CoronaVirus Mask fitting, decontamination and filter info

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hello so at the moment all the videos I've been doing regarding sort of hand virus coronavirus novel coronavirus I think is its correct name at the moment cuz they don't actually have a name for the strain lots of interest in those videos what I wanted to do today was a video where I've been getting a lot of questions regarding sort of fit testing of masks and how do I know if a certain mask would fit me or something like that now annoyingly with a lot of masks you can't find a good sizing guide online so they're either sold as universal one fits all if you see that brilliant it generally means unless you have a very strange shaped head you can probably adjust the straps well I'll have to get a good fit test and stuff like that all they'll be sold in small medium or large but if you're getting into Millsap masks that's where they might have completely different weird sizing guides and the only thing is although small medium large kind of makes sense with some masks these sizes are kind of like in Soviet masks one two three four they get bigger as the numbers go up in western masks or not all Western masks but in things like I think the polish mp5 does this and the British has ten does this and quite a few others probably do as well size one is actually really big and then size four is a small so again you're gonna have to look up your masks or ask in comments and see if anybody knows we're on a particular mask so what I wanted to do is show different types of masks you can get so the problem people are having now is masks aid ideally want but just completely selling out so the bare minimum kind of masks you want is something like this this is what a lot of people call an n95 but I don't think that's actually a property as far as I'm aware m95 refers to the variants but just um also wait for it just like particle rating 95 as the Americans would do it in European countries and I think quite a lot of Eastern Europe and Asia you use P 1 P 2 and P 3 P 1 is the lowest level of filter protection for particulates P 3 is the best so if you're buying one you ideally want to go for P 3 the problem is lots of places are sold out of P 3 some doctors on things I've been watching us at p1 masks are good enough for coronavirus others have been saying you need at least p2 or some you know like me up and saying just get P free because it's the best level of protection so this is a very good 1/2 face mask for like the cheap dust mask type ones if you're going after the disposable type simply because they've designed it in a way where it makes a very good face seal this one's called the alpha mesh so the reason these are good is this one is FP what they call 2.5 although it says the apologies P to that so basically this is p2 so not as good as p3 but you generally struggled fine dust masks in p4 you can get them but it's just in general because um the point people are going for p3 filters and normally actually own four full-size masks or you know like rubberized hum face masks the reason this one is good is because of how they've designed it it actually conforms properties your face so this is the problem you get with a lot of masks is that they don't conform very well to people's faces or if you get the wrong size it's not gonna offer protection so the reason you know like we're saying about the surgical masks the doctors masks people wearing don't really provide very good protection because while they do stop you rubbing your mouth from you've got the mask on with your fingers and things like that if you've got you know the virus potentially on your fingers what they don't stop is they go if you filter because they don't sit tight to the face gets through the site so a mouse like this is designed sit tight to the face I'll just demonstrate this one so most of these have a neck strap you do up first so what we do is we'll get that behind the head and do up the neck strap then what you do is you get this put it here and you stretch this bit over here so you've got the top strap going over your ears you can wear these of glasses as you can see although you'll need to make sure the glasses aren't breaking to see with your nose now the reason these ones are good is obviously you can then tighten the bit of the back of that and it's properly elasticated and I said the facial fit of it means it does fit properly to your face so this one although it's p2 I think has a little bit of charcoal in here as well that just is more to deal holder than anything else but with fit testing these the only real way of fit testing them if it's only a particulate filter is by doing a pressure check because if you have a full NBC style filter or you know where a BEC P freestyle filter you can do a vapor test or something like the promise of particulate filters that doesn't work because smells travel through particular filters even if the microns don't so with these if they have an XL valve on them what you can do is cover the XL valve and breathe and if you see the mask inflate like it just did compared to normal you know to somewhat of a degree the mask is working the only issue of things like this is of course because you know these don't really I'm trying to think of the word here because air can pass through the entire filter medium of the mask is very hard to pressure check them so I'll set this is kind of a minimum level of protection you'd want so I'll take this one off again now so that's that this one's called the alpha machine is very good you can get other brands that are similar to this in general I don't recommend masks like this even though I like this particular brand of one because a lot of them what problems a lot dust marks because they don't do very tight your face you know don't do up very tight so then they let air through the site so it defeats the point of having a filtered mask on if you're going to get them look for the ones that have like the nose Ridge on them or a design like this so you can at least crimp the metal and keep it you know tight your face that way so that's these so now I can show you masks you can actually fit test properly so I said what you probably want to do is go for a more rubberized style mask so there's loads of industrial brands of half face respirators and yes for all the people saying the virus can get into these masks useless wear goggles a bit all over and if people are saying it can get into Ria's wear a rain hood with it with goggles in the mask you know there's ways around that so this is a 3 mm this is a genuine well not a Chinese copy 7500 it says 7 502 because I believe seven 501 is small 7 502 is medium 7 5 o freeze large so again a very similar strap system but a bit more thorough and these are the pee free filters so the very good ones the ones equivalent to pee a hundred filters what you preferably want for something like around a virus so we'll do that up again same principle I can show you actually how you fit test this one so once you've got the miles going then you do the straps up to make sure it's tight we'll just check my glasses aren't breaking the seal there we go with the exhale valve if I cover the external valve up with my hand and then breathe out sharply the mask should inflate now you know it's put my ear so that's pressurized to a good degree I said if you were professionally fit testing you do both positive and negative pressure checks you'd also you know like you things like the novel with vapor feel just to test it that way with particulate filters you can't do that though but for the people asking yes these are very good pee free filters and the circular disc ones are following and then the pad ones that you put in front of the vapor filters are fine so yes I recommend those any of the free and half-face master good and any of the rubberized ones that are from proper brands are good I would say though to avoid some of the really really cheap oh no name brand ones like the ones that are black and yellow because some of those have just you know god-awful filters on that even if you had amassed tight your face the filters are pretty much useless and then with a full face mask there is two potential ways of pressure checking it it depends somewhat on your mask because if the XL valve is in really hard-to-reach place you can't do it so and I can show you something of a particular filter so let me take my glasses off of this and though you can't wait glasses or the full face masks with some asks you can get a spectacle insert but the problem is if your glass is going over your ears like that it breaks the seal advance so let's get this one again there we go so check one of these when you do this breathe in my earth pets together know if you already had a pee free so particle filters were really big trend which you can't do that with take the filter off and then fit straight this way it's harder to actually do with your hand rather than the filter but you can see the mass doing it and you and filters on you're doing a little yes until I breathe out there holding EXO both like I did the free M the only issue it's nobody gonna work with masks you can find some of you were doing a positive or a negative pressure check and so a question like that which is the perfect important one is about contamination so let's say you've been open about you've had your mask then we'll use this one for example then people have been sneezing laughing with you they're probably new you're I'm probably gonna do a full decontamination video at some point but just today I wanted to include a thing that I'm getting asked a lot so other things I really like it's ready now it's 70% cocoa but you can get different kinds of sanitizer sprays do some research and see what's available ideally you have something that has no risk of damaging your last well what's rubbing or doesn't so it's a very simple that you can do it forever now there is literally less if you get rid of your spray those lesser points no rubbing alcohol Charles Wright storms have no other filtration in itself that way so what I'm gonna do is now roughly understand with my house the only thing I would say is if you're using a p3 spoke filter rub it along the bottom or any filter just so you know there's not really going back to the room then what you don't see is Ted the master by your door or something and that smells really strong now and then what you do is you spray your hands again and give your hands alright now obviously any contaminated clothing you potential to do that with as well but rubbing alcohol is very good in your spray bottles because it's a very strong thing that kills germs and bacteria and you know viruses and everything but it's in the spray bottle it's easy to make a fine mist with it so that's that another thing I want to quickly say because a lot of people don't seem to understand this so I for I just include in this video as a last saw little know is people saying it's too expensive to bury the full face masks because you have to throw the filters away every time you use it if you're using a particulate filter they last literally months unless you're in like a really smoky environment or something and they clog up really fast of like dust now you'll know that particle filter is expiring because basically it gets harder and harder to breathe with it because the breathing resistance is going up because there's more stuff getting stuck in the filter so they actually become more efficient at filtration the more you use them but eventually the breathing resistance we just become unmanageable you'll want to replace the filter that way you don't have to simply throw the filter away when you get back in and spend like 10 pounds you know five to ten pounds or dollars on the new filter because um you know you've used it that way because I've said you can just spray down the outside the filter don't rinse water to filter or anything like that the problem is a lot of the times filter medium will be damaged by the water or whatever these aren't water filters they're designed to filter out so obviously if you start pouring water through especially a high speed it might you know just make bits of the filter soggy or fall apart that way but obviously there's no harm in spraying a bit of rubbing alcohol on your hand or using a sanitary wipe and basically rubbing down all the outside of the filter that you can get out so hopefully that's concluded that I'll be streaming about 8 p.m. again tonight because loads of people have in watching those at the moment and I'll happily answer questions again on those hopefully his videos helpful but yeah so see if you can find a rough sizing guide for a master for your drip if it's not a one-size-fits-all mask you know tighten the straps and do a pressure check either a positive or a negative pressure check there's probably ways around it as well if you can't think of you know if you can't cover the whole easily there's probably ways that you could maybe if you've got like a plastic bag obviously be very careful suffocate yourself but you could probably put that over the inhale and exhale valves and then breathe in and out and check if the bags deflating or you know filling up that way to check for the sort of pressure problems but yeah anyway um and yeah you don't have to throw a pee free filter p100 filter away every time you use it as long as the filters in good condition I will say that the p100 filters or p3 filters in these sort of plastic cases whether it be a fourteen millimeter ones or whatever a better generally than the ones that are on kind of disc ones as much as the disc ones are good if you can get them because I know loads of stuff is out of stock now because for people panic buying just because it is much easier like the problem is I wouldn't really want to spray masks like this down with alcohol sprigs it would start soaking in the problem is um you dust mask like this is they are designed to be more disposable the reason is if you're wearing this all day you're breathing in and out through it you're going to get a lot of moisture and sweat into it which kind of makes it a breeding ground for bacteria on its own right so it's not really hygienic to keep them around for very long and also one other thing I'll quickly know is where some people say they'll if you can't get hold of any filters bar one type let's say worst case scenario you could only get like an any one filter like organic vapor one or whatever because the charcoal has to be contained in the filter with a kind of very basic particulate filter to stop you inhaling charcoal dust or little charcoal pellets that would certainly be better than nothing so I've had people saying like look I've got the filter I can't find anything else do I really need to panic and spend loads and loads of money I'd say no just stick with that filter for now until you spot something for a good price unless you're in a really really high-risk area anyway hopefully that's covered a lot of points people have been asking or in the comments and yeah I'll be stream tonight at 8 p.m. if anybody wants to capture and then ask me questions live so I can answer them easily and I'll be trying to keep up with the comments on the videos as well but I'm getting like 10 to 50 comments an hour at the moment so it's quite hard to reply to all of them but thank you everybody and stay safe you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 51,092
Rating: 4.9275827 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Corona virus, coronavirus, novel coronavirus, Wuhan virus
Id: mP2xgxAOaPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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