10 Horrible Ways Animals Can End You

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His videos are great, glad that he uploads his compilations on YouTube, otherwise I would have never known of him

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Cr0ma_Nuva 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2022 đź—«︎ replies

In many ways, this is a disturbing video, so viewer discretion is very much advised

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Anthony-Minimum-4984 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2022 đź—«︎ replies
hope y'all didn't think you were safe just cause Halloween's over this video was actually supposed to be posted on Halloween but um I don't even have an excuse to just be like that not much of an intro this time so here's 10 horrible ways animals can put your autobiography in the History Section not necessarily in order but it does get brutal so I'm gonna do something I've never done before viewer discretion is very much advised that's the only warning you're gonna get when that music starts it's up also I kind of owe y'all more Halloween content so if this gets a certain number of likes I'll do a part two all that aside let's get to the content when you think of some of the apex predators on the planet you might think of heavyweights like lions bears crocodiles and of course you got the biggest bully in the ocean not the seal but the killer whale dragging it but what you probably don't think of is a prehistoric steroid gecko found in only remote islands in the world and that's exactly what makes the Komodo dragon one of the most underrated killers on the planet this homicide lizard can grow to 10 feet long weigh nearly 200 pounds and swim and can run faster than your mental health is prepared for this video isn't sped up but the most lethal thing about them is something you can't see the Komodo dragon has up to 60 razor sharp serrated kitchen knives for teeth tough enough to dissect the full-grown Buffalo and tear flesh and chunks but it's how they catch their prey that's unsettling it was believed that a komodo septic bite was potent enough to cause his victim to retire to a bacterial infection but it turns out this modern day dinosaur uses a toxic venom that injects into its prey this Venom reduces the body's blood clotting abilities and makes it more likely for you to bleed out once wounded other symptoms include lowering your blood pressure shock and muscle paralysis and that last one's going to be real important later the Venom's so powerful that just one bite can be a death sentence for a tank like a water buffalo which means Komodo doesn't have to waste energy trying to chase down a meal all they have to do is critically wound their prey and then wait for them to die and because these reptiles that time left behind are only found on remote islands and they have a borderline disrespectful sense of smell there's almost no point on the island you can go where this lizard Liam Neeson won't eventually track you down and the reason Perales is being a symptom is such a problem is because komodo's one exactly wait for their prey to be past tense just as long as they're too weak to fight back or run away cause these lizards will eat their prey alive but the only relief coming when you eventually Flatline the blood loss and even though Venom's the main suspect you can still get clapped by a slow painful bacterial infection the First Response of animals like Buffalo after they've been wounded is to escape into nearby water going into unclean water with an open wound is how you lose your life to a horrific case of sepsis and again your life doesn't have to end for his meal to begin not only have Komodo dragons been known to attack humans they've been recorded seeking out human Graves digging out the corpses and then feeding on whatever human remains they find nothing on this island is safe from a komodo not even another Komodo cause Komodo hatchlings will spend most of their childhood up in the trees why adult komodos are cannibals that'll devour any young dragons they run into even if it ends up being their own children we're talking about a 10-foot venomous steroid chameleon that'll track you down no matter where you go and will Friendly Fire its own kind and it's only the first animal on this list we talked about these Wing basters a couple videos ago so this is going to be a quick one now plenty of birds eat other birds but few are as sadistic about it as these overgrown ice vultures even though giant petrols are scavengers they will Target and jump weaker injured Penguins as well as snatch up any unaccompanied penguin chicks they can find just like a lot of animals you're gonna see on this list giant pretzels will eat their struggling prey alive in groups and they have a nasty habit of breaking in through the back door I can't show you but there are videos of these prison pigeons pulling out the intestines of a penguin through its anus all while the pain was alive and fighting for his life and the sanctity of his booty he lost both and it's not just penguins that get victimized giant petrols will attack other sea birds like the albatross and put them out of commission by forcing them underwater until they drown but nobody gets it worse than Penguins the giant petrol is so vicious that once one snatches a chick its parents usually won't even bother trying to save its life meaning Happy Feet could have ended with Mumble getting brutally shawshanked by a gang of flying booty band it's all while his parents just sat and watched and since a penguin's vital organs are protected by a layer a fat Penguins can take a lot of damage before permanently piecing out alternatively Penguins can suffer through hours of abuse before experiencing the sweet release of death one researcher watched a gang of about 20 petrols tear apart a Palin that had already been mauled by a first seal until there was nothing but a skeleton with feet attached don't think you're safe the southern giant petrol has been nicknamed a stinker because they'll feed on any rotting decaying carcass to the point where these birds will tailgate boats and consume whatever foul putrid nastiness the sailors dumped off petrols eat the same way they live with no conscience so if you're ever injured or incapacitated somewhere in the anti to pray that helped finds you before this bird does you won't be a fan of how that movie ends it'll end the same way if you're ever chased by a pack of African wild dogs in a neighborhood with lions and hyenas these dogs are actually the most efficient killers on the planes with a hunting success rate of about 80 percent these African bush cujo's have a very complex and nuanced hunting strategy they just keep running these killer canines can run you down at speeds of nearly 40 miles per hour for a distance of over 3 miles and in a Sprint they can clock in at a blistering 45 all running away doesn't delay the inevitables like hitting the snooze button on death once the prey gets chased into exhaustion the dogs will clamp those jaws around the panicking prey snout and flank and force it to the ground and for the third time on this list they don't wait for you to stop breathing to start eating and the bigger and stronger you are the more you suffer cause they're able to put down animals like warthogs and as little as 2-5 minutes but tank your animals like the wildebeest can spend the last 40 minutes of its life being gruesomely mauled by a pack of about 15 merciless murder hounds and once the entire pack has you surrounded there's virtually Zero Escape and African wild dogs have the unsettling habit of starting meals off by tearing a hole in the abdomen and pulling the intestines out so they can get to the organs and fat first to add insult to life canceling injury unlike Lions African wild dogs give puppies priority and let them eat first so not only would you still get disemboweled it would be the cutest members of the pack doing it first basically imagine being chased by a gang of animals that never get tired while knowing once they catch you they'll confiscate your intestines and feed on your organs all while you wait for the man upstairs to call your number what could possibly be worse than that well hyenas are everything African wild dogs are but on juice and even though hyenas are genetically closer to cats and mongooses hyenas basically behaved like dogs on steroids thanks to Lion King people believe hyenas were just cowardly scavengers that only survived by scrounging a living off of other animals the truth is not only do hyenas personally murk 70 to 80 percent of their meals they're actually more efficient at it than lions are and it's all because hyenas and African wild dogs have one very unsettling thing in common they're both serial killers on Duracell meaning the bastards never get tired spotted hyenas can run at high speeds for over five miles without even thinking about being tired which is why they don't have to Ambush or one shot their prey like lions they'll just chase them into Oblivion until one of them gives up and hyenas don't give up it doesn't help that hyenas have Jaws strong enough to amputate a rhino with a bite strength of about a thousand pounds of force hyenas are tough enough to eat virtually any part of an animal they have such a habit of eating the bones of the deceased that their poop often comes out white with a vice grip for a mouth and the eating habits of a coffin if a clan of ions is your serious finale then the only thing your family will have left to bury our memories because once you're on this overgrown mongoose's meal prep there won't be a lot of you left to put in the casket and since there can be up to 80 members in a clan and just one can take down 30 pounds of meat in one sitting you would basically be a Ritz cracker to them but if I'm being honest the real reason hyenas are on this list is because of this video and guys yeah I'll go feel this one hyenas have a devious habit of going for the family Honeypot but it is for a reason hyenas don't have the ability to instantly end their prey the way big cats do so for larger animals like the Buffalo it's way easier to perform a hands-free vasectomy and just wait for blood loss to do the work for you imagine a mousetrap on your baby Factory but with the force of an adult moose stepping on it yeah this next animal is probably going to be the most unexpected on this list but let me paint a picture take a wolverine right put it on Creatine give it the personality of a power tool and then dump it in the same area code as some of the most vicious carnivores in the jungle this face of generational trauma belongs to the sloth bear yes the one from Jungle Book sloth bears may not look like much they're easily dwarfed by some of the more brolic bears one of which may be on this list they're not even super notorious Predators as insectivores or sloth bears grocery list is mostly ants and termites but don't let the sloth in this name fool you these furry chainsaws know how to get active sloth bears share an environment with leopards and tigers and tigers have been known to actively hunt and eat them which is why the sloth bear is one of the most aggressively homicidal Bears out there even though they have a size disadvantage a pissed off slothy has been known to drive off even the most motivated tiger and sometimes these Bears clutch a 2V1 and since sloth bears can't escape in trees like American black bears just like nature told this dark-skinned poo that violence was his only option years of character development means this demon yoga will view almost anything alive as a a threat and that includes humans sloth bear attacks are incredibly brutal the same claws they use to destroy concrete like termite mounts can disembowel you with one swipe and unlike Grizzlies because sloth bears do have to worry about Predators they're much more likely to attack on provoked according to first-hand accounts sloth bears will often Maul their victims and then chew and suck on their limbs until they're reduced to a bloody mushy pulp sloth bears also typically go for the face incapacitating their victims while biting and slashing to the point where neither your mother or your iPhone can recognize you and of course an animal that motivated usually won't stop until you're not moving which is why even in Tiger country more people get sent to the emergency room by the balloons of the Jungle and if you're really unlucky if one's able to sever a critical artery with those adamantium fingernails and your series finale will involve you bleeding into the Afterlife one man was able to survive a particularly brutal mauling at the hands or Paws Of This Bear he recalled feeling immense pressure as the bear tackled him put its full weight on him and crushed his leg in its jaws like a celery stick when the bear was put out of commission the man thought he got off easy until he looked at his leg and realized the bear had torn an entire chunk of his flesh to the point where he could see his muscles moving and in rare cases these Bears have been known to snap at one Infamous bear known as a sloth bear of Mysore had a human body count of at least 12 people while having also severely mauled another dozen so when I call this bear a box cutter with claws I'm talking about both its personality and the way its victims tend to look after but of course it's not the only bear on this list because when you're one of the few animals that'll actively hunt humans you're guaranteed a spot thanks to global warming most of the polar bears hunting range is now underwater A desperate polar bear will even attempt to go after walruses even though walruses can one shot them with those tusks but a starving bear will resort to putting humans on the list if they get the chance polar bear is like a maxed out Bloodhound they can smell a seal from a mile away and they can even track a scent through three feet of ice which is why it's been said if you see this caucasian carnivore in the wild it's already too late there's a good chance the Bears been hunting you for hours or even longer this is Tim Jarvis and during an expedition in the Arctic he was allegedly stalked by a polar bear for a total of 10 days now add the fact that they can outswim every hit at the Olympics and Sprint fast enough to get a ticket in a school zone and you'll see why getting on this ice Killer's radar is a death sentence remember how African wild dogs tear into their prey while still alive bears are just triple XL dogs that are usually clamp their jaws on the praise back to disable it and the back is usually where they start eating from with the intestines being one of of the first things to get pulled out also polar bears are estimated to have a bite force of about 1 200 pounds per square inch believed to be strong enough to crack a bowling ball and if one paw swipes your back at best you'll be a paraplegic at worst you'll be a hashtag and at least sloth Bear's attack out of self-defense when a polar bear puts someone on the news you can be sure it was 100 premeditated and the worst part of it all is that normally polar bears wouldn't see humans as Happy Meals they prefer the fat nutrient-rich seal but because of what we've done to their Hood now polar bear doesn't even need to see you or hear you if you're a mile downwind of a starving polar bear that could really be all it takes remember the rule of thumb if it's black fight back if it's brown best get on the ground if it's white like the president you finna be Heaven Sent the African Wilderness has some of the most vicious and violent Predators on the planet some of them we've actually already talked about so it says a lot to add of all of them the one nicknamed Black Death is actually a vegetarian the African Cape buffalo race is about 200 names from the Census each year that's not counting the people that live but still get severely gored they're also strong enough to Ragdoll top tiers like lions hyenas and of course people those horns aren't just for intimidation when a cave Buffalo charges the hooked end of its horns can get caught Under the Skin and tear apart the Flesh of a predator or a Taurus that just doesn't know any better of course at 1300 pounds they don't need horns to end you they could easily just trample you into a Chalk Outline but there's another thing about them that makes them not only a walking obituary but earn them another nickname the Widowmaker because one of the fastest ways to get a divorce is to tell your husband to go hunt a k Buffalo because then you'll probably go to bed single and that's because this Widowmaker is one of the most vengeful animals on earth a wounded cape buffalo will often Retreat and hide in tall grass or brush now if the hunter has more than one brain cell he'll usually just give up and leave the beast on alone but if you make the mistake of following the injured animal then you run the risk of getting ambushed and not clear into the ground and after hitting you the Cape buffalo will just back up and wait for you to get back on your feet just so they can hit stick you again they'll keep doing this until you just stop getting up that's just what one can do to you these guys can travel in hoods of up to 200 and these herds will often Circle a possible threat leaving no possibility for escape and they'll just keep circling until one eventually sees an opening and attempts to impale you and the same rules apply if you're still moving they're not finished that kind of attitude is why lions cosplay as house cats when a herd of buffalo is involved and why hunting one should come with a life insurance package and out of the entire starting lineup known as the African Big Five these murder cows are considered to be the biggest threat but ironically one of the most feared mammals on the entire continent isn't on this list yeah no suspense here hippos are just waterproof horses with a sender's address from Hell hippos put about 500 names and Twitter bios a year and that number is probably higher they're famous for choosing violence with anything in their territory from Antelope and crocodile bruh all the way to Lions humans and literally everything else like if you have a pulse they'll find a reason to hate you in fact the biggest threat to a hippo's way of life is very literally often another hippo because oftentimes when resources are low bull hippos will see babies as competition and will turn the adorable infants into fish food here's a dark joke for you where did the baby hippo go after the baby shower everywhere he went everywhere despite being the third heaviest thing on the planet with legs hippos can run at speeds of 30 miles per hour and they can outswim you or technically outrun because hippos don't swim they literally run underwater and I don't think that makes this video any better but just like actress Tiana Trump it's that mouth that makes him Infamous bull hippos have tough that can max out at 20 inches long and it can slam their jaws at nearly 2 000 pounds of force but if you've ever seen one eat a watermelon you already knew that which is why the biggest mistake a Croc can make is pull up to a hippo pool party because it can end up getting turned into a purse and the biggest mistake a person can make is getting too close I hope this is photoshopped hippos are one of those animals that don't need a reason to turn you into a statistic hippos don't typically eat meat but their attacks all involves using that massive overbite and chewing a person into human applesauce and it's the attacks and water that are the most brutal even if you survive the toll for crossing hippo territory can cause an arm a leg multiple broken bones and even a punctured lung or two one tourist guide in Zimbabwe was allegedly swallowed by this land well not once but three times and you want to know the worst thing about getting deep throated by this obese demon donkey other than the smell it's knowing that your options are to either stay inside and suffocate or try to escape and end up negotiating your left arm in the process as for the tourist guide by the time he got out he had suffered 38 bite wounds including one so nasty it exposes lungs and completely crushed one of his arms this man rescued an orphan baby hippo from a flood and raised him as his own he even named it Humphrey and said it was like a sun to him well Humphrey ended up modeling and mutilating his foster father in the same river he was rescued from that's honestly how most movies with hippos end but at least hippos are so massive they're impossible to miss the next animal is the size of a golf ball but can turn 26 people into a very loaded story on CNN the blue ring octopus is a lot of things tiny cute and it's one of the most venomous things alive it's armed with a neurotoxin called tetradotoxin and a lethal dose for a human could fit on the head of a pin plenty of animals are venomous in Australia from the jellyfish right down to the Perrys but there's one disturbing fact about blue ring octopus the blue ring octopus is so small that most people don't even realize when they've been bitten and because they're so small and cute some people will put the octopus in their hands not realizing they're putting their lives in the octopuses because not only is Tetra the toxin 10 000 times more powerful than cyanide the neurotoxin shuts down muscles by blocking sodium channels this decision can lead to muscle paralysis respiratory failure cardiac arrested and a permanent rest which is why one of the smallest animals on this list can turn you into past tense in as little as 30 minutes and remember you don't feel when this blue ring Bundy bites you meaning you can hold it like this for three seconds and then Flatline in the same hour and if you're swimming while that paralysis hits use your imagination oh and there's no antidote all medical professionals can do is hook you up to a respirator and manage your breathing just long enough to keep you alive but with immediate medical attention the chances of getting put in a casket by this blue ring hellspawn are actually pretty low but with a bite that's impossible to feel it's very possible to not realize you've been wounded and without medical attention the chance of your soul getting evicted suddenly becomes a lot higher which means this lady just barely eurostept becoming a name on a stone in one of the worst ways possible because anything that tries this hard to be seen is probably more toxic than future that goes for octopus and people this last one deserves its own viewer discretion warning because in some ways it's the most disturbing animal on this list not only does it have the highest human body count you can be a victim and not even realize it that's because it's believed that over 1 billion people in the world are infected with parasitic worms they're especially a problem in places with limited access to clean drinking water but don't think this is just some third world problem all you have to do is swim in waters containing eggs and you can lose the lottery and become a landlord to these parasites once inside you these worms can cause a bunch of nasty infections and complications but there's one disease that really stands out these demonic flesh ropes are filarial worms and they're as thin as sewing threads and their favorite hangout spot is in your lymph nodes where a bunch of them can block fluids from leaving the body which can cause tissues in the body to swell almost like a disturbing cartoon which is how a worm you need a microscope to see can cause a nightmares condition known as elephantiasis the situation where your leg can swell to the same size and color as an elephant's and it doesn't just give you Dumbo sized cankles all guidelines will allow me to say is Google's South Park wheelbarrow get infected with filarials and you might need one but the unsettling part is you may never know you've been violated by filarials until it's too late millions of people around the world are infected and a lot of them have no idea which means of course statistically someone watching this video has to have it if it makes you feel any better if you live in America you apparently can't get infected with filarial worms but you're not safe from the hundreds of other parasites that can turn your insides into an Airbnb around the world hundreds of millions of people are infected with parasitic worms as we speak and if you happen to be asymptomatic they can put a whole mortgage down on your body and you would be the last to know and that's just about it for this video if you actually enjoyed this video first of all you're a psychopath but also my patreon is going to be in the description in case you want to support this very questionable content in fact you could have watched this video two days before I posted it on patreon but as always please don't feel like you have to send money in order to show support please feel like you have to subscribe though I'm not playing with y'all subscribe or I'm just gonna assume you have worms also follow my Instagram if for no other reason but to help me get verified there's videos on there too but honestly I just want that blue check more than a Crippen Nike athlete happy Halloween drink water hug your mother and have a nice day even though I probably just ruined it
Channel: Casual Geographic
Views: 4,826,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video, Sharing, Camera phone, Video phone, Free, Animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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