How Sick Are You of Your Lifetime Supply Winnings? | People Stories #528

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creditors who want a lifetime supply of something what is it and are you sick of this yet not lifetime supply bid my mom left her job managing a cinema and got an unlimited two-year free pass two tickets per visit close to the end of the two years we lost a pass and reported it lost and they replaced it with a brand new two-year pass so almost four years of cinema for free never got sick of it and love going to the cinema still for your information if you ever see free list suspended on a movie it means you can't use these type of passes i worked at a small town movie theater when i was in high school and we and we could bring a friend could see movies an unlimited amount of times also got unlimited popcorn and pop thinking back i'm sad i didn't take advantage of that more i maybe went three or four times in two years my dad won a year's supply of cat food bitter it was delivered in one go and be the cat didn't like it of course the people at the shelter were super happy though so it ended well my mom got a year supply of dr pepper but it came at a price back in the 90s she got a doctor peppa from a row of vending machines right as the delivery guy was loading up the last one there was a hunk of something when she took the first drink but she thought it was just ice from it being freshly loaded she bit down on it it was a freaking cockroach since the distributor saw it all go down she got free dr pepper for a year it's been almost two decades and she still will not drink a beverage out of the original container she has to pour it into a glass first if this was in the 2000 she would have gotten a lot more than a year's worth of sugar water my brother-in-law went to her contractor's trade show and one of the guys on his crew won a lifetime supply of some kind of locking wrench they gave him one because it comes with a lifetime guarantee i can imagine the smug grin on the vendor's face as he handed it over to him explaining why he would only get one i was given a few cases of reese's peanut butter cups we didn't win them they were just given to us by a store manager 2160 reese's cups it took us months to get through them all even after giving a lot of them away i didn't eat reese's anything for at least 15 years after that 2160 reese's cups that's fewer than six per day my co-worker has a lifetime supply of doritos after dorito truck hit her she hated doritos in the first place and donates her weekly monthly amount to homeless shelters if the doritos truck killed her that would also have been a lifetime supply i won a lifetime supply of shampoo they come in mini bottles each month and are great gifts for people who you don't like that much but you don't want to offend comma great gifts for people who you don't like that much but you don't want to offend i feel like i'd be paranoid about my hair being clean if i received shampoo as a gift won a year's supply of panda express at a local mall met with a lady who handed over a gift card with the equivalent of one year of panda apparently 500 she said and congratulated me not a huge fan of panda and the closest one to me at the time was over an hour away so i didn't get a chance to use the card until months later got to the register to pay with the gift card and the teller said the card had a zero balance didn't want to hold up the line so i paid cash still had the number from the lady that gave me the card called and it was disconnected easy come easy go in a contest i won a lifetime supply of high quality coffee beans contestants had to guess how many beans were in a large glass barrel on display each month three pounds of my choice arrive at regular intervals as i noted here some time ago i give away the excess to friends and family and no one is sick of them yet i know a family that won a lifetime supply of hot dogs the problem was the company decided that the average person eats three hot dogs a day no clue how that's the number they got this sounds fine at first but they didn't want to ship 90 hot dogs a month they sent the full value of one avg lifetime on pallets 90 slash month x 12 months 82 years avg lifespan 88.5 000 hot dogs in one shipment they bought a whole extra freezer to store a bunch but that couldn't hold all so they ended up donating a massive amount to local churches and homeless shelters what were these people thinking i didn't really win a lifetime supply of something but i still got a lifetime supply of eskimo pies for europeans or other editors that don't know eskimo pies are vanilla ice cream bars coated with dark chocolate pretty standard freezer section at the grocery store fair anyway about 15 years ago i bought a box of eskimo pies and went to eat one and promptly cut the crap out of my lip because there was a big butt piece of broken glass inside it i'm aware that this could have been a big payday for me but i'm not real sue happy but i still wanted something done so i took photos called the makers and wrote them a letter with the pictures included basically asking so what are you going to do about this they sent me a letter with a check for 600 and a phone number to call whenever i wanted free eskimo pies with the letter stating that if i cashed the check they are absolved of any responsibility so whenever i want i call and get a coupon for free obvious kimo pies it makes for a good thing to give to co-workers and things like that i would never have eaten another eskimo pie after the glass trust permanently broken my aunt won a year's supply of diet coke it was 365 cans on a mini palette delivered to her home it didn't last nearly a year she has three kids and would share with family and friends i think it lasted a few months tops when i was a kid we opened a box of frosted flakes and it had a card in it that said you won free cereal so we wrote in and a few days later got shipped a crate of 50 boxes of frosted flakes that was fun we're a family of seven so we went through it quickly gave some to friends remember having a box in my locker parents must have been thrilled to have five kids with sugar highs four weeks straight growing up my next door neighbor won a lifetime supply of honeycomb the company would ship them a case a month they planned for like a family of two adults and three kids he was the only kid in the house they had boxes and boxes of the stuff hanging out meant you came home with a box of cereal they moved was slow to update the move with the company and the new neighbors gave me the shipments i thought it was great i'm lactose intolerant and in the 80s honeycomb was one of the best cereals to eat dry non-milk alternative was super expensive in those days thought you meant actual honeycomb our family won a year of free colston ice cream first few months we drove to the store every day and ate a lot of ice creams with all kinds of flavors later we would just drop by once a week and get a bucket full of vanilla ice cream and put it in the freezer maybe add some chocolate when we ate it years later everyone's favorite ice cream is just vanilla and with only original ingredients ah i remember the colston near me back in chicago haven't been there in ages when i was 13 or so my dad won a year supply of snapple among other prizes a jeep a trip to florida a bunch of skateboard gear a meet and greet with tony hawk i remember like a booklet of vouchers like 365 of them and it was six snapples worth of voucher or something my mom used some coupon voodoo and bought it on sale with the vouchers and we got like three four years of this crap anyways long story short my dad hated snapple so he let me and my brother pick it all out we had a garage full of the stuff we drank a ridiculous amount of snapple we gave it away to friends we brought it with our lunches we ended up throwing some away as it started to fade and taste funny we pretty much got sick of it halfway through and started drinking it to get rid of it you wanna keep that's a pretty big small detail there i won a year of free steak at a mid-range steakhouse it was actually one free steak dinner once a month for nine months it wasn't a lifetime supply but my mom used to work for a charity that visited prisons and gave them cookies and tried to start bible studies anyways a frito lays distributor several pallets of bugles to the cause we didn't have anywhere to put them so they loose boxes just kind of spread through the house she'd wrap them at christmas three years maybe four so they'd look like decor she did the math and realized that the prisoners weren't going to eat them all before they expired they were ours as well now she refused to buy any other chips and after a while any other snacks we'd get pumped when she bought crackers for a recipe because we knew she couldn't keep us from getting to the leftover crackers she sent several cases to my sisters when she was at college when my brother moved not only did he get several cases whether he wanted them or not he packed a lot of this thing in bugle boxes she cooked with them we had walking tacos instead of regular tacos the freaking prisons were complaining about bugles by the time they were gone and they only got them twice a month god dang you and the convicts were in bugle's jail i worked at company that was doing a promotion with swanson that was giving away a year's supply of swanson frozen dinners with 365 coupons for a free meal there was some legal reason the contest couldn't go through so my co-worker gave me a stack of like 50 of them i lived next door to a grocery store so for about a two weeks i got one every night i started to just feel awful during the day i was just sluggish and couldn't breath as well i left the remaining stack of coupons sit in my junk drawer for years before i just tossed them likely too much sodium intake one of those swanson meals generally has between 45 and 65 percent of your daily recommended intake of sodium in one meal my brother had a friend who won a year's supply of sandwiches a local sub shop when he was in college that guy was sick of subs by the time his year was up but he still went there almost every day cause he was broke college student who wasn't on a cafeteria plan crap i think everyone would do that even if they were tired of subs i once won't a free year of chick-fil-a they basically just give you 52 combo coupons i kept them in my car and went a lot by the time my coupons were gone the people at chick-fil-a knew me and would just give me free stuff anyway i was in college and it was the best i knew someone who won free pizza for a year from a jane mind you we live in nj with some of the best pizza there is no one is ordering from a chain he bought the whole year worth in one shot and threw a pizza party for the kids at an underprivileged youth camp i once won a year's supply of golden grahams it was shipped to my house in a giant and marked near yellow box my dad thought it was a bomb i'd have been in heaven i wish i could get sick of golden grahams i am doing this thing where i have to keep four chickens alive and healthy and for as long as i can keep this up i get four eggs a day it's been two years and i'm sick of it i've known several people that owned chickens over the years and it taught me an important lesson chickens are like boats you want a friend to own them i remember a comedy bit from a long time ago but i don't remember who it was it was about game shows at the time that would give us a consolation prize a year's supply of turtle wax what does a year's supply of turtle wax even look like i have half a bottle of turtle wax in my garage it used to belong to my father my wife found a nail in a box of cornstarch she wrote to the company a truck pulled up about two weeks later and unloaded a pallet with 52 big boxes of corn starch on it supposedly a one-year supply we gave most of it away and still didn't buy cornstarch for at least 18 months ptf uses two pounds of cornstarch a week not yet i once won a coupon book with 12 coupons for free bags of linda truffles essentially a year's worth of free chocolate no i did not get sick of them that's awesome my husband would go through that in a week though probably my mom won a year's supply of chewitts when me and my brother were kids and we basically had this massive brown box filled with outers of chew it's dropped off at our house we were taking packets of them into school for weeks just trying to get rid of them for your information this was second prize she had wanted the first prize of a new tv i won a year's supply of dog food once it was 12 coupons for five pounds bags luckily for me my dog is tiny and it actually lasted him a year and no they were not aware of how big my dog is lol 60 pounds of dog food would last exactly six weeks in my house i saw a post on my colleges by sell facebook group a while back by a woman who won free pizza for a year from a popular local place one pie a day she was offering to trade pizzas for basically whatever people could offer like rides tutoring clothes etc i filed that idea away for the lucky day that i ever win one of these things when i was 12 i won a completion in the sinclair zx spectrum magazine it was one copy of every game released for the spectrum and three for one year they sent me one game when i won and then around six months later i got a box of about 30 40 games at the time this was huge for me probably around 500 pounds worth of games a massive amount for 12 year old me i still have the spectrum in my loft with some of the games this may be the coolest one yet i won a year's worth of free video rentals a long time ago basically they gave me a card that allowed me to get one per week for a year if i didn't get one that week i lost it i did get rentals most weeks but forgot once in a while i think it was good for new releases which was cool unfortunately i moved a few months before the year was up so i gave the card to my ex mill current mill at the time i was super poor so it was nice while it lasted i won a free year supply of burritos at free boots which really equated to one burrito a week but they have a points system so they just gave me a card with enough points to get 52 burritos the cool thing was they were messing up in the first four months they were taking the points but then they were adding points as if i was purchasing them wasn't supposed to happen i got an extra four or five burritos out of it anyways i graduated college and moved to the other side of town and still had about 20 burritos worth of points they didn't expire so i gave it to my pastor as payment for officiating my wedding worked out great i'm surprised your pastor took that as payment not me but a friend of mine won free whataburger for a year in one of those games they played during timeouts at a spurs basketball game what he actually ended up getting was 52 coupons for one free just a burger which is basically the junior burger limit one per visit so basically he got one free burger a week but still had to pay for fries drinks and anything else he wanted not the worst thing in the world i suppose but still not what he was expecting shame that it was such a lame limit otherwise be right back daily honey bbq chicken strip sandwiches and sweet tea hnn nnng my wife won a year's supply of food from a particular company every month a gargantuan box would arrive stacked to the brim with all sorts of different foods it was like christmas once a month because we had no idea what we were going to get each time it was fantastic and the most varied my diet has ever been at the end of the year they forgot to send out our last one so instead they just gave a coat to my wife to spend on a final box we forgot to even use it for another year later but it was less exciting because we knew exactly what we were getting she also won a year's free subscription to sky the biggest package with all the channels as well it worked on their part because we've been willing customers for the last eight years so i can't complain with that one either i promise i'm not a shill but if you enjoy that experience there's a thing called munchpak that i get they send you random snacks from around the world it's super fun i won a year's worth of nappies after we had our son lasted two kids and 2.5 years d i also won a year's supply of tim tams but i don't like chocolate gives me migraines so i gave it away i was pretty popular that year my aunt couldn't eat chocolate because of migraines for her it started with dairy and eventually she could barely eat anything going through menopause finally put an end to most of the migraines she's still a pretty miserable person though lol i won a year supply of chipotle there are only so many triple meat triple guac burritos one person can eat i sold the rest on ebay and haven't been back in nine years i didn't win it but a couple of years ago i had three huge boxes delivered to my house full of lavender scented organic sun cream it turned out that the delivery guy got the address mega wrong and it was supposed to go to some pharmacy i tried contacting the people but to no avail i ended up giving most of it away to friends family in the local church this doesn't look like a walgreens but it's the address i've got oh well i've been a cook at six different restaurants and while not winning a lifetime supply of anything i can eat the food for free about six months in at any restaurant you start to get real creative with the food cause you get bored with it i worked specifically in pizza oh the levels of excitement i felt when i started at places that served sandwiches as well one place had pasta the freaking opulence of it all someone that i worked with won free pizza for life but at one point they were saying she came in far too much in the end they limited the pizzas to two a day note she didn't go every day but would get a few on the weekends when friends were over etc wtflol1 pizza a day is fairly cheeky emo like are you using this pricey one for good or bad the fact she was trying to get three plus pizzas a day is just taking the pee when i was a kid i won a lifetime supply of lipton iced tea between me and my friends we went through it in less than two years a lifetime supply is a projected number based off the average users drinking habits oh and i never want to drink a lipton iced tea ever ever again so technically they were right then i guess lol enough for two years before you never want to drink it again when i was four my mom got a diet pepsi out of the fridge and opened the can and went to take a drink and stopped and said she smelled something funny almost like rotten eggs she promptly got a glass and poured the contents out to find a bloated festering cigarette butt floating in the glass she immediately started throwing up and she was furious she would occasionally give me or my sister a drink as a treat and even though i was pestering her as she opened it she said no this time thank god she called pepsico the same day and they sent her to escalations where they said they argued that it must have came from her since they don't allow smoking on the production floor this was in 2000 btw so smoking indoors was frowned upon but not illegal like it is today they told my mom to send the canon the contents of said can to them for testing they did some tests and concluded that the sig butt was in the can sealed for approximately one year before she opened it they sent her 312 coupons for free cases of any pepsi product with no expiration date my mom never drank dark pepsi again and always pours her drink in a glass now no matter what it is we got four cases that first october after it happened and we handed out full-sized cans of pepsi mountain dew and root beer that year we ended up getting the last 10 cases all at once and donating them to the rescue mission here in idaho because we were all sick of soda after a few years lol i always think about it anytime i open a can of soda i once won a year's supply of taco bell tacos they sent me a huge stack of coupons and i just have to go in hand over a few and get my tacos i gave tons away and was still pretty sick of taco bell pretty quickly my brother won a year supply of bubble gum through a contest a little league fundraiser was doing it was 104 packs he got all at once two packs per week x52 not sure how they came up with two packs per week we gave most of it out on halloween he missed an opportunity to out georgia leno you guys are making me feel like i'm the only person who never won anything of the sort seriously i never even met anyone who did scroll up there is someone casually talking about the three times he she won stuff like that not me but my little brother won a lifetime supply of baby shampoo we stopped getting in years ago i think my mom got sick of it and told them to stop we still have some though if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 43,350
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Keywords: lifetime supply winners, lifetime supply of chocolate, lifetime supply of kfc, lifetime supply, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: U0cgst0wVu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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