Teachers, What's The Most Awkward Note You've Confiscated? (AskReddit)

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teachers what's the most awkward thing you've read in a confiscated notes mild debate teacher once had a policy of reading all notes she confiscated out loud one day a girl passed a note to another girl and she caught it she proceeded to read the note out loud and the note was actually a confession on how her life was miserable and how she wanted to end her life et Cie it was a note basically venting to her friend about all the horrible [ __ ] that she went through the teacher realized waters was about a quarter of the way through and stopped reading it but the damage was done she doesn't read notes out loud anymore oh god not a teacher but oh god when I was in middle school I was a loner who had no friends well I had one friend and that was a 59 year old blond white trash janitor named Judy who looked at the junior high as her own personal stories Judy loved to go through the garbage she emptied to find notes the passionate scrolling Xand tempestuous correspondence between 13 16 year olds on my off periods she would find me and show them to me they were mostly tame things some terrible poetry a lot of bullying but the most sexual notes terrible teenage porno inspired writing were in familiar handwriting between an older boy 16 / 17 and a younger girl my age 13 / 14 they detailed every sexual encounter lurid details arranged meetings and jealous accusations all within dozens of notes Judy found over the school year bad drawings of Anatomy peppered the notes as did terrible trashy Commons breakups and reconciliations both laid out in pretty vulgar detail were written on page after crumpled page that had once been committed to the trash which Judy would routinely fish out and save they were the source of a lot of speculation and entertainment on my part it was hilariously shocking when I realized the girl was the biggest loosest bully in my grade but mortifyingly embarrassing when I realized the sexual fantasies laid out in the male's hand were my brothers my sister is a teacher so I just asked her she said she took a note away from a guy who received it from a girl three seats away it read in Ghana suck your dick dry Pappy she teaches sixth graders my so is a seventh grade teacher her big sister is also a teacher in the same school the note said I wonder if miliseconds s sister knows how hot she is she has the best ass ever our miliseconds has better tits but her sisters ass is amazing she brought it home and showed it to me I thought it was funny as hell she did not I'm not a teacher but I have something related in fifth grade there was this weird kid who always sat in the corner didn't pay attention in class and was always drawing he never threw away his drawings though and he never took them home so near the end of the year papers were coming out of literally every crack in the desk well one day he got up from his desk tripped and spilled the contents of his desk everywhere the teacher had the three of us closest to him get up and help him pile everything back together so I got down to help and as I was going through his papers one at a time when I saw something that still creeps me out to this day it was a drawing of jinx pockemon had just started getting popular and he was obsessed and it was really good every detail was almost perfect the hair the lips the skintone the boobs the clay oh did I mention that he'd drawn jinx fully nude I wasn't a social genius as a kid but even fifth-grade me knew that if I ever breathed a word of this to anyone that guy's social life world been over so I never spoke a word of it until now of course where I'm admitting it to six million people TL DR weird kid in class drew a graphically nude Pokemon that I found on the floor I once had a note confiscated from me in the fourth grade it was from a boy my boyfriend about how I would need to convert to Judaism before we got married my teacher took it we did and then went out in the hall and shut the door we could still hear her laughing though taught high schoolers for a short time two girls in the class were real sweet but also real talkative when they were together after threatening to separate them if they didn't shut it they started passing notes I caught them in the act I joked about reading it aloud and one of the girls turned bright red she wasn't pleading verbally but the look she gave me made me glanced over the note before I did anything put new batteries in my vibe last night it feels crazy I folded the note put it in my back pocket and told them to knock it off no notes were passed again I still have that scrap lurking in some folder of ephemera somewhere a few years back the couples in eighth grade started passing composition notebooks back and forth to keep all their notes think about that for a second each couple's complete collection of hormone-crazed notes compiled in one notebook a notebook resembling those who use in many of your classes and these kids are horrible about forgetting [ __ ] so they were always laying around the room I made a hobby of flipping through these pink-ass weekly but substitute the celebrities for adolescents with few social inhibitions then there was the day I came across one for a seemingly innocent typically awkward couple I think I've repressed some of the details but once they started describing acts of facesitting I retired from the note reading hobby now I just throw them away this was told by my now [ __ ] history teacher who had been teaching for over 50 years this particular story takes place when he started teaching at what was apparently a really ghetto school one day he intercepted a note that a girl was passing back to the guy who sent it to her it read how about giving me a [ __ ] $5.00 the girls response read who do you think I am $7.00 one time I found a note where both female participants had apparently engaged in drunken sex over the weekend with random guys they described their stories to one another in detail and then expressed their hopes that they were pregnant they could take pregnancy tests together yay neither of them should have ever been allowed to we ate much less at age 15 another girl wrote in a letter to her friend that she intentionally had unprotected sex with her boyfriend in the pursuit of pregnancy at age 16 wTF is with these girls I found a note crumpled on the floor in the hallway once but didn't know which student wrote it which is unfortunate because he / she needed serious counselling he / she kept talking about the dark place in their head how crappy their home life was and how they liked cutting themselves to relieve stress I felt sad for that person I also confiscated a hand-drawn cartoon being passed around it had two scenes the first was titled Fred Flintstone giving dhanoa bone and it featured a happy dinosaur begging for a meat burn the second scene was titled Fred Flintstone giving Wilmer a burn and it featured well let's just say that Wilma looks pretty happy my 11th grade English teacher an Indian man confiscated a drawing of him wearing traditional Indian woman garb he lectured for the entire class on why Indian women not men wear a bindi forehead dots his name was t-bag wooden and he allowed students to call him t-bag I'm pretty sure he didn't know what it meant in fact I'm pretty sure he didn't know English well because he wrote Watters was kid in my class wrote Cobras mom's a cougar and passed it to Corey Sokoli wrote fat hushed he's a thunder can't pass did too harsh but got intercepted by Andrew Andrew wrote [ __ ] iere and gave it to Tyler Tyler makes a [ __ ] ton of noise opening it and laughed so loud teacher walks over looks at it says outside now kids had to beg their way out this was all in middle school - just when we first started learning these words like many of the folks in this thread I'm not a teacher but when I was in first grade I learned the hard way that passing notes can lead to some rather unpleasant consequences I went to a small Catholic school as a kid which included every age group from kindergarten to eighth grade as a result of this some of the older kids would occasionally be tasked with owning the younger ones during activities and events or in the case of what happened to me when the teacher had a private emergency to address on the day in question the woman who usually taught my class was called from the room on very short notice and two eighth graders were left behind to make sure that we didn't get into too much mischief unfortunately they were excessively bad at their job within moments of our teachers departure all of the first graders started writing and passing notes but very few of them were actually intended for the person to whom they were ultimately delivered each note was a piece of performance art of a sort meant as a teasing joke about two members of the class see a room I had been going around that a couple of kids named Steven and Katie were in love with each other and the vast majority of the notes being passed were counterfeit correspondence between the two of them dear Katie one note might read I want to kiss you love Stephen at first anyone who wrote a fake note would try to deliver it to either of the alleged lovebirds as could be expected though both Steven and Katie soon got sick of receiving these disingenuous documents and they started to refuse them on sight still not content to let their hard work go to waste anyone who wrote one of the notes and had it rejected would then circulate it around the classroom so that everyone else could admire their hysterical handiwork dear Stephen I want to hug you love Katie dear Katie I love you love Stephen dear Stephen I think you are handsome love Katie dear Katie I want to have hot sex with you love Stephen as you may have guessed it was that last note that got me into trouble as soon as the teacher returned and discovered the shenanigans her class had gotten up to in her absence she collected all of the notes and gave us a lecture not only that that she swore to us that she would discover the anonymous author of the infamous sex note by comparing it to all of our handwriting one by one each of the students in class were tasked with writing dear Katie on a piece of paper which the teacher would then compare to the note she had confessed gated being the innocent young fellow that I was I made a special effort to write as well as I possibly could and I smugly smirked when I saw that several of my classmates had perhaps intentionally now that I think about it misspelled both dear and Katie during their own handwriting tests the result of this was that I the only one who had spelled both words correctly was named as a culprit behind the vulgar missive even though as I insisted I hadn't written it I promise Mrs T I said probably sounding a bit frantic I didn't write that I couldn't have written that oh my teacher replied why is that had I been a little more level elated I might have thought to tell her that at the time I didn't know what sex even meant oh sure I knew about the birds and the bees that I'd been told that the act of copulation was called making love because when a mommy and a daddy love each other they want to make more love as it happened I chose instead to show her all of the notes that I had written to another classmate a girl named Janelle see see I said thrusting the notes at my teacher I was writing to Janelle she wrote back to me I couldn't have written that note because I wrote these without another word my teacher went through the small library of letters that I'd handed her I'm sure she was only checking the handwriting again but looking back I can't help but blush a little bit about the things she must have read then again maybe she thought they were sweet after all it's not every day that a first grader proposes I'm a principal at an elementary school one of our teachers had a terrible case of food poisoning she brought her own lunch not the school lunch and I had to fill in for her because we can't find a sub midday within two minutes I intercepted this note we are lucky to have principal mcore saw Mabus substituting now we have the privilege of staring at that tub of lard all day long if I were him I'd walk my fat ass right into oncoming traffic not a note per se I had seen a comic book making the round it wasn't disrupting the class and it was reading so I'll let it go for a while finally I made my way over there it was extreme gay gente giant values is everywhere man buttholes everywhere the young males that were passing it around were very openly homophobic in that way only eighth-grade male jocks can be that one went right to the principal I'm not paid enough to explain that to several moms and dads around eight years old or so my best friend was moving military base school everyone moved frequently I sent him a note asking him to ask Jane Smith obviously fake name bout for me before he left if she said no please ask Janice doe also fake name out next teacher edit and everyone but me had a good laugh okay so the teacher caught me passing a note to a friend I jokingly decided to send a gay note to a friend of mine sitting two desks away from me little did I know the teacher caught me laughing at the note when my friend passed it back replying with a WTF the note went something like this my vini turgid [ __ ] is throbbing to the thought of your warm shaft in my ass with each second that passes my [ __ ] pulsates to the smell of your hairy [ __ ] in my mouth I shake with euphoria knowing that when I get home I can masturbates to your handsome face since the teacher saw my friend passing the note to me with a reply he thought it was originally made by my friend he read it in his mind and gave him a [ __ ] up look and returned the note my friend was known as the [ __ ] from then on this wasn't confiscated per se that I used to write raps about how hot I thought my psychology teacher was and how much I wanted to titty [ __ ] her etc I kept these in the back of my my binder and one day out of the blue she asks to do a binder check I forget to take these out and when my binder was returned all of them were in the front pocket and she never said a word about them to me I have no clue what went through her head I was at are in a genetics lab and while cleaning up at the end of the day the professor came up to me and showed me the back of an assignment on which some student her scrawled something odd it read like a cross between a poem a prayer a Bible passage and hex or something the student who wrote it was from another country and did not speak or write English well there was nothing explicit or specific enough for it to be an actual red flag just creepy as [ __ ] and the student was always nice so we just chalked it up to some weird-ass poetry my best friend and I kept a notebook filled with notes we would pass back and forth it just made it easier than passing around a single piece of paper no teacher really questioned us passing a book until we've got a student teacher in our English class that was literally four years older than we were 12th grade he confiscated the book as she was handing it to me not only did he read it aloud but he wrote the contents of the last two pages on the board and corrected every grammatical mistake discussing with the class why it was wrong and what we could do to improve our writing this was especially mortifying for my best friend because she had just written that she thought she might have a crush on me and wasn't sure what to do next because she was straight a good friend of mine in middle school was kind of a double maker and didn't have a very good relationship with the principal he wrote a note saying that he was going to kidnap the principal and put her in a wood chipper if I remember correctly he got suspended [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
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Keywords: confiscated note, most awkward, awkward, most, note, confiscated, teachers, the most awkward note, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: 5tSEw3A6l4I
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Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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