I Played 225 Days Of Stardew Valley Homeless - Full Movie

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yup you didn't look at the length of the video wrong this is a full movie length video you will see my full playthrough of the stardew valley homeless challenge all in one video back to back if you don't know what the challenge is basically I just don't have a farm I can't plant crops on it I can't sleep in the bed I can't get animals or anything of the sorts all I have is the tent on my back and a dream so sit back grab some food put this on before you go to bed and enjoy the video so um turns out Grandpa lied to me and this Farm is actually not mine there's a little bit of a legal loophole and JoJo managed to steal it because I didn't come fast enough so here I am in Pelican town with a whopping zero gold to my name I have to spend it all on this tent so I could I could sleep and um I have to get off this property before it turns to eight o'clock so I guess I should probably leave I'm gonna break this rock but not allowed to keep it so I'm gonna throw it away and um yeah so we have the entire map except for years so we're gonna have to like try to survive I guess we're gonna start with something pretty basic I guess I'll chalk down this tree because I'm still probably gonna need a chest since I don't really want to carry around all my tools actually I was gonna leave these stumps but I think I'm actually gonna break them so new trees can regrow I think that's absolutely gonna be worth it and breaking this dump should give me just enough wood for a chest beautiful now I need to decide where exactly I want to set up uh set up camp so I think I'm just gonna run around and look for a while I'm just like Linus now maybe he'll finally want to be friends with me want to be friends with me now I I also don't have a home except not by choice oh an artifact spot literally the most useless one we could have possibly gotten unfortunately enough reading is a not gonna help me escape crippling poverty yeah I totally have a place to put these animals farming yeah you kind of kind of need a farm to do that but thankfully everyone is very generously left out a trash can where we can get things like this broken CD that sells for a whopping zero g but uh we'll ignore that maybe these guys are looking for an employee nope looks like they already got everyone they could need sure wish I could buy some extra pure olive flavored oil sure wish I could work here I mean look at how happy this worker looks she looks like she's having a blast Maybe someday I'll be able to buy this 250 dollar rice it seems like a bargain not gonna lie a newspaper let's go Gus's Saloon can give decent stuff so uh let's see what we're gonna get nothing we all know Lewis is embezzling money surely he has like a gold bar hiding yeah you beat action isn't that bad nothing and a field snack that's actually really good nice oh we do have some forageables though we're actually gonna set up right down here for now that was five thousand dollars I should not have thrown that on the ground all right we'll store our tent and everything else safely away opening a pickaxe for now there is no mines or rocks for us to go a dandelion and hopefully some spring onions I'm literally zero spring onions that's awesome well in my searches I found another forageable that's huge I think I'm gonna run around just check everywhere I possibly can and then I'm gonna use all my energy to chop down some trees oh man I could have eaten that rabbit unlucky [Music] so I guess I'd better get chopping you know this isn't going to be so bad until I run out of Theresa chop and then it's gonna kind of suck five trees chopped and we are out of energy almost look on this wooden sap we need every single thing we can possibly get so I gotta be more careful and we're out of energy so let's go to bed I guess after a little dance we are off to bed and we got forging level one nice and we're back I think my morning routine is gonna be pretty simple I'm gonna run around the map check for anything that I might need like forageables and whatnot and of course open every trash can foreign my trash can Journeys have actually yielded us something kind of nice a herring that's pretty good maybe I could start doing some of these Help Wanted quests too if eventually they actually get posted just realized I should probably zoom out my game so I can actually see stuff that's way better I'm sure they will mind if I chop down this beautiful tree right next to their house they don't need it anyways I'm sure dang this telescope it's kind of it's kind of out in the open I wish I could like steal it pull a dwarf and steal a bunch of stuff I guess I'll go back and say hi to my good friend Linus here he comes he knew I was coming hello man have you come to ridicule me no man I'm just trying to say hi yeah me too why why are you beefing actually there can only be one I'm sorry Linus there can only be one slightly homeless person in this town and it's gonna be me just observing the local Wildlife watching this this beautiful bird Peck at the tree let's see how long he pecks at the tree for I wonder if he stops eventually [Applause] well it's been like three hours and Linus got bored and uh yeah I don't think this this bird is gonna move okay um it's been 12 hours and uh he's he's still going at it so I think it's safe to say um he he's probably not going to leave at least I still have the Local Tavern to hang out at this I'll play a game a little bit do a little gaming I'm just as broke in game as I am IRL well that's enough gaming I gotta Focus up oh my I just realized I haven't chopped down anything I need chop down stuff quickly you've never seen someone jump down a tree this fast console players could never okay it is getting way too late we need to go back and sleep really quickly before I pass out added a couple more things to our collection and let's go to bed another day well spent and it's raining today I just remembered that these guys kicked me out of the farm I feel like that guy should probably be madder at them than I am but hey I mean they're paying it back because they're not like getting mad at me for stealing from their trash can I guess a broken CD and a extra soggy newspaper just what I needed today what a great turnout no way look what it is a singular spring onion I think I'm gonna make the long and arduous journey to transfer all of my stuff next to Linus's cabin because the mines are going to be opening soon and I want to be able to go mining easily oh my god I've actually never seen one of these guys in person it's a stardew valley pixel frog I see these guys posted on the pixel animals on on Twitter all the time but look at him go he's like riveting and everything I'm gonna go scare them off I'm methodically dropping all of my items on the ground including my five thousand dollar tent they shouldn't despawn surely and you've got to be kidding me I'm like one inventory space short man all right here's the plan we're gonna slowly move this chest so that way I can travel a little a little bit not as far wait are you serious you can't push it over the bridge okay at least just a little bit closer that's fine my items are still safe on the ground so I'll just add to them really quickly and run back down well it only took literally all day but we finally moved our operations up to the top of the map but I have a feeling it is going to be very nice long term so I don't regret it we are going to be making a lot of our money from mining mining is really the only quick money making method we have time to go to bed though so we'll do our little bit of a sleep Dance I'm gonna take all of these seeds and go ahead and make a little bit of a tree farm up here hopefully no one will step over these but uh who knows Linus you enjoying you enjoying the cold buddy standing next to your extinguished fire I just realized we dress the same too we both have a yellow no way a horseradish okay I'm getting way too excited over like finding one forageable the normal dopamine hits have started just aren't here so I'm taking what I can get no idea why I'm carrying around this entire watering can when there's nothing to water okay I'm gonna be leaving this trash down here since I don't really want it I am however gonna be chopping down these trees and hoping to get an oak seed since eventually if I start up there we go that's what I need hopefully we can start a tree farm eventually and chop down those trees and then I can make field snacks which will be nice food for mining I accidentally chopped on a maple tree and now I have to leave this poor little Maple seed all alone that's so sad I don't care about this trash though you can you can stay there forever for all I care okay so you see the massive Forest sprouting above your home just just ignore that please okay look at all this new territory we have access to all right let's go mining wait lady I do not own this farm so this is not my problem it feels so so wrong to deny it but but I have to because like it'd just be abandoned on the farm completely alone and that's even worse man you go find a better home okay but anyway since I'm an expert on ethics I was just coming into the farm really quickly to um oh so it turns out Furniture actually can't be placed Outdoors don't mind me I'm just gonna it's gonna pop in here really quickly uh okay that's what I wanted to see all right we're gonna need to get unbelievably lucky because we only have three pieces of food and it looks like we have an extremely bad start holy smokes where is this ladder at man gotta make sure to kill these slimes on a valid tile where a ladder can spawn okay finally ladder amethyst number two and a ladder from it that's very nice all right I'm low on energy but I'd really like to not waste my food here so I'm praying one of these slime guys is gonna give me a staircase oh okay thank God we got it nice so we got some actually nice looking boots now I actually don't know if you can sell these for money but I'm gonna keep them just in case and back up really quick kind of hoping I don't lose that coal will I I will lose the cold okay that's unfortunate since I am out of energy I'll just go check the trash cans really quickly okay that trash gun scared me but here's a little update so I accepted a quest to bring Linus to daffodil and I found one right down there so that's perfect and I got another field snack which is going to be great for energy as well as this piece of bread I'm not gonna lie though I thought I got a trash can have for a second that was a great day but it's time to bet again I think before I head back to the mines today I'm gonna go sell and donate some of this stuff I think I am gonna crack open the geodes just for fun I definitely won't get something worth more than 50 gold it's kind of just for funsies I'll get the money I guess from selling these gemstones I think I'm actually just gonna go ahead and sell all of this for 660 gold not that bad actually open up these two geodes I'm feeling lucky give us something good come on give us like Copper's fun I guess I'll take it I already checked all the trash cans while I was waiting so I just need to donate all this stuff gonna have to donate a lot more before I actually get rewards but maybe I'll get some more stuff in later also I get 250 gold for donating something so it was definitely worth it to open those geodes well I mean kind of and kind of not I already had a dwarf scroll but whatever it doesn't really I have no idea if it's a good luck day today but I'm kind of hoping it is because honestly ideally I'd love to make through this day without spending a little I'd love to make sure to stay without even needing to eat one piece of food but to be honest that is unlikely so far things are not looking great to my dream but we'll see so this bug is really annoying me didn't even give me a staircase either very rude oh my a small glow ring that's very nice not gonna bother breaking any rocks along the way since there's coal at the end of this and I have zero coal right now so I gotta get some of that bug chasing me but thankfully we are good I'm gonna grab one of these torches for when the dark floors come because we are gonna eventually have to face that and all looking forward to it but I need to be realistic and of course it gets slowed that plus one immunity did nothing man holy bugs okay I goofed one of them turned into an oh my God another dwarf scroll dude are you kidding I don't need this also on full energy so I may as well try to make it down to floor 20. it's worth it I'm just going to trash this dwarf scroll since I way rather have a geode okay we need to start getting lucky soon otherwise we might actually might not make oh thank you okay that works I think I'd rather have this topaz than that torch I can make torches pretty easily it'll be fine oh yeah and I did ignore that ladder because I really want okay that works never mind okay it makes perfect sense I can hear that ladder since I got one right there but yeah I want these crates and I got nothing but time I'm not really not much of a rush and that's a pretty good crate set actually I'm not gonna lie and we have acquired our new weapon now the thing is what do I not want to bring it's tempting to throw this out but I I doubt it'll sell for much money I'm just gonna trash it see the artifact spot so I'm gonna hoe that and then go to bed oh so I guess it turns out that someone can actually walk there oh my okay yo where's my wood oh wait there it is okay um waste of 50 wood but surely no one will walk up here okay let's put everything away that could have been a lot worse thankfully all my precious items are still safe for now especially this tent this tent is way too expensive man once again the most useless artifact in the game let's go okay that was really really weird what the heck I launched the save after taking a little break and the Rocks were back so I know clipped into there came back out and it was gone but I wasn't recording thankfully I I clipped it but what in the lord's name was that we got a decent amount of stuff yesterday so I'm gonna go open slash sell all of this and check the trash cans while I'm at it also I'm just missing a leak and I think I would like to complete complete some of the community center so I'm gonna work towards that as well oh my gosh Linus wants something else again well that is perfect because I have a topaz on my way back up to the cabin I will give that to him because I don't really see if I'm running all the way back up there kind of a waste of time I just need to remember to not sell all of my topaz because 240g is actually a good amount for me and I definitely need that that just about covers the cost of opening all the these geodes actually if I don't make any profit at all which you know is unlikely but if I do oh wow okay another geotope and that's kind of funny it comes from down there and not up here the trash guns aren't affected by location fun fact but it's just kind of a funny coincidence all right let's get opening okay not great so far I guess I can donate this because I'm out of inventory room and honestly I'm gonna trash that one clay I don't really think I need it take that and do not donate the topaz because I need to give that to my good buddy Linus totally haven't been beefing with him and like trying to like make him freeze to death I would never do that okay honestly that didn't go that bad the 10 cold was massive as well as you know a couple of artifacts to donate no harm there oh I just realized I somehow managed to get a duplicate I've already donated calcite so guess I'll sell it kind of crazy since there's like 50 minerals I can get from the geode I somehow imagine a duplicate 75g isn't that bad it's profit I guess oh my gosh wait that's exactly what I need I'll grab this leak and if I think I'm correct if I walk out here since it's past nine o'clock I'll get the community center cut scene which is what I need perfect this is what I need unfortunately I'm going to skip it was kind of stupid of me to like bring all my forageables with me because for some reason I thought that I could um I thought that I could could donate them but I can't here you go Linus thank you for the 240 gold honestly I'm just gonna sleep till tomorrow because I have a big announcement to make okay it's Monday day eight and I've decided I'm going to open the damn mailbox and I'll tell you why this is mainly because I want to enter the Wizards Tower so I can do the community center because that's going to give me like a decent goal to work towards or something or at least something else to do and I am gonna be fishing just because I think it's gonna make it a lot more fun but I'm not going to be fishing to the point where it kind of defeats the challenge so I'm not gonna be like maximizing everyday fishing until 12 a.m I'm just gonna be fishing when I want to for a little bit to get like a energy for the mines two maybe a little bit of extra money thank you Willie very much for the fishing rod very kind I will not be fishing down here though because the fish suck I will however be collecting all of these forageables because holy smokes this is the second artifact spot I've seen and I forgot to bring my hell with me so I really need to make it a habit to carry my hoe around with me at all times no new Quest today I was kind of hoping there would be one and especially since I can do a lot more since I have my fishing rod now oh well maybe there'll be one tomorrow since it's that time a month again forageables reset and I actually found a lot of stuff which is pretty nice gonna tuck all that stuff away in a chest might actually have to make a second one soon since my stuff is getting a pretty dang full well gonna grab a leak horseradish daffodil and dandelion and you know what well I'm gone just realized I should probably go ahead and start smelting some stuff up that's all my stone gone but it's fine anyways back to what I was saying I'm gonna go and run down talk to the wizard actually no wait sorry I keep getting to sidetracked okay I have my hoe now it's really stupid to knock carry it around since free artifact spots might give me useful stuff but let's be real it is probably just gonna give me Lost Books extremely comedic formation of leaves just just felt the need to point this out the infinite woodpecker has migrated a little it seems I would run the experiment again but um I I don't think I don't think we need to since we all probably know the result awesome thank you for the community center buddy I'm gonna go head off and donate to that oh yeah I found a couple more horseradishes along the way so that's pretty nice spring onions forming an L what does the game trying to tell me man let's donate all that and believe it or not I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart 30 spring seeds just sell for a lot of money thankfully Pierre has done me one favor staying open long enough for me to sell them for a thousand gold that's pretty damn good and not gonna lie okay 2400 gold we have a little little bit of a decision ahead of us I'm not sure if I want to go ahead buy a copper pickaxe or maybe a fiberglass fishing pole the fiberglass fishing pole would make me more money long term but I do want to keep mine because it's very fun what do you think buddy I'm gonna think about it while just fishing and smelting up some copper I'm leaning towards the pickaxe for now because I actually haven't leveled up my fishing enough to even buy the fiberglass pole and sure I could probably do that in like one or two days of fishing but like I don't know it's just like I don't even know that's not even logic at all I don't know why I even mentioned that I didn't mess up the perfectly damn it I accidentally bugged the game so The Reeling sound never goes away that's kind of annoying if it does not go away when I sleep I will be a very sad man at least to go to Bubble spot okay well the bubble spot distended and my copper is done smelting anyways so I think I'm off to bed okay The Reeling sound is still here please leave me alone it's not gone it's still in the title screen what okay I think we actually have to hard reset my game that's so funny finally back to the peaceful sound holy smokes now I've very interesting question should I upgrade my pickaxe right away and I'm leaning towards yes that way I can just have a crazy mining day when I get it back so let's run over there bankrupt ourselves holy smokes plus 75 energy plus 33 Health that is gonna be so nice thank you Gus wonder if you left that in the trash can just for me what a sweetheart man love Gus and negative 2 000 gold negative five copper I don't know what to do with myself for the rest of the day I mean I don't really want to fish the entire day again since I just did that yesterday so I guess I'm just gonna run around chop trees and whatnot nine cauliflower seeds I can also sell that for a little bit of money that's nice and Earth crystal is gonna be kind of tough I actually don't know if I can do that today I think my goal for the day is gonna be chopped on enough trees so I can get a decent amount of wood in excess and be able to buy that path on the bridge so I can go to that whole new area I don't even know if there's enough trees on the map but I'm just gonna chop down as many as I can until I run out of energy and then we'll go see how much I have in chest and go from there so we have 431 honestly enough nothing else we really needed for I'm just gonna go ahead and buy the bridge also yeah I went forward today since it was really weird playing without sound effects so whatever looks like you're in that one day a ton of forageable spawned in since that's two more horseradishes I mean come on it would be criminal to not pick up those four forageables so let's do it nice 130 wood left but I guess we can like have a couple more forageables I can pick up and buy a couple I mean holy smokes that's a ton and after selling everything that puts us back over a thousand gold very nice I don't really like having this little wood so I'm gonna go finish off a cinder sap forest and get back up to a decent amount I don't really know why since I like don't need it at all I just like having more of stuff than I need it because when I do need it it sucks to not have it there was actually so much stuff down here I have to run back up to the top of the map to my chest to dump a bunch of stuff off but I'm back and damn that got a lot of wood a lot of sap ton of spring onions you can see by the hode spots and a bunch of acorns too if I have any um I have any more tree saplings lying around maybe I'll make some more field snacks since I think I get my pickaxe back tomorrow there was a bubble spot here and I got myself a treasure chess game or something good come on okay whatever and it's about time that was good though the trash can overlords were generous they gave me a field snack and I caught a bunch of fish that I might eat for energy I might not also since they take up way too much inventory space and we back we got the copper pickaxe all right let's go mine we're actually like stacked as hell going into this so we could even go to like the ice levels if we obviously get reasonably lucky okay we are tearing through these floors okay this is the floor we need to get mildly lucky on because if we get that club that is gonna make our lives so much easier and of course we don't get a club why would I get a club okay I'm not even alive we're getting like insanely lucky right now so I'm gonna slow our Pace a little honestly it's worth it to me to go get this coal foreign that's awesome and we're on to the hellish levels my strategy during this is just hold my right click button so I don't miss any ladders and prey oh wait I have a glowing never mind this level's gonna be fine who cares these guys are such nightmares with this weak sword they think like 50 hits to kill dude why couldn't have started just giving me a gosh darn club or a forest sword it had two chances to be nice I am not fighting you leave me alone man I'm gonna Chuck these two Sunfish [Music] oh my god I've been mining for so long and there's a ladder right here I just wasted so much energy I am extremely upset holy smokes I literally walked directly past it how dumb can you be at least these Cape carrots will give me a little bit of extra energy but it's gonna be close if you want to make it out of here but hey I mean 54 iron got lots of gemstones seven 9g okay that's crazy just as I was about to mentioned the Geo to get two and we made it out okay we're safe I'll keep the slingshot but yeah we heading straight off to bed that was a little close for comfort we do have like 70 energy left over but that was still kind of scary I don't want any trees with tappers on them being destroyed so I'm gonna go put them over here they're kind of like annoying and out of my way but I'm I'm assured that they won't get randomly destroyed so good enough for me all right I don't really feel like doing another full mining day today so I'm gonna go farm about 25 iron so I can upgrade my pickaxe hopefully this copper pickaxe was so worth it since one oh wait never mind I thought I could go over here my pick I still didn't strong enough never mind since I can two hit iron ore I should just be going in and out if I don't see any iron but unfortunately no because destroying the crystals is so satisfying wait okay so the games gave me two freebies in a row it would be kind of rude to me to not try to reach floor 45. wow okay that was kind of lucky I used to have a decent chunk of my energy I only have 109 out of 270 now but I basically have all my iron so I don't really care all right well I have all the iron I want so the smelting will begin it's gonna do the Classic Fish and smelt like I did last time oh wait I Gotta Give Willy this damn dandelion that's actually a lucky Diamond I found oh no I need daffodil okay I have no idea how long he hangs out at the bar I think he's there right now but I'm gonna run home grab a daffodil and hopefully complete that Quest I see a fishing spot but I must stay focused maybe if I'm nice enough to all of these people they'll like let me stay in there garages or something I don't know man thank God he's still here all right take that [Music] awesome okay 120 gold that's decent I'm not gonna complain about that maybe that bubble spot is still there I kind of doubt it but it's possible I guess no way I can get in a little bit of fishing before I go to bed oh wait I'm almost exhausted okay I'm gonna have to eat like all my fish I guess why is it so hard to get quality carp I swear I'm getting so many other quality fish and then carp are just all like kind of low quality I know I said I wouldn't fish like constantly but it's kind of dumb to just pass up a bubble spot so I'm just gonna wait oh okay that was probably the worst reaction time thing I've ever had damn this bubble spot is lasting really long I don't even really have to worry about energy since it's kind of late um because I think I'm gonna level up my fishing so how is this bubble spot still here I'll take it I guess like I'm just actually confused how it's still going oh and I just realized I actually cannot upgrade my pickaxe today since it's a festival day okay why am I getting so many treasure chests what in the lord's name this is so weird I mean I can sell the rice juice I guess whatever and it's gone okay well a good thing can only last so long and plus that was crazy I got so many fish out of that oh yeah I almost forgot since I got the slingshot hate to do it to you buddy but uh that was pretty fun I'm not gonna lie okay so now's my time to meet everyone in the town finally that'll give me a little bit of money since I have a quest already met this guy unfortunately enough you know maybe it's a good thing I don't hang out with Pam considering she just admitted to me she spiked the punch okay I think those are the last few people so I guess I'll start the hunt now if I missed anyone I guess I'll just go back for them later oh yeah I gotta take my photo first my feet kind of show out that's that's a little sad the photo was ruined all right I refuse to lose this I need to win so I'm focusing up big time I'm ready to go let's go let's go let's go honor I I there's an Optimum rub for this but I I literally do not remember it so I guess I'll just kind of go randomly around nope that is my egg oh I missed that egg I should have gone for that one all right I guess let's see if we win with that I I think we do but I'm honestly not 100 sure we did it let's go finally I can cover my poor bald head during the boiling hot days oh man stuff's growing up I actually can't get out this way man plan for tomorrow is let's sell all of our fish okey dokey I think that's all of our um blacksmith related items we're gonna do blacksmith first and then we'll do fishing let's see how much sales for decent I guess and I'm just going to crack open these GEOS for funsies that's pretty successful got a bunch more um of these guys unfortunately three of them I already have so I'm gonna have to resell them but yeah remind me how much oh crap I can't check 5 000 gold I actually might be able to hit that three two four oh right now and after four five six three seven and not quite enough we need to scrounge together a little bit more money okay right shoots actually sell for a good amount it's not gonna be enough oh my gosh it is okay let's go we have barely enough money iron pickaxe is hopefully gonna take us to the gold floors I don't know if the gold floors are gonna take two hits with the iron pickaxe I hope not but they probably will let's be real since I got no pickaxe I think we're gonna return to our normal no pickaxe days which uh entailed getting wood because I'm very low on wood I got like a hundred left I made a special exception to run all the way down to the beach to get this artifex block give me something good come on I was gonna lose it if I got a lost book and honestly I was kind of hoping it was one because that would be really funny I've deforested so much I'm actually starting to run out of trees this might be a problem kind of annoying I plan I can't plant trees right here because I would have so much space to plant that I wouldn't have to worry otherwise I guess I could do it like along the shoreline actually yeah I think I will do that 95 sure no one's gonna be walking up here so I'll plant a couple 250 wood makes me a little bit more confident let's go we have 24 inventory slots now that is going to make my life so much easier no more making like 15 trips to bring a bunch of stuff down and up and down and up that was a nightmare while away for 4 P.M I was gonna grab all these little Berry thingies I was about to make a run all the way up to my chest because I had an almost full hot bar but then I remembered I have doubled the inventory space so I don't have to yippee yeah okay we got a 40 inch eel nice let's go find Abby and give it to her I have literally no idea what her schedule is but I'm sure I'll be able to track her down it'd be really convenient if she just kind of chilled down the tavern but I feel like she probably won't yep she is not here I see her parents but not her okay I have no clue where she could be maybe I missed her in here no like everyone's in here except her for some reason okay I ran right past her and didn't even notice she's right here okay well Jordan 55g is nice I guess no way I can finally break the little thing separated me from the dwarf let's go today is gonna be our mining day so I'm gonna grab literally every single piece of food I can and yeah I mean I'll run down and grab these golden leek that's 7 200 too that's kind of nutty okay I don't think I've ever had a worse start than this I've mined like every single Rock on the floor except three and I still haven't gotten the ladder okay it took every Rock except one might be a bad luck day don't know if I should go mining today okay I'm actually like getting kind of close to dying I think I need a better weapon I might have to start saving up my money and buy a weapon from The Adventurous Guild because I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it to the floor where I get my a better weapon because this is rough I mean like look at all these mobs it's actually crazy at least I get some better boots that'll hopefully help me live more okay I think this might actually be the last straw I think I need to get a weapon immediately so I'm gonna hit floor 55 then fish the rest of the day so I can make money and then with that money I'm gonna buy a weapon because this is getting tubby nightmarish all right floor 55 acquired get me out of here I want a new weapon I want a new weapon fast I think we're gonna save up 2 000 and buy a claymore sure it's really heavy but since I animation canceled the speed literally does not matter oh a recycling machine that's going to be super nice because I have actually a decent amount of trash I can recycle oh hey nice to leak so how do we make those I'm gonna make one I think wood Stone and iron I do have all that stuff chuck her down right there hopefully No One's Gonna stomp on that I guess we'll just process I don't know soggy newspaper for a start I don't really think I need all these forageables so I'm just gonna make 30 of those little seeds and that's gonna be good money all right let's go let's go make a ton of money you know I always see Shane walking through the town but I actually have no idea where he goes so I'm gonna follow him I'm just now noticing how slowly NPC's walk in comparison to the player throwing like a leisurely Jog and we're like sprinting even when I'm doing my slow walk I'm still slowly outpacing him oh he's going to work okay that makes sense all of my fish being sold leaves me with more than enough money to buy the weapon I want let's go this web weapon is gonna make my life 10 times easier in the mines just having like a like an eight damage weapon against ice floor monsters is hell and now just to reiterate once more is it a terrible idea to waste like all of my money on a weapon just so I can go mining yes is it a waste motor idea to just buy a fiberglass fishing pole make more money and then buy one yes and I changed my mind I'm gonna buy this wooden mallet since I can do a hammer combo with it which is going to help me kill stuff way easier turns out all these little things start all clumped up at the start of the day and then they spread out that's actually kind of cool kind of interesting finding out the weird way star to like make stuff happen and today is another or well I guess the last day wasn't that try hard today is going to be a try hard mining day let's grab my food and yeah 43 berries is gonna be crazy good and let's get going I'm really hoping this weapon is nice and yes oh my God that is so much nicer than before that is just gonna make My Life 50 times easier ghosts are still an absolute nightmare to deal with but we have a higher damaging weapon and we had solar Essence too so it's kind of worth the kill also yo that ghost fish is actually vibing holy smokes I love these spirally levels because they let me gamble a little it's like big risk versus reward because I can run all the way to the middle and get complete garbage or I can get like something useful or like very helpful wow okay we got a crystal dagger this weapon is so terrible considering the what the enemies were against I have no idea why it gives us that weapon so late finding all these Jades is like the best thing that could be happening to us right now because they sell for 200 each so that's 800g just from Jades alone oh geez I'm blind oh wait I thought I was gonna have to run all the way all the way over there to get a ladder but bat was feeling nice so he saved me a little bit of time very nice got the upgraded slingshot I think I'm gonna pack it in here today since I mean I made it down like so many floors it was a great day and I'll just use full energy tomorrow to make it okay dude who walked through it this time all right I've lost so much wood to this dude it's not even funny anymore I'm gonna bump all my chest up there where I'm like so confident no one will reach him if any of these chests get walked over I am gonna lose it even more than I already have I got so much stuff yesterday I'm gonna sell all of it and then go mining we have like all the time in the world so I'm not really too worried about not having enough time I don't want to go down that many floors anyway that took a lot of our money but we got a ton of artifacts so let's donate all of those and see how much we got all right we got four new rewards that's pretty cool grab all that stuff and we're just a little bit short unfortunate I'm going for this copper ax because I want to be able to mine all the hardwood in the secret Woods maybe I can sell star fruit seeds here I can and it is just enough gold nice all right that's our copper pickaxe and I just managed to see the gold pickaxe cost it's 10 000 gold so I don't know if we're gonna I don't know if we're gonna be able to make 10k gold unless we just Spam fished a bunch so eh maybe maybe not we'll see I feel like we've already done so much today and we're still going mining all right we need to make it 10 floors today since we one shot rocks it might actually be doable well that makes up for a lot of the money I wasted on the weapon that's 750 gold right there just need like 12 more of those and then we can buy the gold pickaxe all right one floor away from 80. oh my God wait we actually got 80. that's crazy new boots even less damage taken nice I guess I'm gonna go ahead and farm up enough iron so I can get myself a gold pickaxe when I have the money although honestly I'm not even sure if I need a gold pickaxe oh my God another set of boots these give slightly more defense I'm gonna do the defense ones I'll hang on to the other ones though okay I probably should have stopped on floor 85 because I'm basically out of energy but since I'm already on 86 I'm just gonna commit a bunch of my berries and try to go for a 90. I've also gotten so much gold I've gone 25 I think 90 is definitely doable just gotta save energy by killing every monster I can find okay we got Bonkers lucky and also Jeepers mushrooms okay that's crazy we got eight purple mushrooms each one of them give us 125 energy and we made hits all the way to floor 90 we get a cool weapon too all right I think that's a successful day of mine let's run over to the store and sell all these random equipment we got because that's going to be an okay amount of money honestly so this Genie shoes and firewalker boots and I was thinking about selling that solar Essence but instead what I'm gonna do is make a Glowstone ring that's going to give us some magnetism and make us a lot brighter unfortunately literally brighter I do not mean smarter I could definitely use that as well I'm gonna waste like all of my copper on furnaces I think I'm actually gonna go farm up a little bit more before I go to bed because I want a small bunch more stuff and I don't want to wait so long okay I farmed up enough for two more furnaces it's gonna make my life a lot easier not gonna have to wait as long kind of Overkill honestly but I don't really mind oh okay this is kind of tough I feel like I don't actually really need that many ores so I'm gonna go with geologist I would probably say take the other perk like every single other time but yeah I feel like it makes more sense for me in this case man I waited all the time time and I forgot that I couldn't sell stuff while he was working on the goddamn ax freak Clint no one likes Clint I'm telling you birds are bugging outside each other that's kind of funny guess I'll have to postpone my plans for the fiberglass Rod since I do not have enough money if I can't sell these gems I want to make sure I have enough for the fiberglass Rod tomorrow so I'm gonna fish a little bit don't mind me Clint just gonna stand outside your house for the next hour waiting for you to open finally okay we have our beautiful ax also wow I just sold those iron bars I had which I didn't mean to to be honest but that was a lot of money okay I just sold all the minerals I got back and I have 4 700 gold what the hell that is so much money that lets me buy a fiberglass rod and a bunch of bait and still leaves me with tons of money left over very nice all right I gotta run to Robbins and buy a chair now so I can bug into the secret Woods I need to catch two chub that's pretty easy I reckon I can do that today especially with my brand new fishing rod okay I think I might have been sleeping on oars for money actually I'm not gonna lie since the gold bar sells for 250 gold and I can Farm up like a lot of gold bars 350 bucks for an oak chair holy smokes man that is Breaking the Bank a little bit nice I think breaking all this hardwood and selling it is gonna make my money back okay actually only 15 gold per but I think I get 12 per day so that's like an extra couple hundred gold a day I guess it's not that good but I mean I can also chop trees faster and it's gonna level up by foraging gonna waste the rest of all of my stuff on furnaces so I can hopefully smelt a ton of gold and make a ton of money let me grab these three cookies I found from my trash cans and then see how much gold we can Farm up until like I don't know like 12 p.m or something okay that was pretty successful I got 34 this but 62 iron ore I was kind of worried that I was gonna get great results with gold so I farmed iron for a little bit that's like I was like a good chunk of money I think this might actually be my money making method from now I'm not gonna lie but yeah but each one of this is like 200 gold or something crazy like that so that's insane money 2100 gold and 1700 gold for that ore that is crazy I am actually rich what the heck I can almost buy the gold pickaxe my God two more rewards both decorations sure wish I had a wall to hang the paintings maybe someday kind of wish I could push Penny into the water that'd be kind of funny not gonna lie okay I'm like 500 gold short of getting the golden pickaxe so I'm gonna run home grab a little bit more iron to sell and my pickaxe and the gold and upgrade my pickaxe to Gold okay we have enough let's get the gold pickaxe holy smokes I'm kind of shocked I actually managed to pull that off gold pickaxe in the first month is honestly kind of impressive I'm proud of myself all right we're gonna do this construction bundle really quickly it just takes a little bit of hardwood wood and stone we're almost completely out of wood so I think we're gonna have to go into chopping spree pretty soon here oh we are 9 wood short okay that's crazy oh man I should have counted better that's fine I need more wood anyway so I'll just go to the cinder sap forest and get a bunch check back in when I'm done okie dokie it's done and we have 178 wood left over I don't even remember what we get yeah that's pretty useless but the main reason I wanted to complete this one is because it is going to unlock the Boiler Room The Boiler Room is easy as hell so I'm thinking if I complete all this I can just straight up get the minecart so let's run home see what I have in a chest and maybe go farm up a couple things all right well we definitely have one type of every bar and we have the emo and the solar Essence oh I think we have literally none of the other ones though so that's a little sad gonna have to farm those up tomorrow oh I really regret selling that Fire Quartz because it is going to be a nightmare to get it back whatever oh a dinosaur egg well you know what everyone says about dinosaur eggs wait it's The Flower dance today oh I completely forgot about that I mean I guess I'll go why not looks like another year of creepily standing in the corner watching everyone dance while accidentally having music muted yeah that was a that was a total blast man totally well you know what everyone always says about dinosaur eggs as soon as you get one make sure you donate it we won't ask for misinformation on the internet gold pickaxe okay we are gonna go mine mine mine okay this is not a great start I'm not gonna lie to you no time to run to the center today I'm on a mission and boom triple digits first star drop let's go dude that's so nice very excited I got one of these damn that's kind of cool that's that's cool you that's a good reminder okay though come on if you've been watching this long you should definitely subscribe yo okay that's huge we really needed that Fire Quartz because I want to get them damn Minecarts I was really worried we wouldn't find one since they're actually pretty damn rare but that is a huge weight off my shoulders now we just need to find a Earth crystal and a frozen tear and I think those are both way more common in the Fire chords so we've gotten the tough one out of the way we did it we got the drippy purple shoes and we're getting so close these are actually gonna sell for a lot so I'm gonna get rid of that sap uh three copper don't really want that let's keep going we're two floors away we have a comedic number of gold ore we've got a diamond we've got so many gemstones got what six emeralds dude this this day could not be going better I'm telling you we're on the final floor and we find a diamond and the diamond gets doubled what a massive W of the day and another Diamond vein that also you cannot make this up five diamonds in one day and we're at the bottom of the mines that's insane what a crazy day we're gonna make a ton of money to actually make it to school Caverns but we can actually definitely do it no way I just saw it out of the corner of my eye wait I think I can go back to it wait I'm not crazy I did see one right wait wait wait wait wait wait I'm not insane I'm not Bonkers there was there was one over I I'll play the footage back did I was there one am I crazy Frozen tear Fire Quartz quartz and Earth crystal nice bundle complete live Omni GEOS I could open up and the room is actually fully done let's go wholesome little cutscene love this cutscene I'll turn on the music right now because it's kind of bang you're not gonna lie oh my God let's go he's got the star honestly incredible what a sick animation I forgot how cool it is oh I'm kind of blocking him my bad buddy oh wait he's following me around oh I love this cutscene it's so cute anyways wholesomeness aside let's go continue our capitalist Ambitions and that puts us at almost 10 000 gold oh my god dude mining is actually a crazy good money making method I had no idea oh my God two already more let's go dude wait I got too early I didn't even notice I'm dumb now 400 is tempting but I I think I am gonna do it since I feel like it's gonna be more useful to me now and I'll go ahead and sell all that except that that's gonna put us at just below 11 000 gold wow that is like way more money than I ever thought I'd be able to make on this I thought I was gonna be broke as hell but Mining and a little bit of fishing really adds up fast screw it I'm gonna buy the the backpack upgrade should I save that money for like an iridium Rod honestly maybe but having this much space is just kind of nutty look at the cutscene man I'm telling you this was a great investment I'm very pleased that I managed to get that done because now I can just run up here and go into the mines head over to the mine cart and now I'm already ready to uh Clint and blacksmith and Pierre and everything it's so nice there is so much stuff I want to get done I could not tell you at all if I wanted to but the first thing we need to do is grab our fishing rod since I want to catch all the spring fish I can catch possibly now there are a lot of fish that overlap with other Seasons so you can catch them in like spring summer and fall but honestly I'd like to just get it out of the way so I do not forget all right the first fish is down very nice and the next one is down the Sardine is like laughably easy to catch but I figured hey it's easy may as well get it off my plate right away the next fish I want I can't catch until uh 4 P.M so I'm just gonna go off and start working on making a little bit of money oh yeah another goal I really want to work on right now is getting the trash can which is pretty heavy RNG and there's honestly a solid chance I straight up just don't get it I can't really just like skill my way into having better luck so I can really just pray and remember to check the trash cans every single day because I guarantee you that one day I miss I'm gonna go back look on the predictor and see that it was the day with the trash can hand oh yeah I almost forgot I can use this now so that's going to be very nice to go around quickly and grab all these nice forage holes I really need money and today seems like a good way to exercise my first way to make money which is going to be fishing I get lots of quality catfish I need money because I want to go to the desert so I really want to buy the Vault bundle right away also getting a crystal later would be super nice that is going to be a lot of extra money I also kind of want to get married but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to or if I should even because okay that catfish owned me sorry back on topic because I'd have to upgrade the house and like I could just like upgrade the house and then abandon my wife in there ethics aside that's not the concern I would do it it's like should I be allowed to even interact with my house since I guess it technically does give me a benefit since like spouses can send you items but uh I think I want to do it so I'm probably gonna do it but I guess Leah could just hate me and not want to date me so I guess that is also a possibility Leah just arrived and I'm going to buy her a salad and hopefully start working on being her friend I guess Leah is absolutely a w spouse definitely my favorite Haley your favorite just seek out man that's all I'm gonna say okay I forgot to bring energy food like an idiot so I can't shop that many trees but I did find a forageable that is spring exclusive that I did not think I would find so that is a nice surprise oh I'm very glad I saved my fish because I get 25 more it for literally free I will sell all these today I caught it pretty damn easily it was not even a little bit of a problem also caught a couple more fish that were super easy and I figured I may as well just donate them now so boom we actually made a pretty damn a good progress on on the fishing bundle wasted a ton of money on getting a bait but I think it's gonna be worth it I'll make it back it's only like 5G per cast and like I make money back on that even if it's like literally seaweed so I should not be complaining I really want to get to crobus since there's a legendary fish down there so I'm gonna donate all these artifacts I just found yes even the diamond because I fished it up so it's basically just like No Gain No loss if I just donate it right away it's like it never exists it's basically like it never existed and we get a scary rare Crow for that that I will make my new friend a little rare Crow friend is gonna sit right here and he's going to be named uh Jeff and that's Michael over there not sure where I chose the most basic names imaginable but Jeff and Michael are actually very good friends another lost book I freaking love lost books dude also this chick needs a fish the quests are actually relatively fun to do and I got another one of the mines and I was gonna go mining anyway so let's go kill a child my bad a squid kid I was close I think they spawned pretty far down so I'll just do a run through on these floors oh an infested floor that's actually perfect here is the child child down awesome really I have to run all the way over to the wizard that's kind of annoying I'm not gonna lie to you unfortunately the wizard is not chill like that thankfully the wizard is not closed up shop and he gives me 350 gold let's freaking go these slimes are actually getting dangerously close to killing wait wait am I trolling am I pretending my God wait 8 HP not even close I am very glad I didn't that would have been a very embarrassing I'm gonna plant this mahogany seed in a very safe place because I think I said last time I was gonna like sell my hardwood or something stupid like that also I didn't have boots on that's probably why I almost died but I'm Gonna Keep it because I'm gonna go to Ginger Island Man and that takes a lot of hardwood day one is spring I mean summer my bad all right objective one let's find all these forageables if we can first one was pretty easy right next to where I spawned nothing but a squirrel over here it seems oh he's making the run for it probably scared of me I don't blame him we got number two tucked away trying to hide from me uh I don't need you guys I already got you also don't need you man holy smokes can I please get a grape challenge this game does a little trolling I cannot find a grape anywhere oh my God I can't find a puffer fish though what the heck that's a community center item he's also cute as hell not quite a trash can hat but I would argue he's even better I mean just look at him thankfully I still lots of stuff two donate I almost did not have enough bundles to make that editing thing work that would have been very embarrassing not gonna lie but now I have these actually busted Foods that's a crazy amount of energy for skull Cavern or something gonna hang on to those also give plus dude a fence that is very nice I'm feeling hyper productive I'm not gonna lie that was so many things I donated I kinda want to make up with Linus but I have literally nothing to give to him so we'll have to do that some other time just just no no more hard feelings man okay he won't even look at me dude he's so mad why is the game being so nice to me now I literally needed a weapon so bad and now I have duplicates man they don't actually sell for that much money that's a little bit sad but I guess I'll take any bit of extra money I can get okay the game is being too nice to me I'm scared dude what is it gonna do to me this is literally the best weapon you can get before the Galaxy sword some might even argue it's better than the Galaxy sword it's just gonna give me like terrible fishing luck what's the catch man I guess if you just Farm enough gold you're you're bound to get one all of a sudden kind of crazy not gonna lie but like look at how fast I kill these mobs man they actually get melted crazy I got this weapon I'm telling you oh and like an idiot can't have too many good things I accidentally exhausted myself that's fun I guess 25 more wood is probably nice I guess it'd be nice if I was like planting a ton of forageables but I'm not so 25 more wood it's not even nine o'clock I'm about to go on a bank run and get so much money and I caught all the community center fishes I could I was right we made a bag and a half that is 8 357 G made after all that stuff we still have this stuff to sell I did upgrade my ax to iron so we are down 5K it was more like 13k but hey we gotta upgrade the ax eventually it's kind of annoying chair bugging in even though it takes like two seconds only one new artifact though I think I gotta be starting to get those omnidio to get anything new a couple more bundles on the where to being completed it feels good man I tell you yep I'm doing exactly what you think I'm doing with only level 5 fishing and a fiberglass pole this is either gonna go terribly terribly wrong or amazingly amazingly well see you on the other side ladies and gentlemen foreign [Music] this is worth 5 000 gold oh I miss it by literally seconds that is so unfortunate I am selling the hell out of that Treasure Chest tomorrow bro 5 000 gold yeah I'm on board man I'm gonna start spending money I don't have and buy a Fortune of salads 10 should be good Leah Will Be Mine by the end of this I swear to God honestly this is less money that I thought I would get for these but I may as well sell them also the subsidian's edge and Lead Rock can go since the hammer does more damage than both of them got that donated so I get 30 seeds and someone very smartly recommended in the comments of the last video that I should be making tea saplings and not just selling the seeds raw so I'm gonna work on that Caroline doesn't really like that much stuff what does she like she doesn't mind daffodil so I'm gonna grab some daffodils and try to make friends with her oh I headed back to my farm very briefly now Demetrius is talking to me what does he want oh he wants me to side the cave bats is definitely more useful here since I need some Community Center her stuff oh my God okay we hit fishing level 10 and I literally don't care I'm going to bed right now we did it these are worth 50 more this is huge okay let's go get all my fish and make so much money it's not even gonna be funny all right we got the first load and a chest because I want to sell them all at once and not have to wait and like run all the way back up so we'll see you when it's all down there all right I'm going to count all of these fish up in post and see how many we have but right now I don't want to do that so let's get selling okay just a casual 56k that's pretty good total earnings six figures let's go honestly I'm happy I was worried I'd only make like like 12K oh yeah I haven't been just fishing the past couple of days I also chopped down every single tree in Cinder sap Forest foreign we did some very nice wood cutting gaming we got what's that almost a thousand wood we chopped down literally every single tree we've chopped that okay wait there's more oh my God okay give me a minute okay we did some big wood cutting candy and now we've cut down every single tray replanted them all as well as a bunch on the station so I'm gonna work on replanting all these because we are working on the foraging 10 grind it's gonna take a while because trees really do not give very much so I shouldn't plant like that because I'm gonna have to knock all the wood into the water and that's stupid okay all the trees are planted let's go talk to Leah this was a very productive day I think we got a ton of forging XP we got a ton of wood don't really know we're gonna use it for I guess we can maybe I guess we can maybe use all the wooden fiber I got to like make tea saplings but I haven't even started to make friends with Caroline so probably gonna have to work on that God I am terrible at making friends in this game I just completely ignore them and I probably need to work on that okay I hope Robin is in here because I want to give back her ax it's kind of annoying to have to remember and carry around and whatnot uh she's not man went to the luau got a perfect score because of my very nice super cucumber I capped on a Festival ground so I returned home oh it's the luau oh God I need to get something nice I probably have something that'll get the best response so I'm gonna check the wiki really quick I think a gold super cucumber will do so I'm gonna grab that and head down honestly it doesn't look super appetizing but maybe it is who knows I guess do I need this star fruit or anything I'm just kind of thinking to myself okay I I don't think so whatever I'm just gonna put this in boom hopefully we'll get a good response I was going to talk to everyone to raise friendship a little it's not gonna do that much foreign okie dokie does he like it we all put high quality ingredients yep I did does he like it does he like it let's see let's see oh he's excited the best soup he's ever tasted let's go supa's out of this world let's go hopefully everyone will love me for that oh yeah Leah's up to two hearts I can get in her room now let's go I built a path out of the traveling card because I wanted to okay I'm also gonna path everything up because I walk slightly faster on paths I'm just gonna find a nice looking path yeah I like that okay nice I'm pretty sure it's like a 0.1 boost but uh I don't know man I want to do it so I'm I'm doing it also I don't really think I need wood for that much like I kind of do but I got 400 at home also come on give me something good yeah I don't really need any of this to be honest and I think I might have gotten a meteorite okay so I kind of want to buy the greenhouse but that would erase all of my Community Center progress but honestly I think it might be worth it because if I buy the greenhouse and then go back to my farm Evelyn will give me a garden pot and the recipe for a garden pot which will let me start farming which I very much want to do in preparation of that let's make a couple of recycling machines you can also smelt up uh any quartz we have also wow I place this mahogany tree in a terrible location all the hardware is going to fall in that is so sad I don't want these to get broken because they're kind of expensive so I'm gonna put them in here where I know for a fact they will be safe all right JoJo um sorry 5K gold that is a bargain thank you very much all my trees are still growing gotta wait to harvest those I'm looking forward to that definitely okay I'm being like kind of sarcastic and kind of serious like it's gonna be kind of annoying but it's it's not gonna be that bad I guess wait I just realized I was gonna buy the Vault bundle before the greenhouse oh God I have a big decision to make what do I do I genuinely can't decide the community center will be open until one so I have a while to decide the thing is I only have enough money for one of them the thing is I think it is cheaper to buy from Jojo and the only bundle I really want is the one that gives me a crystallarium so I think I might just buy the crystallarium one but the thing is that was the most expensive it's 30 000 gold I wanna I'm gonna have to farm up a bunch more money after which might be a little bit annoying but I guess I got nothing but time so maybe I should and I perfectly caught Leah all right I think it's just way too stupid to pass up the chance to get a free crystallarium so negative 25k okay there's only 25k not 30k that's actually not that bad I I can live with 25k because I think that's only like 6K so I might actually just be able to like go to the mines and farm up enough money so I think that's what I'm gonna do and tomorrow if I remember correctly I'm gonna double check right now the greenhouse is only 30k let's see though oh it's 35 so I'm gonna need 10K that's honestly not that bad I can farm that up gonna take a little bit but I can do it for sure dude I didn't realize how much stuff I'm just gonna need money for like I'm gonna have to buy batteries from the traveling card at 2500 a pop which is just completely absurd that is a actual highway robbery but I guess once we start planting crops it'll be better because I think they can grow year round I'm gonna place them in there which is why some people suggest that I move my setup in there but I want to have room for garden pots so I have not also I am definitely gonna put this Crystal air in a safe place with a diamond inside of it because I need money more than I need staircases right now will this make me back my 25k I actually needed I'm gonna do the math screw it okay I will not make my money back wow I've made so many blunders today I don't not think I should have bought that crystalline that was so not worth it okay I changed my mind if it's gonna make like no money honestly I'd rather just have Jade for when I go to school Cavern so give me my diamond back and go in there Jade right we got like four hours Let's Farm up as much gold and whatever as we can oh yeah I've also been saving up a ton of stuff I got a couple diamonds while I was mining yesterday smelt it up some gold we're gonna open all these up hopefully donate and get to the sewers because I want to get there real bad so I can reset my skills because honestly getting this was a mistake I wish I'd made it so I got more ores lots of new donors very nice bunch of random junk I will never use but I'll take it anyways because it's cool okay literally all we need is money I want to upgrade my ax to Gold but I shouldn't because I need to make 7K more gold so I can buy the greenhouse and make more gold it's all about the money man I'm telling you put down a couple paths so I can go faster and I don't really feel like fishing for money so I'm gonna go reset floors and make money I've decided I will ruin the natural beauty of this landscape with wooden paths because I'm just I'm that guy it's kind of raining kind of dreary today not sure what I should do I'm just gonna kind of check up across the map and see if anything awesome is happening and then I'm going to check at the adventures Guild to see how many dust Parts I have left decide if I have it in me to farm them and then I go from there these trees are not even close to grown which is very sad because I really want to level up my foraging because there is one that makes it so I get hardwood from literally every single thing I break and by thing I mean tree not sure what I can think of the word tree kind of an L for me oh I know what I should do I'm gonna look at the fruit bat cave in my farm which yeah I'm gonna use screw you actually wait no I'm a little conflicted if I should use it or not I'm gonna decide if they're based on the fact if there's anything good in there but I probably won't oh my God it's all so good but I won't we're just gonna let it build up sorry I was so confrontational guys the people who were saying that I shouldn't use it were probably right which was me because I'm always right that's why it's Wally guck and not loudly gug oh Leah cutscene let's go come on in I mean it's raining so be kind of rude if you made me stay out but I digress I'm being pedantic it's working on the sculpture come here watch this holy smokes she's going off make sure that statue is me just kidding I I don't know why I said that really the essence of the wood interesting once you get past the outer layers the true nature starts to show it's the same with people I actually just prefer the look of the raw unadultered creepy dude that always gets me bracket creepy bracket may I have a kiss okay I'm gonna be I'm gonna be a little soy and do the non-creepy auction just kidding don't be creepy guys it's absolutely right yeah I speak facts I'm a real one but it's this great artistic potential I especially love that like giant plot of of farm that has completely overgrown although I have to admit it's not easy to pay the bills as an artist oh yeah I'm an artist I'm struggling Big Time a fishing artist we have an archery art on the internet I mean realistically I would be sell your art on the internet because like you're probably gonna make more money but this one's cooler so I'm gonna do that one it likes my structures I'd be crushed uh you gotta move on then man good art it's that easy just kidding I'm sorry guys I'm not actually this mean I'm actually really nice to think about it yep next time by my pleasure my pleasure is she actually in here or is that just a cutscene which is actually in here nice take a salad now it is a bold idea also would be a bold idea if you could freaking increase in Hearts man oh yeah dude I keep forgetting about Caroline I need to make friends with Caroline too and you make that a habit because I really want to make a lot of money by selling all of my seeds I'm running out of daffodils man that is bad because I don't think I have any other liked gifts especially in our gold quality I mean it looks like she's relatively high up because she's the fifth but she doesn't even have a heart yet I think I only need two hearts so that's not that bad well well well isn't it the consequences of my actions closed on Wednesdays does Caroline like ever leave her home I really am not really familiar with her schedule nope she does not leave her house when it rains damn it I'll just hang on to the staff Adele for later okay this is like the best possible infested floor I could get because there's literally just so many tiles where stuff can spawn also hey a special slime cool I mean a wooden Mallet would have been nice but I really need it now unlucky level 7 foraging tree fertilizer is nice and we can make winter seeds and worked Under the Mountain that's actually not that bad how do we make those I feel like they probably won't be that practical because they're probably gonna be pricey it's not that bad yeah we'll see we'll see I think I'm also gonna sell a bunch of bars so I can buy the greenhouse and we're kind of balling with bars right now so I don't really care if we have not that many right now because we can just Farm up a bunch more easily okay Doki are we gonna have enough money we have a lot of bars we have just enough we're gonna be poor as hell though whatever it sells random stuff I don't really want to make my inventory okay so I I guess let's go buy the greenhouse hello man I would like to destroy the town this is hopefully gonna make us money I would be very sad if it makes us like nothing okay right now we're gonna work on farming up a ton of clay uh if you don't know we're gonna use a method called clay farming I'm gonna try to farm up maybe like 50 clay something something like that as far as I know the beach is the best way to do it so here's like a cool time lapse or edit of me doing it because it's gonna be very awesome okay it took most of the day but I got 43 clay it was pretty easy so I might do it again shout out to Joe TG for making the video that I used uh his video will be linked in the description it's pretty simple so you can definitely do it yourself you just gotta go carefully since if you do Miss how even once it kind of messes up the pattern but don't be intimidated clay farming is pretty easy if you use that guide it obviously can't get a lot more complicated though we needed that clay so we could make our lovely Garden pots oh no Caroline's making a run for it she sees me but she is too slow enjoy this appear to kick dinner nah man that guy does nothing also we're up to one heart so we are almost at the Tea Room the next couple of days are gonna be nothing but garden pot grinding because I want to get like a massive Farm I also need more money since I think I'm gonna try to transform the Quarry maybe into a place where I can put Garden pots but I feel like that might be a little bit wasteful because the Quarry could actually just be useful for me but honestly past the first Mystic Stone it spawns in it's it's not there we go we got these two lovely gentlemen and the sketchy looking ass guy like why does he look like he's like being a criminal like he's doing something good he's helping me that should be his top priority he should just build me everything for free all right let's go ahead and get the recipe there we go got this check to give the garden pot to go okay clay stone and refined quartz we have a lot of all of that so let's get Farming man the thing is I kind of have to think long term I don't want to throw down a ton of them and then realize later oh wait I actually want to move them because I'd have to tear up a ton of crops I think I'm gonna focus on putting regrowable crops in as well since that just seems like a better long-term investment but yeah let's see how many we can make refined quartz is the limit right now and we have 31 so I'm gonna take a quick look at wickety chickadees walk paths and see where we can place them somewhere convenient okay I think I've decided at my location okay one thing we need to check is do sprinklers work off Farm I'm gonna boot up another instance of stardew Valley and double check really quickly because I'm definitely gonna use sprinklers if I can but I don't want to waste all my copper and iron because man I just need more refined quartz okay we know we need to do a little bit of quartz grinding because I don't want to waste on basic and I was gonna just make basic but I feel like it's just way better of an investment to make quality all right we got some place down let's see if it actually Waters them I will be very very sad if it does not water them please water them okay I don't care Abigail whatever subscribe blah blah blah subscribe creative plug man it's goddamn raining so I can't even tell are you serious man God damn it it doesn't work okay 31 blueberry seeds okay well I already made more because I found some refined quartz I didn't use so I probably should have bought a couple extra oh God wait I thought I could craft fertilizer but I think I have to go buy it oh man okay no it's fine I'll only use fertilizer on some other ones because I can't craft them yet when I level up I'll do it it's not a problem must be planted on a farm are you serious right now okay I'm not gonna panic and cry yet because maybe it'll let me do it in here oh God I really hope so I will be very sad oh my God okay it lets me thank the good Lord while I planted these really poorly wait maybe that means sprinklers will work I'm gonna check again no okay sprinklers still do not work but that's that's I'm very happy I can use these because I would be very sad if I could not well we're gonna have to buy some more blueberries tomorrow I'm gonna be very sad because it's gonna be out of sync man but it's fine I'm really getting kind of picky I gotta farming man I should be thanking my lucky stars wait I didn't check if dude if people walk there I'm going to okay thank God they're safe zones you love to see here all right my current objective right now is gonna be far about more resources so I can make more pots as well as try to get more door Scrolls I'm gonna try to get the second one right now because I have one in three and I'd love to be able to speak to the dwarf I think it'll just be kind of cool you know make another friend since he hangs out near me I can make friends with him pretty easy I think I need to invest some money in salads because I am low energy I'm bothering to mine all these big rocks since it's free Stone it's basically like hey I got 10 Stone per that's just a garden pot so all right we got plenty more I do kind of I just need more money man I need money I need money fast might have to do another fish grind today because I need money I'm gonna water all my crops when I add to them I'm not forgotten don't worry I'm just gonna go bankrupt on blueberry seeds because I'm pretty sure I'll be planting a lot more in the coming days okay but we need money because tomorrow is the traveling cart and I think I'm gonna buy a sweet gem Berry seed to be honest I'm not sure if I can even plant them in Garden pots because I know you can't do ancient fruit in Garden pots but if I could do a sweet dream Berry that would be nice because I could get a star drop okay everything is planted and watered and this is gonna be very nice it's gonna drain a little bit of my energy but I just need to make money buy salad so I don't have to worry about energy anymore it's gonna be a super nice cash injection every couple of days because I really want to afford to go over here because it's kind of nice to have it's a lot of space I could I could do something there maybe 243 dust Sprites I'm gonna Farm up a couple more I really want to get the dust Sprites done I might just dedicate the entirety of tomorrow to it to be honest oh this is awkward I'm trying to open my geodes and I literally do not have the money I'll be right back I'm gonna sell my fish that's actually the biggest L of all time to not have enough money to open GEOS on the 21st of Summer year one now that that is out of the way I got two more chores to do and then I'm gonna Focus up on getting that damn burglars ring because I want it so bad okie dokie rare seat acquired money for a battery pack so I might as well buy it since that's the cheapest I've seen one by far thousand bucks cheaper and yeah I'm gonna need them because I do want to go to Ginger Island okay the trees are getting there I don't think I'm gonna bother chopping these all down until I get a golden ax since that would just break me I hunted down Leah and found her Oh I thought I was trying to talk to her okay never mind sorry I thought um there was more dialogue but I was trying to spam through it okey dokey let's see if we can plant these we can plant them okay so we're gonna be able to get another star drop that is massive huge ginormous even fun guy I just deleted the dude huh okay that's fine I haven't done that much today I'm so glad I didn't like accidentally do that like at the end of the day okay another gift Caroline is probably pretty close to two hearts maybe one or two more gifts will do it for we're gonna be able to make a lot of money that's gonna be a good amount of money because right now we are struggling big time with cash oh no way throw scroll number two okay nice and I think we're actually getting really close to um unlocking the Burgos ring which would be very cool level nine mining we're actually about to hit Level 10. it's gonna take a while obviously but we're actually getting surprisingly close also oh God we are running out of clay okay I think my goal right now is gonna be let's get 40K gold and go to the desert which I think unfortunately enough is probably gonna mean more efficient I've spent way too much time fishing on the save man I'm gonna cry although we are gonna get a bunch of money once we finally make two hearts with Caroline and can get tea saplings does it always have these green leaves in the secret Woods if yes I'm blind but they look really nice I'm not gonna lie okay I need to remove these bombs from my hop bar because I am 100 gonna accidentally bomb something I need to put them the hell away boom we're up to four hearts with Leah that's kind of good actually I'm I'm proud of myself I'm gonna start dating her and I think I probably will try to marry her even though I'm gonna have to spend like so much money on a house that I literally cannot use and it's goddamn Wednesday so freaking Caroline is gonna come out because Caroline's are fake we did it unfortunately we did it 10 minutes past when the shop closes also holy Ruby but yeah for some reason the game started giving me like literally everything except dust Sprites but yeah it was a pretty huge day we got like 100 iron 50 cop or two which is kind of nutty okay we're running out of clay again man okay I think I need to go fishing because I need fast money fast as the name implies let's go finally I got the goddamn garbage hat dude I've been waiting for this for so damn long I am very pleased I got it really completes the look yo I missed the triple hardwood for every stump by one hardwood that's unlucky what if an 18 hardwood could in my Park that would have been kind of huge I I feel like I'm pretty sure I have enough artifacts Donuts donated except I don't think Gunther comes on rainy days so I want it to not rain so I can go get stuff man it's kind of sad that this rain doesn't affect my crops indoors I still have to water them even if it does rain but it's gonna be worth it because I'm going to make it bang looks like they're getting close to okay I'll say relatively close to being done which I'm very excited for I'm not gonna lie I think today might have to be another garden pot grind today because I want to have lots of garden pods ready for cranberries because I'm relatively I'm like 50 50 that cranberries make more money than blueberries so I'd like to plant those and I'm 95 sure if these crops die when the season changes I'm going to actually SOB but I don't think they will surely they won't oh my God the lightning strike timed the furnace's ending that's crazy look at how many ores I have 26 gold 60 173 coal kind of insane well another quartz grind day it's fine I'm used to hard days of work I've been recruiting for four hours by the way just so you know oh my gosh wait I just had a genius idea fire courts only takes a day to generate so if I get a Fire Quartz and put it in my crystallarium I can get minimum three refined chords per day that could be massive I'm not gonna lie all right that's objective number one we need to find a goddamn Fire Quartz actually I'm gonna double check maybe normal quartz oh normal quartz is only seven hours but here's the thing I don't think I'm gonna be able to check the crystallarium once every seven hours so the question is would it be better for me to do a fire course and just collect it like every day then have to run back to the farm every seven hours I feel like Fire chords makes more sense but I could be wrong but that kind of makes sense it's my in my head so I think I'm gonna do Fire chords assuming I can find them and not just copious amounts of gold I mean I won't complain about the gold but holy smokes this is a lot of gold all right Jade you had a good run little bro but unfortunately the future is coming for us all and you are being replaced by fire courts I've farmed an insane amount of quartz today however we're not done the grind set today I'm gonna go and see if I can also Farm up a ton of clay as well because then I can make so many Garden pots because I got I got like 21 or something 21 quarts or something crazy like that doesn't seem like that much but that's a lot and right now we're limited by refined chords but we could be limited by Clay tomorrow if that makes sense it doesn't but I'm just gonna roll with it that's kind of the motto of the Wally gig Channel it doesn't make sense but let's let's roll with it okay I did my best but I only got 19 which actually might be like the perfect amount I honestly don't know but I'm gonna go home and take a little sleep level 7 combat ring a Yoba I normally use but honestly Lee I'd rather have burglar ring plus a little bit of magnetism and also holy smokes we are just so rich right now like we just have so many resources thousands of wood Stone we have 300 hardwood almost 700 fiber that's all going to be gone once we get tea saplings but oh it's my daily quartz delivery that's gonna be I mean it's gonna be around like roughly 6 a.m every day so I can just pick it up while I water all my crops that is lovely and exactly what I wanted these trees are starting to grow up pretty dang well so I guess we're gonna do a big shopping session soon I think I'm gonna start cutting down these oak trees and maybe work on an oak resin Farm I really need anything everything in fall in the water except the acorns kind of sad I'm gonna lose so much wood but I can live with it it's fine this guy has the audacity to destroy one of my damn trees I hate this guy screw Elliot and I think I'm gonna make a big investment here and actually make some tree for a lesson okie dokie my Oak Farm is ready to go smelting up a couple more bars two hearts with Caroline okay I think I unlock her room I'm like 95 sure I've actually never unlocked these these tea leaves but uh hopefully it's easy because I want it fast my favorite Festival let's go dude I love this Festival so much it is just such a Vibe I just I love everything about it tis my favorite bro really wants to eat the jellies wait disappoint I don't care Pam don't criticize Gus little bro I don't want to talk to anyone I just want to Vibe here we go we vibe in big time the music kicks in man I love it [Music] that was a huge Vibe I love that so much man and also I'm gonna try to keep sleeping here not because like I need to because I think this is how I need to get the rusty key I need to like be in the house and then in theory if I leave the leech finally gives me something you love to see it and he almost forgets to give me the thing dude I hate this guy so much holy no no no no no no no I think I might want to upgrade my water in Kansas soon it is getting kind of annoying individually watering every crop I'm over it might need a copper but honestly I don't even know if copper would help that much especially for ones like this it might just make the animation canceling harder okay I'm just gonna update my tree farm hopefully go get the tea sapling recipe and uh buy some crops with the with the money I get from the tea saplings because we're gonna be balling the hell out then we can check out the lovely sewers that meet our good friend crovis okay I think I need to like go into the tea room and then I'll get it or something does it let me in it does I don't care just give me the recipe sorry little bro did I get it oh the next day I get the recipe okay also I probably shouldn't have skipped that there probably was like an interaction also that kind of ruins my plans because now I have literally no money okay let's go catch the legendary fish I'm gonna hope I can do without a trap bobber but I probably will fail and have to go buy one we're in let's go dude I also gonna save up money and reset my mining skill kind of annoying me okay this fish is a lot rarer than I remember because uh this is like what 15 casts and I still haven't gotten it here we finally got it I think we're just high enough level to kind of tank it's just like wrap it up and down because we're gonna slightly stain it but it might be a little bit close but thankfully these jumps we can kind of just tank and we're good I started with 33 bin we only have eight left that took way too long to get man also are you serious right now 45 energy well to be quite Frank I was not anticipating that was gonna take so long I guess I can just go get my oh wait a new friend hey Lee how's it going five Hearts Let's Go huge halfway to marriage if that's gonna be a possibility if she like wants to marry me let's creepily stand here for a little bit and stare at her once you come too close I'll go away nice new crafting recipe tea sapling that is what we need I also have had a secret money making method on the back burner for a little bit so you're about to see what that is in a couple of days no it is not crops but yeah let's go ahead and make up like a ton of tea saplings and see how much money we can make from that I remember it's like pretty damn good money but I don't remember like exactly how much one sells for someone walked over my goddamn furnaces man I I cannot stand stardew Valley residence dude I guess just negative two vertices I might have to move my smelling operation because I do not want that happening again copper is expensive these days man oh I am so excited for this there are a couple of things that are going to be so nice you built it from scratch you mean Robin built it from scratch little bro didn't even remember the casino called it just saying bro actually just goofed out yeah I look forward to help and it's gonna be so nice and Robin loves me awesome hit me up man if you know Demetrius isn't uh isn't really doing it for you you know what I'm saying oh wait you did a pun never mind please don't speak to me ever again I think we're definitely gonna go with a curious substance since the other one gives us fiber seeds and actually the more I think about it that might be kind of useful wait yeah what the heck do I need monster musk for okay so that was a mistake whatever who cares also I need wood not Stone God damn it I have to go all the way home I really want to reach a little late farming I want coffee so bad man at least I'll have a big uh backlog when I do eventually get to in all right how much money will we make we got 70 seeds oh wait it's two seeds per I thought it was one okay well let's see how much that is wow 17K wickety chickadee you were absolutely correct that is a Boston money making method I think I might have to start farming fall seeds that's actually op I should have saved a couple and started scaling that's insane well I got a couple of decisions of what I can do with this money but I think for now what I'm gonna do is just save it and see how much money I have after my crops are ready and I finish up my money making method hopefully my method will be ready to go tomorrow let's see see you in a day of farming can you guys guess what my money making method is gonna be do you think you can guess leave a comment if you think you have a guess but don't cheat because I be cringe or if you do cheat can you put bracket I cheated bracket like just to clarify no shame no shame I don't blame you I know you wanted attention I understand if you cheat and you do the I cheated bracket I'll I'll give you a heart okay if you can't guess now I I do not know what to say to you okay we're at 17K how much you want to make yeah okay that's that's pretty good let's do some geodes really quick too couple more donations new reward let's go a chair that is very useless it's kind of crazy how I've managed to get two skills to level 10 without a farm and farming level 10 is possible so I do want to get that at some point maybe not this year though and now we must make a 10 000 gold investment unfortunately but it's gonna make us even more money because I'm gonna sell all those uh ores we have and plus I want that skill anyway because the gem one's kind of useless I just wanted to sell all that stuff with a 30 boost because it was kind of stupid it's just plus 30 money so hopefully after the bars and after the crops we will be able to unlock the desert and maybe even the Quarry so I could get a Galaxy sword that would be very nice I also need to start preparing for a skull Cavern runs definitely hopefully I have enough money to upgrade my ax to gold as well because I am not looking forward to chopping on all my trees without I think we actually have enough money to buy something right now how should we know we need buy crops first actually no we'll buy this and then we'll buy crops Mr decisive over here we want the bridge and we still have 10K left over so who cares oh my God wait cranberry seeds are so expensive I just went bankrupt on cranberry receipts dude it's actually unbelievable how fast I go through money in this game I will be upset if I don't have enough for the desert but like Jesus I like 47k like moments ago and now I'm down to a whopping 86. I think we're at I think we were at 85 before so I I guess we went up a little bit I can't wait to have more things to water I love watering all right let's do a little bit of infrastructure here because we're gonna be getting this bridge I don't want to be walking over so slowly you know what I'm saying even though we do just have the Mine card I just remembered that's fine I wanted to do this anyways Shawnee do is happy right now all right everything's nice and packed up so we can move marginally faster we got a nice little Bridge popping up out of nowhere and we get plus one or per vein and metal bars are worth fifty percent more as well as lovely foraging awesome all right since the bridge is finally gonna be repaired let's go grab that golden Scythe also is there gonna be a Mystic Stone no mystic stone that is so sad well oak trees are very nice because I need more Oak saplings I think if I just actually kill the mobs and they're just like run by them I'll probably be fine these skulls are going to be the only part they're actually not they're not as strong as I thought oh 10 nah that's not worth can I just dodge these other two oh yeah also I see out of the corner of my eyes that the blueberries are ready let's go dude okie dokie oh my God we have coffee ready too fortunately we don't have kegs we're currently level zero but I'm sure we'll get there one day finally gonna get some farming money after so long that puts us up the farming level one okay oh my gosh I just finished watering and I'm already out of energy that is kind of crazy okay to be fair I did chop down some trees but wow all right that's gonna be 15 quarts cooking up okay let's go plant some more acorns okay the trees are starting to grow up so I think it might be time to buy the golden ax so I won't cry when I have to cut down like 400 trees okay I think it's time to start preparing a fall chest so I'm gonna start putting some stuff in there that is like rare or valuable so we can do two of these do a diamond to my Legend fish a golden blueberry I guess I'll do a purple mushroom as well how many items is that I don't know a salad I I don't I feel like I don't really have that much stuff to give I guess I'll just do some quality fish as well let's do these iridium fish I have iridium and gold okay I guess that's all the things also holy smokes where the heck did the day go I'm just gonna sell all these blueberries but now I can't okay well uh I guess I'll sell these blueberries tomorrow oh God I exhausted myself like an idiot yippee level one farming on Fall fifth of year one that's insane all right we're gonna make big money today since we leveled up our mining we're gonna sell like a bunch of gold bars I'm Gonna Leave 15 I think I'll leave 15 of each and copper sells for nothing so I won't bother with that I'm gonna sell all these random minerals that I've I I already own because they're just kind of crowd in my chest I don't really want them all right Clint how much we getting not a whole lot from the gems a pretty good amount from the bars how much would those blueberries be too I feel like it won't be that much but it'll be an okay amount 36 000. that is pretty damn good I'm not gonna lie how much did the bus cost again 40 000. so we need 5 000 more gold okay that's a little bit of a steep order I'm not gonna lie I think I'm gonna upgrade my ax today since I wanna go and cut down every single tree on the map tomorrow or the day after rather because it takes data upgrade we get a little bit more money from those blueberries we could buy the bus now but I want the Yaks first oh yeah I guess I'll just get a legendary fish too since this one is really easy to get okay uh I forgot to upgrade my ax today so I'm just gonna say whatever and just and just buy the bus because I want to go to the desert golden ax acquired I forgot to do it yesterday like an idiot so I'm doing it now I think today's objective since we have no ax is let's get the fourth dwarf scroll it is gonna be hell I know but I really want it that was so much faster than I thought it would be this is literally my first time on floor 95 that is kind of crazy I I'm not gonna lie what the hell okay I guess we can talk to the dwarf now awesome you'd love to see it let's get that donated up also parkwoods apparently I haven't donated dwarvish translation guide you love to see it golden ax so that is two of our tools at gold which is a pretty dang good since that's what 20 it's like 40K of money invested in invested in the um the tools kind of crazy okie dokie it is time to cut trees for the entire day this is gonna be pain literally okay that took so long and holy crap wait that's actually insane I got exactly 999 and 999 wood no excess that's insane I swear to God I didn't I didn't I didn't set that up that's actually lucky like it's not like like significant at all but like it's kind of cool I guess also there were loads of uh blackberries okay I will chop the rest of the trees tomorrow level three farming I could start setting up bee houses that might be kind of cool I don't know I really wish I'd gotten this Robin resource Rush yesterday crap and it was Monday I did have it yesterday I'm actually branded it's fine I can maybe pull it off it might be a little bit tough because I just dropped like half the trees across the map and I definitely would have gotten enough since there was like a well I got 2 000 wood but we still got all of these trees so it might be enough we'll see see you in a couple more minutes of painstaking of Woody cutting I'm 3 000 gold away from getting to the bus and I want to get it today but I have like two hours to do it so it'll be quite Frank I probably will not be able to actually yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it maybe I could do I have anything I can sell here I'm gonna grab all of my fish I can sell a couple of these bars okay we're so close we just gotta make it to Willy before he closes bus acquired thank you Morris love you buddy okay I need a prismatic Shard and I want to go to the desert I think that's gonna be the the objective today I'll grab some blackberries for food as well I also really just need to level up my God damn farming man I'm telling you so I'm gonna buy a bunch of star fruit today too I'm also hoping I can find some more clams because I stupidly spend all of my clams just to sell for like 100 gold when I should have saved them and used speed grow because kind of a goofy recipe but yeah I need clams and pine tar and I have a little bit of pine tar so that's not the problem any clams 500 gold is expensive so I really hope I didn't forget anything important I will be very sad since I love wood I'm just gonna chop down all these trees here too because I want to hey what's up Sandy oh my God she actually like sprinted towards me Jesus I'm so excited to spend thousands of dollars on a star-shaped fruit that's awesome I could only afford ten that is literally nothing I may need more money okay let's go Caverns let's go I think my plan is gonna be try to murder these slimes so they drop iridium ore I'm going to kill these serpents in a very careful way already farmed up enough iridium for one or let's go God damn it please don't lose anything valuable okay I'd like no money too that's fine no way all my starford seeds and my Fire Quartz that is actually tragic I am so sad at least I have 16 already more that was not worth it even a little bit well we're sitting comfortably at zero gold just like at the beginning well we unlocked level 8 combat I guess more HP that would have been nice a couple minutes ago oh yeah cranberries make money and also this this finally gives us enough money to buy some more crops after the crippling lost in school Caverns our pine tar collection or not pine tar our Oak resin collection has begun unfortunately we are still really really really far off from being able to make kegs but I really want to make coffee dude I'm so tired of being slow I tell you boom 5500 and holy smokes we've made 250 000 without a farm that is insane all right I think I'm gonna buy some pumpkin seeds I can plant oh wait preserve jars I don't know why but I didn't just completely forgot about those oh maybe I should do preserve jars instead of kegs I obviously won't make me coffee but it would still make me some extra money yeah I think that's what I'm gonna do plus I just have so much coal I'm doing it you're about to see crazy amount of preserved jars okay how much do preserved jars cost wood Stone and coal okay we have a pretty good amount of all that let's start with 60. oh my God that is literally all my coal gone why did I do that okay that's fine yeah no no that's fine I'll just I'll spend the rest of the day farming up uh farming warming up some coal [Music] okay I just loaded in please be a bug please be a bug oh my God I just had a heart attack okay sorry I just looked that scared me so bad Jesus okay reminder to not sleep in the mines because you will have a heart attack okay I need to water everything and then grind up a ton of coal since I'm just completely out of coal we can also jar these blueberries since I don't really have anything else valuable to jar let's get Jarred we're gonna make some solid money from this very excited okay we farmed up 280 iron and 63 coal I'm just gonna leg over to the secret Woods grab my hardwood to sleep there grab it again in the morning and then head back up I don't even know why I fired up all this I just kind of feel bad like having like no having having like no copper it just kind of makes me having no cold just makes me kind of nervous I just like having it gives me peace of mind the fair is tomorrow let's go dude and we got our setup prepared I'm hoping that wins US uh wins us all of it but we'll see let's go check up on all my little tree projects and I think I might also speed grow a couple of I might speed grow a couple of Oak seeds just in case because I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to level up enough to get to Oak resin kegs but when I do get to kegs I don't want to be limited by anything I just want to make as many as possible also these are all going to be out of sync but whatever I don't care there we go that's all the oak trees fertilized oh yeah I can't water today because I don't have my watering can we can miss a day it doesn't really matter it's not like all the crops are gonna die I think I don't really know how garden plots work to be quite Frank but they shouldn't as far as I know I'm gonna check what you get from each of these quests and then I'll decide which one I do because I think I can do both of them because I know I can get 25 gold quality I think I have enough crops and it has two weeks so it's likely okay so I get the farm computer and wow that is really useless for me damn a mini shipping bin that is so good I definitely want that one sorry Demetrius I hate that I hate to help out PR over you but I'm sorry man that is just so much more useful yeah we need to harvest 25 I'm hoping we can do that I think we should be able to I'd be kind of surprised if we couldn't right now literally everything we need to do it needs money so I think I'm just gonna Farm up some more coal for the rest of the day that way we can hopefully make more jars and make more money I'm also going to collect a ton of iron and coal so I can make explosive ammo and hopefully try to make like a descent down into the caverns and get a ton of iridium okay a way less successful day for coal but 200 iron is still pretty good we're gonna have so much iron it's not even funny okie dokie 75 explosive ammo is an okay start it just needs so much coal which is a little annoying but it's fine it's gonna leave explosive item on there okay time to bed because we are about to pass out well my ex would be ready today but unfortunately it is the fair well not unfortunately the fair is pretty useful wait I think I might be stupid I literally didn't bring anything okay I have to restart the day God damn it okay well I can't really buy my way out of trouble in this one because I only have 500 so I need to get lucky Gamba because otherwise I'm in trouble all right we need a star drop I don't know maybe I'll buy those mixed seeds for fun okie dokie Lewis is getting to the judging I'll Chow Down on a couple of burgers while I wait oh it's been judged come on I'm feeling lucky I'm feeling lucky 101. okay that was close but uh let's go dude that works for me I'll collect all my stuff back up the heck holy smokes there's a there's a wild emo in the town I've ever seen that's very important shut up not relevant huh well uh if you can tell by the amount of Wheels I just won that was that was that was pretty lucky I I guess we just we just have enough enough money to buy everything we want wait let's dominate this real quick ready boom it's that easy now we should have ten thousand but we only have 999. I am just going to buy everything yeah if you are enjoying we're pretty far into the video and I've been grinding the hell out I have been playing for around four hours at this point straight in this recording session I'm trying to hit like 200k at some point in my life so please please subscribe I would very much appreciate it panning is complete so we have beat the Joe jamard let's go dude we've done it the glittering Boulder is gone are we gonna get the Willy cut scene right away I'm kind of curious honestly oh yeah we get it and Willie is just okay Adam okay sleeping up here uh kind of bugs it out panning for or just what I wanted let's go extra pan y'all take it thanks Willie love you buddy pan acquired oh the cutscene here we go we did it incredible we have created the ultimate JoJo Warehouse in the in in the whole country got a big promotion awesome sauce good for you Morris you deserve it bro so soda machine we have it we got a JoJo Cola every day you love to see it just what I wanted I don't know why I wanted that accent sorry also got the steel watering can I'm honestly yeah I think I'm just gonna try to rush that gold one because I don't think I can deal with it with with having to waste like all my energy watering for much longer Prismatic slime has been found I've been searching for this guy for quite a while it's been a couple days and we get the we get twice the twice the jelly this is gonna give us the monster musk recipe which is gonna help me Farm up coal since I just have literally like no coal right now okay to be honest I just couldn't take it anymore gold watering can is in the works okie dokie he is rude as hell as expected I can't throw this out seriously I can't drop it either wow I just have a prismatic jelly forever that's awesome holy smokes weigh 5 000 gold oh my God wait I had no idea I got that much money I just wanted the the monster musk that's actually huge oh my good oh Liam wants to talk to me what does she want oh she brought me a gift sculpture I've been working on just for you oh my God that is that is beautiful I love it thank you Leah amazing not sure if I should feel insulted if that's how you feel about me but whatever all right monster musk acquired it's kind of expensive but we have lots of bad wings and slime and I don't really think we need them for anything else obviously we would be been eating bad Wings if we wanted to make like lightning rods but lightning rods do not work off of the farm so we're gonna have to get all of the batteries we need to go to Ginger Island from the traveling card and I really hope I get lucky because if I do not I will be a very sad man oh my God that is insane I just Pat and got the Iridium or I needed to to finally make the Iridium watering can as soon as I have enough money I am very happy about that panning is actually overpowered what the hell okey dokey we got the golden watering can and it is gonna be 25 000 to make it iridium I am not gonna lie to you I I think I might actually want to save for that since I've completed JoJo Mart I don't really need the money for that much else well actually no I'm gonna save it until I have enough to make sure I have all the batteries to go to Ginger Island okay it's only 11 o'clock now it used to take me to like one before I could finish watering so absolutely worth it and today I literally don't give a damn I'm buying the Iridium watering can holy smokes dude am I sure rhyme God didn't mean to do that wait there's a festival today I can't sell anything are you kidding oh cool just walk through a couple trees but let's uh go ahead and talk to the wizard yeah sure buddy I can grab that ink for you it's a no problem unfortunately I I cannot start that Quest today because there's a festival today so I'm just gonna work on cutting down all these trees we have arrived at the spooky happenings I think I I was about to buy this jackaline recipe than royals's 2000 gold screw that nevermind I've killed like 50 of these guys they they are not rare bro no one cares that's a two thousand dollar pumpkin here and here they better be enjoying this I'm telling you blackberries honestly I spoke about berries briefly in another video and I think blackberries also definitively joined the S tier assuming they're like good blackberries not like mushy how do they even make dust that's just like that's that's just like an actual house on legs also fire so much fire on a leaf maze I feel like that is just it can only go one way and that is a massive fire that takes out the entire town I love how in this one you can kind of track your progress based on the light that is very cool but yeah golden pumpkin acquired let's go dude that's really all I came for see you later oh this is what I was waiting for I have all the hardwood but I'm missing the Iridium and I'm missing the batteries I don't know why but I just feel like I'm not gonna get lucky and I'm not gonna have the batteries but I would be very sad if that is the case okay we're so close to level 8 farming please just give me the keg all I want is speed it's all I want it's not a big ask speed is tempting but not for eleven hundred dollars that is absurd 32 000 gold just actually no not even just enough more than enough to get exactly what I need I missed it by 10 minutes again dude this place closing actually makes me want to lose it God I hate Clint all right I'm gonna buy a couple pieces of coffee because I have money right now and I'm gonna have a lot more money soon and I'll also buy a couple more salad just to get up to 50 buy a beer as well give it to Pam because I just realized I can get battery packs from Pam because she actually has a chance to send battery packs as a gift and I'm very embarrassed that I didn't remember this wickety chickadee reminded me when I just asked in a Discord server if I could use lightning rods off the farm just to double check so uh Shadow wickety you're a real one for that okay might have accidentally spent all of my call on on explosive ammo again because I was crafting 25 at a time instead of five at a time but that's fine just gonna start putting stuff that I need in there probably should have traded this in for eight staircases but uh hindsight is hindsight is everything good one well I changed my mind tomorrow the pickaxe is going to go up to iridium quality I'm just gonna deal with gold it's honestly pretty good for me right now and then we are going to attempt to dominate skull Caverns so I can finally have a good amount of iridium I can maybe even sell some 35 000 gold holy smokes that is really good I'm trying to think if there's anything else I need for my for my mining trip okay I'm just gonna make five staircases nothing crazy I just want a couple since I forgot to trade them to the desert Trader like an idiot yesterday all right we pull up we buy a warp totem all right I just bankrupted myself on bombs I really don't care I am poor again but this is gonna be the most banging gold Caverns run you guys are ever gonna see as especially considering I was homeless or sorry am homeless oh my God level 8 farming but we can't do that today because we need to focus up and go do a banger School cabin run all right broth to the desert I hope it's good luck day I am willing to restart that I don't know why I don't drink my coffee we definitely drink these all right we have pretty decent pace right now oh my God our first iridium node I was hoping to get a prismatic Shard but I'm happy I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of focusing so I might not get a ton of commentary eight levels that is a big W okay I'm not gonna lie we're kind of swagging out right now we're just gonna eat once or twice because I don't want to die like an idiot because this is a solid run floor 36 by 940 is kind of crazy Pace honestly oh my God wait I can get batteries from these guys I completely forgot I can get batteries from these guys oh my God wait we can get a ginger Island now this floor is wasting way too much of my time though I need to get out and the ladder is hiding up here because it's a freaking stupid ladder this floor is screwing me over there's actually not a single ladder what is going on here we go finally all right quick update we're on floor 142 with 273 iridium we're swagging out I'm not even gonna lie to you we are rich as hell three Prismatic shards that's also nut eh foreign I just left a prismatic shard and got a I am so upset probably biggest downgrade of all time whatever negative 100 Stone I don't really care I want to keep going I'm having fun okay we swag the hell out and we're passing out now that was a super fun run where I got so much baller stuff look at this stuff one iridium or off a comedic number we got five Prismatic shards 123 gold we got two batteries we just need two more and then we can go to Ginger freaking Island that's over 84 iridium bars it's just five fire courts it's literally just too easy for a guy like me also we get a sewing machine Let's Go Emily love you and we don't get the sewing machine actually because because we had a full inventory okay never mind and we get 10 000 gold from Mr key it's literally that easy I love Mr Chi dude he's one of my favorites of all time I also krovis this year awesome but yeah seriously shout out to Mr Qi I love that dude so much holy smokes 10k gold is actually nothing to scoff on in a challenge like this we've all been waiting for this time for so long and like sure I already bought some coffee but we're gonna have infinite coffee now we got 42 we can make 37. we are balling I tore out a couple of trees because I have nowhere else to put these kegs and I'm pretty confident they won't get destroyed here basically we just need to K again smelt so much off today and we also need a lot of copper so I think I'm gonna go farm up copper for a little bit with all this stuff uh processes up also gonna go grab the Galaxy sword today definitely don't want to forget that because it's kind of a w that we finally managed to snag it we have acquired the Galaxy sword oh my God I'm actually so proud I got this I'm not even gonna lie to you guys it might not be the best weapon the Galaxy Ember is definitely better but I mean it's still pretty cool that I managed to get it when I had like literally nothing like a year ago all right today we're gonna be trying to hit Level 50 in the skull Caverns so hopefully we can get some more batteries we just need two more honestly I think that's going to be pretty doable but we'll say huh well I've only gotten one battery pack but I have gotten a prismatic Shard now uh cool I guess don't really need them but it's okay yippee yeah a Slammer that I do not need goodbye I'll keep my other one because it's the OG but I do not want another Slammer oh my God okay we've got the battery yeah me out I'm done okay wait these lucky lunches are 100 worth grabbing are you serious I'm 100 grabbing that okay we have just enough solar Essence to craft all right we got a cookout kit what we're gonna do with this bad boy is 25 triple shot espresso you'll love to see it all right the slammer's going away in the chest he's been he's been a great a great guy but we got the Galaxy sword now I'm sorry five already in bars and five battery packs all materials have been found it will be repaired overnight don't mind me just doing a little bit of clay farming except with winter forageables okay that's probably all I want for now I just wanted a couple of items I totally just didn't mess it up no but seriously I did only really want these items because I want to make a bunch of winner question is can I find a bunch of Crystal fruit and crocus now that is might be a problem Oh both of them awesome you love to see it okay a second red cabbage seat dude and a battery pack you cannot make this stuff up there is just no shot I love this game and I don't really care I'm burning through all my spicy eel I want some gosh darn speed man I just realized I had a couple more fall seeds so I made a couple more saplings I think I might actually have enough for just a couple more oh my God this is gonna be so close there's Caroline hey Caroline don't mind me just legging it to your house come on let me let me lemon okay we're good plus 5K and also I have this now I don't want this okay okay it's the day it's the day I don't have enough money no shot wait wait guys guys guys I'm pretending um what do I do I'm gonna go sell a prismatic shard oh my God how is it even possible to be this dumb I actually don't understand and I don't care I oh my God literally the biggest of all time okay okay it's fine it's fine all right we're gonna sell some iridium bars all right plus nine thousand gold that's what we need okay we only lost like an hour of time I'm kind of stupid that I forgot that you needed to pay to go I'm kind of just used to having like a warp totem that instantly teleports me there but I think in my opinion it's an honest mistake it could happen to anyone even I'm gonna go out on Lemon say that yeah no no yeah I'm saying it it could happen to anyone okay don't take me I don't care good as new true skip we're gonna watch this goes we're gonna watch this though because it's kind of cool we've done it we have arrived hey little boy I really wish I'd phrased that definitely my bad guys all right we're gonna be speedrunning this skipping that stupid cutscene all right epic golden Walnut Montage go [Music] we reached the peak of the volcano that was pretty easy I'm not even gonna lie all right let's hope I get some good enchants powerful that's great let's do ax too efficient that's not that good but it's okay I can live with that 10 walnuts I will take it puts me a little bit closer to finally owning a home a beautiful Farm you'll love it all right that was a good first day we're up to 12 walnuts let's just take a quick nap before we have a snowy tent even though it's on the island that's kind of funny oh my God I did it I was so unsure I thought I actually messed it up on that last one because you saw me like pause for a second there but I did it we back on the farm and we got some things to do [Music] all right we've got a beautifully cleared Farm now and now that we actually have a farm there's a lot more things we can actually do but first of all I think we're gonna need to head home and grab a couple more resources but hey home sweet home just remember to drink a coffee as I arrive that's kind of embarrassing but yeah what do we need we're gonna need a lot of resources to craft ourselves what are we probably sprinklers I guess right I don't think we can we cannot make iridium sprinklers even though we are a high enough level oh no we're not high enough level to craft them anyways but we can't make them because we'll need batteries and we can't put batteries down on our farm so we're gonna have to use the outdated ones unfortunately seems like I'm out of coal somehow as well we have plenty of refined quartz though so let's craft up 20 of these and then we'll go farm up some coal really quickly and make some more we can't quite yet craft seed makers so we might have to do a little bit of grinding so we can get up to that foreign [Music] here is the game plan we're gonna move all of my stuff over to Ginger Island I I just think it's gonna make my life so much easier just so I don't have to be like running back and forth constantly and like oh no do I have this do I have that uh I can just know for a fact I do have it all so we're gonna start that today just um I guess yeah definitely be faster to take the mines that also will mean tearing out all of my uh Garden pots because I think you can put them down on Ginger Island I do have 20 so I can test though because I don't want to tear them all out and then find out oh wait you actually can't and I just burned like 30 crops I'm also gonna grab these jars before I forget about them [Music] right I've moved everything down here now I just need to sort them again into things I actually want to bring oh yeah you might have noticed my money also went up I just sold a bunch of things so I'd have enough money to do a bunch of round trips if I needed to okay so unluckily enough it's more than two chests so I'm gonna have to go there three times but it's fine life goes on hopefully I won't not forget anything important but yeah let's go take me there Willie and you know whatever I'll just throw these down here for now all right everything is moved over and I think we're gonna tackle setting everything up tomorrow because right now we need to get in a volcano run since I really want to enchant all my tools uh sooner rather than later we'll see how that goes all right this was a pretty good day we got a little bit unlucky but we got 51 shards we're gonna pass out but it's whatever uh because you know we'll wake up on the island as far as I know we're well no not hopefully we are going to start um start the grind today baby so Step One is gonna be we just need to level up mining a decent a decent chunk I think but first of all let's see how many sprinklers we can put down well I know we can put down 20 but like I just cannot kind of need this like sanity check how many sprinklers that actually like looks like you know what I mean all right that is a good chunk I honestly don't even know how many crops I brought with me I meant to bring my mixed seeds and I did thank the good Lord these can plan literally any crop and and then we have these I got another pineapple seed so I guess let's just start hoeing kind of wish I'd hope before I put these down but you know hindsight's everything that's hoeing done now it's time for Lee watering nice with the last of my energy the field set up I think we'll do cranberries I'm gonna throw away these fall seeds because screw them these pineapples then I mean I guess let's just Chuck these all down and see what kind of stuff we get I see blueberries I see a lot of pineapples so many pineapples okay that's great because pineapple is a super good crop those are melons I think we got some blueberries seems like just those crops but I mean hey I'll take those crops those crops are great oh is that wheat I think that might be wheat that's kind of annoying uh whatever I guess it's like something oh yeah we can do these two red cabbage seeds too perfect then I mean Taro tubers they level up my farming a little bit I suppose and then we're gonna go for a seed maker of course we need one of those uh but I mean I guess I guess I can just like make more sprinklers I just need to smelt some stuff that's some iron cooking right up anything else I want to do nah I think I'll save the rest of these I think priority number one is absolutely gonna be just get more sprinklers because we just we need we need more even though we haven't even filled the ones oh my gosh wait we have more in here okay nice uh that's ten more so guess we will get these down real quick oh my gosh you know what I just realized I forgot all my kegs on the main Farm that's awkward uh I think I'm also gonna plant three sorry I shouldn't say Farm the main place where I do things it's definitely not a farm I forgot to get the cinder Shard so now I have to do the Walk of Shame home very sad oh we have 63 so we can do three enchants probably should have done that before I had like planted all my crops but whatever whatever all right enchanting the default hoe what will we get generous okay that's not that good uh watering can next come on come on something good something good I'm gonna redo the watering can bottomless don't get greedy don't get greedy we'll do the hoe again oh wait no we're out of shirts never mind nice okay well I guess let's just go run it again then I think tomorrow I'm going to venture back to the main island because I forgot my Kegs and also I'm going to need so so much more cool than I thought and farming dust Sprites is still definitely the best especially since I have this monster musk that I forgot about I can probably Farm up like 200 in a day if I'm lucky I won't be but you know like that's a that'd be an interesting hypothetical if I was lucky also just fighting these mobs really makes me want a Galaxy Hammer so once my crops are kind of like all set up I'm just gonna sleep a bunch oh great there's a lever on this one oh my gosh no way level 10 finally okay acrobat um that means we definitely want to get that hammer soon because holy smokes I can be busted now crazy okay well I think our next priority is just literally gonna be go to Ginger Island set up some more Sprinklers and then spam sleep I think I'm actually just really quickly while I'm here oh man I've known him into a room I think I'm gonna go farm up some copper really quickly purely so I can make like maybe 20 or 30 more okay probably not that many because I'll take ages to farm I'm gonna make some more furnaces purely because um I'm I know I'm I'm gonna want to smelt a lot more things so I don't really want to be waiting around all day for stuff to smelt okey dokey I've got myself uh what's that five more furnaces you know not ideal but pretty good trying to think of anything else I could possibly need maybe a little bit more food yeah I think I'll go I'll sell this pumpkin juice I have and then I'll spend all of my money on salad yeah that's 18 okay sorry about a grass starter just I don't know um go here enjoy here all right give me 96 salads I can't get the ginger Island now whoops okay I have to go sell two diamonds I forgot that I need to like get home awkward okay we had two diamonds thankfully that would have been so awkward if I couldn't get home like I could have just I could have done something but that's so stupid bro all right five more furnaces and I think I have more copper or I could maybe turn but I'm gonna hang on to some of it just in case I need to make something I don't think I need to all right can we plant these on the beach I sure hope so I will be kind of sad if we can't we can let's go okay nice uh these guys are gonna have to go we'll set up another Oak resin Farm down here all right it's time to do a little bit of sleeping wow I did not realize I had so many kegs holy smokes guess we'll just put blueberries in here for now even though that's going to be like pretty much valueless better than nothing I suppose now I think I'm just gonna sleep for many many moons okey dokey a couple of days later and this is all smelt it up so that means I can make myself 30 more sprinklers wow this is gonna suck to Ho but eh whatever guess we better get to it I probably should have checked that I can even fit this many sprinklers to be honest I kind of just assumed I could which could be a fair assumption but I'm actually I actually might be leaning towards it's not we will see it might get close I'll visit you at the end when I find out tell me out when future roller gig I hate past wallykug I just made a realization there's literally no no point for me to be be doing this because I have nothing to plant so I do not know why I'm wasting my time I need to sleep more so I can Harvest those crops I've planted and level up so I'll see you when I'm actually need to hoe and suffer all and suffer nice okay we're getting some golden walnuts from harvesting and this is also gonna put us ever so slightly closer to the next level of farming oh it was rhubarb interesting I'm glad I wasn't wait because wheat sucks also it's just about spring so I might actually head back to the valley and buy a bunch of crops there I don't know a crop I want to buy I'm thinking maybe cauliflower and I know that's weird because I kind of talked trash about cauliflower fairly regularly but the thing is I actually have a lot of jars and kegs so it actually is kind of Worth to do it but who knows maybe I just have level up my skill if not though so who cares yeah I'm absolutely going to do that however I will need to fund that so what I'm gonna do is there I just sold all that and that is hopefully gonna give us plenty of money to go buy a bunch of stuff I think I yeah yeah I'm Gonna Be A Nerd and count how many sprinklers I have so I buy exactly enough crops it's just kind of a bozo move not to let's be real 60 oh my wait what the I forgot how much iridium ore sold for wait what okay you know what I might actually have to do I might have to sell some more okay wait no there's crops so I can sell some more of these and then I can probably buy a Galaxy Hammer but yeah I'll do that later because I I think crops are probably my higher priority let's be real here as much as I hate to say it oh my gosh and it's raining that is Gonna Save Me so much time not having to water all these tiles thank the good Lord above me concert day of course however hoeing it all is gonna be exactly as agonizing as I thought it was gonna be all right time my grass is still there thank you for not cleaning up the air proof that you do not care about your store exposed uh we're gonna do 200 cauliflower seeds I think that's a good start actually 375 because we'll probably do a a second planting don't have to worry about money for a little bit after that oh you know what I wish I'd done I should have brought my some Meridian bars and upgrade to my watering can because I don't need it today I'd burn I burned 2 000 bucks but it might be actually worth meh whatever I probably hopefully won't need it let's go free 80g screw that puzzle all right wish me luck this time for real future Wally gig tell me I win hey past Wally guck um it's me here so it turns out you suck at math I did 50 times eight in my head and got 200 which isn't really how math works so I thought I was buying enough seeds for two harvests I didn't even buy enough heat for one Harvest but that's fine since we leveled uh farming anyways so we'll get seed makers we can just put pineapple seeds there but just kind of double check your math guys okay don't be like me also we have iridium Sprinklers and I double checked because I thought I might be able to put down um lightning rods here on the island but you cannot unfortunately kind of sucks okay we can actually only make you can only make we'll make five I think that's a good amount because I don't want to burn all of our coal but yeah all right I think we're literally just gonna be seed maker in for the rest of the day okay literally one day of seed makering and we have this all covered screw this one cranberry I don't want it um yeah now it's the time for bed time a lot oh wow we're gonna mix scene awesome I guess I'm just gonna Chuck the rest of these in a keg for now it's harvest day all right I'll see you guys as soon as this hell hell hellish situation is dealt with okie dokie it's all harvested up and we have a lot of seeds while I was slow the entire time I'm kind of a bozo uh holy smokes but yeah uh I'm just gonna seed maker pineapples for the rest of the day probably because I really don't want to have to re-ho and re-water all this oh no sorry I could also seed maker some blueberries if I wanted but yeah this cauliflower is gonna be money like an unbelievable amount of money it is going to be excellent I don't mean to put those in there because that's going to be so annoying okay this is taking too long I have a new plan I'm going to buy a lot of coal and then with said call I'm gonna craft more seed makers and then with said seed makers I'm going to spam do spam craft forage foraging packets so I can hit Level 10 foraging and then I might also get an ancient scene okay so that's like a few packets it's not that many but it's something at least and then cold cold time because also the seed makering is just so slow and it's really annoying me and I will make probably 12 more which I actually don't even know if I can afford 120 coal but I don't really want to go farm for another day so plus I'm gonna have a ton of money soon if I sell all this stuff wind and whatnot okay we can barely afford it but 12 more seed makers totally worth it to me these damn bushes are gonna start destroying me damn farm if I don't get them under control so I'm going to get them under control and oh yeah as you can see guys we hit Level 10 farming which means we just have foraging left and then we have hit level 10 in all skills which is one of the goals wow no way we got a mixed seat out of one of our pineapples unlucky but yeah let's start doing these now so these are gonna very very slowly level us up to foraging level 10. but hey these sprinklers aren't being used for anything else yet so on my very first one I did not even notice wait what the heck I actually did not notice it looks like the winter seed packet so I was just like oh yep keep going keep trucking forward um well that's kind of Lucky sorry I say kind of that's insanely lucky it's like one in 200 bro so uh Artisan is so much better it's just always better especially since we're gonna be making all this this junk oh foraging level 10. okay I'm correct uh we're gonna go all trees have a chance to drop hardwood uh the forge of one might be kind of nice but whatever I did a little bit of off-camera grinding okay well I was technically recording I just really wanted to say that because it's like a classic meme anyways I've managed to collect all of this and we are gonna see how much it sells for so we have 7 400 right now and if we just go ahead and sell all the various things I've collected let's see how much we have I'm aiming like 700k I think that'll be good oh we got an achievement wow okay that is all that's literally double what I was hoping for what the heck made all the money pineapple one dang I guess those pineapples did too I didn't want to jar the rest of them just way way too annoying well I guess I guess that hits uh it's another goal oh wait oh my gosh wait grandpa I forgot about Grandpa it's year three okay well let's see how good we do let's see what he thinks of me my dear boy been many years since we I mean I I don't want to read it all out sorry guys no Farm has never looked better it's an honor to the family name grandpa is pleased yeah Grandpa should speak in the third person like a dumbass my hands now farewell all right how many candles are we gonna get I'm betting two I'm I'm not getting four there's no shot literally zero percent chance but dang 1.5 million we've made two million dollars what the heck okay that's insane this setup was pretty scuffed and got like kind of mangled near the end I mean hey you guys can just see how many uh wild bushes tried to grow into it but hey doesn't hurt nobody little bushes never heard nobody except for like pineapples quality sprinklers all right we got a couple things to go do I was gonna stay for a return scepter but then I realized that would be quite literally the most useless thing I could buy a by far I'm embarrassed I even had that thought to be quite Frank with you guys all right two destinations today first of all how'd you like me now penny I'm a millionaire you want me now she definitely does not want me unlucky all right into joja and you are gonna be taking 500 000 of my gold half a mil wow he really wanted that half a mill nice okay so that's one thing down I can't even remember what that does to be quite Frank with you I didn't exactly read what it said but I'm sure I'll have enough money to buy if there's anything after that and then next we need to walk over to the adventurers Guild and buy Galaxy Hammer okie dokie how's it going fellas I will take your finest weapon and you know hang on to this because why not that is gonna be nice it already attacks really fast too but you know I'm feeling lucky so I think I'm gonna head back to Ginger Island and probably go ahead and get myself oh wait we're not doing taking the minecart and get myself Artful I have two Prismatic shards so two chances but hey yeah I'm just gonna pray I really just want our full bro Crusader Artful okay let's go and I can add one Ruby one Ruby nice uh okay that's so lucky now I have the best weapon in the game very cool and oh yeah I forgot about I forgot I did this hopefully my 500 000 is going to good use Shifty looking guy I think that's the movie theater now but I genuinely can't remember but whatever all right off to the minds again oh my God it's beautiful give me a ticket I would like to see a movie by myself oh my gosh we get to play the game can this guy do I seriously wait can I I can't play the hell man okay fine get some snacks okay I don't even get snacks okay this place sucks man what the hell all right let's watch this movie Sandy and Emily are here oh cool wow okay that's the end that was a long ass video uh guys thanks for watching if you're still craving more click this video on screen you'll definitely enjoy it it's a similar challenge but different enough that you'll still like it
Channel: Waligug
Views: 735,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xmk1e7K80BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 35sec (7775 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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