Taking another look at the PMK and GP7 respirators

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in this video I'm going to take another look at the gp7 and the pmk respirators the two soviet masks right near the end of the Cold War the I personally really don't like but what I'm going to do is maybe I can find some features I like about them in this video because lots of people keep telling me to look at them again and they give them another chance now my main issue of these I'll start with a PM k and try not to knock all this stuff flying because I've got it precariously balanced this is the PM K looks cool so what's on this it's got your speech diaphragm here it's got a drinking tube you've got a exhale valve that you can twist around so you can angle it like mine yeah there we go you can screw that on have in whichever direction you want that's very weird in a fate system for the mask so you'll notice no oral nasal Cup you've kind of got the bit where the nose is that acts a bit like one but not very well so the issue is it's got this very floppy sort of inner face seal which maybe you're meant to care to size maybe that's the problem I don't know but it doesn't fit me particularly well and again I can't complain if it's designed for a Slavic face and I don't have a Slavic face shape because I'm not Slavic then you know I can't fault that with the mask because some people have said that is a good point the issue is I don't have that problem of any of the other Soviet mouths or Warsaw Pact masks for that you know instance this is one that seems that they can in a sort of master on it properly because the for example PBF the cheek filter mass despite having cheek filters at least has a proper oral nasal cup in that this one doesn't you know and then you look at the g p7 exact same problem the only real difference with the regular GP 7 PM k is the GP 7 has no drinking tube but fundamentally from the insight they are exactly the same mask as the GP 7 v which has a drinking tube both these last master I said look cool I realised GP 7 with a big circular eyes but the issue is they don't work particularly well now the other issue of these masks is the quality control on them now these are late Soviet Union masks which means because it's late Soviet Union all works and the factories had stopped caring at this point and the masks were very poor quality late Soviet Union very early and Federation of quality control is generally awful on stuff so for example my pmk is from 86 so again late Soviet Union only a couple of years before everything started going wrong it's there a date on oh yeah this is why this one's awful 90 so 1990 I think it was 91 wasn't it the Soviet Union collapsed so no wonder this one has a lot of problems okay so let me start off with PM k1 now I'm going to actually put the filter on these probably do contain asbestos looking at the planting layer it looks the exact same thing as in as a gp5 filter this does actually have an extra particular layer that's not cotton well on the top that looks a much better quality so for the sake of this video I'm going to briefly use this filter what is interesting is you'll notice on the proper gp7 kind of PM k filters you've got this ridge around here that connects to the ridge line which is sort of interesting so when ice not screwing it in it sort of makes a seal not a proper one but with that I'm not gonna bother using the filter sock or any other accessories but I'm gonna hopefully demonstrate to you I don't like this hopefully I don't have to undo the straps to get this on its these straps for nine minutes you deal with the issue being I said with that peripheral seal it doesn't sit very well also the masks too squishy in my opinion doesn't hold its shape Oh to be fair on it it's not fogging up too fast today because it seems my nose is sitting in its little indent properly however what I really don't like for this mask is when you draw air in the air directly hits you in the ru which is a horrible feat try absolutely hate masks that have that so let's get this thing off so yeah we're the Tissot system runs the TSO system runs under the sari for whatever reason it doesn't come in there's a bit which makes it look like it I think the air from it basically some now comes blowing in there and then it reflects up there somehow I'm not sure exactly how they did the system in this marks the point is it's a horrible system because when the air blows in your eye that's really distracting it you know it makes you physically want to close your eye because it feels like something's touching your eye it's only air but that's a horrible system I could not concentrate properly FAMAS like that on because every time you inhale you're aware that it's tickling your ions and so now let's try the gp7 this is a bit lighter because it's not got the drinking tube outlet ooh I prefer the gp7 not by much but my tup 7 has a horrible quality control issue on it an extra filter port when I've tested this before I was never able to get a filter to make an airtight seal of the mask the reason being that because they were so lazy at the factory today they did it the filter grooves wouldn't cut properly so I can get filters to work on it it may be the actual Soviet filters work exactly a normalised filters don't anyway let's get this on our Titan The Strokes and of course I need to pull it down because it's a Soviet mask even now seeing this one has even less of one of those oral ridges or nasal reg type things so it's already fogging up despite this being tighter on my face in the other mask okay if I can get the straps a bit tighter but these are very bad to adjust straps as well so yeah let's get these straps here tightened a bit because these are the ones that could probably do with the tighten I can't even do it for masks on which is a bad sign that might actually be pressurizing but we all test this quickly this isn't comfortable my face as you can probably see so the filters still working needs banana royal at least let's just try the high from the mask oh she's not seem to be out I'd say perhaps it just doesn't like normalize filters on the fret they did so let's get that off see this is horribly tight despite the fact I've not done the straps up what size of pmk XR g p7 is this is a size one now this could be the problem of something like faults of this but yeah it still got that nasal Cup sort of thing inside yeah it doesn't fit well for me maybe if I can get a size 2 or a size free what size is this one this is a size 2 so maybe I should try and see at some point if I can get a GP 7 in size free but from this it's not got a proper or nasal Cup now the thing I like more of the GP 7 is the air doesn't seem to hit me in the eye on this mask I don't know why but that doesn't seem to be the case so I'm assuming this mask is just simply too small for me whereas this one is an all right sighs it's just that silly design now with this one I'm so tempted to see I'm gonna just do quickly to stop the video see if I can adjust the straps to get it more comfortable and see if that stops the air blowing horribly into my eye but these aren't easy to adjust straps and you know this is why I like the Soviet hood masks because of helmet most because they didn't have these horrible strap issues that you get with cheap rubber straps okay so maybe this still isn't the right size for me however by tightening some of the straps I've no longer got it blowing into my eye the issue being you can't quickly adjust this mask oh you're wearing it so this is not comfortable toward you to how tight that is maybe you can see but at least it's not blowing into that eye now again this is probably not a great size for me maybe I actually need a size three one of these masks who knows but yeah so difficult to get off then on yeah the Russians were really better at least during this period when they stuck to the helmet style mask so yes these look good but I really don't like them and again some of this could be because they don't fit my face well or I don't have the right sizes but the straps are really difficult to adjust whenever I'm adjusting them I think I'm gonna snap the buckle because they've got these plastic buckles but you know these straps you have to pull through with loads and loads of force and yeah they've got these very flabby bits here so when I had it on the tightness that was comfortable the air kept blowing into my eye so and again as I said the quality control is awful on these because these were made at the end of the Soviet Union or early Russian Federation when there was no quality control on anything so if you can spot one cheap and you think it looks cool mask and you want it for that reason the PM K or GP sevens the nice marks for that I guess they look cool in us you know people have asked me before this was a mask they used in the remake of My Bloody Valentine Harry warden mask I think they had a hose attached to it didn't they or something in that yeah I haven't actually seen a remake of only seen the original but looks at the posters and screenshots so yeah that's this mask but yeah it's really not comfortable mask it doesn't work as it should work so despite it looking cool you know I really can't recommend these you no matter how many times I've tried to use them Andrey liked them a bit like the GSR I just can't find many merits of these masks especially when Soviets had things like the HMS you know even things like the GP v the GP v is faster to take on and take off it's actually more comfortable than these and I think you even get a better field of view so yeah I definitely prefer GP 5ml PMG to to this mask because they both have speech diaphragms speech diaphragm I think is marginally better on these masks but it's fundamentally quite similar technology so yeah not much I can really say about these that's positive maybe you'll get lucky and buy one that fits you exactly under quality control and it's good but for the most part these masks aren't great and I said I wouldn't trust the filters really either you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 17,611
Rating: 4.8978724 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, Taking another look at the PMK and GP7 respirators, PMK gas mask, GP7 gas mask, Soviet gas mask
Id: gZ9EQxHefgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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