Modern Cheap gas masks I would recommend

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hello so this is going to be a video on modern masks I'd actually recommend people who want them for prepping purposes or things like this and these are masks that some of them might technically be surplus but they should be very modern due to the manufacturing years of the masks and I personally quite liked these masks now opinions might vary on some of them the polish mp5 in the bottom right corner is probably the most controversial where a lot of people don't matter like this mask but in my experience says not too much it can go wrong with it but I will cover those things in this video so I will go from top left to bottom right the order of the masks so in the very top left we have the Chinese MF 11:00 or FM jo5 mask and this is basically I think these are coming out of Chinese military service now being replaced by the FM jo8 but for quite a while this was the Chinese military mask now it's actually a really good mask I've spoken quite highly about this before although there's lots of Chinese respirators I don't like this particular one is actually really good because it's um just very simple and very well built for a simple mask it's got an exhale valve and a voice diaphragm and decent elasticated straps that's basically it but that's all you're right you no need in the mask right top right we have the Swedish now they actually call it a military service and this isn't the military service model something like the skied masked 90 which is apparently protective mask 90 it's normally known as the for Shi de f2 not you know the surplus market there's two variants the f2 which is the military version the scheme lasts 90 and the a4 which is this version which doesn't have the drinking tube in and you can't swap the filter ports around it's basically the filter port is always fixed to one side other than that it's exactly the same mask very very high quality now these masks apparently went into production in 90 hence name scheme mass 90 and I did find another site that had some more information on them now from what I understand is it was one of those sort of rolling production runs things rather than loads and loads being built in a couple of years and given to the Swedish military with the military versions it's one of those masks where they produce however many per year and they constantly do that so you know you're gonna probably every year get more and more going on to the surplus market although you generally see the civilian version sold on the surplus market more cheaply more often than the military ones but basically every year obviously for Tschida which I guess is a rubber company that makes them I can actually find out too much info on the company itself they produce however many versions for the military and then I guess after so many years the military ones start going into the surplus market however with the only thing I want to point out is with the civilian versions most of these are from the 90s now apparently they have a 20 to 30 year shelf life which means that probably just coming out of you know like military or like what made consider to be good condition you know service life condition now depending on if it is 20 to 30 years I think again like most malls it's going to depend totally on storage I can't see this rotting or falling apart to be honest it's very well made but just be very careful with lots of sellers they claim they're brand new where in fact they're surplus from the 90s they're definitely not bad masks but don't let some of you know hike the price up because they're saying oh no no no it's one it's you know literally like a year old or something no most of these are from the 90s however if you're getting military ones I guess they could be anywhere from the 90s to like the current year just simply because they're on the rolling production run as far as I can tell and Sweden's not moving away from them that out of all the masks I own and that's somewhere between 80 and 90 masks I can't remember the exact amount that is the most comfortable mask in my collection at least in my face shape that mask is just unbelievably comfortable okay bottom left we have the Avon FM 12 it's the successor to the s10 so basically consider it to be the s10 - lots of you will know I really like this mask in terms of quality is pretty much identical to the four cedar as I said I personally find a few slightly more comfortable but I guess that's just the rubber in my face shape but the FM trial was a brilliant mask I personally prefer the CT 12 but they're very hard to get so don't really try and look for a seat I'll just go for an m12 if you're trying to get one now FM travel is still being produced as far as I'm aware I'm pretty sure Avon site advertises them for commercial sale so basically if you think about the s10 it's like the s10 overload of design improvements basically it's probably avons cheapest mask when they sell them to companies all that military's or ever because it's you know the old-style filter 40 millimeter filter - eyepiece mask but that's you know your classic mask that works as a drinking tube on it that works fairly brow as far as drinking tubes go supposedly polycarbonate islands is that sit further into the mask and the s10 so you get a better field of view with smaller eyepieces you've got your secondary voice diaphragm on one side now some FM trials come with a swappable voice diaphragm caught with a blanking plug so you can have two filters on one filter on either side this is one with the fixed voice diaphragm what es10 but they do them in two variants so when you're buying it obviously just check that and what I'm right we have a Polish mp5 this was the mask that was produced at the end of the Communist era as Poland became a free country and it's licensed from a French mask and I don't really have any problems of it some people don't like it that's this is now being replaced in Polish service service of the MP six but as far as I'm aware mask pol that makes this mask still makes it in limited quantities so you might be able to get some of these that are you know almost in brand-new condition so let me put the masks on we'll go through them in order all of these masks will take 14 millimeter NATO filters so what I'm going to do now is just put an Israeli filter on all the masks so you can see for definite that you can put 40 millimeter NATO filters on each of the masks and I'll just give you a little talk over with you know on my face of how good they are okay so first the Chinese FM jo5 or MF 11 as you can see Israeli 14 millimeter filter so I will screw that in now bear in mind my only problem of this mask is I have the version is in small now if you're ordering it off of ebay you can actually now they're getting more common you can often find ones where they have the different sizes so I obviously wouldn't recommend getting one small small is a bit uncomfortable to me to be honest but the Masters pressurize and it definitely works and I can see how good a mask is so inside looks quite simple you've just got your basic or nasal cut there and your voice diaphragm and everything now when I did my most recent video on Chinese gas mass I covered it there 40 millimeter port on the site because it's a Chinese mask it seems to be a normalize port so ghosts and NATO filters should fit it fine now how the Tissot tube system works you've only got one two so tube it blows up onto the list lens and then it's reflected around onto the evelyn's so you've not got a separate TSO system for each thing but you've got the reflector system most modern masks use only thing I've really complained about is the harness the elasticated straps are good but the harness is a bit basic but you can actually buy deist and completely brand new from the factory on ebay for 30 to 40 pounds or dollars which is actually pretty you know good so let's get this on all right I'll do it up I said it's not a comfortable fit for me because this is obviously cooler than my head so I think a medium would fit most people sighs but I know medium size will fit most people fine but if you can't you know do a checkup and see if there's a measurement guide this muscle so so the only real comfortable thing for me of this mask cause it pinches my nose a bit simply because um I guess my nose is a bit too high and the mask or it should be there as you can see this is what the mask looks like the voice diaphragm is surprisingly good on this it's a very simple one as I've shown before in videos let me just get the cover off the hoist diaphragm is simply an exhale valve that goes around the outside and the actual voice diaphragm is a stretchy bit of rubber in the middle primitive system B it works absolutely fine let's get let's make on that so just to show you most pressurizes of an Israeli filter so any NATO filter should work on this so you're not going to have supply problems getting a filter for it so I said this is the most basic of the mask so I'm going to show you in this video but why I like it is simply because of the fact that you can buy one brand new from China for you know like 30 to 40 pounds the same price lots the surplus masks cost so no idea what they're advertised shelf-life or these masters but I'd assume at least ten years and you know like the most well so you can go well beyond that in the masks of work absolutely fine so yeah no real complaints not sure what kind of plastic they're using the eyepieces I don't know if it would be good for airsoft or anything like that but you get a good field of view for what the mask is it's relatively comfortable not the best rubber in the world but as long as it stands up the chemicals that's the most important thing you can get filters for it easily because 40 millimeter NATO this normalized hilt of red and yeah all in all for the price things cost very good now there's a variant with the drinking tube as well I don't have that model so I can't say how good the drinking tube system is all these masks but what this mask actually is you know 430 pounds for a brand you weren't or roughly about that yes I would definitely recommend an FM jo5 okay so now for the Swedish Eve mask 90 or 40 your f to a4 because this is the civilian version so just to show you again Israeli filter screws in absolutely fine no she they actually screws in better on this one the Chinese one I think that's because this has a longer filter sort of them pour in it so the filter goes in all the way not just screwing into the seal so let's get this mask on I will point out this husband those very nice comfortable head harnesses that most new respirators seem to have now rather than it just being a little bit where all the straps connect to this kind of more like a skullcap kind of fabric measuring very comfortable fabric straps on this as well so just to show you the inside before I put it on various very similar system to the previous mask you've got your Tissot tube that blows up onto one lens then your nasal reflector of your oral and nasal cut it has got basically a very primitive voice diaphragm in this under this cover it's mostly an exhale valve which uses the voice trumpet kind of system that the s10 uses now you can see on the bottom here where this would have actually had a drinking tube sort of system on it well they've got that sort of cover bit there and you also notice this one was made in 1994 this is size 2 which I take it is medium bar said this is my most comfortable mask in my collection so let's get this one on okay pressurized so what I really like about this mask is it literally suction cups to your chin or at least it does for me so you know that means obviously you get a good single with it I've still got some stubble at the moment as I show you about two days ago so um you know now it makes a good seal despite when it's double bubble so you do want to be clean shows another mask like this now a very very comfortable very good field of view big lenses as you can see you know very small bit between the lenses so you know you barely even get ghosting on this mask Val said most comfortable gas masks in my collection anything that could really be improved would be a better voice diaphragm on it they could have done what they has tended and the brother you have been just a blank plug that they're actually have a secondary voice tonight from there from radio communications but this is the civilian model after all but yeah very very comfortable overall a very good mask aside just don't get ripped off paying loads of money for these because most of these on the surplus market are the older ones I'll see if you know you're getting one that's only a couple of years old then yeah be prepared to probably pay more but what I would do is buy it from a seller if you see one he's normally go for about sixty pounds in the UK but they're the ones that are advertised as new but you know like brand new master new year or pure old so what I would do is I would personally double check it says that buy it buy it from a site like eBay where you actually get buyer protection and then check the date on the mask and take a photo if need be when the mask arrives and then obviously if it's not as new as they play and see if you can get a partial refund on it when I bought this one I was expecting it to be new it was from like I said 94 on there so I contacted the seller a photograph of the date selling you know it says 94 the seller was very apologetic they said their supplier give them all the information on it which I think probably is true because nearly every different seller sellings masks has almost the exact same description on them and they said could i like to send it back for a full refund or would i like a partial refund so the partial refund got the mask of a chamber and I love it so there you go Swedish skewed masked 19 your fortune arrived too late for this version very very nice okay so now look at old FM 12 as you know I love this mask so there's not much to say about it that's new but through the Israeli filter in there we go goes in perfectly as you'd expect again one of these very nice head harnesses with the mesh on basically the exact same kind of Tissot system as the other two masks have had it blows onto the lens closest to the filter and then gets mirrored around so you know not much to say and that obviously only that there's a drinking tube in this one because you know this is designed as a military personnel mask now the good thing is because FM tribes are still being made and obviously lots of places constantly get take them out service you can now get them on the surplus market the second-hand for about thirty pounds ones that apparently unassured for a bit more so I definitely recommend them for this that price because it's getting easier and easier to get these masks now and they're just basically better versions of the s10 the bottom two straps are the quicker just straps well they've got that on the other four straps are basically ones where you set them at the length you want with a buckle and enclose it but that's still easy enough to do with the mask on so so you put your chin in first pull the harness down and then just tighten the bottom straps because if you previously adjusted the other straps it should still be right for your head so it's quick to get on and off so it's just quite nice so as you seen pressurizes very comfortable fit I'm not quite as good as the flesh eater of two but I think that's because the rubber on this is a bit stronger and less flexible so you've got your lenses very close to your eyes that give you a good field of view this is also quite good for looking down rifle scopes with as they're relatively flat frontal eyepieces I would say the 15 to had like you better field of view than this but there's not much in it to be honest so you've got your two sort of voice five home systems you've got the voice trumpet system under this cover and then you've got obviously your secondary voice tie from there which you can click click radio sort of microphone communicator - not much else to say about this I've been over everything with these before but although the American US military uses Avon in 50s now lots of us police forces are using the FM 12 you can see pictures and us pops of FM twelves on so even if you're in the states it should be a lot easier to get one of these in the nest 10 because a lot of American you know law enforcement actually by FM travels from Avon people saying how come my FM 12 says made in the u.s. because Avon as well as having a factory in England also has a factory in the u.s. so that's a simple reason because when Avon got the contract to make em 50s for the US Army they basically had to make a factory in the US to employ US workers because generally the u.s. likes to hired things internally like that and I think that's a good thing to be honest it's a British company but it's also hiring Americans in the US and making lots more these drug masks um so yep that's the good news is whether you're in Europe or the US you should be able to get an m12 easily quite a few different european nation to do the FM 12 as well i think the dutch do i think Elgin might use these as well now a bit in general quite a few nations use the FM 12 I have a feeling it'll be Mike because I'm pretty sure at least the FM total CT 12 those pictures of Italian soldiers were gone but regardless um this is a very good mask like lots of masks are getting to the panoramic lens maybe not even being made so filters anymore designs now becoming a bit sci-fi but if you want one of those sort of classic designs that works well the FM 12 is definitely one of them I said it's basically just a better version of the S Pen okay so lastly we have the Polish mp5 so this basically went into Polish service like I saying quite soon off the Cold War ended and Poland became its independent nation this particular one that see if I can find a manufacture date on it was made in 2010 so yeah this is only eight years old now lots of people have complained about aspects of this mask but my mask has not had these problems so I always get the filter screwed in so you can see that goes in properly now basically these masks have a NATO Fred but Poland made normalize filters which is why I always recommend the fb5 filter because you can get a safe filter that fits ghosts masks the reason being as I said before is that because Poland didn't want to throw away all of its old communist-era masks especially for reservists troops and things like that but they wanted to issue a new NATO because oppose a NATO member sort of style mask to their soldiers what they did is as they were producing these they made a filter that would fit both masks you know so that gets rid of your supply problem and then obviously eventually they'll keep cycling out the old communist era masks and replacing them with more of these or the MP sixes lots of people have complained about the visor on mine or these masks I've had no problems of mine no discoloring on it I believe it's made of poly you furry nor polyurethane whatever they call it not actually silicone on these has somebody corrected me once but I've had no problems with damage to that all discoloring it doesn't sort your vision too much as well like some silicon mouse things do the drinking tube is actually a fairly decent system on this you rotate the drinking tube in the mask by turning the drinking tube connector which is this one and that moves the drinking tube inside the mask and I'll just put the straps this way so you can see the inside of the mask so I'm yeah twist the drinking tube around inside the mask like that scene get into the position you want quite a good system that one so what else have we got you've got your XL valve on this side you've got your voice diaphragm in the middle obviously your filter port at the bottom one of the only problems I have in mine is these can be a little bit brittle the plastic hooks where the straps connect to but the ones I've got on here now are perfectly fine so you know that's probably not too big a problem even when white had the snap one on there I was still able to hook the strap on the strap would still stay on so it's not an actual problem in that regard so anyway let's get this mask on so it's the strange French system they've got I said because it was a French marsley bought under license and put the mask into your face like that fully strapped over the back of the straps over the back same system the m51 uses okay so that's just adjust the drinking tube so it's not in my face there we go I really like that drinking trooper selection lever because it is good at getting out of your face and you have a mask with a panoramic lens good field of view works fine of rifle scopes as I demonstrated in the video before and I said you can get some of these that have actually really new Wow within their service life on the surplus market and overall good mask is not uncomfortable by any means it's you know actually a fairly good design browse that the Polish mp6 definitely looks better when they actually hit the UK surplus market for not stupid money I'll definitely get an MP 6 and do comparisons on it with other masks because the MP 6 looks a bit more like the S 10mm 12 sort of 4 she'd or a2 you know f2 kind of designer speed loss 91 you know us 40 it looks more like that kind of design again so not loads to say about this other than it seems to me a good master knee I said there are things people have flaws with on the mast but I've not really had any problems of it and I've spoken to lots of people that don't have problems because before I got this path my clownish viewers had these rat soup rat masks half of them said they were brilliant and now I've got one I think they're actually pretty decent you know so maybe is somewhere in the middle it's you know a perfectly serviceable mask it's not the most amazing mask ever but it certainly doesn't seem bad so if you actually want to get this mask or the filters Paulding beast or foo oh you know you sent me stuff for free before I'll put a link in the description to his channel and the main thing he sells that people like the FP fight filters because of course you can get the filters that fit onto these old Soviet muscle actually safe to use actually a viable option so there you go hopefully you've liked this video I said it really varies on the mask but these are ones that you can get genuinely gentler generally in very new sort of condition you know not very old sort of still in service or only just leaving service designs you know that are very good like recommend and all of them of course you can put forty millimeter NATO filters on very important you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 32,601
Rating: 4.9656162 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Modern Cheap masks I would recommend, gas mask for prepping, respirator for prepping, good gas masks, good respirators
Id: MxA1lGNYxHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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