When Anesthesia Wears Off...

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like the video and subscribe right now and this doggo will cook you a carrot for no reason nurses have read it what's the most entertaining thing someone has said coming off of anesthesia not a nurse but my twin sister started speaking fluent spanish to my mom after she woke up from getting her wisdom teeth removed we are half pluto reckon on our mom's side so we've grown up hearing spanish but neither of us had ever carried a fluent conversation with her in it but apparently my doped up sister could ngl i took spanish in high school and when i'm drunk i can carry on full conversations super not so much it's weird how the mind thinks for me it took until i could start thinking in spanish to speak well i make mistakes but a lot better looking back when i was young i only spoke spanish when i stopped thinking about every word i was going to say i had a male patient who as he woke up mumbled i'm not pregnant i hope i say some stupid when i go under four wisdom teeth removal lol not a nurse my wife woke up from a surgery and started pointing into the middle of the room and in a soft voice set duck you duck you and you what's that smell she then looked over at me and says when did you get here yara shadlol she doesn't cuss much so i got a good laugh out of it when i got my wisdom teeth out the nurse was trying to wake me up and said okay it's time to open your eyes can you open your eyes for me i said say please she said please very nicely and i opened my mouth as wide as i could this reads like a john mulaney joke and i love it a man asked me if his body parts still belong to him and i still think about it lemayo probably wanted to make sure kitten is coming an equaled kidney is coming out er tech here we often do conscious sedations with ketamine to realign broken bones i had a 10 year old girl who snapped her arm on the trampoline when she was coming out of the ketamine slumber she asked why she saw god little freaky she also snaffed down four pb and j sandwiches after and i was impressed the best has to be the sledding accident kid who snapped his tibia when he was coming out of the ketamine sleep he kept begging us not to tell his mom he smoked weed for the first time the day before his mom was in the room while this was taking place patient here with a great story nonetheless when i got my wisdom teeth removed i apparently had a religious experience i'm agnostic i told my mom who was with me that i saw people walking on water next i kept telling her that i saw jesus apparently when the female nurse came back into the room i did the catholic sign of the cross and whispered to my mom that's him that's jesus the nurse lost her my brother got his wisdom teeth out not too long ago when he woke up he started laughing a lot like he wasn't laughing super hard but he was laughing for super long and it almost sounded monotone after a couple minutes of just flatline laughter he stopped and mumbled chicken like it's what he was laughing at don't know why but it stopped him from laughing for a bit did a short stint in recovery as part of my graduate program i got proposed to a couple of times same guy would walk past me in the corridor a day later and not recognize me how rude proposes and then ignores you just because he didn't like your reply me coming out of it at the dentist's office me you have to save them dentist say who me the owls dentist what owls me the owls trapped inside the gas machine they were hooting i could hear them you have to save them not a nurse but was in charge of my sister after she got her wisdom teeth out got her in the car and she was bowling wouldn't stop crying and trying to put her fingers in her mouth mind you she was 20 at the time i got her back to my apartment and she's having a hard time staying upright so i'm helping support her as we walk up to the door she's still crying but is now trying to do a heel click we almost fall over my neighbor sees us and runs over to help open my door we get her inside she then proceeds to spend another hour crying about how she wants to write a harry potter slash pride and prejudice crossover ballet in which she would play dumbledore lizzie bennett and mr darcy herself i then asked her who i would play she said hedwig and mr collins that's when it stopped being entertaining woke up thinking i'd had shreks with my doctor and apologized to him for how bad it was also not a nurse but i had ankle surgery last year they gave me animal crackers after and i remember being really upset that i didn't realize until the last cracker that i forgot to look at the animals and appreciate each one one does not simply eat animal crackers without acknowledging which animal they're about to eat but in your case i think you had a good excuse that sounds like me drugged up for surgery i was so sad that while i'd seen so many birds on the way to the oral surgeon but i didn't learn any of their names i was coming out of anesthesia and the nurses in the recovery room were all poking fun at each other about which hogwarts house they would be in me according to my ex-wife i'm a house elf i came out of it in the middle of a conversation with gandalf i was trying to sell him tupperware you sir have made me laugh for five minutes straight so did he buy your tupperware we had to slide board a patient from the stretcher to his bed after an endoscopy you put a board between bed and stretch iran then grab patient and slide them over to bed with sheet underneath them my patient screamed w-e-e and then proceeded to tell us that these are the best drugs ever and that it felt like the 60s again this gave me joy to read haha when i was doing my er clinicals we had a guy who was on something i wasn't really there so i'm not sure what but we had to put a catheter in and i was just there to assist slash watch mostly but as we put the catheter in he looked right at me and said this feels just like my first time there are so many things he could have meant i don't want to know which it was not a nurse but i had dental surgery at a hospital in bangkok a few years ago i had pretty much come out of anesthesia and was just waiting for the doctor and discharge stuff there was this giant aussie guy also in recovery and he kept trying to sneak away like he'd look around grab his fourth pole and tiptoe toward the exit the nurses were just kind of hurting him around the room back to his bed then he'd do the same thing again the nurse with me asked if i wanted the curtains closed and i was like hell no i just had major oral surgery and this is funny so she and i sat there for nearly 20 minutes watching his shenanigans nurses have patience like saints i swear i work in the our funniest was a guy quickly sat straight up after extubation we are all standing around him making sure he doesn't try to jump off the table he looks at me and then slowly gives me double finger guns turns his head to another staff member and slowly gives them finger guns didn't say a word just finger guns a lot of people wake up really crazy they start swinging or just get really restless on a narrow or bed it's nice when people wake up sleepy and i'll just bundle them up with blankies and roll out so waking up aggressively is somewhat common then my husband woke up during a gallbladder surgery and instantly grabbed one of the surgeons by the throat apparently the anesthesiologist had to give him enough to drop him like a relevant there was an awkward follow-up appointment when i was in high school i was just getting put under and feeling loopy for a wisdom teeth operation and the nurse was making small talk with me and told me she graduated from the same high school i went to and was on the dance team and i told her no you weren't you have to be pretty to be on the dance team right before blacking out i think about this sometimes before i go to sleep at night nurse i'm so sorry to do you like that when you were just doing your job i've been on this thread for like 15 minutes and this is the most savage comment i've seen i feel like i'm going to health or laughing i once told the nurses to stop i wasn't asleep yet i wasn't ready they laughed and said they were done another time i came out saying sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't almond joy has nuts mounts don't no clue why i was singing this but the nurses thought i was hilarious and let family know this happened had that for a wisdom tooth removal woke up asked when they were putting me out they said i was done i then sat up and felt like the fun part of a week-long bender not anesthesia but post-op in aiku part had brain surgery for a neuroma he had a brain drain in but otherwise was fine me hi sir i have your dinner do you need help pt nor i can do it what is it me white fish pt ugh me it's brain food pt if that's the case i need a whale i laughed for two hours after that it wasn't something he said but i had a patient in his 50s attempt to motorboat his wife when she came to pick him up she was mortified and i managed to keep a straight face while giving her all his post-op instructions was a student nurse for two semesters on a placement in a post-op ward an old guy had a reaction to the aesthetic thought he was back in the korean war kept trying to get out of bed to help his mates the two nurses couldn't figure out how to stop him they called security meanwhile i walked up and in my most officious sounding voice said to the nurse i was partnered with stand down lieutenant i'll take over from here she looked confused but moved aside i said to him soldier you took some shrapnel you need to rest and recover now stand down or i'll have you caught martialed for insubordination understood he looked at me for a second looked around replied nice and loud yes ma'am and went back to bed not a nurse but when i got all four of my wisdom teeth out at once i woke up and immediately asked can i eat kfc now and they all got a laugh out to that that was the only thing i cared about probably not as entertaining as i hoped but i gotta laugh out have them so yay edit i just noticed some wooding issues also yes i did get kfc after just a large mashed potato and mac and cheese took me three days to finish it although was told it was fine as long as i was careful about my stitches middle-aged woman with obvious surgical enhancements coming off of anesthesia from a diagnostic procedure i was listening to her lungs with my stethoscope and told her all right nice big breaths she said thanks i just got them done it was so hard to compose myself ha ha now i say deep breaths not a nurse but i underwent a procedure and had to be put under anesthesia according to my dad who was in the room the doctor asked me how i was feeling and i said to him i feel like can i go back to hell not really funny i guess but it was funny at the time at the dentist i woke up like a shot from anaesthesia got up and ran through the office dental assistants chasing me i ran to the washroom still drugged up looked into the mirror and while pouring my num face said i need to make sure i don't look like joan rivers a 15-year was waking up and talking more and trying to get out of bed before he was ready bud where are you going i've got to go to my locker buddy you're in the hospital you can't go to your locker right now so where are you trying to go serious expression the future guy wakes up in the recovery room after left knee replacement surgery and starts talking with his wife well at least i still have two good knees oh honey she replied you just had nicer he interrupts in a loud voice my right knee and my weenie not a nurse but i woke up from surgery this because the anesthesiologist told me he was just giving me oxygen but then next thing i knew i woke up in post-op i told the nurse that bitch lied to me and she just said okay and went to get my parents lol i mean he may have been losing the few minutes before you go under is pretty common kind long sorry i worked in a nur and we had a patient guy about 18 to 20 years old who had a spontaneous pneumothorax collapsed lung not quite as bad as it sounds he basically had a small area of air between his lung and chest wall we had to put in a small chest tube to remove the air we did a back quote moderate sedation basically kind of knock him out but not put him completely under one of the meds used was versed which has an amnesic effect so they don't remember anything procedure is done and i'm monitoring him when he starts coming around he looks at me and asks so when are we going to do this thing i said we are already done look at your chest had a drain slash dressing in place he looks down then looks at me and says dude how'd you do that maybe not the best story here but it happened 20 plus years ago and it still makes me laugh not a nurse but after i got my wisdom teeth out i was convinced i was clark kent and kept taking my glasses off and mumbling i'm superman and then i cried when they told me they were going to put my teeth in the incinerator because for some reason drugged me thought they meant all my teeth am i the only one imagining another person lying next to you whispering and i'm batman obligatory not a nurse but a friend of mine said that one of her patients was convinced he was a burrito and needed her to sprinkle cilantro on him answering is someone coming off of anaesthesia while in the middle of surgery i tried a dog biscuit too in response to my surgeon telling his colleague how he had to eat a dog biscuit while pledging another time i squeaked like a dolphin while in the middle of surgery kinda weird i remember doing it and my surgeon was freaked out that i knew i did it you've been visited by auntie rough day papa this papa will help you get rid of a rough day but only if you comment ruff ruff i'm a cloud thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 18,471
Rating: 4.9616489 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, doctor, nurse, medic, medicine, anesthesia
Id: QxS47PCnv9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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