When You Leave Mic/Camera ON In Online Class...

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like the video and subscribe right now and space doge will take you on a ride students have read it has anyone in your online classes had an update moment after realizing their mix camera was still on if so what were they doing just today this one guy had some unholy screeching coming through the mick from elsewhere in the house no context he just had a mildly panicked look on his face and muted himself possibly a cat a baby or a parrot or a horny fox outside one of my classmates was talking to someone off screen about how shitty the class is and how stupid our lecturer is hermic and camera were both on she was rambling for about 30 seconds when the lecturer just said her name she just looked over at her screen leaned forward a tad then her eyes went wide and she covered her mouth she immediately left the meeting haven't seen her in class since this was two weeks ago someone in one of our huge official department meetings was unmuted you could hear her bf ask in the background what are you all doing and she said just this stupid meeting we not doing she i it was hilarious she got kicked out of the meeting though lol i love this people will ask me what my calendar looks like and i'll be like well it's packed but i can probably skip that and that in that tan so many meetings could just be emails or teams messages our maths teacher is terrifying but doesn't really know how to work a computer he was messing everything up and kept accidentally muting himself and stuff anyway this girl in my class forgot to mute herself and basically spent a good two minutes to sing him with an impressive range of obscenities at some point she realized that she was broadcasting her extremely low opinions of our teacher to the entire class the teacher was very unhappy and the girl immediately left the class i can't even imagine the pure hell of trying to do a group project remotely eta i work 100 remotely now and will until at least next summer it's tough i get it when i commented i was thinking specifically about that one slacker in every high school slash college group that doesn't show up to meetings doesn't do any of the work and still expects the good grade those types tend to get weeded out in the workforce and if not you can always passively aggressively send per my last email notes and cc the boss my girlfriend told me a story of her taking an online zoom pillars class at the beginning of everything shutting down the zoom meeting was set up in presenter instead of gallery mode so whoever is speaking is on the main screen she said in one of the poses someone farted and their camera popped up on the screen for everyone until the next instruction super awkward hello this is your friendly ai acknowledging your fart and putting you up on screen so the group can enjoy the rest of your contributions not exactly forgot the camera was on but forgot their surroundings webcam starts up and there's just a massive dildo on the bed beside where this person was sitting back behind them i've never felt so badly for an instance of poor forgetfulness just own it guy jesus that's a big dildo them ha you would think that wouldn't you edit i suppose it didn't come across but it was supposed to sound like she's implying it's only big when compared to his penis 0-3-0 teacher was teaching her online class grinds which are extracurricular there was a ton of audio issues and people kept saying they couldn't hear him eventually he said that we would postpone the class to a couple days later and that we could all leave the meeting now of course i'm pretty sure this isn't the most tech savvy guy so he didn't realize that most of us couldn't tell he said to leave audio issues again and so we hung around a couple more minutes somehow it was a lot more audible when he tossed his glasses onto the table and said that was a ducking disaster i then realized that it was time to go i thought i had muted myself and i was just doing my work and singing i'll make a man out of you from milan because i had it stuck in my head then i looked at my computer and realized i wasn't muted and then quickly said oh sorry i accidentally unmuted myself and the teacher said no worries and i could hear her laugh a little i wanted to curl up and just lie in a hole lol to be fair i'll make a man out of you is one of the best disney songs during an all-school meeting a teacher and his wife got in an argument and you could hear them yelling at each other once my very adorable classmate sang happy birthday so cheerfully while our prof was discussing she only noticed it when she came back to class and saw our reactions in the chat it was her dog's birthday she said then apologized for it oh [ __ ] to war real quick at the beginning of the semester i sent out an ml with a joke about still having to wear pants for class over zoom it didn't occur to me that people may need to be reminded to wear shirts and i really truly did not expect to have to send a notice to my students telling them not to smoke weed during class edit for people complaining that it's their own house it's illegal in this state it's against school policy and it's a recorded video everybody in the class has access to all it takes is somebody passing it to the administration out of spite to cause problems they need to not be ducking stupid and at least turn the camera off for 30 seconds not in my class someone was unmuted while they started talking [ __ ] about someone else in the class before the teacher muted them in my class someone's mom came in and started yelling in spanish it was awkward bc at first the teacher thought they'd been trying to ask a question so she said what and for quiet for a minute while everyone just listened oh my god this happens too often someone's family member comes in makes some noise teacher stops and asks what and everyone sits and listens to weird ass personal convos not a teacher but my wife is she said that any time she is in her class live stream our four-year-old will go use the potty and yell at her i'm done or anytime she smells something bad she will come up and ask her did you toot i asked her if she didn't that's why she is asking she denies it but i think otherwise i was browsing social media as wonders in the middle of a lecture then expressed surprise at something i saw on there to my gf little did i know my mic was on and the teacher stopped class to ask what i said holy [ __ ] excuse me i'm just really excited about history my seventh grade daughter turned on her zoom meeting for her very first class on her first day of school saw the face of the student who was currently talking and yelled not victoria i hate victoria i asked her if her mic was muted and she looked at her screen horrified slammed her laptop shut ran out of the room yelling i quit school it was a rough first day it's so cringy for her yet so funny for us my dad's a college professor who is in his first semester of online classes i moved in with him and mom to help take care of them during quarantine and have extended my stay to help them with the inevitable slow of tech issues dad calls up saying can you come down a minute i keep getting disconnected from the video are you broadcasting now no i disconnected i'd just gotten out of the shower so figuring time was essential i threw on a pair of shorts before quickly heading down i round the desk to check out the issue start clamoring through the mess of overlapping windows and options he'd left open for me to sift through and then i find the window showing all the active video feeds of his class yep it was still up and working and in the upper left corner there i was my fuzzy gut flopping around at all sorts of grotesque angles as i was leaning over the unappealingly led desk now instead of shrieking like a little girl i kinda just look into the camera and say ah um good morning folks hey uhh professor dad bad news mostly for them your camera is working perfectly apparently when he said he disconnected he meant the share screen would get disabled because he would back out of slideshow view and powerpoint not realizing the slideshow appears in a window separate from powerpoint itself and backing out just closes that window and the share screen for it fortunately none of the students reacted to me they didn't even seem to be in the littlest bit entertained as powerpoint is known to do to people but now if i'm anywhere near that desk i'm putting on a nice collared shirt and combing my hair first because if anybody says they are disconnected from their zoom meeting i know those words have a very liberal range of interpretation depending on the user my church is still doing zoom church apparently a guy didn't realize his wife was still in zoom church when he stepped in full view of the camera totally naked i only know this because he said so so luckily i don't think anyone noticed we also have a time at the end for people to unmute themselves if they want to say hi someone unmuted himself apparently thought it didn't work and yelled i don't know how to do this [ __ ] there have to have been so many naked bodies that have passed in front of cameras at this point i'm kind of surprised it's not in the news but i guess it's not the kind of thing people tend to report just pretend it didn't happen not exactly but i did have a student who obviously walked away in a call we predominantly use teams for our video calls and it'll show you who is in a meeting and how long it is going for i go through the teaching of the content and then i will always say if you know what needs to be done you're welcome to leave a call if not hang around and i'll answer your questions all the students leave except one i ask him how he's going and he doesn't reply i ask again still no reply so i left the call and timed how long he was still in there the kid was still in the call for another 45 minutes before he came back and realized everyone was gone still sent me a message asking what they needed to do just yesterday kid was talking to his friend about how stupid the class was teacher stops and waits for him to finish it takes them a second to realize that it's silent now he asks if they are done sorry professor muted cue the text chat and the server dying with laughter at him we made a discord server for the class not in school but a few years ago during online training for my job our managers agreed we could do the training at home since it was all remote anyway and so it was a nice week working from home during one of the sessions we heard what sounded like born then it got louder and louder finally the presenter says okay we see who is unmuted i'm not going to name names but let's be professional here the poor guy couldn't look any of us in the eye after we return to work i'm not going to name names because we all see your name it's me i'm the student it happened yesterday actually my buddy and i like to chat over discord while attending classes yesterday we were discussing almost to the point of screaming about the nba playoffs i don't have any horse in that race since my spurs didn't make it this year but we were speculating which teams are going to make the finals my bet was lack as the heat and i made a very long and somewhat loud argument defending my prediction that my whole class got to hear because i accidentally left the zoo mc open there was a very awkward silence followed by laughter from my classmates and my teacher whose face screamed second-hand embarrassment one of my classmates told me that they listened to me in silence for a solid 30 seconds before i realized girl started to full-on make out with her boyfriend i mean under the shirt heading to third base type [ __ ] our professor has to beg her to at least turn off her camera the way you said that poor professor just yesterday had a classmate that was dead asleep like head bobbin open mouth asleep this went on for about 15 minutes before he woke up noticed the camera was on and quickly turned it off it was too late the prof had already made some remarks and the lectures recorded for later viewing this morning one of my students was out cold in less than five minutes after he logged in he was on camera in bed camera framed on his head on his pillow this one time i was in my app history class and while the teacher was lecturing one of my peers was doing the jerk without realizing that his camera was turned on we didn't see his dick but his hand was moving in her up and down motion i don't think the teacher noticed him till he was done lecturing us on homework when he calls out the student saying that his camera was turned on he then said oh [ __ ] and left the class entirely all of us were speechless and the teacher ended the meeting our teacher was explaining the gruesome details about the holocaust and the millions that suffered through it while someone was jerking off let that sink in one time a kid thought their mick was muted and was talking serious [ __ ] about the teacher making fun of the teacher's looks claiming the teacher was balding ugly gross it was so sad we all accidentally talked [ __ ] about the kid who said the stuff about our teacher to get back at him he ended up dropping the class this monday we had a girl that had constant mick and video issues and when hermic did work it was always out of sync and she would never respond on time to answer a question the one time hermic was actually on and working she was singing to herself in the background and she wasn't responding to the teacher calling her name so we just muted her for the rest of the class in her defense if her internet sucks to the point everything is out of sync and not working then she can't respond to a question on time this is a really shitty time to have bad internet and you don't even have to be super rural to have satellite be your only option i started talking to my dog luke and telling him what a good boy he is when i realized that my mig was not the worst thing that could have happened but definitely embarrassing you've been visited by classy doggo you will be blessed with good looks and classiness but only if you comment stay classy doggo [Music] thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 83,138
Rating: 4.9630446 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, school, online, online class, zoom, leave online, leave camera, leave mic on
Id: 3gFcbjb1IZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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