Guide to using eBay for buying gas masks

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all right this is going to be a video on how to actually look for gas masks on eBay because I obviously tell people all the time by your masks on eBay I thought it might be helpful for people for me to actually go through it and show you sort of what I do I look for masks to start with I've just searched gas masks at the top so we're just going to scroll down and see if there's anything interesting masks like this aren't real gas masks they're actually like airsoft kind of prop masks but if you wanted a sort of mask for that I guess that's good this guy's obviously got different gas masks for sale so have a look at some of those gp7 there I think that's the GP Semler drinking tubes it's g p7 v kind of loaded sheet particulate masks for like dust masks gp5 you see it says Russian army GP v not an army mask it's a civil mask I said you get cheap if I was really cheaply obviously just don't use the filters with them m10 you'll know I'm not a fan of that mask but there's an m10 polish mb4 so to polish m17 copy its that actually it looks like it might be a real m17 in the picture not an mp4 by bet when I look at it it's actually yeah see false advertising that's not that's a number 17 in that picture but then that's the app something's going people so you do need to be careful when you're using eBay to check that everything is what is actually meant to be yet the sellers got a lot in not so Soviet mask it's actually a Polish om 40 my look of it Serbian m2 yeah that's a fairly good price for at 999 PMG Canadian c3e 78 so that's a polish cm free and that's the Czech one the same free isn't it polish MC 1mm for GP for you to quit not bad with a carry satchel quite a cool carry satchel that that is the L 702 did a video on that recently another level 702 I look at it the old finished one from World War two a civil defense one knock erm sixty one that no filter of it Yugoslavian m9 copy known as the m1 Yugoslavia Danish army bits actually a British like anti gas respirator mark two twenty quid for that not bad if you want a really retro cool mask so yeah like I'm saying I really just such gas mask first never look down you'll see all sorts of gas most things on there some of them worth buying some not again if that doesn't go up in price too much that's a very nice price for mark for respirator there he's got a satchel of it looks in good condition fifteen pounds five composted yeah lots of good stuff Oh Yvonne n ten that's not a bad starting price for it again some of these masks are very good if you bid and they don't go up very high that's already got nine bids on it but it looks like a CT twelve or FM twelve mark five respirator there so again lots these very good prices let's say we're looking for something in particular then so what we can do like let's just type in GP five in example GP v gas mask okay so now we can look at the prices but you'll see it's not all of these RPG P fives that looks like a GP five just but with house for some reason the black GP v that is your classic GP v it's carry back as well as a Polish om fourteen not actually a GP v some GP v black one with all the kit yeah an actual GP v GP v GP v polish mu a that's all it says not GP v it still comes up when you type in GP v so as you can see you can find them from decent prices for example that one from Ukraine it's actually free postage so nine twenty nine to ten forty nine for one is actually a very good price for it that's one of the things I like V Bay you can actually buy them directly often from places in Central Europe Eastern Europe for lots of these masks and they charge very little postage free postage this is much cheaper than getting an army surplus store well that's very good 999 although is 850 postage it works out about 20 it looks like you get the survival poncho with it it's not actually gp5 despite what it says it's an import you one you can tell from SH M 41 you can tell from the bigger exhale valve assembly but it's got a satchel or filter gloves you know everything the poncho for less than 20 pounds that's a good price so yeah that's what I normally do o FP 5 filters I spoke about FP 5s before if you want earth safe filter to go on a gossamer so it also works on NATO miles to get FP 5 filters about 10 pounds just over for up one well worth the price of those yeah so if you're looking for a particular mask just type in the name of mask and just be careful and make sure you can compare prices very easily on this you can get a GP 5 and a GP 4 for about 1050 there also 750 postage again near 20 quid but yeah you know if that's what you're looking for you can often get good deals but yeah so let's type in for example s can guess where else because lots of people say they can't find less tens and oh look lots of s tens turning up although I am in the UK so it is easier to find s tens but yeah you can compare the prices fairly easily on here and then get one that some suitable for you so I said eBay that's a bit expensive 80 quid furnace 10 97 pounds for s 10 well you know it's a good reason for browsing around on here is it oh that's not on s10 is it because yeah you like I said you can find ones like 30 odd quid where people are charging sensible amounts for them so it just takes a bit of time you have to look through it and then you should be able to find stuff as I said that's not a big one but 22 pounds bidding 34 pounds 550 again bidding I don't also up those weird orange lenses but you know if you actually have the time and inclination you can find stuff on eBay for sensible prices so that's all there is to it remember with eBay you don't buy a protection so if you get the item that you didn't order or something's wrong with it you can get a refund and that's the important thing a lot of people say I got scammed on eBay you never be scammed on ebay if you know what you're doing so there you go hopefully this video helps you it's very simple looking for gas Marceline Bay that's all there really is to it that apparently a lot of people struggle so that's how you do it you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 36,059
Rating: 4.9498749 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Guide to using eBay for buying gas masks, buying gas masks on eBay, how to buy a gas mask
Id: hhvV7o2WkGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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