I Caught Every Shiny Pokemon Before Each Gym

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what is going on guys my name is John and welcome back to yet another video Shiny Pokemon if you've invested even a little bit of time the Pokemon franchise you've easily heard this term use a thousand different times among the nine different generations of Pokemon you can catch in this series all of them have an alternate variant known as a Shiny Pokemon over the years hunting these special Pokemons become the Pastime for majority of the fan base and to be honest I never really invested a lot of time into it a while back I decided that I wanted to make a big video about catching shinies but this project became a lot larger than I ever expected I caught every Shiny Pokemon available for each gym badge in Pokemon let's go Eevee this is how it went now if you're a regular to my channel you probably know that the non-shiny version of this challenge is called a professor Oaks Challenge and this is something that I've done for nearly every game in the series but if you've never seen one of these videos the rules are extremely simple the main role for this challenge is he had to complete the Pokedex as much as you can before taking on each gym badge which means that once I've caught every shiny before each gym I have to evolve them to the highest evolution that's available in comparison to other games for this challenge this is a pretty easy task consider during the non-shiny version this challenge I finished it in like 15 hours but as you can imagine having to catch every single Shiny Pokemon before each gym is a little more difficult than that this video is dedicated to everyone that supported all of my content over the years and I appreciate you all for being so patient during the making of this with all that out of the way let's just get right into it so as we're starting the beginning of the story let's talk about how shiny Pokemon work in this game now unlike pretty much every other Mainline Pokemon game shinies appear in the Overworld rather through random grass encounters as a result we can save a bit of time by not encountering every single Pokemon we see to check if it Sparkles and all we really have to do is wait around for it to show up thankfully for the first section of the game we only had to catch a handful of Pokemon but it's important to note that our methods to increase our chances of finding a shiny or limited but we'll talk more about that in a second I'd like to know at this point that I made a rough estimate as to how long it would take to complete all of this considering the shiny odds I figured take around 300 hours to get through the whole challenge a very long time sure but definitely possible to finish in a couple months I would like to make it clear that my estimate was very very very off now if you know anything about the first section of this challenge there are really only three places that we'll need to tackle to get every shiny we need route one or two Route 22 and the low frame rate Viridian Forest I have to take care of the very short list of tasks at the beginning of the game I was able to make my way to Pure City to prepare for my first shiny unlike the other challenges where I go route by Route until I'm in the last area it's kind of important this type of challenge to get as far as possible and take advantage of every available item gift and battle for the section I'm gonna be a little hypocritical about that later on but it'll make a lot more sense as we make our way through the challenge okay so let's talk about the first big question of this challenge how do you get a Shiny Pokemon first and foremost it's all luck in the history of the Pokemon franchise there have been very few Shiny Pokemon that are guaranteed most notably things like the Red Gyarados and the Johto region Gibble and Dratini in the universe region and most recently Ponyta in Legends Arceus as I've mentioned in this game you can visually see a Shiny Pokemon in the world before you get into a battle but what are the odds of seeing one [Music] yikes so with odds like that this challenge is an immediate past basically everyone that would even be slightly interested in attempting this but thankfully at this point in the franchise's history the game developers knew that people liked hunting for Shiny Pokemon but they don't want to spend weeks on end looking for one measly Pokemon ever since the generation 2 games there have been special methods that allow you to look for Shiny Pokemon with significantly better chances than the standard amount let me introduce you to the catch combo now this method involves a lot so I suggest getting a pen and paper and writing this down so you don't forget basically what you have to do is catch Pokemon did you get all that you need me repeated in this game if you catch the same Pokemon in a row for this instant spell Sprout you'll initiate a catch combo this amount is indicated both before and after you catch the Pokemon and the only requirement to advance your combo is to just catch more of that same Pokemon the chain will only break if you catch any other Pokemon that what you're currently chaining completely close out of the game or if the Pokemon runs away from the battle as you progress through the catch combo your shiny odds will increase and once you reach a total of 31 Con in a row your odds will drop to 1 out of 341. for now there are other ways to increase your shiny rate but currently these are the lowest odds that we can reach at this point in the game once it reached to catch combo 31 on my first Pokemon I tried to find out the best way to get as many encounters as possible because I didn't have a single Shiny Pokemon yet I really didn't care what I got first and I figured that the best play would be to hunt the lowest percentage encounter first as my chances of finding the most common Pokemon like Pidgey would probably just happen naturally through playing although Pokemon naturally despawn after a certain amount of time I realized that when you first enter a route After exiting a gate a bunch of Pokemon will pop up by going in and out of the game 8 I was able to spawn Pokemon extremely fast on Route 2 North which was much faster than every other location that has these Pokemon with this I was able to get about 1200 encounters per hour and after a little bit of playing I was able to grab my first shiny all right it's currently about four o'clock in the morning um this is a day after I did the first start of the hunt and I found the first shiny it is a shiny bell sprout kind of sick I don't have this one I've never had this Pokemon before I got this after 3368 encounters [Music] yikes this was a genuine shock because I assume this would be a lot faster and the fact that it was nearly 10 times over odd seems statistically impossible when you consider that every Pokemon Shiny chance increases when you combo a Pokemon not just the Pokemon with the catch combo the shiny ass in this game have been appointed contention in the Pokemon Community ever since the game's released and although I did want to just make a video on catching shinies I also wanted to get to the bottom of this and figure out exactly why the odds aren't as good as they're made out to be despite all this this took me a little over two hours to find so I really can't complain that badly later in the day I managed to find a shiny rat attack after 1997 encounters not exactly the one in 300 odds that I'm still looking for but these hunts are moving fast so I didn't really see any reason to complain that was until I went for Pidgey my final shiny for the day was Pidgey after 5094 encounters although I was extremely grateful I didn't encounter any duplicates on the route I knew already this early in the challenge that the shiny odds that are deep in the game's code were definitely too high to be true after doing a bit of research it's apparent that although the game's code does support these odds the amount of people going 10 20 and even 30 times over odds makes it seem like something else is at play for comparison this hunt was almost 17 times over odds if this happened in sword and shield with the shiny charm it would have taken me roughly 23 000 encounters to find it statistically it's just too high to justify not having interference if you calculate the probability of finding a shiny within 5000 encounters it comes out to this obviously people get really unlucky every once in a while so maybe it's just a one-time thing with rats 1 and 2 completed it was time to take on Route 22 which is by far the most difficult area out of this entire section of the challenge although there aren't any absurdly rare Pokemon I found out very early on that I was going to encounter Pokemon a lot less quickly than I did earlier unlike Route 2 the closest entrance that we can go through is the gate that leads to the Pokemon League and with an enormous fence Block in the way not only can you not see every Pokemon instantly when you enter the area you also can't see every Pokemon that spawns this may not seem like a huge deal having to walk for an extra 10 seconds but with all this downtime it generates about half the encounters per hour that I got in the previous area I decided to start looking for Anita ran male but this began the start of my bad luck in the challenge a very important thing to note about the catch combo method is that when you reach the chain of 11 for a specific Pokemon you'll start seeing that specific Pokemon more frequently than others the shiny odds are obviously increased for the Pokemon you're looking for but so is every other overall Pokemon in the entire game this means that while walking around with a catch combo 31 for Nidoran I have the same odds for finding a shiny Pidgey on this route or even a shiny charmander if I went to a completely different location as you can imagine this gives a ton of potential for finding a shiny that you weren't chaining for which isn't necessarily bad this early on but over time the odds of phasing or not finding your intended target will become a lot more common uh okay yeah I'm not catching this I'm just gonna not catch it to continue my combo but it's cool that I found it so after this encounter I felt I was going to get absolutely destroyed in the comments if I ran away from every single Pokemon that wasn't the one I was looking for so I aside from this point on that I'd attempt to catch every single shiny that I came across no matter how badly I didn't want to get it surely this genius idea won't extend the challenge too far uh the next day I grind to get an actual Pokemon that I needed and although I was dedicated I was unaware that the hunt for Pidgey was Child's Play compared to how long it would take to get this next Pokemon after nine hours of hunting I finally got something that I wanted oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no that's a flea animation please don't please don't fail please don't fail please don't fail please don't fail please don't fail oh my God okay I don't need that I don't need that to be honest I don't think I would have continued this challenge if it ran away considering that this entire day I was contemplating even continuing but who has time to complain I'm on a mission here there's still two more Pokemon than I need to get and knowing my luck I'm gonna be here forever so I better strap in and get to catching because oh all right with a whopping five encounters after seeing Nidoran I managed to find another Pokemon that I needed which means I only have one more Pokemon for this area Nidoran again yeah so unfortunately both Nidoran can be found here but on the upside this didn't take the nine hours like it did for Nidoran mail it took 10. but hey I didn't find any duplicates and now I can move on to one of the best locations in the entire game the Viridian Forest this is gonna be the final stop before the first gym leader as we can't access any more routes until we get to the first badge but don't be fooled if there's anything that people know about this Forest it's that's a slideshow when you play it in handheld mode and more importantly it spawns a lot of Pokemon this area allows for 20 Pokemon to appear on the map at one time which if you compare to the previous area that had a Max of four it seems like there's a high potential to find shinies pretty quickly in addition there are very few duplicates that can appear with only 25 of the spawns being Pidgey or bowel Sprout but this area is also the start of a brand new mechanic now if you remember from earlier I mentioned that once you get to a catch combo of 11 the Pokemon you're chaining has an increased chance of spawning on top of that in certain areas there's a special Pokemon that can appear in this combo and they'll continue to reappear as long as your combo stays above that number these Pokemon can still appear outside of chaining but without a combo they have a 0.5 chance so as you can imagine chaining something like this would not only take for ever to get to 11 to spawn more of them but if I didn't find the shiny that I wanted I'd have to spend another two to three hours trying to get back up to a 31 combo for the best odds thankfully we can take advantage of this mechanic while you have your 11 combo the next spawn will have a 50 chance to be the special spawn and it will keep rolling for that until one is on the map this means that I could just get a chain of 31 with another shiny that I needed and just run into Bulbasaur over and over until one appear to be shiny because Pikachu is easily the rarest spawn here I decided to chain that first and run to Bulbasaur over and over in hopes that at least one of the two appearing thankfully that worked out after encountering 556 Bulbasaur I managed to get a Pikachu and because it didn't break my combo I just kept going later that day I ended up finding another Pikachu and although I had found nearly 1500 Bulbasaur by this point the method was working yikes that was a long time I really hope I don't feel this now one big thing to know about the earlier part of this challenge is that I realized very quickly that I was not very good at handling time-sensitive situations getting the ball okay no no no no no I like to know that I'm doing this in literally the worst way possible when you encounter Pokemon there isn't a timer as to when it's gonna flee it's dependent on how many Pokeballs and items they use that increase its chance of fleeing with dumb luck I was still able to get it and I moved on to looking for Caterpie now although Bulbasaur took me about six hours to find the hardest part of this section is all done so I can just sit back relax and foreign an hour later I managed to find the golden worm which leaves only one more Pokemon before we can actually play the game Weedle because I was so adamant about finishing the first section I grinded catch combos the entire following day and thankfully it paid off after only 322 encounters I found in Metapod which is new but not what I'm looking for but a couple of hours later it finally happened the time has come 1618 encounters I finally found the last Pokemon so oh I love the shiny too please god dude that's the last one so now I get to do the fun part which you know which realistically takes about an hour to do and who knows we'd find some shinies in between so that's pretty cool too all right it's grind time now if you watch the previous Professor Oak challenges I've done you know the real highlight of the challenge is the grinding portion where typically evolving Pokemon like Bulbasaur to Venusaur before fighting Brock is this long-winded pedal to the metal 14 XP per battle grind for eternity thankfully the shiny hunting is going to be the tedious part of this challenge out of all the Pokemon Bellsprout is the easiest Pokemon to chain that gives the most experience so I spent about three hours chaining them until everything was evolved to the highest possible Evolution there are some Pokemon like Bellsprout and both of the Nidoran that can't reach their final evolution as evolution stones aren't available at this point in the game but I'll make sure to take care of that when they become available while I was doing this I also made sure to give detailed commentary about my thoughts for each new shiny that I saw foreign nice I'm not going to cover every single Pokemon that I evolve mostly because this video is long enough but don't worry I'll still play the noise after catching about 200 Bellsprout through a couple of chains I managed to evolve my final Pokemon and I was able to register 23 shinies in my Pokedex before the first gym and if we also count the duplicates I obtained nearly 30 shinies before even stepping foot into the first real challenge of the game now as you can probably expect having a team of level 30 Pokemon this early in the game is gonna make this pretty easy to get through but I see it as a rite of passage for catching everything I get them all you let me mop your team without getting hit once after a quick five minute battle I was able to get the first badge from Brock to actually complete this section which now brings us to [Music] now as I mentioned earlier in the video when it comes to tackling each section of the game it's really best to make it as far as you can before you start hunting as there are usually a lot of opportunities to get a lot of items that could potentially make hunts a lot easier unfortunately for this section that's not really an option if you know anything about the Kanto region you know that the next big hurdle that needs to be tackled is Mount Moon which obviously contains a large chunk of the Pokemon available for the next badge although it would be smart to skip this area and get prepared in Cerulean City once you leave Mount Moon you can't go back until much later in the game which means that all the shinies in this area need to be addressed right now with that in mind let's start with round three thank you this area only has two Pokemon that need to be caught with one of them being a special spawn I decided to work for Charmander first and thankfully this didn't take too long as I found one after only encountering 422 of them and while that's cool this specific hunt was much more than just finding the shiny a neat little feature this game has is the ability to walk around with your Pokemon however some Pokemon like Charizard can be written which in nearly all cases is is a lot faster than walking with that in mind I decided to evolve this immediately to be able to fly around which is going to be a huge help for increasing encounters and locations just like this where I can't exactly leave and re-enter an area quickly surely with this new method the next Pokemon won't take nearly as long to get right yeah so if you had secondhand frustration for both of the Nidoran hunts Ekans was a completely different animal the hunt for this Pokemon took nearly 8 900 encounters to find and you might be thinking well being able to ride Charizard I'm sure it was pretty fast to get there and while it was much faster than walking this hunt took me exactly 30 hours now I'm not typically the one to reveal how much time it takes to complete each section because I feel like it takes away from the surprise to the end but to get all the shies before Brock it took about 72 hours so pouring nearly half of that into one Pokemon didn't exactly give me a great feeling about continuing the rest of this Challenge and to make matters worse there's a brand new hunt that needs to be tackled right now so throughout the entire this game easily the most forgettable Pokemon you can obtain is the GIF Magikarp that's available in the Pokemon Center right before entering Mount Moon although your starter is shiny locked at the beginning of the game every other gift Pokemon can be hunted and because you can't even get Magikarp in the wild in this section I need to hunt it here if there's anything you should know about shiny hunting and switch Pokemon games it's a that soft reset hunts take forever I think the most recent one that people complained about was getting a shiny starter and Brilliant Diamond because of how much weighting there is between encounters thankfully it doesn't take as long as the briefcase simulator but when you account for the loading times you can encounter about 70 per hour so you can probably guess that these are going to be the largest hurdles in the entire game on top of that unlike the wild encounters all gift Pokemon odds are stuck at the base one out of 4096 with the only exception being if you have the shiny charm which obviously at this point in the game is impossible to get thankfully the game really tried to compensate for the hunt for Atkins that was so fast this was a a refreshing treat because I I was so concerned I found this in 510 soft resets which is insane I'm really glad it didn't take 4 000 plus encounters because that would have been so bad but in total so it gives it takes about a minute so this took like oh yeah no that's a long time so with all this done now let's take on the largest chunk of this section Matt Moon has a total of six Pokemon that need to be obtained before you leave but thankfully this is by far the fastest location for encounters out of basically any part of the game we've taken on so far because the caves in these games have multiple floors you can instantly spawn a bunch of Pokemon no matter what stairwell you're taking so there's a solid chance you'll find what you want pretty quickly after about an hour I managed to encounter Onyx which is by far the rarest Pokemon in the area considering that it's only a one percent encounter but there is also a new special spot in this area that needs to be addressed Chansey is the most common special spot in the entire game as it can be found in basically every location aside from maybe six or seven areas but at this point in the game this is the only location you can find it now typically this is the hardest one out of the area to get so it's really important to tackle the first because the worst thing you'd want is to find everything else before oh okay well that was probably just good luck right I guess oh I'll get it I started working on hunting down Clefairy which is probably a good segue to talk about how we're going to evolve this thing in this basement area you can find a moonstone once a day which we're going to need for this Pokemon as well as quite a few more Pokemon like the Nidoran line that we caught earlier and on top of that some future encounters like Jigglypuff thankfully because I've been here for multiple days I was already set but it's important to know because of how easily you can miss Dex entries like this over the next few days I worked to try and complete the remaining members and I managed to cut Clefairy to no surprise another Chansey Paris and Zubat all within a couple days of recording a majority of the Pokemon found in this area were found around less than 1500 encounters so when it came time to get the final Pokemon I knew I was due for a big hunt foreign it has finally happened oh and it looks so good this is the final Pokemon that I needed for Mount Moon and I'm proud to say what to only two dupes two I mean come on 6349 encounters that was a lot I can finally finally leave Mount moon from here I made my way through the rest of Mount Moon which leads to encountering more of Team Rocket as well as a fossil Maniac this leads to picking one of the fossil Pokemon that we obviously have to hunt much later in the challenge so I grabbed the Helix Fossil because anytime I don't I'm swarmed with hundreds of comments telling me that I picked the wrong one I managed to make my way out of Mount Moon which leads to Cerulean City which is essentially the end of this section there is however one more location that needs to be addressed that being Route 24 25. this specific combo area contains the file for Pokemon but this will be by far the most difficult task thus far in the challenge unlike all the previous locations I've had to hunt in this area doesn't have any convenient ways to reset the spawns the closest house to the right is Bill's house and the next closest option is the house on the complete opposite side of the bridge so realistically the best option is just to ride from route to Route on Charizard or run to Pokemon to despawn to bring out new encounters so at this point the challenge I ended up taking a pretty large break and that's mostly because I ended up moving into a new house around this point and I really didn't have much time but it was extremely apparent that this extended break had an impact on the future of the challenge alright so I got Squirtle in 144 encounters I think this is the 145th I'm kind of concerned that I'm not gonna be able to catch this but we're gonna figure it out let's see oh wait did I mess this up oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no are you still here please yeah so let me explain basically this game has a bug where if two Pokemon are close to each other and you try to encounter one of them there's a chance that you'll get out of that battle and the other Pokemon will despawned in my defense the venonat spawned right when I moved so it wasn't like I was trying to sneak my way around it but regardless I'll have to hunt it again later in the day I managed to redeem myself by finding a shiny Meowth followed by another Squirtle that I did actually end up catching in the following recordings I managed to catch Psyduck in about 3 500 encounters which left me with only then a nap before I was done with this section naturally because I've been working on this section for 53 days out of the four months I was recording there was a lot of anticipation around finishing this up but as you can imagine the game was going to make me work for this last Pokemon oh my God oh my okay this took 8905 encounters fun fact this is the last Pokemon for the section which is fantastic right um this took me I believe from start to finish to get just catch all the five four Pokemon here on 24 and 25. it took me almost the entire series of Breaking Bad the entire I watched the entire series of Breaking Bad uh wow okay so yeah I'm done so now we just grind up all the catches and then I can I can the game should in theory be way easier now that's not true but we'll get to that in a second so I have the very few locations that are available to grind for in this section Psyduck was pretty much the best choice of chain and although the first section grinding was easy it was actually kind of crazy how quickly I was able to evolve everything that I caught in total this took basically an hour and a half but that's mostly because of how long it takes to get Pokemon to appear on top of all the level based Evolutions I also use the moonstones I collected earlier to evolve the three Pokemon that needed those after finishing all that up I managed to bring my Pokedex total of 51 Pokemon which is every single Shiny Pokemon that you can obtain before the second badge in the game overall this section wasn't too bad but the next section is a true test of patience after absolutely destroying Misty's team with my league of shinies I claim my next badge and made my way back up north to retrieve the SS ticket which is going to be the next storyline task for this challenge I decided to skip the areas leading up to Vermilion City and that's mostly because I was really antsy to just visit more of the game but like I mentioned earlier it's really best to make it as far as you can before really getting into each section of the challenge upon reaching Vermillion I went directly under the SSN to fight my rival as well as unlock the ability to have EV use cut from the captain of the ship now at this point in the story it's pretty clear you're supposed to go to the gym in this city which means that we just need to tackle Route 5 6 Route 11 and diglett's tunnel to get all the shinies that we need right here's where things get interesting one very unique feature about this game is that when you get the option to teach your partner Pokemon a special move like cut strength and fly they aren't tied to a gym badge although the game does block you off in some locations with the guards and digletts tunnel the Saffron City Gates and the Snorlax at the end of round 11. there is one place that they didn't think of if we head all the way back up to Cerulean City there's a tree to the east that we can cut at this point you're probably slowly routing the game through your head heading east of Cerulean Lisa Rock Tunnel which leads to Lavender Town which leads to Celadon where you can get the T to open up saffron and you start to realize that this little oversight has opened up nearly the entire game for us now as you can imagine this is extremely daunting because the list of shinies is extended by three to four entries for basically every new route that we touch but there are a lot of upsides to getting this far in the game the most important thing to note is that there are a lot of quality of life additions that we can take advantage of most importantly flying because it's just a pain in general to run around to every place you want to visit I'm made the decision to just rush my way through the story to get access to the ability to have Evie fly so I made my way through Rock Tunnel follow the underground path to Celadon grab the tea from Brock to get access to Saffron City made my way through the basement of the game corner to take on Giovanni to get the self scope and strap some balloons to EB to make this section much easier to Traverse through despite having access to all these areas now the game still treats us like we only have two badges so the shops won't have anything better than great balls no matter which location we try to shop at which will make a lot of the stronger Pokemon more likely to run away speaking of perches there is one more thing that we have access to now that is without a doubt the most helpful thing in the entire challenge if we head into the Celadon department store we have the ability to finally buy lures at this point in the game although the in-game description tells you that they have an increased chance of spawning rare Pokemon when in use these actually just spawn all Pokemon more frequently which obviously increases the amount of Pokemon you can see per hour but there is a secret additional mechanic that they don't tell you this item increases your shiny odds depending on how far you are in your catch combo the chance of a shiny appearing with allure in use is increased to the point that if we don't even have a catch combo the odds of a shiny appearing are doubled this does have a sharp curve to it as when you reach a 31 combo the odds only go from a 1 in 341 chance to a 1 in 315 but it's important to keep both these values in mind for later considering that I could tell by this point that there was something wrong with the shiny odds anyways I just applied one and just saw where it took me but there's a looming question that needs to be answered where do I even begin that's why I left it up to you I did a poll on Twitter where you voted for your favorite city which determined which side of saffron I'd start hunting and you all decided on Celadon which means we're going to Route 7 or as I like to rename it the cursed route so to start out in comparison the most recent hunts that I had to do this area was a lot easier to work with as it was really quick to just pop in and out of the gate and with a lore applied things started to work out almost instantly I managed to find a shiny Pidgeotto after 482 encounters which was basically half an hour of work and around dedicate the following day after having caught a small chain of Jigglypuff When comparing this to how long the Hunts took in the previous sections of the game I knew this seemed a little too good to be true but with four Pokemon that need to be obtained in this route I was kind of hopeful this luck would continue honestly I almost didn't see that I I had to do oops I dropped my controller oh no oh no this was 3990 encounters not too bad I mean it's you get like a thousand per hour so it's really not that bad the next task that I wanted to go for was Abra which is a very interesting Pokemon to hunt in this game unlike every other Pokemon Abra has the ability to teleport when you're walking in front of it and as you can imagine this can be an absolute disaster with a shiny as these Pokemon do not respawn if they disappear from the area so as long as you just walk behind the Pokemon you'll never have that issue but it's by far one of the most nerve-wracking Pokemon to hunt in the game okay great this could not be a better situation it's facing in the corner so no matter what I do it can't teleport away in order to pull this off though I need to have stealth I need to have speed but most importantly I need to have Skittle okay yeah I have no defense for that but thankfully I found it again a couple hours later and the most important part is that I've learned to be more careful with the doorways so there's no way I'd make that mistake again right dude that's the third shiny I feel today that's really embarrassing I gotta stop failing them dude two in a row after ending the day with five shiny encounters and two back-to-back fails I knew that I had good potential to finish this route the next day and I just need to be mindful of my surroundings as long as I pause each and every time I enter the area to see what's there there's no way that I could fail another foreign wow that looks so good wow okay uh I think I'm gonna fail it I have I have Razz I have berries [Music] okay okay okay hold on so much work dude yeah so I forgot to mention this but this area also does have a special spawn but with my previous history with special spawns I figured it wouldn't be too hard to get back this is the point where everything changes a couple hours later I was able to redeem my catch for Vulpix and another hour after that I got Porygon back and I caught it so at this point I was done with the route that you all voted for so I decided to just take it in my own hands and make my way back to Vermillion City I decided to start with diglett's cave which seemed pretty easy because the area is coded to spawn a Pokemon at once but I found out quickly that because this area is really narrow basically nothing appears when you enter and exit the area because special spawn Pokemon have priority over everything else that appears it basically looked like I was hunting Chansey for the first 10 minutes I decided to walk around instead even though I knew it was going to make the hunt exponentially longer one that scared me in two I'm the luckiest gamer alive I think I I was so terrified of how long this was going to take I this is 84 encounters 85 maybe all right let's catch it wow 82 oh I dodged a bullet on that one wow row 11 was the next stop to get drowsy in Mr mime and although I was able to use the gay at the end of the route you do have to walk out a little bit to see everything which resulted in lures getting used up significantly more compared to taking a step in and out of the Route 7 game fortunately though the gamer Gods still came through oh I I must have activated like my my gamer sense this is 141 encounters what it what game am I playing oh wow there's a 141 encounters the following day I managed to find drowsy after about five hours which finished off everything for this area I made my way back to Spooky Town to take on the tower as the only Pokemon that needed to be caught here was ghastly and I assumed it was going to be pretty easy to get through but I was very very wrong this location has the same issue as diglett's cave but arguably worse although the game is coded to spawn six Pokemon on the top floor I don't think in my entire time there I saw anything close to Six Pokemon the conserve burning through all my lures I had to run into every encounter that wasn't Chancey to respawn them but this location was by far the lowest encounter area so far in the challenge I think I averaged about 150 encounters per hour so you can imagine how disappointed I was to get a zoo bat after nearly four hours of hunting considering that this was also a five percent encounter I wasn't exactly pleased with this but I knew that with a 60 spawn rate it had to come soon okay so this is after 838 or it was nine I don't know I don't know okay oh it looks so good please oh my God I almost threw that oh that was so bad that would have been so bad that would have been so bad wow and it looks so good too okay let's go to Rock Tunnel and then uh yeah now let's let's do some easy stuff because that was that was way too long so after spending a lot of time in Mount Moon I knew this area had potential to find a lot of shinies in a short time frame and with the fact that there was an enormous open area deep in the cave this was gonna be quick I decided to go for Kangaskhan because it's unfortunately another one percent encounter but I think it's fair to say that the game really wanted me to get it out of the way well on the upside I found one not even 10 minutes later which left me with only three 10 encounter Pokemon that I needed to find the downside is that this area is home to 10 different Pokemon so the odds of finding everything I wanted immediately was pretty slim I ended up finding a shiny gold bat later this day which was the beginning of the horde of duplicates that I added to my collection I had to find another Charmander and very shortly after a shiny Rhyhorn which I've always wanted to have and I started making moves towards getting Machop which was a little more difficult than I expected huh okay thankfully I was able to get this in only 40 minutes and the game was kind enough to give me another ah there we go all right yeah 363. once again not too bad but I do want Cubone yeah the game didn't agree on that on top of this Machop I also found Graveler which by the way broke the record for the most encounters ever wowie Geodude and another Charmander which proves once again that the special spawns are gonna be the most free Encounters in the entire game after a few days of playing and nearly 6 000 encounters I got what I was looking for I I really don't want to mess this up because I want to get out of Rock Tunnel I've been here for for a week I think so let's just uh let's play the smart okay oh jeez wow that took way too much time like actually way too much time with the rock Town completed basically encounter in the Northern and middle sections of Kanto have been completed for land-based encounters while this seems like a major accomplishment there's still quite a lot that needs to be done at this point in the storyline there's a large plot point that we've already addressed that being the game Corner underground to get the Silph Scope obviously this is used to get the top of lavender Tower where we get the poke flute and this is used to awaken the snorlaxes that are on each side of the map and upon defeating them will allow you to access the southern section of the region thankfully during the hunt your Celadon I got bored and took care of getting the flute but there is an elephant in the room well I I mean technically it's a man it's like it's based on an actual Pokemon designer which you could just look that up but the point is this Pokemon needs to be hunted now if you played this game before you'll probably be quick to say well why don't you just hunt this in Cerulean cave there's a ton of them and unfortunately that location is completely closed off until you beat the main story which means that I'm going to have to hunt one of these two well technically there's only one left now let me explain so when I initially grabbed the flute I went West to Celadon City which is the location for the other Snorlax when you have your first interaction with one there's this long cutscene with Mr Fuji where he explains to you how the flu works and then you're thrown into a battle against it the catch is that you've already completed this cutscene they're obviously not going to make you learn this again for the other one so you can just walk up and start the battle well this does save a lot of time this is arguably still the longest soft reset hunt in the game and that's because you have to play the Pokey flute literally every single time you want to battle it oh because of this you get maybe 55 encounters per hour and when the odds are one in 4096 that has a lot of potential to take a long time especially when you're not guaranteed to find it in that amount but hey I did find Magikarp in only a few hours surely this will take a bit longer but I should find this within like a week or so right so I know I know this sounds bad but to be fair did take a little bit of a break now if you know anything about me I have a history of being unbothered by tedious challenges I think this video so far alone is enough proof of that but because of how much I've been grinding for the previous month plus with how slow the encounters are this can really drag on and just be boring I think it's pretty obvious but it's also important to mention that I also just had to make other videos and stream which is almost entirely the reason this video took so long to make but even while I was doing that the challenge still followed me wait John you've never seen an attack on Titan no I've never once seen it do you think he has time for that he's got a shiny hunt [Music] hey so what are your favorite colors guys you guys have favorite colors yeah red do I love red Hey Taylor what's your favorite color I didn't hear that Taylor did you have a favorite color I think Taylor can't tell us her favorite color must be a really big secret like a really big secret so with that extra pressure put on me I decided to put the pedal to the metal and finally get this big monster I finally got it oh 1976 encounters dude oh man that one totally caught me off guard okay I'm I'm actually fully prepared to catch this thing oh I'm so glad I'm finally done with this thing dude all right I'm ready I'm ready to catch this thing oh my god oh I'm finally done ah okay so I was actually 1977 I think um wow oh my God I'm finally done so at this point I had the option of doing a couple more soft reset hunts but as you can imagine that wasn't exactly something that piqued my interest so I decided to make my way down to fuchsia City to tackle another gate-based hunt Route 14 on the surface seems like an easy route to progress in with only two Pokemon however these two Pokemon being Tauros and pincer are not only some of the rarest and hardest to catch in the game but also very likely to flee when trying to be caught although I usually go for the rarest one I decided to start with Tauros mostly because I wanted some instant gratification after spending so long on Snorlax and the game actually kind of pulled through on that I almost ran away from that I didn't even really notice that it was there cool all right not bad after finding this I strapped in to grab the one percent pincer and like I mentioned this thing is a pain to chain getting that initial 11 chain to spawn more is just a mess because of how low its catch rate is but realistically getting any part of your chain interrupted is a bad time uh that really sucks uh that really sucks so bad I do not want to catch this [Music] I don't even know what this thing oh isn't that it's flea animation wait yeah yeah it is that was this fully animation the gamer gods have blessed me with giving me oh so I'm so glad that I'm failing this I've never been happier I've never been happier in a fail Pokemon now I'm a man who knows how to take a sign when he's given one so I spent the next few days hunting as much as I could although the encounters start to go well past the fawaz and eventually reach double odds I knew that in due time I'd have that final Pokemon as long as I took it head on uh I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I walked right into I walked right into him oh thank God oh finally I'm done with this section now those hard ones are out of the way let's do some hard stuff round 17 or better known as the bike path is arguably one of the most tedious parts of this section and when you take a look at the encounters available at first glance you're like okay so as long as you don't get the evolutions it's more like three Pokemon so it can't be that bad and while that is technically true the last Pokemon at the end of the list is a little bit more trouble despite only needing one shiny Eevee for the Pokedex this Pokemon evolves into three completely separate Pokemon through the evolution stones and because you obviously can't change the Pokemon once you use one we're going to catch three of these which sucks although Eevee is kind of a tough Pokemon to catch because they become easier as you go along I decided to catch every single one that I encountered as I went along in hopes that eventually when I did find the shiny it would be a cakewalk to catch after a whopping one Eevee I found a shiny Psyduck and another 10 later I came across an interesting issue in this challenge um so this was the first situation where I came across a shiny where I didn't have its pre-evolution and when you look at the challenge on a non-shiny level the goal is to catch everything and bring them to the highest level which I've technically already done by catching this despite that I figured you all would find it stupid to not get Doduo so I made a new rule that if this does happen I have to get the entire line surely this won't delay the area right wait wait why is there music playing no no no no no please I I've been trying so hard it's been a year and a half at this point please don't be foreshadowing oh it's getting louder this is not good after catching only 93 EV I ended up finding my first shiny and I decided to keep up with this process of catching all of them and it worked out pretty well in my favor the next day I found another Psyduck before finding the second Evie which admittedly might have only been 102 but I also encountered 8 000 beforehand so this has high potential to be the most Encounters in a single hunt thus far after another hour of playing I managed to stumble across a shiny ponytail to Mark another off the list but this was the start of a pretty bad streak of encounters [Music] foreign although I didn't fail any of these finding another Doge Rio and my fifth and sixth chancy in this challenge didn't really help morale but after a week of being stuck here I managed to get something that I wanted all right this happened after uh 4 357 encounters and I could not be happier to find this Pokemon great all right uh so that leaves me one left only one Pokemon left to go and I'm finally done this left only Doduo and surely with all this bad luck I'd find it right away right wow say what you will about these Pokemon but I dodged getting a shiny Pidgey or Rattata when they take up 30 of the encounters for this area after about 1600 encounters I finally managed to get the final Pokemon for this area which only took nearly two weeks to do in total this left me with only two more encounters that we can access at the moment and I'd like to think that the game was really trying to compensate this day for the seven duplicates that I had found dude this is what seven encounters maybe seven hold on all right oh wow okay so what was this eight far-fetched a whopping eight oh man I'm so glad that that happened that's it that's the last one I need dude oh I'm so excited it took me a little a little it took me an hour actually exactly from finishing my chain an hour total to get this which is really solid both these Pokemon were found in a span of two hours and I was anticipating Farfetch'd to be the longest one due to the fact there were no Gates nearby so I would have just had to run into them now despite there being two more Pokemon that we'll address a bit later this is currently every accessible land encounter that we can obtain and with that phrasing I'm sure you know what we're going to do next just like how we got cut from the captain we can also teach Evie how to surf just by going to fuchsia City now where can we go with this well just about everywhere trying to figure out where to start is the real question to ask and I figured the best player would go to a place with a ton of spawns as well as a high rate of encounters that I can see per hour this takes us to the power plant this location is amazing for those reasons as well as the fact that when you step into the first room of the power plant you're greeted with at least three to five Pokemon which is obviously significantly faster than where we just were the first day attempting this area worked out really well as I found a shiny Electabuzz which is the lowest percentage encounter aside from Evolutions this however is not that Electabuzz this is another one that I found during this and the reason I'm showing you this one instead is ironically my power went out while I was recording this day and and the file corrupted if you know anything about me this stuff is kind of on brand I end up hunting this area off and on for about a month and I eventually came across shiny Voltorb as well as that second Electabuzz well pretend like you've never seen before on the first day of September I decided to grind to finish up this area and needless to say it paid off dude finally finally I have found this oh my God man and let me tell you that this is like one of my favorite shinies of all time this is I believe the second shiny I ever found ever in the history of time um so I love it fantastic all right great now you're probably thinking wow John that's pretty impressive that you got through this section with only one duplicate and no special spawns that's a big change from the last area oh no no I did I just left them out back again get another chance there's no way dude how oh no this joy-con's dead and I can't use it oh no I can't catch Chansey oh no what a shame oh my god I've only been recording for literally three minutes so I don't care but like oh my God man so so stupid dude and you want to know the worst part we're not done here as much as you know at the end of the power plant Maze We can encounter Zapdos which begins yet another soft reset hunt for this challenge Now by this point I'll need to explain how tedious this is but it's important to note that the legendary birds are the fastest reset hunts you can do in the game as you have the ability to skip the entire interaction cutscene and jump right into battle this still takes about 45 seconds to get through but those extra 10 seconds compared to store relax make a world of difference in the long run there it is dude there it is okay so that was two thousand and three encounters man finally if you live a flamethrower that's wild see ya there we go baby there we go oh that doesn't look any different well well that's that I guess after completing the power plan I initially wanted to try and go to get another high spawn area like the Rock Tunnel where I could knock out a few of the easy ones to make it feel like I'm actually making progress in this challenge but since I was already in this area I figured to take care of one last difficult one so I didn't have to come back Dratini out of all the overall spots for this section of the challenge this is arguably one of the hardest ones for quite a few reasons although it may seem like the big problem is that it only has a four percent encounter rate which makes it take nearly two hours just to get to a chain of 31. the real issue is just making a combo I'm enjoying the time after throwing like two balls they do their flea animation and I'm sure I encounter nearly 70 to 80 Dratini before I was able to actually start hunting with the best odds one big thing note is this is the first water hunt that I did and in order for them to spawn this location you need to be in or above the water for them to spawn this means that you're not able to go in and out of the power plant which resulted in seeing a little over 200 Pokemon an hour I assume this is gonna take quite a while and I wasn't exactly wrong well okay that's really really really good at this point I wanted to summon the other player into Aid in Catching but this was the moment that I found out that you can't use a second player at any point when doing water captures despite that I tried to run it no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] I hate this game actually physical pain oh my God so one thing we're going to completely disregard is the fact that I didn't use the Ultra Balls that I hadn't used the entire challenge because I couldn't get more of them until we have a lot more badges but aside from that this battle was completely out of my control on the upside I was able to escape so it couldn't break my chain so at least I wanted to start over from scratch again right come on uh yeah so I hunted this for like five hours today so I'm kind of wait no no what that was its flea animation in my defense I had never seen this Pokemon's flea animation and additionally can you blame me for not thinking that was it I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting to see but come on we're not doing this the next day I found another Magikarp after only a few encounters and actually caught this one and although Dratini would have been a lot better I had caught enough Dratini at this point that the next catch combo was going to be significantly easier to chain after facing with two more Magikarp I finally found another Dratini after a measly 474 encounters because the section basically took an extra entire week to complete because I failed to catch the first one I didn't really have much to say about this one after the section I decided that I really wanted to hammer out a ton of the easy encounters and surprisingly there really aren't that many locations left to choose from but the Seafoam Islands had by far the largest amount to catch when you can count all the evolutions for each of the Hunts I had to do considering that Rock Tunnel was insanely fast for encounters I assumed this area was going to be exactly the same I was wrong but to be fair this area averages around 600 encounters per hour but in comparison this was basically half of what I expected and that was mostly because only five Pokemon could appear at a time and there were basically no areas large enough to do that although I was worried of having another Dratini episode again the large issue that I was worried about walking in the section was the very unnecessary dense fog that was on every floor for some reason the devs decided to make the entire area hazy and have random large balls of light appear on the ground where you sometimes can't even see the Pokemon to make it even more annoying all three of the Pokemon that need to be caught on land are conveniently just a lighter shade of the regular version so I figured it was gonna fail a few shinies before I was done I decided to go for Jinx first and after only 122 encounters I found a shiny Golbat which is my third by this point but since it took no time at all I wasn't really bothered by that a couple days later I found a jinx and although I did just complain about how hard it was going to be to see his shinies this stood out pretty well and was super easy to catch seal on the other hand was a completely different story we're gonna do a quick experiment out of these two pictures which one do you think is shiny seal exactly it's shiny blows this is one of the shiniest I imagine was going to be one of the most frustrating the entire game solely because it looks nearly identical to the regular one but thankfully the game decided to blast me you know I expected for the shiny to be like kinda hard to see but that is that is next level impossible to figure out here it is how much different does it look really how much different does it look because I'm banking on barely any different there it is that's such that might be out of the entire game the worst shiny the last land encounter that I had to chain for this area was Slowpoke and words cannot express how absolutely frustrating this Pokemon was to chain nearly every Slowpoke took at least five Great Balls to be caught and I'd run from easily 40 of them before I had a complete chain this one also took the longest out of the area after 5765 encounters but I once again found it on the first phase so I can't really complain too much I generally thought I was going to fail it but thankfully we can move on to the harder part of this area schowler can only be found in the Seafoam Islands so we once again have to deal with more water encounters because I didn't have 10 to Cool by this point I wasn't really too concerned about phasing in this area but if you thought the fog looked annoying before I mean come on what what is this I was a little worried because the encounter rate was a lot slower than the land encounters but I ended up finding one almost immediately you know I was gonna say that it was it was gonna be hard to see it but that was real that was like blatantly obvious that that Pokemon was there I love this shiny I think I'm pretty yeah I already have this um in another game I think it's an ultra sun please come on don't make me rechain please ah okay well that basically covers everything for this area we once again have to hunt the legendary bird for this area Articuno Now by this point in the challenge I thought I had a little trick up my sleeve with the soft resets for this challenge aside from the Magikarp at the beginning of the game I made sure to put down a lore before I saved to interact with the Snorlax and Zapdos although I was more so using this as a good luck charm because I found them in around 2 000 encounters I had the thought that maybe the lures worked on Overworld static Pokemon like these rather than the base odds of the game this bird proved to me that that wasn't true okay um this took forever dude this took so long was this 4200 encounters exactly if I can get into the excellent combo thing that'll be really really solid weird like attacks before I catch it now oh my God okay so this took me um roughly 50 hours like it was definitely over 50 hours all right so now that I've got these two well there is one more we don't we don't get that in this section so yeah let's just go take on Pokemon mansion and uh take it from there so the game plan set I made my way back to Cinnabar Island to chain ditto and despite thinking this was the end of my bad luck streak I was wrong the next shiny I found was not only the longest hunt numerically that I did in the game with 11 300 encounters it was also not ditto and yes it was Chansey but unfortunately it got worse dude that's so messed up it's I you know what I'm I'm not even gonna acknowledge the fact that that was a shiny Chansey but that to make matters worse I end up finding two more Chansey that week before finding ditto but the game still wanted me to work for it so after the Super eventful week I made it my duty to finish off the day strong and about an hour after failing that ditto I was able to reclaim it and clear my bad luck streak the following recording I ended up catching both Magmar and coughing within the span of two hours which ended up being the final encounters for the area as well as basically every Wild Land encounter in the game now when it comes to tracking down the remaining water Pokemon thankfully most can be caught in multiple locations so I was able to narrow most of them down to one General location route 19. this is the area right outside of Seafoam Islands and it contains tentacle Staryu and the special spawn Lapras which surprisingly makes this the largest section that's left I started to start with star U and I didn't get one for his try but that's not always a bad thing oh wow that is really rare oh boy [Music] um uh this is a one percent shiny dude holy moly that's such a sick shiny dude wow wow that is insane how rare that is later in the day I managed to encounter Tentacool and then Tentacruel and fun fact this is the point in time where bdsp came out so I kind of stopped playing for a while I ended up coming back to this game in December the day before my birthday and I faced with another Magikarp antenna cool and later that week it finally appeared oh my that I was eating a bagel I'm a little I'm a little preoccupied okay it's pretty I like it and it's a little silly I had to uh get this you know after I already got a shiny Starmie but you know what hey I gotta see every shiny I got it that was the plan from the rip I gotta see every shiny and you know what I'm gonna see every shiny so I mentioned earlier that this area contains Lapras and I would like to say something very brave that's not true at all every Pokemon website that shows data for this route says that it can be here but if you couldn't tell from the gameplay you've seen so far not a single one has shown up to prove my point a little further if you immediately swim over to Route 20 a Lapras will almost instantly spawn so I just decided to hunt this here when it comes to hunting this because we're not close to any doorways to instantly check I decided to go with the method I used for Bulbasaur and just encounter it over and over if you end up trapping it in a corner it's a lot easier to spawn it consistently not really what I had in mind just like Staryu I found another tentacle and Magikarp but after basically a day and a half of hunting I had found one of the best shinies in the game wow wow that looks so good please don't run off of me wow that looks amazing dude what a fantastic shiny come on oh my God okay great wow that's so good the remaining water encounters are all designated to basically their own little locations so no matter where you go they'll take a while to get I decided to go for horsey back on Route 12 and ended up finding it on the first try which was a great award for how absolutely annoying it was to throw balls at the next location however is not as simple all the way back on Route 22 where we started the challenge you might have noticed this little Pond this is the only place at the moment where Poliwag spawns and as you can probably assume by how much space is available this doesn't offer a lot of encounters at most it can spawn three so if you run into everything that you see you might encounter 100 Pokemon an hour I don't see it if you don't all those took me about 10 hours to find an hour later I redeemed myself I knew something was different about that one I was like huh that one looks it's it is so insanely not different wow that is almost impossible to see in every way yeah two two overall encounters left and then it's just soft resetting until the end so at this point the challenge Legends Arceus came out so I spent a lot of time playing that and basically the following two months circled around me perfecting my pokedex in that game but there's actually something very interesting that came during this time period so when new Pokemon games come out people like to look inside of them it's an annual event the words Pokemon and leak basically go hand in hand and data mining or looking through the game's code was originally done for let's go when it dropped however ever since these games were released there's been a history of information being found in the code that didn't accurately reflect what people were experiencing a couple of weeks later after Legends released a Twitter user by the name of Anubis did a deep dive back on how catch combo Works in Pokemon let's go Pikachu and Eevee and what he found answered every question that people had for years it's important to know what was correct in order to have the best odds to catch a shiny you need to have a 31 catch combo or higher in addition all Pokemon have an increased chance of being shiny but here's the part that was missed when you catch a Pokemon to continue your catch combo the next Pokemon that spawns will have that increased chance being shiny this means that every Pokemon that shows up after that will be back to either the base odds in the game or half odds if you have a lure equip the way that you continue these increased chances is the same way that I mentioned at the beginning of the video catch Pokemon so as long as you catch a Pokemon and it continues your catch combo you get the better odds as you can probably imagine this hurt to hear considering there are basically no more overall Pokemon that I have to hunt in this challenge at this point but from the start getting to the bottom of this mystery was one of the big goals I had for this video and to be honest I don't think I would have ever figured that out it is funny to look back and realize that I was doing that for Evie and Staryu and never really considered that I was getting luckier for a reason but despite that there's still Pokemon that need to be caught so after spending like 400 hours playing Legends I knew that I had to come back to the challenge to not only try out the new method but also just finish the challenge in general in comparison to the rest of the shiny hunts I already completed in this challenge this method really didn't feel all that different although tangler was extremely annoying to chain because of its high ability to flee eventually I was able to get the catching ring to turn green and was able to catch them in a single great ball after chaining swapping 16 Tangela I found a shiny weeping Bell but since I knew that I needed to catch a bunch more at this point to increase my catch rate and wasn't really that concerned I actually wanted to get a high catch combo before I saw the shiny because I knew that I realistically only had one or two chances to catch it because of its flea rate and boy did I catch a lot of Tangela after catching 406 Tangela I finally found it this spawned immediately after catching another one so to my knowledge this was the first ever method hunted Pokemon I found in this entire challenge while 400 tanglin may seem like a lot of time I found this in about 5 hours which in retrospect isn't bad at all compared to other routes where you can't use gates with tangle on the squad I successfully caught every land encounter for this section there is still one more water encounter that has to be completed heading to round six I had to find Goldeen which is arguably the worst water hunt in the game next to Poliwag and total only three can spawn and trying to chain this is a mess because of how weirdly it moves on the screen I've been dreading this one for the entirety of the challenge so I knew that even with a new method this could take days to get especially since there are land Pokemon that oh never mind after only catching 11 I'd obtained a shiny Goldeen which meant that I was finally ready to take on the rest of this section the soft resets so although I did do a few soft reset Pokemon like Snorlax Zapdos and Articuno there's still four more Pokemon that need to be addressed before we can get to the next badge just like the round tweet that I made at the beginning of the section I asked you which one I should hunt first but disguise their choices as their shiny variants as you can see there are only three choices instead of four but we'll talk about that in a bit after a thousand votes you decide that I should go to Saffron City to take on the dojo after fighting all the karate guys I was able to choose between Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan and although you can catch both of these in the wild unfortunately that area is blocked off by the next few badges so I have to soft reset for one of them there really isn't a good or bad choice when it comes to this part so I just chose Hitmonchan because it's a much more vibrant shiny so I figured it would have a much less chance of not noticing it in soft resetting over it we can't always be right I ended up getting Hitmonchan after 2743 soft resets which does place it as the second highest static Pokemon this far in the challenge but out of all the remaining ones I have to do this is the fastest one out of the bunch now that we're done with this part of the map I figured I'd go for the second most voted option which brings us all the way back to the opposite side of the map at Cinnabar Island although the Pokemon mansion is realistically the only place to get encounters here we can also go to the Pokemon research lab and revive the Helix Fossil that I collected all the way back last February yikes now as I mentioned before there are four static encounters that had a soft reset for to finally finish off this section and this location has two for the moment as Aerodactyl has to be revived here however I don't have the item there isn't anything stopping me from picking up the old Amber but having both items to my party at once just seems like a disaster waiting to happen let's say hypothetically that I'm distracted while playing because I'm pretty much watching TV and movies while I'm doing soft resets and I redeemed the ammonite that isn't shiny and then the Aerodactyl ends up being shiny obviously I'm being dramatic and the odds of that happening are insanely low but knowing my luck that's something that would definitely happen to me so I decided I was probably smart to just do one of these fossils at a time oh my god oh my god wow that took uh a pretty long time oh wow okay yeah there's something weird going on with my mic so I'm just gonna I guess I'm just gonna be loud that took 2836 and count I decided to take a break from Cinnabar Island and make that my last stop in the section instead I decided to hunt arguably the most unique hunt in the entire game if we head back to Vermilion City there will be a woman sitting on a bench who will ask you to catch five Meowth and bring them back to her once you complete that you'll be given Arcanine or Persian if you're playing let's go Pikachu this was intended to be your introduction to getting your first ride Pokemon in the game and of course we have to hunt this for some reason I had a gut feeling this is going to take a while but I never expected something like this oh my God I finally got it oh my God this took so long it took me 8733 encounters to get this I I have been complaining to my friends about how long this Pokemon took to appear this took me about 110 hours to get so please please like the video with the longest hunt by over double behind me it was time to catch the final Pokemon for this section Aerodactyl back on cinebar island I spent the following days Reviving Aerodactyl and as you can probably imagine I really wanted to get this challenge done I was hunting for about eight to ten hours a day at this point which results in at most five to six hundred encounters per day even with distractions like movies and TV sitting down for that long isn't enjoyable at all and obviously I'm not trying to make this out to be a oh my God guys my job is so hard but hunting these was easily the worst part of the chat thankfully I was compensated for Arcanine oh my God I almost reset over it oh my God I almost did it this is a big big moment with this Pokemon done by the way this was 1899.99 soft resets oh my God after I believe a year and a half I started this in May I finally caught every Pokemon available before badge number three which is um that's a lot of Pokemon regardless I can now grind every single Pokemon and finally actually play the game because I haven't done any story since 2020 realistically maybe 2021 early 21 I don't remember it's been going on for too long now just like the previous section of this game grinding isn't going to be some lengthy challenge it's just keeping track and making sure I don't grab the next gym badge without evolving some super forgettable Pokemon that I caught a year ago realistically any place is fine to do this but I found that Magmar is one of the more common High XP Pokemon that you can chain and although I found this shiny on the first phase so the catch rate was bad I was able to build my chain pretty quickly to get all this done now I know what you're thinking John please do not recap every evolution I gotta put my kids to bed soon I gotta work in the morning don't worry I will all these Pokemon were evolved in the span of two hours and it was honestly just a surreal experience reliving all the moments of the Pokemon I found along my journey was I done with the challenge no but this was easily the largest section so it was kind kind of emotional which may seem a little silly for different colored pixels but this was a long time coming it's important to note that I also had some Stone evolution Pokemon that need to be done so I made a quick stop in Celadon to grab the very few that I needed to evolve Pokemon like this one you know I actually have a really fun fact about this one did you guys know that in terms of after evolving dragon eye I caught and registered 127 shiny Pokemon in my Pokedex which is a little 51 that I started this section with but there's still a bit more that we have to do now when you consider all the areas that are left in the game it's fair to assume that there are only a few locations left and with the fact that I've gotten nearly every everywhere but Victory Road the rest should be there right and while that's pretty much true there's actually one Pokemon that we can catch before we go in there the Roslyn up the entrance are blocked by guards that check for how many badges you have because we only have two we obviously can't get there however there's actually one Pokemon that can be caught between these Gates and victory road that you can't get anywhere else execute this Pokemon appears in the grass between the marsh and the volcano badge check which means that if we only have six badges we can access this area so with that in mind I made my way back to Vermillion to finally cut down that tree and took down Lieutenant's surge Erica Koga and Sabrina and made my way back to the area with these badges obtained I also finally had the ability to buy Ultra Balls and Max lures which was well overdue but it will definitely help make the remaining hunts significantly easier this combined with the updated hunting method seem like the recipe for Success an hour later I managed to get my shiny eggs after 292 caught and with a single leaf stone I registered 129 shinies in the Pokedex and set the record for the shortest section in the entire game surely the next one will be the same right yeah I didn't think so as you expect we're going to have to get the remaining two badges in the game to access Victory Road which took all of 20 minutes to do before I was back at the gates surprisingly I had already caught basically everything here and there are only two Targets that need to be found the first one is a special spawn Hitmonlee and seeing how this area is technically a cave I knew this would come pretty fast the only concern is that Hitmonchan can also be found here depending on which floor you're on so I just tried my best to get down the ladder as quickly as possible to avoid bumping into one after a couple hours I ended up finding an onyx on the top floor and a few hours after that I managed to get it wow okay there we go not bad 805 encounters oh wow all right cool well this worked out pretty well for me the last Pokemon here won't be as friendly deep inside Victory Road we can take on Hunting Moltres which is spoiler alert one of the last time consuming Pokemon that need to be hunted for this challenge just like Aerodactyl I was grinding this all day every day arguably a few hours more than before I really wanted this Pokemon and boy did it make me work for it foreign oh my God I finally got it oh I'm freaking out I'm freaking out wow that took forever okay so that was 4988 encounters oh thank God okay and with that I have caught every single Pokemon before beating the game which leaves me with a whopping three Pokemon three Pokemon and I'm going to be all done with everything in the main areas caught in 131 Chinese registered I took on the Pokemon League here's a fun fact during this entire challenge I tried to grind up my Pokemon as much as possible because of how many Pokemon I had to catch and by this point I grinded basically half of the evolved Pokemon in my box to level 100. so naturally this was not too tough to get through but like I mentioned the challenge isn't done there's one more place we have to go now because we've gone over the entirety of the Kanto region it can seem a little confusing as to how I'm not done with the challenge the last stop takes us all the way back to Cerulean City and since we beat the Elite 4 I can now enter the Cerulean cave this area contains three unique hunts which I think do a great job of recapping the entire challenge I decided to go for the easiest one first which is going to be Kabuto this area is loaded with a bunch of invisible drops that respawn over time and in this certain spot you can receive a random fossil now this may seem like I've lost my mind when I say this is the easiest and that's true I definitely have but I had a game plan for this one now this guaranteed location only spawns one fossil a day but if we're a little sneaky we can perform something I like to call the Johnstone skip a little on the nose I know essentially if you start a wireless trade and change the date on your switch to the following day while you're in the middle of that you can just pick up another fossil and repeat this process until you have as many fossils as you want is this cheating absolutely what are you gonna judge me this far into the chat by having multiple fossils this cuts down the time of having to do soft resets by an absurd amount as that alone accounts for like 20 seconds per encounter this means that rather than finding 60 per hour I was able to find 200 but I took it a step further because I wanted to get this done in the fastest way possible I ended up just buying a new joy-con that took me back to the 2000s this thing has a turbo button which basically just presses any button repeatedly until I turn it off so the plan would be that I would set a timer work on the script and the voiceover for this video while it did the work for me and check all the Pokemon when the timer went off pretty boring huh before I did all this though I spent time right after the Elite Four trying to calculate how many I could truly get per hour oh my no no are you kidding there is no I can't even turn off the oh my God oh my God I was I was typing on I was working on the script for this video and I look over I'm about to cry are you kidding oh my God there is no way how many Pokemon this was literally the first batch that I was working on I haven't even checked if any of these are are shiny so this Kabuto took me a whopping 73 encounters I was just setting up this hunt for tomorrow because I was just gonna leave it running the whole day but I guess I'm dying the next day I decided to go for like a tongue which is going to be the final catch combo Pokemon for this challenge at this point it really felt like the game was on my side as I found this in less than two hours and 112 caught and after evolving Caputo I added two more Pokemon The Collection which only left me with one final Pokemon so it's obviously no surprise to the last stop in this journey is going to be the hunt for Mewtwo but unlike the other ones I had a different game plan see the entire time that I was working on this I just referred to this as big video that's it I told some friends about what I was actually working on but to anyone that watched my twitch streams or my YouTube videos that was it just big video so I figured that the best way to reveal this would be to announce it on stream and hunt the final Pokemon in front of all of you all right chat so you know and if you don't need you over oh last um I'm working on something I have called big video if you don't know I have been working on this video since I believe I started recording this December 21st or 22nd I don't really know I know it's late in the night of 2020. so I decided that I would make a video where I did a Professor Oak that's spoiler number one I did a professor Oaks challenge however the entire video is Shiny Pokemon and I'm about to show you it and let me tell you chat you may be thinking that took a long time probably chat I I don't want to see this video game once I'm done I'm never and that is on God never playing this video a game again so after going over the idea with them I basically just jumped right into hunting Mewtwo being that this is a soft reset hunt I knew this was going to take a pretty long time but if I'm being honest the entire time I was extremely nervous from the day I started Scarlet Violet where literally one week away from coming out and although that is still a ton of time to stream if I had another Arcanine episode there was no way I was getting this video out beforehand for the next day I grind it for 12 hours on stream and this is what happened just to to put in perspective I will leak this um oh yes it's here oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God my heart it's like gonna explode I'm actually struggling to breathe this is so bad if it's because I'm fat or because I'm scared it's probably both I might cry I legit might cry [Music] foreign [Applause] oh my God and with that I successfully completed Professor Oaks challenge in Pokemon let's go Pikachu and Eevee with only shiny Pokemon but the question you might be asking yourself is how did I do okay okay um where I made it this far into the game chat I don't have an escape room to get us through Lane cave are you kidding this took 1400 hours we'll round up so let's review in total I encountered over a quarter Million Pokemon to complete this Challenge and because there were so many Pokemon that accounted for only that Pokemon while I was hunting I easily saw over 350 000 Pokemon to reach the end of this game as for Chinese I caught 116 shinies to evolve into 135 Pokemon and for those wondering I encountered 17 shiny Chansey and failed 30 of them I just want to end this video by saying thank you as I mentioned the beginning of the video all this was for those of you that have supported me so well over the years I wanted to make something that showed that I genuinely appreciate the opportunity that you gave me to make content for a living and whether you enjoyed the video or not I hope that you can see the effort that I put in to make this happen if you enjoyed the video leave a like and consider subscribing for more content with Scarlet Viola coming up but I think that's gonna do it for today's video I want to thank you all for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Johnstone
Views: 10,521,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, johnstone, johnstone pokemon, johnstone live, johnstone twitch, professor oak, pokemon challenge, shiny pokemon, catching every shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 45sec (4665 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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