How to Survive Nuclear War

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well because my last video similar subject was very popular I thought I'd do a video on surviving nuclear war which isn't a very high probability that you would survive it but how could you survive it well firstly I'd say if you're in a major urban city that's a target of a nuclear bomb you're screwed there's no way you're going to get around that really if you've got the power of modern hydrogen bombs even some of the aten bombs if you're at the epicenter of where it goes off you're just you're going to be wiped out so there's no surviving the slight war propaganda from governments may tell you if you're in a big city in that city is struck and you're doomed however you're at least lucky enough that you die quickly pretty much instantly when you're vaporized and into a shadow by the blast people aren't so lucky at a people remediate outside areas who have to suffer from all the radiation sickness and looting and there may be shooting from police and soldiers afterwards so what I've got for you is a couple of informational booklets that I've been reading to do this video I've also been watching Fred's from 1984 and the war game which was made in Britain about 1965 I believe and that second one the war game was considered so shocking they banned it from the public seeing it for about 20 years until French came out as Frances and sort of remake of it both are very good and quite disturbing so if you haven't seen it I'd really recommend it because you'll probably in for quite a shock when you realize just how nasty the government and everything will it be if you survive the initial blast so what we're going to have a look at is what can you do to survive if you're outside of an immediate blast area so you're most your best odds really if you're in the countryside somewhere that's really far away from everything because those hopefully no major targets near you so you won't have any nuclear your vicinity and that hopefully means you're the furthest away from gamma radiation as possible now the problem with radiation when the nuclear bomb goes off you're something called fallout and fallout is mostly alpha radiation it's where dust and dirt and smoke get sucked into the bobbin and re-released and that's all irradiated so it gives off alpha radiation now it will come down as dust and being blown around by the wind dust and sort of things like that and it's incredibly dangerous because if you inhale it you get cancer very quickly if you ingest that you get cancers very quickly radiation sickness and there's not going to be really any medical things to treat you after the bomb had gone off so this is obviously a full-scale war if a rogue state like North Korea somehow managed to drop drop one bomb somewhere as long as a lot well that bomb is you should be a right because US retaliation for that would be total extermination of North Korea for example and you'd be absolutely fine as long as you win in those areas because there's enough you know actual infrastructure left to cope with one or two bombs going off somewhere in a major country like United States what we're talking about here really surviving is full-scale nuclear Armageddon where like if you imagine a cold [ __ ] like in 1980s a wil Archer both sides pointing their nuclear weapons each other form exchange cities urban areas heavy industry areas at military bases airfields all being targeted meaning that there's very little space around them safe so I said if you live in the countryside you're autumn's almost you know massively on up because you'll not going to be in that initial bomb area but there's still lots of risks now they're going to come in two forms while free forms really one radiation fallout that can be blown towards where you are number two looters of people who are asked to food water things like that because they haven't prepared themselves and free the government when they decide they want to get whole whatever government is left decides that they want to get either workers for growing food or you have supplies and they want them so basically what I've shown you these before that I've got this Wiltshire councils war emergency guidebook the majority of this would have been classified until recently some of it might still be classified as I'm a bit you know do I really show you what's in here what I love is it starts off of all the nuclei all the nuclear warfare booklets saying how might you survive you know nuclear war and then it goes into the actual official government document saying we're screwed and then hits an entire because how do we establish Marshall or and shoot people who don't want to agree the government so there's that and I think this was from the works in the UK a while ago it's a big book on nuclear war lots of pictures as a DVD that comes of it and lots of the same documents that are in that book are also in this one that you can take out and read so that's um you know for what probably costs less than a fiver that's a really good deal if you're interested in all the sort of policies and megatons and everything else of nuclear war so once the fallout happens what you're going to need to calm a gas mask and I also recommend all your suits while got a boiler suit on in this video you don't need really a full nvcc although that would give you better protection but the alpha radiation is mostly on dust so it's only if it gets into a cup you eat it or inhale it that it's really going to get into a body in tools problems you're going to want to gas masks and I thought because I've been watching France and all that will you the s6 quite similar looking and it's sort of what the guys going to be shooting you is when the government decides it doesn't want you anymore so I'm the office II need your filter on it you only really need a particulate filter for radiation but for NBC filters can't hurt so let's put this on then the straps up I think a bit too tight so it's actually quite hard to pull the Moscow there you go pressure checks that's what you probably remember if you've all seen threads the guys in the green mask free NBC suits and ESL ours is shooting all the peoples they want they're suing they've been looting or forcing them to work on the collective farm so that's what you're sort of starting to expect but anyways when alpha radiation hits that's fallout it's mostly dust you can't inhale that busters for wearing a gas mask even lot of workplace respirators for say removing asbestos paint a decorator masks are better than nothing at the stage because you're reducing your insulation rate of course it goes without saying that you would want lots and lots of food stockpiled makes it can booth because radiation from getting and bottled water as much as tap water isn't really safe if you were to get a lot of tap water fill it up in bottles and seal it at least you've got some water you know on and actually down there find a camera we've got a lot of stockpiles of also haven't been opened another drip because a lot of people don't realize this the after big nuclear catastrophe that's probably not going to be any platform from the past and if it is it's not safe to drink so you need an ultra bottled water from me because you don't know how long it is until someone comes to rescue you and do you want rescuing you so I'll take my mask off you can hear more clearly but I've said the people are safest really probably Americans because they can are themselves or maybe people in rural Canada who can also on themselves so you want to be as far enough away for everybody that people weren't opportunity stick and leaving you very much because you're far enough away that people have to travel out to get their their cars I'm going to be working after the EMP blast from bombs and you want to be armed so when people do come trying to kill you to get your stuff you can kill them back it's a normal prepper logically it's very true in the event of a nuclear war or everybody's out for themselves afterwards now you're later on threat is the government now saying I don't know which policies governments relax in this country so it's a good bet that when the troopers arrive and not necessarily - certainly necessarily that for your protection such as the official documentation says they are going to force people to do things for the good of the country whatever that is and if you see Fred's is working on a collective farm you know I know shop for looting shops very minor offenses because they need a draconian government in place basically medieval feudalism you're a serf their Lord soldiers and rights sir are these catastrophes happened so the some stuff up you ought to be out the way in the countryside not let any visible targets for enemy attack and then hopefully by being you know in a very remote place you can be armed and you've got all your stuff stockpiled so you can survive fallout better because your house is intact when you're in a house you want to be ideally ground floor a basement in the very middle would caution if you are in a basement a house collapses on top of you you could suffocate your starve to death or a basement because you would be able to get out because everything was collapse on top of you now is one thing that would massively assist you to most people and have access to if you'll particularly worry about nuclear war one of these a dosimeter or a Geiger counter it measures radiation this one was sent to me my Ziggy Jenks a big thank you to him I did do a video or I talked about this in more you know details that you're interested in this but basically this I'll put it back into the measuring mode it measures your exposed dose to radiation and this would be you know a lifesaver and nuclear environment so let's say the bombs have gone off to the fallouts come down your in your house if you're in your safe room and you're getting a very low reading like this that's good you know you can stay there however if you're in safe rooms and you start getting a reading like this you know you need to move if you have a Geiger counter radiation is invisible odorless tasteless you won't know it's there unless you can see all the dust coming in you won't know it's there so what we can see from this is all note that rooms not safe go back to see you know the searching and we know if we've gone into another room and it's like that or you could potentially go outside your house this check what the radiation levels are you could put this against food if there's food to check if it's safe or not a Geiger counter in the event of nuclear war or a dosimeter is invaluable because you know it will actually you know give you a good reading over what you need but I've said most people wouldn't have them and that's where the danger lies because radiation is an invisible killer if there's fallout dust everywhere and they don't know they're interacting of it that's dangerous I said a mask is great because a mask will prevent you inhaling the majority of the out for radiation the survivalist has got so quickly the gas mask is ridiculous I'm sorry it's clear my friend Michaels still not fully gone so to survive a nuclear war here's what you need to have if you don't have a full-on gas mask at least get yourself some sort of p2 or p3 rated spray paint asmar something like that don't go for just a little dust mask I wouldn't really trust them well I've used dust mask before air can get around them because air will follow the path of least resistance and these aren't held onto your face you know with lots of straps and all this stuff like elastic band around them so what happened is run going through the material as the mask to act as a filter they end up going around because of a gap so you want to film painter decorate a half face mask or film gas mask ideally a p3 fill to expect gives you the best protection matte prevent radiation getting to you at least inhaling it you need to make sure your food and drink is safe ideally bottled and canned stuff says you need to be in the middle of nowhere ideally so you're not a nuclear target and there's less people around to come looking for food you know from you and ideally armed because some of the people who might come aren't going to be the friendliest people and you might need to shoot first or at least return fire if they've got firearms their own clubs whatever else so that's the grim reality of nuclear war said please watch Fred or the war games if you haven't seen them all the war game over it's called it's not like net use film about you know whoever wins we lose not anything versus pros the winning move is not to play isn't it moving film I think then that's the 1965 BBC sort of war game one where they banned it from being shown where the soldiers are the barbecuing people over a big girder to dispose the bodies and they're shooting people who won't help to save the bodies that one pretty grim film I think you should watch it they do some research or more actual government policies were during the Cold War so I doubt they've changed all that much the general idea is in the event of a big war when there's not a central government left you go to regional governments made up the council's military commanders that sort of thing and they impose martial law and they get you to essentially work as serfs on the collective type farm collective industry to keep the country going probably to eventually attack some power again later on geology is a comedy film what's jobs as dr. Strangelove that's very good that is actual military stuff watch Eva the war game or Fred American the day after is a bit watered down but it's still the same sort of thing you basically have said want to be as much as you want to survive the initial blast you need to be aware that just as dangerous as all the radiation is the looters and the conscripts we're going to come and probably get you afterwards as well because you're not sitting in what they want so that's another my grim reality view of it instead of somewhere like North Korea at the moment I don't think you need to be too worried as long as you're not somewhere that was directly hit by one of their dodgy ICBMs would probably low yield nuclear device on it stuff wouldn't change all that much as always you're not where the bomb goes off it's more for a global nuclear exchange sort of in the style of the Cold War that you'd have to be very worried about what's going to happen I said watch Fred's watch the ballgame and form your own opinion maybe do some reading and these documents if you can find about what your government would do to you if they got the chance [Music] you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 57,689
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Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, How to Survive Nuclear War, Protect and Survive, nuclear fallout, surviving nuclear war, can you survive nuclear war?, surviving after nuclear war, the cold war
Id: rP7ofl9rIds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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