this is one of the very few combinations with the hopper that I actually like plus I have to make both of them anyway might as well get some use out of it day 147 was a Sunday and the day that I needed to complete the skull Cavern Invasion I had plenty of time though so I continued the very very exciting task of expanding my ancient fruit field on Ginger Island are you getting tired of that yet it was also wine day though I had run out of star fruit last week so this batch would only be worth a couple hundred thousand instead of well over half a million when I was done with those chores I took my enormous stack of Jay to the desert and traded them for staircases then I did what I always do when Mr key comes calling I cheated I ended up making it past 4 100 collecting yet another Auto Grabber and then heading home at home another batch of Jade was done so I rushed back to the desert traded them for staircases then finally returned home again for a nice long nap on day 148 I realized I had like two clams and I need way more than that for the Obelisk so I headed to the Sewer to change my profession then I put down some crab pots on the beach and headed to Ginger Island for the usual I've now reached the point where my only crops on Ginger Island that aren't ancient fruit are star fruit I'll need to come back soon and get some more sprinklers down though and speaking of the travel all this running back and forth is not the most efficient use of my time but now that I have both the Horse flute and the Obelisk at home and on Ginger Island it's really not a huge deal I also picked up linuses clean the waters Quest and ignored Mr Key's two options because they were fishing or the color one day 149 was a very lucky day which meant I should have done a skull Cavern dive but it was almost time for dinner in real life and I kind of just didn't want to instead I did some other chores I picked up the lucky charm from the secret note guy by giving him a rabbit's foot Linus Willy and I talked to Leo about maybe staying in Pelican Town sometimes and I did in fact make more Sprinklers and plant even more ancient food on Ginger Island we are reaching maximum capacity very quickly here which is good this will be a source of income for the rest of this save file overnight Leo's bird friends remodeled a tree into a small home for him which come to think of it they also fixed my Island house instantaneously why am I paying Robin for this kind of stuff day 150 already wow we are absolutely flying through this today was the first of three star fruit harvests since I got Deluxe speed grow down we'll just barely squeak in a third Harvest which is awesome this took me so long and my hands kind of hurt after this so I decided to invest in some junamo labor to help me out I gathered enough fiber to make four Huts but uh that's not gonna be enough I'm still gonna be harvesting some stuff by hand oh well maybe I'll fix it later I'm also beginning to stockpile ancient fruit instead of running it through the seed maker so this is really exciting though star fruit by the way turned into wine they'll be worth just over 3 million gold I'm gonna need more kegs or possibly preserves jars people don't like preserved jars as much but when you're trying to push profit by day they're actually really competitive so if we can't get Oak resin fast enough and honestly I should have focused on it a bit more earlier in the Run preserved jars are actually really really good too just over two thirds the profit in like half the time oh and I did a nice smile before going to bed since this was an important day 151 was the luau but I had other plans to take care of first I gathered all the processed goods from my shed including some goat cheese that will go quite nicely with marnie's soup then I crafted 100 more preserved jars and 25 tappers I should have done this a long time ago but I just keep forgetting I headed to the desert tapped some oak trees and placed down some Wiggly jars I had to mess with the layout a couple of times as I was just doing this freehand with no planning but it mostly turned out alright then it was off to the luau where Harvey made a weird pass at my wife but at least everyone loved my goat cheese soup then it was back to the desert because I forgot to get my magic rock candy for the day busy day for a festival on day 152 I really struggled right away it was a great luck day but I had a lot to do I decided I wouldn't abandon my chores for the skull Cavern today no matter how tempting it was but I would make a trip there later I had preserved stars to do today in the tunnel I grabbed a quest to give my father-in-law a diamond and I finished Linus's quest to clean up the waters after scraping all my jelly into the shipping container with some cheese and truffle oil for Lewis I headed to the skull Cavern where I actually made some decent progress despite not getting to the desert until 2PM I found a treasure floor on 48 with more Cactus seats really don't need those another one on 76 had a big slime which I'm not sure I've ever seen before neat the chest had an iridium sprinkler which like okay notably though at 1am when I was trying to decide whether I should hit one more floor I found a prismatic shard in an iridium node in the top right and the bottom left of floor 78 and that just proves that gambling always pays off day 153 was a wine day and I'm also going to try to do my ancient fruit on Saturdays so I use this little pineapple as a reminder in my kitchen but I instantly forgot about it after this week I also had some melons outside so I threw 15 of those in the bin for the polyculture achievement and started on my work I stopped by Ginger Island and found out that I didn't have enough ancient seeds to replace my starfruit so I had to make some more seeds back home since it was also Alex's birthday today I gave him a rabbit's foot to Max him out we're doing quite well on friendship now I only need Evelyn Vincent George Kent and dwarf now neat that night I made over 600 000 gold from all the wine and that'll only get better since nearly a third of what I shipped that day was actually pineapple wine I have a feeling we're gonna do okay for money from now on day 154 was another very lucky day but it was also a Sunday which means my jade can become staircases which is very nice I finished up my chores though I probably should have skipped them and dove into the skull Cavern looking for loot I only took one magic rock candy since I was starting a little later but that should be fine I found a blue cowboy hat on floor 17 a red cowboy hat on floor 33 and a second Auto Petter on floor 46 let's go a couple rain totems on floor 48 and a prismatic Shard on 85. the obligatory floor 100 treasure chest was quality sprinklers which are actually not a bad thing for me to get I can always deconstruct them if I need to on floor 137 I found an apple sapling which I threw away that sapling was my last treasure floor and I only made it down to 139 before I needed to head back home but I did walk away with 439 iridium ore 5 Prismatic shards and a second Auto Petter so I was pretty jazzed day 155 was a preserves jar day technically yesterday was the jar day in the Oasis but if I do them both today they'll be on the same timer I took starfruit to the Oasis and rhubarb to the tunnel this little backpack full of jelly is gonna be worth nearly 300 000 gold every two to three days that's pretty exciting for my quest this week I picked up some tuna fishing from Demetrius because I thought I needed the farm computer I did not and from Mr Kia I grabbed the Prismatic range which I will probably continue to ignore to be honest I spent the later part of my day cleaning up the Quarry for more kegs and getting more hardwood from the secret Woods it felt like one of those groundwork days I didn't do a lot but it still felt good on day 156 I definitely did something oh I know I built the desert Obelisk that's important I also snagged the desert warp totem recipe while I was thinking about it and continued to collect clams from the beach I need more of those to build the beach Obelisk also I went to the movies with dwarf it was a rerun but dwarf does not care I got myself and or tiny Pete a pink junamo plush while I was there to round out my day I collected some Fiber from the mines you can just never have enough of this stuff day 157 was the day of Demetrius I spent my morning in early afternoon fishing up 10 tuna that he needed I also need tuna for my recipe completion so it's not completely a waste then when he got home from Ginger Island I gave him a melon he had asked for last summer and a puffer fish that he sent me a letter about a couple days ago we're a healthy family he said he wishes he could make my life on the farm easier how cute later on I built the water Obelisk which means I just need the Earth one to finish my set it's starting to get a little crowded in that Central area but once the coffee beans are gone I'll be able to move stuff around on day 158 I felt like I couldn't do anything right on the first try I kept forgetting things back on the farm running back and forth and accomplishing so little it was a jelly day so I took care of that but I realized I had Oak resin for kegs so I wanted to make more oh but I forgot to turn in my Prismatic shards for candy well no problem that's all said now off to the Quarry except I didn't make the kegs yet and I didn't have enough iron or copper bars for them so it was a Mad Dash all day I bought some resources from Clint made some bars which I turned into Kegs and filled the Quarry it is almost completely full now that's wild soon we'll have to move into some new areas for processing on day 159 I crafted like all day it was a crafterama I knocked out a ton of recipes I know I still need the deluxe scarecrow which means I need to go to the casino at some point but I feel good about my progress I think there are a couple things left from Mr key but I might have already got all the recipes from this special requests I'm not quite sure it was also star fruit day but my junamo slaves uh friends sorry did most of the heavy lifting I put more seeds in the ground and prepared myself for another beautiful day on the farm if day 159 is about crafting then day 160 was about cooking I put on my best chef brandagan hat and learned that I needed a lot more ingredients part of buying Pierre's shopping list was for this very reason though and if we miss out on any fish we can get the magic bait but I definitely need to zero in on cooking because I could only make a handful of recipes today Maru also told me that she really appreciates all the work I do for our family today which was super sweet other than that I also had a keg day woohoo that's another 800 000 gold in my pocket which means we can do the Earth Obelisk soon or I could just wait until fall when I redo the fields it's kind of a coin flip depending on how I feel day 161 was another day of cooking but it was also the day that mayor Lewis made a demand of me so boldly that I had no choice but to be impressed you'll get your truffle oil Lewis just you wait I also accidentally bought six fridges when I meant to buy two whoops can you imagine if your spouse went to visit your mom and came home with six fridges our house is getting a little messy but we'll have plenty of time to fix that later for now I worked through some more recipes I need to get back to fishing though and it looks like I didn't save much from last fall I still have a long way to go on the recipes day 162 was dwarf's birthday I loaded up a couple of iridium rabbit's feet one was for Kent and headed off on my day I gave Kent his foot dwarf their foot which maxed our hearts nice then I dug up some cave carrots for more recipes and after processing a butt ton of truffles I stopped over to Ginger Island to give Leo this feather I've been carrying around for a week or so he loved it I also blew up the dig site for more bones and fished up a midnight carp while I was here on day 163 I decided I didn't want my maple or pine trees in the tree farm anymore I cut everything down and started getting more acorns planted but uh I only had like four so I ran through cindersap course collecting more acorns for home I also checked around the mines in the spa but apparently all I had put up there were pine trees I made a quick pit stop to the Oasis since I had decent luck I had hardly any iridium and I still needed to craft a desert warp totem while I was there I shook some trees for more acorns and also picked up one Oak resin this let me grab some fertilizer so I think I'm getting pretty close to completing the crafting portion gotta remember to get to the casino soon though day 164 was a jelly day which is always exciting I switched to mostly ancient fruit here because uh I don't know I also had more okrazen which meant more kegs for the Quarry probably not a lot of time left here before I have to think about the Backwoods or Ginger island or something when I was done with my chores for the day I grabbed a ginger ale and a lucky lunch from my cooked recipe chest and headed to the casino it was time to become a degenerate don't tell Maru tiny Pete I bought a couple thousand coins and only spent like three minutes betting before getting a 20K roll so I bought the rare Crow I needed and then spent the rest of my day in the skull Cavern even with all my luck it wasn't a very impressive day but I also started pretty late that night I got the most annoying crop fairy I have ever seen she just lazily flew across my entire field and honestly that doesn't save me any time at all like not one second thanks for nothing day 165 started out normal enough I got the letter with the deluxe scarecrow recipe I saw my stupid junamos picking my stupid star fruit which meant I was gonna have to plant some stupid coffee to replace it but then while wandering around the town for some reason I can't remember I saw the bulletin board I haven't picked up any quests this week oh no well I grabbed Rock rejuvenation for Emily I can get that done today and a little later I went to check on the key quests I still need two recipes worth 20 and 30 key gems and wouldn't you know it mister I'm a sucker key has danger in the Deep for me well no problem I dropped off the gems with Emily seeing a cut scene about my delicious eggs along the way then started heading into the mines I'll be able to use stairs for this on Sunday if I want but I can at least get a head start day 166 was Leo's birthday so I made sure to give him a duck feather to max out his hearts that means we just have George and Kent left awesome the rest of the day not so awesome I made it down another 30 floors to 45 in the dangerous mines and I got some radioactivore but otherwise nothing of note really happened I don't like hate The Dangerous Minds but I'd prefer to just skip this we'll see where we're at on Sunday when I can trade in over a hundred Jade for staircases though day 167 was set to be the most profitable day ever on this save the Kegs and preserved stars were both done today which meant I was going to have well over well let's just look later between harvesting my ancient fruit filling kegs and preserves jars and trying to give George three gifts in one week oh shame on me I didn't have much time for progress in the Dangerous Minds I made it down to 55 only 10 floors and went to bed nauseated the sweet sweet view of my income that night helped my upset tummy though over a million gold yesterday you love to see it day 168 was the final day of summer the last day of a season is always a mad Scramble for me I want to make sure if possible to put seeds in the ground so all my Fields stay watered overnight on top of that normal stress today was my final star fruit Harvest of the season and I had to finish the mines today I started my day by harvesting the remaining crops from the field outside my front door then headed to the mines and knocked out the danger in the Deep West neat that's the last 50 key gems that I technically need then I came back home and replaced star fruit with coffee beans these will die overnight but that's okay they'll have served their purpose as I finish my other chores I got the notification that the Moonlight jellies were in town I really enjoy this Festival it's a good reminder that humans change the world but the world goes on regardless the jellies always come back to Pelican town no matter how much or how little you've done since the last season but just as the jellies are off on a new adventure it's time for us to open the book on fall the first day of a new season is nearly as hectic as the final one today I had to clear the dead plants from my Fields then I swung by pierced by seeds he had the absolute nerve to take the first day of the Season off wow I still paid for my crops though and I went to Sandy to buy some beets as well then it was planting time and boy did I plant I also checked out the draw boards and took fishing from Willy and the infamous Keys crop from Mr key I have hundreds of geodes at home that I've been saving for this very moment oh by the way I bought the last two recipes from Mr Key's shop thing then I went home and cooked some food with cranberries since I had some fully grown on Ginger Island we're coming down the home stretch and I'm feeling pretty good about this on day 170 I realized I had run out of wood the tens of thousands of wood I had bought from Robin hadn't even lasted until the end of the year yikes I stopped over by the forge with my Prismatic shards planning to use as many as necessary to get shaving for more wood but I got it right away I then tried my pick and got powerful I mean I don't know what I expected I probably should have done the hoe too but I didn't know it at the time then geodes I rolled up to Clint's door like a last minute Shopper on Christmas Eve for like 10 minutes in real life he cracked geodes and I clicked I barely got any donations out of it but I did get some key beans I planted those and cut down some trees for even more we'll hit that bean goal no problem day 171 was a great luck day and while I probably could have worked on some other chores I took the opportunity to make a skull Cavern trip I found treasure floors on 23 43 45 71 88 94 99 100 of course 106 137 153 and 202. and while 12 treasure floors is a really cool accomplishment and getting to floor 207 is nothing to sneeze at either I didn't find much more of Interest down here than the 500 some iridium ore or eight Prismatic shards I picked up not that that's worth complaining about there just wasn't really a standout treasure this time I also made it back home in time to plant 21 key seeds that I picked up from the cave before crawling into bed at 150. on day 172 I was starting to sweat I was feeling a little worried about the museum to be honest so after my normal morning routine I headed to Clint's despite the good luck of the day I cracked enough geodes to get my last two minerals then traded the rest of my Omni geodes for artifact robes I got an ornamental fan which is great but I still have a few things to find I also gave Kent a rabbit's foot today which means we'll be at Max after one more gift and I rounded out my night by getting ready for even more kegs between days 172 and 173 I did some calcs and realized that I wasn't quite on track to hit my gold requirements by the end of 200 days that wasn't an enormous deal because my napkin math didn't include selling through stockpiled iridium or things like that but it was slightly concerning since I was also low on wood pushing that number up without spending too much was going to be an issue as well for now I switched back to star fruit in my preserves jars to increase short-term income and place more kegs in the spa area I also gave Kent a rabbit's foot today which means I'm at Max hearts with everyone in town now I can focus on my other goals like the museum and gold clock for the first time in a while I passed out off my farm replacing wines just to squeak out every little bit of time I could day 174 was a Saturday which means carpal tunnel as I harvest all the ancient fruits my key fruit project is still progressing as well and I had some pumpkins fully grown on Ginger Island so I came back to make a couple more dishes for the cooking completion there's not a lot of time left in this leg of the run and I'm starting to get a little nervous I tried to switch my profession to Pirate overnight but I held down the left click button in just the wrong spot and ended up just picking lure Master for crab pots dang on day 175 I picked some beats to start my day did another round of key Bean swapping and made my final crafting item the jack-o-lantern that's one more step toward perfection I ran through the Quarry mine searching for a skeletal hand but no dice then I spent pretty much the rest of the day cutting down trees and cindersapp Forest before realizing way too late that I should probably try to get archaeologists on my hoe to help get the last few items I need after I did that I searched the beach for items but didn't get anything good well it is what it is I guess I also forgot to switch my profession today on day 176 I decided it was time to stop being stingy I have to spend money to make money I cut down a lot of trees but I had nowhere near enough wood so I made a trip to Robbins and dropped hundreds of thousands of gold on more wood then I crafted over 100 more preserves jars for the desert and made my jelly run this was pushing 450 000 before these jars so we'll be approaching 700 000 gold per jelly day not bad I am going to run out of star fruit at some point though I also headed back to the Quarry to search for this skeletal hand and I got two pairs of baggy pants legitimately from two different floating skulls how are you guys wearing these but I also got my skeletal hand that means I'm really really close on artifacts tomorrow I need to drop that off and I'll open some artifact troves while I'm in the area then we can reassess what I still need day 177 was a rainy day which meant I could get the eels I needed for two recipes before that though I got salmon and a couple sardines which I needed for salmon dinner and dish of the sea I spent so long so long trying to get eels and while I did get them eventually the fact that my calculator said 17 to 25 or so was such an insult after that I headed to the Dougies area of the mines doggies can drop the chewing stick that I need and the rusty Cog can be found in the mine's dirt I actually got the rusty Cog nearly right away I think it came from the ground when I killed a slime with my Napalm ring not sure and a couple floors later I landed in the middle of Dougie City I had prepared some monster musk for this so they were just everywhere it didn't take long before I got my chewing stick now all I need for the museum is the ancient sword I switched my fishing profession to pirate and I need to get some cart for cooking so if I get treasure I could find it there but I can also get it from artifact shrubs so we should be good to go day 178 was a very good luck day so I figured I'd probably be best to head to the skull Cavern and get more Omni geodes to trade for artifact shows I didn't bother taking my magic rock candy because I wasn't really concerned with diving in fact when I ended up on mummy floors I tended to stick around a little to get more geodes from the ghost floating around I ended up getting 29 more Omni geodes which is only about another five troves that's not a ton and the sword is a constant 3.7 chance to appear so that's bad I might need to start doing a lot more fishing overnight I got a stone owl somewhere on my farm which is cool but not nearly as rare as it used to be day 179 was a jelly day which is fun but also takes up a lot of the day now I also wanted to make more kegs but realized I'm now at a copper and iron bottleneck I started more bars today and should be fine for this round of Oak resin harvesting but I need to either buy more Ores or spend more time searching for these ones specifically when I was done with my normal chores I headed to the mountain lake to do some fishing I didn't find the ancient sword which wasn't super surprising but I did get all the carp I needed to cook my last currently available recipe carp surprise yum day 180 was a keg day since I just barely managed to get all my wine done last Friday night before passing out in the mud this will be nice since tomorrow is going to be ancient Fruit Harvest I kinda need to separate those two since they both take quite a lot of time we'll have another million or so gold coming in overnight which is good since there's only 20 days left before we hit the big two hundo later that day I went fishing with ginger ale and spicy eel to buff my luck no ancient sword though day 181 was an ancient fruit day on Ginger Island which always takes up quite a bit of time I also decided to clear out some of my quest log today so I gave Gus a lobster and an Albacore and I brought an amaranth over to Marnie I need to find a largemouth bass for Jody still but that can wait after all my chores and gifting were done I spent the rest of my day fishing from that same old spot I started at all the way back at the beginning of the run it was nostalgic in a way but Nostalgia doesn't pay the bills and it certainly didn't provide me with an ancient sword day 182 was a pumpkin day and a preserved straw day I also stopped by Willie's to buy a few treasure bobber thingies since I kept forgetting about that but I didn't have time to do much more than replace all the star fruit jellies with ancient fruit and harvest and replant all those pumpkins so Manny pumpkins I got four giant pumpkins today which is wild to me since it was the first day I could get any at all and I hardly ever see them also my junamos didn't even finish their harvesting a bunch of lazy jerks on the bright side I made another 800 000 gold overnight so we're closing in on the gold clock day 183 was a rainy Monday I didn't have any really specific goals in mind other than the ancient sword of course so I just worked on the keys crop Quest and accidentally teleported myself to the Oasis trying to pick this fruit twice after that I built the Earth Tower and considered moving some farm buildings around I did move the fish pond but I still want to finish my key Bean Harvest before moving anything else I got that largemouth bass for Jody today and slapped the whole thing down on her living room floor then grabbed a fishing Quest from Willy and headed to Ginger Island for the night nothing to report here though day 184 was the stardew Valley Fair and while I probably should have been working toward the ancient sword or something I cannot possibly turn down an excuse to clown on Pierre so I gathered up a bunch of garbage from my storage boxes and headed into town the key to a good Grange display is the arrangement that's not true of course but it's what I always tell myself when I put a prismatic Shard at the center of my display I didn't even have to slip Louisa Fiverr this year as I cleanly came out ahead of Pierre with 104 points after that I checked the shot but didn't want anything so I had a burger with my wife and headed to Ginger Island to catch more fish I finished the blue discus part but that was it day 185 was another Jelly's day I've switched over to ancient fruit again as I'm just running a little low on star fruit we'll still break 500 000 gold on Jelly days so this isn't exactly heartbreaking to continue my theme of doing good stuff for people who don't deserve it I dropped off some gold pumpkins for Pierre this is like the worst crop to give him but I don't have enough of anything else right now and I don't want to forget about it after that I headed to Ginger Island and fished the day away I caught the remaining lionfish and stingrays no ancient sword though on day 186 I continued to flail uselessly against my fate I harvested my Oak resin which was just starting to build up since I was out of bars and couldn't possibly go to the mines while I was on this stupid artifact hunt then I fished for a while got a whole bunch of treasure but no sword and decided to go straight to the cause of and solution 2 all of life's problems gambling I messed around in the casino for a while until I had enough key coins to buy 42 magnets and between those and a couple treasure Bobbers that I crafted I got nothing neat day 187 was a wine day so I guess if I have to be a failure at least I'll be a multi-millionaire failure they say that money doesn't buy happiness but actually the only people that say that are the ones that aren't barely keeping it together and now that I own a hobby farm with annual incomes that put me in the one percent I can safely say that while money might not buy happiness it does buy a gold clock and isn't that more important anyway it was also a Jelly's Day by the way I did manage to replace all my jellies with pumpkins to make pickles but I also passed out in the desert oh well day 188 was a Saturday and Saturdays are for the ancient fruit on Ginger Island doesn't really roll off the tongue I guess either way I sold off those jellies and harvested my ancient fruits then because I could not bring myself to spend one more day fishing I headed for the skull Cavern I figured I'd just spend some more time in here getting Omni geodes for more artifact troves I actually had a bunch of geodes at home too so I turned them all in for nine artifact robes fingers crossed for our ancient sword day 189 was a completely totally normal day in every way I started the day by realizing I was all done with keys crop fantastic then I stopped by the desert with over 200 Jade dang I've been slacking but that's a lot of staircases for more skull Cavern Dives which means more omnichiods on that topic I decided to head to clinch and crack those nine artifact troves I got a rusty spur an arrowhead a dwarf Gadget an ornamental fan and a pearl interesting that's the wedding dress and the veil right maybe if I ever remarry and a golden mask oh and the ancient sword wait what let's go wait no let's see these next two last shards and Chip damn fora okay well obviously I ran and turned the ancient sword into Gunther which means I completed the collection and got the final star drop and man does it feel good I didn't really know what to do with myself next since my Fields would be empty soon I bought a couple hundred eggplants which would at least give me one crop and then leave the ground tilt after planting those I kind of just messed around with decorating that Central area of my farm I thought that there were going to be three spaces in the center for the golden clock but there aren't I might have to move it somewhere else but who cares we got the sword day 190 was a pickles day which is weird to say since it's usually jellies I was also feeling it when it came to revenue from these pickles might have to switch back to ancient fruit but I kind of didn't realize in time I decided for these last few days that I would try to get some of the secrets around town too so I grabbed a super cucumber and avoid mayonnaise and cooked a strange bun I got the Frog man thing the hmtgf question mark question mark question mark thingy and you need a duck Mayo not avoid Mayo for Pinky lemon dang that'll have to wait then I took a grub Quest from Clint in a skull Cavern quest for Mr key I decorated around the farm a bit and went to the caves before bed I was feeling relaxed as heck day 191 was a great luck day so I figured why not head to the skull Cavern and knock out that hungry challenge right away I made it down past 100 Gathering up a bunch of treasure rooms along the way but I didn't really get anything too exciting probably the most interesting thing to happen was that I got a red slime egg and a blue cowboy hat on back-to-back treasure floors at about 5 PM I just kind of thought to myself I don't need to be doing this I'm going home and I did I went home and sold a few things that had just been piling up and then I decorated and it was amazing this top little corner of my farm is looking pretty nice I have a couple things to move but I'm pretty happy with it on day 192 I woke up just over 20 000 gold away from 10 million so after doing my normal morning chores I headed to Pierre's to sell some pineapples that brought me over 10 million so my next stop was to the wizard it's time to get the most expensive item in the game out of the way I'm not sure where I want the golden clock so I just plopped it unceremoniously behind my chicken coop for now what a perfect spot then I grabbed pinky lemon from the bar with the duck mayonnaise and stuffed them in a chest because I don't know where to put them then it was time for decorating I decided that I wanted to move my workbench and chests into the shed and I Consolidated some chests as well I got so into decorating that I didn't even notice how late it was getting in passed out in my shed for possibly the first time ever day 193 was a pickles day and I had a lot of ancient fruit lying around so I swapped back over to jellies I also picked up a phone from Robin and did all the little house upgrade thingies while I was there on my way home I snagged a catalog from Pierre's I updated the sheds walls and Floors then redid parts of my house I still need the furniture catalog from Robin when I have a little more money but I could at least get started I made the bottom room a little bit of a museum I guess for now the main floor will be a living space eventually and then upstairs I'll probably do a hobby room or aquarium on the left and a bedroom on the right or I might flip them who knows it was kind of fun that today was a great luck day and I just didn't care at all I was just vibing day 194 was another wine day and that meant a lot of money was about to come in I ended up selling my wine to Pier this time instead of waiting for the shipping bin because I wanted to make a couple of big purchases I got the furniture catalog and a couple calendars from Robin then I started the house project for Pam she had to wait you know until I finished my perfection goals but now I can afford it I even put off getting the return scepter for this so you better appreciate it Pam then I spent the rest of my day decorating again I redid the walls in the bedroom and furnished it added Windows throughout the house moved some paintings around and got some plushies for tiny Pete I also turned the upper left room into an aquarium slash reading room and included the sewing machine I got from Emily it's looking nice in here day 195 was an ancient fruit day so I Juiced up on coffee and crab cakes and headed to Ginger Island I actually forgot my Greenhouse I think oh well when I got back the work wasn't done though it was also the second and final pumpkin harvest of the season this was the last crop I hadn't shipped 15 of since I was always processing them so I sold a whole bunch of gold ones to get that little star I moved my Silo and had Robin start a second one crazy how she can build Pam a house and work on a silo for me then I decorated some more I think the house is coming together there are a couple of empty spaces I need to think about but for the most part I'm pretty happy with it it's kind of silly that I never make time to decorate until the very end of the game wouldn't I enjoy it more if it were like this the whole time anyway I passed out in the living room tonight since I wasn't watching the clock oh and I skipped Spirits Eve day 196 was the final day of fall and honestly that didn't mean much because I wasn't waiting on any specific crops so I just started my day by decorating some more then as I thought more I realized I was probably a Jelly's day and it certainly was oh there's another half a million gold for us so that's pretty neat when I was done with all that business I went back to cleaning up and decorating I'm thinking about redoing the two Southern Fields so I removed all the sprinklers and scarecrows from down there I put them all in a shed so they can be happy together but that was it that's how I spent my last day of fall it was nice on day 197 I was in full aesthetic mode I installed a little kids crafting type table cute and I threw another end table under the calendar in the front perfect for keys or whatever then I stashed the catalogs in the fridge because why not I stopped in town to see that Pam had a new house but since I'm probably like the second most humble person I know I didn't even tell them it was from me then I got a few cabins installed around the farm again just for the aesthetic I redid the area around my bottom left field adding a little fence and lights as well as a lovely little path leading toward the pond down there I'm honestly pretty proud of that day 198 was another relaxing crafting day I picked up some grass starts from Pierre just a reminder that I use winter grass to make this possible then I put them around the small pond area I worked on yesterday I also put down some seating and a campfire down there as well as a couple braziers for light I think it looks really neat then I moved a few things around and cut down my Oak resin Farm I don't really need one anymore but even if I did I still have trees that I could use these tappers on in the Oasis I moved the cabin in that area up North and made some fences and pathing for the various entrances this is all gonna be for my sweet sweet animals I hope they like it on day 199 I decided to get back to the secret hunting I had talked about a while ago I took my fishing rod to the volcano and got the master enchantment then I headed to the desert to fish up the pyramid decal I got bored though so I went to get crobas before my food buff wore off then I went to the secret Woods for the hanging basket and also got the foliage print from Ginger Island I was going to go for the squirrel too but I forgot my watering can oh yeah and it was a Jelly's day today and I sold some extra ancient fruit because I wanted to break 2 million gold for something tomorrow it's finally day 200 huh it feels like time has just been flying well I've accomplished my goals so today is just for fun I went to the desert and cut down all the mahogany trees I planted oh so long ago and replaced them with Oak I also tapped the trees that were missing tappers while I was there then I stopped by the Wizards to move some stuff around we need to clear out the area around Grandpa's Shrine if he's going to visit soon I still wasn't sure where I wanted to put the golden clock but I ended up plopping it right between the greenhouse and my shed then I spruced it up a little bit gaudy maybe so but a 10 million gold clock Demands a certain level of opulence and I mean so what if it's tacky it's fun after that I fished up a squirrel statue which I put in tiny Pete's room then it was time how far had I come well I mostly do but still I stopped to visit Mr key who said he's always watching what a creep and there it was 99 percent all that's missing are the winter year 2 recipes I want to say that I felt Victorious but honestly I felt a little Hollow I still had my final feel to decorate I still only had one child though tiny Pete is great you know for a serial killer don't get me wrong when I got back home I said goodnight to Maru tucked in tiny Pete and crawled into bed myself I awoke on day 201 determined to finish up my Trek to Perfection but I don't have a lot left that I need to do I decided to fill some of my Fields with fiber seeds but I don't have nearly enough mixed seeds to do the whole Farm that's alright though this will still be a good start I basically spent my day tilling and planting those fiber seeds since I let the ground return to its untilled state over the past few days I made a quick stop to the mutant bug layer to get more fiber and mixed seeds as well as Ginger Island for more clay I also placed down some pathing in the last field that I hadn't tidied up yet day 202 was a Saturday which meant ancient fruit of course but it was also a jelly stay I wanted to expand the jars a little so I sold my jellies to Pierre today it's weird that I can just take 500 000 gold out of his cash register while he's on vacation and he's just like yeah that tracks what kind of security measures do you have in place Pierre I bought a ton of wood and coal but actually ran out of stone for more jars bummer I also realized I was supposed to do kegs yesterday so I gathered up all those ancient fruits and got another batch of wine started I increased the number in the spa area by about another 40 some looks like I need more iron as well if you count the jellies I sold to Pierre today I made about 1.5 million gold in one day which is okay I guess on day 203 Maru asked if I was going to compete in the winter fishing competition tomorrow I don't really need to but maybe it'll be fun I learned the recipe for poppy seed muffins today and immediately cooked one bringing me ever closer to the final task I needed it was apparently a girls day at the beach plus Leo which is actually really cool so I decided to just let Mario have some fun with everyone and headed back home to collect more iron and also some winter Ritz I can turn those into winter seeds letting me expand my planting areas without exclusively needing fiber seeds day 204 was a Monday meaning I could grab new requests from the board and Mr Keys room I checked out the job board but I don't want to hunt Ginger again or catch perch so I just left those Mr Key's Quest though I've been ignoring the extended family Quest every time it comes up that could be kind of cool I could put them in my aquarium room I snagged that Quest even though it only has three days then headed home to attend the Festival of ice I talked to Maru and saw a tiny Pete just running around like her diaper was on fire then squared up for the competition I wanted to assert my dominance here so I decided to try and seal a fish right out from under Pam's nose I don't know why I bully Pam I just can't stop as time ticked down and I had only caught four fish I realized I had made a terrible mistake bullying Pam was a cruel thing to do and I was punished for it by losing the competition to Willie wow that that hasn't happened in a while I guess that's what I get on day 205 I geared up for a fishing Expedition desperate to redeem myself from the Festival of ice I decided to try to knock out the extended family Quest today I had to swap out some ancient fruit jellies first but after that I headed to Willy's to buy some trap Bobbers then Park myself on the docks for the son of crimson fish I nearly broke my ankles fingers I guess trying to Wrangle him in but I did end up pulling him on my first try next up the radioactive carp the hardest thing about this little guy was sifting through all the trash and trying to hook one I caught him the minute I hooked him then it was off to miss angler she proved be no match though and I snagged her on my first try as well then I spent seven hours in the snow trying to find Legend 2 and I never did all I got out of it was almost two hours of Sebastian blowing secondhand smoke in my face I didn't expect much from day 206 to be honest I was pretty discouraged after my failed attempts to get the Legend 2 last night especially since I still needed to get both it and the glacier fish Junior today to complete the quest but just as I have the entire run I got up and beat my head against my problems in a pathetic attempt to change my life and just like the rest of the run I was rewarded for never surrendering it took me a few hours of trying to hook the dang thing but when I did I reeled in The Legend 2 and even got a treasure box with a couple of emeralds neat that's four down and one to go next up is the glacier fish Junior though and his fish behavior is coded the exact same as the standard Glacier fish which I personally always struggle the most with today though he must have been sleepy because this was the easiest of the extended family I pulled him in and finished the quest then I picked up the biggest aquarium in all the land to house these little Freaks and Tiny Pete went zooming past trying to ruin my shot I spent the rest of the day taking care of my animals since I had neglected them for this Quest I had to cut some grass to feed the barn animals but everything worked out alright the other big thing that happened today was that Maru asked if we should have another child kids take 14 days to be born in stardew which means I will have a second child right as we're wrapping things up for the series fantastic that was one bit that was always going to be up to RNG but now it looks like I really will have a perfect save file there wasn't much I needed to accomplish on day 207 so I just started my day by caring for Animals I had cut down enough grass for some emergency food last night but now I had to stop over to marnie's and buy some hay after that I wandered around a bit before remembering I still don't have the golden Lewis statue on my farm what a travesty I snagged him then talked to Alex who said out of nowhere that he wishes he could control the weather as I considered the amount of snow still in my backyard as I was recording this I got a little depressed anyway to wrap up my day I did another round of jellies and it nearly wiped out my ancient fruit reserves then I plopped Lewis down in a spot of great honor right in front of my other gaudy golden garbage day 208 was another relaxing day on the farm after doing my normal morning chores I spent literally the entire rest of the day decorating the farm I bought grass darts from Pierre and collected fiber so I could work on the bottom right quadrant of my farm I put down some hardwood fencing and planned out the spots for the deluxe scarecrows then I placed a small space for an eventual beehive area and made sure the flowers would be outside the junamo Hut range I fenced off the Quarry to make it feel distinct from the growing Fields then replicated the little lawn area on the other Southern half of the farm I might pop some seasonal flower pots into those areas at some point but they were just starting to feel too empty for my liking now that we're less than three weeks away from completing the game my farm is almost completely decorated kind of a shame to be honest day 209 was an ancient fruit day I used to keep ancient fruit and wine days separated but they've kind of Blended back together now oh well that meant I had a long day of holding down the left Mouse click which is fine but I really don't need more money at this point so even though I have tons of Oak resin at home I'm not going to expand my kegs any further instead I spent what time I had left after the processing decorating outside some more I put down more gravel Cobblestone and stepping stone paths on day 210 I should have gotten a new recipe but it was lobster bisque and you can also get that from making friends with Willie so I got nothing instead neat I replaced all my jellies with pumpkins is there really any point in doing this anymore nah not especially I'm just a slave to my own schedules I also bought an entire stack of iron from Clint which is almost certainly Overkill but I don't feel like Mining and I don't have much else to spend my money on I'll be making bars from that to make more lamps for my farm and using it for any other decorative needs I might have I traded 50 some Jade for more staircases I do think it'll be fun to do one last super deep dive into the skull Cavern before the end then I continued decorating the bottom left corner of my farm I have a couple ideas for things I want to do down there but I'm almost done on day 211 I wrapped up the bottom right quadrant I added a geode Crusher and a lamp and later in the day after buying some Copper from Clint I added a couple furnaces as well I will probably never ever use this but it looks neat I wanted to get a mill started today but I accidentally blocked the place I wanted it with a lamp so I just threw it in a field for now I spent most of the rest of my day redoing my shed I decided it was finally time for the fire hazard to end I pulled up all the Torches and shifted things around crafting another 18 crystallariums in the process again don't need them but they look better this way before bed I stopped by the night market and bought a painting I put it in my fridge so it could keep the old aquarium company oh and I got tiny Pete a tiny hat I started day 212 by finishing up my shed design I added a bunch of seed makers in just for balance and also threw in a slime egg press with a hopper that's another set and forget type machine that works well with one I had to get some more fiber to get one more deluxe scarecrow so I could have an entire set in the shed they're my security team and then the shed was done it might not be 100 optimized but I like it the way it is some of the winter seeds were done so I harvested and replanted then headed to the night market I bought another painting I don't really want and found out that Caroline was doing her holiday shopping cute Lewis is trying to think of plans to make the town better next year sure Yar Lewis I set up the bottom right field with sprinklers though they look a little wonky since I just freehanded it with iridium Sprinklers and nozzles then installed the last of the fencing I needed and now I think the farm is just about perfect grandpa is going to be so proud when he visits on day 213 my Mill was done which was great because it meant I could finally move it over to where it belonged and round out my farm decorating in that lower left corner I think I'll actually wrap things up on the farm today to be honest after moving the mill I took a bunch of pathing and lamps up to the Backwoods I really like this map and I wanted to Spruce it up a bit you might think the gravel stepping stone and Cobblestone looks a little messy but to me it just looks like the kind of path a person would make on their own and I think it fits that area I put some lights and grass darts in the area too to make it feel both civilized and wild at the same time and I think I'm really happy with how it turned out there should be a couple trees coming back in Spring and that'll help too after that I fixed the space behind the shipping bin the vision I had for that area just didn't turn out but I like how I redid it I added a little lamp too in case Mario wants to work at night oh I also did a pickle run tonight but who cares at this point day 214 was one week before the Feast of the winter star I found out that my secret friend was Caroline so I'm sure we can get something fun for her I traded in some Prismatic shards for magic rock candy today though I really don't need more of them placed a bunch of pathing in the bus stop area but this time I used the stone walkway floor since this is the closest to the pathing inside the town I don't want this to be as Whimsical so it feels kind of Blocky to start with here I want to go more practical here but I don't know I need to think about it but that was kind of it the only other interesting thing that happened was that I cut down the banana tree that's been hanging out in a tillable spot on Ginger Island for the past year I have one in the greenhouse that should be ready soon so I don't really need that one random tree out there anymore I decided on day 215 that I should knock out all the quests in my queue I got one from Gus that morning looking for a coconut I had one for an iridium bar for The Wizard and I needed a squid and a ling cod for Willie well I had the coconut and iridium bar at home so those were easy enough I stopped by rasmodius first then headed up to try to catch the Lincoln I couldn't escape these things when I was shooting for the legend too but I couldn't find one after like five hours an entire trap bobber and like 30 bait so I stopped at Willy shop to buy more Bobbers dropped off the coconut with Gus then caught the squid instead he was easy enough to find and it was back up to the mountain lake I did eventually catch the Lincoln and I managed to get it back down to Willy before the bar closed not bad day 216 was a Saturday and at first that meant nothing to me I harvested some winter seeds crafted more of both those and fiber seeds and contained expanding the tilled and watered area for spring then when I went to check on my banana tree I saw that it was an ancient fruit day uh oh well I scarfed down some coffee and crab cakes and spent the rest of the day working on that I harvested everything at home and on Ginger Island and replaced all the wine with new fruit and I saw it was also a pickles day dang so I replaced all those with ancient fruit too that'll definitely be my last wine day and I think it might be my last preserves jar day too I don't need the money at this point and I'm not working toward any specific goals I think I'd rather save my time for more fun stuff like more decorating or something on day 217 I got my second to last recipe bruschetta how exciting I had the tiniest panic attack ever when I couldn't immediately make it though I didn't have any bread and in my panic I didn't immediately realize that I had wheat flour in the fridge no problem I made sure to check that I had everything for shrimp cocktail after that though because it would be such an incredible letdown to miss out on Perfection at the very last step after that I spent my entire day working on the bus stop I was not very happy with the original layout so I moved some floor tiles around got a little seating area fenced off the actual bus put down a little lighting and added a piece of the winter star tree you can backlight these with a torch and I think that looks pretty neat this area is better now I'm not sure that it's done but it's definitely better days to 18 and 219 were both spent at the bus stop as well this footage is from day 219 when I was finally happy with everything though there's an additional seating area more pathing some extra grass sprinkled in and I added a little solar panel that could be used to power the ticket station I think it's done also on day 219 I collected my jellies for the final time and bought a statue of endless Fortune to place next to Mayor Lewis I spent most of the day after that in the sewer with crovis turning the area into a little bachelor pad for him just because you live in the sewer doesn't mean you can't live in a little Style I didn't have quite enough time to finish it but there are still a few days left so that's okay on day 220 I spent more time in the sewer adding fish to grobis tank and a rug there was something missing though not sure I picked up another statue of endless Fortune to flank Lewis I was gonna put the Perfection statue there but I think it would Clash I decided to add a couple statues to the sewer and I put some golden brazers down there too I thought it looked nice but then I decided maybe I should put them up the entrance with a bench instead I'm still not entirely sure if it's complete but I think I'm pretty happy with it more importantly than all that Maru gave birth to a baby boy that night since it occurred on the Feast of the winter star I knew there was only one name I could give him Lucifer day 221 was the Feast of the winter star I remembered to record this year which is neat my morning started with a bomb in the mail from Kent great thanks Kent nothing like a little gun powder to get the blood pumping my secret friend person was Caroline so I grabbed a fish taco out of some dusty storage box and headed into town she obviously loved it especially since I trimmed off The Moldy Parts before handing it over then it was time to receive my gift my secret Gift Giver was Kent which is weird maybe my real gift was the bomb but he didn't want to give it to me in front of the whole town either way Kent gave me his purple mushroom and I went to bed very confused day 222 is a good luck day and I figured it was probably time to get back to the skull Cavern I loaded up for a trip but forgot my slingshot which is a bummer I don't remember taking skull Cavern Invasion but I must have because the place was in dangerous mode I staircased my way down to 100 picking up iridium bars and sprinklers from chess along the way I kind of ran out of steam though I didn't really need to be here and it wasn't exciting what was exciting though was that on floor 106 I found possibly the best weapon in the game the Iridium needle this thing has the highest crit chance and crit power modifiers in the game with the right rings and forage upgrades you can crit on nearly every other attack it's a very cool weapon shame that I got it so late in the Run since it'll just go in the box now on day 223 I harvested my ancient fruit and collected my wine for the last time on this file it felt a little Bittersweet if I'm honest I won't miss the repetitive motions or holding down the right Mouse button for actual real life minutes at a time but it's kind of a weird feeling to be saying goodbye here I've harvested thousands of fruits from these farms and sold nearly as many wines over the last two in-game years I've always been kind of an emotional person and it just kind of hit me during recording today that this project was finally coming to a close over six months from when I started recording what a trip but there's still a little left to do day 224 wow the final day of year two and all we have left is one recipe well I started my day by learning that recipe and cooking a shrimp cocktail that gave me The Gourmet Chef achievement and it was the only thing remaining I try to be excited about the moment but Pierre was calling me and totally threw off my groove there wasn't a lot on the docket for today so I grabbed a couple movie tickets after finishing my chores and invited Maru out for a date the crane machine was open so I got a candy cane though it kept falling so I almost lost it after that we watched a Hallmark special about keeping the spirit of the holidays in your heart it's not my favorite movie but it was a good way to spend the last day on this save file after that there was nothing left to do but go to sleep and Achieve perfection on day 225 Grandpa came to provide his evaluation I got all the alerts for the summit at this point too which was kind of funny anyway Grandpa was impressed which is good because can you imagine if he wasn't at this point he wished me well and told me that the fate of question mark question mark question mark days Farm was in my hands what a stupid name by the way I stopped by his Shrine to grab the statue Perfection then headed for the summit I was starting to feel a little choked up as I climbed up that twisting path but uh the background for the summit was gone so it was kind of awkward when Mario commented on what a beautiful sight it was either way this was everything that I had worked towards for the past two in-game years and I put in over 80 hours of gameplay to reach this point I watched the credits saw how proud of me Grandpa and Mr key were suck it Mr key and then with all that done I closed the game I didn't even go to bed and Save I almost think it would make me sadder to let the story end this way in some strange way it's like the story is still ready and waiting I can come back and pick it up at any time maybe that's strange but I think it's just too hard for me to say goodbye thanks for watching everyone if you had fun please consider doing all the YouTube stuff like the video leave me a comment about your favorite thing that happened subscribe to the channel you know the deal a special thanks to the members and patrons who helped support the channel your support is so amazing and I really appreciate you I hope you all had a good time and I can't wait to show you what's next
Channel: Leapalot
Views: 621,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, stardewvalley, stardew valley, leapalot, concernedape, concerned ape, Stardew Valley, Cozy Gaming, Relaxing Games, Farming Simulator, Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Indie Games, Let's Play, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Tips and Tricks, PC Gaming, Console Gaming, Nintendo Switch, Steam Games, Casual Games, Single Player Games, Chill Music, Relaxing Sounds
Id: IPckQeI6D5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 32sec (8612 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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