Cracking the Code of Cicada 3301| EPISODE 1

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(pulsating music) (slow orchestral music) - [Brian] On January 5th, 2012, a group calling itself 3301 posted a mysterious message on the internet. - [Computer] Hello. We are looking for highly intelligent individuals. To find them, we have devised a test. There is a message hidden in this image. - [Brian] The hidden message led to a series of other riddles, codes leading to phone messages, which provided GPS coordinates for posters around the world. - A mysterious group has been posting extremely complicated puzzles on the internet. - [Reporter] Solving the puzzles requires an esoteric knowledge, computer programming, hidden codes, history, art, and literature as obscure as Medieval Welsh poetry. - [Brian] The puzzle was called Cicada and appeared to be a recruiting tool for a secretive organization that called itself 3301. - [Marcus] I was obsessed. It was just all Cicada, all the time. I didn't sleep a whole lot. I was basically just holed up in my room. I really wanted to find the answer. - [Brian] In January 2013, a new Cicada puzzle appeared with more elaborate clues, surrounding Cicada with even more intrigue. - There was not a class that went by and not a shift of work that I didn't have my laptop open. It was my life. - [Brian] No one knew who created the puzzles or what their intentions were. - [Marcus] I wasn't sure if it was like a government recruitment or some underground hacking group. I'm torn then and still torn. - [Brian] And soon, Cicada became one of the greatest mysteries of the internet. - This is hugely elaborate. It's a very, very involved game. (orchestral music) - [Brian] In 2014, the puzzle reached its height of complexity, with a book of encrypted symbols called the "Liber Primus." It's 58 pages long. - Two of them are solved to this day. The contents of the rest are a complete mystery. - The "Liber Primus" it's encrypted, which obscures the original message, right? And the search space itself for the possible messages that it could be is nearly infinity. - [Brian] The "Liber Primus" was so hard, most people just gave up. But a small group of amateur puzzle solvers from around the world banded together and refused to quit. - [Onecool] There's no one person who's gonna be better than a giant group of like-minded individuals working together. - We have never had a puzzle that we took that much time to solve and still could not do it. - [Shadow Walker] We can get into these zones where we focus on one thing so intensely, we become consumed by it. Other people might consider it an obsession, but to us this is perfectly normal. - If I were to explain Cicada in just one sentence, it's a puzzle after a puzzle after a puzzle, presumably leading to some payoff. Even when you get to the payoff, you are left wondering what exactly just happened to you. - [Computer] The key has always been right in front of your eyes. Good luck, 3301. (gentle music) - [Brian] I'm Brian Bura. I've been an investigative journalist for 35 years. I've taken on mysteries large and small all over the world. New York, Hollywood, Tokyo, Jerusalem, Kathmandu. There are very few major mysteries in the world that ever stay mysteries forever. Cicada, it's out there, and it's an unknown. What is this thing? Why is this thing? Who is this thing? These individuals from all over the planet have been working on Cicada puzzles since 2012. I am dying to know what makes them tick, what drives them on this almost Sisyphean task that is Cicada 3301. They've spent three years trying to find an answer to the "Libra Primus," and members of the group as still searching. - [Woman] You think it's unsolvable? - We used to think it was unsolvable, but like now we think it could be. - [Man] Do you have a printout, let's look at it. - I'm not gonna magically solve it by looking at it. - No, no, like it'll-- - There's some cool art in there. It's been our life. - Sounds obsessive. - [Man] It is obsessive. - [Brian] They are convinced a solution is out there. They're still hopeful, because one of them actually solved the first puzzle back in 2012 and got further into the world of Cicada than anyone before or since. And he was only 15 years old at the time. - I'm Marcus Wanner, and I'm one of the people who solved the original Cicada puzzle in 2012. I was just about your average 15-year-old kid. I grew up in rural Southwest Virginia. I didn't feel like I really had a whole lot of friends because I was homeschooled. Yeah, I missed out on a few things, but most of it came down to bull crap high school relationships and bull crap middle school drama. I had a lot of free time, playing around and exploring stuff. And I was always really curious, but what I was actually doing was building a career by accident. My dad was an electrical engineer, and he showed me how to solder and stuff. I spent about two or three years frying every single electronic component that I touched, because I didn't understand what they did. I used to make fireworks, little bombs and stuff. We made a mortar that shot tennis balls around one time. You take a bunch of Pringles tubes and duct tape, fill it up with a little gasoline, and you light the gas fumes, and suddenly your tennis ball is in the neighbor's yard. I like to use technology to solve interesting problems and do things that you wouldn't normally be able to do. I was just hanging out on 4chan one Saturday night, 'cause that's what homeschool kids do. There's a lot of really disturbing content on there. It's definitely not a place where you take everything that's said at face value, because nobody has a name attached to them. I was on the science and math board. I saw the 3301 image recruiting people. And I'm like, "Well, how would I hide data in this image?" There was an IRC server link in the thread that was on the board. It's an online chatroom, right, IRC. We had two or three messages a second that were popping up in this chatroom. It's scrolling faster than you can read it. I don't think I slept that night. What they had done is just taken plain text and stuck it on the end of the files. It was pretty easy to tell that it was a URL, because it was one letter, two of the same letter, two different letters, and then two of the same thing, which is, you know, http://. You get the idea. We got to the URL, and it was actually a duck. We were supposed to take these words. We'll see if you can guess how to get the message out. They recognized out and guess and were like, "Oh, OutGuess." OutGuess is just a tool that you can use to hide text inside of a JPEG image. They're meant to be impossible to detect. That's the idea steganography or hiding messages inside of other messages. The stego stuff is more like if you went into a room with a china cabinet and you rearranged the china in the cabinet slightly, like blue cup is on the third shelf, to signal a message. Stego tools like OutGuess, it's like just trying a bunch of different ways of interpreting the china cabinet till you find one where a message falls out. After we did the OutGuess, it started giving us a phone number. We were like, "Oh, a phone number, that's weird." (phone dial beeping) We had no idea what to expect at that point. - [Computer] Very good, you have done well. There are three prime numbers associated with the original final .JPEG image. 3301 is one of them. You will have to find the other two. - It was just a generic phone number. We tried to pull the records on it. Some people tried to social engineer some folks who worked there. And it turns out that their customer support people couldn't actually access the records for that particular number. I thought that was kind of weird. - [Computer] Multiply all three of these numbers together and add a .com on the end to find the next step. Good luck, goodbye. - So Cicada told us that there were three prime numbers in the original message that we had started with. First one was 3301, but the other two were a little bit harder to find. They were just the dimensions of the image. So we multiplied them and we got this .com address. It was just a plain white website with a cicada on it and a countdown timer to like a day or two in the future. Once the countdown was over, they posted all of these coordinates in different places across the world. Moscow, Sydney, Seoul. Got it right there. It's taped, you can see the corners. Suddenly, it's not, we just need to solve this puzzle. It looks the same on everybody's screens. Who gives a shit where we are? We started reaching out to people and actually figuring out where everybody was. And that was how we found out some of us lived near each other and sort of laid the groundwork for the community that's sprung up ever since. So the QR code led us to "Agrippa." A science fiction author named William Gibson created this "Agrippa" poem that was both printed in a book where the pages would dissolve when exposed to air, and also on a floppy drive that would erase itself after printing out the text of the book once. It just disappears. But we were able to get a copy of it. A few weeks later, we got a signed and encrypted email from 3301. - [Computer] We are not a hacker group. - [Marcus] Cicada said overtly that they weren't into doing any illegal stuff. - [Computer ] We ask that you cease and desist all illegal activity. - [Marcus] They said that they were something like a think tank, hobbyists, volunteer-type of an organization. - [Computer] There's one last step, and we expect you to be honest with us. - They said we were ready for the next step but we had to answer some questions first. There were questions about digital liberty, freedom of information, some ideological things that they were working towards as one of their organization's goals. I replied to the email with all of those answers, and then I just had to sit and wait. After a month, I found out I was a member of Cicada. - [Nox] Marcus and I have been friends since before the Cicada years. It was him who convinced me to come and try it out. He's certainly by far one of the smartest people I know. We met on IRC, actually, Marcus and I. - [Brian] On January 6, 2013, Cicada tweeted out a second major puzzle. It attracted many new would-be solvers, one of whom goes by the name Nox Populi. - I'm Nox Populi. I'm 28 years old. I'm from Alberta; it's a prairie province, middle of Canada, middle of nowhere, really. There's nothing in hours in every direction from here. It is just empty plains out forever. And I mean, the city sort of reflects it. I have a full-time job. I do these cryptography puzzles in my free time. I have a YouTube series on Cicada. Hello and welcome to part one of my 2013 Cicada 3301 series. The whole point of this YouTube channel I set up was this one big attempt to explain this to a layperson. So if we go to file a new certificate, we can make our own identity here. I'm terrible at coming up with usernames; they're all bad. Nox Populi, I'd actually never intended anyone to hear that username. I was listening to a song called "Vox Populi," which is the Latin term "voice of the people." At the time, my girlfriend's cat was named Nox, and he had trapped himself under a bowl under my desk and was bumping into my feet and meowing. So it was just the two things I had at the time I just threw together and moved on. To be honest, I'm gonna sleep with my phone on max volume, so if it comes at like four in the morning, someone just wake me up. I'll get on here, it doesn't matter. All right, I'm gonna head, guys. There's sort of like three levels of the community. If you go just up to the general internet, the number of people interested in Cicada is ridiculously large. There's things like Facebook Groups. There's the Wiki. Massive amounts of people. But most of those people have never actually worked on Cicada. They're just kind of interested in it. Then you kind of take a step closer in, and there's the IRC communities; that's more looking to work on something. But even that, that's a massive group. When you're actually working on Cicada, you pick the few people you know you're good at working with, because you're really gonna be doing this at insanely fast pace. And you also need to be sure you can trust that if they make a discovery, they're not just gonna run off without you, that sort of thing. You get this step in 2013. Every time you take another piece of it off, there's just more and more complexity. You get this link; it takes you to this DropBox. It's just a DropBox links to a file, and there's no extension on the file. It ends up being this disk image. So what you would do is boot from that instead of your operating system. It's an operating system on its own, so it's sort of like the Cicada OS that you're loading into on your computer, which is actually kind of terrifying. It's got the whole Linux file structure. Dig around in there, and that's where the song first comes from, just sitting in one of the temp folders. It was called 761.mp3. If you start looking into all the different tags on it, it was called "The Instar Emergence." (guitar music) Kind of classical guitar at first and then starts kind of getting weirder and weirder. (guitar music) There's this unique composed piece of music just for the few people would ever find it on this disk. The further we went into the puzzle, the more obscure the clues became. The Mayan numerals, early 1900s occult stuff. Aleister Crowley, Zen, Buddhism, Futhark runes. Every time you move anywhere in Cicada, all of the other layers of it just burst open. An exceptional amount of work has gone into making all of these individual, tiny pieces, meticulously fit together. It's like opening the face of your watch for the first time. You have no concept of how all of those gears somehow work into seconds, minutes, and hours. But suddenly you can see the scope of it, and it's staggering. Finally, you get to this website, and it starts a timer and starts putting questions up on screen. A large part of it was multiple choice. My favorite one is everyone understands what you mean when you say it's dark outside. What does it refer to in the previous sentence? They might have an answer, they might not. It's trying to make you think. It's sort of like all the zen jokes about a sound of one hand clapping. There's not really a good explanation for what's happening, but the timer's going down. (pulsating music) - [Computer] Very good. To attain enlightenment, create a gbg key for your email address. - So I got the invitation; I sent back my response. I was so excited, and then I was waiting. Days turned into weeks, no response. Nothing ever came. - [Brian] On January 5th, 2014, Cicada released its third major puzzle, a series of steps that led to a 58-page book of symbols. They called it the "Liber Primus." - It's 58 pages in a language you don't speak. It's insane, staggering. We had no starting point. We don't know if it's steganography. It could've been anything. 'Cause no individual person knows enough to even start tackling it alone, because it's just, there's too many options. Any one person could work on it the rest of their lives and probably not get half way. No one particularly stood out until Onecool. He was consistently putting out ideas no one else had and work that should have been done and no one else was doing. - [Onecool] I'm actually gonna show you guys something. Look at this. I believe that this message is a hint. Seek and you'll be found. - Yeah, okay. - "Liber Primus" is away. I think this is them saying you guys still have to solve this before anything else happen. - I think what you were getting at, Onecool, is "Liber Primus" is the way because of this message. (gentle music) - Onecool, there's not much of a story behind it, other than the movie "Hackers," he was Zero Cool. It was the first movie I ever had on my computer, and I watched it, and I loved it. My brother was like, "You should be Onecool." I was like, "All right." Been Onecool since mid 2000-something. Growing up in a small town in Nebraska, it had about a thousand people. We lived pretty close to the train tracks, and then right across the train tracks is kind of just like nothing. I was in 4-H, and we would raise these calves, feed 'em, brush 'em, walk 'em. You trained them to like walk circles and be nice looking animals. Growing up in that town, I wasn't a popular kid or anything. That was when I really got into computers 'cause I was just like, I don't have any friends. Then I found my computer friends in middle and high school. My mom wouldn't pay for this game monthly, so I had to learn how to host my own server with it and set it all up, and just trying to solve these problems, so I could have fun with my brothers. I went to college for computer engineering and my master's in mathematics. I work in the field of cryptography. Cryptography is technically a munition. It's a huge valuable tool in war. So my knowledge of this cryptography, it classifies me as a weapon. So I'm like a walking missile. When I first saw the "Liber Primus," I wasn't sure if we were gonna be able to solve it. They introduced the difficulty of not using English. So that itself raised the bar right away to be like, well, you can't just like type this out on your keyboard, you have to like transcribe each one of these old Nordic runes. I spent many nights transcribing it letter by letter. So there's a lot to the "Liber Primus." Seems like the more time we spent on it, the more little oddities we find. One of the pages was not encrypted. It was only written in Runic, so it was a matter of substituting a rune for the English letters. So that was easy. Another page was encrypted with a stream of numbers. So the result of solving the second-to-last page was a message that said we had to seek out a page on the deep web. They said it's everybody's duty to find this page. The number of possibilities for what content might be in the "Liber Primus," like if all Nebraska was buried in six feet of hay and there's a single needle, I've gotta come up with some way to find that. Yeah, that's the difficulty. - So, I did some stuff today when I could fit it around my other shit. - Working on puzzles, I've learned a lot, I've met a lot of cool people. - I've also been like just thinking about a lot of shit, which I kinda wanna like talk about our process later on. - Yeah, Nox is our Canadian. He kinda just keeps us going, meeting, coming up with ideas, trying them out, and keeping track of them, and keeping track of each other. - Onecool, did you have anything to say? - I never made it into the smart program in school. - That's hilarious 'cause I'm 100% convinced you're smarter than me. - [Brother Box] (laughs) I'm sorry. - Brother Box is really engaged in the community. He started the Cicada Solvers IRC. And like he's done a lot of programming and helped us with like image analysis. - So could you do one? - This makes no sense to me. - Onecool, are you fucking serious, that's not how you-- (laughs) - I love Brother Box, like I think I understand his personality, I think he's a very caring person, but he also can be like a total asshole. Okay, how about you put the answer in an encrypted message, and then I'll have to break it, how's that? - I gotta tell you, right now our track record for breaking encrypted messages isn't so good. (laughs) - [Shadow Walker] I'm feeling so attacked right now. - Shadow Walker, she's really good at keeping track of things and teaching people. Hello, Shadow Walker. - Hello. - Yeah, I think she's great to work with. - [Shadow Walker] I can actually run our words with stagnotech. - Oh, that's useful. - That would actually be great. - Yeah, that's a good call. She lives in the Middle East. I know it's kind of rough and she is more in danger, like she has to keep things encrypted and under the radar. - [Shadow Walker] When you guys just get this done, can someone just like send me a PM, so I can take a look at it when I wake up? - Hi, Marcus. - Hi, Marcus, are you back? - I wrote a little computer program that can identify characters. - That is really cool. - That's awesome. - [Onecool] Marcus is fun, great with the crypto. He doesn't like the runes. He likes the steganography side of things. - This is all the black dots. Each of these little clusters up here is a different kind of rune. - You did that? - Holy shit. - I think it's a fun way to spend part of your life, like working on some hard problem with people, you know. - I do believe that we have the most coordination of any people that have tried this. - I would consider this group like good friends of mine. - Okay, well, I think that's a good list for what we do tomorrow. - Bye, guys, talk to you later. - Goodbye. - Bye. - Oh my gosh. - That's an enigma machine. - We've really been stuck. - If you weren't persistent, you wouldn't be attacking ciphers. - [Man] We can't drop the problem. - You wanna see this solved. I can tell, you got the fire. - [Man] Governments are increasingly efficient at surveilling their people, and this will only get worse in my mind. - [Woman] I feel like the flow of information in a society should always be free. - The project we ended up working on was intended to solve a life-and-death problem for people who have reason to fear for their lives. - [Man] Someone parked a van outside of my house. - So this is the van? - Jesus Christ, it's real. - NSA is a big place. Could one of our folks conceivably have done it? That is a very tricky ethical, legal, moral question to answer. - [Man] Cicada believed that they could sow a little seed of curiosity into the minds of people. (upbeat music)
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 2,025,537
Rating: 4.9238172 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, Biography & Profile, Tech & Science, Lifestyle & Entertainment, biography, profile, tech, lifestyle, entertainment, video games, gamer, gamers, gaming, video game, play, internet, web, global, online, digital, media, competition, hunt, mystery, code cracking, puzzle, hacker
Id: RatbYqc0-jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
Reddit Comments

Enjoyed watching this. The most informative series i've seen on Cicada 3301.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/DanielGarden 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

3301 is a General Intelligence AI playing with meat puppets

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/devnull_itsec 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

The Cicada code is in fact a training/filtering process devised to find the best code breaker in the world to decrypt an alien transcript received by the organization that powers over all governments. A transcript so advanced that computer AI can't decode it and only the most intelligent human minds will know how.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/PotatokingXII 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Plot twist: Whoever made the book fucked it up and didn't discover it until too late.. now they can't go out and say something..

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HornyAttorney 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

What if 3301 was a date ? 3/03/1..?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/itsNowayout 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

!RemindMe 3 days

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ilikegiraffes10 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
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