How People Knew He/She Is The One

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like the video and subscribe right now and this verb will help you shopping what did your boyfriend slash girlfriend do that made you think i'm going to marry this person not one big moment but several small ones during three years of dating one day having a light supper i simply asked do you want to get married she simply answered sure i don't see myself living without you that's sweet that is a keeper i like this i don't have a big moment either just a slow peaceful realization that our lives were going to happen in parallel we were having breakfast in a cafe and she took the bacon and sausages and made a bacon and sausage sandwich with a toast on the side this is something i used to do up until my teens but grew out of eventually right there and then i thought to myself i'm gonna have to break my never getting married rule we were best friends almost from the moment we met but the specific time that sticks out was a night we spent talking and laughing on her balcony all night until the sun started coming up felt like i was reunited with a part of myself that i never knew was missing wow i wish i could experience that someday sounds cool words don't do it justice i promise you that however great it sounds in reality it's even better don't get me wrong i'm not saying that to try and rub it in i'm telling you because it's important to remember whenever you are on the fence about going for it even if you were to be rejected 10 000 times and ended up in 100 bad relationships the one is worth every second of looking best of luck survived a three-year long distance relationship insane respect i did a fairly long stint long distance then moved across the country like two weeks before of it melted the world down our three years together is sunday i'm gonna be completely honest he said mashed potatoes is just irish guacamole and i knew what i had to do considering we are on reddit this is the most believable one here i had somebody ask my stepmother whether this nice boy sitting next to me at the dinner table at her wedding was her son-in-law and i said quite without thinking about it not yet and rather than seeming at all alarmed my then boyfriend made a face rather like that of a newly adopted puppy which has just discovered it is not going back to the pound and i was like oh well then i like this one the best my heart just imploded and i'm short of breath my wife then girlfriend and i went to chicago for i'd fest in 2013. i would get strep like twice a year finally got tonsils out in 2014 and on the last day of the festival i caught it we were supposed to leave on tuesday morning and we had monday to explore chicago but i felt like complete and had a high fever she took care of everything she went to target and got me some cheap lounge clothes got me food rescheduled our flight extended our stay in our hotel room she did it all man we flew from chicago to seattle seattle to anchorage so i had a lot of time on the flight to reflect that kinda solidified it for me she was so selfless and caring and knew i wanted to be with her forever we are both military and she was supposed to leave alaska in like six months and i didn't want to risk long distance or her leaving so we hurried up and got married like two weeks after the chicago sick trip dated for a year and a half and this month will be our seven-year wedding anniversary we were both working at a restaurant and he was a busboy my mom was there drinking with her friends and was pretty much white girl wasted my now husband went up to her and asked to take her plate she stood up and said no mother ducker but you can get me some ginger minister he walked to the employee area not far from my drunken mom i asked him if he was alright and he said yeah but there's some [ __ ] over there and points at my mom i chuckled and replied yeah that's my mom every inch of his exposed skin flushed and he started stammering i realized he liked me and offered my number so he wouldn't feel so bad we've been married 14 years she says bless you when my dog sneeze i do this of course you bless those little souls if anyone deserves it it's dogs i was already in love with him and figured i'd spend my life with him then my sister had an aneurysm and died some weeks later his care and compassion during that period really sealed the deal i was sitting at her funeral with him and realized that one day one of us would have to bury the other that was sad but okay it's been 14 years since then we've been happily married for 12 and together 18 all up this made me shed a tear i'm so glad you're happy and healthy together swapped out the alternator on my car in under five minutes that's impressive i wrench on cars and nothing ever really ends up being a five-minute fix when i get into it i'd marry her too me turns off the ps3 as she sits down on the couch next to me huh why'd you stop playing me i figured you'd wanna watch tv or something huh but i love watching you play also could you show me how to play this one it looks like a lot of fun she wasn't a gamer before we started living together i miss her when i explained my view of marriage and how i expected to be loved and respected and he agreed 100 explaining it back to me in such a way that convinced me he believed the same and that he truly listened to me and respected my mind and values i started crying and was sure from that moment on three years later we got married five years after that and he's exceeded every expectation i had a dream of what marriage could be but what it really is for me far exceeds what i had hoped my grandmother passed away very early into me and my fiance's relationship i'm very emotional and he had every right to be scared off but was nothing but supportive and caring and when my dad got sick i absolutely could not have handled it without my fiance's support knowing i could cry whenever i wanted and he would be there to be my shoulder is the truest love i've ever felt my now wife is the first person i ever opened up to about one of my childhood best friends dying when we were in middle school i don't know what prompted it but i felt comfortable enough to share with her only a few months into our relationship and when i broke down crying she held me and comforted me and was just an absolute angel we were only 19 but i think i knew then my dog instantly liked him he is bald and has a beard my dog historically didn't like men in general but especially bald men with beards my dog liked him the first time she met him on our second date it made me decide that he was someone i would want to be serious with we've been married for seven years and have a three-year-old daughter my dog made the right choice not big a big moment but i met my wife when i finished uni and was looking for jobs i was completely broke one day we planned to go out for dinner and i had 30 pounds to my name my petrol was on the low and stupid me thought i could pick her up make it to the restaurant drop her back and make it home our meal came to around 46 pounds and my petrol was on empty when we arrived at the restaurant i remember that day i pretended i just ate and got a dessert while she had her meal at the end of our date i asked the waiter for the bill and he smiled back saying she's already taken care of that she must have paid when she took a trip to the restroom this is so sweet congrats on choosing right i had issues with a kidney stone and needed to go to the hospital my ex-gf and i had a long-distance relationship at the time i had called her and told her i was on the way to hee hospital she knew i was walking there and told me to call her when i got there i did they put me on morphine and i hadn't slept in almost two days so it knocked me out for a few hours she had panicked and called my house the police to get the hosp number and the hosp like six times the nurse finally told me when i woke up i felt so bad but at the same time i had never felt so loved or cared for in my life i knew for sure no doubts that i wanted to marry her it didn't work out but that's when i was absolutely sure i wanted to it's what he didn't and did do he wasn't intimidated or put off by being around my special needs sibling and after i briefly mentioned a particular food my sibling likes he brought her some and gave it to her himself even helping her open the package guys i had dated before just stared uncomfortably at her from a distance as someone with a handicapped mom i feel you she is all there mentally but missing a leg and sometimes people especially my previous boyfriends just stare at the residual limb from a distance or try to avoid her altogether this is so real my girlfriend at the time had a very sudden very severe bout of early onset arthritis it was bad her knee swelled up to three times its normal size and her hands were permanently curled into claws and she was in pain bad bad pain constantly she was bed bound and i took all of my vacation and sick days that i could to take care of her but eventually i had to go back to work i remember so vividly coming home and seeing that despite her condition she was up and coming to greet me limping hands curled like raptor claws and this giant beautiful smile on her face she was just so happy to see me nothing else not even the massive pain she was in mattered i swore i would marry her then and there he was one of the first people to not be disgusted by my diseases that make me bleed constantly he pretty much said you don't have control of that why would i feel any different about you because of something completely out of your control this isn't the thing my partner and i have long story between us not married but we are weathering the covered storm together in a one-bedroom apartment and will probably tie the knot once the pandemic is a year or two behind us anyways we gotta walk after wanting one for the longest time my better half made fried rice yesterday i got facebook ads for engagement rings later in the evening how the duck did they know this may be spitballing and totally not true but i'm slightly drunk so here's a thought you know how fast a book sometimes hears what people say and sends ads about that what if they were talking about rings and your phone picked it up nothing he does intentionally but he often has nightmares he had a tough childhood and suffers from mental health problems whenever he has those nightmares he's freaking out while being asleep he screams he kicks he's out of control then i gently put my hand on his head his hand on his back and he immediately calms down his breath slows down and he stops screaming etc i know this is not about me and i know he's not doing it intentionally but this is a very special feeling and he manages to make me feel like this every day i'm very complicated i also have some psychological issues and a very ducked up relationship with my mum he's there he talks to me listens and whenever i need it he gently puts his hand on my head my hand or my back i can't describe how he does it but he's home for me there was no particular moment she's just the kindest sweetest deepest smartest most beautiful woman that i've ever known the fact that she loves me confuses me because she's so out of my league that minor idiot has a stroke every time i look at her she's stuck with me through some of the hardest years of my life without a complaint or a thought of leaving except when she thought i would be better off i love her with my whole soul and have for seven years i've been quite fond of her for eight well she sounds great hope you're really happy jude take care man best of luck while we were dating i got really sick my body looked felt and smelled horrible sickly sweet smell i was in and out of hospitals trying to figure out what it was and that whole time he never left i told him during that i wouldn't blame him for leaving since i looked horrible and instead of doing fun stuff all i did was go back and forth between my bed and the hospital it was definitely not what he signed up for but he took my face in his hands and said you're beautiful he looked me in the eyes then kissed my forehead he's done many more things but that one was the first real time i was like i need him to be my rock i love this man that whole ordeal lasted three long years we've been married four years now he's definitely been my rock through some really hard times since then and i'm grateful for him i'm profound deaf and after series of hanging out with guys who claimed they wanted to learn asl and dump me like hot potato after the novelty wears off usually in a couple of weeks my then chemistry lab partner took asl course without me knowing it one night we got really drunk together he really signed without any inhibition we are now married for 14 years and counting with an adorable toddler i told him that part of my life plan was to begin trying for a baby in one two two years his response was back quote honestly i'd be happy about it if we were pregnant now i was like back quote no not now i've got stuff to take care of first but my god that was the best answer i wanted to be up front about my expectations early on in our relationship because i knew what i was looking for in a life partner and i was already 31 when i met him he's lived up to my expectations and some that's very similar to my boyfriend i we have a few things that we need to get in place before we start trying for a baby or at least actively stop preventing me from getting pregnant but if it happens it happens and we both would be content with that my grandad died when we hadn't been together for very long my husband stayed up with me the whole night that i found out he had died and supported me and made sure i kept eating and drinking you've been visited by cannibal doggo this doggo will eat all his brethren unless you comment stop eating doggos thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily 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Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 23,839
Rating: 4.9672956 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, marry, marriege, wedding
Id: Z2AfjoIDfAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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